Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1915, p. 4

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~ et~Jw5$ tise esi b poc e . i ihuthe, -upýran- d jê- awmoàtierer-. Sae at 1=.80 .'olock sharp î for bhsu m $. _ oopete to ixskttoe, hiea 0rc014 A m ai ut~ P#par 014 With tIh iitpr ape, nO ig tdwn ils pce9katray No.lSb-Âc lol cfsu aUveew11e("om netfoahmUcetor151k ua.eta adm,11rs atil,, buggies> turulture euIhy nes tiis papar te îay 4own "r suit <1ëaW--ëpeàiaus' -ena. ly hitby Sale <J#CF&gSqp8WIlred r loi det h epoal C"4«caeaue ae u onpte oe l s0iSttOà Sale St 1.30 sharp. W=. ~d s».Ii 11. Sugg vrtien 10 ii ar ute be s- and sitract lier ticett.o 01P, the iv. e.uctloneer. iV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Pbkoubtiuplîodrm hrum4idieladc f as. trainjnan or coniductet vite dom net Of et * steeransd helfers. the esk lyta >.Gu ou heproperty e& Dafid Jones, lot 3, COn. a lU h noao St ave hmtln&c1o lt epe ttaivnIo I 1etokt155lie_-oegso Plokerlng Tp. Sale Lt 1.80 àhr=.Seo it ".thýiMr ýGije Cat town Who ewrnild gladly use 11. The aaigwe destination or route. 11ta. nid,_A.-E MIls, lruultWhltby. 0nt- bille. Wmx. Maw, auctioxiser. Il 155511t115t Mr lll~ ~ ~ To'wn Coxinelil. ho represent the pao- tthb slua &new eider of theO 1 - - FrdyNome19-ospnta- tou uon111 lgelu it rverclsepie, ahouid be giad 10 provide the fudi pury, but If so, It Id a montd 4a.rw,8: tnda 4 alebu',~w iOt en ae.of household furnlture, iDrap. tt4 th.lie aupoatidn. amountlng ai- If tIi. abova organisations are wifling able and annoying innovation. and one' y,~,ertY of Mms D. W. Carruthere, -lot i, m o a caoertintyvbeilugttalMr.~>Weteraosblt tamii.ta iol .dotne. To sa ,iVILLAgItmBaueroft 2 Bath, 1,-0011. 1, Pickenlng Tp. Sale at 1LU Gifl. ial eaeed ue atey o 11e trlng the=. It la the place t of te a mm itbrougb the. train b . ta 5i.Courtwrlght, 1; Brin. 2; Glenco..s; oclock sharp. W. B. Powell. auction- legs, but seedhg ltai lits riend va wu 1 anantwnDoet.btig eanuc i ransdulai5Lucha. 20, XMekevIls. 2: 0(M Springs. 0cr.,1 bavin; ltrouble, ha -thrav of f is coat twn t oda t ow n pîoetu t g.t14 W uncthtran etnain2; Westport, 8; Port Pemr, 8., ueda, ov.enber 23.-Mr. P. W. snd plumged Into thc vateT again te go foim a service of thin nature tera Bagor, 0; Barrie, 1; Biddulph, 1; 4. con1. 2. Eemt Whitby, al of hie faim te Xallso aid. Gillies vas probably -o sbould be no lioultattou lu grautiu *CClaplesu, 2; chapmaa, 1; Ezcott etock anl implementa. sale te cern- exhustl sd eilel e rachHal. iernt. 1; Pl4tsry. 2: Gloucester-, 4. mane e t ene oclock.- Por particulars exastdad hne orec aql eWemcne. No doubt the to'wn fa.th- in tue rush sud enthuaiasm ofr andes,6;L; , McMu-rlch, 1; B' argebilEa. lehilop, auctioneei. Hlll uunible oten aUhome Who vent ers vMlido Ob, If* ud whmu approscbed iug men te thé. vu peDrhssi ltti.é Mariboro, 1: >!out«e ansd Herscheol, __________ tg hls rascue aur' particulars, and he on th1e subject. Faw lovas bave as fine thought in given by th1e average per- 1,Smi8 ._____________ tecet oaf tehe taie taklng s fth ie a parkiw Wltbr'. Theretore. 