Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 15

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ýOt on Satudray. ~iode were ir aday. hank lher.-toi -,,ne Suimmerville Ih visit. been relievirig at ierds In Beayerton. noved 10 Woodville . ..Uav SNdr. le iTordiff le visiting in Owen In thft village. ond Go to Harry T. Tlionison, WNIlrhv )eddlng bells are ringing. for Cee-Tee Underwear. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Loue spexit New OSHAWA. Tear'a In Otthawa. Oshawa mornen 'have given 3,400 Miss Edith Tordiff ta home from thet pairs of aoks to soldiers. States On a visit Wlth her parents bore. Two miore men have been In Court ,Mr. James ]Burns and wife, of Al- for keeping "blind P193.- Onie of tfrem, berta, Mrs. A. Atkinson, of ý1ontana. Hewson. keeper of a restaurant was and Mra. (Dr.) Burdge, of Iowa, were Aned $300 and coats. Irecent guests at fhe home of Mr. D>. 1iis8 -Morton, evangellst, la holding Burns. meetings In Simcoe Street MethodIat Mra. John Davidson has gone to Church. Ma.nitoba, where she wil reside in f u- Lýast FrIday. at flooR, 5asRober-t ture. Grey was on his way home from work At a meeting of the ratepayers of S. at tbe Fittings, Ltd., le was overcome S. No. 2. held In the Sehool bouse bers by hos.rt trouble, tram which ho lad reoently, Mr. Innis WUs appointed a been suffering for smre tirne. He feul trustee in the place of Mr. Elvs, wbo on the street In front of bie house, to had resigned. 0titer Important busi- which lie was carried, and despite al ness was 4leait wlth. efforts to revive hlm, lie passed away Miss L. G-auluy u.nd Miss A. lilgbt in about 20 minutes. Mr. Grey was spent Frlday of last week In Orono. born In Peterboro 58 yeara ago. He NEW GARAGE and Paint Shop CONNECTION wvth our new garage we have nstalled an up-to-date pai nt shop, wth an ex- pert body painter in charge, and are now prepared to do ail kinds of body painting on autos, carniages and sleighs, etc. Get Our Prices The dWiing season is about over now und you are thinking% about putting your car away for' the winter. Run it in and have it washed before doing so, as leaving the dirt on spoils the varnish. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of cars, and can also store cars for wînter. Our Garage is Ileated an-d Pire Proof. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Wu Je LIJKE-t? SON I nd.-phone 12 WHIUB Bell phone zo visited at Chalk Col. A. G. Henderson and Mm. Hon- derson, of Toronto. wero the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Brasb ovor Sundny. Mra. Wm. Johnston was ln Toronto for over Sunday. Go ta Hnrry T. Thompson for lai-gut work shirts made, 60 centz. Priv-ate Willie Hrion, wbo la train- lng for Overseas service. was borne for over Sunday. Mr. a.nd Mra. Robt. Mdoles were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. RobL Parrott, on FrIday. li . -b~ers bas been conflned to the bouse of late, auffering from beart trouble. Miss Gladys Mowbray wau Indleposed on Sunday, nat being able to attend to ber S. S. dutios. Severe calds are very prevalent, many sufferlng trom la grippe. Our mail man delivered the goode ln bis auto on Monday laat. The mild weather took a violent cold Monday niglit. The reeruiting meeting held in the bail on Wednesday niglit was flot too largely att.ended. R. V. Mowbray's youngoat cblld la slck witb the mnesies. Dr. Jobn Moore q Pte. Frank Fisher was homo for over Mrs. Reed