Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 3

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Challenge toi 'Neutr415-Grave N-air-Lustania- A, despatch friom London says: The do the woirlkt Fortunately,4cr tho«e ~White $tar liner Arabie, one day'ont on bQard,- the weather-was fair and from Liverpool, was sunk 30 miles off the sea calm. But ýthe, item which Queenstown ya êm smîi. ecountR -for most ini saving ïo many by aGermn sumaieof -the passengeri was the splendid the torpedo, sendingher to the bot-ý teamn work and efficiency of the cretv, tom' within ten minutes aftert the ex- who managed to load 16 lifeboats, and Plosiveâmissive pierced her side. lower them safely before the steamer - nFir hundred and twventy-three Thned ovr. 1oula 1wèrÉe on boajrd-SO païsseges heArbic's -grave is about forty md,243-crew. . miles south of the spot where the. Aferfioating .around in lifeboats Lusitania lies. Sh. went down ,.65 for some-hours the victinis,'wrê,pick- miles, south-east of Fastnet Rockeand ed UPby the stewamer Prhhrose and 55 miles south of Old Head of Kin- .',tê.ken to Queenstorn in the. morjiing sale, bot h on the south coat of Ire- ýrl1i ' tiret big ictim-of the German 'land, in a region where German sub- sêubmainie since the Lusitania 'am~arines have been active since the-. senit'to tihe,*bottom m-hd no warning, opening of the war-zone-decreed. andthe fact-thgt there was not great- " 'SaÎ Vessel Torpedoed. er 1o0s of ;lite is due to the. vonderful Some survivors, according to re- t' trainlnW' and discipline of the. crew ports received here, say that they hacf ýunder -Captain Finch. 'White Star just witnessed the torpedoing of a officiais say there were 26 Americans British %teamer, p resumably the Dun- aboard, 10 -passengers -and ,16,« the. sley, and that this had eaused great crew. So far as can be Iearned the alarm 'on board the Arabie. In'their -Arabie êarrled- no securities. fright thepassengers had rushed for Two Brïltîsh ships reached Queens- life preser,\er a d barely adjust- 1own wlth: about 87b survivors. 0f ed them, wli-n the. German submarine bhese 74.ivre,>ssengers and 217 turned its orpedo against the ves- re.Tii. rçscued included 140 Bni- sel's side. ilèsi, 26 résidents of the United Ten lifeboats and a number of ite S tates, -three French. one Beigian, rafts were quickly got - over tiie aide ihree Russians, one Spaniard and one of the steamer, and into these a large * ew Zealander. number of passengers,'and members Passengers'arriving in Queenstown of the crew serambled. Many of the iwerc in practically an exhausted con- passengers, iiowever, fell into the. wa- dition, duc te fright and exposure. ter, but they got hold of the.nafta Non. were able to save any belong- and clung to them and laten were' ings, being ondered to take to the rescued. On. woman who felI into the boats some time befone the torpedo sea, scream.d pltifully forhelp. The actually hit the. steamer. weather and tidal conditiox s being The Arabie was struck on the star- favorable, two saiior-s wa2 to her board aide about 100 feet £rom -the assistance and succeeded in lifting stern, on. torpedo being sufficient to hen upon a raft. Narket Of TelU Wor dIdote12%/c.C Bute,,cocs rae Maret ut me271/h te 2V ; , seconds, 26Y2' 26%c. Eggs, fresi, 27 te 28c; selec ýd, 26e; Ne. 1 stock, 23c; Ne. 2 stoel Breadatuifs. o0c. Dressed hogas, abattoir kili.* $ -13 .50 te $14. Pork, heavy Canai Toronto, Aug. 24.