Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 8

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, mEOOKlIN. 1- mm Pn. lF. E ,effrey laysaut homne. nrotay Vipelid apent E5 MeKinneU mcnd Miss- vliig tasir aunt, Ml achian apant Sunduyi tf Ashburn, mcd W. ML Brooli4n. TT c eàt louve for EnglanSd on WadnesdaywitJibyY1.Cy&Co. Toledo, hishj o tas Ambulance Corps. t* al Iia4ctadiirecly onl he b1od and mole= Mssrs, MeBrien & lIsynard, who are &urJ&c>é tise eacm. rbev offer Ose hundred conducting n9'refresbmsnt boti at'Te- I drcuara snd t e te ure. nd fo route Exhibition, aremeeting vith ildre.:Y.3 CHNXY &CO. Tolede, Oblo. mucb nu -areepat SoldbA iiefr outlat9 Mn, ES. MelirIen, lately eft -Bowmmc- ville, bas been spending a few Saysut )MTLE. bis ol home.Mn. Fnank Duif spent théeaorBer D Mn. David Burns- bas been showlng of tashe ek in Toronto. bis skill- la taseline0fi painting lately. Mr. anSdlIns. R. Cblsbolm are hoit. Hie as pMade a fine Job of repninting daylng ln Toronto. his wagon, and bas dernonstrated thant Tendaho os rud s hola"om.pinter. 'corner haà been couverteS lIntoawhite Mvr. Cooper, tas neïwblacksmitb, bas structure. eommencçd business at the rean of Use. Mn. Russell Wiilon bas openied. up a Temenace Hou eH bas brought hannessa making estabMisbment lu Mr. h is fanlily te lewi And la living la one- Shmc' office. of-the Duff *houssa. . lIs. Une, ef Woodvilie, was -tas Mr. Uniais Jones vas in Use city on guost of ber sisten, lIns. Geo. Ross, lust ~-TuesdgsY. week. - Thse manager-0f tise Standard Bank, The series of moving pictures whicb MIr. Fitzgerald,is away, on bis vacation. vene on exhibition hors for Use pustà Mn. Fred, Ward la- here'.agaIn for ýwo week vers well patronized. w~eeks durlng bis absence. Miss-Doreen Brilght, who lias been vis- Mnr. and Mrs. Leader, of Toronto, VIS- Itirig Miss J_. Rosa, lefI on Snturdny te SIed for a few days at D._W. Macdon- attend the Wurren-Ostertogg wedding ald's. inlaToronto. Mnl. Eýrab'erger, of the Standard Mrs. D. A. Hubbeli spent the week- Bjili, sÉeat S,,unday and Mpnduy la end vils ber sister la Oshawa. Toronto. Sehool re-opened on Wednesdny of 11ev. H. W. Foley bas reîu4med after last veek, with Miss Douglas, of Ux- si a two weeks' vàcatilon la Bobcaygeon, bridge, as toucher. p and occupied bis pulpil on Sunday. Ei Mire. J. N.-IHortop and Saugisten Gin. RAGLAN.T dys spent a few days la Toronto, tak. nSlna aItiednsocre inMa tsexs -ib itueShos.aetofMn1. Arthur A. Bryanat, a well-knowu C4 - -Mays Mvin Pitur Shws reresident of Ibis ~icieniIy for yenrs. Mn. tl holding forth Ianlise Masonie Hall Ibis fBryant, vbo vas flfty-four Yeare of age, ai veek. - died suddenly, tise cause being heurt Arthur Fike, a natIve of Ibis aeigh- failure. Ho vas n prominent fui-mer, borisood, passeEt away la- Toronto on w-as very'wdl nwadwsa Moaday. The laIe Mn,à Pike was about greatîy eY wlndb ly knon and vas Ifify years of age, anS was employed Ho beaves a widow and marrieS daugli-Jj by lise. T. Eaîon Co. Tise funeral wa8 er, to whom deepest sympatby la ex. m bolS to Groveside Cemetery on Wed- edd ne0day, upon lise arrivai of lthe C.N.R. iled train.Tise funeral 100k place on Tuesday b trin 'aflernoon, and vas lurgely attended. Ji Mn. .leo. Pringie, et