I'Militay Wrlst. W atcl>es At QUI' flnw store we are shoWýing an unexcelled assortmenit at VERY SPECIAL PRICES Corne in and niake us a social cali, anyway. At Our New Store Re N. ]Bassett Jeweler and Optician In the Block with tihe Bah-on'y 4> Brock Street WHI UBY, - ONTARIO W. C. T. U. LET IT COME! TeIquor traffic l8 surely putting Up a etrong flgbt againstAits complele an-! nihilation and s exhausting every re- source atitis ccmmnand ln an effort te keep Its h la Ibis omuntrer eer. cuttonersm axe that ls already poised and Ihat wlll descend oneecf these days wthh s thud that will be beard around -the world and that wlll put the demen Evem h ms radical wets are ready to itta the traffic le doomed le this an iarly every other civilized count.ry, but o! course they are going to keep the old thiag alive as long as 0 possible by one means or another. No uee has ever yet been able to pre- j 1 _ 'Whffled'~ ità treSatu-rd&Y. Feb- Malte W ocal t&lî St our fSw Store, Brook In'oth l the block with the Go te Iro l.1hopo.Whltby.; for Cee-Tee -Undewmur. L. Col. R. I. 'f'oweris, O.C. 7th Bat. talion, 'tvho la WS nC»hew ot Mr. R. L. Huggard, of Whiltby, hbu been sent a pair of soeku 1i1ntd ,whlch hssbeen kuit the design of the Union Jack. The work was done by a Leamington lady, and the socks, *,*à sent 10 Lt.Cdol. Trowers witb a request that be wear them lan the ftegagement ln wbich the 7Oîh Battallon takes part. This le a %ery unique yet thoroughly appropri., ate-remembrance, alid one that Lt.-Col. Towers %-Ill no doubt appreclate very hi gh ly -0 Go te Harry T. Thompson, Wbitby, for Ctstomed TaU red Clothes, $16.00 to $30.00. Get your tickets eow for the concert on Friday, February11. gîven by the Wbitby ('ompany o! the 116th Bat- talion lu aid of. the W'ar iRelief Society. B(, eure 1,9 see tbe bargain tables at the big bargain shoe store. Bargain tables haîf pikLe. hM W. Collins. LETTERS PROM WHITBY BOYS. MIss Coriack has received letters from Ralph Newport and Charle Mow- at, Wbitby boys at he front. tbanking lier and the comnmittee for the boxes sent te ihemn for Christmaa. The boys say ihey wvére able te pass a mnch happier Christmas Day because cf these gifts. MIens Nwhj.teand black silk sox, 3 pairs for 98c.. Saturday. February 12. ai W. G. Waiters'. THE CALL TO BUSINESS. The commerçial Intçrests o! Canada have so far been, more diaturbed than farming f rom enlielment. Business irmsa are calltng for assistance f rom the younger men and from the women who must train for positions ln banki and business offices. The demand la keeeerthan ever before and good posi- tions are easily bibtained by those wbo are qualitled more especlally as sieno- graphers. 98c. ýsale on Saiurday, February 121 at W. G. WNalters'. 0- MEMBER 0F BOARD 25 YEARS AGO. Mr. Geo. A. Rosa, wbo waa recently ap;î)olint(d b> the Town Council te the Levé sa.bvt41.*'*14te oi, ns b1êtý 41"o k4onis, andhotm wwk iotr..k.Ia tibis a.,!It tell 'u .vfa1 sad thlinsg about. W. ope u>s -1rogtyec eI work aid Iliat y>ou viilbuoi . in tfd and helpe. Wehbope youl l be hdt us. iaE..-n t udig TAB3ERNACLE- Make a social cal at our new torei Brock St. South. in the block wlth the balcny. Bassett's. -0 METHODIST TABERNACLE. Rev. A. H. Poster, Pastor. Sunday, Febz'uary 13. -Morning Service -Anthem, "Wor- ahip the King." Anthem, «IHe Keepetb HIe Promise For;ever.' Evenlng -- Spectal patriotis -service. Ditett, Messrs. Thomas Bros., of the 116th Batt., C.E T. Anthem, ««I Will Sayý of the Lord." Duett, Thomas Bros. raâstor will preach ai hoth servies. 