Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 6

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By CtIARLES EDMONDI Author cf "The Bliver Biade," "The.1 "The.Time ILock," etc CWTER" L 1 -very welbelleve, 1 drcpped tie ring CHA~TERinto tho ittie esrved box sud n4p- To beglu'ilth, My CeurositYlu'W thepped down .thie ld. -It wai sto*edasvay ring w d ntse ,atfirit onlY mildIy,' wti meét ofmyohrblgig,àd ~by ii. ingE ly sylu Whici the pub- lu s dsy or'wciwso ywy - nu ue ngibèêt,'teliesue; ut errpt'clétu îé. licedins to nsdied it. It- wg ,back t, New .York te resumiemyIn-' 1ý . NI tuis did ne* accoiut for the extreflis'The conversation. juit recorded oc.- wul ' lh whichi he laid it- up the: curmred a»hortly sflter , my fathei,' 8 ~f*~ d e tweeuBo us. Indeed te tell'ne death* sud in oeder that you isy fol- mo.thaithe -simple trutti f human low tue story I 1bave u.ndertaiken te tAseIi=î> ejxpréielis mean anythig at ail, I teî-I arn sure before I arn tireugh,9reen.'set, wlt " elg atl ' bol, now know that lie leoked at it witi >'eu wiîî calîF it anl extmnordinary pilewhere Ciiarel1Yen nd uickod tcsn mlugled suspicion 'sud fear. .it ! cB srytitBot c ule It was 1tanlud-badly, tamiid- I omiled and aaked lightly* "Afraid facti about hlm sud about myseif. incmusted al'ver wlth n sort of, bnk it wlll bite you?"idt yhmr You aimeady kncw how I, came te s alu , if it iagd been timougi lime, He H'did Îlet reîpondti yhmr have th. ring. ,Âltuiuuýgii uemanally or màd lai' ,Ii ngu,' lOng tline-it the "Sn~tiin e te in, ~e,"W5 IMay be whoily' uxikuown tayou, as bottom of tiiqBo, the'sober epiy. ' Jno doubt I am myfather'.nmel- Fr,thf rit. ' 4eéxn "' ttheo Quit. as a matter of course, tien, I atantly wU e identified witi ,a Bot at eliiiiie, e j1i5g<4~ E expreaased a polite interest sufficient rhyming aavetfig *cateh-lioîîueb r J: T te inquire what ftie thlng mgit be. ha s tredAmnerica lu the face, fréCî wluléeî téôkto b. 'iilyteo a- h "A ring,"-the public adminiatrator agil sorts of unsxpected places, for wauquit.euanuueitlm. ce teid me, eying me with a sort of fur- more thun 'generatic- -taîl.i g»br~s, l'w a tive intcntnea-"-ýa linger ring." a i', h "dDeesn't look like it," I eenmiented "Ferris Tenu AIwaysPÈlease." à*i1I#&î4' est1à' d tèr Is fàe disparagingly. "lLooka te me mors smile bef ôor'maiy fya 'iad,-elapàed, like à-breken off section et sanme He was none ether, in short, thun Under: tireumbtsues peculiarly tragie tiugs_ýhmass-kuuckî---ely it doesnt'thti late Peter B. Ferris, whee hain suad mse iit may be weil -te At1 'seen te lue bras. ' lofetote stores at 'oe time dotted the havesa look at it. - No," Mr. Unruli agreed 'dit is- not country ever. . By sud by- I proceeded te rub, the 'iut 'n brasa. DEe Hagan scratced off 'le Long befere m>r tather"was *mar- metal part witi n chamois Pen-wiper; 'aacd lb ,bit et that bla.ek crust; undeneti' ried, he was "buyer" for s prominent but the*e' eercise prbducëd neos2nu e- -Duna:n l' silvor. But;* Erie-my' denr boy", Ne* York tes sund spice' importing, ciabie effe.ct.Mmeryàpaper, man est- Cria -is 'glànes grcw pecuiariy keen- ceaccru, and consequentiy spent meat iy, wns indicated for ti job. I mrub- eort "itis a tiing et the deviiV'oethie time lu China, Japa,,eyonbé hiMer. Te wsIter-td~bn -My intelrest mounted a degree, and ether teu-gmowing ceuntries.' Hiîs-',by'the outer dor opeuing. prg though rny ' Mild rénlaiued more or was a profession that calîs fer a high- ' Te 'poitmau entemçd. He tosséd-l gether lees. eccupied witi tic msuanciieuy ob- ly trained knowledgié, sud fis saiary some pieces