Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Nov 1915, p. 3

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W-hre FlveCat AY>.n lboside" 'Sk$, wa àems and-a general feel- ~I~f 4rétdu n d weakneas fl Aud On. 3)êUw 'May Be ~matca~esit la the bloc&, thsàt 5 1îrôone 10CaUse o? iith t the ii 'h as becôrdit tli- ant waXtery, The hlstory o~tittto* 1Md W41 à ae t at, ammioa '<bq«. II ve searchêi la !aU 1 à7Ua lessnedsa) more thaniany othermcuée, remukùb*c story,'-tui,ttiet ofthfie pec-, -tiveà wbmen- this premüturely agodâ plO15E baiiks o! Ctaniadai. bW tli*ti apari~e.It la. l ipotm- thàt t th he rin t n M, et a gowu bloodtsavply et gI$s and wem*n b. into tree. rglrI e rplénlshed-iniportant net IM Âpotêfeiadnj tLv~ onl C ilthe score of -looks, lbut te Quebe la ypn *ec.4n4a reéste. vobustt bcalth., which 1 ý of cfthe bétt*ï..cldm* - Iiei iat greater valtte.. Dr. Williams' Pink the lýiOk c 1h 1 migs e~ye Pille actually ý make new blood anid the poorer et, his owttpepsd rentere the eyatem shattered by over- to laêk of encourageent and oppoz-%x work or worry., These pills rive a tunity, ho made a study of titi wholê glow et healti te palefaces and make questiom n. uti -way hie aariio tlred, wcary woAfen and gils feel was attracted te tthe succesa et the bright and happy. Wîth Dr. WiUiamt' ceý-eperatirebaiks ef Enreýpe. 'Afteir Pink Pille at hand there io ne need for readlng ail the ilterature on ti"is uu,1 any woman or any girl to look 111 or ject that he'could fiuid, and;aftt. long feel Ill. Mr#. J. McDonald, jr., Raye correspondence with some ofe i.lead-W Ont., says: «11 honsty- belloveý Dr. crs of thc movement, h. dcclded to- Willlams' Pnk Pino saved mly lite. try tic expeiment, of adapting thew Soue years agoi 1 had anaemia, and aystem te the conditions ln Canada. as 1 did net reafize the serionanesa eof 0f course, there were klnd friends the trouble 1 soon became a complete te assure Mr. Desjardins that Canada wreck. i got se weak 1I could hardly was net Europe and teý point--out te walk. 1 netb.v sttnov slept weli, hîm thàt tti thWg ha& ndver been and couldflot go upÊtairs withcuat donce beftre,' and' theWeoSti nover etopplng te rest. At trnes 1 had an ceuld b. doue. Stili, iowever, hc wam almust unbearable pain la my baek not convinced. Thé.fact was-.that co- and weuld have te rernain in bcd. 1 tain of bits nuighbor.a had canght sutlered ainiost constantly from a dull somethlng of hisenthuslm a nd wero headicbe,, and'when sweoPlag If 1 4.uireus et *eeing tie exPuiMent woulcu:Stdop te pikk. up aitt*i1 t ribd- would'get où diizy titat I wolld bave Fint ~Strp Wdlli Takea. to catch hold of somnethig te keep Ha esbe usino oe f rom faiiing. At timnes my heart Idtsbaaqetonemne wouid beat so fast that I would have the scheme ;weuld have died before iti a amothering sensation. My eyns mas bOrn, for at the* irut meeting were*sunken and my bandse and i lhnbsýCalici n Mib. Dàjardf w0ýûhou#éi- would be swolien in the mernings. 