'4 - O! oeurs~ y~ c~*~ ByCflARW.HS DMONOS WALK Author of uneTil. uriBlade,- -Tii. Patornostor Rubl.q "Tii.Tiie Loch," etc. '01 hpem ea u 05oI1M mwfor the' Home-j Seleeted Reelpes. 4- .1 ______________________________ Baked Pork Chope.-Into deep si thwrtatmdawih n»îthf Sbalcing cih a sce layer of raw, par- MFo cetsedi htde.i CUAPTER XVI.-(Cont'd). ail, the ring and its ivory receptacle, -*ed potatoea, dust with sait ajid pepper ulcI<ftk Thr o ol en obsg usinbyo hns 1 h p pe.stob cheap' ai rice ý , and dot lightly with butter. Reper mmdbed hn ptdo oers eeet i. i rcumttoloesneotht erng oxretravagauit la use. The !resh yg léaves o! enough sweet milk te cover potatoos, .m ~ ~ a.eudrbdlrnenot had ceased to b. merely cutious; It onto th t was Lois's box-Lo~is 4 1alada's wilI. yield you gerierouu. value for paeoe o ae fla ol was~Fo beoinhoetveydt ndaughter of Steve Willets. -Dt ovrm ak ni coeae edrNiP~O 'o4'hu CM~YLM wa eoigpst îeydsqueg. Then Willets himself is discovered Yua0 PyiD11 ovand ttosae utcramy. tede "Don't wborry," my companion inasqueradi 'as a Chinese: what was and________________are___________________-_______ counseied. "'Just leave it toenme. l'I hs connection wîth the mystery I Vegetable Hash.-One-half cup ngIl them guys before-" Rie must have been led te my off ice they corne frlom, and I 1ardwielc bas HOLLAND, GERMANT. BELGIUM. chopped carrots, one cup chopped po- Â. He broke off with an exclamation safe by either the ring or the dia- been out o' town a couvle o' days- aos n-afcpcopdtris of' surprise. Ne was starxflg back- mond, which latter possibility at once up iûthernountisfhn' eya epretw u coedabgoecp ward thon aUai t once ho slewed suggosted that ho had been ln touch autheco ans ofiin, th - tat Fncs f opeoethaîf cup choppdtnipbef Atrwai rounâ and curtly commandod our with the person who had mailed it te do yuh make o' that'!" Terinoi Plcs.fhope h ts utw taleso ot eefA ttrwagnwboso hs-OA E OT P chauffeur to 'etc , which lh. did s0 me. Icudmk ntigo L I Tera oePacseftoe-orhcp1iko htw-for a day or t,aplwthaft prmtly that ? was pltched for- Then, going back to Miss Fox * In could mae oting ofui . .'Te barb-wire boundary between ter, few drops of lomon jtfice, saît brush an even can fmsi a-30000Tn fWetIec word. ~~~~~~there was her niysterious correspond- iýem of eeling whea I took u to Holland and her neighbors, Germany and pepper. Melt fat in frying pan. ns eteslsadhes e tISbra r tWhmt yub make o' that "ho ask- ent hailing froin the Far East and the task for his treatuiert of Lois Fox. and Belgium, pre»mpte a retnarkable When hi-ssing hot, pour ini above in- a nis ethe olgiaddy eet Wrls eerpyhso me under bis breath. surmise that he andi the anonymous Andi then 1 rpmernbered the two per- picture at soine points, where it bi- gredients, mixed; spreati evenly, cover the process from i etatendheplrsaotermcerl My conlpanion'a manner already sender of the diamond were the same: sonals. 