Peterboro, n'as Service was beld la Raglan Metisdan Inl tise village on Monday ou business. Chunch, and Interment tol place la & He la conîernpluting selliag bis prop- Union cernetery.t enly, bore. b Miss Clara .Woodward spent atA week with relatives la Toronto. L 4 . Miss Millie Lune, 0f Oshawa, visited FRUIT BULLE9TIN lt eek witb lthe Misses Woodward. Niagara District Pendis usseon now in Mr. W. F Buîty les b be congratulat- fufl swing sud beat i-arieties, Penches, oS on vinning îo maiy bonors witb bis Pence sud Plumas-are rendy for preaerv- e tock aItash Exhibition. Butter paper vils printed wonds, ing or dessert purposes. ilousekeepers hE shouid not de.a3- teiiing their grocers to "Cholice Dairy B3itter," may be-obtain- biat fruit to order for theru. ,oS attise Gazelle and Chrontcle office Wbitby, at 25c. për 100 sheots. . fr. Fred Bowles, from St. Jobn 's' ASHBURN. Micis., visiteS hie moîber on Railroad A JRed Cross meeting vas bieldÇ"àt as Street. the Manse on Monday eveniag. Ii -Mn. and lIns. W. B. Robson and Mr.. Severai 0f tise Young People have anmd Mrs. McNaIr are bolidaylng bore. been atîendîng the movlng pIctune Of lIns. Tomilason la, visitiag, friends shows ia Myrtie for some lime. Al la Toronto. ieport a good time. b lIra. Cobbs, of Buffalo, and lIra. Mr. anSdlIns John Leask vers la To- GI Love) 0f Toronto, are vlsiting ut Mn. ronto on Friday. TO Boyce's. Mr. Fisiser and fnienda motored le f .Qulte a auniber frog hors attonded Whitby oas dày lasI veek. W. lhe Exhibition. Mn. Frank Fisher and cousins melon-tr *The WIliing' Workers vers enter- ed te Widk at Sundaý..- _ fi tained attise home of Mra. Roper re- Mn. Milii Routiey has neturned borne 1 cently. from Markhumn. vis * ~ V9 Tn =MWmn dbitbd ~oosbetweo PInt D3rtbm a'High Sta~ dat"Lqid md'oednary pBfltt, but the. moet notifflel in the yocket Te-gafLoeu of OdHlgh Standard" wllwmUy do a muah woek W twelve witcea p ilon Of dCh pa1-~n do it much better. 4High tandaad" costa a ittie more per galloç, bg tY=u WinlMMe80 many k lusgalosthat -yu toW Sft -vil b. lowoe. . It w<s ne oc, a iY= rpanter ua pply k in lms tAme "mhStmudr"isnthoeugbly toet to mee yoar0rc-frmicnu y=au cuimat . eWyooerq o~mnt&._ W.M. LAWRENCIEY, f Brookliu, - - Ontario - absolute prty .fuil weiht . certain satisfaction - is b a~o o4.aemg .C.. mum »Py 'rfl.o for o, speedyrêcery. Mr. A.. I Us vas lu the-eft *Mr. and Mre.A. -M. Eus g vo- Allons on Wedneuduy. Mr. Wiil Day vas lu Terentlo e urday Mr. Balfour, of Hamîlton, WA ,uest et bis brotaen, Mr,<Jae Bi ibis week. Mnt7ý John, Miller motorod to -TI lIra. RobI. Parrotf vs tu -T: Mâonday. Mn.>*nd lIra. Lou-Richardsou lu Manchester on Sunday. Mr. mcd lIns. Walton Kerr vei Wbitby on Thursday niglit. Mn. Henry Johuston was litae on Monday. Mn. D,, Farrottand lMr. Wesley E vere ln Claremont on Sunday. : Mrn.md lIr,%. Lawreuce, etf Bioo cnlled at Mr. mcd, Mrs. A. M. Nlà Sundny nfterngpn. Misses Diisy1and Emhma Flubei ln Toronto at present. Sergt; -Laughlan, efthe Army Ical Corps., who 1e lenvlng for ovez service, spent Sunday vita Mn. Mrs. A. M. tElls. J-kw Fat Polks May E BY ELIZÂN3ETH THomAs. Pýerbapa you are suddenly becoming atout, or It may be that you b~ave bean putting on weight for years. In eltiser case the