Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Aug 1915, p. 1

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- <wY, ~ - ~; - I WHITBY, ONTARIO. C. &y,-.AUGUSTà- 1] ais Stic ky FIy POffe 2 sheets for 5e. Powder a reliable disinfectant and deodorizeor 25c, 5be aud 90c. CLlorideof Lime se and ilhe. JO E. m DragglM aÏM C MEDICAI I WIJLLIS id epticlan LHALl, wWhltby. H0avln&Takon Ovor the Cool Bus iness 0F JH. Downoy a Go. 1 amn prepared f0 fil ail orders for CLEAN BRIGHT' COAL - Well -screoned. W. guaran- Orderd may be left at the efficù ef J. l. Downey.ý& 00-o MKarriage Licenses - A. H. ALLUN. - isuer of Marriage Licenues Corner drugstore, Whitby No Witnesues , required. LàAst week the resuits of the Junior M1atriclulation examinations were made iknown. The ll&t included a number of iWhitby p upis.- In gro i 1are given the names of ai adidates who have obtained com. Plete matriculatlon by passing on the 1 12 required examination papers. In group 2 are given the names of those who have passed on at least ninej of the papers requlred for complete ma- triculation aund have obtalned the min- Imum requlred on the whole examina- tMon. They have, therefore, falled In flot more than thiree papers. 1 I group 3 are given the names of ail those candidates who have failed to obtain the minimum reluilredl ond the whole examination, but who have', obtained 40 *per cent. on each of at lea ,,igt papers, with an average of 60 per cent. on the samne. Such candi- dates have been awarded partial ma- trIculation. The Ontarlo Counùty resuits follow: fi Group 1. -J. Allun, C'. H. Bascom, X.v P. C. Best, L. F. Burnham, J. C. Ed- wards, M. I. Eilerby,_V. A. Graham, t MI. J. Hillman, M. HornMer, E. F. Horm- b Ing, S. A. Jardine,- M. W. Kennedyý, A. fi R. ' Mounce, M. 1. Mugitard, D, M., Mc.f Laughlln, M. G. Petry5,1 A. T. Procter, L. J. Ruttan, W. M. W' Rynard, W. H. Trethewey, R. Woodward, E. M. Yule.b Group 2. -E. A. Everson (Lat. C.),' I. V. Gregg (Fr. A.), D. M. Llttleward , A. E. Wilson, E.. M. Yule. 1h Group .-G, W. Armstrong (anc.ia phiys., chem. Lat. A,), F. G. L. Beaul,w (Lat. C.), O. 1. Bickeli (aig., Lat. A., rE Lat. C.), M. E. Carnegie, (alg., geom., phys., chern.), K. M. Clark, (Eng. C.), of W. J. Dobson (anc. hist.), D. A. Gall,n. (Eng. C., anc. hist., Lat. A., Lat. C.,.ni T. Il, Harrison, (anc. hist., geom., Fr. wi C.), E. L. Low, (geom., Dtysj.. Lat. C- e5 -Fr. C.), G. W. Mclhnis,'(one lauguage le option), M. O. Miller, (Phys., chem., ar Fr. C.), K. B. Nicholson (geom.), L. ti D. Parrott (cliem., Fr. C.), M. Robin. th son (Lat. A.. Lat. C.), M. M. Schofleld co (phys.), R. G. Smith (anc. hist., alg., Lat. C.), U. P. SpencW (phys., chem), wi A. Spoffard, B. and C. hist.; anc. hist., lai phys., chem.), E. M. 'ririck (alg., ed geom.), G.S. WlIlliamson, (Eng. C., Lat. eu A., Fr. C.). aj ProposaI to Establish ' t, SoIdiel,-Honie ee r. The Greator Canada Improvemont à Land Co, ULmltod Real Estate Dealers, Estates Managod, Renta Colleoted, Firet Loans Arranged, PropertiQ bougbt sud sold. For ternis appl>' Head Office, Brook St. Bell Ph-one 193. lud. Phono 70. Sales Managers, RICHARDSON 4 RICHARDSON, Whity.