Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Nov 1915, p. 3

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ReenlyConV-yed iCIi e..Across'O boptI hIp AugUa. wlth, about 800 wouLdôdmon 'had uaddition ta thê' crew, ihisesand attendants, bound from France for Dovar, %truck & mine lunsnld-Cliannel aud sank in a vorY siiort tume, About 80 r&en, moat 'oi them serlous1y waunded, and, therefore, ln their cota, hast thaîr Uive.. The collier Lusitania, which wau uearby et the i. ue ai the accident, lmmediately -went ta the assistance ai the Anglia, aud ber hasts had Just been lowered when ah. also struck a Muie isud oundered. -kil ber erew wero saved. aýA VParôl vessel sueeeeded in rosci- lng $00 of the4Aughia's passeugers aud trew, inciuding isome nkurses. flumber o! bodiles were réoveuied The mine la supposed ta have broke from Its Morlunalan the recent stra. An officiai communication saas "Kiug George was socked ta hear that the Anglia, whJch s receutly conveyed hlm aeros thé Channel, had heen sgunk. Ris Msjesty is grieved at the. lama lncurred, but trusta tint the survivora bave hot uuduly suffered tram their terrible exposure." w" Lk NcIM cher in the 1 waa tirei Fi ni. ta try eekt ny ap di leep __î ,Ixeioun Cod 1w eak ened tor chrofllC Ma- v , 1 (4t Whohesahe Hay Market. Balcd hay, new-No. 1, per ton, $16 ta $17 - 0; No. 2, per ton, $13 to $14; baled straw, ton, $6.50 ta $7. Provisions. Baron, long clear, 15 ta 154e per' lb. in case lots. Hams-Medium, 184 ' to 19c; do., heavy, 14% ta 15c; rails,' 15 ta 16c; breakfast bacon, 21 ta 23c; baclis, plain, 24 ta 25c; bonelesa baeks, 26 ta 28c. Lard-The market is finîn; pure lard, tubs, 14c; compound, pulls, 12c. L,(b. ,,. Mar. e1, Jiy 6, c. 2. J an. 4. 1Mncd onell. "bý 3. Mar. S2, 17,l 7.' Pe J. an. t,. 1916. 1 Iarch 6. 6 .f, Jan. ',r.', Ierk. 2, Nfay Il. '.JILm. 14. 5, Miar. Il. '0 oV. 19. Pae rson. NI tir. 10, Nov. 18. o1 ILonnrd. 3, Mar. 7, ONov. 17, I1914. A'ELL, r Ce Pes.ce ATRE P RA MM E onday night LN DE Y, IPRONTO' AUSTRIAN AEROPLANES AGAIN ATTACK VERONA A despatch f rom Paris says: Ac- cording to a Havas report tram Rame the City of Veroila bas again been attacked by hostile aincrait. Wie 28 'were killed and 30 seriously iujurcd by n récent aenial bombardinent, the only casuiaty was sligbt injury toaa littl. girl. No great damage wss dose ta streets or buildings. 'IFTS FOR SOLDIERS ADMITED DUTY FRER The Week's Development in the War. The week'a fighting apparently has been very deaperate on four frontiera, but ke*s over 'the- principal câhle bas been a succession oi unofficiai despatches, ane coitradictlng another. It in obviotia.that Von H1nd.nbM* in somewhat of a fallen Idol; hiii desperafo drives for Riga and Dvlnak h ave been made -wlçth bisa caitai T' diaregard of human life. The Rus ian counter-drives in other sectoris Ã"! the eaatorn front bave, been lu keep- ing wlth their plan of ean>paigm, ta wvear down the enemy, and keep him froin detaching mon for other' fronts. In Flanders and France there bas been little outaide of artillery and bon b fighting. The Italians, recently off ered a separate place, have been wiping out that inault tam Austria, by atrennous work. I Gafllpoli we have resumed the offensive, the British 62nd Division occupying Tur'ish trenches on bath aides of the Krithia Nulla. It was principally in Serbia that the most desperate, and at the same tixne the mont vaguely teparted fight- ing of the week. The French and B ritish have shown increased strength, but the reaistance af the. Serba la about done. Mark ts f T e W rld $85e; Mkers, choice, each, $65 ta llght ewea, $6 ta $6.50; sheep, heavy, Breadâtuffs. $5 to $5. 