Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Nov 1915, p. 5

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a lot Nets. oos,ts. Ithe uane ed at ia roo days. ýiere, and al proflIit et due Mareh at or le NN. tt fpivalu est at auel %-lI1age Dre?' Chambers ToOuUnte mii WAY CAGO NTREAL 0 .rn . 6. oc p.m. Iat' y. EÂL WLS30 P. M. on ali trains. l(POSlTION o,. Lon Augelesan&ii h roeel'tionu 0on agents. IN TRAIN s. il h. s, Mer~ 118 999 rkk ira, Wbli1. .anly luDe J et aur ~ik Bsequently ve hih y« vi maInfr lioe Wat'ch per -cent, tax, will surprise yoi The ift of Fricmdatiip Among glf t fmoe.titan"DnU- mental vaue, the 'bracelet 18 pre elutuent. It representu uomthtng of Iasting worth that ulways brIngs.te mnd th. klUdly senti- ment actuating the donc,. As &a ornament, Itla smore titia vloome, sud may be hail la Mry stYle te suit the taste of the reoiplent or thé purMeOf the giver. PMMo range from 26e. to $18. Gif;3 Tha Inadur. Milady's drsuabng,.table alimya af orda oportunltles for addLng te Its treasurus. Nothing bringu more de- llght than a hiandhoMe toilet acces sony of practical' value sud subatau- ttai appear&nco. It lIl W&Yu I buaIM te remind the user cr the givers friendihip. MIrronu, brumo. uff' boxes. photoe trames sud a variety et other articles that aPPeal te the fern. lue mind. The Dnîcée vif suit al peoket,. Borne epeially geod values. D0 NOTJUDGE NESE -AT CHES by their.-low -prie, ~ D ~Last rnidsumnmer ali w atches became subject'to a new 7 1 2 We bought hea vily for cash. before -this, aid -in thelist'below you wilI find prtsthat ýu. Puirchases made now will be keptuntil Xmas,iÎf desired,on payment of small deposit. Mea'î ace A sapeclal(onu On.) Rovrd, ras. .lr40for $80. A beu 1fe thln modal regulur $15 tor $10. A fev .12 ils.»extra MSTbvry apeci prioes 15 m Kuce t $8.00. Si vutohea at 85.00. 16 vatches at $10.00. And ur LU atoil for two wvek The Wakch fot The BOY Thé arut vtcb marbu eue of tb. moi evetuilooaslons la thte boe' lit&. It brIngi hlm a sené Of iMDort- uDS u8 vfl u of rsponabiliti, h do«a muét t estea@ hlitcharacter. Nothing yul 1lUàê hM MOre,&ad Ou prices eniie l'du te set a go"d tlMOkeepfir that viii-sut hlmt tut and your Poc-ketbok.L A splendid wateh that v. recommond la priceil at s5.00, muother st $P.00. and itili another et $10.00. We 8a1se»Ill & $1.00 vatet. - r Sh. WiII Se Piied on Chriattuas moratng, t e meut primeil gifta are those that make the pu*" aiappeaL. A neckiace ahm" earres a ohum rn cf lia vaMi bring joy -te evry ladys beuri.Ai vays ashionable maL la gci bteit, tbey core ne many vuiettos sud pricS. We have now on band su excellent assortment meUlng at frm 86,0. te $8660. At $12, a fine Me1.0brset snd watch Worth $15. At 110, a fine uilver bracelet sud watot Wot $1L. At 19, a fine iver, bail andl nickel bracelet and wstch worth &U2. At $14. a fine Ifil brmceet #Mad wateit vort $18. At $8, $6. $5. $9. ve are ahoins as goed a Uine un vu ever had, st ,poclally fine Vu&e Be sure andd ueo our nov look lu thè braclet. We»Icli BOLID QOLD BRACELET WÂTCRUE P te $90.00. nai, 40 lt$1 tou , etafine ilvun "a#h re"w It viflpar yeoulest te ne our vatches. We ever hmnuIbov such good values. Alvam I4pptbIeMai dalwys lu goed tate là tuoe m tof &,ri" Wt perpetuté tlaal - la 1um sulag--e rometilg differ oUt. Md 2Make strog pILDO- te peopleOf.tobtf4' 5$Xeet ringsfor men: anust rings or "adi n gireat vmety asudexcelet value. W. quote a Loy leadersa A solitaire Diarnoni, $100.00. A "-tome DiauL$76.00. A 7-tone Cluster Dlamomd, *78.0 WC Ul8Emp h Stock 1 ~wALJr5M WATMONS, k4 ON3GA HOWARD' GRUION 44 . 