IUUART 19W, 1111. utr lawali, 11* eIn ei -là eleêtitI an111 lecture, assstaSby loclaltaieult. Âtimuslou, 6 o~~s. Pi 1ee , 401-ad' ot Red Cross fend.. Miss Milite Uneet dOohawa, speutï a few days laat week witit the Misses Woodward: go te lIaM yT. Thornpoa tor-lar-get work shirts maSo, 50 cents. Owlag te 111 -bealtis Mr-. Jas. Stevens held an auctIon -sale ef hua tarm stock aud impleraents, aIle his bousehold effecta. 0on Tuestia>. Mr. Steyens, witit his fa-mu>', wJII90 o .tise West. They will b. very iueh rmised, Ëand Il ts the wish oft heir mi frieuds tit the change will be a benefil le Mr. Stevens' he&ith. Mr'. Lyona, et Can. ninglon, ha-s bougist the farmn, and wiUl coins bers to reside. FOR SALE. One Max'well Binder. w1th sheat car- rier, complete, 6 f t. cnt, lu firet-cla-as wouking order; gpod for a number er years. willh go througb su Il foot gale- wa-y or deor witbeut truoka. A bar- gain aI quick sais. Wm. Jeffrey, Brooklil. iâgltght *waslu Toronto for a te-w 4& utweek. ýM ýWakrvisiteS lu Osha.wa on ,1,4 frein hot rwuena long ilinesa. Qut. a liuimber tt or eoalended Mie camtfl tl u Ct-lumbus lutI weet. Mr-lbetrben Uortep, ef Osbaza. was vits lii parents heu'.on Sunda>'. Re.G.A. M3utas, et WbitbY, was ln the villa.ge oy Tuesda>'. M j4.A.Ketchen, tai collecter, me- tu:njdhis rMY on Wednesday. a V 3?lkeoi, ef WbIlhy, vtsited wih -M;~m *'aïier on Tueuda>'. -Go 10 Ha-r-r> T. Thompson, Wiitby, for Cee-Tee Undervear-. Mn. Wm. Witeferd, of Grsenbauk, visieu na or~ 8. mu. .JUUU Y? fort, during the week. RAGLAN. )ira. Worden, and son, ot Toronto, Wo misa the ding-deug bf the schoel 'tlaited their parents, Mr. and Mrs Jas. bell this week. owlflg 10 the IlInes eof Okianer. iaat week. the teacher, Miss A. Blackburn- Miss Olver was ln Whitby on Tues- The Bell Telephene gang are repair- tsy attfending an executive meeting of tng in this vicinity juat now. the- Presbyterlal. Tom Brown la around berso wlth bis Fai wheat and seedu are neot taring feed and wood-cutting outlit and la get- very weli this wlnter. Two much tce. ttng many. patrons. ulttle anow andi severe wInds. 1 Count yourself lucky If yen haven't lirat. Norman Wihite sud children!1 got la grippe or sometbiîng worse just art vlulting with the fermer's parents, now. ln Whtt>y. Watch thia space next week and se Mur. W. M. Lawrence la atili continu- which la preferable. city or country i&g bis burgain sale. Be sure to callite. The Llterary Society are golng and get somze of these bit- bargatua te tell us ln a debate tbis wreek. l>tere l ia tee latA., Go to Harry T. Thompion for large8l. lev, bMr. Burtige, of Michigan, who work shirts mnade, FR0 cents. la vtettng « iesister, Mra. Biftson, Mr. sud Mrn. Chau. Luke frein Myrtie jresh~din he ethdia Cbrch spent Sunday wtth Mr. and Mms. Wm. Suaday.Luke here. 141.S. . MCorack ofWhiby, Misa Irene Nallant la spendng tis eocupi.