cause ls thse same-lack- of oxygen-carrying power of the blood. This trouble ocurs In adulte of bQth sexes and ail ages, but It may be ovér- come very easily and witbout an'y 0f tho privations that moat people Im- agIne necessary to reduce thoir weight. Slmply go to your druggist and get orne 011 0f orllene capsules. Take one fter eacb meal and one beforo going to bed. WeIgh yourself so as to know Just how fast you are losing weight. Vonderful resulta have been accomp- ished by this Inexpensive recipe, but be sure to get tlw 'gonuine 011 of or!. ene la capsule fbrm. It la sold, only n original soal ed packages. Any large druggist can supply you. or a large size box will be sent on receipt of JI. Address D. J. Little Drug Co., box 1240, Montreal, Canada., m Bat.. u the Queur, oronto Dronto ere ln sCity E eard lie on w are MeS. rasas "ad (Ton late for lastIissue). Miss Dryden, who bas been visiting oer niece, Mrs. Jarnieson, has returned to ber home in Toronto. Miss Olive Jones ls visiting for a lw days witb friends In Green River. Hugh Pugh, of Glen Major, bas been tssisting John Anson with his harvest- ng. Jas. Wilkin le exhilting a number )fpontes at'the National Exhibition. A few from here attended the foot. saIl match on Saturday night between ireen Zàr team and the Overseas of Dront d report a.good game. The..etrmers are rnaling gond bond. iay with their harvesting, considerIng nè wet weather, Sorne bave already nished. Leonard and Mrs. Yake, of Uxbridge, lsited with their daughter, Mrs. Oscar ndnll. John Anson spent Sunday with rela- ,es aI Pickering. T. C. McAvoy la expoctedhome from ie West this week. Thos. Pugh.attendee'1W Exhibition a Tuesdny. , W Jos. Pickett 1sft n onday for the tates where ho bas secured n posi- on. Elugh Pugh, our genial auctioneer, ýys prospects are rosy for n gond fnl's ALMONDS. The Rev. Mr. Poster conducted 1hE service ut Almonds ons Sunday last after returning from bis vacation. Mrs. B. Huggard mcd son, of Fort William, anS Mra. Ruaneil visited al Mr. W. Oke's on Wednesday lat. Mrs.: J. Lune, of Oshawa, spent a few days vIiting relatives bore. Miss.Addie Fhulip bas gene te North Dakota 10 spend the winter. Mns3.'Crago, of Oshawa, spent Labex Day witb ber sMster, Mrs. Ge. Rodd. Mrs. M. Mackey anS Miss Mabel Mackey. are ut Ottawa visiting ut pre- sent. Wbiee thons tbeywilii attend Mr. Arthsur Maèkey's wedding. wbich takes place Wednesday, September 8. The Grange pleuce, wbich vas held at Mr. Thos. Osborne'i on FrISuy last, was a grand success. The evening wau IdeaL. Mr. Russell Carruthens Is spending a, ew Says ut bIs home bore. The nov mail route bias started. Our seheol re.epeuod wltb Miss Dora Jones lu change. The Audley people Intend holding a ehlckon-pie supper on Sept. 21. A geed program la being prepured. - Quite a numbar are attending the Ex. hfbition. They seem te say than t ila botter Usan Il bas boom for years. <.Mrs. J. Hall bas retunned home from Oshawa atter huving spent six weeka with relatives there. tii' on Stg tic: sa3 n st rt: tt COLUMBUS. Mr. and Mrs. Oron Cooley and Mn. Harry Wilcockson spènt the holiday with tas latter's, mother bore. Qulte a numl>or firem. bore teek ln the Exhibftion ibis week. Mr. Dan gew4rd, Osbiawu's steeple- Jack, repaired taee.epire-ot the Ptesby- terlan Churcl itterolutaIMoudsy and Tuesday.