19~15. d ~ the b~alt e eetun ber ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lalut 24ad 6UOBu6a4ertE On pr~ t ai rfouemde frm urltoleha atthe Aud' w-l b he bth orii~d v e e. P -h amo- ey statio on UicC.P.:L..Pie5 A., ~~ ~i oofsmwfl rah.Sele r adM. ol sn aultr Pottoa av ssudedquthe mui. nMoo And'afow .,u-ae o ooto wr adMs Mi-al> t the eow ater]. W ecbr Ta he S.S. room f om 63ocloctoi wr 0Ûayvatr wtbM.an r.co. thl o by n etcrit Chur-et III E~c,~llott WbH. Guhrie bO had -,tie 8.d o beld'u Uicprora MisdMyrtIe F0.-wett tes- sen Uc ee-ed it sipcdlu Twee, Ot.,Oouinht isMr- ensMn. s-Bd Mà hrn. W. M. made MiMiOu Pucr a old a lare Aon- bejo nda2o, P0uN.. ooeýrecUt.meto!Cts d Mbsltey i-te e ld b loal mral. A d n -West aMisa Elale RobixiSO , ho lyrties ent stF. io. onsthCY basmovcdintO bis Challwege toB. on,b*Dr.W.P.Rtog- lutholida lthhrprns.ne.os.H a iasld tr 'A, orA.,Portwil prer. Amssi,31 Mr. and mrsDoFre dd rlisO sud workshdavefur. He a a il Msidc. o *nayafthe holikeo Trnt'.-r.adaym with ly ing mahnettedong Wr ort- andenertinen- Siper-,Uve rson oarnô . sen go "&,daxeraigw ouetee108d' Maten. ndM ra. O.30 ebert are ol-iug Uicllter'5 parts.Mr adMrds. c. osinhraso forweek wauiet.brltie n torw 'A, Cowhlt-W .Gtre a a ÊMo Mnrc. D.eBurna wsin Uwic otakesarfMr. and M jars. Mlo lsl camp orontelirso aSb-utRN.o ei in te poe ad - GeyIss-at we Ped ing aptt he holiday wien thw rek-end wMrhS. r.A.B.FshrMx in-s.D ligh t., eav oses, Mi arsoelady nt&, M.oanddaY . W-Parrw»sio nd Mcinsa ole larget cont- doriers. r. D. A. Reeson. ., 9f10randon.- elt., lu UidgtofcoatswUoala Matweek. O tedb al Btailena Otobdder il'Abisa bee vistn wOfliM. B.F. Cap- MissH.estet an moae Panrtof thale Wo Men:' MisioDr. W.P.So-th ~ elhl. Uzihhe arns.wboset.e uostalo sLod Ua ters .. Port ery. Adhirsionldte Mr'. adîscf red to, viitt -tan. pOrs. anda urnae. we hanfal "k anna20e.tertlmoftToThntew &pant o!eooniywto. ingsmc.hinaonWo hasbee O th lareD. rsw In eithebut nt leso rt an mes AugUStUS. oroto NoraSolInToonorour glincoe occasions.UA ekJing OPntthe -lifrda hel r a reofl.c MeA.B.ForsoerUicrholidyrs as~Nr Dnfre n . A. Roson fBadonUMan-,is uxby e nch oa d Msa LenaP- SOn8 o'clok after wbi c oram11, lilbe ,ll. wUer M.RoeOlrt we de In Whitbyo oMSSdLena teW-ss men Rer. Qllbert lSoiy f bas. Bll hie Toonovspite t Mr5. r. t uins. Jas.w ilksn -er i D., pastr f- HlhuPrk Presbyteiireparts. Ti l o avr darbl usC o rhnd n. D.asrre ot Chnurch, gaetai moat. Tnsrflgarsa Carlepropent>'o TronoSuNoral coli orno.eun onrg Missowdlai7e uct nct90clarg Te iss edt frands Mrbe rntl M ebi hm afor. H. rpe, o! Whitb as oolos er>' casioelnsMAexcellanti Mr. s-Wh. Xo! grebalk.vtund t isaeti wLah .and Mi". Robt.Par6 er?,o! az evlnmtherc eclent s.n thehomoof n ndIr. W. Ri'. ùrott weo n Wnd ona>'.ed 6te 8 ,GhlY e.