Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 2

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UrVe uM000 toWd, the ne rest of à Jaded world. Nevertimiess, the. C a ent iMrcel Sembat, French iâlter oL-Publie Works, that the c!ro< a. France $10,000 a minute in44 PJsy -to raine the eyebrows, for #gomet9t all thoue who realize that The. Nlding Place. hadn't hidden." Her voice was B lit- 'Uheir chil&drn will, have'to pay the Tw. nttle ligures camne flytgacross tlé trightened -quaver.- êqIz s, 44k400,0O0. a day,- and $5- they reaébed the big stick, and be- could hear nothing nûthing at aUl now 60000a Year. PremirAsquitw, gan-to burrow into the hay. "1Quick,ý except . the ^wind in the. hayi Ail at iar. support for -the $6,000,00010',OO paeOoýhd n"Ry ol:sadi "olne. lo * ~~~~ngL1~~~~~~h ba~~~naîtd that the Britith Oevît plc - Bycudstn tologr Lo -n lces were aot$5~,O had been a quarrel; Roy and, here, Ruth," he said,"e'& iot day Rusi, Ialy AutrB m G Ruth were on~ one aide, and Royen what's on the other ;ide 'of thlihay- dayRe soing Itelur eath I'lth cousins, Harry and Neli, wero ,on the stack. We'll dig thirough and get teý the s are poligalhiy ad rpingTh oh» it slowly." ;J4 the same trodl f u ned gres. g ey worked Bway like eager liitlte "Why, you wouldn't dare, Boy Bur- '7 moles, and before long they had dug ton! It might be a beari" M. Sembat asko.: "How wl i t bo B large, warm, -hollow place, Into "This tite has no boira in it," Boy possible to psy the debtu contracted. which they crept, iaughing softly. asewered sturdily, and he bogan to" or the interest on the loans and at "Therel" Roy whispered, as ho pull- dig cîrefully into the hay. -l o: sane tinie k:ep up:as costly arm-1 cd in his foot and dragged down a Ruth was aliaid te run and afrald 0lets a1 light curtain of hay to hide the open- not to koep close to Boy,-qand so sho ftnouâcing oxpenditures for social ing. "Theyll nover find us hero!" dug with hlm. ,Slowly ibut steadlly 1eforrms which Impose theniselves to- "Nover in the worid,"l Ruth igreed. thoy borod a littie tunnel before thom. day upon ail civilized peoples?" It "Isn't it soft and sweet-smelly back Now and thon they thought thoy, %il ýnot-be'poss3ibie; and armie and hoe? I s u ppose tloy're searching thought thoy heard again that funny deie are not likeiy to be abandoned. the farm for us. Hariry lu running j stirring on the other aide of the stick, *The next generation wili have ne sur- one way and Neil the other." I but they, did not% stop to listen long. plus wealth to carry out the plans, For a long imo thoy sat stil ad They dug on Industriously. ~'licha earig some ~!~lzabe;talked In whispers. It was liko being "lIt's gottlng iighter," BRoy sait! ater for socal ygiene, o sci etizlc e- in a warm, yellow-brown tent--cosy, a while. 'ýNow, thon, do just au I oearch and for the bringlng of an ap- yet not too dark and close, for plenty uay, Ruthl.' ho panted, for ho Wall prtunity for happinesu into the lite oci ght and air came through thewali much excited. "1Juat, make a littie * f ve ry human being. M4anklnd lu of ha>'; they even grew drowsy. peephole in the hay, and when I sayt burning civilization at both ends and "Funa>' vo don't hear-. them calil- 'ZipI' look through. "Fil take., care In the- middle. We are dcstroying the ing," lRoy murmuredieepily, after a& of you."1 Monlumnts -eat which embaini whiîe. Thon heonBt up straight, al 1Ho gave thé signal, and the>' atarod dLn nreeatbleact n te hmanat once. "What's that queer stirring 1sagerl>y through the two peepholos. drama, such as the Cathe*ialo sort of sound?" 'lho said. Thon they gave a little gaspe "It's *01 Rheims -or the Library of Louvain; They both held their breath andlils-J peopiel", Boy cried, for eich looked wo are siaying the beings of the tened. Sure onough, It vas a queer steadlly into another pair of astonish- present. Wo know that it. la criminai noise-a kind of soft, slow rustie Bt ed eyes. te live at the expense of the pat the other aide of the stack. Ruth "lIt'. us!"' cried back. ivo familiar We mourn for the demd and dylng of lutched Roy and they both liutened. voices, and suddeniy the eutý of the the present, and wo ive at the ex. "I'm a littie bit scared,"l sho whiu- ha>' vall f.bi. Thoro they saw Neli Pen-se of the future. pered. and Harry. ______ Puhawl" ho answered. "What 1«1 do declare!" sald HArry. "Wo'd - ~"about?7 Probably it'u a cow eating wondered and woadered whmt lkind of There used te be a legend that the the ha>'." nimli eth suaéonht harduhîps et campaigning strength- The>' did not move, and the noise aimealndt w than t"ae nta *ned the constitutions of those who went on. "Bsidad w. d u an dugi" 10nl *scaped the -missiles of the eneni>' ut muet be two cows," Ruth decid- ."So eadd vo;' Ruthinswere. oI Poeo Landouz>', dean of th ed. "Hear how they bustie and think of hidlng in the hay?" Paris, Facuit>' of Medicine, hasnmado ruatle." ihtnisyu"Neirpid i'ecentiy an Important pronouncement Something certaini ' did bustie and Then ail four began to laugh toolish- on the subjeet. According to the rute a~eer>' now and thon tue ly. Lonon ouita, anduzyfoecatstwo liste ru caught an odd murmur- "What wero vo qumireliîig about?" tbat the war will contribute at lemut ing. Onq'e there came- r c6ugh and Boy answered. 20,000 tubèeulosis patients to F'rance. a uneege. No one couid rememWmr, and they * sone. The, explanation he gives luIo Dog,"e; Roy decided. "The dust lauglied together at, their owvn âliii- gimple and convincing.- The terrible tickIes hi ' es hnthey workced busiiy and faiub lihteslir ntelr "Do dogn sheeze?" Ruth askod jpilod the golden hay inte a stick lauline muet endure lbaves its per- doubtfuily, "O0oo-oo, Boy, ¶ vish we Jagain.-Youth's' Companion. blanent marks. Thé resistinco of . -. .- mIna>' of the soldieru lu reduced. Thon - ______________ A - iÇ'.anacîan N~urse in Londo n SCANÂXDI4 Rt Cross Nurse aelling flagu lan the. itreet Engiand, on the day ecenti>' colobmated as French Flag la lioadoX THE, SUNBAY SCHOOL j -' INTERNATIONAL LESSON~, p -AUGUST 29T1f. WRiat te Wemr and How to Wear It. Cr tEiai TRie long, puffy- handbags are Lesuen IX,-GédifCr f ljh linovnas "Juliets." Kingu 17. 1-16. Golden Toit: Ail ef Shakospearè's ladies appear 1 Peter 5. 7. vitRi littRe lnoue>' punies et satin or ' - veivet and, go tar, as vo have oh- 1. ERljah'g.Prephcy Ceneernisrg Dew served, tRie>' nev«carry mnything mmid Bain (Versos 1-7). more tRian a "hanky"la l thona. Net 90 tRie relffi venan. I mmv a beautitu! Verse 1. Tii. TJsRbite--A native et ive Juliet theo other day carrying a TigRibe la Gibemd on tRi easomitldp et Jlit* 0f satin.brocade, and iRe teoktRie Jordan River. . The jlace had net frea? !tu lusclous and expensive b een definitel>' identified. ElijaRi'u ap.: cieptiua more articles tRian vere evrearacea a"e -alwysssudden, mmd Re iug frôni the peeket oet'a bugy uaî den.rom ainlon. Rscougte boywbosebuinéu as ha etca-IAhab lu abrupt and hie prophecy Roctin<. ithu,t an>'varuing - vhatioever. ManY wornen make tRie mistake eTf Other rophetu appeared laintRie mane a large number et men who ontce von I i camrylagthoue elabomate hagu when 'Wiy: 'fer e'xample, Ahujab (1- Kinti tuberculauu lbut vhe have b ea O er bcone a part et the regular thoy are mttired in ev:ryday costume. 11. 29);.- Shomnala (2.- Chren. 11. 2) Il t aeenitd o he el uc rn faraaeral on tom- Azaniah (2 Chron. Îô. 1). Wheri retum#R av o itof o then W hea 'v o cme t6 tudy desserts dances and othen dess-up affair. One evl lu rie tRe word efthtRe Lord i reuae h disease Ia extremol>' HEA L TH dipted pmrticulani>' te summer pur- looks averdecomated luggbng about a1 sure te coee ith' ail thie terce efthti vu- neither excesîlvel>" avoot nom exees- one-vears a serge gova and m pla! i Au . . . the odofd ersael livethý- Thoutixe ol hosdinha e d oi the sivoly rich in tati. For fats are coqi- sailor. Goed dressing requiresalt EiJhpeento hm vauhe routne oul bedisc rgd fomapicueus as heat-producons mnd their tie heavy 'thinking, and that lis >' it,-it>', but on that of Jehovah. "Ged," amm>. Lanudouz>' maies- a pies for Hemorrhme-e. free use yl mdd -tee man>' calories in desirabie t , tbe teminine pick. ho îaid, "viii upomk tbreugii me, mc- -thon; The>' are war invalida, lho de- A perseoi suffering fron homor- ta aur mes, euil, osail pay ýh !q th -gtht- ex- cording te my vend."