Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 4

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and proper tnmug inAtasu Inuuw.. a. vonl do bunho lnabled at the Cou- cil meeting on, Tueday nigît tIÉt Co=uilr conlin ehould ither vtth- drav Uic accusation hurled- Bt cer-. tain members of Council or suhmit tic nmre ef hie informant, e, <aci. Mrt. Conlin dtaims that teGzte Chronicle misrcported viat beuaWd at the-meeting viere tee charge of graft vas made, Mi. Conlin dmiee4lat-ho siflie 14 not botieve the .aatioas ho had voioed; mmd*ho bau roeatedly s aid eluce tee meeting test- ho doe * elieve thc chargea ýte h baued on fac« anmd test they are true. Ho has.,aloa promlsed ftm eok teiveek te aupply tie prose vite sattemezit, or arevela. tion,. of thee vole affair. 8goftr air. Conlin hae mot made good lint a. et ho ýconginuea taiking about- tovu, sayi- ing test ic helicice tee charges te b. truc. It ta a vory eerious tiing te accua. m-embers of the Coun-cil ofaccptlng a bribe to favor s ýcotractor te Lthe In- Jury 0f ic town-tor. that là vhat tic charge.,amounts to. Eltior tee accusa- uiôuld--b. provezi, If poseible, and thee parties guilty et suci teing exposed. If tala., tie Perimnsgullty of i 18f ating and clrculsting auci a charge eiould b.e everoly deait viti. Ut. Ceuin accuses this paper vit havlng Ita report of the. Couneil pro. oeedings "ecolored' by an Interview vite ex-Mayor Wiliu. Thiscarge la mbemouitfly and entirely taus, and vas Wided upon tee tfact that Mr. WMll came into tels office-týie day atter tee Council meeting; an4/at toi tee report f admeeting wao vrittcn and la type. This charge agianit tee Goutte and lCJroicle in probably haued upen au subtantial evidence as that upon vicitee charge agalnat menihers et tue Council la based.1 The aecuraey of! tee report of tee re- marks made by Ur. Couin at tee meet- ing of Council, as publlehed, are vouci- od for by oteers via ver. at tee meet- inus v-eilas hy membere of Council, ULic reporter vau more likely te b. correct lu iis reordod notes than Mtr. Cou"i Inhls memory of viat he eaid lu'te eat of argument. Mr. Conin,- If ho le convinced that memnbers of Council have bcen gullty of wrons doing, and if he ha. tee evidence r Poiti ee to»the BqSufeng cauued by dia- ordcrcd condlitions of thcogn of digestion and ellznnatlo- * ;romIiâgestion and blliomsuse- alvaye eecuredby the ai., ýi.certain ad -gentie action ot Beecharnts .voeyh.r , l oe% au ee Tie prlze1 Exhibitiffn 0 i tee Lldasny central Reportsenarenumerous an te te dam- : ageldonc ta potatoeeby rot WhUèl* n the ground. If Councillor Conlin couludest t oui report cf the Counci meeting vas dictated by «-.Mayor Wiuhes, because Mir. Willa bcad been seen enterlng oui o2fce, la hie 3udgmczqt or opinion upon other mattere Ilkely to ho governed hi botter mothoda of reaaounug Thï Whitby branèh ai the Canadian 1'atri oti* Fund le Proving its uaetulhlei by Iéooking mter tenumeronefuus c ln tels communiti vione bread.wln- uers. have euiated, in the service -of1 tic couâtry rEscimonti Treaurer Atiubo ane ble choqueta tions. propcriy entltled to a ah- are ithe tumd. TPhe management of thc Toronto Ex- hibition did not ehowvevry good tane,1 we thipk, an plaelng on exhibition euch griiesome eouvenirs of ticevuar a pair ai blood.etained trouere voan h a Beigian olier, via iad hie ieg siot off; or the tunleocf