__ WE SELL FARMS eud ail classes of Suburban Countr-y REAId ESTATE. and -1 if you have proprty teo eil, write JOCHN -FiSHER & eoi CentryReai ustate and Fa=m Brohun Lumsden Building 6 6AdelaldeSt. Bat TORONTO F ---------------- - LIVERTI SALE AND IGARDINO STABLES BROCràST.WHfITBy, AUI kinda of siggle axé%deuble iCs fer hiro, Bus te ail the tm'ins sud baggage transfer. Zorse~l bought mnd sold on ~ôO~n~sio1. Seme good ,fd drversý and heavy Me for sal,; aisebafed straw lu any quantity etc.,. apply et e 89, X4 or- 74. A movement bas been on foot, fostered by the Ontario Goverumont, te establlsh lu Englaud a home for Ou- tarlo aoldiei's who bave been lncap- acitated durlng the war, sud are coiif- valeaceut. But the mombes 0f the York County Patrlotie 'Association have çoniýived tho idea. ýthat this home might be h e , oenta&lihlula-the-Prov- 'Ince of Ontario, wbere the mou wrouid be practical>' at homne, sud where tho>' couid ho botter cared for. These meu bave been houerab>' dis& charged as unfit for further service -They have riskod theirlivos, endured much pain sud mauy lhardahîpa. Wa.r bas deprivod their young lives et much et Its former brlghtness, thoîr eutlook la gloom.-,lndeed if propor attention la net accorded them on their arrivai home t rom the seat et war, sud It ho- hoves the poople sud the Governmeuts to reserve semethiug for those derelicts trom the sterm et war. Iu order te lay this matter before the Ontario Goverumeut, a special comn- mittee of the Association sont a deputa- tion, composod et Coi. W. C. Macdon- aid, Lieut.-Col. Albert Goeohani, Coi. Nool Marshall, Lieut.. Col. H. B. Ander- son, Lieut.-Col. Marlow, A.D.M.S., sud Mn. Hume Blake, to walt upon the act- Iug Premier, the Hon. W. J. Hanua, at the Parliaxuent Buildings ou Fnl- day, Auguat 13. This deputation urgod that the Ontario Goverumeut before decldiug to establlah a bospitai or con- valescent homo lu Euglaud, as Io stated lu the press te be their- Intention, sbould cousidor tho pressing necessi- tics at home. It was subinitted that the proper place for such an Institution le bore âud not ln Eugland, wbere the a .uthoritios should be rollovod as far as possible et the burden of caring for our disabled sud medicaîlly unfit, ex. eeptiug thoeo who will ho able aftor a short period ef rest sud recuperation te agait take up their military duties. After hearing the deputation, Mr. Hauna at once expressed bis entire sympathy with the idea. 0f loverai proposais suggosted sud diseussed the eue whlch mot with the most-gouerai approval, was that the- Government should temporarl> utilîze the nov asylum, buildings at Whitb;r for this purpose. It was pointed eut that cer- tain et these buildings are now roady for occupation, sud that their plans, size, general layout, surroundingisud location are such as -te make - theni emineutl>' suitable, Lt 'vas stated that If the Goverument ouidd-ibIs It vould only ho nocessar>' terasblisb lun 'Toronto a smaIi prellminar~ clear- Iug bouse, wbere cases could 'beex amined sud diagnoued before beiug sent on te Wbitby or oisewbere vith iInstructions as te treatment sund care. Mr. Hauna promised Immediate sud careful'censideration ef- the vbole mat- ter, snd tbe deputatiou- left feeling tboroughly satilfed -Yfth their retep- tion. - 0MXrrzz's STATEMEN. "B>' establIsbing sud mslntalnlng sucb an institution, the Goverument of this Province vouid net only hoe helpiug matenialiy te discbarge the oh- llgstlou' nwbich our country ewes te these mon, but from su economie stsudpoiut It vould ho maklng provis- ton te minimize as rar as Possible what otberw'lse viii aasureaîy teconne a heavy bundon upen the coinmunit>'," declares the Association lu a state- ment publisbed recentiy. - 'A nwnber ef the r«mmed soldiers wil unhaiily hototali>' and verman- but!