Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 7

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It Generally Leaves the Patent THOSANS 0mGRVES- yma-Russlàn'wneh, e~1h Debiltated and an Easy Vie- P1RAES M with;ahceiSd bSI1flu5arid.po fatheru hu tAbn d îàdbrther, laï tim to Other 1)lseases. FRENCII LoRRAINE. over Art,1111k O? dmtgli fthearnof tIubanCzanroter One' of the forenjost medieal writers SWeeten fit to 814t the. tate. A hnmber of -tbem a4beipro sas I sastonishing tenme f ShjUin o A co'mplet., perféce meal snoted and have 'ýeome fuUIl-fedgec pepl hohvgbenc ofd n Batties MaY Be Traced iuPyn oeern tleoficers, and otheza have bien decor. health for years after an attack of Jly FollOwing Lines of gvn urm n hnm ate ros of. try ih h iltr la grippe or influenza." The real dan- Woodetrmn fm ea rsso-S.Gé-rè gil from this discase, whieh sweeps Wodn Crasses, or eggs and at a coét -of The youngqat, perhaps, la an 18- o\(r ' c, aaa very winter, is duin French Lorraine ils thegreatest threeor four cents. Awarm, year-old Vilna sshoolgiri, Rira Bash- convalescence, when the chaatrsi erneterY in the world. Colonies of flourishing breakfast-a de- kiren, 'who enlisted under the name symliptonis. the fever, the catarrh, the dead, xnarked bY lunes of crude wood- icious lunch. fo Ni tchasPaia. e had l ieel hedethes and the dtnpression of spi- en crosses, lies everywhere under -adfhroza.sen, b ucined and ting n tith its pass way. Grip leaves behind it newlyformed sod at the edges of MfieldÇa d. h siaeei was woudedmd ake tath wcîîkeri-îl ital powcrs, thin blood, im- woods and tbickets and in ravnes~ feihspiaroi was dscovere paîrt'd digestion and over-sensitive German and French. The shifting of Alexandra Kokoteeva aloa ealist- Yitlvts-- a condition that makes the battie scenles mnay be traced by fol- thtsewsawmn .sysîî-m ni as> prey ta pneumnonja, lowing them. The> are thickest there ed under an assumed name in the ilronchtis rheumatism, nervous pros- Where %vas foughî the great battle Ura sba belogiedand lawhich hor trati on and even consunlrptionl. IL ks a for Nancy that beizan with the re- ubn beogdadinwih e (oflition that catis most ernPhailticallY trecat of the French frorn Morhange Wa ogti h.RsoJpns for a t.l for the biood. Dr. WiI- and reached its clim-ax during the Wr llmins l'îîk r'ilîs are a toiiic especially battle of tht, Marne. The nuniber has After having been wounded twice aiuiltoin eut Iis îii-d as theytbvela contih1ojlly swelled since in the inl the East Prussian campalgn she pu l 'yadvnf-te lo. hY1-, t" tuzl nte oveshowed such extraordinary courage uniw iii)th r hvstti d . Thcy 4-r nth onîh s' ugl ite ve KAISER'S MATCH-MAKING. that ahe waa recommended tu be pro- ton.up li~ nives ,olgise sgoramitheVoaes.moted t becoe a colonel, athough sîeii~ail halth 10 the debllcatcîl Saint Genevie'e, Esaey, the How He Gains Power Through Hia ber sex had beea found ot, and as lr. l<warîl 1). Chaffev. Amnances, the lleights of Cuittes,Concisolelhehaereevrace iU l* ""I"i-ilN .Si~s 'o tV V aine, Gerhevillers of the Grand HrFamIIyaedeoedt hr i- a t hir ci UCV~Sion1I-,as at Couronne "eacy ~~The great German kin.gly and Hrslir r eoe ahr ta l wla gl-cppe,ý hich hçft Me Ea eth osB-le h osprincely and grand-ducal houses, theadnoeothmcnitahre it -titi dow.n. In auh Premon? St1,Bi rl, the BosSanoinu , dHahenzollerns, the Cobourgs, and the more ease than ahe or can endure 1 -o dItir. ctiam Pnk 1Pils the Bois Le 17retre in the Woevre are ret, have this one thing in common; lonehirn the aleunaiseand thc 1):ý1lenfikýal 1 '1stPo manv cemeteries, neariy ail of their womnen al breed and rear fi ne r n t s fheUraliMoin tainsopand Wintî i* iii h< troule was ac th-ni with crosses bearing names ai- babies, and n-any of