- cluiie., as mueR asuare tRie wouaded. nrhaýi or extreme loua ef blond, <ex1ý To show hew thdin be e rcises thé hum lad lu ton thie vol-1 TRie>' are enttleid te tRie sainie tremt- hibits symptôme that correspond lan need enl>' ronomber that one ounce tare and advancement eft tRe'human in angerhecsefs te awouid nient and te the sane assistance faim sevenit>' vith tRie quantit>' et biooed etfat produces twe and a qurrrace,__Wîth that eut et aur oditerimi daban e bel ie wti ange thie nation. Funthermone, the nation that lho 'Ras lest. It ls asteniuhing'-tines mu mach * nutritive -value mu 'ytern vo. pasa on te ether ubjects. AhuRid Jezebier lijhua nvte. tio must..proteet itueif troni the spread et te 500 -Rew much biood a porion can either tRie îugars on tRe ie ve- nou-coner, utteliaus eofthtR infetion los witoutseniaus danger te lite, centialng tooda. For îRis reasea it Puffy roses made et satin or veivet dought. but it is on>' b>' vatching those. la plain that a snmli anunt et crean are used and make -wondemfuliy effèe- BokCeihjo leh *-HOMELIKE TRENCHES. sympto>ns that tRie observer ema an butter la a dessomteadds m great tive trimminga. on dancing trocis. Brotok ChenIt wa n7ot cvroite judge whea tRie danger point ilu ap- Rma>' calories te our dietary. Se TRie>'are made te arder ton ech c es-odniaye tse, eta rain tRi Quarteis of tRie Bavania Tronches in pmoching. Palier, et course, appears mali an amount et butter as tRie lit- turne and tRie mre matemimi is. cm- thordinar>' mene btora n rain of Nonthern France. emni>', sccompanied b>' a wesk and l pat served on tRie tables-an inch- piayed for pipings, boys or other withrugh vrhich te thJorrtdains o Te speak eof the ,comforts et apid pulse, and a taîl in tRie teni- square and au tRia a halfit-me thici formaetfdécoration. 1 vasj dry except at tRie place where home" la cennoction vith lite la tRie poatureofuthtRe body. If the, hemor- -produces 100 calories, ay Reat unita A beautitul gowa, -shoving these Elijah vas te Ride. Au it was long irencRes seernu a gîmring nisuse et n hage lu violent, and im net ehecked, et food, whenoms a campaativel>' dettly' contrived flowers, lu uf bronze 1mnd narmov and deep, it would màke language, yet, that is tRie term that 1tRio mucous membranes aise grev large dish et bttuce gives us lesu tRia colored chiffon, the akint Rimving tienr a goed Riding place. Tradition le. acorrespondent efthtRe Associated1 pale, and tRie patient ma>' break eut ton Reat units. Thus thene lusa great upontien etf fui?>' uffIes,ýiut la Van- ctes Cherith in tRie neighborhoad of Pneus applies te tRie quartera efthtRe inte a cold uweat. Ho usuail>' cein- difference between tatsanmd othen dykes. Te give Irmeguimnît>' te tRie -Jonche, but "lbefore tRie Jordan," la Bavania soldiemg lanerthema France. plains et thimut, and ie should be- per-. oods as ta their food value. flounces the>' are caught up home and'nov thaught te mean "eastvard," He made a round efthtRe tronches, mc- mitted te drink freel>'. -- 44i- -thRonc itRi huge roses, et duil blue'Ronce tRie brook js ta ho thaught af c onpmnied b>' a.Bavania colonel, and More ominous symptons are tRoue COALING WARSHIPS AT SEA. satin and veivet. The celer effeci ije,, &taene et numerous vater ceunies gauys: that shov tRie' higRier centresý-tRie - an and living, and the entire 'ios-' flowing inte the Jordan tram tRie emut. "It lu cèrtain that tRie' tronches brain and the heat-are being stsmv-j Collier ;and War Vessel De -It Sailing fume taies on a ýflovenlike tflilness 4. I have commaadod tRie rayons te that I gamy Rid net their èqumi on cd b>' laci. et blood. Vomiting is one Twelve ,Miies an Heur. that is bomutitul. 1fe heTeebrswudmk many oft tRi#fighting fronts, E et oftRoeesymptoma, unies. ît i s us.. Ha tRi Bitishve et o arae The corsage la a mr i f 1tei ed fhie-The birs vouthemaie cocll ofor t a tenh Rs ee available ed b>'tRie more préence et blood in' ceaied, vhile umiling through Riemvy chiffon-notRiiag more tRia a hig-'i mos. The vend avens la Hebmev can fouutrnhhs enspplied, troni tRie utomach. If that is net thie came sema aea ie ie nhugrdie, la tact-yith nmov shouider 1Rie 'made to mean 1"merchants" or obaving mimrons te four-post bcd- thon tRie veniting ia senieus, ho-! vithout hindening, their activities lanlauuda, tram hich flutter bita et 11ev- "Anibimasj." Au the "1rayons" vore utedu.TRe fghingtracResdifercause it means that tRie lack etfRlood'an>' va>', butoîd la tRie Manchester ing chiffon cruh ihmrebu unclean" birds, tRie Jeva have favor- tram tbth connecting runva>' ual>'inl a sing