Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Nov 1915, p. 7

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ê*h EpdIto~a~y'Force in the 'Lait )ionth fi *~~h ren (ltwa maya: oa ulete Canada. one regi. si uov20w 0êCanadien sel- ment ef mountied ri««- froM Niaggàra dierWuder - m14s, el4tiir at- ti.front, district; oue battaflioa front Toeonto ki nhn o aaa To thé Io,- one Îrom Grey C9ucuty; twq froM 0*w io lw1te anno unoed had en- Slmcoa County;- ona frein ntai6 Ust~ln~ ~othe aend 01 SaPtember Couhty; one ou' posslbIy tWoýfuEl-. nearly*t*ventY new btta&llous have gin and Kent eoýuntles; oeefreon Es- beanu dded during the Past montii, sex Ceunty; one from the Rainy River whlle the. foundattons etf<thers aire and Fort William 'districts; -two new livinlg laid to erise" and train men in battaliona from Mapitoba;- two frein the ïMaJierocl centres. Saskatchewau; <ona from Alberta; oee ThéeINeWunt recantly recrulted frein New Bruanswick, and eue at Vie- areb as Î*olàe'is:-Two pioncer regi- toia, with anotiier te lie raisedOu tiie Ments, one in Western Canada and British Columbia maluland. - BLWIG >AHPRICES 0F RWFR STint Pald the T'rapper 'Witt Be Rigi- TOW RDLILLer Than Lait Yr _____ A despatch f ronk Toronto says: Tha outlook for raw furas during the cern- Frenchi Troopa D.strey the Cermas lng season in exceedingly gond cou- Entrenchments in the Arras sidering ail conditions, sud the indica- tions are that the pricas 'paid the District. trappervwill i practically all cases be A despatcl f rom Paris ays. The hl.gher llian laut ye&r.ý French have made a vatuable gain The resuits <f the Octobar Lampsou south-east of Neuvuflc-t.Veit London sales as cabled areaias toiws: theron bewcc AS-sud fil0"The follbwlng "furs solal the par- The attaclc was preceded by thea cx- cge ldatedhim, r liu lit piosion.eof hcavîly-chargcd mines, Marc0 ii:Rco 8prcen t.; u4, Qr ci- whieh tore up the enemy tranches at Mink go P'r cen; Ik~GOprci. this point sud deatropedl their bànbad ilk 0aren;ui*p 1 e' wirc entanglements. The instant af cent.; silvar fox, 15 plren. a ~~ ter the mines were detouatod thce40 ar cnt; ros.1z 0 pi!ce0. French troops rushed f orward aud bae, 27% par cent.; ottéti 10 Par occupicd the cratersmade by the ex- cent.; lynx, 80 per. cent.; wolf, 60 Par plosions, strengthening the new posi- cent.; whl bear aud white wesl tien. 'licGcînuingun tetherea brought the saine price as let Marcli. at once began a heavy bombardiment, bsneeet nly has ave re atiletr i under cover oif which the Germant r.-bsne eudn ytertlesl orgunized and made repeuteri counter: the sale oif fur sets sud fur garmeuts attack,. in an effort te regain the posl- duriag the past fcw wecks but the tions. but-the French hcld the advan- use ef turs ei all kihids fer trimming toge. of ladies' erments hua uscd UP a The Germans made another gas .t- large; number of odds and ends <Of tack east <of Rheims. The Frenchi skia,, al t whlch eembines to make treopa, protecting themse1ve is t he utleek for a very presperous the' gaiç-clouda, poureii in aayin-t scasen, whlch ln excecdiuly satisfac- fantry ire, which was supported by tory te ail lnterested iu the fur trade. a curtain et lfire frein the Frenchi artillery, and the German attenipt THiE CORRECT 14=01) was eut short. 