goï 17 e i t Vol. bJ-No. 82 WHITdV. ONTARIO. CÂ1N&DÂ, TkUR8DA.Y; FEJRUARY 10. 19718 A, »*umLýow ONPublishers - X i Is Conmpound Syrup of HYPPOSPHITES A Strengtheninig andI nvig- orating tome, Blond Builder and Nerve Tonie. BuiIdsi up the sy-.Qtim, Curce hin and watery blood, Nervous headiiche, Nervous prostrâtLiotl, Sleeplessnestî, etc A reliable restoralive after La Grippe. $1 per buttie J. E. WILLIS Dragglst and epticlan MEk»ICAL HALL 113¶eek St. * Wblaby. THIE IOUSB 0F QUALOTV The Dealor wth ibe Coal and the S ervice 61"1%cranton Goal" TMie.âigapdera 1repawsaties perfeet-Rie-L tu neat. Low~ ii aoh-ýà right, dlean, free bnuià à C.cliuk- erlets A 1l11sisem- Orta, fer large farxîau'eî, £"ganid kw. Sil for f uruacet and largre beatews. "okuut and Pua for range angi Saunalit oekstoves. $lu@ bats, Cssel foi grates *xdim&replaces Moonah.iea Vughl. ihsqi lump eosl for ateain, tbe le&dit4g cota for thresting purpomes. Oow's Créek COabor'u4 amuit hing roesi AlItheseevali, art the htghest stand %rd of quelity. Our delivery' service in pronjî and carpuli, as you wasîtthein anwt wen youneedt i enm. W-e rempest.filIy selicit your patronage. E. R. SLOW, BeU phone 9. Whiabý Home phone 141 YOUNG SEN iN DEMANO Bigbt Fellews to. youug t ealist are îrq grest emptd for Bumineots. Tbree eaiis@ý oforisg on@ ub to siarit were ieorived a;He" OIReeaof Shaw'& sohools in one -'t'rWitt..Wrýtc ira JHCWELL JAMES Carpeztt. Builder and Coutraetor. Plana 4rawn basustimates furulabel Buah. bon and framea. agent fer Branitford Rootiug nez 46,; WHITt3V Ph... 149 A.H. ALUIN. NO R~OM For SalI ':1 I. I - 4 '4 Y I houer otMarriago Licenses Corner drugstore, Whitby. Wtaessm requtre&l fre*tter Cnada lmprovemu.t A LidCo., UmIted Whltby - Ontario j Uttate tIlear, Etates Managesi, iM C.lleetod. Firat Loana Arrange, Propertiem beught andI muid. rtreapply Headi Offbce, Brook St. iPh... 19à 2. nd. Piton, 70.; FiniWantod Paru of t*a hundrod acres or more with good buish, wanWtedo purchas., or will purchase good block of buah land. If you have land to ssii write JOHN P1SR1ER & e0o. Comtry Ra Mi uat ad Pa romm Lumsden Building f Adow4o eSt. mm TORONTO »Mot. l un ns ÂilkMod t ofsa'md do"bl rip aU Ill. aad b.ug.*=.ase. KSl oqm "~UM4 d on, ~ 8~roe mW~s divm m sew TAVERN LICEN&ES T0 BE REDUCE.D.1 Dispute Over Pumps Settled. The reporter of Town Council pro- ceedinga bas failen îîpon evil times. Time was when the meetings of ('oun- cil comruenced shortly after the ap-1 Pointed hour of eight orClock, and the business wouid be filihed Up ln fairly good Unie. Not so ln these degener- aec days N 0w the meetings beglu when they should be finlshed. Hence the groana and wails of the reporter who is forced to sît chewiug bis rud 1111 the sweet will of the Counicillors pronmpts then tat emerge f rom tie se- clusion of Lhe Cerk's office and enter the.Couincil Chamber. Why the preseut Councli, as did that of 1916, sbouid deent t necessary to irat transact thier business tri the secrecy of tho Clerk's office, where ful discussion takes place, and then go over the business again ln a formnai manner in the public chamberotî li; thai. discussion of putblic matters whlch the. public have r rght to hear. or have reported for them, lis one of the contindrums whlc;h t would take the proverbial -P1ildelphla lawyer- to deS erniine. Suicé to say that on Monday ntght te Comncil mevting began ai 10.30 and i-nded at 11.40 o'clock. No wouder ihp serSbie groaus. beiu.1, thus forced 10 las.