>oyed b>' ailpret. r . Doîtýà ý us ougaYo TntO, nd Mn. and Mrs. JPerc'WiContellovlthe wasgivn. ev.GilertWil»ll Ph bsrent ew ' avbi wey e a tholt ofMn. and Mrs. Dcr.PCrostllOno Misps Brt- h Pocsof lsbtoCk, hoepre.hst oSudy Cpent h e aolida w-lspbr brothe Mn. Ail of Mn.andi Mrs.A.Robert ehie Mr..:1.Sunday.Whib on i nes . wnd -auhteofare enittin for isoitens iss d awisY M r led vsitii Pain rT sols b Mss eln MLe ad reihtétithom e M.anore fM. KD.r-rotst theresen tim Mn., f a Mi s . Morr ecelntnand M .H o gla s n Tuc da ofuI ToroOtoen Br.sandhrch P ier C seviied Missdero!tarones, vOsied wit Mn. home.of Mrn rom 7t 0 s1. w ticheli on SundY ctobr 2 and Mrs. Reeson this week- . Mn. iD. Burne wbuld like an orchestra whon Rey. R. B. ffhyte, of Toronto Mrs. D. Burnis returneti thls week starteti ln the village te while away w-ili-prcach at both services. On Moný f ro a lngtb tn te he Wst. the wes-r>' hoiirs o! the wintOi'. Profes- day eoet9ipg, Octobor 26, Mr. Wh.yti Tosea ngthe mrith e st aretonals, of cour", wou~~la biiiot d'B- aslacdeliver a lecture. Don't forgel Mr. Cramn tud move n Brooklinare sirble, ýbut amaRtelins need not hesi- these.two dates. Wateh for bis s-ni Mroc'amhoe; vingto Mn. Shen- tL aap t n uu.f ull snnounoement lunts papen ner Cooper thomec place Tomlinaofl. Mii. Everson, Mn. week. Mn. F . coîte sbawa, an.Ld;waMdandi Mrs. mcDoenald andi famll'. of To.___-____ Mare.nCe te Mn. bouseramnn-ý . ronto, wltb Mr. Sanderson andi Mr. Ser- $10RWR,$0 1ýwec oM.Scotte crs, vlsiid ut Mrs. Tomliflsol'B oV-er $100a Tofibu eWr wtI $100asd Mn.Frnl Vpodo! ortiospntthe holiday. lt.nu that thene lai atlstone deadëd dise"i the holiday w-lithbWIParents.___ The regular meeting of the Womef'i luit science ha& been *,bit 10 cure i LU mil MesaS. upet su Jsck ortpsud Missionar>' Society, of the Methodiatst à ageud tbatioCatakrrh. Hdl's&atarnbCuv Messs. upet ad Jak Iorii a i. he oNlypoitive cure si" wknown to il moiedcal fraterbilty. .Oatannhbebsng a costi touaI diesa., requîtes a constltutiofll1 tuant. llalil' a itsh Cars là takcti t imil gacting dtrectly UPOU4be blooaimau mucom îy facof thoy i ic dieas ea4gtoytu$Il- streugth by buildI&Rag p thecon ttion ai Mvr. 'Farmer'---ý neor v amd1f ti1ali crtiv mm ziiîtfaits to curs. euL nfebr lf4Ita - Do you know diat gasoline Is advancing in Sl y& ratt_à Coal Ou isathioHall'&n prceltoMeyears MOFRAL Buy lntornuitisnal Coal 011 Engins!l P, Engine and 61 in. Plate Vesstt ndre~ CR4ailanme them at 2me per f t. JONES - p,-.* ~i4FI ~WOft~V WBIDA ONTARIO n Thc follewIng la tUe Beptemtber.iU& port o! the Myrtle Public School. ClSIF es I., III. sud IV. Sn. IV.