Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Nov 1915, p. 1

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4 VVAuUO~~W,. ~I wk~~F~ *~. ni -~ - ____ WHlTBY, ONTÂRJO. CÂJÂJIA, TH 2g. loi ôir~ -'.A.. GoiWULLDW- SON ;, uMsr- Stop That Oough!1 WILLUS'9 Oompouid Syrup or White Pino and Tar Contains Extra ýtà of White Pine, w~id cherry, Baim of Gîiead, Spike-nard, Blood Ro>ot, LSauaf ram. Tar snit ut ler rerniedies, naking a @aie and sure cure for conighs, Coitis, Bronohiitilt, and *roatores the respiratory orgas..to *a normai, bealthy Condition. 25C par oittie Ji La WILLIS Prugglst md Opticien MEDICAL HALL Brock St. W h tby. Haviog lakon Ovor tho COal Business o F J. H. Downoy A Co. 1 ail] p>M sedro'ItiI ail orders for C LEAN BRIGHT GOAL *.- WeI1 screeped. We guaran- te'potitellrey a good-, Qi-ders ray bc Ieft at thbe foffice'of J. H. Downey & Go. James Sawdon Whltby, Ont. lEarriage Lioenss. A. R. ALLIN. Issuer of Marriage Lionsee. Corner drugstore, WbitbY. No Witneeses requir.d. Ibe Orettsr OCaadaImprvomut Land Co... LIIted Whltby -.Ontario RosI Batate Deaiera, Entates Mngd Ronits Oolleqtedi Fit Losn. Arranged, Proporties bonght and solil. For terum 17 H.ad OffceBrok St. Bell Phone 1 l. d. Phono 7Q. LAIKE SHORE FARM WANTED- Fifty acres or more wanted on Lake Shore. If you have property to Wli, write JOHN egRE o - - ~a*-a..*a 1 Jeu. 1111km s prôoyisi -n td frht A liaf~rl~ Provision made for them at Armnrie& .like. Âiready they bave 'been verty - e. -banà,somely furnlahed. There~, Jg,.p o On Monday o! U4s week abQu t wen pniertgvutela oi~f,' a hospitallty, Steain heat wl probably cepfl«qeegW yte smot theoui pe4 "trom 'Ai ry Battalion arrived lu Whitby frein ho made thé méditum et ccnstantly occasion, ton". daJ u.o l the nort1à. Tht-se are tOie firat ot what warming the roomns- Uii-to-dato bba 8&teu1raudothrs -ieu th v th 18oun< Tcchoi h expetcted to be a fill company et 150 and lavateries may aMuebc added te honorod floetia.mely:Mm Chsa ai 88> i, Maynlu - ï,ndi men to e bqtuarîc-red lu Whitby durtng the equlipment- A turtiier use ot the tont, or,M.W.. aakebrusfo (.4u md the w-nier. rooms can be tound ln devoleplng the Mia. J.l. WlllU Mms J. ILDO. D Munu>v galu onaclnns0à at a. Themnnhave-bc-en bIlleted at var- rnliitsry institute ldea,-addresse-s t E M . DWlso, . . p. Pe 39Mi.W-. hbudeuthl. s "bodÎ s touts homes lii the town, and ai-e being the soidiers by quallfied speakers. 'T'e *j. bLukee MM C. ». Ra1i14 MM. 1 0& It>yt Usbe w-ail iooked atît-r. They areuder the club will lie for the exclusive use ef the t navesMmrW.eo. Movat, or.. IM . 3. Irk e Joh n y. e ] commnand of Capi. G. W. P. Every and soldiers stationed at Whitby Sd of thç ,y QCoqor, MIl. W&iters, N)lm.-A. Th e^Iural Wvus b Lieut HL L Ma>ur. DrilIg ugla been 34th Itegiment. Great credit ln due tWhitlaw, Mm .Oiu. IL RICO, Mm s. A. .Oteoon. t.t Union -C" caried on at the Town Park Ibis we.