Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 5

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lb." fboptember àoi MIsluby 0 In büs#eIs Wfoqàld don te di te at>80 W. wenld 10u It.7o - trYoum mtted, fwb apprecostt* tho oe n OUR "lnOT ATONE are .op.oisly goed.,_, W. carry à oonm>l.t. assorblnaetit, ah Xoui amcont of Or otirumliex- pou*. can tell you oeh.p. wr than elsowber. RASI~TT jewoler and Optician J W ilITBDY - j >.âè$14to $800 jTheoppeton wm flmeocuiPUepIP4 tomber 26, the romeludoa, e '002. urn Dwu'tu'Ip"Que t hi,"le atuet*, pudts aIli oylTha ts ait 95 y sud Wednssday, Bopt=oMberl1811 aa U themt "Bing Prals ee Ail Balutie Ohurèh vil b. fi onsua..1 ~4it HBn'Tbmpboator up44b. day, OctobeT $rd* The Vénérab*le &4«l.1 m~laai. tige.disoonWarren. et 'toroto, vil vraa '4"'~ et ,i z iboth servies. "y, ........ RÉ » litt" . he irh and boys who bell thé 4a~r,> tem, jr., soofMr. and " T i s ,. fteiom in lean "icftWatèà,o ir tfor tii. C.4Oâ@...w"s W m ad10- Fsl«4 othsuk, Uws W l. h don uatlm tilu, enêmu. the 0 a dU Fieldor patronigM e i ter oaor hetped in Mnda burenrt fopdtmbor *" WSr. The . maouraised W»s. 50. popular m of thi emmunlty. ail lèèhë villesvna opn'Tho WotW ulO iithtite to o hi e tb*h' àerrioa for th ii. Emre.rgulan m"ei etb4"week wltii a good _ ' ' ,ý Iewý . 1vateudmos.MmrUwGe o omacav TrhOmpeon fer duo mii iiitoftt m D moaDihbI vi of preparlng Thaaksglvins DinuOrs" 'p ~whloh vwu list#mnel b vAh. itêruut Oh, Sj#urfty ktornoon i>at $sovo rin PtfOr oM=04Mfruit IMav 1ltr, ac tue miesigrls of the. lova feui h m eubeen donuteto th. 'raienût TeaIuw-aid efthe I11.4 Cr xboss uras' Am bru o ise i I« t is Fund, on the lawn of the. Departm~ent 1'>nt, wll dem Smab-- _ . te To. of Agri urTes va saererd~, and fW.wU fi n seetin tli.X floweft, eiI=6' etc., were sold ait the. etîttite about the eint vosI tluOtober, tables. A very enjoyable trne wu of whlch f4rther notk it ii b. giro1 spent, and the littie glnls realtzed the ter.0 surn of $8.60, whicb they will proudly Mr. R. J. UndewodI laek contrîbtate as their sharo In the lRed lyngac rnen od lk bIla week Croiss Fund. -_-ngA c-rA.t*- dvà--- u tb-1 100 bâklrI1y give bl> nrIay'West veu on mmiimn on léxi, 11iebr AmoMu th*. mmiiiport Md bornup 0 11 Il&s' Âd of th& Odist %m~r mie. vii hbel etm o e lo s. Â Tm u s o 8 . Ã" p . <raiDra Ca, Bunday nest, Setemuer.28, at &laM, the. SumdsY Sehool Of the Tab. erule vlu meet vith the sugea.. .tloui lu 110 audtorium of- th:e*ohureli fôt thmta s! all.v flMyrvlooe als lt.rtmtfl. g ran Of mto, a' ïdrw os, eéti~ u etug p eTby sool. ho floral decorations, tée, vl ho taken dare of. àWerythila hbengý doue ho unako tins ervlce heiptui andý enjoyable. To kztow and be better known by congregattea, l ichoolle de- aire. Parotl you'll be there! Natur. ally no. Lovera of girls and boys, Luis le YOUr oppot'tunlty. 