Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 1

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wB 28 w, &;icky Fly Papier t heots fer Se. a relis-bic disinfectant and deedorizeor 25c, 50c and 90c. Chonide of Lime 5o and '10c. JEtluWILLI3 th.gst and eptIofau" MEDICAL HALL 8,-ock -St-. Whitby. Havlng Takon Ovêr thé Goal Business OF Jb He Downsy 4 Cou 1 amn prepared to fill ail ortier for ÇLEAN BRIeIITr COAL Aft IW T0Ot~ tit ~twelao st w r-offed a ai£ nthe a"onThe.preernwe 0ftii. dewage inske(s teé0 armé e ~or «ftI fr01 S4~5ti01 ftII 01:0ciarouna tut Center-pesèt'or p1:10, (rate md 14ew Ttboe i=R1 e51topa When t-he preneurs of ewe* e e 1ià Çie0unoilu. They arrifflM St U0, In bW thê-emptying et the domilnttasi t 4utoinoble, acoeupaniied W Engineer the revelutien et the arme eUSSe. The. t-t Le0*08, Mr. W, A. Youns, sud eont Soyas, asudina frein thosiarme tWilet'a upen a bed ef broken etenes 5i2 test al toi- P'ty. The dolegatign ere 921 £ viut déS». Qradualîy it filteie dewn throuth LI of Inspection te Wlhitbr Aiew sevagl isue bd and gathere ln a central chii- -et dimpoai lant. ber about the Intake pipe and t-henc T heelowing Coiaposed t-ho el69S&ffowm eut Inte tthe chienne house, ere nM tien: arn found tour cement tanks ful of 11 Mimic Ceunolli-Reeéve Ci.Crmbad, ehlortde ot lime. Water le,-odded te 5de and Counililors H. Fineh and A.ohn.t- th lime and the seepàge la gatbored 4f son. ià a Iower tank, from, whieh 1 by a Ol !4,w Trot- Coimaihlore Cha-les mechanIcal contrivance, the chio-ine la, ir Leve>ey, Fred J. Hicke, G, I]M. James,4 allowed to escape tast or -Slow ho de- Dr. J. D. Senson, M.O.1, snd G. b. mânded by the voluime'et eewage pas*- in )Mott, Town Clerk. îng beneath. On qaturday a "tY stram ln Atter taklng dinner-at t-he Royal, wue tatlng on 'the eewage belieath, M the Ittitors, accompaniod by Mayer whieb lown, or wili, when the work la W Warren, Iheeve Downey mad Jas. Moore, completed, Inteý a humus tank, where representing Whitby Ceuneil; J. L t-he ilut and Ment tiny partiel.etf elldA Arinour. T.* G. Colwili, and a Gazette- Io removed. Leaylng titiS tank the 11- in, Chrenicle repres.ntatIve, metored Wo quid le as cisar as cryetal, and. leeko ]PU the disposal plant, where Ur-. Lowes good onough te drink. If one were te 90 to2d4ted thbe ptrty, over t-he Plant, ex- drink it, whIle It niIght Det tanteo eY er 0 plaining Ité-eperatten. nice, t-hers wouid be abdokutelY 120 dOSu. J Starting at the -point' viere t-he ger of infection. Every last 0ger*210 eüxýk 2»wers frein eaat mnd wéat empty ettemy te mort,-ai fouit han been Jut ot i iËà Mt#b t bê m4o11ata41Ii2M tof boiusies,-111i àï f nIlw itou he hi -hunu tnk ejet un- aboe o round tothe d= tt-la m t0«. der'à7?,g.uSe r t tanks, the part-y tollowed t-h.egiSer lt-h . t loi tr lin sep by @ep, trying te comprehend as . me hous,'the Uquld às It ~W*ed