0o Choice of any .blouse or middy waist ln our store for â8c. Saturday, Feb. 12, at W. G. Walters. ALFRED BRUCE WRITES FROM BELGIUM. Miss Cormack bas received a letter (rom Alfred Bruce, formerly of Whit- by, now No. 300,555, wlth the 9th Bat- îery. C.F.A.. le Býlglum. Gunner Bruce acknowledgcd ih 'e receipt o! his box of Christmar, cheer sent by the towns- people te Whltby boys at the front- He said that be gre4t]y appreciatedl the good thinge sent, and that they helped hlmi te pass a good Christmas Day. He has been appointed saddler for his baiiery. The letter was wrltten on sta- îloiuery sent by the National Service Conmmlttee te ail the Canadian soldiers. Go to Harry T. Thompson, Whitby, for ready-to-wear overcoats, 112.60 ni> LETTER 0F APPRECIATION. The secretary of the Sons of Eng- land, Wbitby, bas recelved the follow- Ing letter of thanke: Wbiîby, Ont., February 7, 1916. To the Officers and Members of Sussex Lodge, No. 5, Sons o! Eugland Benefit Society, Whltby, Ont. Dear Sirs,-I desire te express t0 yoti my sincere thanke for the hue- dred dollar cheque which I received (rom your Society, through the Secre- tary. Mr. John W. Bateman. the a- inouint belng ln full payment for fue- eral benefits of my late busband, Wil- liam J. Mayne. My wish Is that your Society will long prosper and be a blessing te many. 1 remnaîn, Yours iruly, Mas. W. J. MAYNE. 0o l.O.0.F. INSTALLATION. On Wednesday evening last Benevo- r~r~ tus le the ors. ses. Mm .Robinand hl.of Col. water, aà re.visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. H. Nicholgon. Mrs.,J. H. Long has been ln Pielter- lng ln attendance on her' sieter, Mrs. Geo. Cokan, who hai been III. M.ra. S. Gibson and cbild, of Whitby, are výsiting wlth the former's parents, John and Mrs. Keane, Pickering. Mr. J. S. Little, of Toronto, formerly of the Dobilnlon Bank staff here, was ln Wbitby on Tisesday. Mr. W. C. Senior, of Toronto, wus in town for a few hours on Saturday on a viA to his daugbter, Mrs. Geo. S. Johnson. Rev. G. A. MeLean went to Hamnil- ton on Wednesday to vîsit at the borne of bis parents. Mr. Wesley Augustus was ln Stouf!- ville for three days this week settig- up> a typesetting machine In the Tri- bune office. Mrm. S. Dudley and son Dan, of Col- borne, are visiting wlth Mr. and Mrs. Levi Dudley. Mr. Elwood Dudley, son of.Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dudley, has enlist0d and is now statloned at Newcastle. Pte. James Stewart and 'Miss Mona, Stewart, of Toronto, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart. Mr. F'rank Sleep and younger daugh- ter, Miss Tena, f rom Saskatchewan, are visittng with relatives in Wbltby, Pickering a.nd Oshawa. Messrs. Francis Melntyre and Rus- sell Peel Ieft this week for a six weeks'i trip through the southern states, and wiIl visit -the former's sister in Vir- ginia. Rev. M1ter Jeffeott, o! Colgun. has been transferred to Merritton. Father Jeffeott was at one- time stationed ln' Whitby, wbere be was very popular with ail classes. Messrs. Jas. and Thos. Sawdon were in Alliston last week sttending the fun- eral of their father and mother: Mr.' and Mrs. Sawdon were *111 for only a short time, and died within a few houre o! each other. Mrs. Jas. Sawdon has been ln Alliston for the paut week walting on tbem. ER 41 iavc -The waz- aaU n muwg W-,4 -- -- expreas Its thanke or lb. enteUUeWbita*V 4foi ter S donaton recelved f&ot- Mn. ArfU ua-.J a meKay. o e! SlIL.k. City, towav anh sW.A iBves$on S 0. a. vork, A obeque bas l,;4 tsOSdv- W b4 0 eOM items o tTaurudsy leb« UÀ . bg 4 . L v u o hlldrp S u01s emoob* m . I offur vaich. fée MWpasplsesh - A medicipal prepaeatiçn valiiable ini keeping al kinâs of dome*tic« fowls -, ngood condition. It stimulates, egg prod.uction by incre4sing tbe. digestion and assimilation oôf the food given;. Execi u.Nbtk b F'ý SON, laIe o .heTOwnSbipo dUWhlt by, in me County etontf s lbr dec.ssed. Notice la hereby given, pursuant to sect1ion 80- hai . 