-d the pulpit ln the Presbyteri- ekwtNohOsaafin. sa huclionSudayatern~n 0 Wkere were ail the membera of the ast ab-.r-chon Rr. u. Hs.lgen, ln Teacher Tralnlng Clasa on Menday ev- lh. asneo e.M.Hiwow enilg. lit. Mr. Gea. West, eofÂAhburn, preached Go te Harry T. Thompuon, Wbitby,sueclnttprnesrmno for Cee-Tee Underwear.anecletem rnesron n On Prlday evening lasI the ladi1es Sunday liset, lu the absence of Rev. Mr. oftti tueresbyterisu Church heid a' Nickle. meeting at the home of Mrs. W. A. D~ryden id) organize a "Home Helpera' COLUMBUS. Society- ln cnnection wlth mission- IOn s.ccount of the ver-y stormy wea- ary work. An address was given bY ther dohly a tew attended the Institute Mrs. Z. 1. Zavitz, of Toronto. meetings her-e on Monday' atternoon *A concert under the auspices or the and evening. Women', Instituts wiIl be held on Some frein here took ln the. Oshawa- Saturtiay evening,February 19, lu the Port Hope hockey match la Oshawa Masonle Hall. Miss Lottie Tillotson,' last Saturday nig~,t Bî"g Remuiant Sais8 Our big bLsiness for the past twelde days bas . lef t us a great maniy remnants ail through out store. Out they must go regardtess of cost. Bargain PricoContinu -on al wh('er goodis uch as Furs% Blankets, CI otking,.,Heavy Rubbems Over- shoes, Underweai4' Caps, Mitts and GIoves. Pay youù te boy for, omit :wltsre Se@ out Bgals aTables fuidlIemgh of stoem The High Standard, Cash Store. Iwe M. LAWRE3NCE, BROOtIgtONT. Gr.nb4o un.%S - ieà -ad l 1 do. It lu the. bust md&eine to rut. 1Vlnolour delcii, cd oJliver and fon' tonie,iu.moldé'n sur aà nteeto benefit Most of our uiCk are able b't be a- About 75 Veterinary Collegé students visited the stables of, Messrs. Smith & Richardson on Monday. Major IL B. Smith, ef ths llGtb Bal- taiIon, ýspcnt Sîînday at tome. -ASHIBURN. Miss Anr.a Leach, et Saskatchewan,' la vislting witb Mr. and Mus. Jas. Leach. Pte. Willie Heron waa home fer ever Sunda>'. Misses Ruby sud Auna Leach vtsited relatives lii Raglan on Sunda>'. Pte. Jos. Gulliver, ef Wbitby, rlatted lu this vIcînit>' over Sunday. Go. e lIarry T. Thempson, Whitby, for roady-to-wear Overcoata, $12.60 te $16.00. Misa Char-lotte Jehuatoli, whô lsa-at- tendlng Normai School ln Torento, was home for oyer the week-end. Mus. Rober-t Heren was lu the ctty fer a couple ef da-ys this wei. country th,-na&H other diseanes put t.-gether. aud for yempi l vas suprosed te be lu - urable. Docters prescrlbed local remedies. sud by cou- stantiy iallung te Cure wiLh locsl treatiet, pro- aouncedil Incurable. Catarrh laa loc Idiscee, gesîy infiuenced by coustitutienal condition. ad therefore requîtes coniritutiz-nsl treat- ment, iIall'a Catarril Cure, menufactured by P. 1. Cheney & Ce., Toledo. Ohio ia a cou- stttutionai remnedy. ia taken tnternaily sud acte thru the bled on thec M,,couq Burfaces of the Systesi. Oee luudred Dollars reward ix effet- eS for auy case that gala C'tarrh Cure lain 10 cure. Seud fer circlais sud testimouials. F.1. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, Ohio. Hal1's rami y Pillis for ceustipatlois. RAGLAN. (Tee late fou lait lause.) Miss Lulu Moffaît ha-s returneti home afIer apendlug a week ln Toronto. Misa Pearl Brent, et Tenonte, apent Sunda>' vithifr-tends hite. Mua. E. Wadge, et Roland, Man., la leaving Ibis week afIer- spending Sev- suai daya vith relatives bsr& Owing te the ilînesa et the teacher, Miss L. Kelîtuglen, there la ne scho~l lu Ml. Carmel this week. Qulle a number from bére attendeS the Suuday Sebool Convention lu Myr-- tle lait Fniday. Glad te beau Ihat Mu. Nicol la me- coveriug frein bis recent illîncas. Go te Barry' T. Thompsen, Whilby for Customed 'riale Clotheu, $15.G0 te $30.00. Owing 10 tebad veatier and roatiu lie Teaciter Tua-ing Clasas u ot ver-y veil attendeS last Mouday even- Iag. How You Mtay Reduce Your Weight" Overslcutues a ta aver>' -tinelcome condition especiail>lulntise presut da-y, wh0T siender ftgrtýn eso fasin. a-ble. sud ever-y rosSer- et this papier as notceS tho tendce>e morne people to put QU an oxcewave arount oetraa. If yow happm o eb.euentet thoe vilMo Wolht tla M re-bilanIt should be. don'ttry toe starv yer-ult met a&U you wInt' but go te yourdruglt ad get on et or-ue lutaeple tom sa" t a lt e e ,s v t l s a o e on1 or orilne Inoresea bie ousow es.rrytoupower o et blueS aU I solusethé- fstty *tissue, lua.nuuy aMe et merl W at 1 e.111 »r S Beue mmte ~e t-cf or-lMe u e a u mom. Itlsuo mirnta, eusai e5 packages. AauY gffl dri$ l Mb Drug Ce.. Bx«140.Motri 0*.. TAEMWIS RIIY 3M~K~ ýou îm MOT ig-£4UNM -- from~ I I KINSALE. Divine service wvas conductsd bers la-st Sabbath eveniug b>' the pa-ter, Rdv. John 0. Tetten.c Mr. and Mra. E. D. Lawrence harea beeu riaitlug trlenda tn the city. Mus. Reed la still coufiusd te ber bed. The neighbbrs are detug ail the>' can te alleviate ber suffer-luga. Misa Suas eSadîsu ha-a almeat cutire- 1>' recovered frein ber recent illnesa. Pte. Walter Rogers, et Port Peru>', vistted bis home bers over Sunda>'. Ris mother ta slowly rccoveuiug fr-om ber setieus Illuess. Mua. Willis, et Newmarket, sud Mrs. Moon, ot Muakoka, have been dotng a-l that could be dons fou Ibelu mother. Mrs. Rogers, Iin her reent illness. -Howard Mackey la contemplatlug su' listing. Mm. Louis Rogers bas leaded a car wlth turnîpa bers r-scently. 16c. per bushel ceunIs up nicely. The Farmers' Instituts met here on' Tucada>' atterneon. sud ln the eveutng a joint meeting was held with the Wo- mcn's Institute. Goed speakers vers prssent a-t both meetings sud gave ver-y iuleresliug addresses. Tbe allendance wa-s net quite as large a-s on soesfer- mer occasions, but a profitable lime la reporteS. Tbtlnstitute va-s or-ganizeti for -1916 with'a' jod member-4ip. Ha-r-brou R Bîos.' r-c tetiing suotter- flne stable- otfe a-<attle this sea-sn. Mowbr« tos. cujoyed a visit lut' Sunda> fÈrolm Walter Rogers, et Port Pen-Y. Nearly ail __ rvllagers signeS thse _eitenfo hhbitI*n. Thes& Saier wuasid et tqb oppetunIly to e InS bl influence ln"a malter et se great lm- Wear-e l»ued tb report Miss Gladys MÃOwbnsy reoéerlng uioîly but perhaps a littie ulowlt 'wo berreçut WMes& Mira. 0.J. g Bk enhasbeen suifer- ng tora o + t w*U switb neu>nd- - A Umotwritlng -ber troube assit t geueraI meeting In Toronto ou Fe.bru- y ar>' 16. 