î Mr,. and Mrs, Fed 'Goodman and trionS baS the misfortune te cellide wit aua auto on Sunday, lùckily ascup- ing without nerlouo damage except te thée rig, wblcb was badly, smashed. -Mr. Arthur Cook Ila itili curling a note band from blood polsenlng. The meeting helS Inth ie tevn hall bore last friday-:nlght te discu Iissu- tng Sebontures te repuIr bridges turneS eut te ha a complets failure, and ne one appeared te be mcy taseujier tor belng KINSÂLE. Roi. John Tettan, our paster, Dreaeh- ed au excellent sermon 'on Sunduy luit. Servise vl b. au usual cot'1 Lord's Day.1 Miss eMKay, Lyla MaéBrian, Amy Corner and Mnis RoSd, Mr. Sylvester Maokey mcd macy otheravisiteS ta. Toronte Exhibition. mma C. J. Stevenson took ber UitIle nleas home te Rochester th. ftrt et tala week, and viii ilkely spend sema lime thora wltb relatives. Sr Mu. dsa, who bus beau bringlng tihe Kinsale Mail tnem Wbitby for soe Ivo or tbrea years, bas boom aliedSoff by ta. Fost Offieautisoritios, and our mail bis booearebuzig un only about every' otherý day lately, vhieh la vary Dcsatlsfstory. W. trust sur e bactatiire, Wm. Smnith, ILP., vi= te tas malter atenu aikS-se "ana mflEstosUaI va un out lamairaeive1 Our Maiune fdly., Mr, mcd Mrm Most, etfTrMIe, bve1 'b0m VISItlng aI Hsrbron Brcs.'fer'a ýweak or Ion isys, SoOt.,Aug.ý25th,19 We tried everytin teCola e Wlthout satifaoijog, ud apat1 sums et monay, Until va Iuý ae» 'Fruft.A-tlve. . ebàW1 â à -h âfaily foir abouùt two -yoeiu, " would Dot usa anytbingdS go- I0 we cmnget~Puptv. "PIRUIT.A.ITiVUÏI la maM 1 fruit juice.mcd IoalS-lu MMl ctloz>-.mnd plemmt in taits. Wae. a box, 6 for #.1, tria 9i» At dealem r ot m uiptc by F'rtit-a4, Lnlr-todOttawve,, Rdb do r». Some of the' farmers are just com- pleting their harvest operations. The atate of the weather was soleIy te blame for the delay. Mr. Robt. Spencer thrashed for C. O. Lawton last weelc. The grain turn- ed out well, as did the'effects of the emut in the grain, making it very dirty work lndeed. Frank Harrison Io driving a big up- standing sorrel horse latoly. No more "lwont-go ponles" for Frank. Jos. Harbron of late bas been enjoy- ing botter healtb. James Pengelly la bustly engagea tbreshing these days. Sebool lias re-opened. Miss McKay la stili ln charge, and further good re- suit5 may beexpectec Iin the scbool. The Harlock family from Toronto vJsited Mrs. Richardson last Sunday. Mr. Wilfred Sadier Is reported some better thse last few days, and strong hopos for ha rocovory are being held out. Dr.. Moore la ln attendance. Many ln and around this vicintiy among our farmers are contemplating1 p)utting ln a big aoreage of Pail wheat. MUany from bere wIll attend the S.- Ontario Pair held At Oshas'a next week1 If thae weathet proves favôrabis. Tom Sadier tooli a day off to visit Whitby recently. OFIIr RUTBLEI FCI BAL FRUT FBGULTINÉ Lombards and Gage Plume are now in their primes. Canning and prsserving should not bh pOostponied. The qualityl this year in hxgh in botli peaçiies and phimi%, due 10 the fact that tihe treem are not overburdened. Crawford and El- berta peauhez are now arriving. Th.y are the best product of our Canadian orchards, andi are