- luts lwauty sleep. *Tis pl.'astuît suie ta have some tapic wlticm excites interest and keen dis- rus.sion. and consIderIng that thia meet- ing is meretY a rphuish, the excitement was the more keen wheu lts W'orahlp) stood alite ln hie defenre of the liquor bisitîess ln Wlîitby. and precipitated a debtlewîich. while friendly, repre- senîu-d offinions as divergent as the paies. R ccv., Dow m-v had given notice, or was In te ac, of givIng miltce, thal lit, %%otid at the next meeting Intro- duce~ a by-taw to limit tbe number of ia'.erîu licenses in Whitby to three, whé-t His Worsilu Interjected a de- (euec*. of the. liqitor slîop. Speaktng asi a aitedîcal mn.tlie said, he wouid rather sti- te tire hotel licenses go titan the shop licensce. He- oUi-n desir- cdWpreâkcribe -whtskey lu slcknes anîd îho drig stores could flot Bell more than six ounces on a medîcal pre-i acriptîon. Whü&e this waê-.enugh Ior severai doses, it would necesItate go- Sng to the drug store ntany times ln tiomno cases, which would lie a great Mr Downey lucre got lu a word, anîd asked how Oshawa and BpwNtan- viii... and other towns whinh had no shop, got along? Hic Worahlp did not enswer hils, but1 lxegani a delence efthLe holder of the' shop license. lHc had tcnown tha tuant wheîî i. kePt hotel la OsiaWa. He- had found hlm to ke.p strirtly witilin, the iaw. He did flot tiink he broke the' lew now. Bscause be vas suri a de- cent sort tie mayoir' sympatiy ventt out to litai and he would ne-t like te! si-e e li.lcense csnceiled. Mr. Downey argued that tue large majority of the people in Whitby vant. ,es the &hop to go. It was doing a greal des.I of harm. snd seidieru vere la sont. waY getting betU tîca t quor. vhlch couid enly corne from the shop. Tho blinsi pigs thtt v ere saMi te b doing buziness ln towu MOUt Ukely gat their tiquer trom tshe bp, as thry woulsi not ha likely te send ite Toronto or Port Hope fer lit. This vas the onlY shop between Tormite ad Port Hope, in the. iidat of a large local option ter- rltory. andi there vas ne euse for al- lewlng ILte contiu.. Agau ia lmWorshtp urgési that «a a Medical n Le thought the .bop vu n.eded. He a hat eard ne0coplaints- f rom the mtlltary'aütiorit4tu Mr. Downey sais that ho bal board Mr. <Iodrtug reutuled tc KaX"« that vien C.CO ocithuru ddrum e t COUncil Mstemskizig lbisialua$ ber, b. lad complahiesi maIthe. ug ver., gettiai Iquor la boules., mdl e wauld 11ktettsomhhuag oouidbe dene te preveIt ehtnoCRtbdUtalUgaae la lquor. Ur. Bateman adddl bs ut. tme protesi aaIUthle mbop. Mr. alleti tol et #amie b Ooiava vbo bahmm to "upas a Suaday mortng. Tb$ co4rWaMM ho bal oem to WbWfbf ltuiM metIla, bamgt*'MX*y,. M u md sot on a C.F.L vsUipt at. of an tbosbd Usblm N Ibad Pmut et.trsâIs ai n vaIkel Imc. Mma AtiI mau.ïl& lT»m T17 UI*»Ilm b n # chase and installation of purnps, etc., for the sewerage uiant. Engineer Murray and Solicitor Farewell were there mo si-e that the town got the liest bargain possible. The Allita-Chalmers Ltmited had art- ed' rather sharp. sud had tried te get severml hundred dollars more than th-ir tender.. They had runningly sent' dowu an agreement, representing Uit It was based u pon their tender, and tne Mayor and the Treasmirer unsuspirious- iy sigried St. The Council were naturaliy tncensed when the tmuth was icarued, and they strenu'ously objected to paytng the ln- crease. The compromise patchied Up on Mon- day night le contalued ln the foliowing letter: 1 bereby. on behiaif of the Allis. Chalmers Lnited agree to complet. the installation of the pumps, motora, etc., as de-crlbed lu the agreementli- tween your Corporation aud the Cana- dian Alis-Chalmersâ Limlted, for the sunt of $2,150, with au addition.al sunt added tiiereto of $150 to cover aIl pip- ing, valves, boîts, etc., to complete and leavetri thoruugh working order. The vo-în.nmaiiou mn provîde al] rommon lab- 'l r-.uneuinn lherewith. ASl,[IS-CHALMERS LIMITED, S1cet C. Schrag. l)ist. Sales Eng. MNenrb-rs of Counçil will attend «# gpnerai meeting of tb. Hydro Electri< ln Toronto pu February 16. A by-law was put through appoint- Iug C. A. Kixînear and D. Gaîbraitli audîtors of t.own accotîrts for the year 1915. They will eaci lie patd the sunt of $40 for their work, which la $5 eacli more than the auditors of last year re- ceived. Mr. Conlilu us the ouly Councillur who wanted the atiditors of last year reappoin ted. The. usual grant of $300 was made to the Whltby Fire Brigade. A by-law te raise $7.000 wtth whlch 10 pay for the compl-tlon of'the new schools was passed. A dlscusSon meok place as to wlether the, Counicit or the lJtllitiea Commission liad now charge of the aewerage dis.