Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Nov 1915, p. 6

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I -7 t1I~êII flIM ~ wiù - Bd-and:, i1ît tl~apla u~Ouched, g -w s n <j t romain4 u- ît bWýupn ýîg -eiwf Ùý To-daybe an&a ~e ibra *~'o~e~t pI*s 4* 8115 ~p1w tept ho e rluakerlas, 1 mo*i.lo t- doýà n th s .yndtlhe m oécrtaL hy Bra lay spacdbfresB tiOW i ll ero ine tï ~oe, gre an 1i aendo!sil the pro vom1s-of dzThy ee f0? - e and a#ýdaptthon a foc hie- Mrnedayit tii. appy air WI .VO tct.e, mte t~mr mprac e sideratlpns- ae,-foodc, castmad gtahtl- ttepl and IIg«ike.ome orùdin akirdlseaUrine fi eur do ne oev th ho amoati ty r unbs IathMb thcerid- Seem tod1 plaon teteoV hici%sia -,'iié_tir keéu, a&e of desti str, , *n a ne lir a wfe bal f itii*"7 ,e i tuae li on I nw 11n o e am hia . babnea~'lthrfueu wrolt W slhe pr ess aen ! Ufor! chanes andport io o ii t-cho t vh1ctid lat reth re ptopir ll front dough am attr ofandreimpougra sft. rteir.ustrbri!p.ld o! chpttic jt deompoae aldciangd Inê .alomfde I1eJgi1as od£ mti O! Ritl coblse dcroi .l ,ada têlto.lu b~t1.-wiihed ii aand tt 6ffiktXourI sllttetoetn~iflBbI* o cone bdeas tnexg~t t p adAsad If te Rè- ErtéîtRô ibMO U ,o orig na .4healogtl>dy -h eniruf- biator. e ut tii tth e'mentnH roeslacok wîth te wesing poý1eMot dUP lr y h thg«a prition i e<t in'of b*k ha lt sre ýcm th e fronit dowg I i n ar lald t uaîomae afeýhlsthre moriXo! tof par- a itth e tomos xdn beo e in pladl- eýal fu*othy e lulorta i f r élte covend lb beceiea s ugais, a as ~êlylLsn o! argO pr£tle.on Gl- uaaswholy ob ol s n uitfo ruilwj fiORI1Jaff te aruBli pace apicationr cf ho aca- AS. i*nÉ'-sthe mord on he apar-a oleit fgas t141iore i) r15 rclt gyutotio;buy aýl »ha Pksaayfrunte ntrimèi RôB Tkd o5I M#rti* wllao! bb. (ltdasti, b.ad 1or 16 pet cednft fur- go" t &oIy &puc hrj _ye r l b I dering bte à*tiifubythde.op the toausio o hghexoivm paen thdpe see o ti. asand cai- Wbm ti, bauer Mehai. no Those elements f Mteiiutran-Mhit imotaus pilgrimage ta -18983, 4&.41left a go ta, make bone, b;eeth and. brgin are oftu O hméelÇ la ,the lilcer fas'!aargely remeved by' boiai;igaiedtie. Cr»Î on the Mount of Olives, It lime and phosphorous whicii nature Inth t uersed crusadolt-tthe alii the bran are MOsty remnoved With anc.e ofGlaeur am4Muet ol ti a rb-oll~ u rcanOf give t>4 Turbe 1-c eÏ fo* Ïr 9ia' p1 ybo tiné .para tlighbcOrýf a 1mtd tAe treasmured rellca o! thie liteét140 finer Particlea by sifting. ï1 christ on .ai'th. »ut if the »*. -_The. cours. .lemùts lugrain are ~tity 'of! an oath, ýud the rlght of -- the ioeubeme t ltëhaith. And these hua an..ouil t aow~n inpro!a*d eiemea rbe!rsma nfo ýkoly et blles il disr.garded, who caulab sent an ânea fleur and thie cense- epO@t t4atthe. uaaled fiat Zow raise quçalce ins tarvation of the. teeth and *galat ChrlitendomW l iWt at thi be&y structue oftii bodyi ' _tner i Chriut's bomb?1 À. long As pela cotiu ote~ _ __________ ' âne: bolteiflour, wthn ày lthé. ~Wa'~~ ~ERLS OME I~OM eléoiito!bones9W - dfroM lb, they - inSCOEFM ust ekpeet 'ta l-Ëavedécayèd toth, -là àp",,Peal 1untit 8çg"snd feible, alender bonos. SJstèmetPearl utlgF eo1e tmr.aieeoiI td dr SrteustI Peul mrmng. tion in-ut a Iew generationsmoe 'igwon e trota tia. Uttie ater of dlpd dowu to 4wa'5ils. , and nut- àk. e 1ýcmn ýat, u0dteetb- inth~eyoung ulil b. e t0d OtBSUblpOBhiulgSCbOOIb. o wbst they a"- - W Chines, Japanese, FUI.