Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 6

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~i L A' i ' 'I flot. ùt iso otive [on. mt 1I tente a t r i 1d ou Ythèx.~ 0 1 Iwaà being #VilyI½ itmeatns iwnnf<4hlo C in<>i sacked them high adlw quality ah v l e. < '<I' clear Up a stUzp about that.,, vajuetoo; se fa.r as 'vu been able-o tu ia- cover, nothini waz carried awAy. 1 -1 -- tLu this ecause It suggetsthe il il orin office havigbeen,ý though flot havtng been there yet 1 / c e a iMr. Stru.ber'a countenance took on The IG een ealI a eurious expression that I was un- IBY CBARLF.S EDMONDS WALK able torend; longer acquaintance wt _____him suggested that it might bave1 j beeri a pale outward manifestation of Author of "The Silver Blade," "The Paternoster RubY, anome inward excitemernt. But' the "TheTim Loc," tc.chief ail at once stabbe me with one «TheTim Loc," tc.of his steady diseoncerting stares.* _________________________________________"Have you some pardtiuar thing- paper, document, anything of the CHAPER VI.-Contd). noteof enac. I wasas f 1 erIkind-that nome person ila es pecially <HPERVI-<ot') nt o eac.Itwsasi 1wr anxious to get hold of ?" lie question- HIi dazed and frantic with ratrele masdby ralelicent unseen d il' the indignities 1 had been made to forces bent upon my undoing. My "Nothing worth taking such desper- SUutT(". 1 tore and clawed furiously at 1 faith in the permanence of establieh- àte riaka to secure-at least, flot out- t he confounded t.hing about my head. ed conditions was rudely shalren. aide the bank." lit several seconds elapsed before f Ho*weve r,' dead for sleep as 1 was. 6"But If auth a thing exista," was fi*ee of ,t. 1 put off investigating the matter un- the chiefa commient, "gnobody besides Iwas eitting#.nt one aide of a ou-ti lat.er ini the d"y, wlich,-doubtlesYourself would know positively where tvroail in a hilly region. In no it will be recalled, was Sunday. it was." llQtoiwas there indication of bu- may isis hs hseo te "'l'ie enough,", I admitted. "4But mil habitation, and ne sign of themte with a few worda. As in mont the prson who ould restore my turnollile, eXcept that wy n t esimilar establishments in Çlifornla.waesn usead rakito m our club's subordinate servants were an-prendbakito m dl.,L:1ceI could hear the purr of a mostly Chinese; and when avds rooms wtbout st.ealixig objecte of bultor rîîlpidly growirig tainter. dB unquestioned value, is plainiy look- - O~îrhed tht'stars;behin covery of anything hidden is epend- igfrsmtigo tl rae 0% rhd hde ostar;bn e. atlent upon a Cbinaman's cminunica- for esometîng cof n sl gene itati.i lig edg racetgatqtiveness when he chooses oto remain viaueîd ti g I olmfot guard reisof a byegone period atillI secretiveittmultstay frever ure- caresaîy. toIvenhpeaand there about Los svealed: at oncethe infovegator c lesly1 t(-r>s the*road, in an un- vae:ltoc h netgtrcl a tl osrie o epsl fil 'xîîseof waste-land, the ]ides with a wall of suppression and enceabou etiinaanedtorkeep sl torils tt three critencep aboutethentdiam nedhforipIowas i .un~uftheecntrypants cneletta nihrdpoayfilled with conflicting doubta and mis- i a~~Ie luft; empty uistances or coerciori can penietrate. an hmbiga bec hlsairvnsth'Thus it was atter I had complained g'el aln te big n a.c hdls aîo ra~n,~s, he1of elglainty that aft.er ail the dia 1 fi.~t-h vagzuer bliir of the*t . u oo e1moita wàs oee caule oi the anexplie- h ntniý,iis-the5e alonte met bat ihrl at nwntigoae machinations being aimed againsit the invasion of M>~ apaz'tmenta, Or me I mùht hve een n telse they wouldnont tell whatever theer~ ~ r tuerwoptapr or f ie Mojave desort, for a"! 'did know. The. difficulty the steward twsM.Srb hoptae- ale- weIn I ha<i of my whereabou'ts. ha ispresn heamsmn d te the situation. With surprising r n rrsrî.