Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 5

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L-ek tfie wII be an a ki rm ina, o;prsà tmWdfllgton Stree£ Whitby lThuis prcp- .. -- _ acetbeway JIn Mente that have bees adfe for -th owfirlrlai BV BtowI1. Apply MissM I5L WWdU~~totua eu hep taBAPTÏST CURH Iistancead instructionet 01of r ft.iipe iie o hoea i.Sunday, Auguft 29. blIndcd lu the. var.1ý VmS, .. BPD WIM&TFOR BAL!. Go- 0000A KLenwWOCU7 the Port states Mtha arger Proporion, lmtdqUalycfmciwha o ryThom nAufor the, latent pup1ttbt evca ln collér, 2 for 26ë.MO btgmbject-lOw rDebts.» th mbaauts hvP,60 LuadwM slé 1, Dawson, (Golden Chaf, RHu tur.P 4 a eofFr tC Anthema-"JThe iHomelan&" made bliln i fll r thný ancf ut 60 bu to acre. Perfectly ciea W ~~~ gre~~~atent need at the. zremént timêe oc uuaoe u utecba.e rc o plcto. ..Eoguo Por fi D,~u,,'Street Seh ol Evuaelug BjýOect- uThD.-m,'i PTOVlnUJ Vo ar d 800lnOth ue r.Wlb .Tllt oa ,fraquktrnv. reseutatious lot at PFort WhItby. Tendenr mre urete"'m00esd a. fo aeAnther-"#In HenlY Love Al-c ghlR narobsPê ii P~SALMOR TO ENT. vin~ Ccetc Uptaou lululngfn" MPly -for tfie instruction of blini j 170 acre tarxain uez.Township o and (ift è~.. hîIdreÃŽibut bis flot beeu a leader JSi Iikr T~ uu ou Re.A .Menzies *Hl pra ioat i d' lb.ut blini. Wlt the'.aigri a tokfr.Fo ute ý,p£adtft, n eu uoa Oh fy" ior eT ~,d xblUton Labor both sevio- nsmiot 11 l6ena, w1ÏýÃ" 4v m ànapply ta r W îbo' $~oma4 îtssu ca qotyoHaet eeekere Ex. -Mornlng service In pregbyterlau cone-ome rcW.Ur e aghtmss zwh éicon Ltii h~Il.. cmos oeNrhWet' al tour. Church. Anthem, ,Ing raum tonl hmate ant'.mog,:R. IL.ILNo. ~ii E TO SUITin -Solid a«i gold Fili W&li# '&vlIÉStPh»=Whitby, befor3 .EvenInt service ln Metcfi4lt Tabou,.layei. Our blini .oldieru lai zeuov oit. ATD O IS 1<i'RU J Watcb., travling a yourleisure. Pull lu. nacle. Authem, "--ly*in !fagnlfy 1'hce izens muet not b. lifttét eu n hl.Prt.3 sb'~~e tayvn -Sllervre Cbimts, Grandfttmer formâtlou.ani through ticket'outito ai. O Léord." Solo, MISS 1, Paigett. lVs ullec arot, vithoci vliea eApl Omnsadi o urai D -Clocha, anddBDatifts I Ivr ae 8.80 p.M. tm lyadan rof bEu I lectne C., mtei., Pterboro, On- PI ... Muh UiPriai CUPe, GO o tama ïTompo o febgTHE REWARD 0F PERSISTENCE enable them ta remmthfir places mi p«OPMtrtebt Among the nam sc scem ul ou et~ul -members et thie eemmuuiFOR T'na >, thr aal ingiPe. 0u hnri vnmfts O.didates ut the recent Junior Matrluuta. Ontario Sehool for'the baiLnd, i 1form wagon, nearly nev; i liont W i vit e r Inpecth i n . - T e W r R le t î h s tin E Xv iinati oon th e at de erves ford tg ma ntailuc for tii. eiuc ati 0 s i nfl n nl 2 Cl ke m v , .1 Inotoulefr s e bvgoi.The *oattentif cfietubli sto dll s Rutan. Foe pciod f thre ycnm o ev v 1-t jM< II) W. in ot. ou1rheateutIWifpheepblelo a d pecl utal mention, that cf Leonari J- ohldren vboso suibt le W eUgl r,, lu goal vonking, arien; 1 Tvl ____orun___b c0010 f iplla lu the 'wiudov ube uun f the Missesmore he bsen umuingnght that thei' cannot be taugit luths rege. plow. Tii...ImPlëeM msvill be mli, I>imiliiiD ~~~~Pmwlls xiinery sitore. Tese dole Sylaig u oteMatnlculationi luarpublic uchoLa.