-k, Io the characterietic enthuiam vith ILM. Boss, aid UM- . IL.Broya..The» Mecou o f tpeopl ui a whicb viii give ample accomnmodattion jwblch Mrs. Laldlaw han eutered up= aî évemil a titrd t i he es-bUete -pay their vesjp for that purpose until the snow fale. ibis splendid outerprise to give a touch o , ~ y gaj n.p<M maid g At an enthuslastic meeting of the of home-lite lu th. seldiors club lui the *t e wIàddlng g a - ,se0DIe freithie ne4Èbo Whitby War Realie! Society held in the Armore&s Col. Sita Shaipe, M P.,. i.poru a etltrsa aea4 sw idn Agricultîral rueins Tuesda.y evening, who 18lai commiand of the 'Ontario ',,p.Iite agteooue.BJ .?te s there was assured to the boys wbo ar" County Rarimeutthe IlÇth. vwn "aW e n a 4 i ve. .y.up033 Ms. eMetbodjattChurdu, oea< joluing the overseas forces oca.ted at present and gave everypubq- g,"ad$IvrT muA4gt» os muxldsI Whltby many ofthtei.croature coniforta atatance to the ladies lu workitng out Md W* 91et1,j dc'Utý thaîr patriotisin ta losiug te them lu thus acharne se fraught vilaieipMr- la~ leavlug their honte& to ftght eut bat- ance at this Urnte et péril to car com.n- r&j.;g _e .ai. 1oe i1 lei, in Ibis great«at o! world vams.The try. 1It -inbelived use other riDVO . A MtWDDut t ý *,-."-S- »1>v-êth uWt* roome of the apper stery of th. armer- Possible wiii so popularize the soldi r, les iend themeelvea admi-ably for liii.a sud tau.s help -an the rec..lowU ui l hoB#ta0bgs't purpese. It onlY uieeded. suggettng saapa.igu au tbis «O=. s _utte beberé ,IWMbybr%àe the. line ofaction -takeu te assura their Ina.ugurat.d br the ladies et th. Wir Î. , w~ a,~tmu nmei belng made most attractive antd home- Relief 8Slety of WMib.U- lMt , Strs muth piéessiré tësuid. * AisE owgmt t» latsr1 the iuuImtes thI5fM 0 uIO04 71 SUNDAYSCOLNTT&T ? S 1L IN, METH ODIST TAB*W blN CLE ____tu _&a _ _ A BundA7 Behoot I»uowt. rtbe atudy of 8onday SohoolmMt amd ,work w»s held or the Whby Ilsaho. dist distrtet là lMethodîs Tabemmiul horm on Weda7 Afternm - mma evmbi gotfI"atwuk. ¶hm .ver.ta by«dm au .naffl ssmibSmUr.u Royv. IT. Luato,4,cf et s~ ctloral secrsiary et t209 =.4f cbur* tuaidma4*ma R.v. W. P. in a«. A Mud Rv. R.WILiert v w w v w w v vw v , W wV V V 'wV V. yV w vww P-N-G LES -H AIR D wAREnlo Splend-id Values b Wintor Goode Ouiy tbree of hundreds of esunabie articles carried in ou i ite are Sfeaturcd in this advertimemoant. If yon need G lass, Putty, Tuole, Cutlery, Building Matailais, or any ona of the mauy linels carri.d in a hardware Estore, we 'would be glati Lu hava an opportunity o-f serving yuu. Coal 011 Wlnter Oo Heaters mtte Lanterona We oeil an 011 Heater We bave winter Mutta A pour lanternu ln th&% wi!l not sineil or [n grat variety for ail umace te lite a smolce. 1It wilI heat a kindig of work. . pruperty. A g004 c large roumienluà short Tbey range in ta Our best frlend space of tinta, la saf o price from a art£ nlght. Qai and eaally ei5aned. anteed in any wind ~. Price $4.«8 to Price "d $8.00 *2.06 >7 Se each Wa bave the Lau'4est tock 0.f to andi Ranges la To6 te VftoosoFrein. See our different lin«. before you buy. PRINGLE'S HARO WAR WHUTBV, ONT. and on ,wn COUNTY'GRANTS _$5,OOO0, I FORAI1 GTHBATTý%LION Ru naeSl Big Deputation Waits on County Councii. Sl f Ontario County, from forthl to @outil, i Hamilton, J.P., and M.H. Crosby, J.P., was represented on Tuesday afternoon tTzbridge Township; Dr. McKay, M.L M'UT tarto County. waited upon the members These men, who ha.ve taken upon of the -County Council ut the