suprenîs, hoth for est- ing snd pres .erving. Plenty of canued or preserved peacheis and plain meani good heaith al inter. By perfectly steriiizing -the bottes and fruit-no sugar isneeded. TIer. is bealth,economy snd Iuxury for those who actrprompît!y. Puone or cali on your grocer and have HAN ooyOFoderI aRance. Wita the month of September n number 0f changeslave been made la tae mail routes ln tais district Resi. dents of the Base Lino West are now being served by Rural Route No. 1, Wbitby. The alterations affects Kin- sale and other nenrby villages. Henice- forth ail Kinsale mail must be sent to Brookla, R.R. No. 1. Greenwood, Brougham, Green River a.nd White. vale mail will go to Locuit HIlI, a.nd that for Cberrywood and Brocis Rond must be addressed to Pickering. These changes should be noted, as they are now la effect. a WHIITBY TOWNýSHIp COUNCIL àThe Colsncil met on Monday ln Brooklin wis ail thse members pre. rsent. A c<'mmunicatlon was rc.s.il froni Oliver Pascoe, resignmng Is$Pos,1tion as pa'hmmster for Division No. 5 as lie ls 'rLmoving from the Township, * Tise Sarnia Bridge Co. wrote regard. Ing repaire to bridges. The Township was fortunate la having only $300 or $400 damage done by recent sterms. An application was rend from Mr. John RIce for permission te place polos *for eiectrlc purposes on gravel rond, concession 3. On motion of Mesuro. Guthrie and Brown, permission was gracted, on condition that tas poies do net ln any way Intorfere wita the ditches or rond. A by-law was put tbrougb lit varlous readings and passed, to provide for the levying an« collection of moneys re- quired for sobool purposes for the Townsbip for 1915. A second by-law was aise passed ap- polnting Mr. -,Aloi. Ketchen as tai collecter for 1915, at a remuneration of $100. Ormiston-Brown.-That Counoilor Gutbrie and Hall ho commissionne r have the gravel Pit known as Wl' Fit," located, and a cernent pont piaced at each corner to mark the boundary. A number.of accounts were passeS for payment. Councilior Ormiston was appointeS a commissioner te bave repaire made te the abutments of tise Borrowxnan bridgd. Reeve Rowe and Mr. Hall were ap- oItda committo: te, examine the bone oferd b th colecorand te approve same, If found satiifactery. Council adJourned te meet on Mon. day, Oceteber 4tb, at oe o'clock p.m. ONTARIO COUNTY LIVE STOCK At-theCanadian National Exhibition the awa-da in the varions live etect clasm«sphow tat Ontario County belda tiip a ) ntbe production of frst- sbm4l .The ree.nî vinnerg frem tais Qounty are:- IMAvrDRÂIUOH'ns, -Staflon, 3 years ld and over-1, T. H. Hussard, Markbam. Stallion, 2 yesr old-2, Graham Bro, Caremont. Staliion, 1I mes' 01-tW. P. Eatty, Brcokiin. Fiily, 2 yeas old-1, W. P. ]Batty. Filly, 1 year eid--2, W. P. Eatty. Bout stallion, mcy ago, suier modl --T. IL ;à Har, Markbam. Reare, W. F. Batty, Droein. .Best mmare sy &go, ailier modal-T. ]EL Hauard.Reare, W. . Datty. Sta emn,4 an md oveu-I, T. RL Haizad,,Markham Mare, any ag.-. T. IL Hassard, Mukhm., ButmImam W ugo , aloemdI-Z WeIsbpuY Mas-eai1nermodal-Z.1 atmti14 -J'ornai, Leask & E Yeiae Bulnor ,yearlinî-1Robt. Due, Myrle 2 Js.Leask & Sons, Seagrave. Heifer, senior, yearlIng, flot in milk- 2R. M. Holtby, Port Ferry. Bull, junior calf-2, R. J. Fleinug, ,Whitby. .' Bull, senior calf-3, R.