1LiU15~ iras for liet bkii .. ap 'menttèW<a Jdà 3 Csah ~bI5î iTO etAval h - ft,1>.iBtO in W, -eUrne lu leeber. Mr. *QtliO piontht MO. hbaie iaU heen.- re- RXM..Tipper, eèt th'#Depirtmenî, Whlt- bMIlt. a4 are no*w ina tmt h» owbyi willl be ila 4barge. -3.Toa dition agalu Uidor -the, auspilces of t hms * Mi,. ,BrracIough'a buieber shop wlll Chnrch, Breeblixi, a grand concert wifl fl aU very morntng tram novw on. be given -on Wedneaday eveniai;, Nov, UaIt.Joha.Nesbiti returnet on Mon- 17. It wil be one otthe fineet musical day from hie bunting trip, brnging treats et the season. A mlxed quan- bouté with hlm a, o dur, lette from 'Port Perry' aud tbe follOW- Tie pupIla of Miss Mann, ef Tenante, tng soloiats will provide thé musical e -wbc bas been teachiag music ln Brclk-ekprM.P oPorrt ii Wghra, Mr.IAra-l lin sd Myrtie. gave a recital ai them mn, n od e Por Pe rrM.heazeof home o! Mns. Ar%4ur Jobanston on ue@- ib, en.M.Mirete dayeveing ~fienwhib aaiseiln-Port Penny. A patriotie adtresa will dau eeg r w iena MisPllana, bm given by Rev. C. R. Dm Pencien, M. whoue marriageo takes place shortly. A., et Oshawa; a sirong, loquenî and * , issManu. peusat mnnerbasvonardent speaker on patriotie maltera. A ber many ftriende here. net onl y 9ongpart o! the proceefthe bmconcert goea a'o ote Redi Cross wonk. Admission, ber pupils, but among ethers wltb adut e.cldrn1c * wbepx she came in contact. Miss Man A 5e., lireanUme.w pete la anescepienaliy good musiçian, andi Avr laat revsseta ber pupils are sorry te lSe ber. tehm fM.adMs .Lw Mn. and Mà . iHenry Maynard sud rende on Monday eveniag lasi, hen a eilidren motored freru Tononto on Sun- number cf the immediate frilnofuth ie' day, and speni tbm day witb Mn. and tsmily gaibered te pay respects te Pie. MWIt Will Mayuand and f&MllY. Waler Lavrence, cf ibe 37Ib Battal- Mr&. W. Holllday and Uis J.ean ton. betore his depanture for ovenseas Hayeratt wre la Tcronto forn ibnee service. Dr. James lIqene presldmd dayî Ibis week as delegales to Ibm Ia. oven Ibm gatherlng, ant read an ad- atilute Convention being beld in hiIat dreapresmnting Warte WI a wisl cîî. atcb anti biar-pipeW;Jer nspoud- Mrs. Wm. Vanvalkenburgb. o! Wbî.m blfy Iskngbsfiad.H by, visited ber daugbter, Mra. Normain'vas folloed -by sevral of ibm gen- White, tor a f ew days this wemi. tlemnen lu speeches sud sons. LAter re- Mn. Marshrall, whe bas been work.ing 'treabruentà werm .smnved by thm ladies, for W. A. Dryden, bas enlisled, and îett and a very enjoyable socil iheur was * ast week to-- ln hie reglmenL spn.'bedrostlea Mr. anrd lira Fred Mernison, et To- - Bno1iki. Ont.. Nov. 2. 1916. î ronte, vlsited ai Mr, Wm. FowIe's oven To.Irte Wller Iawnmncm,' Sunday. Mr. Powlie, wbo Iras beeni 27h1 BAttalln. C]U-P. 9 *quite 111, te recovering. Dean riefllS-We are asemble! bene Dr. Lau J. Sebent, who rtted thl 1i this. evmnlng for theé purpocf ex. aummer troim Boston. where he had pressing, our feelings ,of gratitude te I> orto two yeana, leftI -eceliIly forI you for un n~th-of e duty ta stratterd. wbere be wiibln iicharge twbicb yexn'z ,g idCuntry sumnron o! Dr. Forretera practice as mp, ar, every yo tg Z ýet Iutn g i nose and th roat Specialist. Dr. Forreel. Canada. ÀrIIW@o4 kxiow 1-Mt YOn were en and wit o go at once te ibm front. prompte4_ le rmspon.d te- that eaU by Dr. Sebeni's