Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 4

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rae Mlurdi Diver ert7 S alsoà eenviî c the - ville th ei forafiw tsttiu Crimes Againi ondej Àgains Otier Tei -The May be tierstee, fences foncesm revenue Tic deubte< able off last yea rememi Engiant oif the r 1') L eur, and as tie moitis Pa", .Ulalie Wu tw, R stil1 eylti3nce S mejto liait oftielPfUL ti ip'j m Mii vandaliam anti crime or thé Wwh1O'dblg thée Dost Tue, 1ivo lit mnie armiez, âne la led te enguire Ai Indelible blot on the w1ows, CIv!. e loeely info Germes Idea antid saln man ebaracter, The remilt la a luit.________ ligt belua sieti upon Germany. dualy the worM lIo beglnninate rut To te fiat under fie veaier ocf tai- fPn@ pca un piilosopiy anti muai benaltiei. lng asd ti ivlisation Le heurt andi ~ ~ MW T yii 4ue" of Germiany have basa rotteao!tiie Fruit' Brawl1, Toronto, boni. se cone, bave bien undermineti by pistiL tv' Profesmor Caesar, ort"s On. meracy asdtai # e, for the i lait Ult C ole, oUeipu, erpalt iolft, » a ewofit e bands teo! s century. in South 'OatarsO._ pioteti statisticien who has telved ÀAtbe . 1cwi or tiuvigit, pro. ly infe fthe cnieual 'records etfemo'C marÊae the stame..t fiat "an anigermany brihgs 10 liglufthe proerly 0aredtifor oeuhard#OMee t surtingtacstacs tsai~7 te gsoed crep oc good appi thi m expiais fie ghastly record ofo eut- ,oniftàqsyWM lnoel-a cr a tiaf bîsokeneti thearmesofetGer- eof." Is "Western Ontario thse_ apple, r lu fie preseut wan. Taking, la crP 1li*ly fi b. a total =Lais anti mie ~ ~ Prf"ý o!-10yfs deaee 0t..uor laiof thé opiaUIMth caseof ermny, he scae ofBut cna"wIllz bave very llWs -1907; anti tor uglundth fe docas compeftion roua fie western pt of e 910,.he gives the followiug table: P 1di'ne<i.yen ue futia Englanti Germain Xo;Eeenu at ititat n ,tu adfelenieus tact, a aréatez' portion of tise Western bus- anti Peulnsula, WAWS In -fie fnout btl ndng...... .. 1,262 172,153 spring, which nesuifeti luas veny poor ,ens (convictions) 97 350 scfting et fruit.This, 'wit unfavor- tiaet. Olîdren 87,041 178,1al bîe Mdbu.:dturing the summur,- lma1 rce petitions,.. 965 20,840 tý4yzruiled fthe appie mrop or thi ' eocrop eot o oroatiut loua damage te pro»-ta re»peorted._-togotwffiqui .... ............58 25,769 luspray orebantis gooti, U 0tise ... .. . 278 610 pr oreta as yetTory lttieî additiontSethe aoIe, figres areanti SootyFunau sidînt i aoe iue aeo nc petà are meking fhir ap- ~en miowlug fie numben eOfpDarance now, asti vifi favorable- via- etliu for crinal assaulf, ln. fier -çp40" s uc stioepro- telu ngandti fieewere 562, I>llP rouch n t hfne ii'b tu Grman thenuMer r«h. y ô ery tfut If ne atfumpt la lu Grmay fe nmbe neci.matie to-confrol fisee 0 enorMous number o! 10,795. oe m~C~a fogynem se-figures are asteounding,, more -be4pm. lauly l hgote cepufation cd between new snd Septeinbef Brt Genmany hum heretofore beolà as If we arie #olug to keeD thé ùjtrufls tonofla ad rdr.Thaf fhey T ~a if isPe ls Commerci a Lme on o!law nti oden.SùÛlphun'-i the"rate o!oie ffo1 of overdone finougi prejudice ls forty ga14oa1u-qfwafer.. If la netnoe&.