an meute aneemia ufthtRie Guardian. -- roses. Thero i1 a narmov band at thie cd tRio neading "merçhaafs" on "Ara- being vider; -ad tRie> are, neinforced higher contres. A laýte uyrnptom, A collier, packed te tRie'- Ratchea valut t fdal bine brocade, iaced- front binas" (that is, travelling caravane) Inl front and rear vîtRi baga et sand seriouu ton tRie samne reasen, is. et- w ith tâal, geta inta toueR b>' vfreleas and hacli. corslet-fashion, a littie whe gave ElijaR taeut as tRie>' pmsed or plates et steel, fhrough uponingu lestaeas. WRien that-i. tolloved b>' vith a battieship whose bunkers need vogue note that prevails just nov and b>'. Ia vRich thit soldions cun use thoir lss of sight, and thon et conuciaus- te, ho replenished. On sighting the vRiicR isl youthtul mnd pretty and gives 6. And the rayons briought - The telscoes ithut.beig sèn. neua, it means that unieus tRie loua et vesuel, t ho supply ship manoeuvres un- the littie curve at the valut which iS tradition is that tRie>' brought bread "To tRie near ôf tRoue tronches, tan blood can Rie checied tRie resait muet tii it lu vithin tour hundred feet et much suught-aftr years et straightlatimonnad euitagR. u~nderground, are uo-called Unter- beh fatal. 1 tRie 7bmttieship. Tihe collier thon dis-- front and Ruge waist linos. Gler>' ho' utnd, n heteuvien tiesodi nsjl treating hemomnhage, tRie firut, patches - a mail boitat arne taL .The Widow of Zarophath atane, r seltes, her th solier 1 arres to r evr aythig s prva-(Venues 8-16). live vhen net on dat>'. These places thing lu to find ifs cause, and thon te emrbles; anc end of eaeh ilamttached te Was there-eventhething o pnOvi are suuprisingly - icenitrtabbe, under 1 try and stop it b>' local meas. WRimt theieniastheai et tRie suppi>' vessellet s tRe vs ilk uveater jct? aboZteht i-s OntR f iedeacn.t tRie cincufmutgnes. Mout ofthtRae oc- 1tRoue means are muet dépend on tRie' Thie linos psy eut as thie loat ad- tshia p er e, ;in everyco-autegtmlsutietidn cupodb> tRe ffcer ae roidedstate tRie patient is ilamnd tRie site uof anean 1n trace Ri a-or, on every kind of a vomaand et I have commadd a vidov thore vithbig qunpestbeds Ma>' hve'tRie bleeding. If that lu casil>' reR- hi7p tRie salera fasten tRie cabies te' ever>' kind et as aik.thmt berna evor te sufain thee-This vas. au precné clocks, and carpets on tRie floons ,and Pl tie Remrmhmge can bo stapped b>'.tRie item etftthe ship on thé port and cnnvdt ov.esasuc tssemc ut intsiy ail have a crucifix, or littie pciiag, onr 4y pressure, unrb>' binding' starboanci aides. Glove silk sveaters are as tRina su dried-up brook and thie food efthtRe sitar, at which the 'terrible Bavar- with ligatures. Sometimes -tRietate, The tva ships, therefone, travel in chiffon, ammot, mnd' la tRoeetie1 aes Fowthadug ite ians' coaduet thein devotions. Theet tRie patient lu sueR thst it is bout'a straight Uefs li oehesrpe dmn e Thrin c rayns. Fwior viRi adrnothtav Rer gppreacir te these aheitors i lu iot te stop tRie flov iÃŽy tRie pressure et thie vhule tron tRie naut et tRiecolirio ttali>' a madnéss for uvningad ain- thun enough for Rensoif and fanil>'. kavarlmbly decorated ij Rowrs aad or igrs le other stops are tRie decci ettRie varship atretche a ~ boy stnipea. Worn vith vwhite suirfs 10. Gathernag sticku--The pavent>' Iacluded la tRie 'cemtomts et home'tlalion ta relieve tRie censtitutienm, transport emble for carnymag coul tho>' are ver>' amant, et tRie idov is indicitod b>' tRietact tha ae ar e tie tonhe i asymptômuetfuhaciad collapue. au icsetca h! eghatn Crepe de chine lu thie latest and aew- uhe vmp oblmged te pick up ever> *bthins uhet arepatoft .tie e th Smeimsaal>,aeetaga . ar aRiosted f tra th ot wetie u-*ottun o hmeasr ate otsn>'bte odtonfuel. bgting etabishen, 1a'Itte*t t each tiespoln tam éraiRitieonod arlier tdtu rompthtont ofthe olest an i foram esabmii d lms.e cTafe s bti ofl. Wau ging ert f -Ho rear et tRie -front, with bathtuba <bateahte ont cames h lodlir hatteapatom tis ed tndhatmsinalcoo casefea l asgin ofec i e are filled vîtRi heated* sprng vwater on. Inttcs, it must bRe per- belov vhich thRnc l a net te proteet and cretonne have been tried, but bu>'- Respitalit>', even vitRi starvation fac- The en ho cstoaffy spnd omeformied as napidi>'as possible, whiie decci andu fmom faîîing pieces et