ls quite poarly, necossi- Sunday. tating some of lier fitends sitting Up ai We are glad to report that Mr. Wm. nîglit to look after lier. Brash la on the mend, atter a spel of Misa Lyla McBrlen bas entlrely re- shckese.covered from ber rocont sickne. Mr. Dave Aidera lia returned James Pengelly lias lioused bisi to bis dutles atter a weeks bolidaya. threshlng outfit for the wlnter, hav1ig The late A. B. Fisher ocouDied R n- completed a very large season's tliremli. spicuous and highly important -posi- ing. He will now ho found in lis shop tion ln the farmlng community, lie >e_ roady for business. Irig one of the moat auccesaful farmers We are Informed our school trustees anywbere ta lie tound. Prosperity are going to equip the adhool wltli new attended ail bis efforts, and very early seats. This wil libe a commendable In life ho acquired a considerable com- step, as the aid ones are out of date, potence. Deceased was emphatically as well as out of repalr. a son of toil, active, induatrious and Miss Violet Saddler lias boon con- persevering, and notwitbetanding titat fined ta lier lied thi-ougli the effecta he bad accumulatod a very lltos-ai of la grippe. ahane of this worlds gooda, few mon rThe Kineale sidlng now boasts of were more constant and rogular at stock yards, a walting room for pasa- work. Deceased did not of tate ed.i- engers. ceai yards. etc. We understand robust boalth, yet bis active habils a car of stock willI be ahIpped from thla kept hlm round to good purpose. sand point at any time. No doubt this wIlI while quiet and unassuming, lie active- develop Into a sbipplng point of na ly Identlfied blmself witb. and took amall dimensions. part In, everN movement potnting ta the prosperity of the locality and the, SPECIAL MEETING. advancefnent of the Inliabitants. Ho A specia meeting of the Board of stood deservedly bîgli -the estima- Education was held on Wednesday tho 0faIlwhoknw hm, nd as e-evening lust to consider matters re- garded as a valuable member of'saci- lating to the completion of the achoals. ety. la the churcli and secool ho prov- The~ Board ha confronted whth the need ed of much importance and hie purse for more money witl which ta cam- wus ever ready wlien required to aid pentewik and a commitie of In any' good cause. Ho lived a useful four 'members' was appolnted ta wat and exomplary lite, and dies regretted upon the Town Concil witli a 'requet liy aIl, but 'lie reste f rom bis label-s for a turther &rant. The exact sum and bis worka do follaw hlma." - 0 a needed la nôt yet lcno-wn, and wil lot hueband, a f ather, a f rlend and niiegh-, lie untîl tho work la comploted. In the bar bis bass wlll lie keenly tSut. He rnutme the Council wiî be asked for leaves the amlable partner of lie lite an appraximate sumn, with the under- to mourn tbe bs 0f a devoted bus- standing that later on another and band, and four bright, Intellgent an final application wil lie made. active daugh tors and son ta lament 411 It la ploaslng to know that the work Ions of an Indulgent and wortby tler. ig te.ng pUghed onspelyad and tînt vory soon the HeigI Slo - il lie ready for occupsncy. A memn- HOW HIS OTHE berof is '1 own Council who patd a Stroeth T Do ince erpressed hie pleasant Surprise Pair EHaVaisVt-Iwae um n.rvm -nItee fne a eaý-S eof theinterlor. and maE down that I could Sot dO MY Re lad noUidea test the building hou.wozk for my Utti family if flr*co. 1Ih"ddoctoredtfora.arty two *..r,.tl. would lie se Complet. and bandsome out bd>p 0O» dayl1 read a6ou&vIaz The Board of Ilducathon would be &" dtbsnks te iâzy .lth hb ..»