- ced by uny aufionative work on sary to gse a poison, Tiesopnay kould 'iminal sfafisf les o!fie woniti b. plut .on 1*fitherni et a very BAue; ' Diefienany o!fie Worid -Sta- an4sf,.cove'no.fi rutboiao In te PrllmenaryLib a nti below, no. nèèessarfly paying any lu tie Pahiamutar Llb a t tention te tho, f tage. -Tue sprayng stance, shows fiat lu 199- the. should bb. - forougi, but if 1a sot ne. «ur for wbilc records are avail. cessuny 'te drénci fie trecs, -asti -crime lu Genmauy was on an 'frees nef bearigfis year iseedti ne Ingscae. he olowig tblelaspnuycd. Cars shouiti aise - be taken [ngseue. ie ollwin tale1 not te spray ou a sultry bot day as sg: "tiu would aimosf certaInly e@ult lan s agaiust thse persen .... 2g9,190 bati sun.scaIdfng on tic siidy.slte cf if fie stafe, religion anti tise fruit. Ticetone, if lua advisable ....to spray u d11 or wlstiy days, or in n.. .... ........ 110,810 the cqpl ofthfe moruing on evenlng, on l t, pnopen-y ...... .. .. 275,830 bot days. Professor Caema sas very fi offences ...... .... ..,170 empiatie In,- bis recommedafions te'P] sat thse present fiee or befone Septemben 1sf. Ho scemedto te b )tal ......... ........ 676,800 stnogly efthfe opinion fiat fie fanm. fuil siguificance oetfils table .crso! i atr ate nal e better realîzeti when if ls un- w1'e1faye talfen caneetffleir ercianis i )d -fiat if does, not inelude of. fils- yean 'wene lu a fuir posit ion f0 settîcti by milîtany law, or of. necelve gooti refurns for ficir applea, pnovidfiug fhey take cane teO preveuf w agaiust fie collection et publifie - development of scab between now i msor taxes, anti Plcking fime, anti there 1a likely t e: Stutesmuu's Yean ]Book, un un. be- a gooti temantiferton getapples E wlit a ratier lîgit supply. Tue bene.ta Iauthority, shows fi' at indief- fis o! spnaying are very noticeable fis Yences In Englanti anti Wales yeaeundstihfe ucreaseti number e! ir fofalleti73,642, antiwien it î farmçrs - wie bave taken fis W' beredti fat fie population et precaîtionfis season,Viii, Ii lube. lieveti, reup goti returus tonrfiseir la- A ahsd Wales lu-more fian hait bons, wifh fie unsprayeti orchAntis 1WP555 mlI :ePo. pomeitio D ? stt Numerous PeDie tu Mbofrtabieeii ounistancewul able to afford a trie baveý th iiItaken Idea that S joiirnej ofth' tlsnature aMt epasrThIM Ji net 86- thanks tote modémra ri waytalitisan ex«tensive trip, bot lntere8tlng imd eduatiowd. ssibe Made "wltb iwd dofota.eo paiey beU coMt. Why-not lave& nature *wlU receive ftuli ntiou rrom Inp C. P. 1IL Agent; or write Mj. U. Murphy, District Fasueger Agent, Toronto. '»urbsuIgs Us g s sud Brsdeh-w Plume 8180o TruPh Pehes are 50W Bt. their be for cnlg. Tihe thiffl Renia ;wIfa wUî pas pimore fruit t msyar tissu *ver befoe-Plânis 