- This Beheol Ioa ntvr h~,a u ucneeh.m rgadSaIn~ ir Alhoghno i intged dlfrautaii mntG futtuar use for th.mAima for mie- WHTyusT~I prcèi. rm lih seare deveted monfis ugo, ho ban perslstently folo*r.BelP hem qupatrteicToronto, or uifiethoresatn rHlh criboeoti. avFor t i. feredequ- e for fli. u iov eeiiligio o ueu1ýc«ta nemu, ti.G.e. BllPhne3 do w e m ~ ell a d d lft i th ef i -M i s s e s m o u fl e p r c v l eU s to J u e h e a tte n d od ie s tr o y in g , It s Offi c ie n Cy a s a nu i n m tr u c. c h e a poie s t n o nP l a .pa n o t e v o r d n f r S n b c f f e o r s s p r s n i e . o t r e e e u -' o v f o % n d u l g , f e J n ti n C a r t. l ! .mILI m e e n etuh n ~ Powel, - ud dçatlO f ncv pleces 'Whitby IHigli School, but up te that tnffiyou.oaZdruatm ugaine GT.BJuti.-I IAMOnibous;mùsinsOr similar time liai burned fie minlght oti ,, r~materlals for fim von vouli b. veiT keep UP vifi thei. do f the. mohonOf ntariobetveen the. agog cf svn_______________ Q m cid a ppn ci tedto i ul b lpo Of Ath o ufg li il cou ragedi f nom att em p in g o ui tw cuty -o e v hseuo te rnd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s i e r a b y l z i c u n n i n g . o n f i c v n t b y s u c c e s s a t c o m p le t e m a t r i u l t l n , le , c d in a y ty p e vi f lo u t W W , a rLeN C&dd .nN o t e r R i la cauedetermlned ta "have a try,» .ut lcast, mitted te fie Behool vithouM AhareSCa_ W. ýC. T Go(bto'IHarrY ThomPson for flue dates h: te one of tvowo btalnei for board, tulton or books. ApplICa. We bave a luge anont et privae shirts. complete matriculatlcu. Thi s triumph tifons hetli b. mode ta fthe Principal, oui ofier fuis- ta luvest at ftrst ~iDrTn 13LAGIEERE 13YDRIX ater yeans cf Patient oui ilscouraglng I. F, Gardincer; Braatfoni, lun ta tomortgages con farrn sud village pro>- - 8LUGHTRED T DRNK.STORE ToRENT. "ork ta Mater0f congratulation, have ail arrangements eomplctecf w. orties Bt 6a6%er euont Apply v5EiLOWN D 'lEre ste e ay the Western Thé store nov occupici Iby M. W u nd liii many friends havé been offen-r fieoelgc i eso uSp EA EA,1iIDimjE ~ U ~ m m iÂUatraiia Reformer toila of the effocto Colline, onBrook Street Xorth. Po ' lng hlm felicitations. HIglahoping toe the nzanuingOf théricaeinBop cof drink- on fie Expeditio»ary Fporces session Sotnbe 2tppyD.N attend University lu. the Auturen. tember. -112hEManningmChambers, 4- whuib that statt Sent to aid Grea.t Bit. Burns, Whitby.. ______________Trué siin luthe vu:---MclAdrtto in i g $120 "A littie tîrne ago 20,000 recruits -CIO. PNN AE.