ît a leaât ali ronds suggested that L~i nizht elevator anmtion, he ciapped 4iis bat upon :0,1- -le o and ail they lead sorne- 'uperator had not beeî iscreet. bis head and moved toward the door. e liii rd it îh the mountains as 1 A qmiday rnorning v url Hill 4"Leave it te me, fJhief," hoe aid Lit. nak, I set my hack to themn Street to First Street la net the least bluntly. --1,11 go with Mr. Ferris." liti îuud wulking. 1 shallflot enjoyable exerrise ,one may induige And addressing me:- "I'd like to lamp l ru1. t iilong-19paInful Pilgrîrn- in, for in Los Angeles, v. here the air that offie o'ylors again before any-~ r 1, il) tht. City. Whoen, q(iine- is lwàtys îlynamic wîîh that ethereal body bas a chancre to mess round va r ' oie te! lin0 the morning 1 carne fluid wh'ch enters imm the veina and lit Let's bati" t- e (If :a trolley Ilie far (lut truunsforns the blood tri Olympian B.odwy 1ob -v~ theat my go~ SYEA MNNS i-i rth, ri, utz, f touwii. te . mt Suriday morninga are dma oservewth at hh n o 1 1 11d long V iOcesupped 1rurîîng, Ipleastrnt. pan o -- à farisd d 1 I1î.i<d the remnainng weary ils- I oo arrived at police headquar- fling gait, apparently -nifrett 1 ltt M.. la%&ua'.n when tors, un a rnelîow mood that was titin geaot u.Te unPýsson Dot ihere ors lazinesand sioVenlines8pffduced: by Thé jle4e r, esa h sharp contrast with the fierce sense of J heechratritcawa uîkl is e ~ - dIitf.Thr Th -rý,,wtrt.wa> niot Nwîth- outrageddignity that sorne hpspre- tpeled, howa erisics afouncldis les 'dlif50'ree .".".. gau t. "L.e- viouislý,had matie me resolve upofihd ohugot ee pwihhlAt ' -% f choice an& thse t110W tocooul anud fîîde Iiý erinnd. 1 entered reluctantly. the corner we too kea car tht 0I~ 5b S I pt * f fr raticu al 1-efleotion anud sougzht out the chief of police,, r toka arthtýsà g for ,ml % Lîîuuîu .u-tteac itîh lwhiim I had corne acquaintance.j us ta the monolith of steel and con- .k& le lsttl«h *eUgefo i i utfoi- tho uutriuCe, then il it pon thîuu official, to My surprise., reeththosd yofies.one's ne 9gWeill uidwt r. ii îigu l le (uiuîubîeul that nî thie enuirrnuty of tihe offens against (To be continited.) -co~es.ç r~ s ee s t a l4 t \ut s notAdonright dan- me produceti no very markeâ im- -'i' uio dress1e!jhe ae'e" t n t Tht natu(te of to0-upression. In fact hle cbecked irte JOURNALISM IN WAR. Ladiles<~ îîw iusç .a'.sufficuent te re- <sabre 1 had fairt'y aite po y1 14 'I iii t\îîem Itgths Lo which kîtInapping narrativle. pnm ~W- v"eG kr - te ~ .a' ickesl drig "Just a moment, Mr. Ferris," said!Nwppr uuse 7Slir elp The shirtwzst, nu igh to go te obtain it, And tWJe Dd' n ! u li-lte iuuid liooked upon, p Ddnt nof dyor patoaty. i h0 .t37hiën ! b i rnerely a begnntng'on"""a aI43r oreio Blous rneAsuresrnîglt ib»en en1ts otýceifns-«'rs'h P- I ineesbust mea- _,Ujý î'lý1 in 0 i1ý>Vereeently 'appeatèd -lin thé ffed of 2-812l ýL wt!me -t al? he's in; 1? want him te hear yor I3rltlab iurnfalism severaI.interestingauit 9 -ùt Tt watt possible that at present the story.". and audacious newco»M rs hegiiZ rust ais were not cetain that the dia- 1 perforce waited, for the chief Ini- tenewsp ionul vas un my keeping, and were mediately left me alone in hie prVa tltthetrnh a 'uo*stse A uîuytying te make sure, 'of its n et i search of Mr, u. unqevtreis're aI±oê - <hereaot ti en t, Il j a inute or such..atiatrh.*aaseWh-vlcr ai*td - mu gh t look for an attacit frurq a> th that hatche .-fal, OVti<ý*ie iëckpr- ,t hei LUepeed source.! rch made, fme r ertiii the Pandora Piflie and thi ect [pteaaln* t1tbcoïht; but thçr7ý rIhat! brought mr.griv- gosa, wbhoe editorad. coatribut<orsn' tif nkn uf~th ,at hete t 1r i thepolie I didn t want' &M'eail ofkea of t6e PAghÎÉ Sb- - %would bis on my guard, and; not t e tubrtoiear Emy story. ai.Foil.I etiealti snared -so oasilt as I1lhad beéù to-' Ite took nMy presence quit. sa f agut elo!jlàt n ni gbt.. matter of course; as if I had renie boyJlltyan The contfoi h>rellection'had just apo mtinta d funýec~y.nns nnciuding an., amusia>gpr entered imy.pmn ttMy ,suite ajTissuperir» asuipin of <yor. dy of Lewis Carroll-'-(ABlcepar- teSl e oineto îte knowledge and omnicience by ,a f4l. Eighth Flotilia Land.