'with bu'i MUIUrouv, e Os.resent 1 fo tsbte demueit whichlno&posi orft Auy,94ber vristyof fruit.Pnhmaz sppcilly fsvorable sa shome OMMin oi prferving fruit--eamily prerye Sud eliuious wh.n served on the table. Grocenuar.quiue willing to boekoern Shesd and huseholder should sethï deslers lu good tisse, se ibis yesr Io s home csnnlngyearifever there wasonc. Tea wlll b. uerved on the Mams awS, Aahburn, on Frlday, Auguat 27, rOmI 8 f0 So'cloek. Admission 15e. roceed8 In aid of Red Cross Fund. SMYRTLE. & - Mise D. Brlgit o! f ttawa, la visit. àg tnlentis herc-, Mrs. E. Dake, O! Toronto, speuf fie reek-end 'siti frientis. Mr. L% Stevensen. et Oshawa, was àe gueut ef ils brother, Mr. D. A. Huh. hl, receufly. Fran anti Bert are preparing ton 0f. Va Fuir. Succegs. Mn. G. Lawrence, e! Orone, sPent tihe reýnd Viti iis parents.' Mis V. A. Ravin, o! Wiitby, Vas fie iest o! Mnu. J. Quinn lutf Veci. 1- t, I HlAD.,In Whiby, on Wednestiuy, Auauat 25ti 1915, te Mr,'anti Mna, JONBOi...4 Broolkilu, On Sunday, Augst 22ud, 1.915, Arthur Jeinston, In he 6t ean. HARRIS.....în'-Toronfto on. Monda>', AugUSt 23nd, 1915, Jean Cordon Han ris, iVidow o e le f.W. C. ]Harris, anti daughfer eofie late We. Go# dolL,, Bysja, -hy. - On Septemben lZfb,, 4fh anti iSti fie annual Fuir oftheî South Ontario AÉnlcuitfugelSeciety' wlfb. held -af Ouhiaa.Mn. Fruni Rogers bas bien eut al week Putting up fie bills, asti lu a - ew -duys thîe wîole country for miles anousti will be mnanieti with lifi- ograpîâs, bis anti date slips, se fihat evenyenle wlll nemember tise dates. Tue bils anneunce tihe specia featurcu. Tue usual cure bas becs fakeis te se. cure gooti attractions lu front efthfe Grand Stand, anka big bill of races, Last yearn f races were fie response fo fie big punsea offere anthfe borse. men arc ail alive fo'fie chances af Oshawa Fuir. Thi is uoniy eue o!fie amusemnent features. Wateh fila space sext wpek. Remember fie dates anti be rcady te come'-ant inu exhibits. If pou Vaut te exhibif, Mn. Chas. P. e r t t4g *, 1butf 155 sut isy'the batteres I 1got >1P Andi 1ook- >'andv roni ien.- about a hundreti 'It vu> a VeUdertal sigif, anti I "5 searebliait5 Vieefumnetion If, andthti gumwerý IiD- eeadybut ft seen- Ti - geare fr oemnds tlgabout long, ant hicarry out i No menties s àmade o! tic d amai don@, bonse aroevidently forbiti aub. 7% aunihnewspspm é ven are terbitido teo publiais the detaile iumu nauq., Leip su tac great wenk et banvesflug fie western crop, anti Persoital Mention. pracficuily fie entine fuek of transport- thng s wili fail te fie lot o h Mns. Fred Rogers la vîsîtîng M~endes Canatien Pacific Rallway. lu Enlhll. Excursions tnem points lu Ontario Miss ElsIe Anti ls reîîevîng ut te Manitoba, Saskatchewan anti Ai. Post Officc for a fiee. berta wiii be run, anti special trains Mns. RObt. Rowland speut a tew dy operateti, making fie trip -in about 36 he -o tiaysB e he urs anti aveiding any change et cars 'utbg brh e nçori.or