Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 5

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55 uYpt$.-pe'su t ri veo mla alo ,The ine1~ ay at-thë htt . ne of XjWttÂIfs, F 'idDit 447 Lt he 1f~g Q4*t i>ad lhwrj-swpeort ets»of cm PPe% 4*-'X w-ork_ inthis time of great :nAt , 4à t è la o u eper. eslutb ai l a4atngl wosteietorni, 'reVisîuhig yit criais lae' l; m aln erely sah relsïti;;ee lu town, 1 ,- le 1dkge4.11ý ý Miss Vedà* Luke bas Just returned . W.e"ast.Iy reQu«ato or e fro two ybeks' vIsit :wltt friands of the mlalaters i o rf m'm DUti giday., tien. ,Wë are asklng thut Suna1yà .lshp SweeueY. au the guest of* Mr. I1MitFebru.ry, be set sgide se &y' and Mi's. Wm. DOWnîe WhIle la t wn lIng Suaday, and we would, recu on i.nay.every ininister te preach one recru Mr. A. N. McRaY, Of Sait Lake City. ing sermon on that Sutida>'. was In town laut week for a few days If any1 minister should not recel. visiting hifsluother and sisters. a personal request from the officers "Jirnmiel, Jenninge, of the Post Ornle - Recrultîng Ljeague In atiY division, Staff. has'been off dUy for the paat trust he wilI accept t-bis as an Invit three weeks, through illness. tion to help uis on Sunday, the l3th Fe Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, of Manitoba, ruary.. f and Mr. and Mra. Bayes, of Pickering. We want to make the final effort vlsited wlt.h Nrs. OrvIs recently. bring our Battalian Up to full strengi Chas. IRosa, son of bitr. and Mrs. Geo. Thanking one and ail for t.he A. Roas, lis spending a short time at hearty ca-ôperatIon In 'the task of r hlis home here. Charlie la a niember of cruîîîing the Battalion from the Couni Ille Ariav Service Corps. of Ontario, I have the honor to be, Mir. Chas. SmIth, of lo4ranto, spent Sir, your obedient servant, ltie weel< end with his parentft here. S.,.M S H AB1E. iss Clara Lamb, of Ardath, Saak., Lt.-Colonel. liai; been spending- a couple of weeks O.C. 116th Overseas Battalion, C.E., wtth her sister, Mrs. J. Rowe. Uxbridge, Ontario, Janujary 28, 191, Mi3ý%R1110bI owinc.%. daughter of NMr. -0 atnd Mrs. J. H. Downey, of Whitby. lias Men's black and white silk hase, rel h#'en accepted for service as a nurse uilar value 50c. pair, three pair for 981 overseas. Niiss flowney recently gra.d- at W. G. Walters' Saîuirday. Feb. 5. iiated from We-lieslev- Hospital, Toron- Who Lines Ot idý and Letton Bide You Noed Ocl88a'ss P uttinig off getting glas...l w lion yon need tbeniolly makes matters worme. Nsiture soundï, a warning wben jet- ters@ blur and lnes get mixed. It is better, far bet.ter to attend to it thon and Lhere than to lot it go and istrain the eyee. Ail the skili thât we pose99 is yours. We Lako pains with every cage, such pains as you wiIl appreciate. It i@ the kind of work that wilI give you satisifaction. Coule Iry ttie. * OUR PRIGES >ARE MODERATE W0 ov e iebruary I st - - o &'teir iew store, R. N. Basbett l)t)NV%]IÇNS T*o NW. MW il, Thei War J-iifsîiciety%% islitîs (t> -x- irus,; is thaîîi:s for Iii tîhr îioitions ri'cpi t- d boward s iliî- war k \ci-q iii- A FATAL ACCIDENT. itîst before this paper goies b preq5 m-ord li l een receivet ln Wititby o a sad accident ai Lite C.N.R. crossinj north of Oshawa, by whtch Mr. Jame Knlht uaskilled, Mrs. Knight seriauE ]y Injured. and their lu-o danghters ,.