-No. 1 Northern, short mess, bbla., 35 te 45 pieces, $21 $1. "37%/2 No. 2 Nortiiern,$18; Canada short eut baek, bb la., 45t No. 3 Northern, $1 .25%, on trnck lake 55 pieces, $28.50. Lard, componni ports; 2e more for immedi ate- de-1 tierces, 375 iba., .10c; wood pails,2 livery. -- 1lis., net, 101/c; pure, tierces, 375 lbs Manitoba oas-No. 2 CXW., 61c;, 12; pure, wood.,pails, 20 lis. net,1 No, 3 C.W., 59c; extra No. 1t eed, 58c, te 13 %C. on trnck lake ponts.I Amonican cern-No. 2 yellow, 86e, U. S. Markets. on track lake ports. Minneapolis, Aug. 24.-Wheat- Canadian cern-rNo. 2 ýyellow, nom- September, $1.04%/; Decembei mnal, on track Toronto.! $1.03%. Cnsh--No. 1 hard, $1.51%> Ontario eta-No. 2 whiite, 57 te No. 1 Northern, $1.43% te $1.511/9 58c; No. 3 whiite, 56 te 57c, nccordîng Ne. 2 Nentiiérn, $1 .89% te $1 .483/ te treights outside.CrnN.3ylo,9%t80.O Ontario wheat-No. 2 Winter,,,pe'C nNo. 3 hil nw, 742 te 43e. Foat car lot, nominal, $1.15; new, $10' aN brn8uhined.4 e43.Fo te $1 .05, according te treigits et- luti anucag 24.-Wea_ - aide.Duuh u 2.Wia-e Peas-Ne. 2, nominal. i iard, 41.53%; Ne. i Nontiier, Barley-Goed mlting barley, nom- $1Y.à%te $1.50%; No. -2 Nertierr mnai; !eed barioy, qOc, acconding te $1. 46%- Montana No. 2 hard, $1.06% freigits outaide. 1- September, $1 .06%; Deceniber Buckwhat-Nominal, car lots. $1. 05%. Linseed, cash, $1. 63%i Ry.-~o.?i, -nminal. - - - eptmnber. Llltic be.$f-2- -Manitoba flour-First,. patents, in ieSokMre juebaga, $7; second patents, in jute Lr te akt baga, $6 .é0; strong bakers', in jute Toronto, Aug. 24.--Best heai bats: $6. 807-Toronto; in cotton baga, steers, $8.60 te $8.85; butchers' cat 10e more. tle, choice, $8 te $8.35; do., goeý -Ontario fiour-Winter, 90 per cent. $7 .40 te $7 .60; de., medium, $6.6 patents, ý4.60; do., new, $4. 10; sea- te $7 .20; deo common, $5.25 te $5.80 board, or Toronto treigits in baga. butchers' bulla, choice, $6.75 te $7.50 Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Ment-(do.,geod bulae, $6 te $6.50; do., nous] real -treigits. Bran, $27 per ton;1 bulla, $5 .215 te $5.75; butchers' cow- shorts, $29 per ton; middlings, $30 choice, $6. 50 te $7.*25 - do. good per ton; good feed fleur, $1.90 per $6835 te $6.50; do., meàium, $5.25 t, bag. $6; do., cemmon, $4.50 te $5; teed - ers, goed, $6.50 te $7.50; stockers Country* Produce. 700 te 900 iba., $6.25 te $7.25; can Butter-Fresii dairy, 25 te 26e; in- ers, choice, eaeh, $65 te $100;-'d ferir, 2 te22c-creaeryprnta, cemmon and medium, each, $35b 28 te 291/,-; do., solida, 26 te 27e. $50; Springers, $50 te $95; ligi Eggs-No. 1, 22 te 23e per doz., in ewes, $6 te $7; de., bueks, $3.50 b case lots; extras at 24 te 25c. 1 $4.50;,-yearling Iambe, $7 te $8 Heney-No. 1 ligit <wiielesale)y, 10, Spning lamis, ewt., $9 te $9.40 calveE te 1'/s2c; de., retail,- 12 % te 15c. ý $8. 50 te $10. 70; hogs, off cars, $9. 1 Combe (wholesale), per dozen, No. 1,' te $9.40; do., ted and watered, $9 t $1.50 te- $2; No. 2, $1 te $2. - 1$9.10; do., !.o.b., $8.66 te $8.70. Poultry-Cickens, yearlings, dreas-1 Montreal, Aug. 24.