transtens. me Ith -gal ory on gu, 1916 tic sane oran 1y pat thenof mu mede wlthin thnee mentise afe, lirt Publication eftfis notice, and nef be matie therea.ter,. Dafe thfe 26fi day e! Luguàt, -11 Town C ir: Notice lu hereby givn fiat a by-law was psseti by fe Counil of fe Cor. prau On fe Town o! Wbtby, <on fie 19tis day etf JuIy, .1915, No, 908, prevlding for fie issue of debenfunce 10 fe amount Of $10400 -for' reaira te igi chel lu tie ald, Town, anïl- tit suci ly-law wu' egistereti la fhe Rolstry Offce oethfe County of o- tari, on fe lia day et Aguef, 1915. 1AsY motion W quaais orot acide fie sane or any part fercof muet, b. mate wiflin tire, mentie atfer fie fArst publcationof tilanotite, ast canot bo matie tieneafttr. Datedth fe 26fi day Of Auguit 1915 JeTozwn CTB, r12' eI KhiPns el op n uf ..a r. P. Coats 200 yard spools, per dozen ....... 45c PI-40U LDU au aauorea bilîcs, i86 to 40 inclues 50e. Children's Straw Hats, trimmed and un- tnmmed ............ ....19 $20, Men's 'ailor Made Tweed and Navy a w.G.Walters M1O-SOMMER SALE. il. uem at Yonge sut Gerrard lia,, Àalde Mtbe r fthe 1915,. 'I. NOIC1 O RýieT Clen] Notice'is hereby given tiat a by-iaw was pased b>' fe Couneiofethtie Town of WihbY on fie 19ti- day of Juy, 191, No. -901,,provldinig ton fie Issue Oet de. bentures te fihe ameunt of $45,000 fer tic purposeef competing fe seWer- agc.asti disposai' planit SYStem, anti that'sueb by-law was registereti là fie Registry OflIce ofe Counfy o! Onta- Ie on tic ilti day o! Auguef, 1915. Àny motion te, quasi or set aside tic lame on any part thereef muet b. mate Viflin firce menthiatter tic flnsf publication eftfis notice, anti can- nef b. matie ticreaffer. Datedth fe 26fi day e! Augusf, 1915. MANY THOtTSAND MEN REQUIII HA1VET IN *WESTERN CANADA.1 Parti i iel n e lon wit t ânàn POrffi Wust orf Wlanipéà. A USltiM andtft-PVrom Big. Mton, Ticiborne Ut4 Shirbot A]ie Rtestrew, and t ith tseProvnces of Ontanlo and i QnébeiscltIin- a temdaestatieios sudbnsneéo AUQUST 21sf and,2Atb--Wnqm 'ÃŽlozipn toe, Sauit Ste. Marie;, Qst; aud lae la fie Province dt Ont~nlo, l~cludlng' OZU lme diaemtto~i p r ne ,j irng huIs li1B >Oit ReUsEtéTiS, ,t~ MONlDéWSU lMENloTaSto If willPsy you té-' iI st or anti luspet for yeniwt Don't b. nilel jsy..ageata W de sot empoy iu.Cneqsyv mu ant doalovtieaet' oms sion Of 10 per qeàaiý4 vlds ouvi eerùtsa vi by prunalng triai u A C.hI SeIfcitsd. Phases-Bell 112; lad. 26. -bt not t- ior sulai ur. or Renfrew. AUGUST 24ai lad'28t1-prernToronto asdistations veuf anti sentila îfl. Province 0f Ontarlo, but flot lacluti 11ng stations on ins norste tSUti Jury I ant uat Ste, Mane, ont. For fuli psrtiulansreardti-fn portâfion wes f o Winnipeg, etc., t4' neaneet C.P.U. Agent, O'r Ite IL G Munpiy, ,District passenger Agent, Pump manuatur Soessur te 0. W. Wslker Sbop Danus troot, Wbltby. Tbr lioSu va«t 0fWhitby Houo& ÏronpÉp on m-ont notice, ame ab tond 10 aQ kinds of repalnin. Agal for the Ontario vine Mnl aim gaolne -eg1;laes.2. SPECIALS yupuàt&fun or %*rmany, teeter- Tnp'i iasf," ca18 b 1o%!XWlt - - complheelou HO 9wwC& is fron 'lz -i UA~U LI~ Lr- wii u mot asesDe ceplet loe HM3IIJZKIW PEOA.10PAI and Pearla Luke Dpg. rible preponderanceofo crime ln the J Wtheir owners. àiopR" SEILTANaevBtn.Mnsl Toronto. Consuit O. P. R. Agents regardisg latter country Ifecame gnîmîy apparent. 