- ,Da1î1aiÉL Mr. Moore, tic Couneli's appotntee, is st1l looktng alter the planLt The Mayor pronuised te bring the question up at lhe next meeting of the Conmission. Cterk White read a letter fron thti On arto Licease Commissionera to the efTecitntLite license efthte Queeows irotei would lie termlnated at 7 pan. on Febrtiary 19. Tic followtng acrounts wer- paased: W. M. Pringie ........ ....$2.20 Geo. W. Dryden.... .... .. 2.65 W~nî. Beach .... ........ .. 1.00 Henry Smith ........ ...... 1.65 Ktng Edwe.rd Sanitarlunt.. 20.00 Water sud 14gbt Cent..193.00 Frank Rogers .... ...... .. 3.00 J. Mlntyre .. .... .... .... 36-t28 Board of Edwcatioa The Inauguraimoel'ag etdLth, Boutd ed Educatton vas leld on Wednesday eventnig « M at*eek. Secretary C. P. McGillivray pro. sidesi. andi ceI (rm the Clerks of Town andi Cotinty Counele lte cre- dentials of the election and appoint- Meut tnov zuembers Re thS ScmIed for nominations for tiie postion of ebairmunof th. BOArd Wo teyear 191&. MieursKig a"d Bauet sosnhiaid C. AX. Golflow. As tits Vas t ORly Uaoe»hiaon, the. meoaà ryde- elarel 1fr. GCoodfellow thc ebalnms fer t e r, Re vas lie usartu blieui afor tii. esr pforel* 'paeluataa7 pislis ta Uïmww tmg t. bub tbe ltimm fitU totU O vasM fér tb Oumatls tt * ulsb -1 es*tm".4ii o~- HOT 1-FIýRE IN w.O On Tuesday about 12.15 an alarm was turned ln for-a ire that threat- ened to be the mosiBerfous Wh lU»' has hadt ln years. Tile 011 bouse at the. rear of W. B. Prinigle & Co.'. grocery and butcher stores, st the corner of Coîborne and Broèk streets, was lni Rames, and before the hose .eould lie laid the place wu, - a roartng furnace. -Mr. Herbert Pritgle wo.s alone ln the store, ail the others heing at dia- ner, when lie ws lInformed by a pans- Ing soldier that thei'e was n lire ln the oil bouse. He immêdiateiy rushed out, and led away a hoe-e whtoh was tted beside the building, At thii momÉnt an explosion of oti-occurredi ollowed shortly by anotheut which at once spread the Rlames di4r the whole of the. 011 house, whIch w4 slatuated close be- tween the ware'holige and the. stores. Mr. Pringle then rtentered the store and removed the bocks, account regis- ter, etc.. whie the 'soldier turned ln the alarm. i Very shortly the :r1gade was on tic scene, anidhadl a lIýe. blayîng on the tlames, but ln the short space of tInte before they arrlved,.the Ramne. ad spread rapidly, anWý the. place waa resi bot furriace. Ab soon as possible. other lines were lalq. and shortiy four Rlames, and for a tinte it seemed an If It too'muetliecont. a prey to the fire, but hard work on the part of the fire- fighters aaved the. frame of the build- ing, altbough it ts badly dantaged ln- side. The store building wan appa.rently dut off safely from the fire, when St was discovered that tih. blaze hasi crept- along between the. ceiling and the roof, and again the hose Uines had to be turned Into this portion of Uic struc- ture. Things began to look serieus again, but more good work by the bri- gade got the lire under controt once more, snd finally ertlnguished. In the meantlme, hotwcver, a great deal of thie contents of the butchet' and grocery stores had been removed and carri 'es arrosa to a vacant store. Charlie Soo, who conduets a laundry riext door, also ,had practically aIl hi. valualiles re- moved. The building as it stands to-day la so badly damaged that a great deai of rebullding, If not an entire ncw build- ing, will be riecessary. The cause of the tire ta uaknown. It Is thought that a rigar or cigarette butt, thrown carclessly away, must, have dropped against an 011 aoaked streants of water wére direeted on the board, and the tire caught ln that man.. ire front varlous Dioints. The water