50; do., bucks, $3. 50 ta $4.5: Toronto, Nov. 23.-Manitoba wheat, vearling Iambe, _$7 to $7. 60 ; Spring new crop-No. 1 Northern, $1.11%;, Iambe, cwt., $8.75 to $9.26; calves, No. 2 Northern, $1.09, on track, lake. medium to choice, $7.25 to $10; hogs, ports, Immrediate ahipment. fed and watered, $9. 25. Manitoba oats-No. 2 C.W., 47c; Montreal, Nov. 23.-Choice steers No. 8 C.W., tough, 4834c, on track, sold at $7 ta $7.25, but the bulk of lake ports. the trading was done in stock rang- American corn-No. 2 Yellow, 74c, I ng from $6 ta $6. 50, -and the com- on track Toronto. mlon and inferior grades brought -Canadian corn-No. 2 yellow,78i, c, t $4.e0 ta $5.650, while butchers' on track Toronto. row5 sold at $4 .560 to $6, and bulla at Ontario oats, new crop-No. a $4 .76 ta $6.25 per cwt. There was a white, 38 to 39c; commerc~ial oas, 87 good demand for canning stock nt ta 8c, according ta frelghts autaide. steady priée«, with sales of cows at Ontario *he8t-No. 2 Winter, per $3.15 to P3.85, bulis nt $4 tq $4 .50 car lot, 96 to, 98c; alightly aprouted per ewt. Laxnbe, Ontario stock, $9 ta and toughi according toe ample, ~92.25; QUeboc stock, $8.50 te $8.75; to 95c; sprouted, amutty and, tough, t seeP1 $X. 25 ta $Q per ewt. Calves, according ta sazplie575 ta8U. fftr-BRzbd lotsa ofgrass-fed stock, y Pes-No. 2 nominal, per car lots, 1ta 6pe lb.; milk-fed stock, 7 ta Sc $2. 10; sample peas, according to!pelb.Hogig, selected lots, $9.26 ta sample, $1.25 ta $1.76. i 9. 50.pe cwt., weighed off cars. Barley-Malting barley, 56 to 60e; feed barley, 49 to 62c, according to freights outside.DF T O E Buckwhet-Nomlnal, car lots, 78 DDE RO ta 80c, according ta freights out- aide. toegNo omrca,8 t 0; STEMDAWAY jute baga, M6 second patents, ini jute pursued British Steamer Into Swe- bags, $5.50; strong bakers', in jute baga, $5 .30, Toronto. dish Waters Where Ber Designa Ontario flour-Winter, 90 per cent. patents, $4. 10 to $4 .50, accordlng to Were Frustrated. sample, seaboard, or Toronto freigýts A deapatch froin Copenhagen says: in bags, prompt ahipment.TeBiihseme hlasdpr Millfeed, car lots, delivered Mont-ThBrthsea rTela.dp- real freights-Bran, per ton, $22; ture. from Trelleborg, Sweden, where shorts, per ton, $23; middlings, per she had been lying since the <begin- ton, $25; good feed flour, per bag, ning of the war, was marked by an $1 . 50.exciting naval adventure, in which the vessel eacaped capture by a German Country Produce. destroyer through assistance rendered BLtter-Fresh dairy, 28 to 30c-;in by the Swedish torpedo boat Pollux. ferior, 22 ta 24c- cr.amnery prints;, 32 When south of Landskrona, 16 miles to 3; do., solide, 81 ta 32c. north-east of Copenhagen, the Thelma Eggs-Storage, 30 to 32e per dozen; was pursued by the German'destroyer seleets, 86 ta 36c; new laid, 42 ta W132 into Swedish territorial waters. 