* J. Fleming. Cow, 4 years old and over-S,,R. J. Fleming. Cow, 3 years old, In-milk-3, R. J. Fleming. Cow, 3 years old, in calf-2 and 3, Rj, J. Fleming. Hoifer, 2 year&-1, IR J. Fleming. Heifer, senior yearling-2, R. J, Fleming. Heifer, junior yearling- 2, j.' j. Fleming. Heifer, senior ealf-2, R. J. Fleming. Heifer, junior calf-1 and 3, R. J. F.ieming. Jersey, 3 animais the get of one sire -1, R. J. Fleming. Two animals, the progeny of one sire -1 and 3. R. J. Fleming. Graded herd-2 and 4, R. J. Fleming. Junior Herd-2 and 4, R. J. Fleming. nanS under-1, r nS um4er2- Jas. A GIRL'S TRAMP. On Saturday morning of lait week Iva Crubbage, who bad been takez f rom the Children's Shelter, Oshawa and had been ln the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Montgomery, Uxbridge, foi the past two montas, suddenly disap. peared. She was'about fourteen yearE of age, had a good borne, and to ail ap. pearances was perfectly satiafied a 'nd contented. Telephone messages, searcb parties, and many enquiries wero sent ln every direction with the blope of locating the missing girl. Sàturday night drew near, the ponds and the marsh were ciosely searched, even the vats in the old tannery did flot escape a close Inspection fearing something lad happened to the girl. Sunday niornlng the girl's whereabouts 'Was stili a compléte mystery and enquiries were stili being Instituted. Il was not, however, until on ln the afternoon of Sunday that a message reagbed Mr. Montgomery from Scarboro, staing that a girl angwering the descriYfion sent out bad been iocated there, poorly clad and almoat exbausted, but was was being cared for ln ie meantime at the home of the station agent, hav- Ing reached there about nine o'clock on Saturday nigbt. Ho1w she passed out of Uxbridge and walked on the railway track from hero to Scarboro Junction, a distance of about thirty-two miles, without being observed or questioned as to ber home, Is one of. those thinga that can hardly, be explained. She had ~t ail her beat clotbing and boots at r home, and was poorly prepared for sucis a long tramp, She said she had something to cat once at a farmer's borne,but they aoked no questions as to her destination, nor did she have any conversation witb anyone on the rý1l. way track. Mr. Montgomery went,,to Scarboro for ber, and on being askld wby she had gone away the girl said that she wanted te see ber mother at Oshawa,, who wus 111, and that afler she biad seen ber she Intended fo re- tura. Thse girl, on comlng from Oshawa to Uxbridge, came by rail and 1h15' ex- plaine why shé lntended to return by Scarboro. After bier long tramp, 'the girl Is glad 10 be back ln ber home at Mir. Montgornery'.- Uzbridge Times. RAIisA 1H ' "WESTERN FAIR"- LONO nliCTunaTglu RERI Irduced fares te London from ste.. 'tôe ln Ontario, Belleville, Scella Junction and south or woit thereef. Special train service and low rate ex- cursions 'from principal points on cer- tain dates. ____ T IME TABLE CHANGES Effective Septomber 12. Information now ln ugont's banda. PANAMA PAGIFIO EXPOSITION Reduced tares te Sun Frunco, LA Angeles and San Diego. Ask agents for full particulars. e StELhBsuANK, phoo ,WIl aduatae ofOctane Vaterinary Coeti Offie ut reuîdence, Breekiin. Il «als promptly attendeS te. Phoz 7r 2; Independant Telephoea80. 