Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 4

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Mopa 2Uc botle OCedar 1 We have out stock PI arranged so that everything is marked in plain flgutesi CoMc eaty and secure sorne of the.bargains. These prces at that csl mut accompany order. ?IN LS ARWARE i W!~IT8V-ONTr Gý IN FREE5 »wop r7; We expeot to move o stock of hardware to Our new ,premies (lately gcuidb .E aehouse, Grocer) about, the i ofSpmbrW want to movejut a'fittle of our stock as possible, and ini order to 'copihtî uol w r feirtems otariayrdcin ail through out stooIc You wil want to buy at the pricesWO are offering.Ai ane, tve hdHi4p..Rdue Exceptional v&liýQii Begular 500 for 860~ Rlegular,,9C4e for I70a I I Axes Réeular$1.00 LAWN HOSE Carpenters' Bench Axes Oîi)y 2 lengh et, Reg. $1.16 for 85e 50 fi. enlcl. Copoe witt rneh Reg. $1.00 for 75e ASH SIFIERS t t NN Ii i i (if Il i ... ( il IU i s l. "it fii I 15C 1.,~~ 27)cfr i'i2 ( Boys, Axes leor Ibreaking hindi. ing wood. Iliinrly to have ab)out.the Itouse. ltog. 75c for 55e These gpoda have advanced in prIce eonsid.a1y. We have a large omk, parohaaed ab th. old Pti w Regular i 0 or 01.16 W. have tmre odd tites of ecreen doors et Cost Prices. Wlndow Screens at Coat Regular 10e fwo e Regular 25c for toc There is Nothniig it, the Store tbat we bave not Reduced jin Priée - or tbis sàle ______________ L I i -~ a Hanîl Saw Dai-gain bRog SI 25 saw, for 75c Tableéand in- alUnes of Wash lni Machn es m0% lesu Clot hes Wrlnderms Reog.6.0 for .0 Pooket Gatlory We are offering a redaction of 25% Cutlory during the two weeks of Ibis sale. Oalvaulted Tubs 'Reg. $1.10 for 0 Re.for80 'Rog 900 for 100 Watb Buard# fur 28o I - GaIvanlzed Palis' Reduced to Coot Price to clear te $0 Jow QUAI The bD.itof a i butine sj qsnBîîY, asnd *fleapnew Of 1 to matiy, tbe1 Teceived ilabt We Wguld try our metit aatisfied ts approciate th OUIR WRIST are aspect. We -carry Mmor t me Il acecount of ou peua.,can fsel er th&n erIzew t; 1~ Lawn Mowems. 2ý oui .f. *g $,7 Unr027 BAS& Jew.ler and W. Cý- THE MICI-ITV Appealing for siipf Ment to get rid of f traMc and! drink IL4j Who 1IS a sistvr of Lor -re0centtYl, at a mcutin. -:"MY brotber Is tr, Oremats.It 15 tint tiWbeat d'rink. It Is t. British mai ind wor upiand to 1)11lit nnnd 994 miserabie Mi-aie t 1rfto WOrkers know th, 90110 to thrîn for th( :WQrk they do, and thought that in con: I"fldutrial stoppage C lâne extra mani at th( *oUnded or Iost. Tht "fthener--néither of %iive sai that It la la fo close up tuoir C fbê olowed their exo = the over-wl e. whioh wu. bt Mg ne dri llieéded? OnIy an Hallucination WlVirt alweared at ilret sigit to bo a set ions rhtarge against certain mcm- bers of Wlitby Towm Counacil has sim- mored dowu to this-that tiree mem- bers of Coutîcli met several othor men ln J. E. Wiiis' store, and convesed wlth Uîiom.' At the Ceuncil meeting on Monday nlght Mr. Conlin boiled down bis charges, accusations, lmain- * uations, eall tbem what you will, to the simple statement above. 0f course lt waa naughty for tieue men tu gatlber together, even Dy acci- dent. ln one place at one time-esBpe- cially witbout asklng Mr. Conlin to j be present, or without publiahlng te Theyd bettor not let t occur again. Mr. Con tatild quite rlght ln report- ing to Couneil tint ho hait been telit by aome mysterjous permon tint tuis #0moeetlng" had taken place.In tisse UrneS Of War anc cannot be too watch. M lsât ovil mon Conspire against the w61fbe1ng Of the State. lu brlngln j thit IMPOrtant D1806 et Information te 6 attention af Ceuricili r. Coallin malutmed hilIyaty tua municipalnl. 4 What, more l~le" aathat thes. mon woro D pln t blow up thse towis hall, or dynMimitho ne ow eap1 14posal plantl an a»Yovent t vwa PtvoWll tint Councl abould knev. aSn"e s ublit uhould know, of the1 Ceaima u kIr. a voulit b. chiai. -The. publie viii b. 8114 te kuev, es WO " ae glad, that tieue public sermat verofl ot RaCCUmed oefhVlng oom»spl tO psy Contracter Stewàn *lb.baisbue. ons c tatint Iaviag <h.té . te motie vlth cantractor Wry f t *Aemmge allcged t e b. ustinod thrUeua, n tractar Stowartm llpc rfli r. - ~o~-~eùldhê~tIa avebera con.- tlid about the meetinil; bhommdi n.à otberç1ar. gani Uiapm 0 stn4e «i »Oney? at* lin only ad that ho had It on jo authority .that theco men had met to- gether ln a CeirtaiplaceM "êd how came It that the. repoir who mat taklng notes became 10 ratt1e that ho report.ed bit Conhin as aaylngj wbat theme members et COUfflI thought1 ho md when he didn't uayl? The1 whole bueineua bewilderlng mn 4 brain-taggtn.g..1j Why éhould Mr. Cnnu tek au "sàr. thing hé nid. iUhi $Y Mtttadtb*k 1 isard. t"t a met"g ba" b 1" el It isa banr4 te aBliI. And the. rumoe ifn *frcUitmi tiat Mr. Conlin bua bem *plul*W 111e about town that thut .asqpWp Counoil were bribel, muft W abb it lbob aui "éu I on j*l t î been st *ork la tbfeol u *"-,ma1 ham " W, *i&" MWni 0fOUIur litg g A Prayer to the "Cd of The O7 ~the trturl asm motorti <4 dfT.Yl fl(Ot liKhitm Rosd im ts4*Lt lit iu mi h ord te. BIud M Wordm«eIjs tWS# ownerm me tr"qM agtbara*XI" break u"ir 1W #'O"àNa te t vater bifu pm -1t t r W~ tie 11 W6, muo-au frtÈtble a *cmot'uad 4bsle Qa~baaa tt Md ttffl*a 4rUo-ýs 115 1 »y AderWttb7 a LOAN amoutt priule- ld therT= tg Ivt Mtam r. m - advillage roi t'te-sin rusaI Ft theoeneIny ?TI ~git would t.akë te lfght itY- LCAL WP My Tt ThomNu 1 thé GQ1d l ýuJ P«"-u s~-aus -J GREAT BARGAINS IN AIL 5STANDARDLINES 0F GRANITEWARE lui

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