ceai ens vea't Rave themn. TRie>'possosa ýing lRer, vas as neady as ien taitRi, a days la front and thon 4gp' off dut>' the patient noceivos COntitutional B>' rfeasaou wheels that ua on tRie -net the clingiag nualities et elther'momnat later4- vas epni. fera ietietRis eta hace tenatmeat. la ma>' cases n> alatmti ice oc Refine or cearse nibbed allia. The cor- 112. jar .. cruse-The jan (an bar- bathe once la thie veeî--eftener, if piiyaician can find tRie source-. et a load along the slopiag transport lino dumeys are a bit gouie by, Raving mp- - roi) ad cruse veme tRie necesssry nesiitmveu--vRille' tRie> are et- Remrorhage, but intelligent bystand- at a ate et thnee thouuand foot a poamed eariy la th2 acasen. Voile, domeutie articles of ever>' homo, and ors can domueR ta relieve theo aymp- minute. On reachîag< thie dock et thi eat n s w een, the are.ovome! vuldthS m'Rieat iundie -Th Itg la inte esting te re e ber i tom s. H ot- vate n bottes are n ed d b ttleship the lad is auto mnatical>' e- in u Ro ce v b > ti>' a . If l T ia o ay mt t m d d e- e this- cennection that a certain Colonel te heip la maintaining tRie bodiiy leased, and thie transport stants on almost an absundit>' te cmli sueR gar- iast memi, another evidence et Rier Atansieff, vho Ras seen muchR et the'i heat. stimulants sb{ouid bRinl readi- its retuma jeumne>'. mente coats. Certainl>' the>' give material poverty. Fihte undierground lite led b>' soldiens and noua, and tRie sait box shouid ho at 'B>' means efthtis appanatua ixt neither varmnth nor pfetectien. 15. She vont and did-Fih h rofugecu alie la Poland, beievea thaf, Raad, for saline injections are etten tenu et ceai can be crried evor>' Rour If yeux ukint bu plain yeu mustt voir substance et hemr spiritual n iches, vas au rçultof hewar nosmal prtgiven b>' physicians in dangerous acrosu tRie gmp ef wtor that ucpa- triped jacket. If youm akint la great. of tRie' papulation et Europe vii! mt- cases o e * 'age.ates the auppi>' ship-tnonm thr, battie. striped, yeun jacket rnuust Rieouid cul- uaIll novent ta cave lite. The tronches, ship. Thie great advantage is that or' That gees vitRent uaying. Tool Bobby's Idoas.. wihen propeni>' built, are, dry and Dangers la the Dessert. ibeth veasels can nuove at tRie rate ut mnany stnipes upoil tRie tout ensemble. AewSnasgoBby mtr1 var an d th e eA iiot atheth.cAtYth e dSuremfor dm goerB obby'se bm other- andtRi pes~n an tRe ct> TRe dsi to deser uems t ietelve kautu -mn heur vhie tRi o ali- e, , y maie yeun eyes ge ziggy. was iuryiag hlm ta get eady fer1 1orer alie fiad theni mono RemitRi- perfect!>' natural-we luke te finih aig gees on. Net, M'------ Sunda>' Sehool. BobRi> (aged seven),i ful mnd comtfontablo thàa 'their-ova thie mcii vith aavwetotfutmre iind. Thr- nt.Mhnet1 bing er>'tend tnda>'Sboou, abodes. Tie>' go baci tron tRie tront At thie sane tino this desire ma>' Re Fren Hlm Native Town. "hm' e mueR petficat mule vas gnumbigmi h1im bu on' furlougRa, but. the tevns and Ipervenfed and unnatural, umys Leana A touniat 'la Itai>' was suupnbued novadmys, ,la spite et votes ton vo-Sceol ennal and Suada>' ucheols houses- bore,.theni; tie>' are home- Frances Cooper, a Good HealtRi wmt- one miornmng te meet sume people nhnvssi.i mtcln.Fah' egv ott sic tn her. necR~.on.wien tn istnc, o Rvealj ron it native tova, "WR>', Mns.i Noe,"smiIed McFè%e, "thorerýs net Ris feelings, Rlie exclaimed--"I via - 4 _____""'"- od>'- prfaken et a hemvy mcml thie Lànel>'!" Rie enied. "Hov do >',o ueRptiot" -tRe o v a n> n ernda>' S one l - * Logieml. dditioaxQtàadessert moins additiaai do? Yuu ane tRie last esnIex ' h-hatdjstmyb m tR aienld, mdn.l "lAnether nov R at. You sheuld vomi that oughf not taeRie placed upun pected'-te sec la îtaîyî" - tf t bu Plghyt-he od olest m a>' R teepyvsl emn' eal>' save youn nwney vitRi the pnice thie digestive argana. ha othen vends, M.Jns"aemmdthie lady f'.n eger fyo r Ie pdvn umiti of - ever>thing ,going Up." a dessert tempta .je te est when vo sur'pise. "Yes vo miil speading a jbotr4o9i.1," believ.e aur cliito lu chunging." «But vh>'? The longer I save iftRihe have mlready had eough, and the bie tfinie home. You must cmli on u let"You ought te, have gene ý"Thînk go"'" Our winterg 4i2ý to tue1 les1cnbu>' 'ititi." ds sdi hswyia eij -ofton.Yeu knowý juut hav if uu ClO- itent-y