45c case lots. While the Germans were in the act fioney-Prices in tins, lb., 10 ta af boarding the steamer, the Polux 11c; combs, No. 1, $2.40; No. 2, $2. forced them >ta return ta their hoast, Boans-$3,25 ta $3.60. Poultry-.Chclt.ma, 14 t.:160e; flo. and* rurmlng between the.twe vesseIs, il ta 13c- ducks, 6ta 16c; geese, 14 Inform ed the Gerýmana ha en t9 mneane wouId ho emplayed ta prevent Poae's-CtaLr lotsc;tn, 17%é- the Thelma tram b.iuW lan. PotaoesCarlotaofOntario quot- Afteran' intervMalof iuleénce in- ed at $1 .10 ta $1. 16, and New Bruns- wohich bath warshipe cieared for se- wicl<s at $1 .15 ta $1 .20 per bag, on tion, the German destroyer steamîed track. a. ricades. "Simultane aur artillery reserve aup~ monitors aui co-operatlng, until the poi solldsted. «1Tue enin vly, but Y ittie damage boring trené Montreal, Nov. 23.-Corn-Ameni- were caught1 can No. 2 yellow, 77% ta4ý 78c. Oats Col. Haigetta, the. Canadls.u Rai fine sud hom -Canadian Western, No.2, 51c; No.1 Cross Commissioner in London, in a erably, their 3, 50c; No. 2 local white, 46Yc; No. Icable ta tii. Dominion headquartons, "A courter 3 local white, 45%c; No. 4 localvhlte, n atates tInt the treamury bave given vas easily r, 441ý.c. Barley-Manitoba feed,' 6544c; directions ta Ugf acl fwr ne malting. 66½4c. Buckheat-No. 2,' thae oos t ail glft prc felsaiver70nder- 75 ta 80c. Flour-Manitoba Springdtabeoossntam brsith Ovr7ds whcat patents. iras. * 6.10; seconds, ýCanadian contingents an duty' In tured peaitic $5.60; strong bakers', $5.40;-Winter, Great Britaib are to ho aduitted duty sonor reparts patents, choice, $6; straight rollera, n free. The contents ai thé pancela by the expiai $5.20 to $5.40; do., baga, $2.60 ta should ho declared- P'urther, no daty - $2.60. Rolled oats-Bbls., $5 .20 ta ia cbnrged hy the French Government pRINCE IM $5.25; do., baga, 90 lb.., *2.45 taý on any gooda sent -ta the, BritishbC $2. 55. Bran, $22. 43horts, $23. Mid- 1'forces in Franc. dlings, $30. Molillie, $30 ta $32. Hy n____----- ep -No. 2, per ton, car lots, $1750ta $18.50- Cheese-Fine-st westerns, CHURCHILL BIAS LEFT Lieut Henri 16-Y ta 1'c; finest ensterna, 16U4 to ataýMX LM fteî 16% c. Butter--Chaicest creauiory. PrELIIN NEa ins t 81,4 to 32c - seconds, 81 ta 814ce. A despsteh from [%ndon saya: latmd bis pu Egirs--Fresh, 42c; sclected, 33c- No., 1 stock, 30c; No. 2 stock, 27 ta 28e.1 Winston Spencer Churchill, tonner lb.euâdieO O lotatoes-Per bag, car Iots, $1 .10 t, Fir&t Lord of the. Adm"raty &aud 0A Daa$ýI $1.-20. Dressed hoga-Abattoin kilI- Chancellor of tbe Duchhy a acseby 1155 D* ed, $13 ta $13. 0. Pork-Héavy Can-' in the uifom 0ai$i reirment, béa: Lieut.Ileb aida t1hort mess, bbâls., 85 ta 46 pleces.' bit for the. iront Rit5 vif. b.d. hlm MliiiJO*ta $28 ta $28.560: Canada short-eut back, fareweil at the rlwysttlmviea~~i#1t bbîs., 45 ta 65 pleces, $27 ta $27-.60- ho passed unoecognizod on tt plAt- La-d--Cornpound, tierces, 376 lb,.., fermne asho waited to enter s specrial GWSANSs 1.0ý4c; wood pails, 20 Ib&. net, 10%e;car pure, tierces, 376 lba., 12 ta 12'/,c; pure, wood paila, 20 lb.. net, 13 ta i nAis blAS United States Marketa. PI A OTF U*G « u Minneapolis, Nov. 23.--Wiieat - A despatcb frontWaalom ta»' fle(emb)er, $1.0014; May, 11.03% ta F tSther luetJtong et the é V-< tdt yC $03,Cash-No. 1 hard, $1.07%; es0&UtW DW ;u No. 1 Northern, $1.02% te $1.06%; hesetA.stIadCosu.