-Tii, demar ed, 16 te. 18c; Spning chiekens, 20 te !rem local buyers for the. best steeri 21c; towl, 14 te 15e; ducklings, 17 on the market was goed and saleso te 18e. sueh wene made at $7.75, and the low Cheese-Large, 15 te 15%/c; 151/ rgae agdfo htdw te 5 le or win. ld heee,211/2c. $5 .50, while butehers' cews breugl from $4.50 te $7,rand'ý-bulle freim $4.5 Provisions, te $7.50 per cwt., Th«ê demand froin Baco-Lon c1ar, 4 te14. packers for eanning stock waa geci per lb., in case lots. Hams-Mediumlad saleofbulls weremd t$ 18 e 11/m; d., eav, 1% t î 1 te $4.50, and cows at $3.50 te $4 pe rels, 5 t 16; reafas baon,20 cwt. A n active trade w4a don, ii tels 1 23e; 16c;ka eaplain s2te 8baon,-20lamba at $7.50 te $8.25-l*r ewt., an, leas3c inek, p n, te 26e. oe-a !ew round lots ef very cemmci Làrd-ck, tie ia26ci. qie;pustock were seld as low as $6.65, wii lard-Th tubst 11 tquet; .,pils, sheep biýought from $4 te $5 .50. Th 12d tb 1/ te 12mou d o.b, p10 te demand fer calves was goed at freî 12012%c;compouaius, 10 te $5 te $20 eaeh as te size and qualitý 101ccdoi ______0% tIlec. Hga, $9.40 te $9.50; rougiier lots Bald ay ndStrw .-1 $9 te $9 .30 per cwt., weighed off carî Bâied hay-New, No. 1, per ton, qt- $17 te $19; Ne. 2, ton, $15 te $16; GEBMAN SHIPMENTS baled straw,. tan, $7.AiE LLWDT PS Business la Montreal. Montreal, -Aug. 24.-Cerni-Ameni- A despatch trem Lendon says: A ean No. 2 yellow, 90 te 91.. Ots- the. request e! A. G. Haye, atterne2 Canadian western, No. 3, 61% te 62e. ton -tii American - censignees, Grea Ots-Extra No. 1 feed, 61%2 te 62e; Bitain iaissuedz permits ton ti No. 2, local white, 61e; No. 3 local hpeto sm osgmnse white, 60c; Né. 4, local white, 59ec. pmn ! eecosgaet Flour-Man. Sprîing wheat patens German goods wih wene ordeneý frt,$7. 10; -seconds, -$6.60;. strong befone Manch 1, but wene net paii bakera', $6.40; Winter patents, fr choie., $6.25; straight roilers, $5.60 The conignaients, seme of' whicl to $5 .80; . straîght reliera, baga, already are in Rotterdam awaiting $2.65 te $2.75. Rolled oats, barrels, siipment, whiie others have net ye $6.25; do., biaga, 90 lis., $2.90 te left Germany, are valued at severa $3. ran, $26 te $26.50. _ Shorts, $28. illons of marks. Middlings, $33 te $34. Mouillie, -$35 - -- 4 te $40. -Hay, -No. 2 per ton, car lots, $16 te $17. Cheese, finest western, Tii. Atiienian Areopagus, or cour 12% te 12Y4c; finest enstens, 117/so! lnw, used te sit in darkness. LONONERS -RUSH _TO ENXIST FLLOWfiNGZEPELIN ý »RAID - è Woo 5 at-One Pôoint --and &ûitar'-Rçort Wvire Rcçcv<cI Fromi Other Parts -of City, V ~A dapth rm edo ay:trary- effeet, and -simply stirred up ti ýtVun Lendon knew gbout the recýnt public as ne ether e«ent of the -wa 7à»C1fn raid, whii kîlled ten ~ieér- asdn. e& ln as takea -à n om; , *bousands walked or rode in sharp spurt ail ever London. At ti t.xIk li&l mrsto 4he scene. The. -Borne -Quand.',parade neanly MO0 m m au - oY Rsppaaieo'fliIsted .-4sd were 'denpatched te tii A, o &ufih.tda7. If ii, varfou»-:',depots ýbèfore tii. folleui Itnéd te frigliten midday. Slmllav reponirwneà eAhd--a: cne.u- *or&-o*berumwts ýAf£tha.iiit One~~~é Epartio hé: De1iyd Launehing. the, British [_ _ _ _ _ _ A '-de*l",Itci fn; New ,âffl much.-la England as,-througheut the rest ô! -ýtii.. wotld. bas -au sed eo*c4 -erablebe*ldsrment.- - Thiir n explànatidn is 'that Lord-Kt ch-iier n-iias-be.n- waiting te ýlauncbht "uhs gÏeat surprise," and'thlssurp s e- lies in'the compietion c new guns-, and a new type of sheill wieih it- in b.lieved wil reveiutlonize artillery operations and make the. path o! the. allies te Berlin mùore possible than.i hithert the beginni*ng -et the wan, wiien it became pqtent- that hig explosives wene té be tii. dominiating! factor in the. struggle for viecry, the, combined efforts. o! British, ch.mists and ordnance experts invented a shell unquestiona bly more powerful tifan angr pr.vicusly used. - In -destructive power- it -was wltheut deubt. superior te any pnevlously lcnown. . A varia- tion in -explosive composition render- ed it likely'to supersede al types in use.