1 The Clerk wu- adtborized te aigu the 1 certificates as required by the Stand- 1 a-rd Bank for borrowing moue>' te car-1 ry on the business et the xnunicipality. Council adournedti 10meet On Mon- day, March 6th, a-t 1 o'cleck. Sad Fatality on C. N. R. C.rossing. JOS. KNIGHT KILLED. Furltheu particulars have been us- ceived regardtug the death o! Mu. Jos. Knlgbt sud the Injur>' et bis wite and two daughters. a brief announcement ef whià 1î was publlabed hast week. Mr. Knigbt, accompanieti by bis wife and twe daugbters, Ruby sud Lelia, weue su route te Oshawa, uiding lu a covered buggy with tse top up. As the>' wsre goiug over the Sheridan cresstug of the C.N.R., noutb et Osh- awa, au engins runniug ltght, with oui>' a caboose attaciteti, mashed Int the buggy, carrytng vehicle and occu- pants atxtyftet. sud lhrowing thein a-gainaI the wlre tence enchosing the right-et-way. Tite buggy was bit frein thc back part et ttc body. andtihét single. berse titey vere dr-tvlng r-an a-way witt the sa-fs sud front viieel a soon -as possible lte train cr-ew stoppeti anti returnedti te cscene of -the accident and, togetter witb nelghbors, ttc>' extricateti the occu- pants frouithe t taled wre« ofetheI buggy. Mr. Kuiglit vas round caught, iu be barbe of tile fonce Tile base t bis shuil vas cr-uuhed, and a lèg sud r-lb.- veîe brokmn.Seohati 'been'-lri- staathy kiieS. mm*-Knit vas touaS, uixeâncotii wiüt SeVore lurlei vheb1 ~t tthe, girls. vere lz4red, bu isoeSby Dr. 7;M'Oi t» oCore>, I-wl'e b»4 iens bshAaY Oùsed.A& aid huis wards came another zir-zir, and belleve me I tbought it was lime to protect nyseif, for 1 thought It was falling light It the hespItal fsomewhere. b5o 1 lay down fiat on the ground. The bomb dropped about 200 yards away with an awful crash. This sound had net die,4 away befoe another zir ws heard, apparently dloser. Leoklng off te my left 1 saw the bomb come hurti- Lng down, turning over and over. It hl the ground about 100 yards away with a dul thud but did not explede. The enemy planes stuck around for some time and the shelling continued. Over 100 shots were flred, at them. This made a very pretty- alght. We could hear the hum ef the sheila, ses the explosions more or lese close to the enemy aircraft and beau the faint boom of the burstlng shrapnel. One sheli got a plane away over the hbis. It Is said that a Frenchman brought down one ef the firat two. One was certainly brought down, how- ever. Ver>' little damage was doue here, but~ over the hilîs I understand a couple et men were bit by the bomba. Everything la ver>' quiet ln hospltal. To-day 1 clbsed twe of my six wards. There are about 600 patients ln hospi. tal, ne wounded-just the local aidk, but some very Interestlg medtca cases that are very puzzling." in a' letteir wrltten about a weeki car-lier tian the above, Sgt. Broughten desoribes another-air r-aid on the camp b>' German aeroplanea. WIITBY ARKETS Y/boat ali....... ....1»00to $1-00 Whea~ gose.... .00 to 0.90 Early......-. .00to 0.0 Resus. ..... ........200to ,8S00 Bye........... 0.80to 0.80 Pe8...... ....... t 11 .