Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 8

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--------------------------------~-:- - - - -, -- -- i - IrMURl@fAV s EIRMIgR 2. O1915. -%nom along nloiiely, and expects to be home flthe latter part of the week. L aler friii Mr. Gordon Colwill returned ti [iweek from a visIt wtth triends ln Cpa4t ilBowmanvtlle and Peterboro. He comn m'.nced hie dutieseon Wedneeday as juniior cierh ln the Standard Banki BROKL!. ~bazar mil be held bY the PUPI l of the' public school un the Masonic (Jet prlces on Furs nt LawrpncÉ's. Hall on Decenîber 3rd, lna aid of the Mme. Arnold has heen vlsiting friends Red Cross. Corne along an~d bring ln. Toronto. yoîur friende. Yoi: may see something Mise Isabel Boyce ha-s beeTi vlltlng yoit vould lîke. friend@ la Toronto. Quite a few from Brooklln wefll to Mr. W. A. Hollida-y. of Toronmto. %Yas NWiuiiiv on Tueday to attend the fit- ln the' village last week. nvral iifthé wlaie iss Ja-net. Thomson, Go to Hnrmy T. Thompeon for larg-,qt ormerly a- rpsideut herr. and murh womk shirts macle, 50 cents. lo'î'd by alli "ho knew b ei. Mir. W. M Lýa%-rence was ncm a i aw renrç- ha-s bargains ln ladies' nens tilp t0 Torontn on Tuesclax and gents' Bain Coats. Mvrs. W. J. HayrraIt visite-d wIti, Ni O Sewr hs ttrchased the Mrs. Fred Slaivr. W hlîhy, lnst îv pek 1,îîlwhý propor-ty ln the village, anad bas Bo>-i Oerroais -il big redtirtions, aira-dy ma-de a big tiiprovernent In the at Lawrence's. Iapîîuuranre of ihe lots acar the siation Mrs .OBrien. of Toronto, vilIt(d hr h' cleaning IuP the hruIsh. etc. aind cut- inother, Mmes. blnni. ovAr the week.' itigdoma the Old trecs. Mr. Sebert end. has silic- sold \Ir. Dunthe lot ad- Mr. A. G. Hpadprma-en aîî»d on ii luiifflng Itie propemiy. ef h Ie old friendg iwre Ne i-ti n t -,% r W101 out the rire brigade being called last Mv.ek. ln stut: the course. Ind wlthotit much Mr. arol Ma-ning w-b ~ s;irit yori h)v the eltizens. Samnes devoured Mdia, BHaroManip-nt tu-eIr,-stktind uirof .Brookllns aniet iandmarks,1 ldat thevlage. n te ee-edt1ue nidcooper shoi'. on Wednesda-y Mntecvilla-ge. od Fe H n. oi norriflg lamt. Nany or the old boys Messs. am Anol, Frd Hll, oliw ill rcail ma-ny lhaipy boums spent ln GOumiay wnt to Toronto tib!; i lw -'-. n. inwas ý,jbel! h e late Mr. Wbere they enllstFd. uiad ario Hw-sthnm h Mr. dwar Boleewbo as n larzPr. hit! chanze a-nd decay had re-, worklng on the new rallway nuar dîîced Il b a- raîher unsigbtly boull- Guelph. le homne for a- fe-w daN s 1111Lui rM Ira Edwards, bbe prosent Go to Harry T. Thornleon, ownor. luad uwtsiderabie stock ln it. for Custnmed Tailoroci Clohes. $15 U l -lîch was a-Il dostroyt'd. The flre la bo $30.00. 1 suppvos-d to have caught bv spa-rhs fromn tho, open graté. ln the absence of thel Mrs. Gaigg. o! Claremont. w-l'h ber wrkrnen. tîttie grandson, lm spending a- wv ý Tf-,-crit i etngcle with lier daîîghter. Nrs Chas. FIiln! Tereruîng meig a dfor Mme, Sa-unders a-nd chilciren, %%ho la-st 'dnesdaY evenlng had, la me- have been staying w1t.h NMr, 1111 and spl'ns'-, a filli bous-e. Mr. F. Rowe. family lucre, beave shortly, for Eng Ilev of thp Townstli, provedl a very land. ,ofi.ipt ha-irma. Short speeches Mme. Wni. Ilaynard anud son. ClitY ord, spent a- few da-s tiIs week with bem iter, Mrs, Prouse, ln NWest MWl-u by. Ib le to be hope-d that tPlîazaa7ýtir given by th( echool children on Friday evcning ln the hall, lu a-id of tht. TIe-d