>' incapaeitated for wor1k, sud these wili, of course,^ be previded for b>' the Dominion Goverumoent pensions,, the adequaey of wbIch, bowever, as fxed' b>' the svale recent>' announeed 4~y tho Government, seems te in U>'vn have been conslderlng the matter te ho vriydeubtfa. Lt vii.Maisebefere long 'be ubeâ-r for elther the Federsi or Lb. Prvleaf Qoverninenta te estab- lietê 41 muitablnoffdiert hoMes. I9ROMINENT -, Iv"1JR- Eý P~S5S AWY -SOP PAVNR -ARTHUR JOHNSTON DIES AT, Be1OOKLIN.- ~a On Sunday, August 2.2, death remov- timo HNe took an. active Intereat in"" ~F Youp ed one of the most promineut residents any movement 'thatýwas intended for of the County, ln the person of Arthur the improvement of stock. I Johiton, of Brooklîn, known* from As a public man, Mr. Johuston nover B I coast to coast as a Stock breeder, Judge aspired to high,. ho si but ho unsel- I L and public-splrited gentleman. In his Ilshly endeaVored 0* fulfil the duties Erecf taal laeto startand in death the community suffors 'an .Irre- required of- himp. -Ho was aPpolnted. Fiplc parable loge. to the County CODincil tg represent one dayyou wîill find yoursqelf OWne Mr. Johuston has been in feeblo the Township of-,.Pièiaering durIng the' at a rate less than ) ou would havE health for some tIme, aud three weeks days when represeptatlvs ee p'pa ago was stricken with paralysis. He pointed separateiy i'Iom the Township C~anada have adopted this pa anc «lid not rocover from the effecta, and on Councfis, and Was n member of that Sunday morning again suffered a sim. body when tho Coiünty Bouse 0f Ref- ilar stroker, from which his death re.- uge was'built. sulted. »In lupolîties he was a Conservative, YOL The late Arthur Johuston was born and was honorod ,W$th a high place in Every week delayed postp( ln Ireland seventy-six years ago, aud the counsels of the Party, although he was the eldest of a large famlly. His never sought offce,. father settled lu Caledon, near Orange- He was a Presbytèrîan lu religion. ville, when deceased was but a boy, Mr. Johnston maae Irlends wherever1 and the lad recelved his education- he went, whIch, 4oubtless, was oneo0f Corne and see Regs L.e'Ausl here. He laiter graduated from the the secrets of hlis 5gceses. Ho was a, Normal Sehool, and came to Picker- true, cultured -gentlemlan, a geulal: O E Ing Township, where ho taught achool frlend, aud honest té the last degree lu PE for Borne time. ail his ways. His Publie spirit was Later ho entered Into partnershlp manifested by his deep and substan-;Bl hn 0 with David Burrell, and began the tial Interest In ail forWard movemeuts.'Bl hn 9 business of breeding and Importîng Mr. Jobuston was. married In early1 Shorthorn eattle;- Clydesdale horses Ilfo to Miss Burreli, 4aughter of Sqluire T ~ B ad Cotswold sheep. From the first Burreil, of Pickering A son and daugh- Te1 re tor0 uu l à15 efforts met wlth success, and for ter of this marriagq survive, nameiy, 1great many years his farm near' Robt. Johuston, Of Regina, and Mrs' For othe noneet e idwdsly ereenwood was the Mecca of breeders Arthur J. Howden, oe Columbus.hranuceetsewidwdpay who wished to secure flrst vises sud -Mr. Jobuston was, again marrled ellable stotk.* j- later lu life to MISS Mowbray, daughter Mr. Johnston was undoubteclîy oeeo f the late 'Hugh MoWbray. Mrs. John- f the best knqwn stock mon lu 'the aton, with a sou, George, and daughter, allowed to enter the country, that prlv- lomfion. Ho was an authorîty on ail Eleanor, survives. il ege ls denied to the wives of their In- natters pertaining to the business, and A few years ugo Mr. Johuston retlred dian brothers. When one thJnký Of ~ vas iln demand as a judge, Ho cross- from his farm, and sliice then bas iived 'the splendid mauner lu wbich the peo- W ýd the Atlantic 35 or 40 times lu pur- lu the village