manp tnIends here sud pour owvn'eônskmne skWe due deliber- lsewhere ish hlm aIl Ibe'succes9 pos- atien upgn thIbm awful stiýQggie in sible. whlcb nov >nly oun Empire but all libi- Thc Rev. H. W. Foiey bas gold bis erty lcving people are engaget a- tarnily cow. She la an Aprshine grade, gainaithjewdM udrbus oethiose aud bau given 10,000 pounds et miii lu priceles lentes gaineti ton us by oun leas than 12 montha. foreftiers 1r$ -1.arS ard fougbt Mns. cDonald, Miss Tomlihson and i feld . Il det*n% &hosm pinciples 'Mn. Levers, et Toronto, moteredtot as wmili b inrNUy country Breokllu on,- Sunday. sud the protection of Ibhebornes of our Mn. George Hay, wbose deatb iook landti Iai Ibm gsllani- regimeat te place ln Toronto lest week, lias ou oit w.blcb pou belong ha. ulndergone Ibm Brookln boy, and was a sou o! Ibm ardueus and, slrenuous discipline ef a laIe Robent l-ay. His aister, lIns. mlltlany camp to»' ibuu long menthe Goal 0»I and Naphihi-Engins& Reduce the Runnlng Expenses by One Haif. 'j Engines on exhibition at the BrooklilaHardvae Warerooms. Ask for booket describing the very iatest andf beetini Farm 24trPower. Extension Ladders aill exagts to o0ft. IJRIAK JOtE SflOICLN, - - -ONTARIO on trâ 'WI UOÙTOUtio wsek irIot.. ptte..a a" .M&VM dearbut h.i" &i à ùI...tlm" ustu-. TfHE 4RA _S. 'w. B- RNGEf~00. -,&M ouo,,tâtutà mat coufrt rojn u. -xour f rom a ger*m 5-0, Y tlnU"0comieotad"ù, ds4mIrably é, wi-n lshow te - world thLat. the Caadenputli bas 11etot etAurefthe. endurlngquaùIia elong p"ossed by- our ancestors,,'and tibm 7tibRe ment recrqited from -he surruüdIng counties have amply sbown tbat the Possess that endurance fer whlelilwe-a a race bave ever been noied. Wlilie yeu are on lbave penhuaston thelast tlime before embarklng for overtUSehasevie, we, your mmiy friends and nelghbons, join lu presentlng you wiib Ibiwrlst watcb and briar pipe as a imali ne- membrance ot the geod wlll we bear' yen. May your conduci as a seldier et ibm King be la keepig with ibe unltorm you wear, a Unlform ihai stands for bonor, vIrtue, justice and liberty, and athougi rllitary duiles -and discipline qulte otten clash with ene'. own pereonal Inclination, yei pou muet remember that as an lndivldunl soldier you must chertully contorm 10 those ruies adopted for the benefit et peur regirnent aud the wbole force lu particular. We wlsb pou Qed speed, a glorlous carmer, a eatfë conduct througb the war, and may Ibmhe d etbittuma guIdýç Vu to do the rlgbt and bring yen Slgned on behalt et the AssemblY. JAs. MooRz, M.D. J . WESLEY STBVISON, * Trios. HALL., H . W. McBEmiE. Read W. M. Lawrence's advt. on Ibis page of the paper. Re la offering extra special bargains for Ibis week. MOR SALE. Seven Pige five weeks old. APply la Jas. Skinner, Brooklil. NOTICE. Re listae ofnames of persenawhe have enlieted ln unulleof the. Caadian Ehpeditionary Force. It ta ibe request of thre Honorable Ibm Minuster et Miii- ils of Canada that a Reol eftlonor, contauns he bnarnes ot anl residenta of mtmtlpaItles 'Who have enlleted for Ovenseas Service, or o! reservista who have or are ret.urulng ta Ibm colora,' Shouit ho esiabllshed and hung i the offie eofthib Mualcipality. That eaid request may ho properly carrlmd out. the parents or nexi t fkm or employer of any sncb persoa, are hereby requmsted te send Information