Cross, wIll he well patronized. Go to Harrv T. Tîusî.Wiîv for Cee-Tee Underw-arm Miss A. Olver mveut 10 Toronîn on Monday, whrre she had a-n oluution perfortîed on ber nosp. 51w le gtttîîg wxcme ma-de by Major R. Sm.lfi, o! Col- unbiis, Ca-pt. Evemy, of Wbitby, anad by sorie of our promineat clUzeris. The speech of the evening n'as given by Colonezl A. 0. Hendemeon. o! Toronto. OwIng 10 the presence of ladies, (wbich \Va-5a- surprise to the spi.ker) ho ha-d to changp bis st(oreotyped address bo an Infrmnal one. which was listened to wlth fT«e and eager attention. As an old BrooklIn bo>, Col. Hendensan w ;îs heatiiy rheered. A pleasant ehýiik %uge-as sne oustag songi, gîven Me, LAWRENCE 10W FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE 2 lbs. Best Seeded, Seedless and 2 Ibs. Best Cleaned Currants for 3 Botties Best Extracts for Valen cia Raisins for 25e 25c 25C N ew fresh stock of Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, Shelled Wamnuts, Shelled Almands. Choice Grape Fruit, New Oranges and Lemoits, Juct to Hand. me Lawrence Brooklin, Ont.;,. SPI3eIAL PRIeE on fresh caugb' SALMON TROPJT this week. 100 lOcPefe POu"d? ONR BAUBÂGE.bue. r "dY. plesameseveiybe.y rEBEPORE. BPIING LÂMEmal chole. YOUNG BEEIF on h&Aid for *aleutaum lues oftm B jULKTISad DurenOOHA ad JAVA coforn mm 31IL Prim&s.Potatm s r osms4ad dr, but we bave the aboist obuosi rdpe a apartW a sIttt. TUE BARGIN-STrORE Yourlmg mi £untry Nfed eu 250 Men Waiitedl by Rev. Mr. Muirhýad a-ad Ur. Hazeli. Part of the Whitby Band gave neyerai seloctions. Go to Harry T. Thornpson, Whitby, for ready-to-wea-r Overcoats, $12.60 te Our for bis mail, and now bas a mail box eected - Mme. Reed baasrocovered Sufficlently 10 bo able 10 walk out a- 11111e. Miss Gladys Mowbray le attendiag Hlgb Scbool at Whithy, a-nd wiil lanail pmoability prepame for teachIng. Albert Emma iaforms us be le going to enlistL Alonza Ledgett, who was mamried somne few days a-go, bas moveti bis e!- fecta to Oshawa, aid taken up house- keepIng. We wisbhlm succees. Mm. a-ad Mise Milter, of Toronto, spont the week-end at C.J. Stevenson's. Sovemal from home attended Mr. Neal's extensive auction sale lait week at Clrernont. Roy Mowbna-y purchas- ed a team o! bomBes for the fa-mm at a rmaonable prIre. Go to Rai-xy T. Thompson for ls.mgect work shirts made, 50 cents. Some of oui- boys have enllsted. Waltem Rogersjm., a-nd Meredith Me-1 Brion. in this immediate neighbor- bood. These are young =en n'on m dapted for service, and no doubt wil give a good aeccount o! themeelves. There still are mail>' who might -go, ai the eall fomr reruibe le urgent Mili. tarism muet ho -stamped out, even tf we have te sacrifice soine of our best young men. lb le a mont cretitable tblng for any young man teo or hie services, and we congratula-te these young mon on their ma-nI>' at*>d for kting and country,. W. wlsh thcm God speed and a ade etuma homie al- ber the>' ba"e dozeeir1 bit and KaIser- iem bai beeii itamDp eut, qr qve'. Remnemben the Ladies» Aid Patriotlc Baza-ar on the atemneen andi evening of. Dec»te~n>r 121h la-the ha-i. Theme wtll be'on sale nma-y umeful articlea that wfll make splendid Xma-e giftt, at moderato Drime. The la-deu ame askiag anad neceving mnany donations trom outelde thclr mernbershiD. Thc're *111 b. a, splendId tuneheon provlded for one andi all. Cerne along a.nd lend a- helphu.g ha-ad. AUlthée proceeli will go to uwell the laatriotie fund. A goo. Uime la promiset o ml. Go te arry T. ¶'hompa. Wbitby, for ready-to-wear 0rercoats, $1250 te 'Ibe farmoe are ver>' gratetul for tbb maout$iot splendid weather, allew. Ins thsrn tôget the fan work doue Uz pretty t toroughly. IL Our Sloo RIEWARD. slOO Lt cim m tmIs1 m oe m& dim meis m» a, est*aSe t. ma lai SU aucl tmmt Is(bomrrb. HalrîçtfbanrC laIomypowla« mre »sea- 6D bthe m frstema"uk. Cauant bovm 6 aesk. muai. a ea m ue b taas tevii =89 4lMUY Uffslyuth 1e blbdosandUmm a- sitb = te uIlt¶Pw eaux" TbAs0. t. Ut. Mmi ~& m.