a German via bcd heen stahbed with a bayonet. There arc people te viom such elgite *111 appeal, but a great Inetitution 11ke the > Cailadian National Exhibition ohcnld flot encourage suci morbid tantes. Ca- nadians would flot reliai thc thought ef thc hlood-staincd clothee of 5cme of our uoldler boys belng exhibited througiout Gormany and glcsted cicr by tie carnage-lovlng enemy. -We don't tae k ndly te that Meature of the. Ex- hibition. Pecrsoni Mention. MIss Belle Vanstone la vWsting in Toronto. lir. Jos, Baker vue ln Toronto on Monday. mmre.Padget la visiting ionds ln Hampton. Mir. W. A. Hendereon vas ln Toronto on Labor Day. liro. Dundas le vlsitlng her daugiter lire. (Rev.) G. A.L ean.L Mr. Harry Droughton, et Sarnia, vis- lted frlonde icre at vcck. Mro.4 M. U. Jennings and daughter. Colla, 'vluited an Toronto. recently. Master Harry Blanchard, of Raglan, les vlaiting hie aunt, lire. ohn Sielgi- thoElm Mise Jenule McClay, efthte Pont Office staff, epent the holiday in To- ronto. Mre. J. W. Brown, 0f Alvingoton. le spending a weci vieiting hor brother and Mrs. Broughtou. lira. Herbert Jennings and chlldren, of Toronto, are viting with Mr. and Mrs. M. U Jeniss FRBS-IFISfI ! s direct by express tram Geergian Bay e very FRIDAY mornulg. aueirFREgH SMJSAGE ,e -of uero quslty eveny day. Dry, BLUJE BERRIESI1 Drcean fruit direct. by express ftem tele plekers. "'Pie Cup tiat Cheers but net Ine bniates', le funnished by Our superian Une of Black Tes, teat la pronomzced hy connossecure to b. tee but value for tee money lu the country. Tue Bargain Store Wu B. PRINGLE & 004 WHIT13Y ONTA~RIO C. A. OGIA= G 1 scomsl.te sud so e>Ibnu wu Uai.Notes ôcolt. n laie oM& hs é du Boom The ariaguD.çrtnmnl e. "aimer. km t ar Saruî va" b <if, _OIA BRANCH:s A. A ATKINSON, Mansale OHW A. H. BLACK. ' * q - a a I PRINGLE'S HARDWARE' Farmers Attention!1 Wc have s'ecuredt "gicay made by Canad Wp have them in st( în o ft., 12 ft., 13 that will Interént y-pu. Cali aud .e NiePRIN lutimiate glimpa. cf tee acttrities lu vich tic Young mm participitea. Auguat 20. "iW. have had tvo deatie la my vad- l)Oau raduclng bacllti anad tetamus, s very pîtiful case. ]e ,vas Wmured by Jumping' rmm ield kitai' eon vien harues ram svsy vIte it4 gettlng s afractured. leg viteh oues eticking out tirough tic f9"i (2) Empyoms,,-vhtei devclaped Inte 14 purulent perloarditis 'ziteer suddon- y., I1a w.xiti t1"isman ven ho dled -my ftret exereneTiefrut-lem ufeedtni ly, 'tho otheier y ttle. I -vas preseut ataW a utopey on No. 2, vici wvyIntereeting. I have beon Quito busy, and-am 'getting god expenleuce ln eurgeny. A eoupot fdays 1g dI 414asic. piece ai dlsguoela. Mmirgenci case came lnu vien nuody vas aùround.. I made -my' dlagnoala ci tnactured ucapuha., Capt. Wilson came lu sud asked me viat I imd. I cz- plalncd. tic casete him. , ]e exsmined it and iaid I vas cdrroct, and te go ahead vite treatmeut, wviciI 1 di. 11e eomplimonted me on teevay I did Mt 'Pise atternoozi vo have fie oper- sUions. . . -, hardly expeet te as- Met, as my timo vii b. tull ýflecpied ln the ard. 'Phono are pereistent ru- mores t a v inl ave iors verp ehotly,ý elteer for France cor the Dardanelles. Whieh? No oee eema te knov. Ivwould Uke togo tethe Dard- anelle te sec more of tevorld sud avoid s disagnecable vinter ln France."ý ,August 18. "To-day vo bad a vcny inteneutlng cae. A soldier vas cranklng a Ford auto. 