te ibm Clerk o! the Township ot Whiiby et name, where eallsîmd, anrd, if knowu, te wbat corps or battallon atiacbed, and whether ibey bave proceeded over- seas or are sti under training lu Ca- nada. A prompt rmply regardIng ihose who havee elied or et future enliaiments wlU be appneciated an ihat sncb bonor roll may be rnaintalned ln Ibm Town- ship of Whltby. D. HOLLIDAT. Clerk Whitby Township. $100 REWARD, $100 The readeruofethiis paper uit be pleased to ieen hat ihere ln ut lemBu oedresded diarae that scesce hss becs able toeve ure ll lts ma ud that la Caiarh. iLll'âCtarrhC«e ÃŽStèonl' positive cure now kniown to the siedical fratmrutyé Qatarrh belngs constiti- losai disease. requIres a c»nsttiitiloii&l reai- ment. Hea'.atarrh Cure la tairen internally. acting directly upon the bboqo sud mutos uu> fcoftesystein. tbrebpy c4stueylgt0 tbeouaudation ofbeaten stpzu~tte l s ts uaive Pf& O= neue iDolru for &av, Address: P. 1. CRRNIC & Co., Toledo. o. Sold by il UugaittS.7&C. Take Balis PasirPlly pnsfor conglimulos. Mn. andi Mrm W. Bunr, o! oshawa, speni Ibm anlier pari of ibm week ai Mr. Chas. Giover'i. Mn. John Elsom bas moveti ente the olt DerbY propenty, ihiciho ere«Met1y7 purehasmd frem Mr. Chlaholma, o! To- ronto. We are glati te welerne the EIlsm famlly te our vlctnlty. Mr&. Housewtf, wien buyins breat, den't detatibmUi driver twe heur. Remember there are others a- awOaibg bis arrivai. , LwOuStvs it r U mt t hie Un. lm # ibebut duplis the Roohont r"Q..MUreh 2i4, 1915. #'I have reoelved tiheintost Wbuxderf ul bmnefit frorn talng %'rWt-a-tivesl. 1 suffered foxyeahs from R&umatism and change of life, andi 1 took every reznedy obtainable, without any good realts. I heard of 'Pruit-a-tiveu a.nd gave it a trial an& Ih wus the only medicir;e that 9TaUly did me g-ood. Now I amn entirely well; the Rheumnatism bas disappeared and the- terrible pains Iii =y body ame ail gone. I arn exceeti. lnglyp'ak*ful t0 'Frudt-0-#ves' for such rélie4- and 1 hope that others who suier from Psuch distre8ing çUdus wiU try 'Fru1t-ew-ti,,es' nd Set wefl". . MADAM ISAIE ROOO The nmazveUous Work Lhat rut- tiea' la dolng, hi ov&ooming diseaso and healing the sic&, la wiuping the admiration ofthouuand nd thouacbda M0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial aize, 25c. At all d*elr or sent poetpaid by Fruit-a-tives Llmited, Ottawa- MYRTLE. kToo late for lait issue). Miss M- Conroy entertalned a num- ber of her frienda at a Hallowe'en pa.rty on Thursday niglit., Our boys condncted themselves very comrnendably on Hallowe'en. A few miner pranka were played Jixît te keep ln mind the occasion.. .Mrs. W. Tgzvis bas been confined to the house wlth an attack of la grippe. Mr. T. W. Brooks, our progressive merchant, has had the luterlor of hie store decorated, preparatory to get- tlng ln his wlnter sto«I.. Mr. John Aiberta, of Vermillion. Man-,Is-renewlng old acquaintances in the neighborhood. MIAs Winnie, Moore, et the Mclýangbh. lin office staff, OshÃwa, spent Sundaî at her home here. Mn and DMrs. R. B. Hodgeoni et To- ronito, spent a kow days wIîth f riends bore. ~nurnber et hèrfrien Ii e. daa sat Monêay th The recruitlng7 ~eet1ng here lent FrldaY night. wfl- 4rgely attended snd much enjoyed. Mr. Hlarry Roberts la under the doc. tor's care wlth an Uttack or rêver. Mr. Robt »f ce, !Weit Whitby, bas been threshlungI -or-morne o! the farmers around. hore this weeký Mir. Ufomas <2OodMan and daughter, ýrnly,.