Court themiselves the re8ponlbllty of assMet. AT TH E House. iaytng hefore themn a request ing ln the wNork of stimulating recruit- for financial assistance ln the work ing, wili carry en the movement by of recruiting and orgaizîng the new holding recrulting meetings. and en- 116th Ontario County Battalion of 1,100 deavoring to iighten the lgad resting "Sïi of The FIag" men. The deputation WU eompORed upon the officers of the battalion, and of rePresentatives of the varlous muni- a.lso by making personal canvasses, ini cipalities and Included some of the short, doing the work as thoroughly au Brock Str'eet mnost promninent men in the county. possible. The Importance of what was said was Their request, urged by practically therefore iuPresséd deeply upon the every illéuber of the deeiutation, was U~ inembea of Couneil. for a grant of $3.000 to defray the ex- 1 <'< Lieut.-Col. Shiarpe, Officer Cuin. penses of the recruiting campelgul. It Df t ti N manding the llGth Battalion. was pro- was the wish of every one to have On- n t Ms I sent, and presented the request toi-c- tai-b County represented by one of Ibiy and a»p)eallngly. Rie aked that the finest battaliona sent overseas lb *the Couneil. as iepresenting the Canada. Therafore it w.nz the duty, whole county, should make a, granit otfîlot te saY the privilège, Of the Ceuneitn $ 2,000 for regtmental purposas. T'hore to Make thls possible- were many exilenses niee#MrY for thé Warden Morgan assure the deDuta-__________ . -_______ proper- equfppin.g of a ragliment, whicb tion thant the Council would give ibe---- couild flot be demanded from thé (loy. requet a Mogt ýYMpathet1c considéra. ernment, and CoL. Sharpe felt that as! tîon, and he felt that the membersOW <IP OR COUK1àY--WIIICIl f the county would want the béat pou- would do wbat WaU rlght and Datriotto.________ sibie representatIon, il wouid be only Air. Dowtey, of Whitby, suggested Ipropt'r and just to give every aast. that before the deputation deDarted the Plckering Towni*b DwéiiI lay on thé o ielleorg were Dresent to asalat ln ance to those ln active charge ef the Conncl should give soxue expression County of Ontario,- te-outIre burden et'the case. The argument madeouot fur N% ork . Money willi be requlred to pur. of their opinion ln regard to the ré- the Mot and -m.__t o f tthé bridge thé t»wnaMp Waa base chlefly on chase band Instruments, bugles and a quest. Hie moved tha.t a vote h a tsken over IDuffin'ls Creek Uin the village «t the preponderance ut traillc fot beiug btundred and one other thingaes-s as to whether the Cotincil was ln sym- Pickeriig. DrsP1te Ibo act tOat theJ that of the towshlp, and on the size sary to the proper outIfittin.g outhte pathy with It. County offered te .y50 par cent- uf ot the bridge, Including length of the battal ion. Tbsls a very strateglc inove, and,thie amount, the PIkerung townshlp approaches. ('oJ. Sharpê's plea was very att-ring. called upon ln the presenca ut the depu-, authoritios doclded te malte a stand for The %coumty, representod by Col. and as he himseif has sacrificed a good! tation, the members gave a solid vote, turning the whole bi4sineas over to the F'arewoll, contended that a great deai deai ln closing bis business while ha.' for the request, with the exception of county. The Ëliatter, therefore, camne uf the trafflo was local, beienglng to wlth is artner, Capt. Cooke, assista Mr-. Poster. of Uxbrtdge. Mr. Poster, bofovo Judgo Mltyre on Thursdy the .township, Ini this conuaction CoL ln lielpng the empitee. the appeal for; expiained this by saying that ha was lest for arbItratiou.