'P'urther Information with regard te LEAVES TORONTO 10.45 p.m. Ulm eudaLu ke bas retunned 'affer sume srain ad ar o fui eEACH TUEStAY. sednt weeks in Toronto. For the accommodation ofHme Mrs. David Adams, of Port Perry, le iseekers' and geseral tourist traffe toih uet1' e iseMr.Ane. L n o e- t e ue t of h e is er rs A n s. L g n o n C o c k è e ls BWesEBERRI Sn Canada, through train c*ry. misMgl Seatls ii gber wiII leave Toronto 10.45 p. m. ech Mise Olive Madden, of Toonto la For Salen Tuesday ustil furfher notice ruuuiug vislting with Mr. and Mns. A. E. Luke. Cherries are about doné, and naspbe rries wilI befinlshed thio week, but =we tbl'ough to Winnipeg. M.J E.Hl,ý t ahrns a have norne vanieties of lovely fruits still to corne. We are offeriug t, hepub- Attention la directed to the remank. r .H al f t ahrns a liec eolce blue bernies, and these will be followed by Lawton's thimbie Ilerries. ably low round trip tares lu cenneetion ln town on Friday and S4frday last E. E. Wallace, Glen Dhu fane, Patisreurig uple soudleve henores.- with Hemeseekers Excursions f0 West- Mrn. L. S. Herron, of Toronto, spent Whitbyofr e uebe Patisreiirngsppis hol, evethi odrc rs Canada via Canadian Pacifie Rati Sunday wltb ber sister, Mns. C. A. ~ Cf~~ e u.be Evey 'rdaymonig e dstibtoto otlsasdpnvae artestrsiway. Tickets are on sale ech Tues- Goedfellow.- S. C. White Leghorn cookerels, EvryFidy onig editibtet htesan riat arie rehday sistIl Octeber 26fb, Inclusive, and Miss Jennie McClay, of the Post Of- rmaIvnrstan hi id caught Salmon trout direct by express frorn Georgian Bay. Parties rcquirIng are good to returu within two mOntbs fiee Staff, 'peut the week-end lu To. rmalygstin Thebrd a weekly supply« should leave their orders. fnexm date of sale.- Agnfo ronto. are very robust and handsonie, and We avechoes ine ofbee, prjk vél ad srinAbpy toany C. P. R.Ae tfofull Miss Colla Jenningi, of the Post Of- justesto k tom'ro 'ote"ood We hve coicehueso! bef, orkvealand prig lamb, and sausage particulars or write M. G. Murphy, Dis. fie utaif, ls enjoying a two wecks ' e tokae- of the ve ry finest quality, fresh evcry day. tnice Passenger Agent, Toronto. cation. Iaying qualities in your floc]. __ Mn. E. E. Abbott, of the Dominion - -BASE LINE WEST. Bank, - Toronto, spent SundiLy with $1,00O Ealh W u B . PR N G E 0 8 ie Violet Niebols, ot Port Hope, fnlends lu town. WH ITBYeNT2*R ~ Spee G Lt 8itOUro g at Mrand MrsPethck's. MISS Pearl Stonk, of Pickering, I ___________iepaents.Aima Rwad Mr ýndMr.Albet Arnold, ot To. Mn. Athun Blanchard, ad family Sc an onol rotaespending a week at Mn. H. have moved te their 'hew bouse on ra eI Reynolds'. Bnock Street South. Rural Mail. will be lu operation on Mrs. James Richards, of Bowman. Septemlen 1sf. ville, la spending a few days with ber Agi kinde of Coal1 The Asyluun carpentens and musons niece, Mns. Martin Lee. T I Rpatronize fie C. P. R. when golng f0 Mn. and Mrs. Water Appleton and ~Cupntn......