otte4W" oiio çtn are. dfel' oe _____ - d l tRs v>' ia>'Rieinjni-is-e-iRtoie Rs4tcus,~ntti aepev ee Ra ahe t ~ " ? u' a b ai. eio eta vmen "W ltesi, 'Theo i wenvrtikmC fa iy? lient-"BY tRie way You-wun'voreugcote.Ri 'Slas er fnî iideluHe.ndifThé cia olToupeaàned t ut5cmbktdaheins hnvcatseg ho.wul .lite eto hint ad'echange.. Theévwomen - -B - m. apaeeîs-left f i-othat -the des- them il'a. astrange cuuntmy." , tRio voIri 0 . s~d elgl uî; * * * oj i -~ xo-. eae #." - * - rc le ýe le In ling article.:', --. -- - - - - bvicli -s - l secemmon in Oàt, thespores arè -' i~%edaae~~uedb> muté the scattared., bout bi. te wind and àa Ã" c r o p i uli o ù -t i u c o u n tr y l à th r n l - g u ne . 1' q j e c na to ,e~ enormous. In iocàlities whero the dis- on the hialthv grain,":and paust ease lu the worst, isome 1Ilelds are ai- vunter la this condition. -Iù the meut_ 50, per- cent.. mut.. Thoro - ard spring whea the oit la seii-, n, md aie îvhole sections where the-.oat crop weather, conditions are favorable> for lu reduced, 20 ý per-,cent. on account, e t Ito germinato, the umut spore aise It The averageo !o,,due teô the dis- 'aerrninates. It enters the young seed- 0810 u vâl probab>' reach from* 10'te- ling and tolbqvs up thie stem the same 16 per, cent. -This boss means many ýWay as la the case. of the' wheat. dollars te the fanfé'r. The actual loua 'Hôwever,'when it-' comes tino for the IIa yield per acrelabu net the eil>' dia. eat te bloom the fungus destroya the advantage fromi havlng smutty g 'rain; ehaif as weli as the aeed,. ad there- the threshing lusmde very disagroo- fore has. nothlng te hoid it, se--lt lu able. on account of the dirt and the scattered abread b>' the wind. - We threshed,- heat la rendered unuale- vwiii note- in, iooking ôver these lit o ableo for milllng purpeses. Where histories how important- it lu that thero bu -umut la tRie grain tRiu year there are noesnut spores ox the seed there viii aise ho umut noxt year if when sovn. Hence, vo treat the seed grain tram these lielda lai used for *with a solution of formalin or- blue- ueed without belnpgtreated. HoWever, stene te destro>' ail the spores pro. It lu possible ta use se9d tram fields sent. havlnt smut and b>' treatlng it with Methode 'of Treatmeni for Losé tormalin or bluestone before sowing, SmLut lain. 0- ~tnkn »te Éav&ta crop, next year whlch. ià ah-. t n iikn soluel>'dea. caefuly . Smut ln Wlet. - "Wtely ýlea- Theme are two methodu eto treating To show at1 aeul treatbng àmut . vith fômrmaUin. These are thpe seed, umut can b. prevented, one known as tRie "Dipping Method" -and, has onl>' te note how succeaaf.ub sorne the "Sprinkling Method." Bath are farmers have been la ncontroâling the quite offeçtive in preventing amut la d is e a s o. O n o n e ta r i n v is it ed th e f a r - . i e t r a t , b t h o m r mer treated aill ia asiexcept those<Wh~ier wheiore difficut te arr u, îown on on. acre. Thia acre Is fron i. as .iven4re ilsprad.T- 25 te 80 per cent. uirnut, while in thi b mgr y e ds p r ac é h meut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a .dhscrptee untmoet e * itols requimed fer -dipping 'the rest of i s r op h er f a t m o e t gn a in r a re -m a bam m el, a co u rsé sac k arfmactioa et one per cent. et smut. water and tormalin (a 40 -per centf. Another man, whno treîted mll is seed, solutk4n ef' tarmaldohyde). Mix o'ne and ho dlaims that ho had quite a lot hait îap bat of formalin la 21- galloni of"arnut laut yoar, but this yemm he'ofetWater. É'late the seed te be treat- has ver>' littl eumut eompamed with ed la a sack and mmmerse it in theo tRie fields et his noighbors,'- ho did solution tom 20 minutes. Atter tRie net-treat thoir ieed. In talking te an- seed, la tmeated, apread, it eut' on a other fariner, ho utates- that Ris boss janflor te dry. (Sprinkie tRie -Ioor this year trom sut will ho $100. B>' itemnnfie o h omln oqin wB>' et exporiment,*afadr t eatàetr- y y mut spores that mi>' b. tue ueed spvwn on part ot a field and preýnt) . The sauner the/ -seéçl lu tRie romainder, et. the field vas îevii soynaator'the trèatment tRie -better.