t .~< ~ $ b. VOL 53- N 0. 20 [stop Thtoughl1 WILLIW' Compound Syrup of White Pin and Tar Centains Extra,ts of White Pine, W îld Cherry, Bal» of Gîlead, Spîkeîîard, Bieod Reet, Sassai ras, Tir and et ber rernedias, na-king a aie and sure cure for Cotiglbs, (olds, Bronchitis, and roatorem the. respira-tory organ4 tb a normal, bealthy condition. 25c pop BoUlie J. E. WILLIS D)ruiggst and E)ptîclan MEDICAL HALL Bhock St. * W'bitby. Havlng Taken Over the Coal Business OF J. H. Oownoy à Co. 1 aril prepa-red tLe iliall erders for CLEAN BIRIGHT GOAL IWell screened. We guaran- tee prompt delivery and good OrderB ma'y bleft at lie WaITrBY, tNTARUOl CÂ~~BI&&,NVEBER 1,11 PROVO' L'4S OMIINR l III &4 Application for Ne kne a chin--Renewal of Whitby Shop Liccnse opposed.ni omý X1 The P*evhnclal iemna Commlaajo. Pue Emgt, uawho had been ingv hwu litêrdn'f h e Ayerst, rmteDanle ad 8mith-vWted Whit.pgSeHohel sien bottles carried tn cil vire ,sinwt e ouiChzbr by on ednes an d held a Sitting there at SUMMer, The. ComMimitoners Ti.8ctrT'S re lreb- la te Curt loue.1he 81m1ie04 theught thia was presumptive eiWnc mte&eomTOesd I &Mpe b ud. t la Visiting thc variounsCounties In par. tUit Uquor vaS 1boing 9supplIed for sale. meet, imprtent i S vsoefo suit ot thetir luttes, andinu mach County JM-r. Lick chargel that thle driver eof .3 . ad onffrig ete ford Tovuthe ar opn. e har vidncethe liquer wagon ha" been askel by a a gu t oý-ne ar fgon donn for or againat the renewal of any Il- man lin local option territory te accept th uiatretiutU-6iol~po TeaI pledf. an order for Uiquor. and that the driver vided the,,Board wold edopî the.te=ch j h lcnseesthroughout the Couzity1 teck the man toto hie ag8on and drove tng et1agriulture ad orticulture ini wer prsen inperses or vire ripre- Into Ileense territory and whien ae?088the. achoôl andmake use-oUicheland cf- sentedby a olicioï. 1the line beoked the order. Mr. Finiga ered for experimentai plots. u ls pdr. A nlew application vws prosented te. admitted thus. lAMllt*'s Intenition te lay out aluôn- the Board for a lcense for the victoria Mr. Ltck aie state<I it was reported Ing landi In building lute, BMl te CU.- Hotel. Brechin. Mr. G. L Reach vas' tint tvo Oshaa hetels-the Queens s0ruc a vindlngr drrWafoiD- theappicat.Thi hoa.hei a l-and the Oshawa House vere doing a da street into.-bis r«ilehic, -The ceuse Up tiillat Auguait, viien il vwu bettie trade, the ruse being adoptel te rnîyo cnot ie"tMr auspendel. Since tha.t turne until re- draw the cork lun the hotel, and atter street. ceatly the bouse vas deuil. The ap- thle bottie was carried oiitulde Uic cork Inspecter HutehIsên'Ud- Principis PIcant la a Son ot the evuer et the vas replaced and the liquor taken a. Jflvidge -ad Jolaaso" whr'ease as te utlln. he ppictin vas sup- t ay in bettles. - their eopinions t lm "tfhetahg portel verba-lly by the folloving: Q. The Cemmustaere said they vwoul of Une subjeotû n l uaneto Gillespie, harnessmakerBehn A n-oan Investigation oet tua chage, Plots., adt ithe elà 2omgiVen va Martin. catte buyor, Mara, Tp.: F. Hut. M-r. Finigan salI that he haît givoni that the teaching i otieitture a chias. Postinater, Brechin; Jas. Mc. hie drivers ordéra snot te diliver 8ny 0,Mjrn oi~ t~triu Ceakeli. fariner. M-ara-: J. Deamond, ltiquor te Palmer Knight iua Cedlar Dale lm topbilia sit tueth- Brechîn: W. French, merchant, Brech- ince he ha-I been finel. Heo xplIOll*,, vho teokhIr _ltiv garant, Ia; Philip M-cRae, fariner. the delivery te the Cedar Dale voman trôna tueïe rpîzket 7' tii.]Boar, These mon conteaded tha-a ternier- by the driver atter ho had mai he ddelo receiAvel - grant ahg it *ent ance hotel coda not be mode te pay net have anythtag fer her, by isayifl t-hi$té tu course. In Brechin, and hetel accommodation that perhaps the order USIn tUic bot-1teem~ se~ pti ftan We urgently neeled,.