%ho were u-ith ihem, also Iinjtreti. Thi party were driving over the t racl w-ien the train strîîck ttîeir vehicît Nir Thés. Hardy-. af Whlibv. is a broth Ili ids of white or grpy 1i,.coiioî f or 9'9 c. a t NW. G. Walui-rs' Sattîrday Tftirtiary 5. -e--RYNO ý or ; iq li liast-~ii fivi ront til r- Thei recýrrtii ting meeting on ,Suinday Jetwr-er and Optician C ! -t ;rt (,-tfUt cgo 1Sat nihi sai t îr Iloval Theuat re uas I H w 7B x , - ONTA RIO 1uier si g n fuf 1lihiir rontlnuîed i nterost ui ilue in thatiti %vt. ~s hi in Whîtbv - and oilier dontationîs have heri' ail w hi--lt -i lady spëakcr bas laken coneln frîgît Nrs.liniiani, of Nia- part NilssM. V. Powell. ai Whitby, -____ araNirs. Wnt liomn nu, Nrs. Ernest xho 1la; ailecttrer for the Provincial - Harper. Miss Mary MacDonald. anid %Womk-n'q Inqtiîîes. gave a spiendid w' 1 uothers ,Titisi- don~ aitn wili heip ta address, apîpaltng not onlv to the mer C. T U.keî-p theî Sociî-ty ai work. aîtd it Is ta enliai, but to the wornen to m-ake Il ___ - toîied that suitl more- ntll fol]lau - rast- for ihe ¶nen ta go. Miss Powell A tibr fth mmer i-ttithl--- represpnited te I.OD.E. Corps No. 2. WhitbiW i j went ta Oshinua on 14-v or thrî-e pair ladies Soiesetie Coi. Hendro ls h tuofne Tuesday aflernoon af Ibis week, ln re- liose. Penman's make; black and %whîî Ctit-ondersn lfothie tour titio SjPonse Io an inivitation from the Osh- onîr. sizes tîo 10. Sa tirdas-, Fehrui- uith bis speech on Sunday night. He awa Union. A vî-ry pleasant lime wam arv .5, ai M'. G Waiîers'. mar, hoiwever, make a two montits' lotir for the 182nd Battalion to be coencerîand moeî pnce workaid aIl Olg ta llrrsstîre for sîtacu. a ii im- -rair.ed later. Col. 1-frderson kpoke ln wener g Ltahae hat ie wt-lsant. ber oa inus Itvits had Ila 1w wititheld bis u-ell-kîtown rscy but forceful man- weregladto hve ad te viit. from thIFisw-ek's iait,-r. htnt w-iIl appear ner. Tliti' regtilar meeting w-l b held on lniliext siSSîti' .tttlig tt i-se ni- re items Privt ae Fred Charlton ite Wh'itby the mfternoon ai Wedîtesday, February referring taot'trcît i otfici-rs of ('O.P boy recenîly Invalided home, told -'l, at 3.3-0. Tiiere will be a paper reati, andi Dattghicrs aifIZîbi-cca, >$chaol le- hrieflv bis experit'nes since leaving an te 111e and work of Frances E. 1ports, a ctieker toiîrnanîî'ît sand -somýNtt-t iby on Atigust 14, 1914. He re- Willard. anti a gooti attendatice la look- other articles. celeitd an tiproariaus ovation at the -ed for. Owing ta lte storîny weater, 1e- conclusion of litis speech. An affer 01113 a few weri aI Lite Jantîary meet- Mk-'ns