4 .&r*N Ad urna gt for you any watob you vaut sud maye you money. £hr;tasTii.byth Wrist WI corne a&"more seriie.bleth=n the daltywrD t waM tcb. If thé vgé V ractieiiy' ane.str. andi Oerta"y vil! b. appreoame this Chriatimeason. They core lu mani s8yles, suitablo fer otiier business or dreus oosiom nad lu ev007 MM80theY are geilrellable time-keepru We have them both for ladies ad gentlemn. ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ a - i ____________________________________________ WR N EW STORE, Brock St. South, in January. prices on a lot of lines so, that we will not have to move them there. for Christmas, and are prepared. It's no trouble for us to show you our stock. We are offering special We expect big-business Caîl and compare our values. l,%q~AAab.tAAMAAAA#W Rie WMTI3Y .Nie III, *~ ~ e - W WUQW- ON SALE AT 5e PER PACKAGE AT THE WIiITFJ1 EL D'S Drug and Otationory Store WRITBY eONTARIV Bell Phone t Mud e ysiA~awsaÀned $»0 and matieshi pro. exp asivo Made a t.p ess the rate tomuby75-percenLa jump. At the present't8n the town pays $2.M0 a yeur' TA#Ijeuturompaay vet $860 a month or $4»20 a 7«sr. T'h. Water aidLlght ComMIesIcabave ob.- jeeteil té b, u d. M& far bave Det gratei tite demau& . ore suon. BAP=TT OflUCI. Sunday, Nrmo 5 Berviuel as uui Sunday fihool sait Bibi. Clamsesat 10 a.114 Morning sriei '~o.Subject _*1&ecoùg theitiCusi Aatbem+pciuOlvta eL ' Duett, UMimisWikinmon d Rend- zwenIngservice?7o'clock. Sub»et- "mA year Algo Loes a Day." Ton minute mO segiUeI t mbeiinIf01cfmutin, Ibo us tor viiib. -In Charge Of the AUi re veiçomeo Erécli Bt4 M Independeut Phone 3p M.Iscafancous Adverts. BICYCLU LOST., A bicycle lest, on Octeber 23. le. van offeeilfor rotera Of me to N etophenuaoofce, or Cor ltn=~mtic* ieailng to recovery. A.Bnra ýWhltby. POUND. Ou mmet mouqy. Owner ulal*wv mare bf Prng ntr0»iP sld PWIUU for tdit. 3Linte, WltbV% by mpPwlg at Gjuett e a" alpro*~ equippie- viti aide finyladstmerjm clemnr adil$àlimOe 4Ui=tl, 0,,W7 Um5d a shtuiwle. Win mui ahes. Apybaýx 505, Wtty. Bo»midlot. with goil tabe fo four herses. 'Wateran9d ligbt lahounè. umer kitchen; lregrdn eape rm A ppiy a azett oc-» SUWIIB-PPOIT unomousa -~ W. , C . ST t>.LOA P 1.Resol4ed that vo record ugrt Ification that the atithoritica have pro- hlbited the aie cf Intozicatlng liquor at the Niagara-ofl.the.Làake encampuiont Bile Bouma cure and wc piedge our hea.rty uppont te ih.2r e o ibis sud ail sirilar action. ad isa ih.2&.p.b that the. restriction vire miade te In- gist and optlctaz.n0 cinde the wholè DominIOnI. <n aîâ 2. That vwe h eartilln Is ympsthy Grswae o1 with the action of lte, W.C.T.U. sud chines. G-ood weges, othens In petitioniiig the Mininter e1 A Co., 'WhitbY. militia to usne bis influence te Pxreerve A numberor e a Dry Cs.nteen ln Englaibil ad Frane have bien home for 80 that the oldier boys may b. pro- ing. Alex. Bett. BE tected. Wlé,Dc at 3. Resoiveil that vo lu Ontario NiW. ak DG at A Cotiniy Convention asseinbled de ca.uoli.Jr ae, upon ou.r vorn vorywhoro