121, I...,11.that. -ail persons having caims agaot t!>. estte or the Maid ThomuGibson, *ho on îhe slxteenth day of Jauuary, 1916, ane req!à lred to deliver or sefl by pont prefpsid, teDavid 'W. MacDonald,1 1Brookin, ont., epecutor-o!fUtelaId es.' tâte, on, or before lt.et4>urth. day of~ I#fth1916, their naénes and addr'eajes am~ a fidesMrptIon o! their cdaimse, and the nature of the securitles, if. Mny, held by, them, and 4't, Funther take, notice that slter - che nild fourth day o! March, »IQ1 the ýsaid executor wi procced. te distrlbuto the estate of Ibe said deceased amongl the Parties cutltlcd thereto, having re- gard only te thec daims o! which he shail then have notice, and the saldf executor shall net be hiable for tbe said assets or any part thereof, 10 suy per- son e! wbose cdaim he shaîl not then bave recelved notice. DA%,m W. MACDoIÇALD, by A. E. CHRilSTIAv, hie Solicîtor. - Datcd Pebruary 9, 1916. -34. If Netice to Credito;s. IN THE SURROGATE COURT 00~ THE COU-NTY 0F ONTARIO, IN THE ESTATE 0F WALTER JOS- i EPH ROrxERS, LATE 0F THE- TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBYF.RMEn' DECEASED. Notice lia bereby given, Pursuant te R.S.O. 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 56, that ai persons. baving daims against bbche-! tale o! the sald Walter Joseph Rogers, whe dled on or about the 251h day of, January, 1916, arc required le send by 4 Post prepaid or te dellver 10 W.E.N.4 Sinclair, Oshawa, Solicitor for the Ex.- ecutors, on or before the 251h day of February, 1916, their names, addrcsses, and descriptions, and a full stalement o! particulars e! their cdaims and thc nature o! thc securlty (if any) bcld by thcxm, duly certlfled, and Ibat aller the said day the executors will procced te 4 distribule the assels o! the deccased among the parties entitled thereto, havleg regard only te the laims o whlch, theY &hall thon have notice. Dated at Oshawa thc 29th day o! January, 1916.4 HENRY W. McBRIEN and4 WILLIAM MORRISON,4 Executors , By Ibeir Sohliciler, W.E.N. Sinclair, -3 Advertisernents. 4 On main road between C.N.R. is on sud Brookiin village, a plaid sa er rug. Reward o! $2.00 by lcavin at Brooklln mli or Gaetete office, Whitby. LOST. Ia Whitby, on Friday, a large ycllov and white Chilie dog. Flader please eotlfy Gazette sud Chronicle office. BOY WANTED. A smnart boy, with good educalien, 10 leare the printing trade. Apply at Gazette sud Chronicie Office. FARMS FOR SALE. Tenders wlll ho received by the un-i derslgned for the purchase o! bhc foi- lotIltg fartes, lthe preperty o!fthe.ces- tle cf Arthur Annis, deceased, ni> te F4ehruary 19, 1916. The hlghesî or aay tender net nccessarlly accepted. I y faction, d-109 $1.20 [mnes, irds, DWARE WHITBV, ONT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NewSpring .suitinga Now- n~Stock We .guarantee satisfaction in Our 'made-to-measuré, clothes. Be, sursý to see Our l1aýge range. -t of patterns'. It insures bright, hýalthy birds, and makes pullets Iay earlier. Preirents RQup, Chicken Choiera and'- other diseases off poultry.% WIIITFIE[LD'S Orug and Stationory Store WJ4ITiBY. ONTARIO Sole Agent for Nyal Preparatons. I 'i >1 b.' t n- sent one sane, sound sensible argument BoardfF d truuratil, andu SUU LUoo LDsNo ln avr f heliuortrffc.whleanyset i heinuguaimetig.wa alent Rebecca LodgeNo 122, 1.0-0-F., SALE REOISTER. ien far o th lquor trafcsweny eta teiagua etn.ws of Whltby, held its Installation o! offi- Tuesday, February 22nd.