Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Oct 1915, p. 3

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Ldeast in RHia Ply pilgrimnaie. ess which the. been f rom Tcaf - freintalce te Ody thinks we ie price. modem nlife je The gteatest a n have as his firat citscon- be wrought out iqtion is a thýng te the truth su rty te wander ini -.Second baud nd tiothex, be- p. It ks rîsky te ay the owner leave us; naked. Iy spoJken. .f* cnristianity ,xperiimtce. Who ow the value of the man who e in God, ýthe a sentence eûs- aeked how you eJ ither be as to some page that i ' rtten hellev e in' the. onily speak IL Longue as -a lia it is inean- the angeleo - the stone and ur, resurrected leve in the ici- >,k why these re not ;ettie(l r' is that ach or himself. A nôt :eount.- odel, ID. y le -value will t eni ber, the iirng its right JSTRY. Il De in Twe Closes. Portant fact tret ye&r of r"t YLSeetlu- WVhen we rnany, as as- the forld'à ini but two Ies and of nore become tid. il the - imPortînt pQsitiOIl te thanke en- 4on ,i# tho ries. were s e'should, li îg the. enor- woisld have tut, the Vait ýring worlc' te, b. rmade war ulve -us by th*,-trade ,e sgning of the Mý,ister i. sure, Sees e twenity-six ýns factories N arieus engi- >ut.the coun- preduce such ffl as will in- . Hie seeà in wd factories developuient ras sean as iderfiul vision of! war givoi uture of the 9trty WC rMay IVeapons ln ble businessa 'ch (a es ize anld pat, "ec a deAd More deadl,,ý iting" ,wlilch cf Moedern wdIx be dé- as "!str,#iglýt b~ dagger,le gîtreçh dag. Tii._charae- Lthe handles tht~e anieunt h- Most de- 'daggcr. and p.. A ittie ed ini a !i4ay. Pst.tjiat an Vut Shauld b., The. erder l; onefrl W re aboutt li h at à ~ai~4 lu POtro~rad i the <emasaresii dat bot distanct, and wfihnv 1 repuleef*lth heavy losses frin the. Bueo.taking Dulnak very, si- oay. 4blong the. VilkQmir ro4 $the fi le, it Idwy ruas for 4ver 20 Wolea, ~' j. he~v>guns-and ammunitlon- tre ý$eIïg hagt Up continually.,to the triL, 'Ise.Gerin force hiiiedlate- Iy oppoite DyInâ le being, strèe.h eèn4, but Lb. flanka are Vwam~riý. -~~ North of Dvinsk the Rumlus no * arrassing the Germa ans i drivina- them out of village after vilage. South of Dvinsk the enemai' fontl being steadily pulshed back towardh 'Sv"tsiauy, and aImcust daily theéua isian'à re<çakture a village or tWo md fed ofGerman prisioners. W . i 'ren çru n reit brigt p esorveis and sucwed~ a icng b to IIuI 200 yards ot'bd Rusan ilnos. TIebn two Ru à le thelie artillery o i ll .my's supports. heresuit Ywk tint the isolaïteil'x , êcfhiggroýul was annuhlateab>' the ýlluiîianr'ayo From the-Vfllya te tii. Pejpet thore la effective skirmiishln il1 ogts lin.. Soutb o! 'Ie rpet:tl tn han been taken -out c Go ealPu liali's temporary auccesu on 44~e mld- dlie Styr, and, lus aray, for, aU>t t it wal reinforceai !rom 11h. notig-ùboni anmies of G nsLiingen si"d Mac-. kensen, l ig g propelled back into the sw aup à. r> Q. T 'n'indicationtattourlisare b.- ~FIO~ U~ET Jgînxiîng to dîecovr , The salmon run. in the Fraser River tis year lias been below ex- WHAT TRE WESTERN iteJL3 petation. -Nèt Imer* than 45,000 ARE DOING. cases. are expected for the. season. Four years- ago 5,0Q0 cases were packed. Proree oftueGrat estToli A wildcat was shot b Nelson G<>dwin, within 100 yards, of hise In a Few Pointed 'bouse 'at South Westminster, BC. It Paragraptis. ad been driven out of the forest by 'rhe ý* .thefires.1 'lh ti .y ferries of North VancoU-1 ver are losing $50 s day. A big, ind o! copper ore at Joncs' MANY TYPÉS OP BOMBS. -ýa«e is epote B loUpe, O.'