~ ~u~y Mr. A. Howden._Concessions 8 and 9. Mr. Gloyer, that the followlng accounts Returnm to be made flot later than be pald: Deceinher 16. 19-15. Roada and Bridges-Roy Ratcliffe The Committee hope that this cose- $250; Mms. Jas. Crowell $22.40, John parativel>' emall arnount ma-y be raised. Lambert $2, W. G. Gibson $750, W. G. It le, not neesive. A neigbboring Gibson W28.15, C. P. Ry. $61, Canada Township la endea-vorlng to ralse $15,- Cernent Co., $185.94, Tihos. Welsh $500. 000. Letot eh one do his or her G. G. Reid $226, C. N. Ry. $2.1, Robt. share in contributing to na-ke it caster Squeich $2620, John Ross- $100, John for those of our. Soldier Boys who have ROSS $96.10. Townshlp of Reach $21.36, been wounded on the battle fleld. Carnegle Milling Co. $38.50. - Schools-Lawson Clifford, S. S. No. ASHBURN.1, $350; E. J. PhIiiip, -S. Sý No. 2. $1.- ASHBURN.230; C. E. Bain, S. S. No. 3, $350; Wes- M4r. Fisher Motored to Whltby one ley Lee, S. S. No. 4, $1000; Thos. Scott, day lait wook. S.S. No. 5, $285; A. E. Grass, S. S. No. Mr, Jos. H. Gullivor. of WVhlthy. was 6.5,$325; Alex. McKenzie, S. S. No. 7, Up In t.hie vlcinity one day laut week., 500; Wrn. Brent, S. S. No. 8, $210; Mm. James Lawrence vletted inl Jonathan Bra-y, S. S. No. 9. $225: W. Brookla last week. 1 W. Manning, Union No. 4, $318; F. Ei. Mr. a-nd Mrs. Wtll Smith, of Cx- French, Union No. 5, $380; Jas. Mc- bridge, were% the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brady, Separate Setuool, $74-80. D. Parrott on Sunday. Salarles-Clerk, $275: Treasurer, Mr. Walter Lynde le wearin g a emnileso. 61--Ua .A uau gi ua'h.. vr KINSALE. Rev. J. O. Totten ViSited the Queen Ci ty a few days ago to -ea -d -hee BilIy sunday. Me was very much pieaeed with hie addresses. a-nd be- lieves that he le one of the greatest living evangelîsta-. On Thursday nlgbt of last weok Mr. Joseph la-rbron, who has been 111 for over four yea-rs, paseed quietly over to1 the great beyond. The tuneral was held last Sa-bbath, serviee at the bouse being at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. 0. Totten. Afterward Interment was1 ma-de ln the Salem burying ground. A very, large concourse of relatives a-nd trienda followed the deceased Vo his last reeting place. Joseph Harbron was born and llved ail bis lite ln thîs vicinity. Ho was an honest, upright, Inoffensive ma-a, and wus universally respected. Ho beaves a widow, who dld everythlng that morbal could do to ma-ke hie declining days asa peaceful and f ree f rom suffertng as possible. Her rnuny frIende extend their heart- foIt sympathy. AMong those from a distance who attended the funeral on Sunday were Mr. Harbron and daugb- ber, CIaremont; Mr. and Mms. larlock, Toronto: Mr. Win. Redman and Mm. Radçim, Scugog: Mr. FloYd Reesor and daughter, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson, Dryden; Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Stouffvfilie Mr. and Mrs. Amnin, PickerIng: Mre. Snow, Toronto. Go to Marry T. Thompson, Whltby, for Customed Tallored Clothee, $16.00 to $30-00. Mme. .Snow and uncle. of Toronto, were with ber father. Mr. Wllfrid Sad- 1er. over Sunday. Mr. Wm. SaltIoe said to be vinit- ing relatives ln Claremont- Mr, James Pengally le stili threeh- Ing. aid expecte to be tîli near Xmas. Mr. Wrn. Richa-rdson, of Dryden, Is vlsting hie sister, Mme Harbron, and will llkely remain here ilîl after Xmae. Tbe second load of coal ha. been un- loaded a-ad disposed of to the farmers a-t the Kinsale slding. Mr. Arthur Parrinder purcbaeed a fine cow at the sale the other day. Mr. H. McBrien vlited Toronto laut Saturday. Go 1o Harry T. Thompson, Whltby, for Cee-Tee Undemwear. Thos. Saiidler soion got tlred walking aRAOGLAN. Mr. and Mm Win.. Avery via-lIed in EnSieid on Suna.ay la-at Mr. a-nd Mm. C. odpeop, of Oehawa, spent Sunda>' ;àthrelatves hec. Mr. anad Mm.T. Sts.nton, of Chicu-80 are vlitng here for a short lime. Mr. and Mr&. Thon. Walge have re- turned te theit home lier., str a via-t witb htr un al daughher la fie WeSmt. Mr. Wm. SqiWcth la wlit us &gala mter paytna & ,tuit tenina M>To rente a&" Buffle. Mis. KeIIntum ad Mr. WilliM Thompman -us elebkla-g up old saqua- tances ta Gooftes4 lait wqeeL Âfter seing -bar patien herni Mdi tuntel hbToéhais Me. .W, Foi>'.or Bro@kUa. vInt lier.neit Sas At a metur Wh"5hvuSbl lm wesk, lte dsdsy1iool Esidal 50 bold tt5ir q» 8uay Mdl 16904679 uep 4 ~drd co»Q lutlim tm*w lAIT V «r4bmoe TTraOuaN I Persoitai Mçntion. Mr. W. J. Dyas, of Toronto., vas ln Whitby last week. Rev. Wm.KIetlewell. of Toronto. \vas ln town last wuPek. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. French, of Guelph, visited ln town over Sunday. Mr. Alan Butler tock a hasty run upf to Toronto one evening laat week. Mr. Bert Seldon, of Toronto, spent the week-end .with hi. parents here. Mies Clar% Elvies, of Toronto, viait- ed w1th Dr. and Mrs. Hudson on Sun- day. Miss Edtth Wilson returned lust -week after a lengthy vaIt with trIends. ln Ottawa. Mr. Wm. Ballantyne. of Calgary, Alto,, la on a visit with his sister. Mrs. J. E. Waterhioue and other relatives ln town. "Bob" Gulliver, of WhItby, who on-ý hIsted some time ago with the 48 th' ITtghianders. left on Thureday last for IFnzlsnd with a picked section of the regtnenl. Mr. W. C. Ruttari, now of Toronto, was ln town over Sunday, and eatiga solo at the Baptiet church ln the evýii- ing. Mr. Rittan la now soloist In the Central Methodist Church, Toronto. Ho has greatly Improved during the paut year or two, and bas now few su- pertors ln solo singtng In any of the chutrches. Rrown'sTrees The be.t that en be grown. Who il uOU Agent in your Town? Brown Brothers Company Nurseryrnon, Linited Brown'& Nurseries. - Welland Co., Ont. a-t hie home. The Ladies' Gulld beld a very suc- cessful open meeting In the Cburch on Wednesday evenlng la aid of the Red Cross Womk. Proceods amouated Vo $21. Mm. Charley Rundie vtsited with hi& sister, Mme. George West, on Sunday.