et mail upon the table lu reccgn jecit'of my erraud. Dr. Hagan waî was correspoudingly large. But lie the reception reom. He uttered s etf, wà thecoccroner sud even thougi brougit was tee aggreaaîve sud pesseased plsasant salutatien, indicative cf a Tlic M. into, the taik ouly casually, suggest- 'business acumien eftote highu un erder hpiitly mood, as became a goed tii.hg edýtragedy. te remain content in anothem'a eni- genie, sud tien hie went is way. Al; suiferi "'Wist do you mean by that?" I ploy, ne matter how large the. salsry; this was a familiar four-times-s-day tlofleld askcd. se by degrees lie built up sud contrel- occurrence te me. But tirough the Ried C Without, replying dlrectiy, hie vent led te vuet business reterred te. door*ay between the. two reomî my "A Sa ou: dnt The lady whe atterwards becume attention wus attracted andheld by Juiie2 q don'I kuow iýkiat associations it hie wite* hel my mother he met ut a parcel among tic letters -and'. Ps- en by may have iad fer yourftter, but it H oug-kong, the. daughter et an .Eug- pers. In size and shape it wus sug- tese,4 muai have ield some vei-y special iisii o«icer ut tic tume stationed in ge'stive et' the rngbo.leit on vaîjie fer ui: somns unusuhl senti- 'l the Angie-Chluese city. Stub, my office-bey, had net yet 'descril ment tiat noue et hie papere tiat I That 1 iappeued te b. bora lu retumned train is noontide outingand hc have beca able te mid exp'iaius. I California instcad of the Orient was sud moved by -an odd, incoi nree- I thougit periape you -might tirow littie more thau au accident. My me- sibie curiosity, 1 went myssîf sud were some ligit-givc me some dlue-" ther, on 'a suddeu impulse, acconi- feteied tic pareu back te my deck. tala 0 "I'm sure. I don't kuow," 1-' broke! paaied niy father during oeofet I quickiy had tii. wrapping.off. lm-_val luto hie greping ut4erauce. "Wliat' rare visita home, sud tic jeurney wss agîue my amazement wien the catun- niakes you tiing se?"f brokenaut Sun Francisco b>? ny 'iuep- terpart et tic ivory box steod eveul- Duni "Becausehe net oniy kept it lu tiat; portune arrivai and niy mothcr's cd before me! 1 b>?the littie carved ivory box, but aise lock- death. This peiod fell something For several minutes I painstakiug- and hi cd l eueet is sae-de oitbxes- like twenty-eigit years ago,.from tic' Iy compared the two, suowly ecrutiniz- Wr ticeu e centainiug ticeiMost imiport- dhte eft tue writing. ing witi the. aid et a eading-giasg British Mr. Unruh hmd my uudivided ut- noesand hie suddeu dcath, tic second ed pattern. My untralued eye could ewne sentiosud pr.ivet i s apers"Teclas tm ate'hui vr iueln.e h eyega-fsen ei teuton iow Iuvstîg a thy did - eveut toliowing tic first in a sequence not detect a shade et difference te dis tiee -the insiguificaut iookiug triaket witii1 et immediate cause sud effect, ià a tinguish the one £romi the otiier. " hle tau anu importance far beyoud anythiug! subject I uced net entier inte ut Tien it occurred te mc te look iu- tIng hi1 It segâfficd te warrant, hae couciuding i eugth. Like mauy anotiier man et side tic second box. Did it ase con-_ ,ut pei words certainly. were etýrange. I sut excellent business judgmè-nt betore tain a. etrange, outiaudishi intrument ilali c etaring at it, puzzled sud woudcring, i, ia hie later daya lie was led away et deati,,a duplicâte ofet ii I'i? 1864, aud by-and-by gianccd .Af the odd-by the qlanier and iurcetofu ywIsIlittcd tic iid sud cau . 