Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 5

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The baelsoi elru meeso" lu businesslas oun<tea on qbiity, aud weeres t thaye. satis etion leaiidi.smaIll. W. wouid 1k. y on te try our 'nethode, feeling satiafiefi thst y ou viii o>proolathé lb. eronoo. main RIIST VYATIES ieesp.oisily good. We Carrya Oomplote sertmeluî, aud on. ,Scount et pur imali ex. pfeaaeOan séli you chesp. or tbsa elsewhire., BAB8ETT -jewe sud, Optlln W JIITBY W. C. T. U. AN INSURANCE OPINION. A leadiug insurunce compsuy aya: .oA man vbose nerves have been made unsteidy by a recent debaucb on the lm o f alcebol, sbould not ha permit- ted te operate dangenous mucblnery or carry on dangerous vork. Ho en- dangers not only bis ovu 111e, but that of others-" There are 1ev If any who vould undertake 10 dispute Ibis Blute. ment, but tho great dlfficulty of the employer ho bas saloons close 10 his plantlu 10 discoven, belore Il Io 100 :iate, ben a vorkmsn should not be permitte to romain at bis, job, It la m ot ut ail uncommon te ses men- vith befogged' bramas belng dlscharged as shownuIlu figure 6, but tbe dlfficulty, as previously stutod, la 10 make Ibis dis- covery beloro ll 100 late te prevont tie,.lnJurY t#ut sneaklug 10 neanr.by -saloone ho obtàln drink during wonking 'touns can do Ti. urchBuilding Trudes Blck ': Clnb leano, ~y stutistica obtalued dur- lhg the yeare of 1900-1906 liaI thene vore three aïcidents on Monday te Ivo -ou-ôtber days. The Germuni Emperor taie. that ,"Nerves are uudermincd t- ndagerefrom youth up by the> uise of alcohol, end that ln var, tho turne for steey nervesansd cool b.ad, -1vleery lies wilh the nation that uses t-*0 amuleat amount o! Intoxicants." 'T'he ubove Io givow regardlng Genmany to ohowý thutý the dlaimS muàde by mauy -t l ilmblblng Intoxicants lu thal coun. -lny doos ne Injury are vithout lounda- tJIn. Go te Harry Thompion ror the big work shirts, 50c. MILLINERY DISPLÂY. The Misses Scott vil hold their an- nual faî l mllinery display on Bat- urday, September Il. Ail are welcome. 0o Butter paver, with prlnted -words, "Cholce Dalry Butter" iay.be obtalned at the Gazette and Chronicle Offce, at 25c, per 100 sheets. Uleo Harry T. Tbompusn for odd Dants, $4650 te $8.75. Good pattemnL. Y Mr. W. A. Friser bu begun the ex- rcavation for the foundation of a nov bhouse on the lot on Brook street be- tween Mne. Ravin'. and Art Blauch- A.detachment of loeal Boy Scouts atteuded Toronti Exhibition lut * Thursday, in charge of Scoutmasters MoLema Ud Gibson A large number of scouts from varions Pointa lu the diistrict, aloo attended. 00 o e arry Thompson for t4e lat.St 'là 1ollais S -for 25c. Our Pickling.Spice, êôn- taining i 6 ôf 1tvarietesp -io much better v'alue thaui the cheap lnes advertised at'lower prices, contoin. ý-ing onl1y 13 to 14. O9ur Vingar is the fin.. Mat for high class picklirg. s Stli 04 190 14 lbo for i lessFred k. Terms cash. ompoon for fani gemeut 1Io10toe t o!9 2 ioalp to the Uuliversuty Hospital Supply Me soclatIon, vii., MMa C. Tod, 2 -pilla Mr. W. C. Ruttan, 0ft Torontp, i Wbttlboiwbas been app>olutod teuot slllu Contral. Mothodiit Churcb, hr oror, fwo I10lte choir of Ch"i -irork on, lie 111gb 'School building I&a:b«hg ýdelpyed a luck of brict Tii. contrac«,ba ho vail vblle a-kulu of, brick la boing -burned. 0f course othýé blck coul4 bieoaecured, but prob. a Ofn t ie "m e shade 0f colon. aet Tour b-tt apr at the. Gazette mn&chronlole1 We eau aupply It 10 youvlith yr illame sud address 0r9V,ç%.rie It ii the word. oi aiBu ter o elultei kind sens f* 5c.fon160 sooets. 06 e4bi Nthy Thompscu for fue -mal~rr.. ~.Charles. 