Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 6

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-é lit<ç~a,.a,. r.. 4', i 4- e * - y.- -i I Icrate air: pereus reasona r t seoting eh« te -Within the iash few 'veekasaione- 14 h 'oultib.tphec et *st4 tliiiig ha& h'appened tl>at May -or May at o COluulao hni ot 0", not throwsaine-liitht on theo aubject. 1h hbai ben -ouly ddgti pêefii though I muet canfeis that I can't mont)> (N0vsMboe), ha i Idh mee bo',. _I 'hate ta troubih you 'vth O! ber existenes tolo 'e W., private affaira, but I have b..ri just ilient e! ilez' hstorylepsdmt b l wild to asi-" he write ah allo 4a7dit pro;oà te "lHluh! " 1 gunteti - lnabegntly. lie the iight, perseténita ttkrs' -d, 0 "This a ot ahmefor ai". observances enoughI MPO;t=o l oc- hlm ho =maie e! proprlcty anîd decorura. If 1, the long Iourn' ' te li. Aieles *.4 thought you'd îithhoid anythi>grow pressly taose bhr. I'd raise Old Net, antibe's been dcad If. gaveadmtdrm Jnlu oul4" en, age of blue moona, Sa you'd but- whgre a lette- t inpum1b. hoi h es-be candd 'iti' me." e" bûarvit"" Sho flashed na brlght ouili at me After gaauip*î w t.e ~¶'ltoke you ^ah your word," miti ter Miy bav* d«a Whaie."The qubereat thing hot e-vOs- oha. neet iff ave ato bot bappened ho a girl has happenedti o piyin ,as hi wgi a VAn, « -«4 me only recenhly. Vliteel you about',andi Il s h rid biiý i t when 1 get seme iehhera and o teho hdo-'to grain <rom my dosk. 1h 'iii *veerfte 61k but a mainute.",caéwxuiZéO, , I roturaed te my chair aud 'valteti Ventiume em 'vhiIe ah. weahta fehch te. "o' e- thie n.e CII APTER V. IdOýtgmm a Miss, Fox wasoe ora1 seconds, tid 'aI esm1-W bock andi a1ilthé pendis exept ouonep"u-l s. t~aj '- that wastzti'rust tliroagh thé boas-y t t Sbr onze toil o!fler ihaïr.. - ber Wt w1"fa wiý tUni l ut . -AW _tb l anW ui .; ' mo -rounid tue ieec s0k ~ a rm edr- J oeWith a fancyStin hiDrC- ravine for ove wdillbe~j Jbdwain ik food-ricî in the elementa -bl d ti burg ntate bniî4 'up s__ Aizu a oS«nli ai'-oéEe Mrand'Corg, nzit,, they woeeconf1tn o 4 SU U0 Wtthat It la litk one thsit millions " STeocl o this oônc*luulon 'vas: * d I1,t A met, With such aicraen cil- ttnevcery Yeiar W tue humes CÀ Cncaa.If Mien F'ozwas th~e girl, tmes qri 'v'ïrïh * n 9 6 a s é Iii be t .A dul h coe -b~#I'.tlie lilkrefl't fatorilc -là put of hi@ Ille sôt n e ëdurinq ZIer euqn* <e . for 911cooking purpo),ss an nand ndh a or > o _Novembez' elio'ilft~mkn again, <n a nuaniier rn>t ,tated, ORIW them 10,526 forech0toe oihu MA N NA IM le Ei *ew l onsi Thei!e 'v55 01e thei' thou ht whiéh quota. It 'viill ob osbet tnes sen te he font a Noembeoa cin-BUNDE TnP. - Jý*may /rë.' 1.1h hameter and toile of wlot- end to7hé 7 i tors prampted In my mind, but whlch Ifbrigadef of 1dld net votcesto MISS Fox- If the <4t f,,pebrgad be n anty n ti