1 rallied Struber for having secte farmhouees, towns, or even cuts. and cook slowly one-haîf hour. Foldhrne soewl ueateUP oGrtBrti.Weem badl lmpelled me to look Iiaclcwadir gthri èm't ,~ In aled to i#e tiieml. d straight acrgss the pl&tform of fron- turn andi serire. pr.etbihdb h usa toc. We ha us rosedAamd anyhow ought to bo found. For the barest frâcti'on of a second pers StM. -hégratca wThé grinayvnccar stpwfra drJamswie ogkd reAdvaen bucingdatay stepa farsttiosher, Cu Jamess.Twocuseht o mnk h to the curb where a ma as A d- ulaghfied t o appey he f-hisjant self-assuranetine ti. Thore is one place where the street inilk, two eggs, one-fourth cup sugar, a piece of black or-~atr u die st h hnesfo vancing -rapldly from the sdeal latin i ,paenl onhad van- ,,"Yep, 1misseti 'ém," ho conieged. la divided up the middle, so that Dthoehî esoncrmlo rUg the size requiri, nipaei ae e.Atn nterliona t e stop. Obviously h. had sinald besh ped n titair lmeont the day "TiieL. A. papiers don't carry person- and German shops face each other of nutmeg. .R- -it eggs until yolks andi fuliy under the(oeo h nie ag esl hreeib meeo top ewsecaliagnhîmself t the hour, ais every alk as ifthis Nw acrose barriers of barb wlre. On the whltes are mued, add sugar, sait andWhndyti.pchwl asreytringopayav.Istr The tonneau.. dauorriswung opemslt "..Willets" ap- Yr rCu,~ tain't -a regula'r furtiier side of the street runs a flavitring, thon graduaIly'ý add hot viibe. Vasten inetiino heGmsyEganwhcrg mh o neauofltr e bng nwpardaoteRpulcHoegvetbngfrust ag'n.On nmeYoerkalwy hchl a emnyoikrSri truhChistanr.igorinoftefrm aseueti.Ynee ndOiditit muxked by nervous haste, anti the i place of reaidence as Johore, andi But, say, Mr. Ferris, I'm.beginning to Stea raeilfrom the cksb ih ft ecueo nivda ing e oto newecmer was climbing la when Stu la nintura disappeareti. see a lot 1 didn't see -befere. Sp. . . m hetrck y hghino th s rind f 1a bk' gpreventative oel rlSiei autia ,5, ber was Ftung te action. Ho suddten- That my father,'in soeine unaccpuat- Adios." wîre fence there ruas down the Mid-dihea, se tese in pan of uewarinÙ To many tase sw tpiksar TeObani eesla lyturned to our- chauffeur, wlth able way, should be involved wuqs a He was moving briskly toward tho dle of the street a strip 12 feet wlde, water and bake la slow oven until eus-far more acceptbeta cdoervr lhagetdphe sharp conMnand ta a the at trln ugstoad1f~ door when I halted hurn. which le neutral grouati. Thon comos tard is firn. Test by inserting silver and they aiwaysse hc oeo ala taeso n ie Young Man obeýy on tue instant, calleti the nert number I was semaîble "-Here, you tell nme what y ou have another f ence, and the aarrow bit of knile at centre o! ciietard. If custard dainty thonth hre ot ftn a o ni aeyta the «Here, -you! Swing this machine of a strong premonition that matters ia mind before you go. I'm suf- rondi and pavement beyond It are in is done kaife will come out withoutteradwlsetndati pceig-on a utapatce round anti rush that gray auto like were approaching a criais. ficiently in t-ho dark as it is." Holland. At each street corner are any milk and egg clingiag t-o it. dern tenhd ue o!t-h you meant te kaock it off the etreet-. Only one other of. t-hocalls has Ho paused and considered, inspeet- narrow openings to shlow passage Serve la sanie cups or tura out on t-hey often seerihk odu pe Move t