184h ivory box, whiicl I iad net noticed be. specuatîons-gold mines, cepper breth suiarpîy. Andgi-ni icR fore. Then 1 reacied torward te pick mines, Wall Street, sud wi'at-not. It Iu a blaze et multi-couered corusca- wlicei up-tic ring. le a terni et obsession difficult if net tiens, tiere roiled eut upon my blet.- e --Quick ase a flash, Mr. Uurui's.huad Iimpossible te ucceunt for. tiug-pad a diamond as big us a hick- Velunt2 siot amras the desk sud caugit ni> It js suficient te record 'riat wiien ory-ilut! nurses, wrist betore I could touci tic tig. tiec cenpauy's affaire were readjuet- (To be centinued.) eup "Do't!" lie cried lu a toue se start-: cd ny patriniony censisted et mneans ecui r ling tiail-\ýsubmitted eut et eiehr as- just atnple euougii te ensile me 'te'l m tonishmenK "For God's sake, do't, complet. ny peet-graduate course ut Rer Ides cf- t. i touch, it! Wit tili you have heard'Coiumbis, te pro-vide me with an ade- He-I uni jeiuiug :tie Seventy- Wel tie rest!" - i quate iaw library sud a suite o-. o-et- 'Iafantry. . - at Satisfied, atter a munent's alarmned lices lu a- 4esirable build ug, sud te Sie-My brother, Jack, is lu the ies, scrutiuy, that I was tully awakened tide- me cdmtm'tably oveà th. em a,,vd te tic riug'latent possibilitues et peried et waiting-providîng qiat -S.ee -h Se adyo tWhey o danger, lie relcas.d niy iand, saying pcriod shouid net prove tee long' __w11ibll y àb ter thi witî a sigi et relief: tiat js more or lesi cvery young uaw- Tcwr'Hinu'i re for pmoper 4iWiat a start you gave me! You yer's lot. x druie,'> sud is itscif dcrived from Peoj haven't heard tic wrst-not by a Tiers wazi aise a quantity et bizarre "canna," a meed, whici waa seieeted Cross j ugful! bric-a-brac, wiiicii mprescuted uMY-fa- by curpeutera on account of i1<5 Crossc "ýThie very nieming, wil i was tier's* tastes us a collecter of Eatcru straigituesa. Hence froni a measur- the fia Sorti *ng tiese papers et your father's, curisities-and tic queer ring. iug-rule, it becume a figurative mule battue!i quit. unexpectedly I came acrose the Se while Ferris teas stili continue- o eauigau austu hoc ters emkail b' . Juet as I epened it te sec te piease-the naine hue tee great a doctrines. coe what mighit b. inside, in came Charicy commercial value te be abandoned - UDLifla Yen, one et our regular Chinese court'they pieuse sud interet me oniy 'e edas lutepretrs. eer e~il" 'notely, since I iaven't tic sigtgt Sure.wic The speaker'es serious air wae hav- mnetary conera lu tic huge enter- wlth th tug its proper éifcct on me; I wgs asut prise tiat stands as a monument te He-Wiat would you de * if we gr'oving impatient. -, ticenicmory et Peter"D. Ferris. t were -dritt in -an open bout without "Go en, fer Heaveu'ascake!" I urg- I chose Les Angeles as ticeIneet food? cd. "'You niake me tcci hike an sc- promising field lu whici te carY.eout $he-Couldu't we get it te turu -The complice in somethiug criminal; as my career. To save my lite. I ceuldn't turtie sud have soup? crack i if, something terrible were about te now tcll, why, uniesse it was tiat ta- -'- "Lewis' happen." ;-ther had regarded it as hie home "'theEnl Hie- seemnly nodded1 hie iead ut town-tiough Heaven knows ho saw Fi vfe times ini the histery "et Eng- body o "erui e - gt" : ai. little ceugi et it. Auywuy, *fer land tic British Navy hue steed bc- s "Tril srgt"h a esanie such iazy reason I iad s"E" 51 oiuted 'at tic riug. "Notice tic set? ,ized lu tue exceediugy secs twentewudb aero rî Wls e gyintrîcate and ceti.wu-bmatreEre Wes oNo, don't touci if. It'e jnrae - cnlx altrnianIrigation_ aw,.-sd-t0sA atalume -0et'hie- abiin.Sota I - t GflW4. 