~ with Uatretd seéd. TRie erop greva De net' bag It up while vet, as tRier. tron tue treated ueed han scarceWe a in danger et the tomailin injuring the head etfsnuut, vRitle that greva tmom vitit>'and germinatiag paver et the the uatreated ueed bo tron 40 te 50 e. te . .teeisn dne per cent. amut. ' This shqvs that the ofsed. Ã"inthe seedi thee i egdaner tremtlng et thie seed' h quite effective dirc ths seod Ifulyf the owegan~ la tue contrel'o h ie . h t ormalin lu et the pruper strength. wheat crop, vRile net nearl>' ne badl>' Tho second method lu to, prinkle dàagedas.tjie eats, hansila me soc- the seed with a fermilin solution. For tie. ns, wheme treating-tho seedRias net this method mix one hait plat qt -for- been practbsed, quité i sprlnlcling et malin vith 20 gallons et vater. Ple sElut. . the ueed te be treated la a Rieap and A greit man>' people are et opinion sprmay the solution on wlth a aprink- that mut la ciused b>' veather-amd ing cian,and shavel the seed over tîli soul conditions at tinoetc seeding. ever>' particle lu thoroughl>' satumited. This bu i mistake. Snut lu a tungus Thon pile it Up and caver it with-sacký. disoaso, an&~ unleas the spores caus- ing for tvo or three 'heurs. Atter Iag the discerne are prosent on tRie tRis, âpread It eut tRinby * te dry.- ueed vhea itlu put bato thie ground, Tveaty gallons et this solution wMl there can ie 'ne umnut thmt. yomr. A treat fron 25 te 40 bushebi quite et- glance at thie lite huster> et thie tua- feetive>'. gui viii tuil>' explain this point.. A third methad je te sprinkle the. Smuts are tungua 4iseages, thmt i9, seed vith a bluestene solution; This tRio> are caused b>' minute epborleus iunemt recommended oxcept for utbnk- plante which 1W. éas paragitet on thie ing uut laheat, and tor this it Rian grain planta. Thie black pawdery ma-negvnagodmstsstRefr tenua la mdeup et the spores.,IThese m n t retent . D i rssolveancthepo r. spores serve tRe same»purpose ,to t eem lt l et n la ishot v eomae tRis -fungus as tRie aeed et vheat deesioo letnei t aer aeti tiewetpln.Ec soeo up ta 10 gallons b>' mdding watdr; S e w e a t p l a t . E c h p o r o n c o m - _ p r in k e tR ie g r a in a s - d ir e e te d - ta n r ing la contact with tRie particubar :sprîkigwtifrai.~ e pl grain which it- attacku and being p the rina eto.d with fomlnPoot-ie- placed under favorable conditions, maln thraneraspea i euwthtodr- vit.ii cas e tRitpaticuar id aoe Have it dry as sean as possible sa as- imut. It Rimen etmmted ttanoner net te injure the germinating' pover.* anutbailla vemt a>' antan ovr In order to have the cmop ibsolutely' a million spores. Ia the case et the trec et amut, the treated seed muet "Stinking Smut" or 'iBmunt," which is net becarne 'contaminated betore mevw- tRie common umut-la wheat la th'sl opept hstebg lel Rocalit>', the "SmuthBalth" areaburetlg eitr atthe"mesigtino ol" r b>' hmn bho mmersed la tRie solutionand.tRie Iingr adthre spareatick te thad- rielbox shouldbe sprinkied. If mli lrin, adte tsgpases the intetheueeprecautions wefie taken b>' tar- g r a n . h e u n g s p s s e t h w i t e r m e r s it w o u id m e a n th o u a h a du o f d o l- an tRis state. When tRie seed lu- soya lama to tRie country next year. The and germinates thie spores.almis gem. ceat et tncating the aeed Je ver>' ninate, and the ver>' fine fungusami Thfomlncaopmcsd thRieds enter the young vheat plant. trm abm Test randugtat t prcam 30 T'his lu the oni>' time that infection can tike place. These ver>' fine toe O cents per plt. A -plt or tvo threds ollw u th grwin stmvili treat ail the seed sow-a on tRie Riradufolovup he ruingsteiaverage farx. "What Think Ve of Chr-ist?" A Description From An Ancient Mànuscript Sent By the Presi- dentof Judea-to the Senate of Rom. I i ~~~'~1 "The>' feai knevledge et theni ktRat I I launthiniahie te, believe that tRie - - the>' had been vitRi Jeaus."-Acts iv., four ovangelistu could croate that la 13. I vhich ever>' othen litenan>' genias ha I ailed-the Perfect Man. *If vas nathen a representativeI Sinco thie Bible dees nef -give us an greup, iacluding a lav>'or, a physi-' accoua f ethtRe person ut Jesus Christ cian, a stock broier and a clergyman. It ma>' intereaf yuu tgp mev et a de- TRie genonal opinion vas tRial Christ scription alleged to i e derived tram vas -mn' extniondinanil>' gaod man. an 'ancicat maauscripf sent b> '-Nb-- - Thon thie clergyman eiiaaged the suR- i- ua Lonfulua, Predident et Judos, te jeet. Ho spoke- of liferature and tRie tRie_Soenate of Brone :-"Thereý lives at