Rurryl" any bearing upon my st-ory. It prov- iag tue insitie of hua bat. h hsal ltseeso rai 'eaetfrwrsple - Our car clreled aid speed.d up. AI- eh o b a brothur lawyer who had "ýNope," ho tiecideti at last, "I won't 'from ono country te the other, sen- fi lpae. onc s ees a eof tiibheSbnanRiwa yth ua gathering headway, cominç towartid e sto eaotamtig Of wrong about what's stirning in niy guard on either side. It is the main Ieftover nMeat, four tablespoons cuua hs a esoeiat ieibsdseonosq manifestly with t-ho intention of tu hcunirobruntitt a- siçuli, aad tili 1 know botter 1 can ai- street of a busy t-own, and the ordi- breaderumbs, one egg, one tablespolon used t-o aprinkeonhesadotro!terpoce Ifhica ing lato Alameda Street before we tention, I was ignloranft aa look wise." inary town hiefiows back andi forth,stcoeeapn ch fmu- could get close te it. Struber was evr at ie th utame, "oat3'U Anisoh lf m.lite uchereto lkto tck netason ah fmu iabslesn.use thy a h ut t il mroeRusane fideti with ipaiene. . aor e "Srend he Timues ronlcol- The secondehaeningmoe. nt hha e ltl uc te ostl room cat-sup and Woreesterahire serveti with any op.Odpee fwihl o ei altin ur1 impatience. Ret-trb The edhapeningh yeutn t e Gna tetby-truhtesauce, two ounces boileti macaroni, bet rasra osaeiat mn h lis ntouBieat r:yubob Bafiiîsa 'No," was my repiy. "What's on tebe îigiutedsmissgeti.Duigtueaight meshes. Dowx? thi;s eeet at t-hobe- cut in oae-inch puecea. Mix crumbe sed in puddingsufnecriya -ecmaypo "Boach you overgeat iched foratyor9 ?"obteda olhihMrgFxwatinin f -e arte u-c pxul-ani et el ogterDAii tckiWe twlsartheig uajintkeabu- 0stamr oe Il Well," my friend bluntly adviseti, at-tacked, she dieti. The anoesthetic t'On watcheti for 'four tisys andti aghts, seasoaing anti sauces; mix weil, addtiitwo togotuer, at aeoes-agWi- e otldnwt Stheet, andC81rtelaitaweek This moraing it-i S word- pecteti weakness o! t-he heart, anti ward into. Beigium. pudding moitis. Lino witu boileti ma- a osbe fcus.Crepn-fr -i uI-l one Stet nt iret wyw t ts ed differently. Botter look 'em p Isposbe o cur o e n. hAndnt-eanti I br ey Tb mrnns lUP. te imsnext morning Lois discoverecl that her!.Ail t-he villages on t-ho frontier leati caroni, fill with mixture, prea close- ing threads onude nupetO héSbra rawawlle mufler oehn An instant 1lae . alyonlg i~eoftéTmsaunt was deati. A tenant was found a confusedly hisecteti existence, a hait ly anti cover. St-antimoitis in boiliag ,elj.are aCawaseual orad est.du1,t ac ui glimpaed one ot h figures iantthe «tu ilay upon my desk; 1 sent Stub for the cottage; Miss Fox moved ao ar-ie s twrseaatgwater Up te two-t-hirds Choir heighta. tonneau derisively wavlnit a hand a u at !ted bfrAI- down-town roominghouseé' and o heithI has rm é i fè. nt s Cvr n bi oehou.Turnf rdrigoe wr at hy a h eunigo ro thoug 1. second lturned t-o t-hothird d wh a at tehffcebematie ta la!t ogte uit was plain that our slower Ma- srcod advertîsement (t-heone' al- a trille paler, 8 trifle more subd ued,- places t-he work o! t-ho Dut-eh sent-ries molds and serve. Leftover vegetablea. athndI ie lembre la, her eyes tender witb a light of atidot'i s mainiy to searcb t-ho people who may be substituted for meat. ,- -' cbie could nover hope ta overtake t-be order of Choir appearance. suf1 a.Myhatbe frbr" psa ettho ar aorotUii Bake Haddock and Oysters.