- IRUUSRIEQee, ,Trnosditrci wene medically certiltei as souni flotwATE.ceu btîavas dvets lvIn i h lnd 11mb, Then aleohol began The Whltby Public Sehools viii oPer WANTED. pinsgvggodcncinstthvet ltheuln laceslve r OX anldIbut neifi: e k ensa, etme ùt.r c ro ~ ~ ~mi yltcfSpebr _________ s6 h o r t t i m O 2 ,0 0 0 o f t h e mn , e l t i e r fo r a n d t h e H i g il S h o o l t e r m i i i c o - £p a o t e i t g n , a k a o n W r a n w n i e r a g a y E m n 1b lacesre ooeis, ersdbtitasser mncethe olvngTedy Spen-Apply te MIS&F. Richiardson, Byron BpdtDWertani u ealoho onuoMh aada otenRi er fie citizeDa uor the soliiers. liai *Q ______________ tet aiR Duri, h1 etaml rmal onso eWnî 'leunut their lesson, oui se vhuskey or WHITBY Boy IN THE NAVY. ustur beer vas stîll iregardei as thebond OUf Arthur Jubb, fonmerly eoftth. Dom- Iw avnt whtIOST. T arIonEcslFensiGO GDAE 'talIty. Thon came along Pueumonia,, Thos. Jubbofetfis tevn, la nov aiA rnamhleblnin oT ain onei fiat dreai daugliten of alcoolilim, It- Jack.'Tr lu Hlm Majesty's Navy. IYou Want, we, will get it biniou,, bctveen Rice'o Hill oui the cli Quseb.c ewHuii Aug. 19 ami2-rmalsain Cngtn rouihsdsu wmeniau Alouy, tem p nOgeau'Y i-tenon er Whitbshey aste f rWilicox Farm. Finden louve ut Gazette No 060o4 ,Newtouadllaad Ag 1îd OtresdQec nteCnia oteuRîw va puonla at f n i amp;on teu. Jubb-endryfr v ii bye hker ea fie - e iv yu Office on at Henry Joues, at Rice's HIU Princ EZdward Islmid Ag.2 -r eonerakr Bnokwn Myet, aoui Pneumenia beneafi the shadov cf for tve vinters. A littie mor no TU îe>O Good Uoing Auguit 13.14-18 snd 16.on cPco n i itreit ttoso the yramdeTOomRtaNT. ecovretauyer LimhewtsAuguet 81,toTo-j1i15ha yuuwdntat he orur Lier Auuet31, 915 fi yals.Bretnil eee-a oraeh vstasene eT- jutwa o wn tte Premises ever E. Stephcumon's ticket -,tuothens v boe eaid b ono il z fie rent . frrwhece heient ote ala- owest price possible, and. office, finat flat, 5 reome. Vory cliolce, To MANNE RESORTS Ag 4ai2-rmTrnesdalsain oIaiunhiua Vtii flash ot Turkish sveri er hori fie Evidently a sailor's lite appeaied t ovnetadsialefrasalIenig Kneukot otad h idc kburst of Gorman bomb. hlm, for ho vont te Englaud eftor just when you want it. tarnily. Watervorks uni eleetrie lîglit Old Orchard, etc. Good going Âug.feiavuts enIulnul erhayad1hwgehgb «AleohoLismaoud pneumonia lIneed the declarution of w ouindhas been fineuglieut. Bock yard, vooi oui s7,29,29. EsturuLimit l3ept.13, 1915. van reybespaaeceai heuse. Geci celiar attuchmrents. PrlclrutouER.Bowaet Wify or lr HotiIfraio plbneru .it .Aoi ~ausercey ,%spaat nd uithe aceeptedi n tfi Ne-. pa- meitepsoso o e rogd n. ruc<lrit. M . ILurphy, W , Te o oeek.'sdStir'Gie hwn sooto oetauaatu toremost Physitens eof Egand no>w -- -STANDARD PEAS Imdappyu te phsensons c eane. ib.on.or«iem0,dupyÉ."