- p1eaaedIf mSore f rafepsycrewoul4 oece ar. i b~~ tiï, adVantage-Of tii. ODPptunity i& Wb"t V'MIneb» adimm Teo-Nm tçzfea during thse week or' two r,- Jàxu EL EDDY. mialnlng du1,ag which the vorkmae VIDol b a deiom Mcd l#v« -md - - m-- - ~ the building ef Pay- ho whieh cetabuulty BDI " rd m.. aud ,.»k luPm vist Of Iseto.AtUrth O>- A. IL An, DTU"uWU^Vtby, Oit.Pi'tUE TwM 1douUetIUIbe amKfoiIe / I a t.utirfliXUtu _.. pany Atlierley, CIt May 12, July Lit, O F THE 116th ONTARIO COUNTYýBATTALION Jan. 9, 1917.FOOERESERCE (By Order)FO VRBSEVI. J. E .FAREWELL Clerk of thle Pence. Dated at Whitby, Nov. 16, 1915. This Battation wi11 be commanded b'yý,Lieut. -Col. Sam Sharpe, M P., of Uxbridge, with Müajor Robert OUAUIA OASmith, of Columbus, Second in ,ommand. Wiliiw R81118 UU Enlist with your County unit a Battalion which wiIl be exclusively recruited froni your neighbors OP@t Oles miM.Wkm t» and acquaintances, and officered by men who are OPPJSIe KIS fotifS Wltb 1 known to you ail. MONUM NTS .Apply at Recruitinig Office, of ail DezIUs and Materlal kept In Stock DokS.$Wib It tn " teMU t W %at or to any Officer, N.C.O0., or mnan of the Il th. De a bemid b7«mt&'WeGEO W.P. EVERT, Capt net .MplOY them. aisum Un M doMOVthé UrOMM"GOD SAVE THE KING raluy veb7 puiuihum M J ARTHUR eiIcItDE TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING. -STUDIO- NAMBOORO OONSERVATORY, TORONTO <RusaRami Scboi f lalc)' Tenebes vVhitby every Sslurday. Phone non 119, or sddx-easbox M0, WHITBY -AlUCTIONBERS .. O8hawa4 Licenffl Auctioncer. SUCOe or fo U P'Irbank& rPor ferma slit dates îpply to self or G. Robb, Whitby. LO W O7 w. . ick C. A. MOchUIU STAND'ARD AN OF CANAIDA MHVErY good Bak h» àmRRSRRVE FUNII «a e pre- visio for Ica y"ars".d te isvitabi. rainy day. This PU" db bea couuuletod. trous Surplus Barasuga mmi s laueol tengttaad-'ulabilisy, . Evasyca. ashould avaem RESERV9 l PtND W-itut:. Itn -Qo oae1a-l ngame -flummeiml cniin 0Osu,"ïsig Depmtment offeà-s ab;ideai OPposltuaItyIfomr .stbiihing YOUR RLESERVE F UND. , I.RTAY14R.ANcH__- WM. MAW--. LICENSlED AUCTIONEIR AND VALIJATOR. Ail ktads of ualea promptly attendel to. Arrangemnenti for mi« s 1 made at the Gazette OMMk. Ternis tansmalle. Bell and Independenjt'phonos. - WtIITBY, ONT. OONTRAOTORS J. MCOWELL JAMES Carpenter, Eunder Mmd Cont&Rct. Plan dnwM n d timat fugtt Saab, doorsanmid framus Agent fer Brantford Reoflag t 130 467 WIIITOY Phone 149-- n cag4AMORV thswe. Fi Eu LUOKE ALOflIN om aAEuSax hW& m -»Mm P FilT VOU lue « BULK TEASW pà" OO A ! aJAS 'à1W with GlassesP IIOPitl M£t uyibVth Wby of -touru.. i»Si etaiblut Don't want your money i THfE iBýARGÀI*d - W.B.'PRIN Q 710 YOWRITDY f .:...f s 4~LICL5 tO IJIft eutcïr'5 Tel,. JO" J Noble. <»j1l'Foîrten ships J.IW Ufl-n nowvin nntionutîity aU-e rruhsîlt Ong Gratr eriri u -,.t . Xis.D~~.... to th(, 16 EI,"btt O1aC ~nn îotonusa,~that Cor-l'eadvices iiOcitlitn lithe Rib mr W..; - report that.a il; èrsipJa 'ciDr. Xarl 1ie'lknrln t . ' -&P ... .. . a idtbment or troupâi- onuca u SI*IISIlthet.crix.ý ' **3 ovenlng la order ta prepan> 'feror Uc~tOso Fr-pto t arriva.J pt8egýb 'n topiW ~B nhiné SrVviom ILa~ ~ &MM 4q ocK1U tEY.. 'Iid r.1 .--1 4' ~- -4 I a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1

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