40H4-AN SEGAN Il' APTER ME BATTLE 0F SOLFERINO. Savod L5ves 'cf M11110ne Who Wèüld OtbsrWIIe Been Left t<o bis. th~e <lin. there -wore many ,w!ho d l a "hîa4tral- ra, WC-otieecitoiUy' thanx that et eur ut,, the orlgtins.tof et -fi. led smevement, sud fixemeni-suthor -d Geýneva ConvêntIen of'et163, deiegates frin éli--Ifixe mist Im Mt Oeuutrlbs ln the'werld mette- r 4u 'dcld~ - u fe *uuversaL IbIlon of fhe lied Cros1i lin ar. oirse wud fuIIy understanci Lorrers of ir ansd tfi. -fe;arful lunge ef the soldlera confixe bat- 1d befere Vile inaugumtlon -V fite Cross shoulci resci Duiis.ft'sbock, l-Uven1r cf Seifernu," wiere, ou 24, 1859, the Austrians were beat- fite aieci Frenci sud Pledmon- 40,000e idiled sud wounded beiug )n fhe field. Dunant, In ie book, Ebes fthe' hormore ef the, Carnage, low tixeusand-s of maimed seldiera a lilgerlug d-eafix because there' ne doctors, ambulauces, ixospl- or erdlnaàry medlcai equlpmnu able. -Achleved 5'ia-Object. is-ut had already becs Influencefi ce work cr Flerêece Nigixtingaleý her couxpanlous lu tic Crimes when the. terrible suiferlugs ef 5h troc-ps miade a great Inipres- on is mind. And when mi is eM~ ut Solferino lis wit'iessed errule suifçrlugs efthfie seidiers, Sred Europe fer liv. years, put- àle 1dens before thie moet enmmIn- eople aud maldug fricucis ut tic Ian, Ruselan, Swedlsh -aud Eng- Jourts, f1 tilmat lu inGeneva, Iu cie acbieved hIe endi sud feundeci ud Cross mevement. JIf wae tiie Geneva Convention 1flret suggested that cvery na- uiiouid estublisx an officiai and tary corps ef tralned dectors sud ,s, together wlthfildc hospîtal neints, whlcii moulci be guaran. neutmalfy by contendlng nations ie of war. Complment te Swltzerland. îmî.iursa ýcaileifthe ut~ liefe¶rin ofmodern for b>'hiie great sciceme lie lias thxe Ilves et mllions et soldiers nîght otherwise bave perlaixe .e baftlcfield ticrougx iack et *r attention. ýle soni-mes ask, why fixe Redi Society'? Wiiy net tii-cBuie or fixe Green Cross? Hcw d1d lg deetgu se tuniuilar on the i.ild lu times ef war, sud ut dis- lu In es et peace. cerne te b. n? The design et a red cros awite greuud was really adopt. a complIment te Swltzeriand, liac t-hie design upon lier fiag, le colors revereed. Mest Psfriofic Word. dm111 sergeunt etfeoeetof lic regiments has discovered that W' la tie meet patriotie word in ngliai lauguage. lHc informed s of recruits ticetCher 'day fiat iood for' Englanci sud "W" for 1, 'l for Ireiand sud "S" tor knid. "Aiàd what dees the 'L' tom?" inquimed eueetof<the me- ' d L,' oh, that's for tic Kuis- cpiaincd tic scrgsant, rejeiced ting au opcniug for tiec cer- i et his joke." .'S PAGEANT -quent as bis speken repiy. t ri-ed te cheer me up. I wasalaone "-&-' "sYou eau searci me. Poison? Ha-j witiout a living relative, tiat I kncw gan couidn't f1ffd thé Icast trace etf oe, sud instead of beiag rici sud in- - ~ - any,.Perhaps poor Chariey liclced 1< dependent, as I had securcly expectcd al off. Auyway-aterwads--..betore te bel I was broughtftacs te face with- anybody thougit et poison-a dezen 'tic stemu realization that I wouid people must have h'sndled the ring,'hlave te grub for my br.ad sud but- and net a'biesîed oe ofe theni sustain-'ter. But I was net aitogether dis- -ed auy iii etYect." lHis next wordi' mayed. I even found heurt atter a agalu drew niy attention te 1IL J'moment te grin ut hum; <hua forestal- ~ '"" ~ - "dIf you'Il observe thie way thc lirug, I suspect, a homuly et advice sud 2 ii tiing'a made-hpw fie metal conies encouragement, whici ne douit- h. ei 4f - up ail round tie edges et the et- toit it ils duty te effer me. ..... you mny secle -how auybody