'Pie enin. haek-fned, iitting hlm lu te valt, breaklng s bone' ici etuck ont througi the fouih. W. operated on hlm, opetg up the vouzid and iujeting hîydrogon peroxide into It sud gave hlm - a dose of. 1000 unîmfu et anti tetanic scmi». Thuat ce a! fracture 41et oftetanus suad gam gamgreue. Anoteer case as ane- of acute dilatation 0; thee tozuzci. Unttl tee M. O. cgme around I vas net a -lit- tJe vorried over It.- Tuer. are conotant rumors teat wte are leaving ln the near future for AbbervIfle, France, vic le quite a long distance trom tefring lino." Dublin, August 27ý, "I ai» bore on duty-very pleauant duty, f00. W. had a patient at tehon- pital via had been dlsciarged from tee army as being unfit for service, as a reeult of vounde. He belongs to te 2nd Munster Fusiliers, viose head- quartera are at Tralce, on veut cout of Ireland. If le necessary vien such a case as aboie arises test tee soldien b. delivered te hie icadcjuartcns hi tie hospital. I secured the trip to Dublin ta sec the man, eafoly on hle vay te Tralce, vici le on fie oteer side 0f Iroland. I lett Shorneliffe on Wcdnes- day, August 25, sud arrlved here ln Dublin Thursday morning. Amn leav- ing to-nigit at 8 o'clock for London, vihere I wlll spend a day, gettlug baek ta camp Suuday nigit. Thie vill make a very nice outing, tic fret I have had a -OgpxgUp ta Rofherham lau fret is('Tf July. Iu a fev minutes I leave èn a 77 mile mofor trip aloug the e vs coust, geftiug baek ln turne to catch the boat back to Holyheadfto London. Boase ly run at nigif, so It le ImpossIble tosue LlverpooL2' EASQ' WHITBY COUNCIL. Council met on mond*.i, September 6. Reeve lioKeuzie luttibÏ chair. Minutes read mmd couftrncd. Com- munications read frai» W. G. Gibeon, Jas. Dyer, A.- W. Canner, Financial Post. lit. Ellue, eeconded by lir. Pascae, moved test lir. iaunfJoy be granted 25c. pet rod for bonus ou wlre fonce, If haviug been gtanted lust year. Carried. . lit: Pucoe, eeconded by Mr-. Deat- hotu, moved that Jas. Dyer be granted 85.00 for tic Rural Schoel Pair. Car- ried. lir. Ellins, seconded by lit. Dear- born, moved for leave tW Introduce a by-lav to appoint a ,Al1ector of taxes for tee Township o "ast Wiitby for the yean 1915, mmd test tee smre ho nov read a fIret sud second turne. and teat tic Cauncil go inte committe. of the viole theeon. Council vent lufo commltte of teviole, Mr. Ellins lu fie chair. Mise Edîte Brown, cf tee Peet Offce staff, lau ending a tvo veeke' vaction at her home lu Brooklin. Umstsse Coatiazu, of Orono, heu îeturned home mter spending a veek vite her cousin, Miss Elste Ard. lit. H. F. Garrett, efthte Davideon Leader, Sask., nephew of C. A. Goed- tellov, pf Wbitby, bas been in Ontario during tevaut veek, vlifing relatives lu Toronto, Whltby, Oshawa, sud Nev- m«aret. lit. Garret t attenaded tie Prose Association Convention lu TronteoIlut veek. theagency -for the celebrated "Farn Sites dian Gate-Co., &.Guelph. ýock in two different styles, and f t. and 14 ft. wldths, at prîces look them -over5, Solo-XL E. G. mou&. Evonlng urvle-Anteem: "gWéaeip Fredetiek W. Freuch. Tue pulpit yull b. occupied boti son- vice. hte pasten, LAD GOES ASTRAY. Ernout Broyer, a boy'et about tvclve peare ai age, vho ha. boon living viti Mr. John Hallett, Or.,-- ast veek be- came unmauagoable, mmid ha&. te b. taken te tee Industrili ciool on Mon- daY.