themn.apnmotfhe etatepn 1r t-niI tisthe irecautmon of for- lrimîîv illustriaus. Lioneî Rieux, thel A certain fixed proportion of these tifink inv \1ýt(r wih i-.Wiliar 'piet, lies at Essey; Paul Viai, wha. sturdy, ciean-lirnbed, beautiful infants ilin IMI andth(-trou l eceiveil a bullet in bis heart, in the are girls, and they pres-entiy grow Up Htiei ofiIipjr- mnaly of mv nu;ghboirs ute-nSan Mnuy Wod.Am te-or -saine of theni do, at any rate-le rte ilwnwih . a ac I<nJoyîi h Fre-nchî buried at Gerberviller is Jean: anto sturdy, clean-limbed, beautiful From ernote bemt of heaith ail t,,ring ani fi-t-I ure NMaft>ii, ane of the mast promising pu- woilefl. tLiq smî'îiine witI so fo-tify tht' ys-p1ls tof the French Art School at! Now, beautiful womnen, If they hap- term as ta pre\-etit tho trouble," mime. île fi-il wiîh the heroic hand- pen to be princesses, and rich, as WHY MRS. MARCHBANK USED Tht'se Iills are sold by ail niii-,iinî-fi of Chasscur-s 'that beld -the Mor- abat of these are, are valuable assets DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. delaers or muv ble hrcd imy mail ut ,)0tagl there agai ast 40,('00 Germans ta a 8overeigm who, like the Kaiser, cent ilboxor ix bxesfor$2.ýOdurciîg the 1Il hours. Merceli Drouet le bent on dominating Europe. He She Found'ýQuick Relief and Now Re- f romi Thî- lDr. Wýilliianîrt' Melicine COa., i among those who lie at the summit bestows the pick of thera an other commeoùls Al Women Who SuUfered '3-c-il f the -orrow Inhll ýinor soyereigns, thereby gaining as She Did te Use Dodd's Kidaey- .5.in anc.' power and prestige through his fsmily 'Pilla. **'r-morow i Narý. I connections. AIl men are influenced St. Martin'a, St. John Ca., N.B., %i'ilIEN l'EACE IS SIGNED. The diled lie thickesi perhaps at:more or less, canaciously or unc-on- Jan. 3lst (Speclul). - Mra. Violet --the L'oisy Gi). Afler the- Germans sciously, by their wives, and Kinga -Marchbank, wife of a well-known far- Descriptîion of the Treaîy 'Ihat w il ; e aptured Nomneny and Pont-a- are na exception ta the rule. mer lvn near here, ia telling ber End te Wa. 1ýMousson, they -ent s regmment ta' And the Kaiser is an Al marriage neigirbora of the splendid resulta ahe EndhieWar f< this pia-ssage licîween two broker. Make no mistake about that. has got through using Dodd'a Kidney %Vthenc the war cornes to atr nl a heights, held h a sin--le company of He bas bestowed hie favorite aister, Pilla. treaîy of pence will lie signe,] seaîled Fni ncnh infantry'. That gap became the Princees Sophie, on King Con- "My trouble started from a cold," and delivert'i as between the scîrious the tomi of the entire regimenL stantine of Greece, with what resuit Mrs. Marchbank states. -"I had back- belligtrents. Th<, cemieterv cf St. Genevieve le we aIl know. a che, mny joints were stiff and my This -lIt uc a niosti mposing docu-'not so dense, but far more extended' He it was, too, îvbo "arranged"; muscles cramped. I wae irritable and ment, writtet i b ha-(I thruîngltout, than that of the Loisy Cap. The Ger- theý marriage of the young Queen of always thirsty. My appetite was fit- aealed with many scals, arîd louai manis. forcet by the resistance of the Holland with bis kinsman, Princc! fui and 1 feit lieavy and sleepy af ter about with green sik riiîiin. Fl- company of infantry at Loisy to trylHenry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; and meais. RheumatUsm was added ta my Iowing the usuat tcustoîm, each copy a flank mus r-ment qi-outid the heigbts no one can truthfully ssy that Hol-trulsa e 'shdcean will begin with the isucils, 'lui the tif Suinit,- Gneviese, oiitainpd a suc- land is precisely and enthusiasticaîîy heart flutteringa made me very aax- name cf the Most liaby anti Ut i-ii-i tess befren the hcights