could tool My talk with Mr. Unrui-Ciaricy wif h tic mig-even carry if lu inei Yen's death-niy acquiremeu f ethfe -closedt hand-without tiec'jade set fatal ring-this ail iappeucd six teucliing fiefliesh. Tien aguin ii' yrs ago. And iuci eau liappen h igf And theëre yçu are." 1 witiiin -tic ipuce et six years! For ~ 4 Tain hac h'as dreadtui ene thing,I had bCiit up a desirable iO4 lethiiinstruînent seemeèdvcry muci sud lucrative praçtie luni>' apeeil like piaying wlfh a cobra.f braucio e tcla*. -But ail thec dm- -' Mr. Unmiuh wus net yet tirough, cumîtances 'tint feu sose aon atter howeyer. -i tather's decth had alippeci tar inte .' 4 - Tiat brinM ithe tii'shtraugeat tie baekground eofniernory, there te part-cf fi thoe aff air"Ilîaid he.!Îesmain until tic merning et whlch I "On th. baloi e eof édÛàrey - Yen's I arn now about tcrmte. thumnbi-tie eue he ' licked-wasala'Tuas was tie way et if. It was a ~'print c f <ho churacter curvêd On the day iu April; te be precise, the four- yset; greenteeit was, 'like the Jade.!>teenth- aiendar day' lu - Court. -Iu "'Looked more 1ike a bruis. <han a -t<le moring I had occasion te go - te - , stain though" sudpoitbxad the.,e 1n-s cf te he ud eft futaiteriol dc cute wunexpectedly I appened upon ' nes o th -sudef -ftaitymae i tlecarved bxwhere i hdlain talhle more Ïhockîng sud aw'fui. cunÎlatiug dust. Tice ring's mysteri- .-'- ~ 4 - et o l for isoYhe iiî'iaceuntàbls mes-' eus' poteucy, t tbetrugie memningsi o,th ring was beiuuing te have aun yeurs before, came back with sa rusàh. 'uncsmny ,sert, et fascination for mne. "Well!" I voiced ni> surprise."Wiat -he : ai~-gd th4E' govemnor éver cerne the diekens Sare you 'dolng 'lure?"l tnk ob*Yejeet?1 ýAnd liaclhe been JI carm-isd'i< with m akte n' <i-f- > lepileftire 'hetatîves et awareo f its secret, but none' the les ices. landAnth r 10 heip bk deMyPo .,Durmlng, the idie heur-,aftr luneheo, <a os'1û>gxt~ W _ll 'b- -ain 'io olet withlifllilepeahih ook te b 3evdt ae<opae tUemnl my a> fingers toueli -the s 5ywx nia>' ring from thei box. Éxceptiug <the *PdeU te show the men te go tqe h.. frot. prevents ifs seuring. SalSuinl the water cleanses glas botties sud chumber mare. Cut flowers muy b. kcpt -fresi b>' adding sait t te leater. flit 10t Breoma soa-ked ilu-bot sait matecrs r mear betf cm sud do net break. Sait diasoived in ammouis or 'ai- cohel w l1' rrneve gi-sas. spots. - Suit firomu lu any buining aub-1' stance wiii stop tic amoke sud blaze. Amouud <ths House. No niatter iom dcean your home nia>' b, miii wili deteriorate iî cx- j posed te, the air. j Left-over sandwiches c'esïcially cheese mixtures, are appetizi g ifJ alightly brewncd 'iu a hot e-e. Iron rust eau be taisa eut otfsgar- nient b> continued wetting ou - <lie spot witi s paste et creani et tartar sund.wâtr. Te' muke, Sam or mammalade look cîcar without skimmiug it add a pisce 'et butter the size et an egg bfr rmniving fi'. fruit fron <hue fire. wftî "pea -aoup -serve croutons; -For uuixty, yearst) witi mcci turtlersoup serve 'lernon sn y-b e cut in quarters sud pasecisslaaee ly; ifi mulligatawnay sôup serve' ,de tùpret boiied' rice. 1,iûp étu Add fie gmsted riudetofma u rage ,, Idhýlmtf'ii sud a teir tablespoontuis of juice toi a spénge cake. 1<-' gives 1< the rigit flaver sud preveuts qulck dr'ylug eut ' 1 ihe. Plakêgës inrod Dry bromu papcr thuat huas previouî: 1>' been treated with saltpetre materi mthe,,2 aund 5IC -sud a littie dried lavender i l ac100 lbad fie air of disagreesble cookiug odors- if burned en, é."fat tin. Y 1èâi 8iîaieôilt«CÊgat, If -a mud iWain lo'mubbed with the