1the more son to lte men vhe vili eventuall re- .. ceuse reductien--Ottawa, s kI3Slo8h1. ttn secrt oflit trale hppeings0f it latr'I I at so much satural besslr' tain, and aven nov are dbing se, and - aftenllOOL sitould Dam5 largair ' iéiaeid. as to-ywhat shalit b. doue vlth those vite SOLDINE1 RUNS AMUCKL An important question; AIl busi- Thosa wbo knaw Mi. G011i1s vellinluthe ast. bacause oft ualact W 1the ana too crippîl to perform their torm. Pte& D. Dffllar toek lte lav int à s e olgsaentaie a kuev that ha had lits faulte, but I itsgrounduansd Inattention te aceommo- er taslS cf mnuallabor. The. Dou"i- OWII h*a&B on Plridar' ight lasi, and4 yor 511e Catalogue h« supposition asuto hov ha mel bis daab wohda tulc tigi150shpet daUILto Goermethowver, b ésuioeédtohiuel lu i Imedhap egt- be correct. Mr. Gllles rsinl lte clam '1 ... t Ion Govnetheaut, lias b.uh 0f it~ wo psssse tui grete loking te lte future, andbaappoint- oloo tle oeesumwtespr love" viticit laya down its lire for ils Why sud wheforsth. e w Mmsk- cd a cmmdissi. with senator Long- enta. ftým*. Ulms. 3ebs Colbyý. neh friand. Er' hi. beoae dealit Mr. Gillies atut belsg put up by semaetfte con- heed as Chirman, toecondeèr thé mab.t. wut vat Mln o,ewn PO.ia lias boned the Profussion tu wbicb b. dul ,msd Uiathon 1the G. T. p.? ter et re-eduaaiiof <disable assodier. iDecourt ou sBtat idaolg oarge 0tUa,01 viii assault os Mn.sud, m sCelby. It wvI halp r'@u 4o decide. Thtis b$longedmmretisa moat mon do by Have you noSticatthar' vil stand This prablae ViI lnU lme assMa lang Millar nses to e hawextlless. Ro uchool tae oadueted on the-higheut titeir livea. &t ltetrain stops sud say- Show your prDopUoMionssd muât b. grapplel villi bas ual support2l lits Vite, vite Mme plana ef efficlancy. Wa are proud nov la ordar le prepare aplaNI Miahome fhum Detroit sme lime su90,s8" ci ils racrd. a n ie b______las aine@ beeau Uvtug viitt b»r Dérants. . Studants aditted a n ie - -comlng days. 1Mullar *bee ulitled Wfer esecong tia. cetor, We. J. amsts The ouly course left te a soidier yhe reently. cama té toin lt t misdl IalS 1. I W tml À -~lu unabla, bacause of disabulI', tare- à[r. sad Mis. C*lbr' naurlY rO tru t» ht@ former occupationa t» ,fusd te allow hlm I15W their home. Mr. Millar foit Insulted, sud sbeved etoi one ofthe Irades or professions bis dlsplessure bY smbsilug up ting ï. brawn larequirad. Ta lit himselt for h. 1ruised Up lMMaColby snud sIS HAa TU UhSwil require ludustrial training flots on ber btsband. otechnlcal educs.tion, viicevar oe MagiqUte Harpai on Salurdar' nlghl, F OR - citooses te cail! IL The opeslug ef tecit- whore lie further dlaUtlgulsed hlm- 0ýIsters, ulcal achool ln vaious cantong self by uslug var' stieng lauguage lu S HO L tirogiouZit-povnele,~hlm o-wn detesce. Ho, howavr, dnt througout thmprovncell epDotvd g hle ,asceeno sud 2aie, Caada. Inulude lTe Saw Coir- Winter Overcoats, m t11aiuton spale u e hemaglistral à reman e lte- e. d mod"SboTeflrlBi C~tetf~J~s report eof1the Commission. 