of Cuittes, on aur side. ious at times. Trinity." Shoulmi, httever, Tîcrkey m-herî- French crosses predomninate. It, Bulizaria bas been ried os'er by a -I auffered for about two years and be one of the signatory pawercts. a, was then, thinking lie w the route German ever.eince it becarne an in- was far from being a well waman seeme probable, this formmula wuill lie opt-ninz itmpfor his trîaîps, the Em- dependent countrytepesn igwheû miy brother told me what great altered tir "In the Naire if Al\lah the pi ror of (-rmany issued hie famous being, of course, a Coburger; while'thinge Dodd's Kidney Pille had done' Almighty God" la the eopv aiiotted erder of the- day: "To-morrow in bis wife ils also a German, being forai- for hlm, and 1 made up my mind ta ta ber. N;iar,.' Sainte Gcneu'ievc was stili erly known as Prirccess Eleanora of, Lry theai. At least as many originaîl cî,pies aý- iitwecn Ilin Majesty's troops and the Reuss. "I sent aad gat three boxes and there are sigaatory piiwt'rs smill b e(r.1rur- capital; it la ta-day the cerne-, The German Princess Alexandr-inelithey helped me riglit front the start.i signed and sealeil, while several tý1rY Of iot-i f thern. The Frencb, of Mecklenburg, nobbled the present I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pille certified copies wibl be sigmteil, but nat too, fi-il ilsýu-h number. tht-ne as ta King of Denmark, Christian X.; and tti aIl woanen who suifer as I did." sealed, for the sake of cons-enience. iI-iîi , l iTit-err, -isbaO catied the bis father, by the way, was aisoala Every ane of Mrs. Marchbank's -The original copies wili he -eeurely nîîcntiiîn of (emmandant M- ta German originally-Prince Sdiîswsig.- symptorns wasa Aymptom of kidney ioeked up la the state nrchives of' the lasses. }fotrtoubIe.' That is-why she faund sucli the different countries; the ceeitified "omler"rpie1h omau- Th elnSone bn>G uckrns us. tro copes illbeasci fr rininNorn intt"sî-svo't is anicc" t nthesaieohinmaonrnts us 1n quick reliqf in Dodd's Kidney Pills. copis wll e usd fr pintiz forn Nve vont gve a ireh. It e-;..bich ever direction we tarn. Europe j and for reference. tj;mred ain oriier froin the general ta - iml dotted thick ail over with- LED SLIR NOABG Peac tratis tre et "riten1abo-e t o take up a stronger Pas,- Gerinan Royalties set upan "sti-atege straight across tlie page, or pages, tien a l;rîie ini the rear. thrones. Thus the Queen of Sweden A Russian Mother Was Avenged by like ordinary documents,. Thoy arel '*In tbe Naine of His M aiesty' is a Gennan, and first cousin ta the Ber 12-Year-Old Son, written in parallel columns, ceime la gth ttcsupnth laeuKaiser, b'igfrel nw -1Wiigi h tsky lvi English, the next la Frencb, tbe next u; Prteatakiuoith laeuess ncora farme-ly now. aKWinnga h usky So in Italian, German, Russian, and so aof Amant-e, capturec! on the 7th and Pr:esVcoiao ae.Kn Gregari Petroiff ays. on, according ta the nuniber cf Ian- retakeui h' General Dubial on the' Ferdinand of Rutuania le a Hoheazol-1 eti laealaac arl guages spoken by the people-r cf the 8tb, Eniperar William is said to hav emadbsGra oaadbe eti lc osc ar Eupam IraoToT Ir 1 à d Me y ,e e d e r the 2 ous, epie heFrnh . e Bt "Ail my l-e 1hav enabaet hi owAW"12ur O emeae- op'moe. 1Bhave coffee. 