Liîîed Kidi andt Moi-ha (Glo(ves, mee-ting was held for the' yoting men. Ingso t faliaîed hatthos wh ha e rilar valite $1 25 ta $1.50 for 98c. an ,Nr. 1. Il. Taidlau- presidei. In o yel fat li feea s w b aetaSitttrd.ts Fib. 5, at W. G M'alters. lTht' conert ta be given by lte mem- be presen pas thetsr f e r wih es éta tu-0-îrs aofite Whitby Company aof- the sentisnt a ay the. lit îeer ashs oa Go te Harry T. Thorupson, Wbitby, I llth Battallait an Febr-uaryIlIth. la peaileyTte ameeitin fél e helti asfor C-tstorned Tait .red Clathes, $16.o00:tînder the auspices and for the benefit the Agriculturai Rooms. tu $30-00. f the Whiîhv War Relief Society. The -a----soldiler boys are asked La provide a - (ARD O F THiA\KS,. pragram. anti in return are io be en- W. B.,l>ringlî- andi îamîîv ulsîitotiert.ained afterwartis by the ladies. extenti their itîankm 10 tht' irientis wlio The Sttnday evening recruitîng meet- LOCA HAPENNGS show d 50 mii-b s'npahy anid kin- ; tgsata the Royal Theatre are 10 be ness dtiritîg thi-ir receuît hireniement. i disconuintit'd fo r the present. - 'satruo hib.~ The t'irtngtb ai the ll6îh l3ttallan _______________________;___ nou- ncarly 1,000. About two hun. Febrttary sale la sllghtly useti organe o aeý %r-sit ae5c fordlp--nos t ut rurksu irinsn'ade Sc. .ITltose muho have rec-nîly been atideti ant pianoseai Stalterof thhnsh musiCo-p--y store, Oshawa. uuT-: \ OF T . S. lRANT. l aret': rtgtta h hib opn 1arne f,-An, l flo. A.-k-t il 98c. day sale at W. G. Walttirs' store- Afura lii- niof er lotir score vears., Transferrt'&.-Cortil. Wn. Nurkar, S~tuday Fe. 5' l'ti<dtti- l'aniai t * thv pased S - SriSydni'y Jennings, Corpi. Arleigit Sau-at- on Mniwdtt of tiltis week at bis -Rtici> Mrs.Wm.ïNiynewisiesIo han be reslden- n Dundas street east. Mir. Entitd-E. A. Burt, Blrougham.; S., man r Wm.Nfor te uishkesstlnk bcer' F Brookes Wity ChsH may rind fr her inîtasinhr Bratit lias bt-en a reaIdent of WhithyI- hty:Cts odge, sati bereavement. fo cat larter ai a ci-utry, con- teib:C N ipLlk, Toronto; ducting a farm. Ile was very- weîî Dat-id NMcBrtpn. Whitby; A. W. Newall, Go o Hrr T.Tiompon.Whtby -knowîîitrotuglout the'vîcinity. J Markhani: Thos. Newman, Whitby; o loargetwrk s.hrts matie. SOc. The late T. S. Brant was borniln Wni. Thomas, Wbttby; V. Wihliam9,ý tor argnt wrk hire mae. 0c. Lincolnshire, Englanti, ont November Whltby; John Wallace, Toronto; Join, Mn Pwllwll~cev o hua 24, 1833, and came ta Canîada as a R. Froast, Dunbarton; E. LeBar, To-ý ay. Potiiswelk Inet0eati eof Frlday, yauag puan, In 1854. Ho was marrieti ronto; L.. G. Cormack, Wbltby. day o thi wee InBead f Frda lt1860 10 Susanna Piper, anti they0 Peaodys, akrs et ii were blesseti uî4t a faniiiy of toný Go toa HSJT. ThTompaon, Wbltby,ý Snag Praof anti Fast Mail malte6 of. chiltiren:five ai wltom are living. W orr-,-t-erovrot, 1.0a ,oves-ails, regular value $1.25 ta *1.35, f trs. Osbornefowmanvlle: Mrs. Gea .