- cete e~e moue or les' ' iutuatlon, to, say iow of hie apparent calibreî> ap ieiaeré 4UDIssae ia. ReBsIs.Os refer nothing of the o~f servants on î me in a way, I might bave tod*ia ed by those -I ietefl aRe 1ej;ý fl .refor duty at ali heurs, 'çYaS i1getote. ec- * qMit. contrary otepj stead of di wbo ridçÉem.se billm gor, uwa, lu. ea, cesbeto any unauthoerized inva-, was aggravatcd anid prçvoc4a taofivgude'tem Svr- ce ba&lu, n.ba siun. when 1liasped inta thelavator. iiden of being s sc tel"a amat- P1~bY PSei-o If~t gjpodr e wUbetn -s- t" ji' 1v- caioesltflPah'y. lt is theoualyw "dte i Dit un wri E-.W.ILLUJ CO£MJANI LIMI-ThU TOROTOT WIuNIPEG-NTRA ~i* 1~lJ-1~ sizes 82 to 44 incises, bust masure, requiring 8 yards 36-inch zmaterial. Pattern No. 8987.-Smart and sim: pie Unes ire combineti intadies' Home bJourifal, dresa patt.rn No. 8937. -Thse waist opeits lu front anti has a deep Yoke anti two styles e! cellars, a-email round coller andý a, large Quaker -toi-, lar.' Tise one-Plcc »aigtçthr skirtjaejf w-hee-i V6.-Tie'patteescuts in t.Mt p nec.ut-u>eaanre, requing in zizh 868% yrds27-incs materiar 0 with 14 yard -27-inch -contrasting me- L terial. for coller and cuifs. ý.Patterns, 16 centts'ech, 'éât b.ob- fl,.talked at iyeur 10C41 Ladies' Home Journal dealer, or from, thç Home, at- ~ Street, in thse butter. Dissolve soda-in-thse mokman~sd atitiit.- Then add luise- Wanewaeranti-ye«st tissolved lin mnflk. IÇnead ilgUtl, coveér andtige. Fu~int* two ,loavea; -plae n lute isbte for1% hrsl ýwlc W. uMng- - Theee-fourtis cap hr,«d cerubs, oe-baf eup deie- Itisa ita slze. Thl aràëst eggs oftcn u Êave tise amallest olks. The equality II IlJi of egge le decideti by tise dletary. Little savinge are by ne means te be scôffeti et if 'we can have them in NEWS BY MAIL FRtO M EI4i f abundance. Let «us taise care of the huadreda and, thousands and thse mil-GRE SHR - lini will taise care of themselves. 1 -atched elbows may eaaily be avoiti- 1eti by piaciesg a plece of velvet be. appeniagu la tise Emerald Ile Of tWee thtie iining andtihie material Interet to AU Truc Iris- WbÇPithtie dreas is being matie. This mn 'blut le especlally useful te mothers o!fca #~~s chfltiren. The death is reporteti at Youghal, * ive I, a'rich. creamy flavor to cei.-'Cork, o! Majer-Generai Sir Thons 'tee, before adding the water, mix Denitely, an Indian Mutiny vetefaLfl 'U«i *i& hie dry coffee as'mnch mua- A mlddle-aged farmner namnctiJO- ta~rd 'powder as will cover a five-cent seph Anderson, of Baàllyrogan, com- piç0e anti same quantity of saIt for mitteti suicide by sbooting hiaUlsef. every pint of coffee required. The number of deaths f rom tuber- Sprinkie your roast beef with flour culosis in Irelanti during 1914 were before roasting; it keeps in thse juice. 9,089, being a decrease of 298 ovez -To brown mneat nicely a very lit.tle 191,3. brown sugar rubbed. on peloie Cooks- At the general market in Ballymena Sitig is Shêt théêneat shçrùld be bast- a quantity of hay was commandeered ed often. Tainted meiit should be by the local agent for the Govern- wsaauëd un a littie vinegar before cook- ment. 