(ws No. 2 -Northeru, 98% to $11.02%. Nuersu bé afluet ii b Corn--No. 3 yellow. 68%4 t. 691e., by the DW Mpé flt ! uatuc as a'W Ont-q---No. 3 .White, 84% ta 3514e. sult ofSfaIfIft-emIn uNewV Yu'k hé-' Flourt' nnchange. Bran, *11.16 ta tqwéénA. Brue ai.eluM, kI.d ofét ~he, ATebu Dulutli, Nov, 28.-Wbét-No.1 i sepla O4rlcar hard, $1 .06%;. Ne, 1 Nor*iter, MaL àï k itent,*»-IA deseo! $1.04%; No. 2 Nrtie % b 404%, $2M PAS ta dl 00 eëmbe,*2-04%j, Ma>',,JPUOPêt *=à vere;1 bio medie tously witb the. assailt yopenqd -on tue enemy'as rttecetwo 14-inch H.MttrEdgars,(cruiser> >and malntained tuefr fire 'sition vas reported con- ny,'s batteries replied hea- 'ery erraticai>, sud dld e. The Turks in the neigii- ehes, whie fred heavgly, by miachine gun sud rifle mbs, and suffered- eonid- rfire beconing verywlld. .r-sttaik vas nuade, but Il rcpulsed. Our casualti 50 1411.4 sud wounded. ad ware seen in the cap- ion. and a wounded Pri- mtint aven 80 were hburi clon ef eue mine." [EL oF.îcmt WFTURED EV BRITSR L aca, on. oi tue allcer$ erud Germai auxWary MElctel Fréduicui, Whto vWo Ot-Octoberla beu tamm SHOT AND SHELL. GRMNLSEGoen GEM LOSSES ta tuec Pointed Facta and Figures Conceru- 111Mwhocou] ing the Great War. M&.R AYYALLfI a price. fihue was the color ai thc seaman's dress in the time of the Saxons. Thé t] Tii. Union Jack, In ita present form, The Official Léat Shawm Casualties In Arait was introduced in the year 1800. Axb.r No presenta ai wine gr spirits eau October Aioe Numbered year tw( ho acceptai hy soldiers at the. front. 0. faugitC The aresai Japan, is more tiian 2000 Gardeni double that ai Great Bitain sud Ire- A despatch train London aya: The tue lfae land. appalling exteut ai the German lassos tiSa jusie The niajarity aif French soldiers is reveaied by a perial ai the official Eupiirat have received nov uniforme ai atout casualty list issued daly 1ly the Gev- tue onig blue ciath. erument for the information af fami- units ai Tue expeussofa thé Austnian arniylies, althaugh- newspapers are pro- its do!.r on a war footing, work out at $4,- hibited ironi reproduciug it. ai May 000,000 a day. 1 The. outstaudiug tacts in tuese lista its autht It bas becu suggested that a ua-, are the. enermous-gapa lu certain regi- The fi tienal cemetery salbaîlhoinstituted'monts, and the frequeney' vituf which .iand fia iar tioRe wbo die lb the. war.' I1 entire battalions are wipjed out, the. daily in noutice In a Glsgow obffice win. remaricable amail proportion afi ofil- 'idéntical daw runa: "Business -as auai aig, e lstodfe ra uite floods alterati rti.mp vouteslXd. -ilb ~t1b~r rbtatona i-"Rusda-b gins at thé age ai twenty, âd suunet finalhy concluded until -the. tonty-third year. gilu no crisis af recent tlmes have the public been no calm pr ires iront pale," la the view ai the tandon pouice. Firing at its bigbest speed, a French battery would take- thirteen minutes ta caver evéry square yard wituin range. Frencb knapeacks weigb 409IL#'- which in coeaniderahly lem ftan their weig* 'during the . Francp-Gerimn War -of 1870. It ias @*Ïsted tiat chewing-gum, wblch ahiass 'thirit and' vardà off tue pangs -et hunger, is a suitable proseut f« :tue troo]pi Next Chrluîg taeh uIidte Pro- duce ta fewer ,»a«eltles la usi, as s fle umber aiflies. camé tram. Austnia sud' Géw'àiy King Albert of 