1 kept gradually losilng iny encraI, "when the Emuperor shahi health, 1but 1 used ta gay riconseilse, i - i ve eplbe ahatosadj eeu a se ! woUfuae." (~' utm. if dead, we nhail be ready fobr hlmi - 1 hy?" -re We te cm "Sîosvly 1 was fortcil ta admit the iagaiin"" AliedESRPTO. o thei ure. W ben cae ttme truth and the final nesult was that my 7 A FUVOrUie IdOe@sgu. te entnthe t e ai, nervoas fai-ce was shattered. (Tes Flowers on French Graves. TsOau.ra a~U.s o. hyba onuqti lcsaon produces about the saine effet-t as caf - An estimaaîed proportion aof three %io (u il, ar *mgi nDJit'.M re t~al- them wh.re te huwtre. fee, because they both contala the Gemmas ta anc Frenchman lturl.d in OSO If ii. >'OU wli l 1.4. ad . t»knnw bnemi- te knovw.vr inwa u drugs. caffeine and tannin). the battîefielda of the Grand Cou hi hrthre ejefryu M<yuahaoha4,I "My heart became weakad uncer. manne (le Nancy, exteading ila a ausi- hw"heire> % eu e et5Iijg, ssy :hey he e &up.y=- « atsho4e tain la ts action and that i'rightened t-ùrc-î f rom Gerbevillers to Pont-a- p "tpe p"i' ulowouft ~~ri (uvit htle uugtIst a.boa me. Thea my physiclan tald me that 1i Moussion, on the eaat bank aof the bMo- lîi. i Sa alb i n ua it bralj.et"t,nseg athm ?eu llwruiethew*4")" muet stop ctmnklng caffee or 1 eauld selle, naturalby taktez no aCeount aof tu ruad uas- ,ç«>.w tcarcad evea>--I! neyer expect ta be well agaia. the thousanda ai'fibvarian dd e du sLhîajwluatesus giomAt dij uns. >-, «n saip .Sd Uqbth1 e tfs'61, 111 thougbt ai' Pastuai but cauld moved at nlght hy rail toward net%, wtbitad gatn dret.» iI,, se "Q- tbry iuvi lacue g lo u~wapaew# )uardly -brbag myseli' ta give up the after the battie of Sainte Gîuwvfrve, *ili-'lad>. ue l eail h ssys Je ts rmK-s amrIina im caif ce. ovdgwhich deielddthe issue ai' Uic truc-'î~'e- igauufdsie ywU" ar wîibottuîi. 'e Q.uërmagw-<a.' "Finalb- I concbuded tIsat I b iglu fat Nancy; nom â'es 1: coprise iaes. but 'eflun usiu Iis b18ir4'anipota Mly th*, 'i- ta mysell' ta give- PostuiatritaI. 1 the heas'y death roll cfY the Preac in "8Ola ednwii ea n ~ tthiot Ieow" 7 S0*4SSPýaatbq got a package and carefully fallowed annexesi Lorraine, just over the ex l leivodtat<i 4IP the directions, and whmt s deliclous, f roatieri hudsse, fM r »»be i ad tttard tlsm iL' * ît JIié~ nourishing, idi drink k. wa!Do you whng yl bu &a# go«i trengstt1i t, on tbme. lut t4ya* kaow, 1 fouad it very easy to iahifi The evudunce.of thoïe iWho have s 'fi t*a~ h riIieBlua~dp,~U f roui coffeta Postuai. "uti alebttela fLi- sr leq, =t4 ia e.5 g.urs "Aimost lmrnediately aller 1 made ~raine and those Who bilpasi pick up kohmned by 1» oiin ieath~e *jortu. a b .U't C b the chaae 1 fund mylf beter. andi4re ls dm t 0 4, alu .ay Ut- peopl dùàlgkb thechage fond ysef btte. ai -th'* dead alter tîte haWe of Nancy Up "*tore pnd se. t <I as the dmys wunt by 1 kept on impros'- jtnsta»a11.1tn-Iahgti Oiî esot< iag. My nurvus grcw at.ady, 1 slept iFec cdi emsLran n ~~?~h~O'i.Wtiii weil and fuit strong and weli-balmaced. FtichGrmd dea « rlLae and Iâol t lththon, aS.'e Cgtb«tfl (es.t UseM Now the aid nervousas a lagone and 1I field of batth. Uste la %fl.pn MbOPrgid eci#tb o. «-Ut atm' la. -Âî arn Weillonce more." i nu«,,s '.p - 1*dml* C It pays to give up the drink that hrain te etimareo thame IlmtooMoO4 ,. acte on some like a poison, for h.altb mna a uetFua4baun4a0ab jm#t « Ma thse grestest fortune oucin have,.oto ftosIiai al.eea o.S u Name givetu by Canadian Pbatum Ce., Nny o«- 1 Windsor, Ont. IPi banda bare earag for'.os Patuai cornes ina two forma: ~ ~ <~. ~t. i.. ~ iit-. Postum Creal-the original fona-, front Usait te Gurusa twavy '.-4""-- muet- bo well, b9plfd. ôan-5 _49 0 ay fe ri rpli.-bea4 packages. J1«y f l$ fa - -UP - l - - 9neteut Pogtsim-a slbepwî-. , lnat dissoklsrs quickly ina a cup of bot wa- ter, and, wîthi Swata aia . ma"o â.ii jrw gre.ietj-th e Dohp'-un fl e,:boteru!1- a delielous beverage isattly, $OC aMdia4Îrl rttd i-r UOc tins. deoramsd f*wter4Z Both klndk art equalydeijôù a( î t «*t about thsa»m, t u. I - Â _ maoen MI Situated an the Harbor1 a Rates;: $26 per week and uI ward. HOWE & TWOROGEFI, Btermnuda la reached by the b.earn-, ers et the QuebueS. 8. ço., 32 Broadway. New YorkF Awakning of the Former and Fase Sucurity of' the Latter. A neutral who jut visited London and Berlin cities describes them thug.