'ng. H. M. the King has approved of thse Wben windows are difficuit te open appointment of Lord Londonderry as or close rub the corda with a little Lieutenant for the County Derry. soft soap. Try rubbing a little yellow More than 6,000 people wvatched thse soap on anything that le rather bard games of tise Na Gaei at Ceitic Park, to work on a machine, andi it will be when Rerry defeated Xildare by one found toégo muêhs ensier. Alwsys' goal te one point. keep a piece of soap in the machine Cars bave been designed for an drawer; it je very handy for that' electric railroad in Irelandti t be run purpose. by a gaaoline-eiectric generator which Starched celiars often get the ;they carry. studhole broken before they are haif James McKeown, a weli-known resi- worn eout. To -eake them wear longer dent of Dundee, was knocked down sew a piece et <fne white tape neaty and kilieti on the main line from Dub- acroi5asthe hole and! werk new bole lin te Belfast ini thse-tape. * L this is done before go-I Capt. Bal! e, recruiting off icer at ing te tise iauitdry they will look quite Csatierea. bas sent severa f armners' iteat anti titiy when they cerne back, sons te the l6tb Division, Iriah Bri- andi will weai -àe long tira. gadesud -the Irish Guards. Everys=' dean breadt! t Ont'o! the. new branches of Kitchen- usable in othêriiwayss--hould be- dried er'e' arm.y in training..pw. Jut camp in' aitd then greundutLa meat chopper. Londonia s1my commanded xfi-tm by nWrish general i ~i'~ bro u g h a atra ner aai soa>wJh'orortisait a fleur sitter. William Neill, a ligisterman of Bel j o et r he c a se c u ib e ai i g fast, w a a drow ned w hie w orking on in the strainer'.for meat stuffinge or a barge at Carrickfergus harbor. scallepet! fiah or vegetabies. The fine A amali sailing punt ovrned by M1,r. - crumbs that pas through May be M. J. Healey, was found bottom up- uàei fr beaflngchos o oyter orwards floatinx - lu Youglsai barber. uset or beadig ciops r eytera orîNthing lia been heard of tise. rew. croquetteis. This fine Crumb meai aio t ameigo ts onyDi may tase thse place of an equai meas- gAtIraneeofvera mmbsu rgeel:nè ure of flur un muffins, gridile cakes, lis apn of svha m ferUse rgWe met ls*r t Èntbeet to use treatment ef tubèrc16ffl. -, teoehaf At ametnp*ie< tien a recemnsendaion:tlat a warb- - - - -- .ua of 28e per we* bo,ýgranito il - yu - Çco Jpîm.plr y-vasdelcate& - *- t a meetint-ôtt1re-,GtrÂui4 I$rhn Poez Council, Mr. Brahayeupmeiding. a - - - - . ~~ resoluhn vas adoed,psao POf* I: e Thse Senate e! Qucen'a University, and~~ ~ îtn ey 'B las, bais decidet! te m ke it tm BT.w , n y i0Pr9y7fer ail male studet¶ts W ,a1- - ~ ' tclasses for imilitary. trai.ning 'dur- "m~ teextr*iwmay mmid on tis6 dy To make. aitr.sClear er . ere isaa simiple intne - rlnr scoo tical effeet,Ye,-are eyeling, aitd cons. te a long, steep hi f you jet. your eyes ig lo ti ~Iandi its lcgia feti« "of, depjrson ud dlscoUragmexsOn4Aitnce cRochu yen. wisicl stantly tieï'wl' 'dloses, pitogy- tii t siala ~ Jtti Jiest h& asatia su4e S..b4Strauig 0 eý lUv pt o!exIr 'ing thse war. Louis Weiner, a photoXraýshic çaiui vasser, o! Beliaut,,. ordçreti ta three montha' i'mpris'onnsentý for try. ing te elicit- Information on tise move- ment ef tise Ulster Division. A ilag, day wùJsbeit in Beiamt un- der the a-usplcése! the Union' Jeci 4ý îete, inti It was statedti ist up to dat ie TlsteÊ Weniu',s Ftind bati sent-M' 000 cigareté Opèdn4e 9 tObacco ànd over 8,000', tléWe., e! dlothing. ' Ile. ýdeatis bas oCCUrréd as Use; re aulk ci - wound s recteived -lu.x. 3ctî*oxe eol Lance-Corporal Walter ep soe! Mr. Bl. A.- Néwel, o! Baeh<at.> l. was attached t tis ftOib.Bu i>a;'Black môore bodies, vietieaf'ts i' " < ~hriiL ~ -St --liedr ~0-~~neia iso*tgtobë fromu ~jb~ la Wol Pr tbe-1l~ - sation No sou (i 'iè~ udleÈ~ '-~nenUy 'w-i e-j ' world - - nve~1 - --- - -t,, and! it is aiese me tohsbve à and everytbJjbaw jtink that tniic a bachelorla' tra'nged, buta J at every mOi ýstuyb.d and. »as it. had been b 1 moade a- ji draiver and at f ?,Iuer cphp s. v 1 il- r7 qoi London cipie that te the en the akille Ployer ai labor. T huma-Ls 1 and (Ur'c throughU piml naton suotd e do totfearen pimosed nailonlyi not onul neverof N in todu, wel n or eseratil tien dut ostf o' intrde sBritieha1 dstri rech 9 mupeat onean Mot io maud su termean combin nounii war:pj The wpr oI7 - ýé ý 1 .

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