euthaies f'~raw potatol-t mli -Corne eut, -thô4h spouging mii,'clear - warnm ater te 'Wichla little sic6hbol jiA'UGRýI1Q iiaw been added -may be necisary % It is unuecessary te: .peud time -.rln uananas, iay ln i aauoy ëasrobe sili flpow&ýLI I rt fla- rnlied with pi ch'-oo'twatAdd a lt 11t.e 'lUshes' ah -îtervIâ iêw l K~ug *1.. lemôn .Julce an~dee b î,oo New ýâateiiid tn, coC3dng uitêii' eur, thoý'FréflchkM1ihiter oet marn, ~Ènlte ~,tte. C one têboù leponallo tint require seaao6ning"bI>fore 's hosad tIiatberII fet'àv minutes with cover on',tfien remove should beý fifld ýith ~a ËJj~i of one ed the worid'frôi destructioesbW h~ ov~~r and' browu. 1teaspoôxýful cf bicdrbonate-of soda ba-bà alis 4 h weteieiIt1 B3lueblirry ,et.Rm v ~ a q~uart of . maldirng Wa tffor it sived us ail froim uttér desolàtiôn. frbe sUtes <if saebed B tter oehours ild Waulied and Mdrl "à"s W no ptienée 4$th -pepl ýh bi'ëàd, d ttdýýl4aitewithbb tu, s ul.hinit ttiane a ntsàM -,vt in Ptdddflug fIh. Spriâîè »:h, Sheets ïof biottiug ýpape? slipped in Blts' ttheoupomsd s of blueberries with-sugar,,a ltte nut. <vlWPrt0iYoègaetndyu pieg until erries ae lW.ttitd- top lid, will keep the wireo from, -rust- i an amyfor our mutual bene-ý dia, nti brris retender, remeve ýhâýlëlds nc1osèd. Let 'do *wiitTiîng inofmntin a éoerrLbow op.a4siveether Wi t. 0isI lebar p pt* te do witi It. AU orÀ tepanel under theie br-adptc oenwiâiwega al; noe nhee.baqpd them owhat id 'takén plae ornelet- pan, sud bùt, to<lt'ld ,oti i f keti.e, te b. used forfruit pre- in the Rusâoý-p'a"n«ese-wr &ii n the pootes cop~d rair in.serv1ûg, bhan been aelightly, burned oni Baikans.ý We even' Went bàek to, 1870, Spriiiéle îivt lt, dot 1W'Ithbtb'tter tte-bt ,or if there lana fear of and w711 hapiyeed? lWe mdtî e b- 'suid'à4d alittie. 'étockor'lhot wte ump îinng utîeeaiodi gin al .Over again. Covr ud oo alwl. uti hete .ry th lia 1abIesi luth kettie sund "utdo flot you jt1hinlc tint Germsn througi, Tr ûout upon, ipt diii with- tii"oeetabu haWl emade mistakes too?_ 8h. thought et eut stirrinfg. -Do flot -show potatees preeted. awrta ii atfu oti :t 1rwn btmèreiy to: abaorb' sitbek know that the enemy wai flot prepar- ~ud Ûlta,. I SMART SCHOOL DRESS. ed for a wnr that wiil làst ja long a Crénhlltheeu.-4prie snd ôfltheWth 'tie - thîsoens wiii.Iff aiehad she wouid hit cupi diced',; ok chielken, apoai'o tepnliglot have left undene certain thingo# anooedà dà o f the taU semestei4, thée young that have been ào iefi. eggsr, e sud iï o e-siwi.cupr abmle;-ladies ill hav- to tun their atten- "I read your British ppes id for oebiftapon 6n te the ,proviino heiiwr-ppr alepoons bu, tie-l,àfo 'ur tl» rtobe wt v'ap6iionfteherl ward- have seen smorn f them keep, caling séry Saltsalt and"pepper. Boil eggî robe LthairsprHoe sJoonalotesgnon the BritislÈ to waks up, but whai 'kard.- Meit butter,'-add fourrsud îstir Th LaisHoeJunldin country in the worid eouid have pro« lnlkin" s.iyi- èàasou 4,ih sait hère shewn is excellent for achool duced a veluntarýy army sueh -as »u aàn«ýpepper,-' dd eggs (euùt up), dicsdusfoitasmpendpciaye bas dône? dhicken,-and celeky sait.. Serve on "Atter a year of hard' flghting 1 toast if desired. - ee the path leadîng to victory. - Pli Puddiig.-Stew one quart ý"What reasons are there- for beinig pih. emvpits, sweeten. te o pessimistic? I know ot none. In the'. taete, s littîs grated orange peel Dardanelle we have a hard job be- or nutmeg and pour into weli-buittered fore us,' but this is ne time for tauit- earthen puddiiig dish, or cuetard cups. findiing or for eeeking bread shoulders Cover with spoonfuis cf rich biscuit . te bear the biame cf posýible mis- dough, soft ýenough te drop tÈrom takes. We have te force the Narrows, spoon, or with drop batter nmade of and force thém we shall. With your one cup sweet cream or rich miik, eue army, you- have achieved the appar- egg, one teaspoon baking powder and ently impossible. 