1 ttiis was on the th etf December, tried soveraI hinds of mediine with- 19004th8 total capital 1)8<1iII for the eut benefit and InY friends thought 1 organization of -the new bank wasi would net recover. flien 1 began tak- only $26. But these institutions re lig Dr. Williauqp' Fini Pille, and be- not aggregatiOns Of caPtialv but,401 fore long coûlà ' 'eé and féel thât tfidy peOPIC, aM1 'when IwN Dèjlim were helping inie. I gladly continucd found tha thte beat of hie neigliborà the use of the pilla until I was cern- were strongly wlth himnhle ew that pletely cured aMi I cannot say enough the tnrt step hýadx ýbeeb* wîII -takéb. in their praibe, and I strengly recoin- The ueo bank prospered under Mfr. nend tiien to ail run-down girls and De!sjardinls' Câ4tious and ekilful man-~ women." agement. No' mistakos were mnade. You ana get Dr. Williams' -PInk In two YeAns the' People Bank 'D' Pille fvem any denler in meditines Or Levis-that being the naine of thc by mail at 54) cents a box or six boxes new organizatiout-ieported a turn. for $2.60 from The Dr. Wilams' Mýd- ofer c iii*.Dodbtirs Wer icine Co., Brockvile, Ont. ,ileaced, and U rthe convertg to i ides, were enthuslatle.Mny ma rPI"- I A r-ZVUt§ VCR .teor aslng t sy e 1 mdtiofte Britiosh Sebool ChlUIdn WriteEsaya tsithe, Wgr. *néw- ba* 91&lor ev~edut ?~uiete tUited -Staites hs toff no, e u gre u hèjV1 operatiessctoaU lan4r~1?k anid *y# mgon bim wçugiiiê ibý ) i theiïr>power. mrt Haif an' flt-Air Mfra l Oi im have arrived aS' kImntbOr*l1i HuddersfieldEI~4 ri uéG- bergAumbilWbftgsIlUeUSIl tbcfr -)* father sndmthronssesd 1I two brother, Their fts, ~ki~ tan ar xccpt l icnsIWUM in 1iyrantha, le wswabit spv il tiuir way wheu t xM'y~~ -They W«t -4ët41e o as Vienas- whil-,-luqniries were %eing 'i'he -m.zade and pasaoca ceii&wIé af b.uarlau captal appayedau btor tbc ws~ btitthe Inlghla ée6T *Ucksllnk ti. toot k Àuttintê ions ôf tile campalge cd g- for mo neym would have wtbere Ave Sig usb! s t iégàmi eneIby Oi inlu f tlui cnp noi advioe a ~U 1.~7 L4A~J - fadera- L!~SAG~ pe îi tue psychooiesa m Beftluh Association rýec "a ý iv. girls, of eiemeàt t Acéu. sayu tie LoýMdbl Oroficle! No pré, paratlon, wan silowed, P and ne notice given. i e btîdren wcre tèld te write as mûel as tbcy coul8 about thti wst ln 15 minutes. . anail 8081 papers A, iittle,-glrl. gèd Il, wvote: The, oengin o e Ui rWS)was tî: Tiat wéihêwuanupro a at Windsor h.onu*QjeiVc toria, and 1uo xlnt Edwïo amç». hum' round 1the face. lth-"i"ft emperor iald: 'î'IV'be avenged,' and lience thc war;" of tic wÈr la tint the m'en havi Ieavn. ed te kit":; and snotho boy wrote.: "The main dluùd4autsge. of w a, thtt gll' tut nimain old maids 1b. cause there wIll not lie any min left.'> Good for Youag Peiople .pFil". "My littie grandaca oftén comue up toeshow mne how large the muscles«' ils arma are.I ie wau a delicaté chil,' but bh» develeped Into a stvouig, ielthy boy,, sud Poat h» basbn tii-'principal "I was induoed te give uni fthe Pu.- tunu because rj My o«a expeul4n Wlth it. bcenla victi cte! nivous dy*pqlala for jnbny yeat1Rv h4mlmt e ntSlleaas bUt mnt <wým ~aypiysiciens, but ,no ni~on \t.uw e . nemitue lostmad4ru.ý ihî n"leonpapt 1At ieg 1 gvent littelttew*t t *in; t ImUmlhetblnt 1w ab eo! "Iim uvery prina e1SSl tiens, and usnd goq,eh b* m thn&.ei sld tie tliM boUC -d, i foeuly i t I &1 etbW on.oti. anu t ofit t o el ttv borerï, y 10 Sb cènt-f ptindpal ob~et$ too!Mtwork ln ,pnbltw $i ad-b iag ai4. brîr1 Tntu an -*ver t~ bec alie, EeyOnalbi Tie m M This -la8a igenhin.;e soiL Noueimalorh tsd.4 et ob.W i~ »719 tsngfat thi. 4m a Dominiow l*-unmi tlty. lli4 é ii4dmtom bien grsea b!,the P, ,tated theo wonk -in tat

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