0FA1ESIGMI An carlier German ,takin fdie Champagne nmade at niglit at La I order te facilitate the liandlini Courtine was stepped by the French i e mail ut tihe front sud te insura -rifle and machina gun ir.e. prompt delivcrl it lu rcquesed that An official communication ftrqmail mail lie addrassed as follows:- Field Marahal Sir John French, t ic Britiohl Commander - in - Chef iu (a)-Regimental Numbar ........ France, aya: (b) Rtank...... .............. "Siuce my lest communication, the (c>)2Xame..........>..là situation on our front-hast remaÙWe td) Squadroii, ,atey or Vou1any, *inchaug*d. Thare have beau mlulhg............... & ctfrýtli on hotu oldes, i'but wlOtho (e) ôtohe e ( r 1a t'The euemy's artillery lias been se- nMent .... ....... _ý*iwa *,ýàm e.a an i, .%t tu.% -, Ii Cana&= nContinz**~t .~ 4 4 le *CO %*>** - COO~~~ tý î;ANFi4 UME~ - - Ta We~sD.e~opiezIs~ h tVARNAr Thi. major Interetlt'ii.e WU durint the last week has beenI n thé diealopmuents ln, thie Balkaus. !fhe Autro-Garman, trooips have f"ide, soea pro Iesslutheir invasion, aithougb the. Serbians haýve- offerdaheoic 'lstnce, And the. euexuy's advange has beau hsuip.edby t4e natùraet thé country. 'On, thé nortkieru part of their fro $m u ihnt -the Bulgàia asmy has met w1w em scess, and lis Jlned hànds .wth th' Aùstro-triman torves. ,Furtber south, )iewever.- the.French - &îlBrItisb treope Ianded lit'* SalonUikihave joined.,the. $eiblis alid have driven the, Bulgarlanste theïr ewu frontieèr Bt the. sain tinie, with. the, resul t tbut Strumnitt a l belug menaced by the forces of the Èntente. Britisgh and -Freuch war-ships- have boinbgrde4 the Bulgarlan toaut from the. Aegean Ses, and Turkish troopa are reported te, have been ruhed to reinforce the. Bulgariais enu-the coast, in anticipation of an at- tempt to land by the Allies. Ruais la negetiatlng-with Rumanla for permission te sand troeps tbroýugh that country against Bulgaria, white Ieuuslan waxi-shIpi have bÏMlbarded Varna,. one, of the. two principal Bulgàran porta on the. Blâ.k SBa. On the Western front, there-bas bean comparatlvely littie change, beth à1des climin orne local succ* 'ese. The. Russians are now on the offensive on moat <of the great Eastern battie-front, but conditions. tiiere show littie change.ý With--the ebvieus aiieo rel iv he pressura on Serbia, the Italian, treops have taken the offensive on their front, and despite the diffic t the countrY, have woun important positions. Other developments are indicatc on the ciiat ViaretsOfeok Terut, N.v R-Uantoba wb**t, TowrntoeNo. 1Nemie Isa ports, nimdiate-#hipnut 46e, on tra"m ieports. :Tii. i*bonwie; ieu e ~h etwat,. lope ~asya -pres*nt bam a 'PoOulatlen 'of 555-f-dl t ew t ,wki o iO re B;iah 'The twex Rssan sd -Pm& êh ud -Bel- t gI.tI?~~~o uBue~nOva'îôcm on1 Bqth idesreognize lu th$. other Z -indivlduafly -aothingte odo wlth altthi tiâà-aus or thé. coduct eoftii waro et abéc0f'tiier havdie shunnaofd eùr 1 or h a i Éii. î e Mains Waal a bîarrack*.. Its roinsa id t qurter wae mptibd lait seininar,a sund alt 'beîi>g gena oves y - thé th," id -habecl aW o t àIiind tsa camp. room." ie *.r tund eaIly -mvelblefr <?o- , fotble quartera ter ofele«.s.Iai of the bigher anê eMraiulvii dtvliui l uànentîî,-ànd ln noue: " the-deà,out -met exarcise grouud for - tii. cficers. .The Ewene at almost a"Y tilô of'day. is Chae ha ~ ~ t auiis.t- Que cf ,th larget buildings -busob offce~ st Purmelaa daya k servd-bglmine. wi theheustom- ary Contietlbreakfast et breadj and ceffa, a heertjdlïtar aI uo.l'à aj ligltir tucal laie lu 41e -àlameron sud N a 1w or supar:doteo,.bedtài , Iibérty -lfttiieenircaup ttr li they muat retire- te their r Sinbt, moy ha.p ligiits burnlug until 11. -At f 90145 l inini ie utIR~ suïdoL Si. E a s<'k (à et iag@,én- mnent byStam tro eýI fficera eml buidig r~Put lu 4contrl, or co'.