- astîhù lgrowth ofany partt-O Mores, o I st ndî2a1n. Tuebody wblhlt Of l dpwe !thé. panfeI'a l7the, d1vet, wbile výaterià11 iÏ 'the."food wb ut~ eoteks sail hb>aaltoét, to l. ý%1.t tbc i."hèl, ad Yà the eoklngand If wiiolé wheat e,*col m ands "éy hligwerg u»d .tclualvêhy for mal«g Tii. diver la looked up -bo by ail the. b d asi - bot fine.,fleur biscuits thers. H. usually wears s modern or bread were allowed te appear upon ait. Whon hlas found s thip table, thero ol .htI u Ss -oodglot of shei, b. digestion (ferilxaige ton IraôwM s ýsignal, on whlii the. ogwïrstion cf ferettSii) , iao b e gpi neb, 1Fýi&cbeh-,nugs Wtbt» bI M ujiçi iiLe, 0Y -oaW siells sme bout -a fopte "-uto, e, aralof a obr eoppy 1 do«s net take mAll h toflà net o mytttus 6, cargo. W eat bcperler voýtepSs s'âre Ulsted un,> acce«4l4g te se, shape, aud aund are sent hy wy.e! 8 ifflv t - aila London-hbu ps kstin-he woieba *nd'veOuge after a' I WthUtt1or tonq 0,ý c pens et O!tlîa.ý t one *u~ "!IThel GT4Cr#7 idh ~ sà m11 f<f ik é *Is 'iu- n a tb<llrWge S" x plia de 4wdd -4i ~~ iaceslgugifatyt .atorway Ve-.4.:.Jhesshuad4. «the priesta 9adrushlng ntOur f t.~t~ii s ~t U *0- ay dbw itl id he, Wac oàÈi tofIIti , way the, sons of, PI 1tye dIith tii rick uct- AtW~iah ruixaedth .buffle. <ii,- -w. just go t h-btatiilsgs-Tiàt wlh sgiven foi. the thsrVnaIL W.maage as a- raie. t vems sand nccés>è i4,-eet tte, tètae plu*lp ber noe . lt7 thi.bank sud give&e J . ýus7 48-6)U 9Wi~tbape. e* Ifye lsOExed. -8QO-12; Ley. '22.,188;27. 2; "lm'tgive u& ano ther bit dou-Dut1614 ble-qulckWtime. W. baVe, MA b<0<W .FufrIu eOffso-b trade inquaies eut- ber . Wbat'a bitego tW thoset* h&lné-ê. "é tabd, use!? No ontehuaa arAt. ctd e ~taio! sôlieitLiàg fwida là verj rv;lbneyer-,ruais two days a te ~.~t eaý n refwanàIz fâ? te f)Repair the breaches o! the lbeuse- yi e. tie b4âs tà j ,Jùet "tdIiTckbe Wotl 4lrtPÎ-MuaM tO IMi Upte ~ 1 t it Icallc,;indlcating bbe sort o! halos li' iioat c*lt~lh~a pMla -r$~tu 11wt&«r.asd twuith y hhkVè te abeërtheir 'aMYy pan& onod this fiercely-inoviug Channtel o! water. <. yaPt is . net tlWb reaë ts ~¶e~men have t* leamufromexper- _ ,.ý -iam was attacwà tatei laeie* wbere tke.lanitmerable dangers, priestw by tWIi. kng for -tireir- negleet kirk 'unseoh n& miknowledge aof bbc la keelulng tltemple in--r ré,i b l position oe!