$ 5 UtS EM C.O A-5L! M P RT, Oyneral .,~'iwVIPtUG5l ocio sfe ...wu* o tpcîldi'en, 0f Toronto, vJlted witi rela- At Harbor Coal Shefa, 50 oatiper C .IOE',GnriManaver. fie late train. tvsl onti ek ,1 Trust Funds Should Be Deposited' c n fth rqetran.P - Mise Clara Colwill ts spendjng a In à sàVilnps Ar o0u1t In The Donmlnfon 1ank. Sucb aimdea uudly pM@et.o& ers are boping ton good weather te fin-couple of weeks ln Toronto vlslfing nfLme gunanteeS theM#sîuaty and ,arnjlnte' i reu hil-est cirrent rates. Whon Fayrnents are made, particulars of esch.trncn , bla, eatvs ndtle th@chIý lssuedtk whtch ln lurnubom a recc.pt or vob. L WieMisatoanbrher weenne Mrs. Thomas VanCamp, of Darling- R BQ , bth u.returuîug fnom town Tuesday moruing, ton, fs spending a few days wifbhon es going down a bill opposite lot 31, B.F., daugiter, Mrs. Fred Gale.BelTL9 WNITBY BRANCH': A. ýA. ATKINSON, Manager th fe'herse stumbled andi fell, breakIng Mn. John* T. 1oiby le lu Ottawa Be KL9 ome TiL 1d. OSHAA A. H. BLACK, Ç- ashaft o!fie buggy and fhnowing fie tis eek attendîug fie High Court etOf ______________ ___________________________________________________Youug people out. Miss Gaston Te. fie Ancin re fFrsea ______L pent Dr.E rdr f barste : AI EHBIIN celved severe bruies6.p Tuesday wlth Miss Ida Story. Joyiug a tbree weer' vacation lu AI- _____ goquIn Prbsreturnedt te owll ~~~% %4%4%444444#fCONTRIBUTED TO BASÉ HOSPTL aid, o! Toronto, speut fie week-end . au'TIO -r1KETSý1 S o m e tîm e a g e M r s . I . FL c e n e r W it i th e f o r m e r 's m le r r . T J . a r e u d f ft s o . T r n o f o i al wl!. o!fie President o! Toronto fier.Msati s inedCadai,. to enianterinile P R IN L '8H A D AR wrat::e: M cn'ibf irs. St. HuiofOttawa, hbas rived sud lwrats excureifensfrom al principal 0'-PRIN LEWere Possibýle s o rmazlckelt Ho Ienfture anwi her ber home for points on certain dates. Ask agent for wer pssbl toth « ne st si Port Wlitby Walon u P re Asoidet. isCof hc r Mst,Jack Kennedy, e! Acfrn, Ont., HARV EST NELP EXCURSIONS W K~~ ' Splendian aa tion ivaultethaf a days SOdlgiliumet F ar er spenid ontio ws mdeby fie Mns. J. h is Ulele and aunf, M. and 812.00 TO WINNIPERG tt io n~ladies oe t Arses u,two ip. Wtros.Augut 26th, frein stations Toronto to ment Includlng the following articles. Mn. Harry Morganu and wite, sud Zijorti . y inclusve, sana ait, but flot of Chtham, ineludin Kingston, ientrew, or East A tte n tio n 1Mrs. Tiompsou (Miss Bain estate), 1,2Mns. W. Pansons, of RIdgetown, SPeuf theruof. Auguat 29th, *oém stations ln _________sheetu, 