22IE]vo. lyn avonue, announke th. engagement of tb I4ag~ orrisonna ud, te El- lotI -R*ëwé 1:=1 ,Toionto, formerly of Wbltby, the marniage to t8e.Place the latter ý.p0f St 89tmber. Ag,, armp a mne làu èadlie ertise me~nt f1.ni, Ce mtwk aippuced as tb. day on wiiohi they dlstnibuted fresbfish evcry veek. Con- rection la rMate la the advcrtlsoniont wba eek. Go le Ã"noru'p-te-ti.. rminute lies. -o Riememben, the. mammiotb sale lu Bur%"'Aren , Witby, ou Satunday, Septer 251. A big lot oi bonsec, cattle, Implementu, furnituro, .hu ala- neady .bcenentered, Mate your entries at once,'as lie bui ilha beout In a 1ev days. -o- BAPTIST CHURCE. AI the 9lonning service tbe choir yl slng as su, antbem "'The Lord. la My Shepherd." lun tbe eveniug the suthem vili ha "Unto Thce, O Lord.' -Mrs. G. S. Jobuaton vil slng a solo at the evenlng service. Scoe Harry T. Thompson for caps. 600. te *1.59, An Armenlan clergyman on deacon vas lu tow1ý Ibis veek solicItIngald for an orphauage lu -Peola. M8 ce- dentials vere endoraed by the Minis- ter of, the Interter of Canada, and Mayor Warren gave hlm a note o! en- dorsatton. -0 In aid& of the War Relief Fund Mrs. McCzi mmon viii serve silornoon -heu at ber home, fromn 4 to 6 p.m. on Frlday sdStda,.,Septemnber 17 sud18 Pnoceeas lu aido!lb.heWar Relief Fuudeý Tickets 15 cents. Everybody cordially Invfted. Comlng! Under the auspices of the War Relief Society, on Tueaday, Sept- embe-2l, Tom Marks sud bis big coin- pany wIl preoeut a comedy drama, "The Man Fromn Canadsi' There vili be a Kilt.les' Baud, a Highland Baud of pipeonad duncera. Watcb for lbe panade. Keep the date. -o- t COMING. F. E. Luke, Opt.D., 70 Yonge St., To. nonto's able eyeulgbl speclallat, eau be consuitefi et A. H. Allin'a drug store, Wbitby, on Tuesday, September 28. If' your cyea requiro glassea, hoe au sup- ply you -wlth spectacles or'eye-glasses 10 suit your particulur case. -12 '--0- MILLINERY OPENING. Miss Veda Luke viii hold lier fali millluery openings on FRIDAY sud SATURDAY, September 101h sud 111h, ut horneno parlor ou Brock St. soutb, iu the store formenly occuplcd by U. Sheppurd, next door norti o! Tod's con-- fectiouery store. Ail are Inviteti. -DON'T FORGET tI.he aunual, pork and beau suppen ef the Ladies" AMd of the Methodfst Taber- nacle, wiii be held Fnlday, Septembsà- 241h, 1915. Tea sorvcd from 6 te 8 o'clock.' Admission 25e. Good pro. grain, --12 Reded tains via Canadian Pacific Ruilway te *Central Canada Exhibition at Ottawa, September 101hte 18ti Spociai 10w tares from, principal points ou certain' dates. Be sure te consult1 C.P.U. agont$ fora l nformatiliktralm lime sud tickets, or write M. G. Mur-, phy, Diat. Passengor Agent, Toronto, E. . Bloc!, Agent, Wtby~, Ont, Dr. Helon McMureby viii addre! lie Thursday aflernoon meeting at The Orange tlis. voek. Al vho aro Inter- .esled lu Dr. McMurcby's work are cord- Jally lnvited te be proeut. Sfrould lie veulier ha vol lbe meeting vil be hfla-lu inobe ouse. Au s Io thie lut of is. -Laidlav's Thursdsy aller. noon's, sho hope. te welcome miny o! bier rinond& < Ltice oL Sdon.andtaa Exhibi- lions, commenoini Sephember 10. Alo Homoisokors 'eCanadian, Nonlivest ,eý.%yTtesday. For lirough ticketsi sud $11 particul*ii apply aI STEPH- ICNSO1) ic, ket ilnd Teiegraph office, WbtLat 3r in tlaure. The Woméns . 'w'l iieO l lbe Agrlctlltural rÃ"t eh -'lock. htennoon, Seplembr 1,aI s "Different Woys o! Preparbug 1hns giviug nUnerg,"viii ha given by Mrs. Geo. Cormack sud Mma. J. Ring. Ail vomen and girls velcome. Mrs. G. A. Rosm, Presidont,- Misa F. Balomin, sooztaei. P3ffBYTERU.N CHURCH. S3unduy, sept. M2 Rev, Dr. Âbrahsm vl proeaIa boti serviom hloring. -Anliem, "'Great Io the Lord,"l soilogi Mr&. French. Solo, Mlié IDv. BeIl .. ]Mvenin&, - Anab.m, "IGo For't'urd, Christian Soldions," sololut, mis" Bell. Authee; -" Bebold, Wbat Maunen of FORMER WH1TBY LLAX~ DEAD. Ou August 241h,, lie deali occurred ut Ohathlmz, Ont,, of-Edward War7en, ,formenlY of Wbltby, 'Pur soeral your. NI. WA=nenbas be6 an oemslonAl vio, mbsl s nov about .89,000 eet of, wU'ai.Me b h15M bit on Brook shte,a block on A&0ol street sud prob4bly a coupleoef-blochi bu Byron utreet from the station, uortb. iMn.' Fr7, the contractor for th. sew. ago disposai tlant, la- séll bavlng trouble" viite to great a supply , of wiater. Excavation le belng madofor the "humus" plant