1"Stranger, with. lu otan gaLes,*»te you a cordial invita- tion le extueid.el.erybody corne. Deahh elimo L Msk .Ross, one ef Whltby&às oldeat reoideuts, ou Wednos- day,àùorulaag, atter sau Ilineao!ftour weekà, l thesmtfantsaccident. M. though4 ou acotnt of her aIvaceM. age, recoveri wu s not expoctél, ber Pr » gwava mt Anticipateil seo 2n. Y-; euesdîmbwuiug l-the MMts Roms' ondItion, and hetIy sUm. Mnod the faiiUYI bot detl .ccundo ut -the moment somnue et thëent atnLvd on Atiu"t2411 M. Eés ,Met wIth! vises. Mi: laCorne Thou shng." ire. oo, DUa 8l p.M. oo, -o- atret. West Saie. froin DundaS te Dlii- NV. C. T. U. FRUIT BASKETS.lP.ulOfDulp soisde o wIthcevrs ecii wuleMr. Nugont's new houme. Mr. Mornsby We C, , U. --a 0e. p e doze a Mc lntv as completed the. walk o iokSre the ast60. prdoe a cIt-e'n t gide, f rom Trent street to Qiert THE MICIITY TIAFIFC. a 0..treet, and la now doing the block on Appoallng for support lu thotniovp- I'ENII7S REPORIT. Athol aireet. weqt aOde, frein -Trent te taent to get rld oft1hp terrible drInk É adn h eotta a i-ýSt- John. The block on Mary street, traffl and drink habit, NMrm. Parker, cuntîed rprpiitly lu tlrir natter of the aouth side, Brock te Blyron, ln front of Who la a Hster of Lord Kitchener, sald breaklug of a large pane of las u Mr. Ileard'B new houses, viii comDlet. rewînntw or J.f a nîur&tiharln Grilte w ork for t eyear. "My brother lo trytlng 1t eat the store, NMr. Mark Hollldartilhea toetab. Germans, It la not hls place tu try molti deny ruitors to te fct that A W'ELCOME 8MOWER. te beat drink. It la the place of evùry i ho wu s reiputele for the daînage by 'ralk cf a ahower belng veleome, llrltlah mi and woinan tu back hlm pos1811lig another man lDt te 1w indow, îtft.er such i irlny suainieri But this UP-attn te Puit an end to the doegrnditig XMr, Hiilday deixirea ao the de- was largely a dry sliewer, and It feUl and miserableo sbi-te the country le lu. ritli publlstîdd, auid aIso e B ay that 'ipoîx the nov Nurses' Home, on Byron * The workeru know that justIe viii be whethebdîiMage referred te la provod i stroot. Tt began ln the afternoon and doue. te thomn for the over-timo and be have h.on catiscd by hlam. ho wilI 'contInued tor heurs. Dinlng-roo, 'tu>~ work thoy do, sud It lu a tqgrriltue thon îîîy for mane nture, kitchen furnîture, bell noz fur.n I liotight flint In coîxsequenceo f 0e1trny -o--- ihine i t ludustrial stoppa)ige or deiay perhape W11TBY DISITRICT 1LF e ntu roselno, ed rioll tisrbu dà une xtr tian c th frnt wuldh.' A uiooting of the' Whltby dlistrict vnmot rsre rit t'a-oeIiu ûno xtrt tau i th frnt oul beplckles, etc., oteé !t Seof g.4ho*er wnuinded or bast. The King and Lord lxetl ln thelit, Illodist Tabernacle here .toos net -ïa1i -nPOM.'