- The Governmentf crd.red expeni- monts te be made wlth biÉg guns then beiag manufactured, at Wolwioh An- As far baek as last Novemben Gev- ennment experts wene at wonk on this pn'bei. iey experimented with varieus allcys etf- steel, -tqring te id one - tint would stand the strain -of such a sheli. Finaily tiiey'suceeeded. Tiiey pnoduced a 17-inch gun tint would suit this purpose. VaniQus ex- periments have *been made and are believedto have -been entireiy succes- fuI. It is stnted -tint the. shell wili be carried 25 miles and will work havec on a scale entirely unpr.ce- dented. my Tus is answerea tac question wny te ne advance was miade wiien Warsaw et- was about te Yaîl and tii. main bulk k, et the Gernian trceps were ooncen- d-c, trated on that front. It aise explains ,a wiiy after the great mevement o! 9p Kitchener's arniy te France early in te July tiie treepa were net used. Noth- 20, îng wns te be don. until tiiese guna, ehcthe grent armament factenies o3 Bitain have been working on for six mentiis iad been delivened in suffi- U1~b~ UUIY XTO UVEREAS HUO- PITLSINS ftTSH ISLES, FRANCE AND, "BELGJM This undertalcing is -of such magni- tude, - representing fifty car loads of FRESH FRUITS ànd'the empioymnent of~ overTwoHundêd eàard women dur- izthe PEACH SEASON, PACKING DAILY 5,000 -,-LARGE HOSPITAL CA]ýS. These peaches are peeied, pitted and althen packed 1 àreHOSPITAL, SANITAE.Y CANS, in- HEAVY.SYRJP, the ratd(,six canz in each2 craté), to be forwarded-to destination through the CANADIAN RED 'CROSS "SOCIETY. The ýtotal cat is -FIFTY CENTS -,,per- CAN (ÈOc). this charge incluüdes ail ex-- Penm..'These fruits are packed .EX- -CLUSIVELY frr the CANADIANRE CROSS SOCIET y AND- CANNOT SE PURCHASED b~ the GENERAL-PUB.- LIC, as tlïey are preparýed and delivered tothe CAN J U RD: CROSSSO- -- CIETY AT ACTUAL COST; By remitting 50,4 Cents through the CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY, or direét 'te the JORDAX 'HARBOR PEACH RANCH,, JOIIDAý STATION P.. narlé, it ineures one of- thés WIC y951M.Large Cans of BEA&UTIFUL SUPERBA BRAND PEACHES going forward- te our sick and wounded soldiers. Don't delay in accepting this OPPOR- TUNITY. THESE FRUITS are UR- ~< GENTLY NEEDED and will be muchi ~ppreciated by, our Gtillant Defendens.. Al SUBSCRIPTIONS wiil be duly ac- knowiledged, and shouid be completed by -~4 September Tht. Remit now. ir~ aiContributions are being received froni- - - parts o Canada. THINK 0F OUR IN OVERSEAS' IlOSPITALIt's ýUP TO YOU TO "DO YOUR 'BIT" AT ONCE. WHAT IS*YOUR-ANSWER? [E FRONT CTS THE BATTLE LINE iPald to Conditions ln the nd the Woevre Lyenn et wnr the. enemy po longer lias illusions o! winning. H. predicta ln- ternai dissentions among his enemies whf ch he' hope. will occun., Aiready he is'-endeavoning te incite, neutrals and places before belligerents veiled innuendees o! pe ' ce.