'B.tgiu» in'sites)bis variaus troapsut *thefraut eeôtu naît>' tbat h. ba, lately , bMi Iltg TUE ENGIJSUDES' IBD EuPd pef wuvill !ly ,and Tu'rbl gr. -John Gaïiw tbrt thse novellat ,inthe FectalatIvP.aF*ror. 2 j6ê ora a goodly flow of cash and colors sturdy cauntry youths uld nat afaord ta psy so, high la It tue Garden?, third clasa who resisted the, occupation are the warlike ribeamen ai the country. This vo important actions bave beeu on tua supposed site ai the. ai Eden.. Nothiug wiii shako al conviction tint in ura, at etion ai the Tigris sud the tes, Mesapotamia passeuses ýinal Garden af- Eden, though Ithe. garrison who occupied ences during the torrid moutis suad Jane express doubts on LéiitictV. first ai tiese actions was a ght, sucb a one ais takes place n Fiaudern. tii. second, over- Bythe sa me ground, mIter tua lzad ,rimeM, a navça-action I sbips! of tt« Royl Navy ver. lion. The. ist for October 28rM alajie gives 10,000 cAmuts.' The'Pùs liat lucMues nenégiaentseif'ýthe Guard, é!gbty reÉlméntâs et GreÈ&. diers sud Fusiliersoaithe roguWakin- fantry, 31 regimen" i î af ,aia4. 21 of the Landwebr, and manyI>front -regwuot lotd 7 and ~nytîIrýéý.Cef cos ,ê~exçAuuplo of te trii q es iicran" r, nis i uïn4hd h4y tuathPtsumIaniuantry, *bios thid bltl lst 58lm<out off1la compléent o 1, A. kbatialion. t of 260 esCh- SML14 21, 188; Sd, 1ný a ÙIl4 pt i '.mw i tii224ih 'Eeserve l tuuuty lôsIt în ccpaul,1*inO wvre pwobably - suteèred at Locf M ,kan bàidn tbe a fl54fl*r wlê± 'ra i lv t t '*~Pa*Is iteatal 't "Fie GARDEN OFEDEN -IN CAMPAIGS. ýCoutrY la Véry -r4c4OI n W Be made 1yaijy Mre_ What the feelinÉgs ef tbe #*Des ab)OUÏt mpoachirfg wlntér May. boi those Who -have spent the. iaîst ix monthu in Mesepotamlia and the Pér- IlaIM"GUIf -cannêltbt-el'that the end af the long and trring béat will apoli, a e ase ai -lite ta them The célimate, ane af the worat i the world, bas taken a beavy tail of British and Indian -froops allke, and it speaka r véli for the spirit af the troopa and the enterprise ai their leaders that "the. perations have been consistent- IY suecesful ince the expeditionarY 'force ianded in Nevember last. The fruits af aine -mon'ths' campalgn ln- plude the deteat ai the enemy on tjrée ines--thé Tigris, the Euphrate,; and on the Ahwaz ine-and the oc- cupation of an enormous arleaaf ,valuable country. The troopa who have opposed the British advance are in the main ,.>rkiah reglaffl, and ini these ara Included deveral bî the Constanti- nople regimnts who- were deupatch- ai ta the. southarn campalga hefore Çonstantnpb ,w*àsthrea.ne by the ýlUas. The. Turklsh regulars #Vere Ioyally'am ably amsistad hy Arab and, Kurd levies; f4ÃŽ r "zey,_even in ber" mont distant Provinces, eniorced uni- versai muit.ary service. As might b. expected among an Eastern nation, this law ws openly manipuiated ta the advantage ai local Governors. The tee for avoiding military service was ta high as £5 Turkish, jùst be- aore the British occupation, levied in- discriminately an Mohammedaus, Jews, Chriatians/,and Chaldeans.