or building, and a depth of tvouty foot bas te ha neacbed. Thi. dlggers have mot a doposit of: quickand, -wbicb la glvlug a lot- 0f trouble. If al goes velI, the, wonk uÙpon th. plant abould ha completed ln anothor montb. j I On Tuesday n4ght about 11.10 o'clock e two mn aWho were walklng along Eeiock -Street, Were remponsible for smnasblng the large Plate glace window On the north SidO of J. Montyr' hard- ware Store, in a discussion wbleb took Place, one of the mon pushefi his com- Panlon Into, the wlndow, witb the above resuit. The whole pane wus a complote wreck, and the adjolnlng smiller pane at the. aide vas cracked. The glas wus v«7 beavy, andi the lois yul, >therefore, be considerable. Mr. Charles Hfodg bas recelred a photo of his son, Clarence, takou lu his regimental unlform. -Clareuce la nov a-brigade Sergeant Major, and ln prob- ably now eltiier 'on tbe ocean on bis way te France, or already bas arivd In.that country. l'The photo la a moit excellent likeneas of the young.mer- geant major, showlng a qulte young bt--very promislng moustache on bis upper llP-wbicb lnthe fashion now in vogueinthe arm 1y. May hebesopared te do vallant service for King and country, and to Ircturn te bis native town and te bis parents. 0o TENDEýRS FOR'CONSTRUCTION 0F SEWERO AND CONNECTIONS. Trenders wîli ha recclvcd at the Town Cicrk's office up tei Monday evening, l3th Reptember, for dlgglng and laylng about 400 feet mainu sewer and for con- nections rcqulred, Tenderers to state the price Per foot for the different ýdcpths. JOUEPH WHITE, -Town Clcrk. ROBI. E. NIÇHOLSON Tocheroèf Piano and Pipe Orgam Pupils Prepared for 'Toronto Con. acrvatory Examinatlons. 1Bell phone 85. WHITBY. Ont1 Micellaneous Aclvetts. FOR SALE. Kitchen atove wlth hot water front bedroom suite, gents' bicysie, Mns. MeAlpine, Centre St. FOR SALE. 20 yards fine Brussels carpet. $5 viii buy It. ApIy corner Brock and St. Peter Rtreets, opposite the Pgrk. WANTED. A good geberal servant. Apply to Mrs. W. J. H. Richardson. LOST. On lie gravel'road, between Brook- lin and the C. N. R. tracks, a dark overcoat. Finder kin4ly-leave aI lie Brookilu Poil Office or aI Gazette of- fiee, Whitby. FOR SALE. A ton horse pover, lu good shape, on a jack. Apply to Henry Janes. HOUSE WANTED. House wa.nted ln Whitby. Toronto bouse given as part payment. Apply evonings at Mr. Bruton's. FOR SALE. Storey and a hall fraine bouse. Elc trie llght, vater, furnace, good barn, wltb stable and driving sbed. Apply Wm. Hoar, Whltby, Ont. -10 FOR SALE Rougbcaat bouse, 7 rooms, vltb two lots, fruit trees and berry busbes, on Wellington Street, Wbitby. This prop. erty muet be dlsposcd of at once as owuer Io loaving tovn. Apply Miss M. Shechan, on the premises. -tI. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 170 acre farm lu the Township of Pickering. Two bank barns vith silos, plenty of vater, and la a good grain and oek farm. For further particulazs apply to Fred W. Gibson, R. IL No. 1, Brooklin. -1. I)MPLE)MDNTSFOR iSAiLE. 1 farca wagon, nesrly nev; 1 glant aod dru, ueaily nov; 1 Cloker mov- or, ln good vorklng order; 1 Twin plov. Thés.Implemouts vil W sold wry eamp. asthe propnietor bas Do ft&er usefor tbeu. lso for sale sevorai building lots niai tq& G. T. R. Junction", Clear teeo.WIt'1bo soifi cheap on May tonusApplyto a. L& Huggard, usaiG. T. R. Junotion. -IL BOOTS! tu the If you arc aiready a subscriber to this paper, you cas' send it to a frend for a ycar for 75 cents. I. i Semi m ready Clothes MUade to Measure 'jSpecial Order Tailorig making clothes ta Order in five days. That is the Semi-ready schedule on ail special orders. * Many men see a pattern which may flot be carried in \\ stock in any store-they like [t, want [t, must have it That's the gfflesis of Semi- ready Special Orders - and they make haif a 'million a year to, personal. measure. 300 Clothjpatterni, lmportg1 English Worstids, refo Cheviot@, Tweeds, Vieunas, Homespuns. 