* Mr. A. Ketchen will be at Ellis' store. Ashburn, on Moflday, December lth, to receivo taxes. MYRTLE. Mm. Spencer, of Napanee, was a guest a-t the parsonage tait weok. Go to Harry T. Thompeon, Whlthy, for eady-towear Overcoats, $12.60) to Mesdames Kent and BrigÎs have been incapacitated with bronchîtte. but at time o! writiag are convalescent. Congratulations -are extended 10 Mr. aid Mre. Oliver Lamne upon thoir me- cent mamiage. Go to Harmy T. Thorapson fom lamgest work shirts ma-de, 50 cents. Mrs. AI. J. Carsnicbael viattd frienda ln Toronto lest woek. Those who attended tbe ecruttng mneeting ta Brookla lait week were eomewha-t surprised that the young stelwarti o!f ta-t village were so ttmid about eallsting. The Indian Sumuler we ha-d la-st week proved very advantageoue 10 the farmers, wbo were behind with their tati ploughtng. Borne o! our yottng ladies a-me gettiag anzious for 1916 to ho ushemed la. Widowers, bachelors and boys, beware! Mr. F. Ln Brown le making hie final trip for the sea-son through beme witb hie bhresbing outllt. Mm. A. Ketchea wlll be ln Myrtie on Saturday, December 11tb, a-t Brookes' store, to receive taxes. Go to Harry T. Thornpson, Whttby, for Cee-,Tee Underwear.- Mr. F. U. VanNest te moving to Mr. Urla-h Jones' new bouse la Brookla this woek. Mm. A, J. Glroves, o! Raglan, gave a very lnteresting demonstra-tiofi at Mr. Levi Tordtff'e lait week, wlth a 214 horse power gazsoline engine. show- Lng fie va-nous uses of this labor sav- Ing device. A goôdly number o! !arm.- ers turned out as spectetore, and a-t] expressed their approvat o!fie sat- intactomy work done by the engine. A -very pleass.nt event took place ai the home of Mrs. John Duff on Wednes- day night of lait wefek, when corne thir- ty-ftve rnerbera o! the Bible Clam, wlth the techei'5 and officeme o! the SImGS.y 3blcl ifetto spend a socil evening. Thed,_ eaing wai paeaed ln games a-ad m U~.ater whlch a dainty lunchegn ,W» 9sered, lb wae siscli a sucecSuthat it,as resolved that tb.iS -would be tire fxaI or a number of gath- einge to e bteld durlng fie winter rMontha-. Go to Han>' T. Thompson, WhltbY. fom Customed Tailored ClotheS, $15-00 te $30.00. Quality First and Last Corne ini and inspect the new King Separator, Low price and good quaiity If purchasing a Gwaphophone Wb have the aqsortrnent, the righit price, and a large asqortrneîlt of Records to choose from. A large stock of Washing Machines, Sewing rMlachines, lEtc, on I)al]t Harness, Rob)es, Mwitts & Gloves W. Fe DISNEY. W1IHTBY PERSONNEL 0F THE RECRUITING INQUEST INTO UXIBRIDGE DEATIL LEAGUE. -That the late Thon, O'Bierne met The Citizens' Recruiting League,I-seahbtenheou f5ad formed iast week for promotinig the re- bsdahbtentehuso n cuiting for the new ]l6th Ontario 5.30 on the afternoon of the 22nd et County Battalion. ta expected- to do November, 1915, on the street adjacent great t.hings n the way of brIngtng the to Wm. Thompson's premises ln the yoting mnen of the County into Uine for the Ontario County Unit. Itepresent- town of UxbrIdge, by havIng a hind Ing, as It does, every municipalîty in wheel of hie loaded wagon pass over the CountY, >tiere sbould be a CountY- hie head, arter he had fallen from the wide response to Its appeais. The foi- w g n t h r u d h yd n lowing are the oflcers and chairinen: wgnt h rud rt vdn Presidents -His Honor judge Mc- shows that the deceased had been Gilvray, J4is Honor Judge -Mlntyre. drinking to some extent during the Secretary-Treasrer-J. E. Farewell, day, and we believe that tht. contrib- K. C. uted to hie falling trom the wagon. We Chàlrnien--Oshawt, Dr. Kaliser, Lt.