ferubas ben acceptedby the Impr- la a Fit La ntry hunder Pe ABM Y~UAOAOCIA-ll 2.0, 15*48 20 U. TINOwrlter believed ber t te e r I liatoiteBy 8Miaro a-ld M.c h MiustwB dbrU&auda 22haped itseLf-wes lits reluctance te epnet ihnngl euuae i bémre communicative proinptedt by i When the troap o ed o h lcagdfoutecod.' ____________Mi ______c- n nerntnns ffe'acl inii an fM4front bave emikeAsrls'i _______________________________________ tborwise rough nature, an instinctive have dispatched 00emn atehte os al yt.cnu .-.-, -.....- '~~X desfro bot te wound or offend, or had Dainty UiUliw . f Y0 are uoing tlinindlooed of BIY firingline, andhaethrcrit2.heirwn tloso'ba he at tome time Ir, the psat been an Italila petatoes._To two cupa hot ind empty t itot china or glassware 000 more monwhhaeelsdfrste ta.eepredbth 111 teo iet~- "a"tI masheil potato, add one tei6spoon et once when lit l opened. imparti service- oa lîee lgfah the fugitive bandt's earlier criminal. onion Juice, on tabiespoon flnelY' Wood aicuhol ,wiii taire neline mmen. Acetipatotenos escapades --sbd s his secretivones M oe tu b- attributeci bhly ta eaiOhmotives czhopped Parsley, one 'veli-beaten egg Stains! froza wsh goeds. Suaitthem Temvmn !telre utst h~ia i hùe rd rj~~ lie (il ree n S eal o~~~~! sbledlng himeff t 'ilre 'vès no yoifour. Utiffly beaten whltes, one- f m<0W êiiIt(n the lêohoL itop hs61wl eur getyteeeti li. We 87 CIHARLES EDMOIIDs WALK aDppaeeiwy, t doteilfllnlbg. hail CuP'£Tated cheese, and Sait and When- a mottl têapct la fbot l, ncreàsed transoraonailtsasemlkoncatcahIta ;m i;th' tutioùs th#. ioPtion POPPOta taste. Pile Iightly th baki' Put a lump O! auga into 4th' pot and1 problom toe'whihte1wyceaebh ihnngcodl ert 1tw>ëltimu5»ýW&àOla ing dish and brawn. this *111 prevent its beconzlng musty. miflster for ùh ay esA e-adtosudvbain o 4hor of 'l'h.Silver Blacie," --The Paternoste? lLuby5" sene enzt e oe 'vï 1hSIolu d PineaPPle and 1leney Ealad.-Pare Ithago e epuaheysnldvtngbsteti.SmocrtthMemmnans "The Time Lock," etc deternilue thé question of idezitity de- 0one Binait pinoappie and-rem3ve eyes. Turlcish towei on the bottoni af the. of the largestadfieteso ilieoeoud finltely. 1CiP noti'mi lcs etdspnwe ahn ieciao srlahv lu fi11 under my oye. l'This ought ta e thrhe tablespoons olive ail, glans. the Goverrnment ni iwteeaevnsatiey en htt settbe it. Listen."1 And 1 read aioud! two- tablespoans huney, one table. 1 Warm cake'ant- pie pans ani rub 85 steamnhipa udrtecnrlo igcodl itnaiti C1IA1'I~ IV.