4 face clothg, 1 bolster Rover; Tuesday wifi Mn. and Mms. red Gale. Ontario, MNtis snd West et Voronte, but MISS B. Anderson, 2 sheets ; Mrs. . Mn. Gordes Hodgson, formfrl net in lding lino fro ,Torouto teNorth M eC lelan, 2 sheet i an di tw o p ilow tf e D om inion B ank here, b t now or cu a sa t i da e s Wc aveseure t. aeny fr he elbraedcases; Mns. A. Jeffrey, 2 sheets andt wo'O GwensKenf wholesale, Toronto, sPent eto.,psr tcusnra m à T icka.w6 W.et g, We av seurd te gecy ortheceebrte- piliow cases; Mrs. Jh h snandi a few days u tfen î0Oing up olti 4"vh557 Gdrit 41xusg.sýjMt "C ay ar at sMiss Thompuon, 12 piilOW Cases and ie sheets; Mise Jeffney, 6 pillow eases Mns. J. Hl.-RaU, Who bas been is*'______________ Fara atesand 2 sheets; MISS Cormnack,2 pai ng ber mofier, Mns. Monnlssey, for the bospîfal uhîppers; Mr.D. J. MelInt>vre, 10t menti, returuedti ber home la $1; nd tiE"follewil atieus et pli' St. Cataines as Safunday lait. ARTH UiVRI 10'w Cases : Miss Mitchell 2, Mrs. Hufteî. Mn. G. Harrison Hall, tenoný soloit made by Canadian Gate Co., of Guelph. laes 4, Mrs. Robb 6, Mrs. Anderson £, o! Central Chunci, Plftbung, Pa., wO.8 TEA6I wRonYt I We have them in stock in two different styles, andi Smith 4, Mrs. Every 4,Mm. Theo me. the week-en&d.Mn. Hall was fie sololst Mome f h., e Mesduei 7ao - Iin 10 ft., Yi ft., 13 Lt. and 14 Lt. ikths, at prices (Dr.) McGihlivry 4, l.Tweedie 2,&Bd________te tbit wil Interest you. - ,Mrs.John Tiompson 67 Mis R. Pningh 8, MissDonïaldson '4, Mns. 060. Roem 2, -1,0 fIRST-GUASS ISIGT SE Mise Pauline Waugh 2. pM o %c defo Cal and Iook theni overa The receipt efthfese. las been a> ou Yonge Street, Toronto, Iknowîedgd, and lins, P'alooer lu very T Pr toperti ae d ue. S gnatfculton fie asslmfaneexteudeti by The10t, omnggsar u a Wbitby ladies, . 1f 1916, and wIlli brag 5 profit ki about $3400 ou an mav tettn Te Conmmtfee asftlng m Cor. &ofs Amount abou7f$U,OOO. A> W .e -m ePRING LE,-Hardwgare, ffhltltj mak w ftthisdoaton W S pseIFl of4s e.m o , r .J h *b m n c' c. s $1.0 Ladies' Long Silk Gloves in Tan, Pink, Pale Blue, Grey and Sand Shades.....9e $ per Me'giamn S......Woo.U.....a $2.d per ga.50men t.............le:j....79. 50.amnd $25Ã" enSra r ts,........e...... 79c. 50c. Woen'shOe Rajailkrons...........3c.1 $1. Lie She RaaSk,inde widBle---- 98c. $75Laiens' WnthitSand nd e 16 1612 Blue Hat. .9. I I $1.50 Ladies' Blouses -anfd Misses Middie, red ___and blue trimmed, also plain-white..89.0 $25.00 Men's Tailor Made Tweed anid Navy Blue Suits................0 @*blg$1990 $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Faney Colored« White' Pique and full dress White S11k Vests, .89e. 50, Men's White and Blaek Sik Socks ....215c.11 2e Ladies Vests, short and no sleeves..... 8kt. he Last Opportunlty to Buy Dry oode Low Prices, as ail klnds 'of Dry 600de- are -Advgincing. Un Pa'ce EvermyDay j.p Actount oet the eWar.e - Uiliverwar. Catbîsats,(Irs wGlocks, TM Suts, Marble --L -Chuo, sud Dhautifal Sil . Pilçffl, Medais sud'Pf Weinvite your inzpection.