- t !ad ,acii wee»k, mud the res thé hie ponslbIÏty:-of g tt- l mon It -nremntIbr a«Chidày-and o éonutf edtxopr, ae r beau.art" Wef-, b0 tho BfkWphad TIAÀ4 M~s 1~be Orwehduehte, > haw llv ao C'*hw ree*e Ruasf'iz,danod rbuted 800 elgi.%- ttO aefhldwt aettes, te th wouudad s<diers lu Chalu Con in la fflctally s*téd, tIlt pr ittif are te i sudteaaerpo tograPhgra in thé laie <fWlght undar cie ahrfcshave cloaed h ' tr. u~111German ClûxrehalU trêm"g ocal -pr6,taéts gâ%âuas a big hold h OIn li TIëétRM pV~ * iivbaerdiù6 se ~~rosa laga, agtiy d I dà 1tU gal. The Procedà,trere1e, At! tha é anubi-al Of Ig t tii B de lf - 4 te-.in,00 éa i To ommii~rntthe fac~ti ton, ,ItýrM~l~eugsw ey gri Auloït, sent, ové ffwt qeïkryel v~ illâk,- fi, el, imdlig truit asu à Gi.Wh(lrans Uüsed'.In DU*tnce of L«o~ Vfewe yThou~a*so odnCtzn German aeroplaueu yebteray, eue t&llin~g Insil our own lines, sud the othar close liehind the anemy's front RELI'S TO AVENGE Tifs CAVELL MURDER A 4espatci f rom Ottawa "aYa: A New York mn Inl a latter te Sir Sai Hîughes declares tlist the Cavell mur- der sliould ba avauped by avcry Brn- ton iu the werld. The writer stataS thst-thoulth ho, cannot go te the front, lic lu Willlng te p", for a substitute, sud offers -te place $100 Par rnti lu the .iMiniter'a bande for tuls -purpoe »e lekg as the war continues. Ha askm 'týhat thaiu4-iaitpr Make use ot theaWnoay 4"lu aweY tiiat wlflda- Ru. the. Ruas.»- POUR GIMN AIT CO<BMNED AS PlUZE» mations, suiclu etbr l 4 divài oi insatrictly forbide4 cuss V - e- to KAISER1W EELIXm DAT 0F ZXýE=tTIN A despatch trous Lndon MY$' 'V» Dally Utail cerePouidet at Vt Havie ays 1h lu stetW on tble au- tlionity et s retired. GarMAit .I1pMA tba ôuthe day mWaaEdIthCveI the. Brltli u rainus"* xciat-wt", Kaýiser. Iw a u Blg sud' wisi aaslly accesible aithar l y IsovQv- nor-General or the-unultMary cemmani- titi, 70 te 71 jt6 to 44 il A des&"ii rom L.ondon aya: ThseMm rdTJas.huweW. rscîng, v onaua;ý1teh Mv* vi WrIter, may*,ÏcfG.ruanrs a occasions ye iiPam cIU ap'a w aîhue ah Vowent wos co*ndinluthse ?riue -Wb=nthe war IWokaeutas Court as a prime et war. The GOu. d w 6sh bans viln hahivu property et Lieut, Dr. Qustayvm va0nhebl dt Bohlen und IIahbcât bed of - te rya.« Krupp venuk. Thse ether German  msbmim m. alo a hé tit yachs àbtw hoewe-The iAmln tve ment4sbut.etrah#i m om Il, Stall. Moïrin, sud Paula 11k.-aIinil more tia a matt« oft t.o -weé!èodum&Tise aaly t *8 drimnt su1u I u.e fflomraof the. Gmmna ou"vy1 LONONPRCESGoVi. leep tbs'lu at sIep de» W BIg 410 AvUteea a Uceult et tho le-vr u>msa iasaebte Wehaa s. m ev te IkmRth Pnce-of et esties of liteésud &Mubat must Miw. everyday Iuxurlea have beau e"kyei. ______ cting élnc tii.budget wss itredced -- lu ltaiîrlau Tes utatwmcs eO M i T .*Aud Loma'cs2a Pound là Aduité>"fJLZ CDÉ" cf 5w u w odlmwry gede shertly bau m$isn $eot *e erlte 8k-nd w'b =__1 b 40c,beet. 4 >l.tebacco tat us"mhota mlle ork e tim Ocauou»Ce. n"vreuLl tail 8c. - Cp A >u cIgsaý tut the. st.dy Bnîtenu Md ho a' v% lapo0 péy614fo,,n*m g- *s ata = le a te, Ci- z': ~, -, ~i1 L 1 toi 1

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