- No nc who las seen bth London and Berlin tan fail -ta be impressed by the fatt that England is buginning the fight, whue Berlin conifidently b- lieves that tic end aof the war la at hand. Berlia le luled by tic incese of victry ta a sease aof false sucurity. London ia for the firt tins fuly awake ta the rai perils of the situ- ation. England seçis n the eve of a great effort. Germaay le convinced that se las crushd her enemies. Ia a word, Berlin taîko peace, London war 1 Use Any llouschold RCcîpe %viIh Dr. Jackson'a Roman Meal, and baie anyttclng froni It Ir you ilike. eat hat frorn the os-en. It won't ferment. ft makes niast debiclous baklag, prevents findigestion. -la s'ry nutrittous, reltevea constipation or -money back.- That*p why n leadInS physiçian ays it's a irod. send ta humanity. Especially try It ia porridge. paneakes. andi gem. but care- i'ully fobuow directions on package fo,ý muaktng porridge. For an early break. - fast. cook the nglt before tu a double boiter wtthout stirrit and wam n atic, inorning by actttng in bailtng water whule dressing. At grocerur 1to and i centa. Made by the Romnan Mel C.. Toront. Cover Uw-Tseir Tartan During the Îouth African War an mrder was issuud - te -the mun cf the' HIighland regiments to cover up their tartan lt, as thuy made oosi tar- gets for the enemy. The order prov- td vury unpopitiar, andi caunesi4 rat deai cf'dissatioaatlon mmong the soldiera cncerses. Wb.n Sir Georgu White hurd ti& li ais, "Lt lient covur up only the frontWo their- kitse; thi.e hmy will neyer, me thse other aidel» YAte.*ars«' Umso&eTr«mssea NO MEDICINE TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. E. Cutber, St. Laza?à, Ma.,'- srites.-"I jhave used Baby's Own, Tahiets for the puet ten years for myi five children and can trutbfully say theru is ria medicine ta equal them." The Tablets regulate tise boweis aad I stomaci, cure -constipation and indi-I gestion, expel worms anld make teeth- iag easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., rBrockvîile, Ont. Progressive. Pastmaster-No, nat mut-h doin' ia taawa. Did yur heur urbout Lemi Hoggias gutting a telegrant? Farmer-Not Lem 7 Pastmatr-Yes, Lem ? Farmer-By crieky! It beats all ther way the Young f éllens- are forg- in' ter tise front unnarre Linimeat OumeuGarget la coniv "'Hello, oid man 1 Have yoÙ had any lut-k sliootiag?" -1 asonld' amyI lidI 1 ehot seventein ducks in one -n exactly; - but thu farmer was 11" uom..m '.inm> ra «Mgtt &ma8oreuel a le'wL~ . Vmw£ £Ye« Infaaed by OXPOunr t'ove. uiy aufor r*-in ati U ep AIL - WAR MARR!AGES. P S2," Pot !M- t.,ýim ating Wààtage of Population Dii, sussed by want to buy, writeIL » ob Cutor crach ~aiyEngligh Pyilan. Bramptoné Ont. 'flere la aaotlalngamoremarriagea hbave been re- ;f CRSUNjx H Q . r ,heaing and soothing tha eni a vo" e d b ceti tparý- ,*W ider. Blrkendale, M us oka. tlcularly weli-informed persons as one means of making up for the ter- ZPWEE ribe wstae f lvesth naionis ANTPED'-LADIES4 TOI DO PLAINý V 1'1iblfe astg flve hWnto j and llght sewlng ati home, whole' nowsuferig.or spare timne; good payl work sent... With reg'ard te the econornic as- an5* distance. cliarges paid' mend stamp V a~ ipect of the question, it mnay be said- 0o.. nte. ~~j/!Jj U'F'~~ lose more than 4 per cent. of the Mali W A2 0 A K~~~ A~~~ ~p opu lation (of _a l ag es) in killed and T R F T . A ~ N J N W % A ~ > J J permaneîity disabled, writes an Eng- ..Offices for sale in gooti Ontario So d ill s o l s a d jish physician. This s leaves us in low e î T e'xno " us 'ulaý l t ret anitary tin tubes, at chem- point of numbers about whero we application te W!oni Ptili;nz Con-* sti and gen ral sors sto d four years ago. But great wars n. 3 W s Ad l de S t evMrwhere. are usually followed by a marked in- IC LDO. crease in the birthrate, and, conse- CAlNCIM - TUMORS. LUI '. S. Q Refuse substbtutes. quentiy, without any deliberate effort c internai And exerna; ure wM~i;a Frc booket on requ est. n our part and leaving the remedy cu ain rbo é t t01ir.eiment.dedkUi e n tire ly t o n a tu r e , w e o u g h t te m ie k e V ..7 U 1 d.