-s geatMapyrockshAs. reuffl thïf twl eéfei been ganed la tie lrsh piots Inaftý Ihad sbdéa4i *t tihi -ureaIlyIý *As lier, by scraplag thé bôat's l over aLooyo-7 >rte wotlcofai tibem i geneuilly wlbt nci-40nefit ta ttejrnotMet 0û. n rl~net e boat! NaaObebl*ss- honC4t.ve hpaËned1,foeii ers 9 iere by dowu. Wby, ame eeym- ie. l rhble trafi laeWeen M- Oe Yîiteu ai e__ iwere put lu charge-o! the. pullcoefer- co0 ta bld pjasb béecauës evOY TSk" ne ndW *aote-Thè l"hoùs. vunssel had hut iiéYd14*, 5-0<1 'W55t i$us ' Ildln ree ~~2 altier a 1rastlaüghttered iiulk att h 'î kSw~uo't ls idb bôttela or lyin relqc on the. bank Tii. Indian cttèé*ai fol' monthl te o r ewr-Wb Od eébt oniyavaiableveltcl&o br~s~et .sitzr t-.temple, ita4f. the te. 1met , ~r~ wt - I.tii.- vaf"lei roïw, sud"the speediug Ai pçed 0 l th ÇUO1 M4ti<w as brought up aies oue v, esl sd- .h . .r.l.d ' r -s-&ê2 Cr,.2,9 slugvkouly O cdi -id tiej M.W1 -n e 5Wthat ,h«Te was f iie !cmlqfa, adctzgdtralu-éameasat by téweigbt the, presence--ef--sltài>rade is Wt bî;. tf tht l1t ;e Uh,~rae ed é-gv e-t?1~1 ê aS axtd te age sap at tjte ientif sh. ea-vtcred o# t ùdV Ouôie to&clomld 4ap* -W 'égeid-2 wuIe itW i frottied ia îeo- bis station fdr ail lSiu.Cagcu~ fogeoedc se lialmter clang -tht iti .t tbhe 1 efthei <i vat ottg Ù-'aag.t-thetii.egminei «cou'lat4i *-'1UÉ.it l , aêl iaait»aot tAe taf$abISIu -earecIy Igr&l ote ecougtrçtorE4 'alo luti- and wi iothsittOL- aêmi' ,ga , ~ba,& pifse la4t.0~e Énetea Net.» Cer- no band- 01yeu4w jakets ists 1ý UF &! SÀL. *am ouer- t*lsting the lterlOP-es'- Edlrt thdêi ithô iieitja edrei*8s-Te jI<4.knacle TIoe.M boit, P~ wlieui tlt~ A feu pulliug' nafi.U'i1 i4iê ý mneuaaat on t U.rcoiafai.4, Aslr4 Iéftdl. W166wished ta stu(y bth birds could IMÉ ~witb a il ttie ~ ~ ('edda à= gp cmlrsd i É isid1e the. anctnary, and ouly' by Th~ ~u~ z th a*à' w" tii, ablir wenbt t a beautiful littie place Pè"asin tO'e*ornéAntbo couonvesrïgSteptfng-sbones léd to tha-tops Of h. tuusi axes rein~iraste T- lU thè ulfy thd'w ~ litte- hllas,- and on one hill Phifip and i'eran 1a 'en* o up- witAi t-Nm.Jewiah lbh thTè4e his father round an open s1iilinr- iae~ioeers wîoin tae' ~ ~ wlked e-ri té od 'ni ie ame bout, whére thjj- c6aald--ait quietlY and thon stàrted tt assult, -wben a 1 t somo curiou gatepost. On on e 1and se4 ail thst ý* 011 iii üýtwïàc- Persiau oe cor coîupany, interfered. post were. the- words "Birdcraft Cane- One ef, the horsemenb--me go en- b&yjTertegt anfliso #sged that, ie lifted Abils-rifle'sab at Pbulip asked bis father whiat "s5ac- In t& uen atgaùd IrdWMla af tAie Jws. H e àfberwardti cÇclared tuary" ment, nnd bis father snid i mstonlb-Éiè" fli-râý batlaelad itedéd ta frigan one Tmeant a rejuge-and ththeobd.cesond-béie othrOm ù % eJew d by lctogthrôtègh bis could corne ad bue hltèred and liv, btrb Pbuîp ,frgOttbt tey *fê aQ cap, but h. mîisseèd- is aan and hit- safe from 'harn., A highW feues -o! t1rermsl oubdoors and seeing tÈ1 à8~d ,tiêPers1aWis arm. woven wire kept ont hurtful tMlntb;' as tbey live, because tAie'backgroùnds Tue incident so exaspeïabed the not seÇ cats could climb over bhc top. wçTe bdautifully pgambed s<enery and ritale cêravan that ontur meÊý puraued I Philip's tber took hl'm inside ofI the for-égrduuds woré 11ke thé ground thie cuiprit and.-,brotqbt hMnbkelcse- the gate. There were wlde pathsamade Wn woods sud fields. Oùn tepàlnted c1reIY. tièd. tii.