-tg the village tom 0of the bl al ndth4drtver mgt~~u.O..autenie of reçie- waà a largo cattle shîpplng centre.,adflot have remembered having il, but i aothgent ori e ra. ,wrek b- without an hotel thîre was no place that he i mlt haire feund at when he volveï slnoitIn-h wstiyer i- wbere porsons coming te the village get nId et a part o et lo al. 1clue d hortiutur could get meals. Quite'a 1ew travelors CHAIRMAN LAYS DOWN THE L AW. Te ord rtful oepe Mr came te Brechin on business. anad ceull Mr. P'lavelle, ater revîewlng inatters The dard grat~ue,,,40 tte Mi- net. find nccommod'atîen. The receipte laid before the Commission, told the deavor 1te hves the lad itieneth f rom hotel patronage muat be supple- Whitby and Oshawa delegation that f.vn ot mented by the sale etIliquor or the defeated An getting local option theyt thl1rU roe If' e -,asfe bouse coul net be kept open. Tt vas mlgbt make representatiena te thoe; iiregulatiousietith*,£EdU"«t De- conterded that there vas more drink- Provincial Governinent te bave the Partinent viiiailqv.'ý ing of liciuor by mens o et bottle la-w ehà .nged se as te privent delivery oeatnvtiMr iôislco trade now than when the botel baît a cf Ilquor ln local option mualeipalities. îlerao ihM.Iprslce liefe The Commission had found a great Ilt 0f apparatua rre W d' Wt"Ihng Chairman F'la-velle anad ether mnem- deal et la-w-breaklag---.selltng te minore,'grcltrl Tu.jit nte Hg Scheol, and he vus#Éilnauthority te bers of the Commission stated tbey dld to those on Indiena list. selllng In P 0.'rcbase thc -'le. neot look with fa-ver upon thc pract.icî hibitel heurs and by botties. ITeseelp;îýbncPà 1Sprsnc h ot carglg amaIlprie fo me -l The ma-a wbo viola-tee the 1ev and reporte -et attliacbfr October. a-nd glving shed room free, a-nd ma-klng, thiake he te tee smart te be c18ugbtte18M-r. A. RowIendý made ap]Plicatlen for the bar trade Day the loas on the hetel a menace. and il ib. get nId et.Fthie position et1 earetakei- et Dunlas business. AyI ne on rakn h -tetshol . .-tiuf Mr. Roach etated that the hotel bal n lesefui rekn iene eeoadT hisnfr 19 bedroems, tbree parlers and other la-w ma-y be summoed befere tue -stimlez positiQu- at the_,Dufferla Street neceear rema. t oe t me Boa-rd and-adlnt vill-not finel but. echool. Thee ers riferrédý te thc vasnon te lrg fo im îaicense uspenled or eut oft. Property Commtte. bous1e wsnn o ag o h r _ "Wc are leterminel te crovî eut the -inspectbr Zutehkieon'erevort vea pbre. but nov It 18. as traeebaltalIen offe i glysffin ndr t1nt& under the lant tenant anad sice the 11l ma. h eIlgl cln ne esn at aI em IÃr erceto Uice cense waastopped. ulgie te A< ,dfetv ilil<y t u apî. Saine licensee conzidera nsholsit. catien due constderation. dukol' bahepohI *e uligbev or electrio lghtig empty. Thle ma-n vhe continues, thti1 lits report as to tIi. teadtunu staff i s OPPOSING THE SHOP LICENSE. practie ta net a -lit mm te 1bave a, l1- gé4eraiy satJisfactory. Fellowing up the presenta-tion ef a ceaie. - . ' -Ite Boardt iià M- a Cohifertüewith petition aigned by 640 na-mes, te the 1 "n île opinion oethie Board e.1 isuCoI-,tr ,-t à -é9sê v Commission smie veeke ago In Teros. ;la dr4znk auldi 0 W-tY sreWtl w. -o- ront~bu teo, the, saine persongwho co»anps mre- -lu Plans sol 2stipm$m Vmvalsie4 F1~ L~ando#~ aiS. 5rys~'a Store, Pot.aoes.Il New ffpsanswlckt Cholce Stock. .Full 90 lb. bag.' For Quick Turnover Bage Ln-cluded. la He. NDWEY & GOm of thé area so as te Include ail the tac- tories and hotela in town. Mayor Warren explafned that the Board -of Health had umde a tour