te speait (ot ar h out feulcaaly andl refuie tesanction vGork shrryT. ho t.he use of fuhds of patulotte organisa- eketr&6o tione ln whit~h they hold membebomp "-0 m.roî Cor the purchase cf cigarettes for sel. ChetM Grtt 4. Resolvedt ltIvs U a W.CT.U. iIdt" MWena ai proteot agaut the vitolesale desserr - te b. arnyln g»a tion et thie Babbath dair, whléchIla lare- < lci ag ly carrîed on ln ur nu d. turn&hig the. day itaoee t pleasure seeking. ',The Whitby Tri 5. Thai a leiter b. gent te Col. Bick, ylpsY for apples1 of the Blth Jlmttallon.tm ghlm for hntel hlm support ne Dry CanteOil mil te=a- w se ea penance u.moiugt Our olera.éa -l«dv l'eau vas confosied leut hearpig pàrLd for seniUhhitobm400 to>,uIdls lUi PIWLetQ lead te confusion oetId*s&. Wo voulti nôt ileprilva Our ollUrtb SfliltU$t Ati vv comâfoMtbututitis i1dneot. Imdmais ltg, 1Ur, dani , to taller lt u 'O miupup SgsaIIa>* lga- e S,~a lowing tobacc o te iing l-bow. 111f.EuIi Seo ter.tue la"a BeeHauy T TlprnsOB Lu Girlsoe ~iui tbe pol.*15 i 8.5 colp*tttiasOsv e, - I at tuse, Fron Noi ua yoppenrtuiity io giaidua t~beaýri t #moeboy&ýt- ite frou, by scaditghih orourtu et the Pacloed B.frnity puaddings, ad sml pcelaipeUd "ashoeei t Un, mlI The lia bdughmnts all ealc Bc motons. li bsep III 'e ~PENINSS hillouaneainta J. E. Whls, drug-~ innm on a.wlng ma- i.ý &.ppiy S. X. Trees on Trnnmay evînmg, ueoSXbeu ZM A good program lu belng preparesd. ull panticulars Inter. 0 HIQE CLASS DRESSUAKINO- I have openeil a hlgh clasa dremak. ing parler, and amn nov ready te4uxe- cute orders.,lie ycars' experience lu this work. PAra.Go. iplu1y. pi", St, lwhlthy. opposite Houa. cf Refuge. wmgtol]. 1navàg-zrmng euspar* , CD- lence lu iti pwutal.bumie% -his* ,confiet -eU glulnt 1h.publié f1ever- 29 anti 40-watt !iýngatnrm24& each; 60 iw att Tu t uaie la; m pa, 281. Le Whltby recrulte Miss Voda Luko bam moved to ber <18IT'MUIÈLSRI a fev ilsys. luclui. nov milllnerY parlone ou, the corner 'Air,~<l etb. Oulliver.' SI(Lof Dundas and Centre streeta. opposite s QiMt 5 lrs Lut., Gou. c, a leSits - huc.theful 17111DB. on Mis ikr, 0.. isoNa. Ai0Sint' yrc t aiignqfUOleDi __ The Sunday Scbooi Institut. held Inu Blbuia oCobot& ted st kiupaD oaer b bg the Methodist Tabernacle on Wodue.»AWtOOUDJ1P day aftennând oYenintut vl!swu w4f, 1i~*rwsOile 0attendod and '-was a very upa.gW ugt"lthNIUJ&sd aurstil n tahmaevent for those who ver. pr"vlegeil ue'IPhDv ld5 taI a charge cf b.lug1 be present A repent vl h blihé -cheil be vmtouai ucext veek, am t4e meeting vws la p 00 tp~y't,»oalt 14 uMd vos there oam Atthe lime t hispaervetjo«,es LIprssY -- eit sud!VinegarCe. Lrom soc te40&. Du ba=d for thte CouatyRei plt«io suthoulti entilnt e- cilfSon -oc- Qaruers toir bunieus Stape. iesu lo. .Bo. v a * - daMrtcr Mns. Q« maillia moIor e te A motoM -i prMat te thé loi - - JSutIce ii. $ i and blerât W' t m lkyrglw~ bm Tom 'AU la eau~ bita bell 8mnday4<~vflibst1L ~ O~M.Oet~k~ pute? g.. -- * xxxxxxxx xxXý:X zX avmvôimibi o cf-4»,nn -x xx 7z-Xx x X X - la. Ç&Ve e ofUWblei hable MOte- beOW *xoSie. WW Is Cmpou yi- 'Witto FIne sd Tai gl Is j Whitby ban * testarm tien aboulal hi begat Iim ta mue o d Nov le ft*,mltwle* thu, t th e eevmtb 4 ~ i.. MOVE TO OUR Bassett Jeweler and Graduate Optkcian. w 1 1 1

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