- ,on maie Saturday, February 5, 98c. One Allit. Wlitby: Mrs. E. Dryden, To- *e SALE REGISTER. pair ta customer onîy. rno Nrs. Clarence Batty, Ositawa; 0 Thurstiay. Febrîîary 3.-Auction sale 0 ad JhnW. of Ottawa. lira. Brant ofherses. milc.h cows anti feeders, te *.T~ Count aiOnta-kiOlt Gils'surives, Mr. rai i-s. Brant bavii>g Preperty ef Chas. Pilke>'. lot 25. con. 9, .The C~7otl. it fhnalti their rltar cilebratedti heir golden weddtng anti- jWhitby Tp.. hait Mile esIof Ashtura. -meeting on _Wel dnda ehrrular Ot vergarnv ln 1910. Sale at 1 «déork sharp. H. S. Pugit. ln te auditorium ai tlie Public I-brary The laie Mr. -Brant was a LIberail auctJioneer. at 4 'clock lPx As thbere lm important 1p litcs, anti ln religion a Methodist. Tuesday. F'ebruary .-Auetion sale business, a fullatîtti-tdance iB reqtiest-j of vas a mnember of te Ancient Order ot fa-m stock, Implemienta and turni. ofUnitedi Workmen. ture, the property of Jas. Stephen, lot ITe funeral service was itelti on Wed- 22. Sn, r,. Whltby Tp., tear Brookln Go ta Harry T. Thompuon, Whitby, nestlay nitentoon ait 2 a'cleck, Inter, station. Luncb ut 12. Sae at 12.30. for Custometi Talloret Cilotes, $1.0 ment aking place in Union -cemeter>'. Wm. Idsw, anetioeer. te 130.00.0 0 o. DEATH OF NfnS. W. B. PRINGLE. -WON MOE PRIZES At PORT Tht' following piano puplîs of Mr. On Saturday last, January 29. des.th HTOPE. Robiln Nichtolson vert' succesafutlincaetMmW.B rnl thr passîîgth ne piano examtnations of te Jcm 0lr.W .Pige Ihr W. P. DiMaey pouîtry hmsagainvwot Toronto Conservalory oai Mîtsic, wiihome on Dundas Street oet, alLer an n=i>'prises, btgUsme at iii. Frt Eleexttar Pino linegs ot six monthu with- muscular Ilope Poultrv hw bli1aiveon were Iteiti last week *EeerayPaorhettmatiam. lMr@. Priagle h" dsuifered Jans>'>' ZO1tit 26tb sMd M4i. There -riosture Pnar PinoMiss ar-agreat deal et pain ln thul. Urne, and waeefrorn 90 te 1.0* btrds 0on vlev. Anae turbb. P ayPan- iagradually grew weaker, until her deLiui fro a ail er ethLe Iea »i.Mo»ns- AneJb.on Saturtia>. 1ho iuiut ln Amodea beIug shovu. h Th aeMs f-o-wh»mdateeasstuwih1r lx n« See W. G. Walters' 98c. bargains un! rian lte liry a. Prn..whoa" 15.t he M cbs olss e u hiiiMr.Dm.' y soewIndows for Saturtia>'.Pcb. 6. namghe wasMa>'Lu t evsLt n> i olryvu in'Mdsn8u Btero dauhter o! L ter artdenJ.P., et1<GaMe» prier birds. but thé. Whltby 0Raglian. As a youaFns tI ah. vas«- zaoU7 %y bat hem ete vr'ca Reserve February lSth La hear Oeo. ceediagi>' clever, sud mmu&ly teck lirst but e. T i fa fi lofet e uesa B3ranton, te famaus boy singer. Ris pîlacelier clases~.Later eeattfflo- I Woude Mu.aDise >'. e rîe lait appearance befare goimg ta Nov leAllient College, Whffle ber briglit iahd r. ieW.m br:15,I York. intellec dt 14ldwi vn1«sttei t b b>'moii ore 24 md 8 as A one big 98c. bargaîn day at W. <0.hgheape offSe OrtM Md tii, faeubty forfor be Walters', Satîurtiay, Feb. 6. incmpe o. ita for eka lm t m O e birdr b» 0heiti the positon et choir b..d.