- "Let nie assure you France. is united. People, Panliamont and -Gov- ernnxent neyer have been more firmly determined, in close accord with our heroic - and faithtul allies, neyver te lay down our arms until the day ar- rives when w. shall have nttained, oun geai, and if the noad te Tipperany la long, the pnice is sufficiently iiigii te justify us paying for ail the deinys, difficulties and- sadnesses along the rond, because the. prie is- the libela- tion o! the werld." Lord Kitchener, speaking in french, thanked M. Millerand for h is kind- ness in.jextending an invitation ta visit tii.:French front, and said that after- seeing the. Èplendid treops of Gen. Joffr-e h. could ainderstand the French victories. He closed by de- claring thnt Great Britain _ was re- solved te make the. greatest possible effort te aid France and te carry the war te a finish.- immovable. He drew nearen te- the ladd.r, pnssinýg almost under me, and leoked in at the doorways et -the un- finisiied building. Then he doubtfully tunned -and loeked back at a shed be- Ifihd him, and finally ran on round -d the next corner o! the power hous. Tii. moment he disappeaned, I had finisiied the rest of- my nun -up the, ladden, and neached the. platform 'ef th' séaffolding. My first act was te look for a lin. o! escape in case of pursuit, and presently I -feund -a short ,ladder iondingttei stage below, al- though it did,,net go te thei. gneund. Then I proceeded te take notes. Fnom my position I mad an excellent view e! the ctockyand and the excavations for the. new dock, the difileiisions e! whicii I could easily estimate. I whipped eut my pnismfatic compass, and quiekly toek the. beanings oet twe censpicueus peints on-the neighboring hills, and fix.d the position se that ' *it could bc marked on n hurge-scale mlap for purpeses of shelling,'the pince. Mennwhile my pursâirs, satisfied -tint I was net in the interior ef- the. power hou9-g,-pxiéeeded te examine a shed close by.' One man went inte it, wiiile the, other, by accident or design,, stoed at the foot eoftthe ladder by whicii I had cerne;. se I;-climbed down the shenter ladder:'-to the lower ètory,* and-froni there' 1 quickly -swarned d Iown 1a, scaffolding pole ýand landed safely on the ground. Here I was eut oft.sight; ef tii. man guanding-;tiilad- der, and taking cane te keep tii. cor- ner cf. the building between up, I made mfy way eut o! the, gate, without belng seen. Sunfiowers are -sometimes used la the. manufacture c! cigars. To put an egg into a bottIn without breaking, the. shell, soak the. gg, wiih must bé frçsh, f& s"çvral dsys in sàtrong vinegar..f,*the. tsbideof the viniegar will eat th ii lni' t the sheli 50 tint wile tii. gg>looka thesa - itlsrimuày Vry'sôf., The second Çanadian contingentGEKPIE' OIY '~~~ numbening 45,000 pick.d treepa, an GEElUI R' OLC. -lIIlN ýs sen revou sevie, renow in /4Fq-anc.-. Witi their despatch Kit- WIIAT IS GOING ON OVER liqN fA dentc ii om. syAd AND INSPE Ys - ciener's movement wns rendy te be- AdsaeafomRm as d ýt gin. Thei.reult may seen b, appar- TIIE STATES. vices ef n confidential nature received urent. ___-____ hene trom Atiens outline wiiat is de- . * ' N s - -qd ~chared te be tii. policy deeided upen Particular jtte1tCfln Wfl 1) NEN R ESSs llpele nBg eule fermer Premier Venizelos, wiiCh m ageet M, W YOR 0..t apennPRaESSR ubl lias been asked by Kin.g Constantine ~nmpgea Cosîdens.ed for Busy te torm a Cabinet, and ia announced-- lhenders. - hua neadineas te do se. Tii. outline ia ON T E ATO bstantially ns follows: A despntci from Paris zays: "Oahly One Rond Remaina Open" - Real estate men say Cleveland will empires. Wat he. wlshes te achieve,a ly De car.. t1w New York become a great centre ton war su1p- the adviees state, is the union of aIl Kitchener, Great Bitaia's Secretary t-- plies.1 