-Mîldred CYBoyle, (Judy! Harrison, Elva Wilson, WlirI&31V Nest, David aHi hýVi5' ~qu Tooêr.Bi , abel Tor=if. Mi~s~~and IL . Hrden. OJ.LC,. WhitY. vWmtod VUttitheir arentà «iloe Ur. liafli Bodgeo, o! ToCRoto, avant the boeUday st home- MeIsa 'idaDring« !Toroto, mat hotus for Uic week-end. M e.Wm. QImI*ett, o!Niaar OM p w-Salooktng up cLsruttuMb &M a D.Thorà eon la OcMioelna lus-aast star wt%, s rt to m its me he mît md Tl> We can seli coels 1,etc., a Grinder is a woi don t1~iL - M.'Img Ain -i ', sez st. vailnr t.1- ôntnal. "In 1912, 1 w-astakon suddenly MI with Âeute SIomack Trouble and dropped ln the strict. 1 w-as treatcd by several phyuiclans for neszly two yeams.1Iwus-inluconstant mkscy from xuy stomach sud ay'weght dropped down froni 22 pounda to 100 pounda. Seveaofaimy fiands sdv1sed me to try Prult-a-tives'ad i dld 50. That wu8 eight aienths ngo. .1 b'aus ke impw aJesd uwi4 k LUjirtldms. No other m.diteieverumcdtOdSOPbmmutiy Man. A ver>' es- death occurred ln Mont- res-I on Wednesday lest, w-bsn Geoffre>' ClIve St. Jermain Steadman pased s-w-a>' aten a short Ilîness from typhoiti foyer. Mn. Steadmnan, whO WUs for some time lu Uic Dominion Bank lu Whitby, sud whose wlfe is a well- know-i Whitby lady, bas been ln Uic Dominion Bank, Montreall, for sewsrs-I yeare. sud qulekly as 'Fruit-a.tiVOWu-u %.-- Mnatamun - oe uiina~ Simamh 7'es», ad ail pain and Bank gave hlmn leare f absence for a CMPiï m>fO vd mis"7 wtm CWtd- I montb, dtinng whIcb ho offi a triip te OOMPtlztc roovcrsd by lthe use Of New- Oleas. He w-as not in botteri e#Fntt-a-tives'and now- I wegh M bes-th on hie return nd shdeortl>! miter pouitds.I OUmit pW" rtt-atà W -s.talion w-ltypuhold foer. Be w- sugi". ]H. w < s t once removed te the Western Hoc. 00e. à boga e for $2«M>, IW *% ~,25& iItah Lust Weducsd-Y morning Mrs. At aH derners or smat poutpsld b~y Steadmau speut w-th hlma, sud lic s-p Yrui-a-tves ~s-teiOttaa. eared te be IIýý s- aactor>'sto. Prut-ativ Ji ite s O MI6Shorti>' m ter rès-cu g hom e, abe ne- eeved s- message fnom the Hspital t retur a st oncoeas hon huabsuti lis-Gouf- Uc Hareat srvices s-t Kinsale. fered s- change for the w-orBe. Hé psas- th avs.Home se d s-w-sy thaLt eveulflg. Mn. Brignailla a"ou t récoreod r.Bteadmlafl, Who WUs 32 Year O, ram ber ïctcoa e-Illness. age, w-as lu whitby fon a lime as Jn- MiossMi t the iold>!s~1r clerk lp the Dominlion Bank, returu- hore. lit, -'lun a. couple o! years usten as lellen. Comealo& Ic -da ai4-.bà r heBe w-a ver>' energetie lu hie Profes- Greenw-ood osin, to Wblch bis rs-pid ie lu the Rea.l pnemch. -the k .