-Auction ton ear ld cildcan reset&DY menuber of the Board 25 years ago. He cers, when district Deputy Mrs. Fol- sl !fr e amsok h rp limu rofaguensarlstio!n a teyargumentaonte ordltian nsalagoaeaofOnsasleo fril. a Anok teprp Institution o! which notbing . 'ws beanus ebr nteBar eiad ntlato em 0 saa aaid ta its favor eugbîte die, a.nd Its at the time. Assoclabed wltbhlm were installed the oMfcers for 1916. There erty of the estate o! the late Walter oomplete annihilation Io close at band such stalu arts as the lare John Bail vas a goodatnac u ote-Rgr.-lt3,cn ,Wib.Fr and Setting closer every day Let It Dow h laie Jas. Rildge, h aejoyable time. Speeches were made and sold subjeet 10 reserve bld. Sale aI reoefreGelsinNee I trr were served. The effi-on 'cok John Fergason, Nr. I.. T. Biarclay, and eeetd were as fellows: W.Mw utoer others Nto gave cf thvir best to the! Past Grand-Mrs. Geo. Kerr. Tuesday, Feb. 22.-Extensive auction conu i o shoo afais.Noble Grand-MNrs. J. Toms. sale of iorses, registered and hlgh condul cfs< lcol îffars. Vle-Grand---rs. J. Noble. grade catlle, reg. Shropshire sheep, -o-lhc. S-c.-Mlss M. Dent. bogs, implement.s, hay. grain. rects, Bilg rtductuai salt- of muaiis boots, in. Sec-Miss L. Nlewat. etc., the property cf Levi Pugb, lot 10, L0À APNNS Slaier illid .-4 finest uuiity, $3-50. 'Trtasurer -MNrs. J. Rowe. con 9. Pickering. Sale aI 1 o'ciock. and *« ,ad f, b~otsfor $2.9-.th(1 îe, Wrd-Mrs.G.I Wlon ec buisl-lsHgbS. Pugh, aucîloneer. fii i trE\ W oua.nductor-NIrs A. Hopper. ______________________ Tickets for the soldiers' concert on t t llarry 1T Thompijon. WVhltby, I..S.N.G.-Mrs. Geo. Mou-at. Ms aeW lh Ilmybeoiieda T for la vStwork shirts tunade Sac. PSV Ms . 1Davey. Ms aeW ih February 11 is be btafie. a.W.G.s Mis-0 F. Toms. TE4CNER 0F PIANO AND PIPE OROAN .4rug store. Gel theni no,%. 11.4, seaits: 'EN 110 RUN THE QtTEEN'S- . l.-Nrs. G. Stîrgess. are going fast. Inasniiacî as soîne people have won- Chaplain-Miss G. Halcîtt. Puptis pregared for Toronto CM.- Go 0 -lrr T Thmpon Wlîyd.-red %Nhy the Queefls Hlotel was oper- 0VG Wies a rree wt r satry or University EZMlnaUM&s for largeet werk shirts made. 50c. ated by the asslgae Of c-caie O! Mrs. Hull, representative o! bhc Houseofo iieC tMu .MGftrym -ML. MWilson fer a longer huine tbafl was Hobberlln Llmitcd, te ho aI Walters hByron Street Telephone No. 221. Reserve Frlday, March 17, for the 1 thougbt necêssary te seil offtihe stock -tore, FrIday and Saturday, February __________________ lri.gh social ho be given by the Ladies' of liquors then on band; and inasmuch 1llit, and 121h. te take measurements Aid e! St. Andrew's Chtîrch.asBaeethvebn dlwic for special order suft and overcoats. FAIMS.WNTDAND FOI SALE. 0 s taemets hele pnen ae wbicb We give you the sanie prices as. quoted Tke Womens Instititte will meet in might s~-n rfet uo h asgeat. Ieir store In Toronto. and gunran- W. have a numl.er of eleca wighieta pr tbo agriutriro o rdya!- tbe latter bas st.ated 10 ibis paper that'tee a fit. Mr. Hull I ill have a fui] set chas, or exchange city p-oporty for laf-ms tro riculural ooms n Friay ,i tetwe handred s- rea inLb.eOowsty OC>0"0. io! saraples, aise modela ehowing differ- il vou arewialîing teo eil MaBy write «us a w --ernooa Februiry IW, Mah ' oock.1 the hbell uaà operatcd ai the reQuest 1etsye f it hWhwte & PO&l fttè l o o& 0,o v IDebate. "Town LA!