Greek ternitonies, wiichr, in ha view, of Wan, and Alexandee Millerand, the. dTribune. A gent fougit Patrelman Petus for is enly obtainable now by figiiting French Wnr Minister. Tiiey were 0; epthfoaNwYr a possession et an infant abandoaed in Tu-rkey.acepndprttti.tm byGn A50 espatcharem Newartr ofytheItAcomphisimen 0; Under the. captien "Deliberately Un; Breoklyn. Acopih et o Greek aspira- Joffre and Sir John French, Cern- ýh fniendly," the. New York Tribune Carl M.,FuIh, of Phillipsburg, N.J.,, tiens by ce-eperatien with the Entente manders-in-Chiet et the Frenchi and 7, says editorially: says he was nrrested in Nova- Scotia allies would, in the. view et Venizélos British armies. Tii. military leaders ýd "In every détail the German attaek as a German spy. as eutlined trom Atiiens, have been paid particular -attention te conditions t pnthe, Arabie fulfilîs Présidentf Daid R. Greens, of Chicago, left ensier befone Itahy entered the war, in tiie Champagne and the Woevre. d- Wilson's définition of an net' 'deliben- $5,000 by hais will fer tii, cane et because of the occupation by Itnly et An officiaI note, wiiicii gives détails .8 ately unfniendly' te the United his dog "Nellie." Aegean ishanda claimed by Grecce, et the.ttip, says Lord Kitchener and k- States. A Cleveland citizen aka the eity and new furtiier cornplicated by Greek M. Millurnnd were greatly impres -sed OP "Since this is the case, oaly one te eut the weeds and nelieve suifer- expansion in Epinius, in Seutiiern 'AI- by the splendid appearance et the to rend remans epen te Mr. Wilson; ers tram iay tever. ain, thus nrousing Italian jenlousy. troeps and their high morale. 8ev- rit tiere is oaiy one course that he en Editi Dunlop, aged 6, an Edmon- M. Venizélos, it is declnred, may eral centerences -were held, but the te folhow with dignity and with iioaer. ton girl, died at Entiat, Wasi., tram, censent te territorial concessions in nature efthtem is net disciesed. 8; Witiiout delay, furtier pretest, any a rattlesnnke bite. 1tiie Balkans on tiie condition .tint Speaking at tiie close ef a dinner '89 diplematie excinnge wiatsoever, tic A lon. bandit held up the casiier Greece maintain a predeminant posi- M. Millerand declareh. feIt iiighly 15 German Ambassador la Washington o! Cedan Rapids National Bank 'and tien in tiie peninsuha, but her partici- iieaored by Lord Kitciiener's visit te te sheuld - receive use passperts, the got nway witii $22,000.- pation witii the Entente allies now Fnince, ail'd was glad te heana rom ad Amenican Ambassador la Berlin C. A. Juhlia, a university graduate, implies a greater demand, ia the ne- -the. British Field Marslial's own lips rs siieuld be recalled. at 83, is a' newspaper seller in the preseated view et Venizelos, since' eo the complete acco~rd uniting the. of "It is time te have done witi a nan- street et Lampasas, Tex. Austro-German suecessea augment two nations. Addnessing tie British w- tien wiich bas nepudiated every scrap Someone plnced dynamite ifi tiiethe, value eofiier iatervention. War Minister directlW, h. said: te et international law. It is time te boiler aad blew up a steam relIer on The former Premier's objeet, the, "Yours is nýt the onh'y veice whicii it have done witii n State wiiieii has a Reading, Mass., street. - Athens advices declare, is -te ebtain praises oui' ýoldiers, for the enemy 5]y ndopted a policy wiiiehi l alike a chaI- Miss Eunice Hoag, et Longnieadow, fer Greece what