'Your navy ie work- fleur enough te make soft batter. ing in the dark, without a word- et its Steam or bake one-halthour and turn daily doings being chronicied. Vie- eut into servinig dishes, with fruit on tory is in sight. I do not pose as a top. Serve with hard sauce.- seer, and when I say that victory. is Fairy Salad.-Use nmedium sized po- in sight I do net niqan that it.,wil tatoea. Wash but dQ not peel. Scoop ,orne within the next tcw' weeks, -or, eut aoft part, and suice thin, makin~ even months, but in the spring, wcl, rings of red. Take seeds eut cf you will sec."1 green peppers and slice peppers into rings. Slice. Bermuda enions and separate into rings. Toss lighlty in RUSSIAN PEOPLE AROUSED. French dress, to give a shining coat to each ring, bcing careful not te Situation Is Looked Upea With Op-ý break tomate rings. Serve in a *giass .. ~-tiniisn in London. disi, surrounded with ring et paraiey. The. London newspapers look upon Patsiey, by the way, le sai4 te deatroy . ti. Ruesian situation quite optimistic- the'lodor et ohiona on tic breath. lya Brieket cf Beef With Beans.-Put Te-imsaélaésly. O te o onTicuTrteofdeclaresor"While tic pe- on. uartet eans(or ne intde-sition of certain 'portions of the Rus- pending on#.aize of -fnmiiy) te spak sian forces still remains critical therè ovemnight. Drain off water and par- very smart sud up-to-date. 1 i every reason te beiieve tic excel. bell, cianging water three. times, and Patteruno. 8908 #las ' s lty longletodrwt hc hi ih te the lait' water. adding. teaspoon shoulder and wai'sj With veet eff ect,,1 drawal habeen exeeuted -hu- soda. Boil alowly, until. ýeaaiy' ie 1~,I having moul collar and -ful iength orj wiiî be .nitind utilal put one-haif inte stene jar or pot, Iay; shorter sleeves. Skirt In feurgre recdtcne ecfden. on toi, camefully trimmed brisket et witii beit and -peekets.- Sizes 14, 1'J Little gldditional ne wshas meache& beef and tolle'w with reat ef beans. 18, 20. Size 18 requires 5% yards 36- London regarding the. Russe'ans' lait Make a mixture et thre jbepon inch material, with yard 1-nh9l molsse, o. taspon ustrd on orwid~<ice.18-iic.1days in Warsaw. Tii. Times corre- molases on tespon mst4r, oe o wieFlce.spondent in that city, descrubing the quarter-teaspoon sait and a littie cold Patterns, 15 cents 'caci, can be pur- retiring Russian troops, Baya; water, enough te mix. Add enough chased at your local Ladies' Home -"There was ne feeling of - hopeless. hot water te make sufficient iquid te, Journal Pattern dealers, or from the nees, aithougi, disappointmcent was cover contents et jar, pour into jar, Home Pattern Company, 183-A George, writtcn en every fiace-The long Rus- cover and let cook very siowiy seven. *inrtet umntn ntë'Fl or tight heurs. KEROSENE LAMPS BES. sa erachnntn atefi etI 1o Warsaw, has top-hed. the lethargie- Quick Brown Bread.