'while au 1iestigation la made te fin ehédam - ambeh su vtetiter Millan vill be sur' more use AUp oid «ell. un ,u 13mèn-hirlu in1te milîtia- titan hao iiib. lu gaoL 0aî.aelUsoo requstr Writ foIl Butto-'Thrugli oatsWhlCh MaUF PODI. arMli01d la O W. I. IRAI, PuMaiL. Had Offee, F y IFront'Coats, Dry Forces i Big Drive. deubt Yo"<* and Gerrard Se Toronto. Newpoe, bip-onq Overcoats. More titan one-seventi of a&U muni- The Sebert Hou"e at Port Perr' vas 1~cîiPlties ln Ontario Ihal ramaisuUn- gutt.ed bY fir'e ely Monday marnung r T ROIS Evey desirable color, der licensa are belng attacked br' thae otitis veek. r, Lu LUXEL IlEOTIA patr ndfbï.t<mpermie force, Votlg te takeage The death occurred lu ToielictABEo anIA paten ndfari.at lte uez municipal eîecioSâ. 'Te Tuesdi. ef Charles Lewis Puckrtn, tae PrIces 15009 1Se09 $20*00 preseut situation lun1the province 1%, tvwo.ycai-d son ef Mrn.sd mIonie - 7as;,o t5 5 ef the 847 musillalteo,, 656 arn Puckrln, et Wbltby Townsbip, Théite Eë and upwards. alreadY dry. 0f the 291 remainin& chlbbal beau lunltae bospîlal for Ours fit as to prie, =ader license, 44 ve upen local op.' soea ime. 1%e fuserai la belng hall-I uitan sP. lion by-lava lu Japuary noit Iivolv. to-day te Salem burying graunul. qai sdsae Made to vour eicact mensures ln ecInttese campalgus' sud lu tha Il. _______ hoil or Reforro. six days. - 1ecausê amn a prac- tical tailor 1 can guam-ntee entire satisfaction, or your money back. We aiso ýFrench clean or dyc men's and ladies' garrnçnts, such as uildresse-s, gowns, waistsglove, sweater coats, in fact 411 wearing apparel. U~ur1c MurpYs,1 i ote WhItbOt *The Household Remedy for the ailments from which_I10oeevemm oe m e suffers-sick headache, constipati% sâë leep. muddy opexolassitude, backach, dpr amoua other reuts lof a dsordered digestivelsse~-' They bave achieved the disinctioni of being the most widely used medicine -inithe w.org, becasm iliOnof people have found themn depenclable, lsp0ecy mt irn theïr action 9U îtQu4uh, liver, kId»eyi and bowcls. CoxWoui!ded abe producta ebm'sle are Ina tra physicing habit--do nôt frritatc the bowela. ~hu4bc ekn 2 vý member of the farnily at the fini uiIgn o« Wteâ.a uId andeco that they are good for tho aged, and for tlWM6Ooibldo4 r Worth a Guinea aBo cne reduction tamnvaign ln Ottawa City are more than one-mixiofetaIl te ileenses etftthe provine._ Alrcady the Dominion Allance QUlce lu 1l',ronto. vih le ditectlng Ibis big caxnpalgn, le a scanaetfg.eiat ac- tlvlty, sud those ln charge are coui. denly 10loklng forvard te a uvecping viclory at Uic poils viten voling day comes. Durng th.e fl five yeanS 1 muni-I cipalîties have gos. dry, sud durlug thaeumm evayeai-solyoum=nIcipal 117 bas gene ba4k le l1ceuuo. The Gen ara! Secretary or the Âll15ýnce Meknas tle campatgn lu Ontario le liaI ef'lthe AMlle 1 Fmae sud ViandOns." We mka a drive -sud diglge'n" sIh% "d'av e alvar's hold th1e greuud va gai." Ta-day the Iemnperneerces« are lu botter Position titan aveu for tes comlng fight, and Unle a ailsignatt viii vin suolier big victon!'. The place voliug alude 8 cila, n tevus. 