~ Ernest vas a brigit, nice boock. lug 1y but ho sppeared ta have'a penchant tor gettlng Into trouble'un-I necesar. Lest vweek- h. concocted a etory lu su endeavor te obtain money froni persans living uearby. Failing tiat, he sppropristed s suintest ho found lu the bouse, sudthon i bln tee bain. Atter a lengtei searci, ho vas located, sud on Mondai vas taken te Tarante. Be la an 'attractive boy ln mamivais, and if theq propor meth- od of training la iolov:e4it las f111 pou- -sible test ho vill b. trmsiormed inte s usotul sud. bneet mano 08RAIWA PAIR, AUl raads lead te Oshava noit Mon- day, TueudaY sud Wednesday, for It lu tee tume of tic annual faîl fait. Tic rsilvays ail gie roduced rates, but you muet got pour tickets trom tue agents befaroe tartlng. The trais all have connectlon by stroot car or' bus vwiltheticFair. The 6.45 p.m. G.T.R.. train for Port Perry frai» Wifby vîlI st4rt tram Oshava Tueedap and Wod. ncsday at 6 p.m. Preparatione arc complete for handllng tee biggest ctovd cee haudled. Tic géaunde have been lmprovod, fonces palnted. a beau- titul nov outrance with ticket offices built. and some buildings moved. Tie Grand Stand ise .becnlarged. The Park in iookhig Ifs bout, thanks te Dr. HentyChirman of the Park Commis- sion. 'Phono le bétter accommodation for eep mmd avIne. Tvo big .rce are tun beti Tuesday and Wedneeday for $200 pursep esci. You temember the races lust year, and Van Woodruff and other horsemen eay there wîli be miore .horses tian ever thue year. Tiey are gatiering here already. Tien teere la the big lineo0f agrîcultural exiib- Its sud tic lîve stock sud tic big parade et prize animaIs at teclose of tie Fait. Tue free attractionsý at the grand stand are varti fie price of ad- mission. W. F. Eston sys he le golng f0 have hie Boy Scoute on tic grounds. This v ar year, sud speclal testures lu fiat ine arc planned. Tic Baby Show on Wedn'esday wlll shov fie type of citizen the country la produc- Iug. Tic Hospital tent wlll be tiere ta foed tee people. 'rie merry-go-raund mmd rnidvay wlll furnisi amusement. Tue 'Union Jack vihl be lu evidence. lit. Davis tic Secretary bas hie vork in shape and viii meet the exhlbftors viti his usual pleaslng manuer. Tie lianaging DhIrector, lit. Sinclair, le varklng ouf details te stage fie Fait beffer fisu ovej. ~vacomplote show. if ou dbfot no 'Turmonse vorth thie yesr, yau-ean have your quarter back. 'You can meef more friende aft the Pair than auy oCher place. Can have a chance ta sec Oshawa and have fie beef fime of fie wiole yesr by takîng a holiday aud making for Osh- awa. Remember thc good fîmes you have iad on tier yeare. .Tcll l your friendesud be eu haud Tueday and Wednesday of next weck. HEAVY LOSS 0F OATS. - BIG YIELDS 0F FALL WHIEAT. At tee close of lust week nof al fie grain ln South Ontario vas cut, sud qulfe a bit fiat hsd been cuf vas sf111 ln eioclc. A Gazette sud Cironicle man was about a good deaI firougi several townships last veek sud vas faid of flic great loas many farmers sustained by reason o!fie ieavy tain storme. 