>and -1t cekbird. The conce-rt given by lte members et orgauliat et the Bou 04eielt riçoslgcc id the ll6th liattallon will ho on fritia>. Chureh. Ifg«-mM Fmebruary Ilti. A pendid progra ni te i BiortLi'alter' ber r eu r rom - l z xlm ir ff ah Rock., o - * b 0ing prepared by the Isolders, Con- Jbrt ColWoe. her u htat i.> mléh i, &Mr iDn i w u p@ u mnoai .w, b» solos, camp scenes, etc. Proceeda are titi S ttaflge wuvamarrird te W. B.ne" rtlef roarbue la nid of Whlby War RelIef Socety. pr-nlegta 1814. and her. thé, tmt;litU bt«yIar b Ileats al over the t li lll b6 2?5e, and hmbas lved for ma=,y yeara. fliUdIAtUs mtty be reîîervf ilat Willli' drug store. 1>' alter thelu muarraqe 1fr. sd XmrsIO lW N I~ ~ » Ladiles, skl!ts. blouses, cots .11k MrPringle eU teClt eiberarM.Th vii.,-ofth.84I&O waists, regular values to $6, on usale i at ; àaise Police atalne f«r00*i Io dPkew ipaiutMetat 98C. at W. G. Walters' Sauntday, Pcb. 5 ime. lira. rliWlifbvehola ru -e ie htb kP4A, Go -te HamT> T. Tbompaofl, Wîitby, wo kît l i 6tho litommddiur h tgl. b.19 a th* for Cee-Tee Undervear. 1110 tMr. L iau-mld o 'loktet. mow'upwf*taj l -O-- Speutmd "e ime ltb(e « W5(o uu% t*se tu, ALL SAINTS, CJTJCH. n4iad r.Pri0e as et tisi. un. D. X suthiu&~.4 nev. W. H r' isînr tr ftaken UW mid suWer-aa xn ittM* Ã"t u>« om »au untn CAadailan Chureit, Wbo leWte OMpd- vlts .prostratin.Seh# -wu i b e t «OrOPl»t& tiôri in seaieh of tho Blond«>'tmt bty wihrXýrV% isims.U be errd -t-tbla Veue l wiii preacit ln41l Sa1nts ýCbatth eh Vt c, e 1nhe ~n. u i~ ~ .~à Suuday, bitumoruin>s 9d4 te<ihi. Ail tables htucentre of Wi . G. Wew% atore viiolude 0d down u vlt b * a> gngSaturda',Feb. S5t mesomr. WG. bsY , ve.initowf0tl s -Mr.1 er Goodw1 sJnaonFr14> *pé t ez> ttl ld te 1:Kir. d L ththe.fdwtl rwiir >q Tho members cf the Port Whitby' he MsS Uthi'Ilet 4 1r: aila wt> lmanai tatemieut. 1Mr. 3J , L.SMI est- be the.£DeÏki't$Ï .thë ent1re eres Treasureha& a- mont gratifyîng ret oort. lIêatted that, th emben ut: ~"~' ,~ OUld recelve 14 Per eezQ, eaCh fter ali v'TREI DOMISI<N . A2NE, ÉP RT exDenaseg we1ie ald. The a42journed or "SHOWS STRE QTH. metn will bé held at the, are plae or~~o Th -e6~Nbruary 15, ut a o,çlocýk. 1 TestateMieht Which wa4. presented Mr. Peter Gaodwin' met with a ser ta~ a te sarehldei o th. Dominion loue 3ccldent laut week while repairing eb- Bank ut. the 48thannaol general meet- morne machinery ln counection with hie f. Ing, which took piko. recenti>' at the wlndmill. The Wlndmiiî started unex- than lea fielnanTroat,.so tatLiepectedlY andi threw hlm down, striking ?h. attokl n. anexbtonally treng DO.bIs head on a grindatone, rendering dr ai-ion.hlm unconsciaus for mrn ie. Med. re- The net Profflt.z 11,aler malt- icsii ad Was procnred and he ls on a 1Y ing provision. fo', gharges of manae fair way to recovery. menut ang'd 1>4 àt uttl ebtud Miss Gertrude Kemp wua adelegate dedutlu Doùln~r~and ProVincial ta the League ConveUtjon atNpae Government taxes; amounts ta $805.