~to00 IIiAlu ikecoer 2- m..8.00te ja00 a Nà ep Ã"ITAND"à P ù6ED. I 8J¶our, P«wt.,:.;.. *té lm0 ChoppeS ~~wt . U0,5te .a Oo~ude&I ~ L t b' U8E .-9è.0à LOANS' WC have a large amouat e« prlvsw and other fuzidO to it t bdi mortgaes on tartu sud 'village PrOP .rtl.sat ôand 6 24pDr cent App! REGAN ®AN, 11.2 Mann.g C-hmmbflU Tomote. 'DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D D.S., L.D.S. Succuuor to W. Adam Office Dundas Street, opposite PM Office.Phono 12t. WIIITÙY9 ONT. E. W. Sisson,DDS.LDS Dental Farloru over AM"@' &Mn store. Whltby, ont.- Offie houru-4 te 12,q lJ te I Phiones.-BeR, _87.IndepeauMtIL BL&KE IL BEATON4, L..S. .S. Graduate of tue R SaI* (oliege f Dantal Surgeonus ad -U , venity of. Tôrouto. Office over W. M. Il xige>u hsrdwaritom Oec. bourg -0to.S; ito .30.: ina. kbole Bell phaaa* 20. film#DOL SiOS - cuir. s cux a el 1, - 1, erWalv*aU tIr S ~ S~guAr Yoeob Liok 13 rtu, à e1âà laiIt Widft 15ùts *e-ue lir puraseM& tum ewoey1 réeeeny fr-m 'W. Pý mr WJ. omet. .5 b»>. LIMWrSuWII sud -sstumles. , toeege ifer uac* ilsrost RsM& fret -s I Steel Horse ?ower, >çk#b~att 181ow, No5 21, o,$~p 0-ettet Ud- *0 #Mkt9, 021 Whitdtrd D 4" P sd . 'W. theêBritlu tI>t edwi' 60i ~TULI '94 eeaad yweer a o -edital, MI *Ith this, wu iisrai Xxv of 98. I .t-lel~-addrfftSsw, u WdedY ia tfet w«u due tethe freach b f atd - luThos.- Siaufor«damage teo Uihu1a itatdo ie brou- 'CmvuiPar-ty i'n ag a - 1Ub ug« k ighao' hco. 2 tr' aot4 4or 5 miles f-o galnut hftâiÇstt0f. hghaît rendered themW t 'L h RYi èél ieto. ý vraluable serviee, botpersonally - and, eode >'F . h dt' l wedm1eirci n:;w through 1h. 'eà 1uMns of hlm DpelThe. .BroWn# mOeet tat, a committeeCoDi- j-' $Inice wr-tting, Ou la-t there bas 101 Empire. : oecntConUor u an d tHaillmore exctement-rea1 excilement, .G.1 R GREENOOD. - beapponted o lok tu themaltr on Friday,january 7th, sem'eai eneifly -REWO) getting moes suitable accommodation aeroplanes came over. The iraI warn- WHITIRY .UCTO4 Misa Emma Wilson la on the sick fer the Tow-nsblp Library. ing 1hdwsîevr'ledrprs n eu::42'l bn ....9 .1b* liat. ~~~The collecter waa instrutted net te explosions somewhere just to.the north - o~a.-- -n Severail I our midst have beehl-aid cellect the' fellowlng taxes, .namely: ôf us. At the tîme I was In the labor- ....- -7.4P. ul I..P... - up,%with the meaules. H. B. Atkins, lot 26, con. 4, errer in ator>' deiug some nmicroscopic werk. --40p.nI p. M. Tindal ta conllned te his bed w 11h assessmx'nt; John May. lot 19, con. 2. Neediess to' say, 1 got outaide in a -uda train. beave for Tomote' a severe attack et meusles and pneu- statute, labor baving been pertormed; hurry, and directly above us saw oes4.52 Is.rn sd 7.40 s-m.. Fr-om Tor-ote monla. We wia h hlm a speedy uecov- Jos. B.. Mitchell. lot 25, cen.5. rebatset the enemy's aeroplanes witir shrap- -trains stop - at WhutbY JUSIOS B âe-. er-y nelail hen 8.16 and 9.66 samL. and 9.30 p.m.