'rie damage seemed te be ciiefly ta ate, vici vere very heavY sud iad bec» beaten davu pretfy fiat Tiey iad te be eut, ln many case, al one vay, mmd fiey iad eielled badly before fie binder eauhd gefte v ork. Iu some flelde fie ground vas soa soff teat if iad been aImost impassible ta oporato thc binder. Somo farmere coi»- plalned test tee grassioppens iad -done ceneldenable damage by cuffiug te grain troni te ead, as If iung neaz' tic ground. Iu afier fIelde tee grain iad been kept so danip fiat grovti -had begun. Some farmers placed tee lose at 80 Ver cent, otiere raid teey vould lose 60 pet cent ofthte crop Ii certain fields. Tefsal vere ccenful, and isced teeituation bravely. Tue gen- eno.1 opinion vas fiat., but for the storms, tee cr0» vanld have been un- Ptecedently large. 'rihe oonn crap looks exceedlugly good terougiaut Soute Ontario, sud tera siould b. an ahundauce of ellage for- steck tels vinter. Tien. bave leen som i».mgity good crops offtalI vhoat eut tels year. lit. Wm. MunMis, Jr., of Bnooklin, bcd a large field iciha said vould go af leauf 40 bhmidete tee acre, ge pur- voues ovlug a gcod deal tus Lal. Mn. D.S'inraIl sund Son havo -had ai Fieldoai 46 buaiels otehfe acref ai 81 vicat, sud Propose te eov 40 acres tels faIli Tic appla érap lu manj orehards la vory ligit, but pluma aan= extra go04 Cr0». l1 mlswn,1u Titeehing la l ulsig ugoeO a iffle ieavy ovinig te a dampueme te tee etra.v. Grain vas dravu la before, If vas quite ready, lu mmmi case,1 eving te e uneertain weathier. Theéammual Meeting aif théCanaia Press Association vau held lu Toronto on Thuraday sud Friduy ai lust week, Wbitby being rePreMOted by Ca A. Goodtellov. Thie sessions vori'e louly ihtenosf lng. One of tee hltl»cedmuuseed by'tee "Weekly Secton -pubihhens cf veekly pavera-vas tee advtmslitpy of iucemlng tibo au DHen pupuce f veekîjea from 01.0 Dr .50 pet ybar, anmd that anly iadvae. Mauy arçu- menu veto wdvanced lu euart ef tha luercasod mnbsv-lption rate, nd if vas loft tae iee xeoutive COumt*o. f brlng tic proposai belote tilbUhhof 1 Cevei-y eomkiy paper lm Canada, witi a vlew te baving tic raie lmcreamed TheIF, a stronig feeling in faverý et the~ m~Er in advLoce systezu, "dnOte"r ure prosptctstet many »uiharwljp' i-escrt UW tesmetiodas nmre bavïé il- reudy dont, vite vcery beenfciaî result& 3 Publiehers bs undredeau tbtina ssofdollarsun uubscrlpuozn ba ae fPtald lu adm"uc. Yeple mcve Proe suad tuePiibUç," sud Preeldent Falconer, ai Toronto Ui4ferity: Dz. J. A. liaDonald,<of thé-Globe; J . Atkinson,"cf teStar;-.Dafob, cf the Winnipcg Free Pneu,' and Norman B. Smith, aifliontroal, took part luthe discuesion. It vas ticbellot cftb speakers tint a S1eio1bof Journallum in connection viti one or mare et te Tjniveraiis vculd b. mont usetul and greatly te b.e deaired. Tho membete af teProu Assoia tlon vere gueite ot tic Exhibition Di- rectors for Luncicon an Saturdayinl the Administration building, and viti their lady fionde tcok dinner ln the Dominion Govetnment' Fishortes res- taurant under the grand Stand. Tiey- veto aliso favared viti reeervations lu the grand stand for the atternoon or evening performances. PTE. STURGES$ BURIED, FuLL MILTAST MONO"S Accono DE TE . OLIP Or 85TH EATTALION. À full militaty uerai vas aceonded tie late Pnivate George Carlson Stur- gese, ofthte S"th Battallon, vio diod on Saturdayi lgit Bt tic General Hoc& pital, TPoronto, tee resuit cf oa ahces on tic brain. A simple and imnreeaiVe service vas conducted by Bey. Hiramu Hull, of Dunn Avenue liothodiet Churci, lu tic Chapel at Miles' Under- taking parlor to-day. 