$tbe o»St Çnjj Kltcleier-noltther cf wbotn la a crank i u 'rildaY 1118t. at whloh runistere îlkt ony 'pN'eje.1b -have said thatjt la tbsoltotely nec(es- fr(111tu t,intîre district were proeut. thxîs cage la the V. 0. S. nurse, tlbtt aary te close up thelr colai-s, and tuany Tb ilo niernu sfession ,nasdevoted pure- good angel olthe needy. vhoIsl atti»ié$i had foliowed thelr oxanipia. The oniyly Io tu 0ctl'alxaaction of business. service day andnitgit vIth o0 lhtit I, 41 elulty la Lhe over-whelmlng power of lit the aftrnodu aau opent meeting fee, se long »e liera lis uoed. Ths ýb0 tadewhtc wu kingenorousvas heid, at, whîch liev. J. W. Arutit, Nre'Hm o I et m ma. ýpesatien. We enu do away 'wlth -fTooto<irdaiis. , is-denlclle, edean and invitlng. 'ho ladies. il by aringne drik. Whl cern slonry fof the V.O.N. turned out -laitru tie iseeddThat business lis Rev. A. H. PosLers of WhltbY. liii. a goodly-ilqbpr tf ~mn ulate. Tonthere w«u tahk a<if Scet#4rM fer t.11na.-n -,_,Ê__________ <4 le vth it iMoles Uid BI of Tuetvtiu 01W WAn 80m1., WetM.sd Thoo Jub hur brnalitis tn h e m 0 Id. fon.n*t.éU4n a& M. àiO ts o Ur. WM'm.AbbotI sud famllr, of UAndeals motorel tw mion 501.7 and simmt theday at 11*-home of 1Xi. and Mms W. J7, Litho. Ur. sa4 Ifa W. C.senior, oet To. rente, wero Saturday t. Monday YIs- PUDIIII perOel for 'ftot*0*> Bll iione es. 0àUT t ui FOR SALE Seven roomed brIck hounee, bath andeiectrk lfight; fogetfr.ý, «r wlih three 0ood? town lots. or meùe>4 Medli*mu ýTu MahPeule Itted. vt-:ia O l 4-c i g i nutlppad w1th& pure Indlit snd -guarautod preto oe eudd I Bell Phonu@. lIdlltcthon. Mr. lt Msd mm . . J64o 4 or Athi m urestMm. JoiineWelai i daughter of Dit.amm Lsenior, 11ey. A. NILWoter vas in ]Nra on 8,uaday preaohftg Bt OIi I' viorne heh la the. methodig lh* EMmton pestr. « Eluntor, OOWpî 0 the pulpit 6fteTt '~W~.B.WO1ttideItravellingPu&. eehk end aWltnenws' Los ltf oLf, M, Mitj~z.ouu eaoo t~le n~pileastd tesoa t te- tiens et ogreee hrq . r j.4 lad,. vo te say m , btu~ o dou slngIaT ilargoeInorom tu;la -g Mbeeroy suffer sme, but the onne - 1 - h SvhoIl tgrealiybettïrsi le it a buat fer, Uhtarlo - -".-"~----' . J val boywoe.sWib*;fIgumI cmplexie neersem t tehldaB 1*1.7 uumn occarlemlc 4MW.as v l 4meowtod. î~oei t t f t n Iaw rou.te 44Wb oul 4'ý he ung 11<mon ~ iosa ekb, u;woer pru. pieuaui gosuko s*oýmthiug useful, fOU shelia supertanti pgro atp es.bihlle on,. or t th le enemy ?r The. tnede »as ne strong It voultale a tromondous o! 1RX1 M.1t8 fort t0 figlat IL" 'Conplo* ith Scoro. Opoollivbi queTii hO~ t o.p rdui i tr 'iIng &md I LCALR: .. _ e« Sami-T.,. so. te $LOO,. lio. isi4 ers.IIugeeI le .~ ~ mer 1~~ flI~T BAuIW!~ e~6vl~~oovou% WBe~ leetISo, doiua*Maiu I ~ -s, -4- raja&. Oui' bitbý. Ps Mau&oo vu.:. k? 7' -4- priva. go prope P-DÇI, n lway Irough rsud anmd T ot on r. a 1 pâ MMUMMUMM, r 1

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