< o l n w O ! > t good the wvastage of war in four years or less. That prediction, of course, 1BCO0N0 CIIESEROUGH ~. ~c. assumnes soznething which is by no fD G DS A E means an assured fact--namoiy, that AdHw oFe 3S0 hab< A v. Sbo he. after the w ar, w ork w il be plentiful,Ar d Io to F e ____________________________wnges good-and the neces saries of life Malls e, bao.ho:rcs easiiy within the purchasing power of PliT . <tLAY GLQÇVER, Y. S. THOUGETS FOR THuE DAY. the people,~ the narlriage-rate being g o;0R*3 l 18 Wert 3lit Saeet, New York clclsely connected with variations ian _________m_.__ ..........__ Tt is th e u stom ary fte of new a l th ese facto rs._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ truths to begin as heresies and ta endLA YSI fiS B u ers it on .-H xl y.B A C K B O N E 0F T H E N A T IO N . _ _ _ _ _ _ _cor . Adish of porridge provides enough htlrnhoeAr onDu- Texaannta w evydy nutriment for any ordinary person to andFecwoe reDig u- tho alcamng the yr,. lorr i sta it the day w ith.- D r. R Vman. ing the W ar. "'%V"t d rng t e ic r ~ uc o amn convinced that we have a de- Frenchmen as a ride are willing to 27'Toronto Arcae, - rorouto gree of deight, and that no gimal one,, admit that woren are the backbone I in the real misfortunes of others.- of the nation, and sa they are prov- Burke. 1 ing in the conduct of the war. At the. ~ I've neer any pity for conceited'. outbreak of hstilities the peat nt ÀrV"-4EMT Ap people, because 1 think they carry women toak charge of farms, foliow- their comfort about with them. - ed the plough, attended ta the 1k-e YESADe-Oi George Eliot. stock, and, after the mobilization of TH STNDIAR O Self distrust is the cause of most the mnen, saved by their efforts and TiRYV~R of our failures. Ia the assurance of labor the food suppiy of t.he French Tempoutae gIt, r strength there is strength, and they nation. It is (lue ta theni that the B214 Nieht " a sPuae!. are the weakest, however strong, who price of bread in France remains nt sUIIt ifre 300» yon have no faith in themseveg.-Bôves. litte over normal. There is no Am. eA~tf2to There i. a tremendous difference housekeeping allowance in France, Bond for cKOff o T" between the selfishness or thoughtlesn- and it is largely because the woman o j. c GLZà 0 nesa practised by the young and the holds the purse and disburses its con- rtu.. seliflhness which ad age has made tents that France has er inexhast- 27 Toronto its settled and deliberate habit.- ible "long tocking." Iti j owing tW' NT Beatrice Harraden. the saine influence that two-thirds et If we are in too great a hurry to the rural population live in their owný end the war, and kis and be f riend, houses, and aiso that the French peoa and have a peace "Joly," and glasses pe have the reputation of being the ~f al round, we ony delay the fruition bet taxpayera i the word. Iri~. of aur hopes by many months. HurrY France the social and economic pasi, The Ideal WlnterRdort is aways the parent of delay.-Spec- tin of the womnan iakes her the 1 leuiu rv " tator. most ~important factor in French fam ,Golf. Tpnnis. eïàeactlîýng 'iig'.e t iy life, and inariably the greatestat d >eu >athng. Pesen Ga LO DO Â D BE LI . deference is shown by the m e rf lk rison aof the Ottaw s (3 f1h) lI- -l t her judgment.

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