'Pie service va. at ende d b y ecmrades and relatives of tic deaaed, lncludlng hie tather, Wm. ILSturgeee. ils two brothers. île vife, and tva children, via live at 96 John etreet. Many floral trlbutes adorned te chapel, including a floral calunin froni the 35ti battallon, and* personal trîbutes tram Capt, J. 8. Campbell, re- preaentlng the 85th Battalion, and -Lt j. MacTaggart, -in charge of "C"' com- pany of the Battalion. 'Pie hymns "Rock of Âges," and "Nearer, my God To Tiee" vwere sung during the service, and tee organiet -played tic Dead Mlatch ln Saul as the casket wae re- moyed to tee hearse. Tic paîl bearers lncluded special conirades ofthti de- ceasecd pleked from "C"' Company of tie battat ton, of vici he vas a mem- ber. Thie f uneral cortege, Including a fiting squad, representlng No. 2 platoon of "C"' Company, then proceeded ta Prospect Cemetety for the Interment 'Tie late Mir. Sturgesvas at one time a resîdent of Whitby. ln hie boy- hood days, and le vell-knovn here. OSHÂ-WA. Mr. P. W. Caa la vigarously op- posing tice passlng ofthti steel plant by-lav. He hmd a long article il lt weeii'a Reformer. 'ýA'insoltne stove lu the residence of Wm. Blair exploded, brealtlng threc windows and wrecklug a door. Enlistiug still goes an apace here. Fîtteen more have enrolied the Paet week for thc uev quota being formed. To Rent 5 room bungalow, 3 piece bath, good lot- House nearly new. Rent $12 a month. GREATER CANADA IMPROVEMENT & LAND CO., LTD. ------------------------.. o NOTICE, Shaw's Business Sohools, Toronto, beg ta announce Fail Terin Open- ing froin Sept. lot, sud to state thât plans f or giving individual instruction clear the vsy for the adiussion ai students on an ychool day during tic session. Dlescrip- tive catalogue sent free on re q eet by mail to W. H.SaPeiet Yonge sud Gerrard Ste., Toronto. effl ----------------e NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY-LÂW. Notice la horeby given test a by- lav vas passed bhitteCouncli of te Corporation of lie Town of Withy, on te 9t day et July, 1915, No. 902, providig for teIssue of debeutures te fie amount ai 07,000 for tee purpout of enecting a Public Sohool lu te Soute WanG lu laid towu, sud fiai Bnci hy-lav vas rcglstered ln teReg- istri Office ofthe Counfy of Ontariaoen the lte day cf Auguat, 1915. -Ani motion te quasi an set amide tee saine or ai part tereof muet be made vitein tere montes mter te firet publication of tues notice, and caa- not b. made teereatfer. Dated the lti day af Auguat, 1915. -11 Town Cheik. NOTICE OP' REISTIIÀ'ION OP' Notice la herebi givon fiat a hy-iav vas paascd hi tee Counil 0f tic Cor- poration ef te T'PavaoftWiitby, on the 19te day of July, 1915, No. 908, provlding.for telsue of debontures te, tie amaunt ai $10,400 for repaire te, Mîigi School la tehealUd T'Pan d fiat usuch by-iav vus ruegitred in the Rlegltri O£fce of tib Couuty et On- tarie, on te lte day of Auguet, 1915. Amy motion te quasi or uet acidate "mre or mmi Part thercet muet be madil OM u ir o mntie at thte fret publication cf thisu-1otUe, sud qamot b. made tiereaffer. Datoti th» Bite day ai Atrgust1915 ,JSzffl WMuTE NWOTICE 0FrEQISTEÂTION Op' BT-LAW. Nqtoele ic;rehy glven test a hy-Igw vaa pased bhitte Councilofethfe'Pava of WbItbp ou the 9ti day et JUIY, 1915, No. 001, pnovidihig for tee imue of de- boutaue.te tee amaunt a! $45,000 for tele purpase of ompletig tee sevor, &go sud disposal plant syufem, and test sncb bylav vas tegeted lu thc Rcglstry