- ueo? wreftch vï»through- brierytangles, and thore w"s trees, ciresufers ciung ta bhe bark 11k. pven anch- a .bçtingthat ho Îtàu uaiW littie pond oe! wgter, BMOrn1hisan«' live birda. ~~b%9 tawuk udwsPiae di i !tén.Iitéte*wr One case represented a snOwy Win- vittimà onlon.e oftAie. csravqn mÜIes-, !r abuss many kinds. n. é *rL daadscapc, and winter birds perch- t'Oe and is vietiin i>Would-enî.r-a cavé shelter hut oi cornstalks, cd on bbc bar. branches. derr nd -hà --viCfit týcýO qi4wbere- birds could 'be- ed on stormy AnotÉer case showed green bis, !rietdly. They bled - ah tr'8dyam usngod cf.Thr4ple-blossbms, and the spring- bird. Wôunds, cansoled - ou.ne totlw"rand.wsafeib alanad a qdaùibj Coloyed pictures of birTs, with wývet se far lu theli uawbôrn frlend- bird balanittffe of ceînêt ft id ;ô, tômi iti-unmeh printed plàùaly on thie alpn eks si-ter fracrliteséI ù~ tf; ddté utc"rd'i,>erinthe centre o! the. room, ing ta the 5e.berai way o! tbikig l ug, * <, q to n> t wsfltb.d '- a aiadhelbed visitars tu know the naines neith4r et them wau te b. held' me-, suai basket. Thero were. apple- trees of-the làrdi in tAie cases. tponsilbie, for what had iiappened. four rbbius, nesta, low busheî for birds Wbàîa thêy wenb away, Pbilip's f a- Pété, b.d ilked'it. bhâtit 1k. tua i ,tat a er the grôand, therpolteFýottt te ýhlm halsfor neats ansd tteës, sncb as birds luke, wérefnl* thé q ndd of the raîter pesta of thie M1$~LE OUN BTX-RYS. plaîitdcl, so thin t tunethere would bungaldw vex'asda, and aiso; the round jbe deIm.fibâ lcbMtricêantaûili, frùltd net boles in the atepot biten- huilS Tken rei Heat a~d~SMfr, 1and b4rries for aillbie fedtbédre i 18t- co. StIlLave.ors.ip On Is *ay boôme Phflip Raid tikat P- 1ia aw bluebirda,- robins, song soute dày b.,- too, would have a bird 1%e openlig -of a ohadbor of, the sparrows, sud juncos. 0iily peuple mantuiry,-Youthas Coanpanlon. kP r &m xt nÉilt & b * é iv i n ' a w e- i g- 4ý- t L.1,- ý- - -ý-- ý.iýý.ý,,, lote -b a- Piessér P'rtasultn15 ,d.D-e pte «_ O On laeth W -otdiC& MDicê Weekt h mlubutsai6ik letwndt~nl e vr. Uo X-ray ecmateapIrecdn a cbagè-fr thbe hépial a fcei'g' ll-w s s sbra Tehi braut- .É mee1 the Pencritaui u cet l~vto prmt lhe irrbtube bug d,~ aiç n*eê ud h'%l- ~dh~tal~fioén , adhoîrellit and -tumbling dowL one aide of thc _______________________ slis .a trail cf» eliaM tairy-iIe flovwerà of silver tiSCQe- :Haxid%~gw atè nludh mor4e QOnLwieu- ______________________ously elt thatthey ma.v evel, 0"ýÊîWÈhdW Aijoft thWe styies. cbcoù.atones. AS f0? t!Ï' a!ti'- Dï.T~oxaH N~ mnsye: .0ne te wri'tl.I hris way3 ta W e ti. zcrcl jeyesua poundk fi v b~d ég' COMldbe -Ue erflii tc ùW adi is es- wa,'rmse o daborate fIhbttele hite kIdare.delicatâ- en ughta- gt wêItMl oaee tilar ,y, fl~or lb miktteake ~ôy o~i~ I ftlllUg bo0 - T-R~aawa~'... -- Y- - - k». provement la tiltli tm- Too muec earew toÏ; cbUldreni, vnto wàr euo» oteua'. <Il t

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