*ent'SUndaY with frleude at à yee Word bias been reWovedthat Mr. jas. SaunderS, who le fightlng fer the King, la on a much deoetèed !urlodgb wti relatives hin!lngland. Constipation Relieved or Money Back-Nô Dirugsf Dr. Jaeksoni't RomanMua -je*soit Ment doudous ýfoot. h1' maes porritge pmalm es ai .11 -at*"outs i may h betemhet *itheut 4,t~u u nourlshbotimter'trs a.0"tnabe ai lesst.it f.cosi 1w. ly1e sMd 2ke At a0 ÀéLD£otss 8udai aai brso Wm«Dr mie5Of7 Md'er fft 04 VU& l ~UaI Nsta ahed hosScey sre.a5KMod y ri.BDearbora, seonded b ~fr 1~ thatthe 10llowlng accourds Ove83.OOs. rion $9, T .SPECUAILBARGAINS Moterili841,Jas. Crowefl 85.40, A. J. Grese e22, Fred Glover s6, W. H. Thinâ$7,QO, Sinclair Bros4 815.80, D. r âtwill iive iog moaey mbi wemb ellAay$1 8, Jas. Moffatt $1.10, G.____ N>ewsome $«4751 John Ros $20.20, A. Lott $ilî. G ibson $8600. Max. -$2e-25, ~W. G. Gib- men's Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular î. oo and $ i z5, 6on $I9.50, Thos6Laue $3, C.N.R. $2.18, for soc Canajda Cernent Co. $332.50, G.G. Reid el150, Thoq >Welub je50, Afred Rogers Men's Leather Working Mitts, one finger, reg. 35c, for 25C $110, Trued Conereto Co. $204.47, W. e' ie MtrGutes bak lotn e.$ 0 Q. Gibson $3i.10. M nsFn oo anltbak iotn e.$ 0 Mscellanieous-J. F. Grierson, law for $1 .98 costs, $17.20; Bertrand C. Coipus, prInt- ing, $8; A.ý C. Puckett, relief, $6.11; Sweater Coats for men, boys, ladies and children. Reeve, Clef~k ana Assessor, selectlng Jurons, $12,'Clark and Assessor, Votens' Prices special for this week. List $50. - g r$.~ o 15 Mr. ElîUs, oeconded by Mr. Dear- Best Shaker Blankets, largest size, reg r$.5fo$15 bora, moved that this Council do now adJêilrntaeineet on the 29th of No- * Vollnber, at 10 o'clock a.m. M r u ii oSv oelge *Cormibus, Nov.ist, 191&.M t pcast aeM r oe WM. PURVE.$, Clerk. 5 lbs. Of 40C Tea for $ 1,75, 7 cakes of good Lau ndry THE ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Soap for 2.5c, 5 lbs. of Washing Soda for 5C, 2 large tins of The President of the Arrny Medical Baking Powder for 22c, 4 packages of Ammnonia for 25C, Corps bas rmade a request that pub-6dznCctesPn o c lilcty be given to the airn and purpose &dzà ÇèhsPn o C of the Women's Auxiliary of the Arrny Cet you-r trade certificates for our Free Silverware. Medical Carps, and i accordance with the request the followlng tacts bave ____ been furnlshed for the information of The officeri and men ef the -ArmyWMAWE C Medical Corps calre for the wounded In Uhc rear o etiel f 1 !battie. hI Feld Ambulance and In Clearlng, StationU Â Wc and ]Base Hoapitais. That ibis ar . , sfiouit be given by efficient Pân& i th evenl exravagant equipinent 4ý their disposai, le a matter of vital limport. ________ ance. Effilency wltbout equlprnent la torrtbly handiewped. F'ffilenY thelrç -ppîmnugIb up- Mr. Ifarry RaIdi, of Toronto, was ta wlith equipmént mean the sav~Ig of "4-~let$,the Goverrnent, nor town on Monday renewhng old acquain. lives- of inestimable value te the very, do they confiné their efforts Vo thbe med- cxisten<ce et tbe nation. bal 'aspects,,.pily. tances. Tli1en, tee, ihe doctor and thm equip- Oièiiflfuraly tails thm part of________________ ment must