ý Parewell sacured. an admission fromn the cotinty 10 corne forward wlth .sub- talking to another gentleman when Pickering towmhlp vas relpreileuted Deputy Reeve Mowbray that a good stan liai he.Ip was most forcettul. the motion was made, and as ho did flot by W. B. N. Stactair, ef Oshawa. Mr. deal eft th traffic wag such, but lui The Citizen's Recruiting Cummittee know what it w-as he could not vote, Sinclair endoaybred te show - eat th spite 'ut this Mr. Mowbray au unwil- was represented by the following gen- This unanimous expression uf sym- bridge van sc4 gdlniot>alto gether f or ling teÊAdmit that the township *lould tlemprn. Judges T. A. McGilvray and pathy being given, the deputation de- through traMfç, «and tb*3t becanse of thia have any share ln the coat uf mainten D. J. \Iclntre, joint chairman; Col. J. pnrted, happy with having gut what the county abould aumume It. A wlt- auce. Thei county alse contended that F. Farewell. M'httby- Dr. Kaiser and tbey came for. jnase was called vwholhad watched the the bridge was made umnekesssrily Col. GrIerson, Oshawa; Wm. SmItih Ontario County Council hasnut volurte of truflea ud ho e ftified that high, and the approgches therefere M.P.. and Wrn. Puirves, East Whltby: made a large showting lu its patrlotie veryvery littié ef It WU. dirCtly for longer thanwould actually have been Dr. Jas. Moore- and D. Holliday. Wbit- gi-ants, and this clecision te grant $2e- Pickering vlljage, but that ut was mott- requlred othervuse. by Townshitî: J. S. Jephsun and D. R. 000 for regimental *funde and $3,000 ly through traffe. 1Mr. Sinclair aise Tho case uccupied a short trne iu 13-atan, Pickering Township: H. G. for recruiting exb5ensas. $5.000 ln ail, callod oa survey<>r to-hbow that the ap- the mux-nIng, and prgctlcally ail *tr- Hiteson and Moeriey Campbell, shouid meet wlth the approval of every Drouthe ttettlu, brIdge wcre of $g& ha 1noon.. Reach and Scugog: W. S. Ormiston W. elec-tor ih oiny length b. eoplitc lt In the clanse be Judgo, Mclnttyre has net announced theConty.amsmed by thé Oounty. The tevnaip bis decisien yet ADVANCE (hUARD-,0F' Qrandmo*hens [y at theth rgaTersmne - 116111 COM E TOTOWN buwac For The Lat-est' In Fal!,Footweatr. Our stock was neverso completeas at the present time. We Solicit 'four Patronage, and Appreciate 'four Business. Fi# o eP'p Tihere *is ".. scarct' ityjofru erly, o we wi Resi~oaisIbIiity br BreakIaq WIsdow PIa~e~ Âftoe usay ~ws~ MI d~mmuSo ~w ana ~ - wt~hw ~ L Volock BROOK aST.WNITEV Ail kfind. oft rioa for "i téim d dbI , A , 1 E f the nber, st for that ithe inucia rn of >noon rupat Pat Pat Pat Inpat Jnpat 1 npat J npat Vnpat Pat PMI Pat Pat Pat Pat J npat Pat jnpat -.Pat Lnpat Pat Pat b Now - 4 .1 PeeI's. Shoe.Store. uqvwqr IL

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