ot Inspection et the central poMton ef the! town and la me place found sauti taiy 1odteP very ba. It was thir. that had1led te the recommendatioli et the Board. -Thé, unmnlmelb opinionet -the COMi- efi --wu that theaipesolbd hol lié maoeM te hiludt l ew tÃbê meu "n4 thé--e, ore thticlïe ttleà rureamntia,l stion. -thý 6wi*liito 1-iibe mkdte piepare a by-Ita'w1 leaVi»ifte boiradarles blanki and the' Concil *t fItn tenetlng *111 Snally docii Ce A# GFoo»nxzO* & SoN. Pùbllsbcrs-,ý SEE OUR IP STO! Cold weather wil so buying one'of our them on ail year. Storm Doq Seree Streng E0"'Iu IRDWARE- RM DOOR4 wn b hee. .Preare or t b ,ombnatin strm dors.Leav W DOO SuiR on*él a deatontormdos. Lae PRINSL'lS- HARDWRE WNITBV, ONT* PeeI'.s Shoe Store For The Lateïst In Fali Footwear. Our stock was neverso complete as at the prestnttimeà WeSoicit YoUrPtotg - nd Apprecat YUr usness. DY' WU=pijDÈU4ý. -j~5 Biner Lick. ItJ. éy frec Scott and B. J. Pankhurst'epoke fer 1are Oshawa and local option terrltery, of botel. date.6' .j Mr. Paakhurst sa-id le bal boa-I a servel la bar, and ltov unany 4IIuxkcn womnan ln Cela-r Dale a-sI the driver men on preinales not being servit vitii of the liquer wagon if ho ha-I enything tor'lilaebeeentt tt fer her. The driver sa-Id be ha-I net. tur hsi ob eýrMt te a-nd yet before lie ha-I lotI Ceitar Daim Commniseloi. - lie ha-I ma-de a delivery atUthe Mne 1 The Cemmissien le detemmletu tat boume. (Thé Commissioner8 - SaldI f the la-w shall b.observid.a this were true It vas a violation otfUic'Plihe Comnmissieners visulel Osb*8a- la-y). He bal a-ieo seea the wagon stop j Port Perry anad other places lIn-tUs. once or twlce a- week at the O ocf County, lnispecting the -va-leue boteis. CRUAT SUNDAY SCIOOL RAL! il- miI. There la a ittie liquor shop Thé buotuer Canada Imprnêmmt à I a evrySI1OPelé Laud Go. Umltsd An inch below your 008 Whitby - Ontarlo u'ils of hItby 8uAdaV SCboolo bY' ROSI Entate Deaiera, Estatea Managed, Mr. Thomas MeGillcuddy on ÊUnDay Renta Colleoted, Firet Loana Arranged, âfenOU.(11 lOU theomCuIOet theLau- Propertie* bought and sold. nW emernc rally held la the For toesapply Head Office, Brok t.MUSIC Hall. Bel11 Phonoei1 . lad. IPhone 70. The Methodlsgt. PrebYtferl4~Bpit and st. John's jugllctadmlisli 1 part tu the reiiy. Tbo utehocm.muartbeI ln a bdy trom t*i.Ir mmai ecOli Factory Building Want.d tebc fte1À &dut&. Moderato simed beildinç, suitable litvas autrftag suadmie W e w for mandacturing ight maon ork, r tk~ 0oto t-'4f l luqw# wanted by &aries.u flrm f« a ~ liuytYqIUet 70u=8 po pe Md ebul4çci. r0" IçM, me 4 Canadian Brani. If you h*vo r. t. tii.&ooUM ut~i s ê tb* tr businesproperty tW asU writeW iee b 8l P~ L hffem r. mmicmOen44 ow 1 eý*.b JOHN PIS BR g mu a tbtoumd #wUoe 4ý'b OomwyRai iltemUfiskbs w 5 4OWttaums 57 w 1»t use Ckmù R"1906u bmt"es.mbit. *«*p t b i Âs a le S. 8uamqttbMel me ..0 I b*« TORONTO Cte tl r 4 ~ ~ nme li W voa ao îm mou l 5mM *~ ale lm -e 1811V~ 1 mS~* .TAmuI BROOK ST.WNPTBV, - Hie aldrese vas stYflI PhPosn ed &mrw,- ad Ue speker aoo that m he iuetrafivMc * lkm -tht oie oncd arr o tlb, shorfglnal trbO*--4 t poisons thebm ettrIdUoLtb. hOme-, thi tale. MThe aitteewesbaseitapo Uice tert.Wiela qke.sii drInk l al, atvieOvrl Was te v«Oleun ist4leu ha-w -»nrhaý lael ii De4 I U.ath .1 f i têi e "To thé e aro aitouo e U etf the 'rà *h- at a -epeci omtimfe veMlber *t iteldedtbIiét-la tii tï este ettcpulceatsU u ciesets. prtvy plIs, cee pols, 'e tnks, a thv ilet,à aed e au b W~D lriusdb U*iu Md.- loin h brd *) e James Sawion WhItby9 ont. lu ia rriage Licenas. A. H. ÂLLIN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Corner drugstore. Whitbl., No Wlt.nesses reqVlred. e 1 1 ý lý vv - s 1 tien [eau to