- thîs week. ane 123, which, wlth- $284.316 carrted for. Mr. er enlswsi omn a r d r o m 1 9 1 , , m a d a o t a o f v i l l e M o n d a y t a v l s i t h em m o t h e r . 16. $1.089,439, which wau dispometi of as follaws: Dividenda at tutelve per cent. g- per annum-, $720,000. Contribution ta PORT WmITBY. c. Oficers' Pension F'und, $25.000. Car- à1r. n r.Ens hrdk n rieti forward at the credtt of P,4ofit and Mrg. Wand . Er Thorndyke n d el losm Account, $344,439, or $60.000 mare Sîînday wiih the latter's daughter. Mrs1 ihan a year ago. The net earn ingm iHB Edwards, of Pickering. were equal ta 13.40 per cent. on the -- >r ank's paiti up capital. ig The total assels are $87.475,000, be-1f- - >8lng an lncrease of $7.000,000 over the 1 N-iice to Credito)ts. S. previotus year. A satisfactory teature, . 6of the report is the fact that cash as- IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F. je "Its amotînt ta approximately 27 per THE COIJNTY 0F' ONTARIO, ibN ,k cent., and the lmmedlat.ely available THE ESTATE 0F WALTER JOS-1 assk-Ls to 44 per cent. of te Bank's EPH ROGERS, LATE OF' THE: liabililies la the public. TOIVNSHIP 0F WHITBY.F&RMER, The stateinent also shows, a contiîder- DECEASED, able tilîrpase ln note circulation, due, Ntc shrb ieprun o n, a gnoeb , i ro aticipai i o te R.S.O. 1914, Cap. 12t Sec, 56, that al] Ban 's eneoti p rtiipaionlnte es having caims agalnst the es- rno'-ement af the Western wheat crap, taLe of the said Walter Jaseph Rogers, ont' as s c a i us al large~rd who ded on or about the 25th day af Tontggregatea$65January, 1916 are required ta send by Tetot0anlInceaset apreaîma65,-post prepald or to deliver to WE.N. y 4 6 ,0 0 , a n l n e p a s o f p p r x l m t e y S i n c l a i r , O s h a w a , S a l î c i t o r f o r t h e E x - ss$8,000,00 during 1916. The Caîl and d Short Loan.s ln Canada amount ta ecutors, on or before' the 25th day of t $5.944,000. February, 1916, their namnes, addresses, -IThe report la an excellent one adaddsrpin, andafulstee' I~~~~~~~ 1sa tiec ht h oiina h of particulars of their dlaims andi the ýl i aneviencetha th postio ofthenature of the securlty (If any) helti by dDominion Bank to-day ta one f great them, diuly certifieti, and that after the ri str ngth.said day the executms will proceet t distribute the assets -of te deceased BIRTHS. among the parties entItled thereto, i- NeINTYREIn Whitby,*an February having regard only to te eaims of' l 2n, 116. o M. an Mr. Wm J.whicb the>' shall then bave notice. e 2enr, a16 tdMaut rmW. . Dated at Oshawa te 29th day af Mcltye, dugherJanuary, 1916. ANDERSON-In Toronta, on Sunday, HENRY W. McBRrEN and * January 31j ta Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon WILLIAM MORRISON, Anderson, twin dauighters). Executors, CflOLILL-Ofl Thursday, January 27, « By their Solicitor, W.E.N. Sinclair, 1916, at the Western Hospital, Ta- -33 Oshawa. ronto, ta Mr. and Mrs. Allan Colwill a