À Tt are saying fiat 'thoy look ùPon fie Apya tpesn fie ht previeus alcohoîfe condition et a put- Don't M. W. Coline' vinding Per Can, 5c.' lentas the urbIten cf hie 1l wvien up mul1r",ote and shees. ________________ .sttaeked by Pneumnonie.' T'frest --o----- - -- --- --- îblooi' ln our van v a nan,net b> fie NGHCIORRACE.N FLAKIES ~Ji i W.oret fezeery. T b he fo u>' hsptliy Fer somo time pust remudent. efthfe 3 for 25C. M s ae~Sem E< h -c uneve.Te olil ieptalycentral portion oethtle towu have been vMiss..a. -Wright sen ,Of fie People uni the dinnking diosOc 'tho Blute Jolued houis lu destreying mnniuyed nuth y yelim, rs fMdo e s r 'cm dfener, ui hu srvlg i~"Munder," uni the like. Investigation IS SURE TO PLEASE hum liedto the revelation thut the dis.ClseinW tbwlleco eceSptbr turbances vere being caused by young Clse nWi; ilb cmecdSpeb' t mon vho liad ne efier objeot lu vlo orTrnt f re 01a" tfe amnuc*la cf *.ii4%#guwatah .4. ,,.Pupils prep*k'd frTrnoConservatory aorri LOA nr~în~- mou, or fie perpétration et some pnac- houn Business Friènd, _uffvriity - -m LCLHPEIS tical loke. The froquent occurrence etofnWtin. ~- lhs as omelongereinit ho en tWlgResidence' aMhiss F. Richardson's, Byron Street. -naigcohst re bnolne nueadtewrig W aMEEKE epoe ..4Thtsth Sm-ea l-offenci thut a repotition mu>' leud te WlphneN.T4 Mr. Harvey Plmer lias entened fh imre urrests. Poacetul citizens are net IL service efthfe Standard Bank, oui la cornpeiled te subrnit te disturbance et xiov on duty lu the local brandi. their slumbens because et the doine et -o- irresponsibles te have smre fun.M Rey. C. R. Dopencier, noctor et St 0o n e sea at George's, Oshawa, coniuctei fie ser-- DEATH 0F MRS. HARRIS.-wihmyfltb &re vices lu Ail Saints' on Sunia>', preach- The death eccurred lu Toronto on a- 'Ing a powertul sermon on the van 1u Monda>' et Mrs. W. C. Harris, vho vas 1ue evening. Mn. E. Huzeil sang, omryarsdn fWib.St gu 0010 IlHar e 0 erae."vas a daugliter et the. late William Go o HrryThopso fo Kep KolGordn Baysiie, Whitby. Mrs. Harris Hannyhlnpsu fer79th year. The tuneral wvus en 8. 'underwar, $1 suit readyo SpebyianWeOrders aftai * ivsinCortviibeieî n0 noon, interment taking place ln Union _____ -Csour Cou t 0 a. m. he Jly-u-.o thymaehifamilo -0- Sce the vindôw burguins inlu 1vI WASTE BASKETS FOR STREETS. -Sale price $2J95 68 pai.rs Women'a Patent, Tan and ~ i ,7'eue.and purnps ut Peel'a Sho. Store. Th~e nov vaste baskets te be usci on ______________________ u frie streets ef Whitby ton fie receptien<- U1C)A f E ltl a few weeks ugo te- asslst 1i Scobi's plucedIin thein positions shortly. The>' Boys' Dongola and Caif Boots. i ~~E t~ u uu ru i ~ t r l barber shep, Ios1meviug hËs fa Iily here une et streng vire, uni are se made euaprcs$.0$.0an fils week, uni vili occupy ,the new that the> mu>' be usoî us Incînerutors Regular price $1.75, and $2,00 bouse enected'b>' Mn.ý Nugon on G11- -aise, the netîme being burut ti thern. $4al.p0c0$.2 Sale price $1.65 bort ,Street,. eTho> viii be ver>' usetul uni viii beip Sl rc 12 -o- i te keep Whitby streets In goei up- 'Rev. Futhon H. Curr, rec tly ap- pearouce, vith fie ce-oerution efthfe Misses' Patent Cloth Top Button, -pointoi Pneoiieiit et St. Michael's Col - ctîzns.