-Good- NDOI1 t-be gry race, atSruer ne Imy d ha ea heiwtua An *mmediate effect o! Mrs. Fox's'merchantise. The German guartia arc sizeti haddock, two cups cysters, one-WNSOSWMNCTY LEKrifDcan. me t irtew us t aphitle semeti distinct shoek o! amlazement, anti teath -was t-o transforn t-ho police's mostly concermet i wth keeptng a lo- fourt-h cup butter, co tablespoon'Miss Martha A.DjesnFi oi ilnei rqetyo ot in t-e e, tdis apintetio. u straightway starteti off on another iukewarm search for a burgiar into out- for tieserters or able-bodieti Bel- choppeti parsley, co cup cracker tinl nal iy bevle out , however, y ou fire he.freazieti but futile excursion cf spec. a det-ermined effort t-c rua daw a agaaih ekttisaefrmCroI'US at nipppr ri o-Amsisal nonb - An" nweî, ati , y kou mstt-hem, wulatîon. Here la the firet one: tiangerous assassin., pany 'kt sap rinGr rUbsatadpepr Dan y-1Wndo,0 tbey'e ben folowin me. PERONAI'- Brce Frris.attoney. Not-bing o! note, however, occurreti man ruie., At a few epointe the Ger- stera anti mix crumbe, meitetibutter insor, Ovntabstb itn-txt~ hm The tietective produceti a soilod anti Ple&se acknowledge Iindae truhunt-il t-h. firt week ia May; atita enadid ! -o ab-ir onelaatiprse.aesc uihi it ai-t-o o ain thooiywma lt n n'aslf i this colflmn recelut iofmeiaje maihrouthe pr-teclerky larCanada. Someandgoeevenanfur- Fait-b, wi tattereti envelope andi a stub of pen- pre.c aubenalone morning, came the incident wbich frie rtceib ie arln n eprat i.Rmv et I- tkesa rni th- t- cil. Ho jotted something down as ho Iw regard as t-be first carelesa act'eleet-rie ceurrent, andi searchlights play andtiti andi bons haddock. Seaarn toneî. -n that ni sashlath , motanc!iifutis laconically returned: This was t-ho personal t-bat lied ap- Of our unknown opponents-for wantl.up anti town t-hoelUne during t-be nîglit. with sait, pepper anti lemon juice. ton a of wrd t- uesl xe-a t-akhej otsuc n "But 1 lamped t-ho nuaiber. That's peareti several times--on five suc- io! a better designation I eal t-hem Ia t-ho towns whlch are bîsecteti by Stuff witu oyst-er atufflng anti sew. tinc on aPlni ail 1 wsnted." cessive timys, I a!t-erwards ascertain.. such. It-ho bouatiary lino thore are two or Place dni a fish shoot or st-ripa of! This uniqueexspeo fenne Sm mnarnertcI dI smissed t-li taxi anti we s e ti e. The one of that morning a I agageti in my private room t-lres contrasta wbich strike the Oh- cheesec tint baking Pan, dot with endeavor is Mr-aA ikno.jg okn o -obe rated at thbe entranco t-ot-be building sÎi\iarhy atidresseti, but- it- seemedte - when I was attracteti by a strange, server immetiiately. Ahi tue sIdiers butter, Season anti bake, -ailowing She is Younglayrscm reitchopovyoaewrtît. wheu'o my off ice was situatetiTw indlicate a conftictcf purpozes some- feminine voice. It 'wasn't a pleaisant -80tue incumbenteoi iia oiin oriting mylretsrî nipu atieti PwereO.