slong 11 weiI '" t-he lay niind could thbe put'- elîwed ne trace et impurity, but ei>arke'iIi ,#oessoeeach partiçular portion oet theo e îlnthe eunlight- Ilke t-heclearest- sud ol t-s operation. spring wjtter. %i The sedimrentatien tanks gatixer 60 - r. Lwes explaineci tbat-_ the eplant l'e per cent. et t-he molid eewage, whicbeset- wag-wrkiipoetéStly, and . pnemeut-b fJeStO t-he bottom of the tanks, and noverai impÏovementesud a&Yanàtagè&-e inay be pumped eut or ferced. eut-, per- aven the plantset North Torente andi tloditalîy as requi-ed, Aitheugh th4 Weesten. Englneers. by expert-once, are 'ýbi"t hbu been i operation only about pet-foting tiieso niet-Itof s ewage dis. itÙ tiies weeks, t-ho elucige gatea were pesai, and Whit-by's plant le ens u t he' M openedandthe Party *5W t-h.e pei-atIenbeet- ever Instaiied anywhere. 0oh &.eni»tlag the tankse nte a 'sludge a b~Ç ~ene tho oldems- dy sadh. The Tewns ot Mimio and -New To. ÃŽ a'mved for fertiîîsîng purpoeiess. rente, adjoining as t-bey do on t-ho sed(meintat-en, tanks are sunk thlrty ahoresof et La- Ontasrie, are co-oDérat- tet nto thes gneuad, ad the cenetruc- lng.tn t-he celletruct-lotI et a sS#Orngo tioti 'of thee et epring causoci the systein. The proposoci sewsge 0egposal > oefltriMtt>remdloetrouble iiy reUMsof ~Plant wiiI b. locast-et ln IStobWk,*oteWd t4 qulok-aandb.d eaxoutered and the s111P Juet e0 thé borderoet-the 1Town of. X 1 , Uttof wtrawom;into the Mico. Ne-chmunicIpalItY -vIU pay eaéavatla. ~ ~ hait the cest oft tho plant, andi each v*11 Wro* -t-l ime e! ans h fcourse, Vs-y fer Itsevlew-s W4bs.fow Sio itto t-he dosing The tewrit arvlusing t-h one pwama- t-S*~~~~~~~~ fie-.tto -ie ag ec'tgplant foýler v-tn t8s Ç Ifi ig itas. hese -81tersare inter- Nov 'J!ereto\ owas t-hoeiiWait~U1-1 ýrpbMthe 4dop ingtthe-Rieew ai pplie. Miàlo with, '#s- ter t#, ru* leSwwth nmso tre. -el-oed-100.000 galons daliy. Io tb et theeflîtor oow*s i.'Itin em d wl PIOeas e tV #»sonilu h teutesant tlu 'e'inite ë% Rt-ion, but gt eât. for t-be-c lietl bte 1 îewe t-ho ap1 àtry here. At t-heiemi negwl!tchthé id p>,Seented- atoh and a 'Il AIt-hough hi Ludrewo. CM opular "d di *101 -ow## and OIy NO. LANDLORD TÃ" Woua'Versto pay. ~f«VABOUT Repsn-ti '1qt gs tii4ý - le., lt-r, end net-t lËa-ddt itut dnrn etite ds z» Iý 00. Litnltod Iff Bell Phone 193 Peel'ShoeStore PorTheLateat Is Pli~P>owear. Ptnage Well ecreened. We gui tee prompt delivory a-nd service. Ondes-s may b. loft a 0.1#66 of 3. EL Dowa.oy 4, ar u u b -- ff-- --;p ged jj~~CILLOI t t-ho 105 .y smail hotu Ilu 'DCL 1I whs-je. Uar~et.gà u4etasd- lBuS CornerdrugstoreWbitbr. mary ~tk Whltby Ota1 te 01= Art u sArma1pEé P«hu bo*zgh=U, s. olde, Bell Phne litphase i m r u-s / i Wl ULL,?I REAL BSTATL U yo~ have proj.4y t. JORN FISR5B Oo.atrv se~t.~U~ Lwu$mi I~4~ ~ I 4' J At' k lmeàb ýL

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