-Two cupa eprmn fth usa aif grahani ilour, two cups whoie *beat Lfcculists Declare Thsy Make the Ideý1an tenieamet the-ruhs tsia ppnatio four, oe'e and thmee-quartems cupi Light. oftic entire Rudgian people. Thereý mulk, oes-hait cup brown augar, oesTice ld-fasined, nearly obsoete is net tic vagucst suggestion, 3ny. level teaspoon sait, oe and oe-hait kerosene lump was the ideal higit where et peace wilthout a decision." . cups rais ins, tires level teaspoons. for readiiig, oculists 'declare. The. The Daiiy Mail quetes trom thé melted butter. Mix dry ingredients kerosene lamp gave eff no ultra vlo-Beriiner Tageblatt an acceunt ef the tiiorougiily. Add butter and mulk and let raye, which arc se numerous and' situation in Warsaw tlie day before' mix quickly. Add raisins, floured. soý harniful in many et tie modemn' its fail, wiittcn by an eye-witness, Bake in well-greascd pan in inoderate high candie power ligits.' 1Who sys:-1 1 oven. Forty-five minutes makes one . The return 'te kerosene lamlpi 1, "The main fligiit las ended,- and large loaf. By eubstituting inolasses would obviate many trips te eye' chaos was left A ghastly silence- for sugar and twe cups sour milk and specialists and would resuit in cor-1 reigned in the city, broken only by oe and oe-hait level teaspoonssoa respondingly tewer pairescof -,giasees the thunder et cannon. Shope - were tor sweet milk and baking powder anI and spectacles te be pui-chaed.j shuttered and barred. Theatres were equahiy goed, wheleseme and satisty- Ultra violet raya are net tie onlyl cloeed, but moving picturc bouses --d e methods,ýi Iuced 4y tonis and'the lez r, in1jÏrect t c4 Rtaby ' !l 1 the sanie thing. Iu the. firat P sasanman, a barber'b whe cf rural inclinations, kee. -garden sud chiciceus, fiuailym break sud lu four- years ha' fie ver>? neateet 7 acre pla have ever accu. -Tiecliicken materiaiiy, but iu <hie case ari 'ouly oee f <lhe producte et succeitul Rlace. Going_ tirougi a tir iigf tien, we noticed oee-et tic tidi of places where severai' dozeu'- weme berry pickiug, sud elicited the information tiatt --~' a backto-tie-land. movemeuti S - most sstisfactemy recuIts. In were the breeders sund - fuir numbersoet tiiving chiciceni evidence-fiat h.>?were PIS important if periape net a. m in t'he geed resuIts obtaîned. - The tello*Ing -dayon the a neigborig ty -w. met unss acquainitance. freux who bought quit. a lot etfs c 'was tien supplying. Frein-e te unether the present cam I'4scus'sion sud here we -finil si _J) fruit fan as 'keen la <lie ou; eft<hie us thougli i. hud - 1< for many ycars.' Stili in - day we meet s vcry succesetu ler sud talling ifife' conversatý - ,watc'iing -a liveW~ game eftXt tee voiuntccrs <h. 'irito'rmfib uis goiug te ihave a peultryf about 80 acres.' Muci etfhis1 iEëady fig-urcd out, i. la prepa lnow fie subjeet lu a' way tû -kelp hi make les& mistakek i- 'Q really tackles ticý serlous -end make a living and a.surplus a' Wihat doés tbs mean and 'i son eau 1< have te any oeew fi. matter auy tieugit sud Inclination -along 'thèse lin4 -flection could Inet.but make us niceeaalty lin ssci sud everyr '.the yeama of apprenticeshii were t a-comparativeiy sr" îpead eut ilu sucli à way ja T4rdI>. uoticeable. If evsmy weman who' has any -ides ci farming.or any ether, lu tact un lu a cornpamafivcy sinali -7;'humber et years, tiey coul -detemmine Z. the. inclination *streng, even if hils would whst resulta mugit bc exp,-Fc of etsebool tmaiuig ~cst fie value or mnfiiig te us . lu utter lite corneetfif seeni us nefihing fiat proves et use can sayý any mental or physi was -vaIueless if' net-in a perhape by-the n.rAgi 'or md- suit 1< mugbt 'bave iad.- Scmýe have sa'id_ fiat tieri -- difference lu mien, but <hie u<akes aà big difference. Vi ability. may be, lu-taver et who tuaile, but' knewledgi, suce,,sud a spirit <bat ai wien-eue tiuke serieus>? et fer et making* a realy carcer-ale ng any glcn linE --bé,PSý

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