- er.statute laber of E. Bentley, $2.00. e burating l around ILt. nthie 'roWN 1BTATION. Mu. Teddy Burt. wbho recently su- The collectors roll as returned was plane swerved a litie, immediately inxNrý.8.0 Gtp -71 listeti, apent Sunday with his fa-mu'.; accepted. and he was allowed as uîn- getting eut ot range, but continulug ..4.1%P.M -*4-" 1>ý Pte. Fred Brown, et Toronto, spent collectable. te be ueturned te proper- over some other camps further eut, ..6.40 t>.'f' " Sunda>' with bie parents and friends. tis, $167.22, and 3 per. cent thereon. dropping bomba ail the while and rais- C. P. R He expects te go te the front ver>' seon. E. J.. Kennen, lot 23, con. 6, $18.17;l; ig an awtul uow. Our planes went up G oing wet 33 Goz A1m .' Mua. J. 0. Totten baa been vtsiting Ira Edwards, lot 22. con. 6, $4.41, W. after hlm and gave chase, wbich was beP 9 p.f In Stoulfville fer a tew days. G. P. Hoed, lut 29, con. 2, $16.21; Mrs. soon out et sîgbt over the bill te te 8 ' ~ 124 . Tbere was a poor attendauce at tsejessie Latimer, lot 23, con. 6. $5.34. nouîh. We could bear the explosions STÂGEIL Quarterly meeting on Sunday, net W. J. McBr-Ien, lot 23, con. 6, $4.41; of bomba and hear the boom of anti- LeavOS for Brouse s t Io use. Mr. many f rom the other appeintinenta. Book and Breciter, lot 32, con. 5, aircatt guns, ad ses the rings of ex- à wa<1, pop ieto m Mrs. W. W. Ges a-nd children spelit; $3.99; Rob Rebson, lot 27, con. 9, ploding ehrapnel shella, but could net ALBCOU a few days Iu the city tbis week. $2.Ã"1; Jas. Stamp, lot 26. con. 4, $5.43. see the enemy aeroplane. Soon, bow- ~For or l'on 63 F. W. Gibsoh had a business trip te Provincial Asylum. lot 30, BF., $71.96. ever, two came int view--one an eue- &P30P."&. Toronto laut week. If these amounts are net paid . my and the other a Frenchinan, coming 9.0oP uM For Omawn-3. 40 P s Some oeoeI Jas. Denny's dog a, township treasurer betere the 2;51th daýy directl>' over us. When almeat over u ' Fi'51 .53 B few daya ago. The guilt>' party bad et March. 1916, the same te be return- the enemy craft awerved and the 82 . better returu it and save trouble. ed to the Couuty Treasurer for collec- Frenchman, who was under hlm and Mr. W. Pengeily bas engaged Geu. tien. behlnd, atarted hie machine gun but- Hicks for t.he coming year. He sa A hy-law was Iutroduced and pa.ssedl without success. He chased the t.aube IWO FIRST-CLASS; FIRST _9MTAME movcd t elle of Mr. Pcngelly'u te bor-row mouey te meet current ex- away off te the west, but wua meon eut. Iteng e t, l'Tomone, jbouses. penditurea ef the corporation, te pay diatanced. poets for SBle Mra. P. L. Green ha-s been laid up acheol trustees' requisiti-ns te meet Shrl'atrwr hr as seen -is.tomrg.e r u rwith a severe attack ef la grippe. GIa-d tea-chera' salaries fer 1916. approachiug aise, coming right over us. 31st, 1916. and wili br-lng1aPl te hear ase a getting better. The Reeve and councillers will ac- When he waa directly everhead appar- abOut 8400 Onu iure5tmmst5O Misa E. 0. Robinson was ln the è1ty cept the invitation et the Hydre Elec- ently, we beard the zir-'zir et the taîl- moun"s Amoult bout $ion.dV on Saturday. tie Railwav Association to attend the Ing bomb, but we could tell that itwe i q AN ®N. v r--- 't- p ........... I. ti 9 lit 11 9"