Omfce of tee Cunuty a! Ontar., la on flic lite day et Auguet, 1915. Amy motion ce quasi or seZ a"Ide tee saine et suy part teereof muet be made vi"teu ece montes alter the ftret publication cit flsUofaict. and ceau- moct be made ticzeaiter. t>ated teie 26te dai of Aliuit, 1918. Jowu aW ie 1 cast blouse and nmcc orcbard for sale. Only $2900 GREÂTER CANADA IMPROVEMELNT a LAND CO., IJJD. ARTHUvR,*LiYN DE, TEACHER 0FBIPING. HAMeOUM OiATROII ,TORONTO -Tesche at Whftby eer .ftdy Iloom son lui or "ddm o l.WID 1NIHOLIONIELBUON M . OURIS "Plas.t;ororý WIil b. JPiesed to glvàetimtu e mi Ma 01 nmoeat.. rbte oi "a" ROYAL THEATRE "The Tro Or Huts" UauudaynlMt104 te MIL P. O. Box 176- Estimites Given P. R. Bradbury PAINTER and DECORATOR PapsuhangIng ihlpoelalty. Mary Street, WHITBY COUN'PY -or'ONTÂRIO. 191.5. L. WHITBY-IM IE.L L adoal Clark, Whithy-Jm .7, c.,Ma. 2, April 6 er sp4. June i. Julp6. sept 1. Oct 4, S«. 2, DOc&S& Jaa. ithClerk--Jm S, Job. 8, M& 7,pl, May 6, JnIme2.JulIyt sept 2, 00w 1. Nov. se DO& S I 2. BWIUGtAM-]iL Gloees, Ce8 Greenwod- Jan..Il. Match 4M 4, Juli S, sept 8, Nov. 4, Jan. 6, 1914 S. PORT PERRY-J. W. Bunham, Clark, Port Perr-Jau. 12,]Mar. 9. May 7t July 9, sept il SNe. go Jm 7, 191s. 4UXBRIDGE>-JiE.J.Moomcr, loe Uzbridge-Jan. 16, Mar. U8,»W à&2 Iuly 2i, sept. TfNo«. 0 im .1% 5CANMNGTON--ThmILe. H ula 1 ClarkCsnington-Jan.I&8,MaW. I& Mar I& , uw If, Sept S, xc. la Ian. 15, 1916. g. EUVUTOX;-ChU.A. PteM& ClarkB.cn-s. là, Mar. mu 128, luis no, Set 90, xc. a.1,1916. Clark, Atheri i ,2 Mar. , i 14, JUIy le, Sept. 0, No. if, Isn. il,»lc DaM teleWhltbi N«v. 2#UX 94 -(Ui Order) J. I. J'ARXWXL4 Clark et lb. P«"o WHITBY MARKETS Wheat, tati.....0.0t e l1.0 Wieat, goose . L.OO00te 1,00 Babiy ... .. 0.00,.0.0.15teo 0. Bo3m08= 0-00-a" * S4e8.00te 8tu Ry........14 *.4e. 10te 120 poau 00..... @,#"#mo 110te 1u1 B3uckwit .,4...0,75 te 0.80 oasi.... 0.45 to 0.50 Red Claver .. .9.00te sa Alike claer, per bu"he 800 te 9» FLOUR A» TEND Plnt, parercv. .. .,. 8,25,te 4.00 Ciapped feed, Cviw *4, 1.75 te 1.76 Crnmal.,0.04 " M .42.00 teSM Bran, par ton .. .. .-U.00 te 29 ,oiarteiýpar ton $4 40.99*094 MURT, POutlV A»?ÂM)?OD1OC. Béeeumt,, dreuud ...m te M4& Caffbe, Uv, veigit -. .7.50 te 8W Mage, Gremed 4. ..41100te-18Un Mage, Aeect.940 4 4 &M55te 0tu Veal *0.ý .bobe f 12.00 ta 18.00 Ocha, per lM... ois018te 0am Dueki.t ibJr 4 .440.8t e Oudrues&Dperb.. .5Ità0.11 Turkciessai, pev« lb. 0.20 to 0OS Butter, per l... 0.26 to 0.28 Egge, nev, -per Gazon 0.22 te 0.25 Potateseý, pet beg ...0.75 ta 0.80 Appb& Ue, nberai.44*1.50 ta 8.0 Oice, Dw bag.4... 1.00te .tu Hmy, peu ton.... .14.00 te 15,0 Waai, unv*ahed é....»8.u4 ta . CoUS sklm, sb, .. 40.1 ta Ismb ikmb ou& . . . Ajf i&U( Ride, pw4wt .ý» , 8 8heoki foSAMLUS HeseBides au 16 Sm prapentice for Sle Thesetwo montgagaredeM i sust, 1916, sud yUlbg spofte about P3400 on au luveetmeut fog Ioj maontes. Amount about .22000.À> a sud oi Smut of Invest -- G -Vlllm4 U12 MamIng Chambere, InoldIn~verYhases Eilwaly Staton wrk à Teloguph Oper. MuiÎ4u t in a stbrough inaîer b elw'sla siway sud Telegrsph Behool, Toronto. -Home itsdY couttes are avsilable sud eorrempoudenoe iu Iuvitud. Gradu. stes, resdily ebtalu emuploymut on ou Canuadien 1.11w m. T. J. Jehuaton, Principal, H bv Presideut. mm--LON DO N september e 1 191o To ILoudoîn rouem s«sns lOntario, 13el.v1lisve1ock bsud veut to sauit Ste. .