- Ladies' WThite Pumps and Oxfords.- lege, Toronto, a à brother f Ms. 0The Ol Girls' Aowctton ongint- ua rc $,0 17 n and lace. Regular price $2.50. ~ 'Cueof et1h15. tovu. Fathen Carr la fi te move, uni It la requested uni éua rc $.0 17 n ou Oshava boy, sud ils proclecesuor in expected thut al vho bave an Inteneet $28Saepc 1.0 -fie mre Position, Rev. Robt. MeBrai>', l Inte voiture of fie tevu viii. holp vues a Whitby boy, te koop Its beaut>' unmarred,. b'mk arprc 9. 5 - -o-- ng uge of these baskets ton vasto pa- Infants' Button and Lace Boots, al - 'Mise Cormack hais receive end ti en on efier refuse fiat la oniinarily D 5 frorn two WhItby boys, Adam Kean oud itrovn on tbie grouni vhenever the - o' nd Lce jegular price 6c -Ciarhie. Mo-vat, vho are now In camp fieughltess pedestnian flads uiiset. Girls' andBos Button anolorse In, Englani. Adam Kean lo at West _<>_Bots Sale price 25c. J Oo grt d lfie Arn»' Service SENTENCE SUSPENDED ONi BOYS. izes 8 tod 175. glr _________________ W,e epectei te be mevei to The firee Toronto youths, James ice 15 n 17. Wbce at ou>' time. Barrny, George Bruce undiALraIne Mur- t -Sl rc 5 Shop furniture aInd fixtures ail to be hweicome addition toe t thieso ho appeared befone Magitrats - sold at once. 3 office heating stoves, the uble lbray i th -&lesofHarper tvo veeks ugo, on a charge et ~iie pblic hbrar>'lu ie d$ra> stealing -Jevelry sud mono>' form tubSitae~Br resdéne o Jaes arns, f Cerr. runs ad Sit ase atGret Br-several chairs and sofas. Everything lrnobdFrote on the van; On fie vooi. appeaned ton sentence on Tues- gis ob od quî Enlimi uthn; niBamuol The Crovu al nvestigaed the ne- -lYtho'. intereting study cr fie big jcorda et tue boys, oui touni them la1feGrn Duke Niko- tcpomm.- All'cf them vero ý ier-lnchier te e 100iacpro»ationfnmiC iensoS . 5 -0 -o! Toronto, oach huving - ezf onpoainfothCide or Will also offer Special Bargains at the old'stand. Two big _________________ ~"D"~ MORÉ BIIORUITS. guilt>' cf potty ottenees on pneiUs tcs. T o stns Durm th'PUtwýék more occasleu& --ic tacts- prck.omuttads . -tepasteekmoe O1i* fis - ere' suffielent te warrant :tforrtbici b' onhiMn. 1 if trate lu uendIng each ta fie fato othoe on on- efOtory te,. na tenm, but ut fie- à* d o oir, oasPreent Urne thuatiInstitution la ovor- pe, bai previotisi>' nMcrowii, adp admittance veuli net 1L r y T Th rî so 'd ro feItt-c be possiblefor fiem. It vas fierefereIM UE flo c E (oni deioit alalow the boys one more*. u These addtionsm chance, ad sentence vssupndd I L IIM MN V I 4m ,t4 o ut ta !h > ar aaien cted f î)iimie 'adijwl o obt I-b l TMawarSoe WibOt e'-j as ay. in 1>'. in le ho Lad g- in dy Irs, rn ke nd -d ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO

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