Cbaranm d dvelt upon tRie campelling tRia finie la Judei a mmn et singular -- characten that gealus hmd put 'inte: chRnacten, vheue name is- Jesus books and upon thie utage. Hoenmen- Christ. The barbamians esteen i hm tioaed.groat ames in huston>'. The as fRein propRet, but Ris tollovens group vas a vell-read body et mon, adore hlm as thie immediate offspring and tRie discussion bocame geacral up ufthRe Importai God. Ho is endaved te thie inevitable lu, vhen the cierg>'- vith, sueR uaparalelcd virtue mu ta ma began te ask questions. calRaci tRie dead tram their graves "Sa and so vas bndeed a stupeadous ad te Roui ever>' iind ot dieae vith chamacten, but vhat voald yau gen- a vend or a tauch. Hlm, persan- is tal tiemea amy is tRie veainesu, defeet la and ebeganti>' shaped, Ris aspect Ris nature?" ThRnc ere instant ne- Amiable and Revertit. plies. "Caesar vas tee ambxitious," His Ramr flova la tfiese beaufeous said une. "So and su muet Rave been sae Rc euie eosci mn epieptie" (tRis tram thie physi- match, talling lu gn4cetul cunla. clan), ad. thRonc venflava fa pick at aea i asad atn nt - À1 Z tRie tnuntien oof an>' name. Thon fRic creva et Ris head; Ris dres, ft 'f l clergy'man asked quieti>', "WRat doos tesce aaee;Rstrhai an> ut>'o cosidr tie ettla Riesmooth-and lange, Ris cheeks.,vi.tt character ut Jesus?" There vas benihad-fnoot Re i as silence. "Gentlemeon, pra>' do nef con- dmuhneomdvtRexaie ider my feelings on tear te offead a'm 1 ;RshedlutiiaUut me- b>' aything you might Rie tempted able te thie hair.et Ris Remad, reaching ~l ta sa>' et my Muter; I arn muking la a ittlebe bluvhie chinanmidparnql neyeront but intense curiasit>'." Remdlebl isee r There WaPSfilj Silence. brught and acrene. Ho rebukes N One said that Rie had net loied into mildaesu and invekes vith tRie moot, thie Bible la su long a tîrne thnt ha tender and- persuaive *aguago, h'hlm hesitate4,te spemi; but Rie aise admit- whole addreau, vhether la wçrdoi ted thaf' ho had net rend an>' et deed, heing elegmntly grave Éil' Shakespeare ia an equall>' long per- stnictl>' chanacteristlc -et se exalw.4 lad. An Amenican mighf tfaib fa cr0- beiag. Ho is rnaderate,-tempenata. ate a character that would satiat>' an vise-la short, vhatever tReýie-'O. Englishman and vice versa. But thie menen aa>'uma aut la ti~-~1W ' chmnacter et Jesua Christ hue- satisfied seema aàt present teoRie a -muit - - tRe del t ve>'race and even>' ugo, collent heautan ddine , T ~ TRiat miracle- .nover Rappeaed'-betore,lJAnd uo, ax>' Pz-,d Al pr suer Rau if hippened ince. 'TRere;oaa I aand aire what - we ~e Séi1 . i7i ore fRa n iii - ed up b>' the ste - talion te Queenste- 'rhis firat big- viet E ubna.rine since t sont te the better anmdtRie- tart tRaet or legs of lite ls'd training and dise tinder CaptainF *offic iali amy tier. aboard,0 pa#zený crewv. Sb tàr as~ Arabic carmie«:.no Tlv'o Britési- ahi o*n leWa itli màQut * ,Ihese 174-3were .!meNv. The r'escue lish, ,26 residents gtateès,- three Fri ~hree Rue-aias, on Kew Zealiànder. wvere ln practical dii~,duete tri iîÉgs,' -heing ordë --boati Aesoîft tino - actuiiy 'bit- the si -The AÂrabiI'cvas board a-ide about s terx, one. torpedo Toronto, Au g. 2 $.7;No. 2 * ports;.2c moref livery. Manitoba *oaLz No. 3-C.W., 59c; o * on trackilake pur Amcirican corn- on track lake pur Canadian coma- inal, -on track Toi Ontario -oats- 58c; No. 3 white, to freights *outsidi Ontario wheat car lot, nominal, te $1.05, - accordû aide. -- Peas-'No. 2, ný Barley-Goodù -inal; tfeed banc>', freights outside. Buckvheat-Noe 'Eye-Nu.- .-ni Manitoba flourl -jute<bags, $7; seci baga,,$6.50; strat * aga,- $6.80, Toroi 10e more. Ontario flour-1 patents, $4L60; de huard, or Toronto~ *Milfeed-Car le -nalmi feights. Bt shorts, $29 per t( bper ton; good te. bag.- Country' Butter-Fresh d ferior, 20'te -22c: 28 te 291/2; do,.sd Eggs-No. 1, 22 case lots; extras ai 1Honey-No. i à te 111/2; (le., rot Coml>s (wholesale' $1 .50 te $ý; No. 2 Poultry-Chickes cil, 16 to 18c; Spi 21c; fowI,_ 14 te to 18e.- Cheç.se-Largcé te 1D.3/c for twins. Provi Bacon-Long clh per' lb., la case lot 18 te 8/2 c; do., I relis, 15'te 16c; bi te 23c; backs, plai lese- backs, 25 te 2, Làrd-ýThenai lardý,tubs, 11% t, 12 te ,12½àc; comi 101/ce-do., pails, 1 [ARCHIVE 0-F C-ONTAI 1

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