- can only sum up our verdict by pro- Col~it~Çn:WhItby Town, George nounicing bis death as accidentai." Ross, Hie, -Honor Judge McGilllvray; This was the verdict returned b7' S West Whitby, Dr. John Moore, Dan coroner's JUrY emftflehled at Ulbrldge Holiiday; Pickering, Donald Beaton. onl Thursday, November 23, to enquire Mr. Jephson, Port Perry Scîugog and Into the death of Thos. O'Bierne, a Reach. Mr. Htitchison, Morley Camp- well-known resident of the Townshlp. bell; ÜIbridge Town and Township O'Bierne's -son was riding with him and Scott Township, W. S. Ormiston, at the Urne on the wagon. The boy had Wm-. Hamilton; Brock, D. McLean, Dr. decIded to drive home with hi. fathew- Blanehaz~ Canntngton, Col. W. J. because he thought the man could flot Cowan. aèL1 Brandon; BeavArton and handie the horees very weIl hirneelt. Thorah; >. McKay, W. J. Latimer- The evidence went to show that the Mara, Pather Sheridan, Wm. MePhee; accIdent would probabiy flot bave hap.. Rama. A. -V: Cooper, Mr. H-erring. pened had O'Bierne been sober. SALE 0F LAND FOR? TAXES BY VIRTUE of a warrant u nder the and of the Warden and thb ema-I of the BCorporation of the County of Ontario, dateci the 15tb day of September, 1915, commanding mne levy upon the landsa mentioneci in-the foliowiag listfo arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein set forth ; 1 hereby give notice that unless such arrears and Costs are sooner paici, 1 shaîl, in compliance with the Assesenient Act, proceed to sell by Public Auction, fie said lands, or 50 much thereof as may be necessamy, for thc taxes, at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, 1915 ai the hour oft wo o'clock la the afternoon TON HI Acres AMCsA FR 22 $31 40 $3 04 B 1o0 12 51 2 56 c 50 8 76 2 Ç0 170F,5 126 5 G 49 8 28 20 L 50 8 88 CoWN H O Acres Bon Ace 4 )1 9 20 11 50 11 100 11 1 a0 13 100 13 2 1-2 TOWNSHIP Con. Acre. 2 59 2 50 a 50 Total $34 44 15 07 iî1 26 15 25 16 19 10 78 11 je Taxes Cea-t Total 9 31 250 1 183 2 80 2 50 5 30 34 45 3 Il 37 56 18 6z2272 21 34 8 93 2 50 Il143 27 76 2 94 30 70 13 04 3z58 15 62 27 19 2 93 30 12 Taxes Costs 1 4 32 2 86 Pat or Uapat Pat Pet Pat Unpat Unpat Unpaee Usupat- Pat or.Uapat Pet Pet pat Pat Pat Pat Unpa-t Pat Total Pat or Unpat 27 18 Fat Total Pat or Unpat 778 Fpar 12 o8 Pat McKAY, Coanty Truiasre 133 3 -10 So,1t.30195 958 2350 F- A. I!JESTANDARD- BANK Mm omme yTQ9wS BMoloat sd Pr'oepî Sevi" flua1.viyD.perguMt MVNG AN d 1nb WHITBY BRANCH, -- BUM4 U&* f r"" ma V*uî.mttr el 4 TO ENLIST in< Ontarlo Contlys D« bla,.pm .aatdby'Oapt. ]ELP. obo( Vzbd -Uýr RATBO i *WMpur Io-&nieIT'If n Profesajonal Ca.rda LEGÂL INO. E. FAREWELLo K.C. Barriste, Couat>' Crown Attorney anld County Solioitor. Office, south wtng Court House,Whitby A. E. CHRISTIAN Barristar. Solicitor. Note" Publie. Etc. Office, Brook St., Opp. Standard B"ni Mono>' to Loan. Go YOUINGOSmilTUig L.. imer et MÂRRÂQELICENSES. Co%. eouae, Whltby, or residence. De Au.dr. SWANSON Barriater. Solicitor. Notar>' Publie, COUOnvyanoe etc., etc. Oshawa. -Ontario. Offo.L.o. i Ki"niSt. L Macie EULk flamd.noe-4 Da-w SM. Phenes-Offlo. 1;Rsdae . J. a. ACPIERBOt, M. D. 00m sovoe J. IL WWIRB'dmug ioe Omo heumr e. 9 t., .n.toti& u.mel Har7 J, gRudon,1).D.8.9 L.D. eneor te W. Âdama. au" DWEs. Stre ou PPOM ?mr WHITSV. ONT. ewm ~ em OS.b~let,.If l th . lbmuuiL I; DIeP tonU ~1- w. TREA St/ERf'S W1 p e-- PRrt Centre part South >6 North .j4 Nortb >% North 54 Part Pt. N Pt. B. K. B. K. Eas éof N >g South 1-2 North 1-2 North 1-2 s. W. c. Part PSt. Pt. s% 1- O- f W 1-2 Of S 1-5 Tkeaiuucr'aOffice, Co. Elîgu. TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING Lot Con. Acres Taxes Cesti 33 3 1 5 28 1 50 1 ............. - --- , - i - -- - - - - 9 5 66 1-2

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