~~ lO f cB anik la due. Borne rom bTbree years as-o Mn. steadman w-as ivifl n niv v ! i n uiire a r riedtâMi isAgIes IDow, o! Wht- bytenlta-Cl u n Mouds-Y eveing by. dans-her of thc late John Bs-l sud lut ad ,exeel ut tUme. M m. Dow-. M rn.SteadifaU m d aU lu- rece anê 11188 Ken- fat son survive. Mma. tes-da»in1 - utIbm lhomeday &LII postrated fnom siioci, mand ber mother, ~tome"5 om hao.W-ho bas been in tbc West Wlaw1th het ln Moutreal. 'IiGI beébs~ ~fer Mn. Steadman -as- anativeUet . ~ ~ 4-~taaNé -an ftnrI and IMBi uterwbI X16Ie.ýst 21 m 01,c -Cen j SI ért,* st Uic0 Noer- p4s l - L~L77, have t- Twot Exiiin Thope Buggies and -easy ternialso t*0 1,sie,,plowers in) g( & Walking PIowsso'p1t Columbia Grap.,hphonesl ail styles Our -prices will interest yout> * M3,oi-~ew ~tk~Canon MéNeab per'ý toirm%<the O#?ýadWÃŽI71,The, bride iWeI * give n yW blerbrother, Mr. ~n neth M ChdenJ s lbl*us Wm. T. flleI Z., $ A receDtIon w"e giVen ~~1 bride and groom and liisdliate relatives at1 Y«#% the î0ome of the gvoofl'a mother, Mrs. S J. T. Jones, Howýlgà d Ave., Toronto. MUs. Jones woro a USadsomo gown of black moire aiUc wlth lam bodice, and Mns. Macphadyen, thebr4eds mother, looked charmtng i a tallorcÃdcostume of creamq serge, sunset, roses and black velvet hat. The bride lookcéd very lovely la a suit of roue moire silk with blà ck velvet hat and liles of the valleY. miss Ethel Jones'made a pretty brides- maid, gownod In plum-colored broad- cloth wlth plumed bat to match., Her f flowers were orchids and WiY Of the *Valley. Mn&nd N. &Jones leit on ajwdê1ng tour whLich will inelude ]Ba Aand Atlanitic City, the bride travelling In & navy bine rajah si1k suit. -They wWll e- aide st Edgecombe Hall, NeW ROChOlle, New York. WFUTBV c I DENTAL *1 .,~< Printed Bllttor Wra~p~rs dred HaryJ.HDson, .DS, .D Office Dundai Street, o1pposite Post Office. Phone 122. WIIITBY, ONT. JE. W.Sisson, .t .LDS Dental Parlons over Allh'u dm5g store. Whitby, ýOnt. Office houns--9 te 12; 1.80 t.O Phiones, BcU, 67; intà deÃt 1:I. BLAKE B. BEATON, L.D.S., D.D.B. Graduate of the, Royal Coliege of Dental Sungeons and University cf Toronto. wËIOffice over W. M. Pringle's hs-ndwareetore office houns-9 to 12;,i1tW 5.30. -. md. Phone, la JAS. B315HOP Oshawa, Llcensod Auctioneer. Bueeua. or ta LU Faïrbanks. For termmansd dates aipply te self! on G. Robb, Whitby. WM. )MAW iËe utcO etteOfie WIIITBV, ONT. OdiNTRAOTORS Iw carpmnteir.;BunMer 0" contraDm corrww ar.aan ie UInt. f i - ~ . may 'p Costre purt j i.-... A 'i t - i - price? Il 'i r muer, wr. iv. <~~i8sw. -. i i I - I WhiU~y To~4*IP Voundi. ~5h~Uic11 cf th ~Nwnsb1~ oI~ wultbvs.t pu~u~t te urumeut FRE ilarness, Blankets, Mitts and, Gloves, Guns, ec Har.nessKepairîng. W. F. ISNEY. rol Coal Oil is the-lowest in price for years. ý. The ,lu the, up in Naphtha,