30 styles t*Olut from. Frigos, $18 and up! DedIvied on dal promlsed. Absolute fit and perfect finish guarantec, or 111your money back "-cheerfully. MAURICE MURPHY R'YR Btl WHITBY French Dry Cleanlng, Steam.Cleanlg, Hand Oleanlai, Bepairing, Pressing and Dyolng as V.ry Close Pnice. BOOTS BOOTS Big clearing of Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps. Great sale of Ladies' and Gentse Wh1ite Caù.vas Coods. Large stock of samplesto be sold cheap. 138 PAIRS Ladies' Oxfords, Pated± Dongola k-id. aii Tan Calf Leathers ta be sold a3 j* lots. Girls Shoes sud pumps t j~ sold less than the, wholesale pr*tS. TWO 816 STOCKS@ Trwo STORESO 80 SOROOL LVIRNAD 11011 FRIENDS AMSON@S iS ORADUATIS THAN Toronto, ont. This lis a Sochool of Resuft#-Splen. ddid Reauits. Meritorlous work for our studeuts and for the busoiness!o public has bedn an active agent in. the upbuilding of our lamous sohool. We aloi§$ worthy students to get/ employrnent. Commente a course now. Catalogue free. Cor. Vene sudi W. J. ellilsu, "tuChar St.iPrincipal RE DLCED FARES via Canadian Pacific- Railway -TO- Centrai Canada Exhibition OTTAWA, ONT. September îoth to îth, 1915 Special low fares from prin- cipal points on certain dates. se ure sud consult C. P.R. agents for &Il information, train time sud tickets, or write M. G. Murphy, Dist. Passenge Agent, Toronto. go X. R. Blow, Agent, Whitby, Ont, M89lls - Kate Wright Teacheir of IiUno and Pipe Ormgan Classes iu Whitby will be commenced September ist. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory or University Examinations.- Residence at Miss F. Richardson's, Byron Street. Telephone No. 44 p. Just Arrived -Nw Styles for, Fà- Klng. Hats, $2,5ô: Borsalino, SIli PRICES TO SUIgT EVEIR3,.VO Repa'iping NostIy DDOeat îapgah' pic The .Red Sboe S toreM.W 9L N 4@00- A Hat -for Eveéry Face.. Harry T'a Thompson Measwear Store, - Whitby, Ont* ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOý Affl~ *HE well knowvn.Nyal Family Remedies and Toilet A:rticles w».la nfuture be sold IT in this- district, only, at this store. 5We have been selected by the Nyal Company Li"ited, c'he akè4s, of these hlgh *quality preparations , as their lclEcuiveAet I.And thcise distinguîshlngfeatures of our store and s ervice .whîch' 'éîsed our store, to be selected by the Nyal Company for their Agency assuîre; you of gÃ" eyc and treat- ment when you buy here. OUR IDEA 0F BUSINESS goes farther than a mere handliÏÏg over of articles in exchange for your money. * When your buy anything you do so because you expect that articlewl give you the resuit you desire.O ] But you are too busy wlth your affairs to have time to In tg~efor ourseithe merits of ail the various thinges ld in a drug store. 1We, howevr5aé anlngths things every day and are daily talking with actual uses of theprepà;rI'titon- we sell so that we have. a pretty açcurate opinion of their good qualities »~ ort -comings. This - information we gladly and disl.nterestedly place at your disposa ecause we want every- thing you buy here to satisfy-yon. We are iterested -in seeig'fi,that YOu get that one othing in our stock that w--11 best suit the particular useéyou have for it, It [s. because cif this actual knowledge of the superior qualityý of the Nyal products that we accepted- the Nyal Agency. We know th at when we recominend a Nyal product it wllnot iapin ih you o s W. carry aý full stock of Nyal preparations and we'1l gladly aid yuw iti a ny information that wIll guide oingtngteMs utbepeati frheatcur use you have for it. yOingtlgtem tsutbepeatonfrheptcurI oý If you are acquainted with any -of the Nysi preparations you wiIl know the very real and exceptional menit that the word Nyal signifies. If you have ziot learned of Nyal pIQuality a telephone order will bring you any Nyal preparation you Say.' Nyal's Tooth *Paste or Nyal's Face Cream are two particularly popular items with those who know Nyal Quality. ITe Go WLIITFI3LD Druggist ind 5tationer WHIBYM-MONTARIO --l 1 11 i il

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