-(Cot'dl Ithe f ew minutes i'ou are kind enou*gh frasi the second letter, diareqarding SPeai> lemnon juici and few grains of the inside with a paraff in wax. This the naval transotearnntMr(eroievbton.hvgfu getting . a 5 ~~~~t e fëliug. l Haeyou ny c0 n'unt.Dress pineapple with this, let. le superiar ta grcasing pans 'vlth Jennen asserta httoAsria raerahtecra orbid tand lît's ail beside the Point ourne i'm ntereffted, I1 iBid your body a crazy-loaking esgntt stand thrty butes, thon serve on butter. mercantile marietra-tne. oudaksaecd îîr%ýway. What infprniation did your tqhortly. "li'n as eurioul s tie teaed?'"0#I1iooked sharply~ at ber, lettuco hearta.1 Thc water in which fresh tongue, ahipe, l hetid agctI the woi vl38 ars Aurit Ioig gîva you 7" <iekens." wth kindling exciterneut. Gwlgor Pudding.-One-haif cup ma-4 mUtttn or chicken has beon baiicd may A bill providlgfrBwrcnuIWhntudr"rws h -~~~~~~~ -oo iw ta a hv e-1Vr el hope What I have toe"Hâveyou?" I asked. "'n.~ irlred her to, but t-e vber-y "reltell uplyyu ites e ue Mybunneefore iedto at, uOlOaornc a! aieponaibeusdtoesupora thet testsktadtecke h talh !Autrlitfrterdstntstl. haC 12hV0hand it ars slierrblt he Or -_-but, no, it'e absurd ta oxpeet any- 'vas ombarasalng to er leher ,melted butter, one-haîf cup saur miik, Pet. -bath ia flghting o n iacl rUn' hne sdet b i hoah f ie afr nodteribl to lier -thing of the kind." 9 >r~uu;bu o hermloetdl a etapo1sdueam fv- If a eugary ceat la deeired on now undior consieainb h 'd itepa oebrtn ever horrorâ rmay remain unrev-eaIgd, She seleeted the fsst one Cor' hoe oe-bMunted my gentie- eighths cupe bread flour, ana table- Ilmon meringue pie, slft powdered erai ParliamentUnrthtemo! asso cadantert t m I k crapehut tatI n v oii'pes and omtùflz ma 1ùî' fltçtW.-4 XIDy dsrdt eepo rnejione-haîf table- sgroe u o eQe1 epttebh ital 4r aeauttijca y ring (y(th en.'"ore in àa amighty qun.lt it«for I t eonfesd 01 wcais.ed With the,' atoahittapongner, Itottheoaven. Austia1Il 'viiihvlaase us otalka httera 'lfhtroulelithat ut!*have uefuu an y girl to Rot; lt.,came tôme thé aec- iunl>liah k9trn snatural for- grtcd i1d ontpu wheater g oreens tosas tau osiiiv fsumheas o o ~ *'j. I c>rno f~, has ieen on ay cf last Daeember--rmr liniboïa-once azi* restri Iwat unpa-acbi rag.âIDnt wy 'ae tes te , nla- ihnn C<musc'. b a risguided policy oetfour montha ago, h t opeika or 1h' dona-bly rude. Whe" I noted a wave oedintsau ilthnaBethr ae e qie bobd la thril it has be-rern t n oc a ela onwi hndrl tth itra rof'<fl2(1 I<êý%verse than this cruel, tion I ever had that any Sucb pcsdnchoeks, 1 faund myscif exceeding un-'tta Weil buttered moid and steam loave an uapleasant uelel. The duty of rcrn h rprdri otta e h irt ti ,'s,'r inhiIf-knowiedge."' Oxisted. YoiIsee," ah. 80,41y sdecorafortabie. about flfty minutes. If Yeu tare going ta bo awny frai», forma and anworgth qusin hatdbfaohccnn fnct liki, thi<s can't be relioved. Aunt And what- littie 1 do know la hardly ing: "You aeed not answer, of course. steak, one eliced onion, one cul, aaup ted terne, e., wit'h 'vter ti theif zens of the Co4 owatbt<i- ei r er tterbs 1ý0(S( la eg wySoMe- of a nature