daughter. - VANSTONE-0U* Saturday, January Advertisements. ZP, 1916, at 157 Langley Ave., Toron- ta, ta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanstonei a daughter. TO LET. WARD-In Whitby Township, on Wed- Furnished rooma, ai conveniences. nesday* January 12, 1916, La Mr. and .4PPly at Gazette Office, Wbltby. *Sirs. Levi Ward, .1 0ti. BOY WÀNTED. MARRIÂGES. A smiart boy, with goati education, ta Cno.s;tw-Boys-On January 22n4, at learti the printing trade. Apply at Bonar Presbyterian Churcit, Toronta, Gazette and Chronicle Office. by te Rev. Alex. McGlllIVra, Miss FOUND. Agnes Boyes, of Brooklfa, Ont., to Pte.Adam Croable, 74th Battalion, C. One oye-glass and bridge, ot a pair E.F., Toronto, Ont. 0f gold-rlmmed nase glasses. Owner t May have amre b>' previug property DEATHS. and paylng cost of advt. Appi>' at PRINGLE-In Whitby, on Saturday, Gazette Office January 29, 1914, May Rarnden, be- loved wlfe of W. B. Pringle. FARMS FOR SALE. BRANT-In WhiLby, on Monday, Jan- Tedr ilbrclv yth îîary 31, Theodore S. Brant ln iiihm Tneswl b eevdbtL.un-, F51 h y-ar. dersigned for te purchase of te fol- lowlig tarma, te property of thée s-, tate of Arthtur Anuls, deceased, up ta' Pebruary 19, 191e. The hlghest or an>'t Miss Kate Wright tender Jiot necessarlly aceepted. TEACHER -Of PIANO AMD PPI OfBAI 1L The ntirtb hait etlot 86 ln tho - seventit concesson et Darlingtn Tow. -Pupia prepared for Tonto Con- h11>. comprlslne'-oIftindred aore mrvat7Or>r Unliver.lty EiainInt=& trame bouse with celar.- Two*go Rsaidence ut Ulm P. loMeGimua>",arms on atone ceilars, tàre. 80001 vella. t'ymBt-ut Tlephon, No..22L two oreharda,, tarinwell feuccd.8o11 clay l10ïnan d la eod st.ate e t l. FAUS.2.ANTES ANS FOquarAier 01lot tourteau FAU VN £i Âe Fvah a In the CO D eoeiIIof,1iftyaerej it Wh r. MMh E 1-"la ,divngbrste as ih -- sud slwyrfrê i J 1,1 i I B f 'j NI~AL'$ t,, A Laxati e Tablet Trceatmet- folr Grippe -- Coughs -,o de Checko a cold promptlyi Warranted free from Antipyrine, Morphia, Chlorai or Opium.- Price;25c Wti ITFIF3L-D'S Orug and Stationeqry Store Soi AgnToBY. reaatog Soie Agent lor Nyai Preparations. Bell Phone 37 Indepencient Phone 37 Ryde's Creani Caif Meal We hitAve secured the agency for - Ryde's "- Cream Caif MeYti 25 lb. Bags, 100 lb. Bags, 100 l. Bas, Hundreds of Satisfied Usc~s. - $ 1.10 eacb 2.00 eê-ch of 3.90 f e cbt PRI1NO8LE'S HARDWARE- WHITBV, ONT. p -j * Now in Stock We. guarantee' satisfacinn Our made-t'o*-measure- cIothés *Be suré to.see-ourJarge g of patte.rns. [-i Messrs. Alhert, Norman, Fred and ROY McCari.ai' Toronto, and Mrs. Wni. larliametit of Canningîoxt. paid a vis- Il to their honte.lie' e lt Iw eek owlng '( ' lie- serions Ilîies or I udr sister. AMfens hax-d and soO litis and caps, 10 !tRC. ofit- daNy o1i' ,h 5,av i -4 Bell Phone 37, Independent PhOne 37 ------------- *iý It WHITBY ONTAR.19D - Xf-l 6' REST FDR , CALVESP WHITBV9 ONT,

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