- In proictice this system lai ta a nat un- BRITSII TAKE TURK TRENCHES Wol-prepared Attack iu the Darda- nelles Wau an Uaqualified Succeas. A despatcb froni Landau says: Simultaueously with the arrival ai Lord Kitchener at the. Dardanelles cames an official report af tue resump- tion af the. offensive on Gallilpoli by1 the allies, nearly 800 yards ofthte enemy's tronches being captured, The text ai the statement flbova: "In the Dardanelles the. 52nd -divi- sion carried outa very succestul at- tack on the. Tur)dîàshtreuche&,.ou tae lStb instant, for icib cirefui re. paration bmd been in prdgresà !or s eausi4ral>l tiux "Tte. ýminus 'vere exploàd u .essiully under, the. .ueuty'atrenche. ward- lmuuedlatelyatear cp- tured about 160 yards aitr-nea oun tii' east ai the nullah snd"120 'y"é"' an its west. The captureai trench.. wore at once consolidated aud boib-, ing parties pushed onu p ta the com-r munication tronches anderected bar- Business in Mentreal. q 'I fi 4-3 1' n ClAN -43 ce 't ý ai"gea o ne t.ai s: anneSf laâest do ia0rnày'"ay7he 1 di ï'io M tsii y ilea.U&h. Ig âlwaytôesute wlglft. 8hbs*.en ai,! "b ina4d thereft~ h th àb l h m4 e'Jl oIu har very -xlstenc& Lhkewiae, tiat wbf ôidb.cimnes -anud 4,r offences iL doi>- by us, ci bye ýthé Freni or erusba.,ar iruo -t d~ie 14gha odeaaapovnifb og~ f tii.- Teutons 'intii lbs degree when thé:y are done by b1er. 'As for ber venom>-Bpwig 'agius Great ]Brltiin, we bave got go Uae& te it as ta Wë able ta regard It oa4nIts higiier aidé; as an evtdence that Ger- many ha.subjstituted fur any sense ai humar 'aie ever had, selt-rlghteous aufficlency that stifies everything else with'whicb It comte into confliiet, h. bas tarpedoed it, the. saine as sàhe dld thé Luhltània; 'bomhed it, the same as a9he'dîd sane Londaners -and some Landau buildings. Thls.,blind bat., however, is flot without ita ewn rea- son, .1t, cornes net onhy tram tiie superlority of the British Fleet that swept the. se., af ber shipa, and cavsed ber aversea dominions ta vanlah Hic .Mirages, but froin the aufferlng that the lack of any foreign trade bas made chronie ta ber. 'Hamburlçý,ed, Bremen, great pre-war..es-ports, -ar closMéd.'and - desdt' the docks dire 11e, thé, Sbtemers, ;sre laid up, àln4 ,t.he cousequet Tage ofthe pedpls if *4i rage ai the cornerid rat' Co6st- les. factorles and workahops art closed4 the bread ai the people la à littl. flour and a big compounc i e patataes, and it cannot ho? had wlth- out daily brcad tickets, one for brEak- fast, one for lunch, oefrdnlr Sa every day the bat. la nouriébed, and thora isnaochance oaiIts bding leaaened. Not yet awhibe In any e fl. Wben ber needa bave-reached théii extremis' point she wlb probahiy b. commandeered into a',softer attituade towardis us. When -it comes ta that- welh, It wil b. -tue ta stiffen *tour hock. and ta weigh the real bate againat thé cosnpelled appeal ta oui feelings." SURVIVALS IN CLOTHES. SoeéStyles ofi &,vanta'Costume Are Faibar te us. By a large nuluher -ot intere. ig'- survivis, mays tii. London lmeli its repoit cf Mr. Wilred M. Webbl!' lecture befaore the Ethuologleal 80-ý ciety, dresag ilustrates the inn4 on- servatsm ai lmmanty.Il A'mong these survivaila tii. bat' band, tue original purpdse ofwlIleh waa te, hold a Plue ai clati iiý7lluau around thé h"eAd.Âpictur-exit af an Egypian ligure date&. 8600 %, the headgearof -wich constbtsa place oai linon, -with a&'baud tiedrod it that terminatain two taIla ut tp back. A survival ai that la t4î: ba found ln . talaoaithe p.én~ r

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