be on the spot, for prompt briii£ing'thet'ouc1h o! homo mbt the attention saves many a life; makes for arnQetfo only for thm care et AUCTIONEERS' a more rapldj recevery, a.nd an earlîer ibe.e lk ad et the wennded, but aise retura teto e i ing line--so there bas of ei Ã"ltefield Who have neither In thm present war been brought tu home bor frienda. Se whiiee esyrn- JAS. 13ISHoip greater efficieney than ever before a pthly Of the Women's Auilliary of the sysîem, ia well cannected links, et A. M..,(.'. s i?*kressed itselft Ia nurn- Oshawa, Llcensed AUletoneer. Sucem wbat rnay be caiied treatment bases; berleeés bmatai, dressings and other or te L Fairbanks. Fer termes a" beginning wiib the Pirsi Aid on ibhebosDtatsuDplIOê, fi bas gone forth aise field and going ibrough Field Ambu- Ihd- 111E f ttbacco and chocolate, dates apDl>y te self or G. Robb. Wbitbg.- lance, Clearing Hospital, Siatienary ibat .hve Ã'Warfled ibe peeket, and ______________ Hospital, and Base Hospital--splendld- heart tee, etf Wanfy a Canadien bey, ly thongbt oui, maguilelently care while soeka wrlstlets, scarfs, etc., bave WM. MAW eut!- But the task la herculean, ibe de- affôrdéd 76 oth f another varlety. tati enormous! Realling tbis, thIe Wo. Many Church Societime and Clubs LICENSED AIJÇTIONBeR ne~ Auxiliary ofetJM.M. C. "try te In the city and thronghout thecm utr AND VALUATOR. have assistmd the W. A. very greatly by All kids of!sales Dremptly attentai contributions etfrnoney and supplies, t.Aragmns o a> ab These bave been sent on as expeditieu&-frslscnb Profqesioua1 C W& ly as possible te different Canadien madeait te Gazette office. ______________________ ospItals. Within the nexi -week the Terme reas inble., Society hopes and tnily expecta te aMip Belland Indez>endent phone. LEQ&L a bundret boxes o! supplies ta lhe dl!- WIIITBY, ONT. ________________________ferent Field Ambulances and Hospitala JNO. Es FAREWELLq K. Ce lOW locatet In France. The continuance of ihe war wîll ne- CONTRACTORS Baxrlstr, Counly Qrown Attorney an1d cessItgte the establishment ot more Conulfy Solliter. treatment bases. -The work done'by J- IÃŽeWELL JhAMES 9me% outhWingCoUnUQUMWu ibmheSociety durlng the pasi year mhouid Offie, outhwln Cout I@U8@Whlb hooubled and trebled. The need for.Cretr uia i mtate C~MSIANevery kInd eôt cornort in dire. 1[hl la » dran and estimates £ûruiatu -,s.t> E. IRN' mpossMie-te send too-much, It le crim- inal te -send- tee Itile. A atrenueus 858h, doofl aMd tramas. Smlri«. 5oUdcler..Nut,bePublic, Etc. season 18 .betere Canadian women, as sumt»# t rBwatiui -Uffo Offce, Breek St., O9p. Standard Eank. well as Cahad" en en. The W. A. A. BOX 467 WIIITOY Pon 4 von"y te L,<lu M.C. wiil express its patrlotlc ferver _Phone______149___ ant devoted. synipathy, by -arnesi R S work, and wMl welcorne meuti grate- THREADGOLD 018 G. VOtUNe BITU, 11.8. tully sny assistance rendered by siater . AP5TR ~ sqvotie. __________Alteratiensanmd Repaira Coi~~~ V OIMER WHITBY BOY'S FINiT eu»S lORK OuÀEANZà ______________________Corner Walnut andKett IL ~ A.thur . . alien, a former Whitby SWAISON eynow o!f le, N.Y., buyer eoflehn No. 139, Barriuter, S Slotor a7 t~yPubitewsilkmanud rm s gos for them Inn of îSienisi Prami',haluad"&tion te 4.U.1 Offoe.v~ 1~tutpu Hpry J. J * - *~.;' THt IMIK * 1' .1 .. 250Me Te iw iiiiiii mil