10 villages ad-16 rural Muni- cipaliteu. ln lhe City et BellevIlle lte campaigu is bein.g Puaed b!lte Ci- zens' Committeate t la boUslly at Wonk PolItioS#4ne *lrody Imore tbsa sufiletontir'signal. The -vorkars ax- pacl te bave 40 PUr cent. hatore -.liay ara cmplell.'ae arestong ln- fluonc ap4ut oca9 Option but on alter baud supportla >baing recolved frniusipcllqusrtersThe it.ity vau sthffl a shorI liîmeago by lte capig t Dr, J. I&. Gardon, viticli baubl ermamet saabneaulta. -ï 1Porl Arltur b'taeazuagu startl estir, umal b és tadlly ilarrilfor- yad l I ff i ogaisIço=mube àtralI leu 1.Part Arthtur sieul but Iti 0-4 tot Ii. itsensot ortWila atbuim.#sud eît te lb. Couw andsu (794 fr te subraissot a by-lav wI,ttlota ea, . BL y a vote coraltt tefive ïl:»O cau=n fl rete sabrait &à b4* '~fryitth éebemmittee on in e le, au4 lu foui day" thar'bad tbree hu,44 mort-signaturesupon tha Potitin titan ite raquiite.ivenîr'- I epa ent.lu baoth Mils the "dry tanes havesa splendid Oghtng cansce. lu NlWMOU, FUlS Itlàl' alleged ltaI Ibesitumpt -eof1h. lîquer nm o l ru & vInê Dsai <Iru188tast a Stigm um-U4,0, wbl* boMoral R<orm vip out. TIW 6(I1fI'66ALE 0F ?.A NO'FOR TAXE& IBY.-« utMa.'masad e baud thée Wamdu sadà* ewuil s!l 8i5 coani~1a.mato êy pou Iha lm&dumoitlimo4 C'tbe Ialuwt ulo s-rem f at lsereau .umm iss nM, qseisuMt forth j 1i beaby 94" nmace uerý =Y for l Iô~adt ~ wbe % t e te4*MO4la, boe 0 VaMtlJy, cm J' At taeisir e t taorK t.tla a dguua. -TOWNSHIP OVU-»J PMLot Com. Acre Tixu 'Coe - ia*s1 PaloU«p rÀmtmapan, is p R i a, i4 3 $444 se B M al, 'DEATES. COOPER-lu 'Whitby. on Fidmay. No- vember 5, John Cooper, lu hi.s 82nd STEWART- Iu Oshawa, ou Snnday, Nevemaber ?tl, 16, James Palan Stewart, ltisSr êr PUOK - uTenante, on- Tuesday. Navemilr 9tk1S11tClaee ai Puklbelbit tM.à Ms 'lo ~Po~rmuWitt5 'T,,agal 1 yearlip s d m ly. A local ap*tion vota vIl b. Ides lu A mý9veMçzt le ou fo«o abelsb the rTe .odaswb nte Ilin la Oushawa-fer àl i nterarvalia mn WeftesIal, %btetar mlong ùr<*r froni Nlagart qiM9. Thte Govensienl "Swolions" vana haie lasI waek-esud found the auto- oiobles uplnnulueg over aur pavaI streots sahcr'fa thonith la ai.d- leva. At ioast Il lasalI idtey secural a largea bmch oet numbens, LOCAL OPTION 001) FMR BW- "'Bovmaavllllima itadlblôal optio fur seveaiiyesns nov (ince Ma;y12o4 1908). and #àepfaa cat 805i freair' aeknovlagaft bylU MAil saUv oppOenut vithé lie Biai WUs "b mllladald v&dmsibatmll Cmo Prou- the total5 PrýobntIno= tao:Iee ltp lihai aur etla.ià- eib. 'Wiaat bai pi-ova ed opod tIr Bavuëvm Ib** ho ÏQUAllyg kéàor eeailht jalsaus ami paeo -fow *0P 16 70 YONGB STREET. Cerner KIng St.,-Toronto. TNB HûOum 01p, QUALUTY The Dealerwith the (io&Iand tÉe srvieà: Preparation pWofet,~Rieh ta neat. Low ini ash-bright, cleau, free burnirig, cink- il» a$8w Iefor tra# u d 5 large hisateru. Chiautand PMa lortsn&n fors wth ngoal are the bighest standard of qdality. Our deliery sevic lu ropt sidcareful, as yuwattbm snvheyoineethem. W. r.spfttflyolit Y-Our P-atronage lui wmm Ju$~7flOI' ----1 I J "--A ...1 FOR 60 DA 'Bïg B3ankrupt Stock purchased aI a low price Ïncludes a lot of most seasonable aîicles, such as the following î Ladies' snd Mou. Sweateu's sud Boys' Iloe en.8 gifle, Habs. Sweater cubte Flnleff To InLt Ladies' aind'ns Fiasc Lined aud Boys' Ilaluuats. M:m': Worknf