.. J. C. Edwards le Vernon's, B.C.. Uandtîng of 'trîkket Il" Explosive :ew city clerk at $125, per menti. Require Cool Rend. The. market ie growing in Engfrnd The various khdse bombe now ýor B.C. frozen samien and halibut. beingb used in France anmd Flanders The apple and plum crop in New arc dcscribed by -jW Engliéh officer in Denver wîII be the largest ini years. s latter fi-rn the. front. There aïe, Cranbrook, B.C., hospital had six he says, four main types-lie "hair- 9Perations for appendicitis in one brui," tie "crickcet 1)9l,"tle police- aI elona as ine rnn's club" andlthe «jam-tin." Bombl An telonalws fnedthrôwers are aibuded t itec $100 :Zor Sooting four-ý ducke e ut of slang as "aariots." IflfOLture nil day laborloCr tise cit èro, 'sveryy ;tifë'1w. rdinar> hait- eeanon. - - ~ br";.hanrsaex"panati.wi placedby a& moitir' etbglusrbeW- mje n sive. The, poUeigW* 'on Iha ilat die-lt A cabbage that wcighed 25 pounds nose donw vins recently shipped frein, Creeton explode on impac, îit to Foi-n4, B.C. able te kr>nock thmagaint anylin Kasie, B.C., saw its ifir3t inotor -say tiç back o! the trench-when cycle last we. Lt came frein Nel-1 throwiflg theni. ionfo -epir.j -"The cricket bail works 'by a tile It costs-.$Sa-hpad to take caiýjefuse. mhe removai of a cîedain Pin f,ým Stpeàn City, te New Denvearlac pigwihIkiaa p 'Iîî lce 0'-$ l . ternxab UStasC,.xboatie<r §,glue t ph toaaa îmak the *si te t tis Tothe rigat are saft ackand oennte-attaek hae. J' 0,00lÀore egae oFrenc-i toUn- Ite!-w a stakeft ironsthe. Pr -h-bè - Brefl tufs Tordnto, 0.1. 12.-Mnnitoba wbeat new opN.iNrIen$10 ; Ne. 2 de,, $1.06, on trach mié perla,1 Mlaiiitoba à s!e 2 C.W., 483%cy on track -laiçe ports. Anikerican Cern-Ne. 2 yellow, 701/2c on traçk Iakep orts.- Jaadian corn-No. - ýelbow, 70c, ion 'trâck T6q'tto. Ontanieo 0snew crô 6 . - 2 vi t,8 o 38c; No,.'8 de, ÃŽ5to 87c; I e. ommerc-iaeta, 31 ta 34c, ac- cerding te freigité >outside. Ontarie wheat-No. 2 Winter, per car 1loL,*o ta 92C; slightly teugi, 80 to 87c; «sprouted or smutty, 05 te-80c, according tb sample. Peas-No. 2 nominal, per car lots,. $1 .25: te $1 .40,naccordinig to freights- outside. BarleY--Goed malting barley, 52 te 54c; fecd barley4 40 bO 45c,- aceording te freighîs outaîde. %Ckweat-car lots, neminal, a&-. cording t<> freigits'outopide. 1- Rye-Ne. 2, nopminal, -87e; t6ugh rYej60 ol75e acorig tasampre Mntb fl6ilir-4'st bateàteK, in jute bsga, -ý, second patents, in tsbg,$5.25; àteong halions',la OaiofIôui-4ýeêv Wlnter, 90 per lo 1ts> de:mva dMofit- ~arfts~~,per _tonsf2 tp $25; <ôe dê kur ButEWter-Freh-<lait>', 29 t 7 1fiko,,i27 to 2o puizen mes acta r wweeke aithef1d eu4BeInor many S mai Eng9ageMents AruiîndUoirJziat- in Wlch Austrians Lost Numcrous Prîsoners À despatch f roui Lond6on eays: The. townshib of- Prazun. and forced his reI-. Italians record another advance te- treat toward Potpich. ward Rovereto, hiCk a's'nay On the Sealarierept and on the, tinies been reported se evecuated by anrther iîpof Ca11- o amn ohave the. Austrians. On the plateau of taeno!riailen agem et a jtkhplace, *the Aérnabig Folgaria several vilifiges have been1 everywhere repleedi leavng -a nuM.