-Marie, White River and North Esylaclusive,alsio rinDetreit, Mich, Be mure to Consuit C. P.-É. Agente rogèrding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE Al»o Speclal Low Faro@ Prom Principal Pointe on Certain Dates Pariculars trou: E. IR. Blow aont, Wbftby, Ont., or write M. 0. Murpby,b..A., Tor=no Officeand Werku Opposite Hevie Brotherg, WMItI,' MONUMENTSý otallDozigns ud Isterlal kept In SWoc It viiiDRY YOU to caniat Oun k and Inspect for youruelf. DonWt bealed bymgeufta. Ye Dot omploy 'hem. coufequently uw ýcan and do mllov the mgmnt'a coumndb sion of 10 peareut, vhieh roc vU. aertalnly maya by purehauing ie A A Ciii oiIoted. Soranton Ce-ail AUl kînde of Coal Pos Cosi, per ton . 446O At Harbor COUl Sheds 50 eauto per' t.on ilem. UOPJJ'PCN CAZO" TUe mne gUAranteesthe bihet pul7, 1.R.BLOW, luTeL 9. 1 Whitby Mcmi.o TeL 14, Leghorn -Cockereis -For Sale. B. . Wallace, Glen Dhu faim, Whitby, oeres àfev pure bred ,S. 0. White Leghorn coekerea, tram a laying strain. These bfrds are v.ry robuat and. handsomec,and just the stock ta- promoe.gaod- lsylng u's nyour flock. 7;100Each GigWu....st.e. onR*..ja Gag haa ai* ODag ai8 ae MdSa .0 ail 04 8%4 09 b, ouest" ,~ s Théebasis of a tue t lu business is fo-Dl * qushity, sud vho te many,4>tCnzsa& necelved lWsiaL, W. wetild 1 kc-y trypour metbfcd 1 imttified,-,thaL ,O r -appreciste I W. carry 4s cern iuoniznnt, sund scount of our &"Il penu,csn sel] you cà or tisa eluewhere. JcwelE - AN INSURANCE 0PI!l A leading Insurance coin] "lA man viose nerves have un.sfeady f3f a reccuf debai lmseof alcohal, eboului naf ted e perate daugerous * or catry on dangerous wver *dangers not only hie o" ift o f others." Thei-e ari-e fv1 vould underfalce ta dispute -ment, but fie gi-est diffieu employer vio hu msaldonse * plant, le fa dîscovet,.bcfare --lafo, vien a workman.shi penmltfed ta remain at is naf at allI uncommon f0o sec * bcfag9gcdbrama being 41si ehovu lu figui-c 6, but ted prcvlouely efafed, le ta mal côvery before Itif l folafe ticnjury fiat 'sneaklng ealaons f0 abtaln drink duriz h onis eau do. 'i7he_ Zurich Building 'Tr Cle llenrned by stattieaPb <zig tic yeare et'1901.906 vote tiree accidents on Mon 'on other days. Tue-Germa tes teat,"Ncrves arc- t ilan edangercd tram; youte un soiacohal. -mmd test lime for- efeady uer-te sud - lictauyI levite ,theiuatiani -the imallest amount of in' 'Pie above Io glven irýgaidluî to show test tiec daims inad tiat imbibing intoxicaats in try dom e noIniur- -are-vlfic lion. Go te IËMy Tom paon I wcerksmilite, 50e. * . MILLINERY DISPLtp Tic Misses Sectt vil[0ic0 ýuual faîl xilline ry diepla ýunday, September 11. -Alla Buttor papor, with priïnt AiCholce Dainy Butter" rnaY 1 'at teGazette amd Chranl .25c. pet 100 sicets., Bee Marri, T. Thompeon Danté, $L50 te $8.75. Good: 3fr. W. A. Fi-amer haî be8 teavation for fie faundaflan ! bouse on tee lot on Brock - tveen lire. Rsvin'e mmd A A -dotacliment of loeal ,,,-atended- _Toronto -Exhib * Thursday, lu charge ci oc iXc1man mmd GîbeOnA li 'of Scouts from varions pot iltrlct_,alec attended. Go te Marri Tho mpeonfor 'in Goiimr, 2lior 25&. Our Pickling ýpice tain*ing î i var' is much bett*er valui the cheap lines adve ~lower prices, Co liftonly F3 to 14. uVinegar je t~ est for hig h class pic tap v«90,0 à&RCHIVESbod-F ONTA&RIn- a SOUUVUI- loue ý 1,

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