'a- gr 17 Ba O.i Oia De A. J. SWANSON BaIrritr Soileltor, Notary Publie, Conveym.r, a. "m Qaliaa, .Octane. 02080ioe. KiSE. , l e cMiakie Bik RWua-43 Dov t. LEGÂL rriater, Colmty Crovu Attorney ami Ceucty soliaiton. lee, monta vins Coudrt House,Wb1tb Auou. Sie. HrISaill.N t fe. Broak BSL. Opp. Standard Baul Moner te, Loin. 6VOIING SMITH, LL.B. Isuar oft MArt SosE lICENSorES.d« 1Oarrlok & Walklagohaw1 Duagda s t, Whltby, Ont (Plut doser veut of Pogt ORs.)e on rJ. ILACPHMW rag, M.D. 0"flbouu, it.*0eam., 1 ta S'Pm.-eal liSpin a»w. N. Pumping OuÇtlità Installed. Agency for.,. ,Cionfedteation Lifé Assocjatiôon Co. Phoenix & Acadia Fflre Insurarice Co. Londton. Mutuai. [W.4 F.eJN1Y TYU1WP iJL A T. Happy Jý Rudsoq Dý.DS,9L S Sucohasor to -W. Âdams. Office Dundas Street,- opposite Post Office. Phone 122. , "' .11 WflW' iTBy, ONT.eSoL ý8 se. W.-son 1.8,Ds tOrfiehus- o12;13 o6 Graduate of thse Royal Coliege of Deutai Office over J. E. Waterhouoe's store. O),Bce our- G to 19; 1 to 5.80. mnd. Phône, la AUOTIONEERS Oshawa, Lieenied Auctioneer. Sucesua or te U. Fairbanki. *or terme and datai apply te self or G. Robb, Wlsitby, WM. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER Al NDs oVALU poÂtOR. tene t.Arraknemefslaforomsls atnde tae. ArathemGaete forales sc madai at ta.aet rn TerU a nae.dn hna BelcdIdependNT po. WrnTBY, ONT. CONTRAOTORS J.r O EL AE J.pntr HewdEIJ.aMESotrctr CludnarpnnBid er mt Contracer. Plana dran mcde&tstrhd Saab, Scor BmcdfrRof . Agent for7BranîOrd Roofn 4 THREADGOLD BROS. CARPENTERS and BUILDERS Alterations and Repaira. 7115T OL&55 W05K UAENTEM. ,piy Dundma St West or PO. box 403 Telephone No. 182. WHITÊy' F.E. LUKE àTORONTOIS wil ho at A.1.Allin's Drug Stora Tisesday, Sept. 28th. 70 YONGE STREET. COrneie KIng St., Toronto. Jut ]Recieved ONE CAR FIELD TILE 2î iii, 83in., 4 in" On sale at my residencer-Brock St. Whitby, or at warehouse, 0. T. Rý uP-tow-n station. Also ail kinds of building materials- S LIME, LATH , CEAIENT, PLASTER 0F PARIS and HARO WALL, PLA8TER, T. G. OEVERE'LL Phono-aiE 95WHJTBV F red Squirril GENERAL BLACKSMITH Having purchnued the business of *A. McCachen, (at Newport's olck stand) I arn prepared te do ali kinda of Blackemithiagg Horsenhodag and Genoral Jobbing. FIR8T-OLA8S TIRE SETTER. Automobile Repairing of aIl kide. Ail work guranteed. Givo me a calli F. Squlrpell - Brock Street, Whitby, Ont$. Es*ablished cvft Poi4yooYeara TEll* STANDARDBN 0F CANADA AlUES OVER*sooo -~ hAl% C ofBPAnkjng AbSoînte.*nt -Bout of Servi" e Couijeous Trostuiot W. solicit your-accoun lào WHITBY BRANCJJ C. A. MccIeIan Maager. ro. . ow pvl.DreV«okn <.D tze wal4U,!pmsagr ewie Or., .aw<.r.oemMuanIrssdPe er. 1- I P Forci Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabyout P-rice <$480 Ford Town Car ;Plrice -$780 wis ab ere ipeob odOtefeie nNopedmtteid DhD5Wilntth- .J., Lon SN WDIITBY 'v DENTAL WHITBY, ONT. TILE! BALSAM. UMM IE 'V la TI-LE! m2rofessional Carda mur 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 ýl. 1 .1 1 M Barrishm i! 1. 1 - 1- 1 = 1 lm M" .il 1 k- 1 1 1 1 1- a stock.

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