fte encourage me ta try 1Ican oniy pleaci that this muddloscon- uoe seras that thy ill not d e ut. tre tu perforinti uymyb u-animutisbektep op stockeou e half pbread crumba, theoy dr7Lr Hi 'c I ouln'tîrc u. .t suth a 'Re sh m e neore.acosu e me frin yseblanc, YouhM tablespoon mneited butter, sait, pep- Potataes ai.. not no opt te rot if i hhable Gnl Wlim M nk tenhrhndIrg S ' ti te 1'irtd coud nrse tr o okinga*'t he ad , b dd ieg m c r oe a tsco sn- o t m aed ho' you t k i e iibalanPcellC d . ar l y am n t a p on h> o l t1 et k p t o w nm tor e h fahs cn a iyt4d s f couaterfre. e er eaclvabe nta he siY.1'rivnssldedcitchen bouqtajet. Reniase muscle at, Eprinkle air-slaàked lime amiong theni Ilughes deatedthttsceua asblf ntunrot,"ba .ogie 1 determined te <ght it out I1 notcd, irst of ail, that It ho4 .an1 showed a disposition ta .ignore ml nme end.o! sthk and score îsteak andi Cover the ilgihly ho keep the conscription fin h'acpeiars !tr !ftee-r oec i iý It htcre. You ran't alter the truth'outiandish foreig stamp, for whicb awkwardness and ta dîiscuusthi' mat acrosâ grain. Duât witbh Salt, ppe ight oway. . that terme but h ndta h betTudrots ald r t riri t ru aay rar i." heprsniak A'nklyba.mde t atterfankl. Lyig abod uen prsly Ad's-ad rumpipluebt-oAfnatpil o hovy'cheseloh we e mke hesaclfceawhuh ho ig'tan1 'A-),n yo u did acy r .gh" hIacosnd.'I elter had bem ai-adm h.rpid m ie itiotn: t!Overland ie » twbp os- tlie quaresinthe iduchen drawer 'vilI conlinuance of b vrbsmd n thr"et""ugrt >itnecrefy ae<ured ber. 0 4 ah Cehmnbo, C.yion and wasad- 4"1 bave suai> a mark-îlght hse lcs o ubkbgpno ise a- ds ees<oreen san iial-h ariie.e.ieadaedu otefsn !fit A siuent paus;e feil. Wo 'ere bultydressed tu Miss Fox, Ïn o rickethy But 1h ha not a tatheo-mark; t latoë lae*u..LY .n aing e r i aede oesfrmgtigSan otbe-h wîth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l "u huhs yadb ad adta vssgetv fufml I Lot>ndpurosles i> dsiut. dondon, stok lan kitu11uv ù dUi'intg the. fruit séaon. 1'iey 'voati-fal uoailafitppo-h>eadslebyhecio "1mow did , ardwick learn about betty vithbthe pen. I took euh. the be taat. Besites Aunt Leob ai asq<et anti bakes ca-hait ôrin. luti- hoap andi easy toia» in.igti your fiithor? enlour and wîth soe idfficulty de- Sured me that'i1h6o birthmarko," erate'*Ven. Remeve strinrant Sermet Wben seWating yolkilrom Whlte8s îlesokle ha.'lcW m- repherethe. lettes-, lu 'as not te 9"Wellp" I commonted t lebogtb, t-swoeptade With Mushroom&o. ' tesometlziiesiPeck of701k GN hxds sonsaegnr arine. It'.4 aomething Aunt Lais and !describe It on epbstofary "tacrosicdnêth&t lksf i*mtbtesdare, êbeape. thnon lips-lato-li'white.