Çaveur acived for aIse givea txeni their due. After a 'M lenge te humanity and a négation et Mass., was killed by an auto on her Itahy and he teeh tt ae must have'- >d aIl t'hat civilization menas.,_Ifthte way te her weddiag. her national aspirations ef bcoming $4weuld-be murdenen misses, if ha bul- Redbank, N.J, wiîl net nîhow autos a great power in Soutii-pastern Eu- SPYING AN ENEMY'S COUNTRY. en .n le gees nstray, dees society lesa cen- te toot witiiin 500 feet et ehurches' rope sntisfied, or riak nothing. Ti.era ytntieM tHiih id tninly inearcerate hum ? I is net tic during sernvice. Th Gr_______- heMot igl n fault of the. German commander tint Three cases ef peisoned feet from; OVER 1.300 CANAINIANS Orsranized. le eveny American on the Arabie wns dy.d shees at Akron, O., have causod ARE PRISONERS 0F WAR1 Since tic wnr broke eut, we hav. he net' drowned. Ah tinat the assassin an investigation. 1 juat begun te underatand how impor- ra could -do was don.. AIl tint the. but- Dr. C. H. Clark, ot Huntiagden, A despatch !rem Londensanys: A tant and iiow contlnually buay are the ,Y. cher eould de te make the massacre L.I., eye specialiat, was jailed for six retura received here gives-the total, secret services et the vanieug Eure- ',complt. wns done. If channce spnred mentis fer beatlngis blind wite. nt3mber et Canadian priseners et war; penn nations. The "spy" is employed "Americans, it was chance alene. 1- Joseph Curley, Lofig Island beachIn laIl parts et Gerrnnny up te last by aIl the miiitary offices et Europe, "The time bas corne new te net. policeman, resigaed bieenuse, while week as 1,305. 1 and nîthough the German syatem la To tnlk funther is te encourage, net 'h. slept, pensons iîacked - us face. . ix ude n hrysxo hs eivdt etems ihyog avoid, murder. It is te - compeuad-- Mrs. H. T. Griffin la president oet - S ix essded, 6ndtit-etthee beî7 ived tdefb.fici. etoft higiily ern ;Swithisnagey.anct inte wreiteour-thePlains, ua o hieat - Munster, 53 at Sennelager, 87 at iabeen many a clever bit et secret 7. ithsavger. I iste rit ou- »laîsN.Y., the firat in the State. Meachede, 48 at Paderborn, 40 at work dene by tii. agents o! Eagland, it selves -dewn willing victime, -as con- Hiîîing, Mina., witii $750,000 pay- Ohrdruf, and 14 at Oberhausen. The France and Russia. Smr Robant ?y~ senting te the continued sînugiter et aile, is bankrupt because eleven remander are distributed among BeI-- Bnden-Powell, tic well-known founder itAmenicans. Ia the crime efthte Ara- mining companies refuse te pny up. gium and Nortii-west Germnny. et the Boy Scouts, bas some efthte bia i. attu igiThsahpe e American Consul-General at! "'"4~-mont exciting exploita la question te tn fom the, German beat, and we aee Shannghai showe Washington n suî-:TURKS LEVY WAR TAX hue credit, and h. deacnibeaseveral et d the tact as it la--but we se. it un- stantial, neduction in tii, expert otf ON ALL FOREIGNERS tiiem in his book, "My Adventures id afrnid." opium. I-as n Spy." This la tii.stery oethis The Worhdsanys.editoninlly: "la tii. Dr. Mary L. Ambreek, et Boulder, A deapatcii trom Rom.sanys - Des-' mission te get information about a- î dstrctin o ti. Aabi Gemap'sCal., feeling det near, diagnosed patches from Saleriikn received bynepwnhoaadadyeklan goff icial reply te thre Amenican noe?" her ewn case and sat down te die the Giorenile d'Italia and the Tribuna unnàmed foreiga country. et ~ '~4 quiethy. declare tint the Tunkiai autiiorities