-.Brlce Foeris tCr:ey Pyot smeo; oto!plce iwettotye ! nfoandwul h -b o-hr tthmetçanutedr fterfihlahoti thoctyclrki-- me a slip cf paper no att entonA to are ree ttaot v-ial-tue connectîng door anti hojelti satout! bal! of t-h. town t-bore are juet as stuffeti, plce la pan, cover wit-h but- onrowheame er !tu calgdfca norcar Èe=hnanuibi- t]CY aanfevecr a salPacl ny esn itr a insa s abby, cheap velvet 1 many soldiors, but, cf course, lna atereti crairker rmbs and baste. Serve sij l'dt'aIl up on my arrivai. et a ow know It La enale. James Strang. tirees. She was perbaps fi!ty, but ber different type cf d4"a. The gent-ry garnislied witI paraley. Ms ikno a naeil For the next ha i -heur 1 was ab, ~ --'- coarsonosa cf feat-ure' anti hoiti man- boxes on one aide are reti, white and ' Braised Beef.-Two pouada sticklng sorbed inl business. As soon as t-beCATR V ner eraseti any venenation which ber blue; on the ct-hon aide t-bey are reti, piece of beef, one cup diceti carrots, newspaper -wr hnsebcm latcle a otnrdo aldýCATRXisxandi years inight otuerwise have whit-e anti black. one cup tematolea, one-half cup diceti yesisteant teneit -i iyi _the firat of t-hoeîiurbers, whicb prov- On t-ho day cf t-be at-tack upon Mrs. comixtntieti. Part cf t-be t-own o! Baarie-Hertog ceiery, coetabiespoca -mlt twc -cte - esho ie ati nt i -ocîftec edti t-eh the Spring Street- jowelers Fox t-bore were two more-happenings S ho hati openeti a safnple-case upon,.Blin u ti ae tmGr possgr n-ihhteofc n whei'e Anraten was eni ployet. Witbin t-bat- demant some attention, andi thea t-hoead cf one o! t-le tables nearest sBlin ut1-3 ae ro e-sen ugr n-ihuteaispoca City Clerk Lu1 t 0weltbtl a second or t-wo aftcî 1 haM announcedtithie narrative takes a st-ride fonwarti Miss Fox's t-ypewriter tiesk anti was man occupation owing to t-ho fact- t-at each o! white pepper anti paprika, 1914, owing tacrangeiesh my name 1 recognized t-ho Dutchman' a t-bte firat- week la May. Tii. int-erim dispiaying an assont-ment o! wcrtb- it- la entirely surronuiteti by Dut-ch co tablespoon foeur, co tablespoon skedti t-bat-sehlrmteitOth " voice. is t-hua casualiy dismisseti because bass penf umes, teiet- soaps anti cos- ternitory-a lit-t-le Beigian isiand ilà caramel. Wipe ment with pieceocfrspsiit-cfaigctycikni "iWbat you t'iînk, Mfr. Ferris. 1 notuing a!fi otacfe;kwasmt-c in gautiy wrappers, and de. t-ho mitdle o! Hoilanti. There ia ne wet cheeseclotl, put- into braising pan rsosibewsuimosy hsa yt-o[ fouti -beregrt o!you dimoti, ifeveytingliatcame a stantiatili- spite Stub's t-art reminders that- can- nea o snt eore, anti there is ne (double roïst pga), with vogetables, -oni o ho said. "You'd nefer gucas who t-ho as if thbe myst-ery were net t-o offer vasSing was mot- alhowot inl the built.'i- t-o mark tue invisible frentier ýalt-, pepper ant itwo cupa boihang wa- oni o -o fie htMs et-ber feilow was t-bat brought t-be anot-hor single tieveiopmoat. uag, anti Miss Fox's untiieguiseti re- wii lrastbaicisonh rcgnzs -athr oi-I tineut- atone t-o Opzoorner Brothers - î ~ama veydy une o! t-howomaa, e ah. x- hchrst-hrcugh the omitddle, cf tue ter. Put on cover anti place la bot tiinsate i or eioey t-he big. jolly fellow, I mean." drigthpeoi.H wa awaspi-ing