sud Smnday Pants. Mon's Uainuots. Mon's Siaits. MO'sovnds.MouM'sd s' WorkIng Boots. Iles' sWookimg sud Susday ShIrts. iadlp'sReIa', FIbvthéeme Me. blsoks, Mittu i dlovo. Prielatjr Mens and Boys' Caps and Suspeidems.Ladies' hbbeci 29unis. Boys' and ChIldran'e Ondorna. lae -Iers 805taMte. These goods are new and clean and can be purchased at a vast reduction from regular prices during the next 6o days. Corne in and see the goods, pick out what you require, and save dollars, HARRY NESKAL, Dundas St. East BAT REGISTER., Tuesday, November 2l. -Extenaive sale ut registereil Clydesdale horama, hlgh grade cattie. pigs and lmplementi4l tue propçnty of John Nul, lot 20. con. 9, Pckertmg Tp.. near Claremaont Sale Lt 12 o'elock, W give the auttUoneer a cbance l unch at Il. Sea big bl&s Wm. Maw, auct1oneer.. WHITBY IIARK.ETS Wheat faUl...........0OOto 13.0 W1,etgoPm...... .0"..LOOW LOO auley .............0.76 te 0.M Boans...... ... . ..Ote 3&00 Ryo ...... .... .. ..600OW uO ]PO«s........... ..110 te 3t1 14ucvheat......0,75 te 0.8 Omi s..............0.u1 t e 05 Re4 ClaVer.........0»te 3.50 "1" a <lver, Par busha &.00te$0 WWUim AiS»Faim. Tlouzi Der cil. .... .. i5W 4.00 Chopped fee&.ewt ... 1.75 te 1-75' coramu 0............6Lw te 3u 0 11171 Bran. Per ton .......29.00 te 28M0 Sherta, par tes...8.00 to»Me IMT. POUIJT' AN» PERODUCI. Bo, cvi., drusied .... 122u te PisO Cattle. liv. Weight . 6.75 te 7.50 Lambs, eachp .... 5.Qtg 0 Hope, dreu.se .....12.60 te 18.5 VerI .06.00006.0-1Mtolis.O Chiokens PSr lb......0.18 te 0.3 Ducks, pet lb . ..0.20 to e Gese.dzee par IL... 0.15 te 0.1 Turkeyu, 4mss4.Per lb.0.20 te 0gis Butter, peu lb... 0.28 te 0.80 Eggsnov. per dozen .. 0.27 te 0.80 lai&, purIl. **o**.$o**0.18 te 0.1 potateas, pDu bai .....0.719 te .M Applea, pgS barrai....1.50 te 8.» Ouloua, Ver bai . LO1.00te 1LU iHay. Pmt ton ... . ..14.00 te 15.0 >we.ët unvwau .. .8014 ta O0U1 0CRUt sin$ Permlb .... 35te 0.1M L'Ambsoklns.as" Me ?ta . Ridems, par <vi. ---.38W ot3.0 oheej m... UMS U DOseOns. ..... . &M M e r.. indu .... .....3.8W .0 TWO f iRS-CLAS FIRST -MORGAOEB en Yenge BInaI, T erota Preperties forSE." Thue tva mortgUan aedue Marob Blet 1916 ad wllbrlUapro elt a about $3400 on an Invesiment for 14 montha. Amount about 111,M0. Ap PIF MUAN 4I REQN, - 112 Maning bus.ra Tarats, W. bave a large amount of privafs Mid othoe tst~maoinvSst amr mnorigages on faim- and village prep. entes at 6 and 6% .pe cent AppI7 IWGAN à REGAN. 112 Maiming Ohas'beMu. tlOO/?nd Over j i 9 witbi abâîseauts. I rhave had&àegineer i &ailD lu l$y, and ain ully quali. 5317 à üybnidie.buliding ht ayi be uirevtd. Wokgaate teb * JOB ASPIRS Dosç-251, n * OmL -FOR CHiICAGO LaeTORON-TO 8.ooôm. 6i Cc pâ. sud x x.45 pm. daly. FOR NONTRBAL, l.aeTORONTQ 9.00 ai.,, 83o p.m. Eulpmeuî the màneîtounall trains. PANAMA PACIFIC- RXPOSITION appmiate ion eage OaMMs. U. csep,Pbs.55 au -~« Thi day.]1 ln w Muait Schoc body. te. sent, moon, Theri A col] ThE Teferf 1Žiat 1 On4 struci joyed lege euddi audit Pour aigu vorai T'h lu, calle ~otG Vo ~ar~ ME MTi -6 p.J Dc ;. P. 5. imiasu e.,. la- soul

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