in' It was early monrning, and several al WESTERN CROP YIELD. U.S. Marine, R. A. Whitby, .V'hen addition te proiibiting the, depanture cants were waiting te cornela.' No- Th elwa eegahenvc rrested at Chester, Pn., was pro- of Italians tram Smryîna have levied a tiigta h-oiea ttegt Thefolowng élérahieadvcetected by a parront which defied tiie henvy wnr tax wiiich toreigners neyer v;as tnhking te tic driver o! tiie first from the. Departmeat of Agriculture police. wmndne ni betone have been nequîred te pay, and- wagon, I jumped alongside tic secend - t oAltii iEd oeo ti c anad AtlanticCity wmndnndbt-which many Italiana laSmyrnn, ii.- wgn ntesdeopst' o at te had ofic ofthe anaianing garba ratier tisa pay hold-up ing almost destitute, are quite unable wagomn, endtse ps iside pste wi,- Northern Rilwayin Trolicemanesntedcaenpassediniansideytic twall, Nortier Ralwa laTerato and centinued te walk witii tic vehi- Southera district: Ideal hrarvestpiestcamndngai.vni-teayi wenth'er, past week; cutting cern atorrn. --cie as it wound its way round the. menced and wilI be général by end of Thieves naided the home of Wm. NORWAY HAS DEMANDED new building. I then- noticed anotiier this disrict D'Olien, tyPiladelphia, te find RIETURN 0F HER MAILS policeman aiicnd of me, and employed, dsrc:.WahrWrnnothing; te dropped a $5 noteon the anme tactica t avoid him. Un- Central-Watinwn their way eut.- A despathe from, Christtiania, Non- fortunateîy, as I neunided the cerner men clvhertc aspetng dcendi. Wm. Denby, 50, fisierman ail hua way, says: mThahlting o! the Non- of the. building, the firat policeman tien.iea ot lneO, ,llt eni-mail steamer Hesakon VIL. and spied me,' but I walked on as uncen- Nontiier district reports -good ,han- <set et water. sud was drowned; ho thu4,,*eiture bf, mails on board by a! cernedlY as 1 couîd until 1Iliad put vent -wethir-; wheat and enta turning; eouldn't swimi. ÏIýGernnan suimarine havq. beentellew-1 the cerner 1cf the new building 'b.- hale arYcit stanted. W. Gutmiiler, o! Piladehphia, 1ed byn ýprotett te ýBeili a1 a de- Itween hlma and me. Then I ftaitlY ba, ive district: -Harvesting said te have? misplaced vital organs, I mandfer -tb4"'neturn- le in ails te hooked it ahong the, back et the bulld- ene r iversuicided la fean 'o! sungical di1rios- Nerwaiy. lThe Haakon VII, wns lng and rounded the tar cerner ecflit. le Al reports signi!y bumper yield Ity and opérations. beund from 'Bergen te .England. As I did se, I notieed, tha,thle Po- r and if present wegther continues' Miss 'Dorothy -Southard found an liceman wa" Coeiig"iüll-ëpei4, and ,a grade wflli'b e Iargely number one. 'cId -picture la an ettie at Toledo, 0.,. iIMdyo.thk, het cn*hah a aÏéteohrplc- _______ diseovened-M t be ýwonth $50000-as didatea? slc ad on.e-ueeutor c f -au- 1 man te is aid. I darted round the~ ~ Peope iti tuglal latesgeera..Ruebéra oc Vân Dyke. -pthb.-upn ng& ecent ceate9t. ujsrha- next corner, eut et sigit of beti, and le ly~-arge-and-,Piïminent ears. de'-I thlnk o!. iiezi?" iras the eply.' i as -hahfway up a 1ade tntside g19 Alpa a n s sled attera àPeuiin n latryin# t* naine.,one,-chick an od~WUuen i -l- ook atthenri Ita 4 fti ehia me en i.nx 0- ktuI&I-aI f the Ihama selefrom rien -inakeî iexatly ýa5muoh fuseauas a-.« ~Iut,2 iieau gwet. cornercaeoettIpiemnI ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO, Looked UJpon As a Defiberd --y b', ýq - I J, . 1

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