their quostionable vite an stroots. Prom liere t-o t-horosi oven. After co hour a tii co cup tion las somet-g moetakeig 1 alýcsured i hm t-bat 1 was not igooti husy, aeemningly accompUishing noth-, with a rude, familiar ioquaclty that froatier on. travela over a welI-paveti wat-er anti reduce hieato! ovea. Bake, bcok-uis evitineil uefc -a nt gucsaing. ing, yot- nover was downcast or dia- auggested liquor. rcatiway, which la Dut-ch, while t-le t-wo houra. Remove meat te large 'she was ehletet yhnCwclta F~-cla h hi-o fo mat-ion. ticent, mnerely h int-ung at atrange andi i nougb, was anyt-bini but encourag.. rahlway station, wbich la Bqarle la mixet i th a lit-de- coiti water a ntiig o! t-he 0tai uIia so tlfes c.an r "WhaC!" I yelled. "Do yoîu mean unimaginabie surprises that- er l ng, andi I was on tue point o! inter- Hollandi anti Wielde la Belgium, t-hot-be caramel. Bollt-hree mifflt-o. 'Peurcato,"slI'! cu br "y Ah htnw Ica' -h o. -sattor defor allo s. s pos e iid whih rrngas a o! tue uapoasatewc- f titofc niet coetlepa-Srewthbre bieti rc., até fbr sfiiw:"Dn le I ai- i't- dw thoist ams uebl scoaccunsao!tifet-ti m an.prisacwhnth Stain on s eli r ai. Alin.o! c eoe E eoug anfor six helpinga. t-o.RentlevieMs Deiyo ath!i~~IW -Ah!atnce As1rtenot-retell d .1s atrti tewmya oseéi wtth nch laitssatio e oftupernga ikgqe r e-it ocncpteo CAP IUZ o! tueofficeane.oForaarsnutbe plat years ?ithborderiof., 1Up ila uened a Russas stations Gavera- vessels Lt fxrn ilon, t-wo Siberiau riveti at )es frora ,o! con- '00. - re huge f water, But it ýir navi- .Trans- ian Gov- ere are a up ln antitles ri be got ichmage, problem poses 0to t-ho new Sibenian entis ho- out Chat more or à ess and. rnspeak- he cern- remnove Btick t-o bus>' t-o rsol! anti for, con- r Bore- in on insum, r LOOI The C me T<o Their« wrinkbi brightx wheni aches, lof wr( nMost<( blame. the bic rand it lessnee gives appear blood regula only o store i er va actuai the sy worry health weary and h Pis I womna Says: Pink ago Cî not 1 wreel walk. andq stopp RIMO, ~and , suffel Iwo i. c were Wou] tried out Vou- ing f ore the in t met Fil' -or Co ;ru tel ad thq fir P2 00 at o! ad *Pi Avi t-h It li wnîîe m>' tioughttu !alrly 1ew.. mûrement-s?" LoiAs IMdiIKaw55 105 wustu-»Wê t &l«S There were my fat-her'a lonir eanu'strbrs ge l budr. lI of-~alidbttb> r îa e mtiCnnius -snlsisy; t "'T le kW&da m>, aln't- it yBut- tjPc iwo ii~lmies ie. .rums tountr$ aidlenguage; I knew lit-tle wasa't nuar*l tt.- s bdwlWn' rwi OISI culet.t-he wat- amlsiJ enough of t-be histor> cf t-haýt penlotyen. A p pa ri nvtq big-sUs !roM - - 7 r«Bins. me.t**va ipusifflgeà Lm S 1a117-S roIMre4 t-a $nclaot of ha it le, anti almout anytbhlà rmigit FrsVaswua-nga, is sut-o; Iaae'tB I j. mily i-' a't g srgbIui*iOi5 f 1soda 1M *dded wiam be possible. annes! yet vbat- their drag wtt-bhlm VN~~Tsslgfnt I oiieeithat everything t-ltat J&la. I.'a sure thlngIe ain't umw4aor"a- * vauwit t-vol aOrPi«Ipam Uf I bat! happenoti poseesse a Chanume, on amy tax i".ni>',liee t-vo e3oI m f~tsf v~.~85 at- leaut an Orienta i Baver. Firae!fIas blevacroas t-lejav - ' »- -issmtetso. e aî at w>~o "-'a w Blanc fttMa ew [aa fim 9W - I -t