- ivs. Cotnry L-fe*' the' creditors and under a Permit lo when teade up. AI] orders given yen wiias te purcham a 6.mmt it se we vil ý«'_ eredwbendesied. ail you a tint on requcat. &lie rst mortgffl M reft G M. Goodfeliew, Miss M. Annes, f rom the Lî-etise COMMIitssioeers. Thetun willl ho dclve e oerdloam *made on farm propot4e tie low intetait Miss, Mdargaret Sleép, Mies E. Fletcher, creditors, stand te bece considerable Prices $15.00 te $35-00- On *bon ioe. 5.ifsctios suarastoed. P.» % -0-. tabiahd y.an'. AU ladies weicome. Mrs. G. A. Ros. money. and 'they hoped 10 ho able te CANADILAN ORDER 0F FORESTERS-a. F. LU, Il Vietob e t., Imm*T irt ident; i ss F. flateman, Secretk'y. get corne reture îhro'igh the operation Aspcametno!CutWib, - -- . -* 1,oadNIcf tbe botel le Ibeir intereste. No 43TutPw el UM& \V, M.W.CollAns' advb. and sec oe43,COF' 0ed nFia i big bargains lie lm offering. Any liai le our store 98C., at W. G. eveniig. Ja.tuar7 281h. 'Ph r gu ar uu 0ihl c t e a ters', ebruary 12. A v ery ntere ting m eeting vwu eld# Tke egllar ontity eetng o th ----sud the foilowing offieers vere e)ected Ný*1ibY arRelief Society will ehl FLMSINR E IG foth nig a:we-veaam S" f in the auiditorim cf the Public uà b- rhe Ew>t au of!th M W. havepastca large stock ofL 9OM rary, on NMonday afternoon, Pebruary 1 dst -Tabernacle wu idhllghted on Tue& B Dr R S luad 1 thfi ..3 PM.Al te adesofth -ay evening of thIt week wit themd Chie! Rugaie-Ero. F.O.R. An&lrso. AN EOGOOS e laWii are- invibed te ho Present. MMs dr gîven by MrukS. D1).DudleY. VieS C. R.-Bro. W. D&YISOLOur-stock i upto«ate 1liamâilton, cf Toronto, wIll address the Coîborne. lier subjeet won "Tho 01>11 z iEL Sc-»OW. ]EL B3'uten. ad slum fo Toc-l agat Worship ln Different LaftW m.' Tro-BI'e W. CsmpboD. 0 ILH.W. Foley, B£.B..ofetBrookla. uRo. So- W. J. TeTr. .F.hcK&i Lt. hLMajor hau paased his ex- gav* î-wo iumbers&M trou> =dWB'S (Whap1a*a. Â . fitte. X F dR n rLmluftil(n at the conclusloli of the1 poemu u hbisplesanit dentertalntli i.u.womod4-Bm .-: ott. SSKSY.LWIf spe.ia.l course in miiaketi'y utt1he EX- ner. ate CO, Car ut Mgema on.W%«Iwms5 43»WJ.' CoM09ÜL_ ____________ hibition Camp, and han retured 1twp @tOUS9 "* k o4.Bo .Ka Wb I by as musketry luitructo.0 Inumbeismonths pfqpim'l. V# W o<rsmtmi»m relats, 4« 'Lit% %R I Make a sfialcal etOUI alhirtij iIf I c Proek St. Sotith, le the block wit!h th T Eoa ie viIi.lt W~Tpeoswo* l Wme balcouy. BSstts.crtaed: CM OSthe om o t t uflok. * u aeabtr -- Î M 0 4<&& $ **A fll& -u W Maater George Branton1. wbo 1te - Atittii", wg06oeUL Ring et the Trafa iDaughtèes'CSt- 5 pot mm il w *chtf <kra pnm'bIila t»t h St cert la Whltby on February 18, huaW- O ute.Stii. ..e' c~isios.t Moir bi recetly been offerod sud bu s MB terptel p*4blm& sai. « a position ln 1he choir of Gras. Cbulch. c 'roum< uv<s'. OVJI ,i W * 4 1wr*WOUk S8 m New York,. &U,> Il<i01 11M00& TUf OU WtebgnUGY Itl UM'ttBu vstem__ and bis Colbego courue, Titis 5M*fbéabers !t heWbittb*o~*Or Pbsq' nue «the u. wly 1lb , hlgh..t sali7ever pald a. b«oT 8109Ve.6 .8Oâ&bAW. b1%« IOO $" art«W Hla many trlends lala I tth7 V1 s1 te 2*. lTb. r*u **M rom~-'~ pleaa4 o Ite oabu e hmM«&osuets to e bplaiellaWbtivr Sl a (W to gan! T. Tbe00MpsoS, 4 WBlmYu OrsI> fer Custoreà lu Ta *0*« rgCaI.thU te $80.0.,lsa?<atvmt.U u ,, , , p ieaedv tà mt v âlm Ii.w# 1. e Coli Licli 'rs, -t .5 - -t,- 'e PORX. fI i dlom ruas tue O s8 Bell Phonteý7. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- LIALI&ýà Independent Phone 37 Sus The Waverlei WASHI1NG MA( Guaranteed to give perfect satisi and the price is on ly Galvanized Wasb Tubs, $ 1.00, .$l Clothes Wringers, Ciothes1 -Wasb Boards, lroning Boa ail at rock bottom prices. PRINGLE'S .HARI 11