- ioecupied by the invËlers, who drove ber of prisoners in the hiands of th4- the enemy frein the neighboring- Italianàs. millies, choice, each, $65 th $100; do., 'common and medium,, cach, $35 to $50; .Springers,, $60 to $95- igit ees, $5.2Ë i$2t heoph-ay -425 to'f.75; -do.1 buclcsV'$3.59. -le $4.50;y e,1lamb~ 7t ".0 -Spning mm 2 .$.0 çi 11; h .4p1 i.51 lo be iscencit>' od choic. sters, but tbie. stock were fa4is:a at $.O'o67 $-t~4.60 mi ALLIED TROOI~S lapee te ro atir W tho et ,T %4Y A despatci fei Gr - ete .bave, a ]'pndon Bays: gi&*d" Ik ",thé h of tlie sia~ervn 1h P .n ai hArgon"e, tlis been t~lbir y switaie,ýId' lb. y6torlos. 1 rýeaced :,h'*elg~ ýnorth of the vul- lage ~h~ hi~1ta forinpart of the Asln théecaegW thé kZevioug great ueess$ liiie. Part of -the front vic- tory 19llowed an incessant bomnbard- ein h uean tronches, French , »- 0 c ý 9 ngtheta. 't >Uin1,000 Prisoxers were ~ai eu y ~ tb ~ ~ w n c h la th oe o p era - fone, w1ýËcIi tncde4 >rgesa i the th'ýhthl aJority- Of tht-Germ an 1 Papers srt. udly about the allies, ht quit. the. coolest of.thé e Gran warning 1 -to elnsTageblatt, çj ýIys"çetinIg that Geimny. lias ~as y4p~ri~ce« on ly;thebgjug a<th n d,~a much more a' usat tksm ber' expeeted- on a -muci MOre'extended scale.' He- Sayn4 'Wbat hanbee tii.esult--of the aco lrtieh Offensive which bas been go- ng. On eleven <laya ? Our- higIýer en- < a i l r q . r f l W ~ I 4 g $ ~ t W i I I s a t l a f s T wideý crct.a&LI rmaay have net coniei&i bit~ue1e the. son oneneais of, t-e westeï,n situaiou. We *0at, however,. add to, tbli declaration Iliat -the great, atruggëie_ j the weet hga not, yet found its conclusion. It 18-a ~ueeion of sevralarmnies on theFreneliside;7and even if One 6f theli can be booked. as a lr& Fraince wiflRo n,t u he otÈ-lk-i. - .aelvebebud hêfkont. .nominou&, Site *htaiicorne s frein ' .neuitrai ti~Ifi~ ilI wlt id oubt, bad lie, »'rnc'te new actio", for- whieh she han made enormous epeparationsf et. FrRIED FOOD VERSUJS BAUTY. Yen Cann*ÈXflooh tm, -ify If ouat jalxle lafred 1041, n ef-th4 rèa- ~bat qiàt ï adz4V1 -2uil 1* li OldCùiItiy~equentIy hv jiehwQndefup Copio j8 that Te: MW -' j" C4w.f Mrd~dI* casys pçli nww.- Ilev is bî< s jjnt3 l anaoic ae 2ln*I c raets. vic" -im ae 'e aléient emaot Soz. ou-hoMia% anpi o»icr arancen ion ne dtis hs o-ta vray inaiea twuhore ooêlg -th cltyn la aa lat faeteiglit ., , . Çprs O*teeofmin. On amb d in.,, iowed ,tUo evtire. s-u,Mffl ed -th tu<e d té 21ev l trecharirÃ"pilnoera'OfI$e are noves rnountd on whiceis d 'ian «by tweO hses. Baideon ovei pat-forxnolnltwbkhthé, ood The-metod o cot, ond n 'des» la intresvtihig: Fi,(sinr-,-t row ehUowtredb a dig ae .ndth fuel. On eliio eef: tus trenc aresrange' lin o!"dhis" surounta1tby tird owhiwfil the oen-Md.>Wset n- ii. 'die ar reaadicokedylde& Trooa-liv traliug a ê-Bu*, d odiers -la .amIIl to'bn1ick5,ve the toe aePrs êtaT ovens re isüt sued, bpe,ut affieelrviet t-R l.are- tý festan unae i-wk aine tvclnft I ~6%O1lok, C., was ae~1 -Lujailýfer sà xmentie. aw.-b&ried, the siar' Weste $ lle4ul.4 d y ýThè'tOaliaple'hild in B.C.ta 'LIat 00,00 o-e,1 L4l'ybar' iL waa 684,00boes -~ A - Athe i. ld ,Domhjion Ilium ear - eulB.C.,*silver èe - las. êii j * -mruektintle wrth 40 t lseton. that freitht a' ii. é,Cn*w'e Net> ralse line le' the >beat'i-aivé yam* Seven cémge !isieI Over 200{,0 ewere Ordeid by thý Yn~eilGveamn ri a CI dners. .fi It le expected llt "*by lie g4i i-d-* ;~riotlç .»Inoj3e&. Tie>' bveise' et *X 'o' 'g Wi (Cc A

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