ner. Mr. Herb. Prîngle States that no pressure was very igh, but ln spite one tiad been la the oil bouse for over of this It took an bour's work to get an hour prior to the disdovery of the the fire Rlend well uader control. The fire, and that il must have origlnated brigade did heroic service, and cannot from the cigar of a passerby, as sug. be praised too highly. gested. The warehouse betiig a trame buiid- The building is owned t»' the Misses Ing, It was 'seizesi greeduly by the Richardson. The meeting then ,,,*djourned. andi a farmers, there was a fairly good sprink-! special meeting was thereatter conven- ling of theni present t ed for the Passtng of accounts present- The meeting was in every respect ed by the Building Gommittee. most Interesting. A by-law was passéd appointing Mr. The Proceedihgs of the day were of A. M. Rosa a memlier* of the Publid a character to be, of Immense value to Library Board for a Ieriod of three both women and men. Many farmers -ears. do flot teed that It is worth whule to at- The next regular piepting wu& ceaU- tend tuese meetings, but the discus- ed for last eveming, ýwe It waîs ex- atons and the. useful information pected to have. oreseet Dr. Merhant, brought out shoulsi convince theéz>ro of the Depertment ef Ëducatloil. who gressive'farmer of the. velue or such was te addregs the Board IpoIIt1ié aili-j jeoz o - lu çlla ejtn Farmners" and Women's1 stitutes ibid Meetings,- SPECIAL SPEAKERtS MRitEACH. Tb -ann:- -.,dFelruary meetings of the F'armers'«.d Women s Institutes were beid in VWhitby on Frlday atternoon and event.ng. February 4. The men held thçir afternoon meeting lu the Council ','Chamber, ile the. wômen, were holding forth itu the agrtcultural lu the absence of tueopeakor asives- tisesi, M4 A. J 1t. M Mhofbrook, a= excellenat-, ubetitute wsý. providl tu tiié persnof Mr. C. AX. Oubnsth. et Hornby, H.aten Couuty. Thetwhole time was sent by Mr, Galbraithtu tais cusln.gquestlons ynfl edbf'the.,tam- ers,su as 4lwafliL. à xee Clover, stock feediag, etc. 1Mr.' -alutbIMte a graduate M Ontmd'o AgrieUitural C4i- est. HeÈ7haa h"s a gooldem of exer- lence, ~iëhcb he vas- able. tet=tuuta goosi aecesu n the dilotn wblcb took le edsok uuie4or inatinm Md ut-'tsitou svure Ob- TaE WPUOIIE'INSTITUTS. A large-pumber èt t evmbers of tredatty i> rmaUne «rsna t thse ett1 - nsUtuiand 1bmd annual conferences, eG range" I'Iced at Officers Service. 1fr.---egd Mrs. John Baird Lldlaw ave ktndly placed -The Grange," their beautIful swnmer residence hel'. at the service of the officers of Uter 34th Regiment and the. litti sd lQZnd' Biattallons. Mr. -and ia. Laidlaw re- serve mast sufficiént-room for their own aCoominodatton ' wben they corne to Whitby. TIi. officers appreelato tis art of eourtesy and, .goueroutty on lte part of thes. imub«*o-splrlted citisens. "The Grange vi, ther«foe, bé . the lidquart.t's af tb éffcrsdlt Qluoens IT»OW l viib-pse bu 1lthe Towni (owidli at thee r iii. bo&0 talions-for foSes, tore 01-4 'Quartema for reoà "natailor. regi bmtafona, md thi,. oe.iy lmalaIag' préblem W>be ,le ate o*btala bil tlb for tit* itmbet o! ztu*tmV» or à r ~- Uià oi- ut oQui md s. 0F CANAD)A mmtEAOrOWPScE - TORONTO E01,0 1073 A ven"it anking Business Condzçted. Accotnî of Farme,,., Merchaittuand ?mnuu facturers. rcoevc Cceulà tteuiion. TRUST FUN DS ahouid b. dcpoaitcd in our SAYING5 DBPAX- lr*RNT. Highast enrent ratas of Intom re . ped hall ualy.,1 HITBY DBaANCH ? V P EL' SH E9SOJ7 Chl de S oat r aithey- e depices o. 1 Onduwrsor ckcopetve ndiii M Uen an d s ha Stub Proof & TERuberFet n FitLncI jor - Or stcnsWom ad Obin rens nd-Bysfé Bt'ock- §tg, WiII 11V GREAT Crooery aid DURIG eoth'o aur w iof à al1 OsÀr, stock of China anidGtaoswai, at a ~i CatshPic If yo arehi ined <f auyhin hl* ii.Ihe it wWb te your adiantage. to buy hedwe c M~e E ry o. ~jA.I BSNESS SECTION.' B. Pringle's Grocery Store Burn.ed Out. Phono 151 F4 - q 77 JOHN jfà ; r týz_- 1 -1 1 - ip. 1 l lu