ý 1$ la no trouble for um te Ise .Rasseu' IDLO SVRWAR W. C. lTi U SLAUGHITERED BY DU -Her. Io tie -way fie ,ilugtralia Reformer fells oe!t ocf drink on- the Expedituear which.-fbat state sent te aig GY ais lu fie war: ' "A: liffle fUme ugo 20,000 wene medlcally certifieti ai lu 'slnd and 11mb, Tien alcoh 10eput lu Its jfiuo wonk, and -:short time '200 et them, el ;,beilàviour. or siekuess, sens d - hein places were sobn filleb en fie citizeus non fie soid learnt thein lesson, andi se wh tabmr wa.stili reganded' ai fie - godeflewslilp, anti fihe test( * taiity. Tien came along Pn ~that tineati daughten of alcoi - _ie cam ;mouia utà.lbany, pneuela e =d 4pueumoula beneath fib the- pyramîise. orne tandily -' .4, but othenswene laid ben 'turf on fie wave bèfone.evei:t "tie flash -ef Tunkisi sword or b kburut oe. German- bomb. uMloeioliam. und- pneurna q= searcely be, separateti, -- feremost physicians e! Ea are saying tfit ýey look previeus alcohohiie-onditîon ô lent as fhe arbiter o!'Ifl8 1 Stfacked by pu eumeula.' ibloW In our 'sur was tirawn,n -ayonet o!fieh enemy, -but by ..of -ounselves. The foolisiho tfhfe people aud fie drinking sthe State Jelned bands Inu de cm defentiens, andi thus s LOCAL HAPPENING -'- Mn. Harvey Palmer bas sut 4irvice'o! the -Standard Bak .no,*on duty lu fie ýocal bre Rtev. C. R. Depeuicier, recto] L'--eorge's, Oshawa, couductedti vices 4u Ail Sainti' on 9unday, Ing a powèr!ul sermon-on tic tie eveulng. Mn. E. Hazell solo, ."Heur Ye - O Isnuel."., Ga te Harry-Tiompson for Xe - underwear,.$1 a suit Division Court will be he Weduesda YSeptember let, i 'Court House)af 10 a. nm. The Ji usf necesa *111 Probably occi 'busy time- at fie sittings of th, lu varfous miunicipuhîties- dunil Mr. A. B, McDermâétf, telier Standard Bank, leaves attse fis week for Victoria' Harbor hie will relieve! fie manager- eCouDle o! weeks. Go f0- Hanny Thompson for u -minute f4es. I 0- MsÉ Arnoft, w~ho habeen. 1l Mr. Jus. Smith's house on DuffE Pont -Wifby, bas purchased tb bouse bullt by Mn. Travers 4neafer Canada Block, un Br ýSe. fise window bargains - --- '-.'- 'cocsanti pumps.ut Peelr», Shi 1_ý£. Jack Fraser, w ho came - a tcw wceks ugo fté,assi.tin --- barber shop, Is mo-ring its fa 'Rev. Father H. ILCai'r, -rec peluiteti Pnesld-tiutSt ih lege,' Toronto, ia a brother 'Cas>'ey ft lisewn. Fafleri -an Osbawa-boy, aii is proese tic sarnè position, Rev. Bobt à -was a Wiitby boy. M.losCormack ha eceivi 'froni two WhltbY beys, Adami E CiurUle Mo-wat, wio are now la ngùland. Adam, Keule %and lul fi. eAnmy - - e, -expectedti f0 be e tany 5"A welcome additlonte fiehe ,.th-~-~e publlc libran>l'h fe '=.'àbldart i ion te ek'r i é "72=9 we Go )y 1 l' a 1 -- 1- 1 - ýl 1 1 9 .1 -1 . i 1. il 1 A# 4 1 Il L- 1 $2.50 Men's Silk and Silk and Wool Und-twear SAT.URDAY .Walters

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