~ermoetu u ppoaeci %a s ecret botween un, and MiOdel' t dainraniorhhoaph suc)> a thing-Oe1it*.1 OiiiSi3- asessetrasd ot'oitaoionc80" lu. 1"m vêea Fren-hWlui oui' habits o filite have grown out ealîke left .lnuh ta b. desirti,;and iltheO lenttifi mis on 1h.i*ObIn gjut re a-ud>ey tiob lie spk wItb the i lce b hckese min clabarnte procesof trylag ta 'for- vIilbeutunecèasary ta- tronscribe I1 h hresoof gooti 614 ethe>dox moto- b oebgýu , î0ýýod ti n i n oi, The defail somehow lung ta me After apblotkzing ha an &*kW*a. C stIon4» . - - rea.de j Bth ti esèds n-ou l <In U.'- ep Oec h etdfne giu ulm et lea cemandîg consîderatian; but hnan r raddresuing ao " ad ditcr5libëd 1hte. Mr.'Strag at, soii t ý*0 e. Parbeil -uthil Wiider,, the-rion e 6 r we-,te k he ottack e!l oe- nat- a bet oo"1 atepi pronîpted ne definite, comprebonsibl Who vasa, astranger tote BS I 68 Wv <>-ýt4>1u," br.akpk t rmioves is-, uad -skis ite'otiehn t<> kaeepthe ýa.We proved to be f r nageettoc eSrgi hCpt conclusion. te r ___&& W0e5V o_ Qi onJe -iî &.&5fr' t dI in Di 1W"a eeI tsom t ThW10 *&W iffi a1rouane f h lt'a srange," aîâa - ie '- II 5* ilomtîIwbii i>ipWito4of>gvIl 0 19d«_ ~ro~Lt Tlai Or-y fronzIttsa-dt fties !wihgadh' o l i.pae<o hc hav lâ èAl , G ~Opliwe tcttht misFxaeouId get enta i! i.oppsn anhs W'n praddieae su Ir ah i encée c ouîd 1h ave made for afferded bin hie' Aà t o0pr 1 gil"5l ne, moe sdeft. tad, orlpr-gt-ii I) rays*a'-.le'eMga, <n* at~!td oe , ' eys$I 1 n- stho'hrèhofnsi hlim It's flot a notorious tact, and mani1 yea t o wrLtf gab- yc)u are gCuiltlesa." wud s$**m that l i i ng %which she seemed te be revolving qttfrii>g time, Patience, sud thésseh»- t1' teho. h '.65* bi 1 'F»s -yr a z n., -wo.k or se' leentangleunns l.> lth.- sonmethinir ln her mind. She loaked ti ahnce. I.bpt abv i, ets ujttlnst.d Nhs af~ i*ei~Ile nie prcesentîy. - inishoit by the timo h'.the 1 tubý ed * r o d - - > Pg Y ýil, 4> 4 ...>j 5 f led ho eleoraux4'Iê~e spcltdabout it a gooti t Coidmbo. oeMW oaI (1011l, of course," ah. aaid, "but te vo'i Then the wrlter's purpose '-aste-that e l 'i4wtlutu Wn r t a 11d 11wbpe, ptirpose."' After another moment of jealed ini a declarahiosithat if - 2aolsfrom hàWhn ii - tho e l l'bn if. the Young lady, ho Waa 'ou- el L lPY <wbu Iê %* WIY mis Art; ttrie lty hundel Ision 01 ige t00 .îîght" ha #Ue Iceti by thuader- >ecouse s eartb ch th$ f "boea- y light- e thun- ther ta [iff erent ta tra- torm les 8 calleti echoos amorig xia1 ol, §on why without ,e te go e thun- ions are each us. thunder . 11111 -ais and ýar. troy the a a mnat ithings. giobuia'r roally- y matter i of the lly pro2 f oliowed t whale's means cipaL on- mtinople, the In.. th p R F-5'1-Uk j-t-. . -~ 4--i.~ 1~i ~tO] ed bai hou i ~-- N I .-. <s bei I »~ bai la - cia 4- i -'y,- -44 f -r- --~ -1~ '4 4< t e, 1-y- ~~~~1<. -~ -y'--. -"'y--' -~ le' tii fa Lb 7 f an J te Ni 'J - mi 4' --z-y tsi y- Pt -~-~~j: b-î -- --7-4.4.4, <a ~ ,47t~'i or w TII

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