of Drooklil. ple of India have risen to aid the Em-, g mit of animais with which to Improve Hie death bas calîsed untoid regret pire lu this dreadful war, and the val- nM streugtheu bis bords, 'and each among acqualutances far and. noar, lant way lu which they' are fIghtIng mne ho brought back with hlm Borne of who will long cherisb; the mnemory of a aud dyiug for freedom, does not it he best animal blood ef the niother noble friend. seem wrong that their rights shouid Ountry. The funeral took Place from the fam- be denied lu this country? The wo- Boing widely traveied, Mr. Johnston Ily residence at Brdaklin on Wednes. mon of the country are beginning to as well known lu England and Scot- day afternoon to the Union Cemetery, feel'this Injustice, sud are Striving to1 Wht .nd, and the conneebion thus establish- and was attended by a very large num- obtain an organized appeau from ail Mod d euabled him to securo the fiuest re- ber ef sympatbizing noiglibors. Several the womeu of the country before carry1 uts lu his herds. Ho therefore made persons were presont fromn a distance. lug it to the Goverument. The ladies woui great success -of bis business. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. present expressed themseives lu favori For several years he was a direc- W. M. Haig. 0f this cause. cons r of the Shorthorn Breedora' Associa- i Sincerest sympathy la exteuded to 0Atter the programn bad been brought ýn, and was Its Presîdent at one Mrs. Jobuston and funiiy lu their loss. to a close, rfehet eesre pric( ou the spaclous bal.conies, and a social- ma bour was enjoyed. M t u10 gU et JOUS for tbem wIth their form- IBSiITIEI cnerrieo. or employers, If Possible, or If not,- elcsewhere. Withi this end lu vIew, a j ilt is belng prePared of subacribers to The Womeu's Institutes of Whitby. the Patriotic Fund wbo are omployers Pickering, Brougbam, , Kinsale and of labor, 'so that applications for eni- Claremont apont a moat oujoyabie af- ployment eau more roadiiy ho made ternoon sat Thursday at the homeoro te them aL. the nocessity arises. 1rs - "A number 0of the returned'-n'en'-. tudi,34ke -1 h b4'ýIUCapaeitatod for thelr prevloué cm- vroOrjSe jIt9t. *oI PI~OYment, and these wlll have te be do not of ton bave the chance to meet tecbulcally trained under caroful aud togother, and enjoy, themselves lu a Intelligent direction lu order to bo lit- social manuer, and the ideso ted for suitable remuneratîve work kuues o This wIl luvoive the establishment; r. Ruddy was much approciated. preferably by the State, but, If noces- Owlng to the splendid weather over sary, by prIvate subseription, of one or one hundred ladies were preseut, sud more Institutions where techuical drn h-feno eihflPo training under proper supervision wîî uig b-fenonadlgbflpo be available. gram was providedby. the klnd host- "There wiii also be a large -class of osa, lu the spacious living omo h thoso partiluy disablod aud texupor. "Hermitage." g 0 h arilv unfit for woj-k of àuy kind, sud Mrs. Ambroso 5mai!, of Toronto, a plan for dealing wlth these cases, gave a most lnterosting sud Instruct. which thorougbly commonils ltsolf to Ive talk on "A Trip to the Orient." the eommittee, baa been auggosted by Mrs. Smali fis a ver>' able speaker,' sud Dr.H. . Aderon th Hooray A. er mauy ancedotes sud expeeencos vDsr.y1I PhyA es n ,ofthe Patriotie As- f ber life lu Judia sud Egyt 1 were soiation.0 of th P trote s-most luterestlng, Lite lu the esert "Mane o theae cases willi require a aeial oldocie 1 mmeiatemodcal r srgicl tet those who have nover had the priviIege Imntif tey a orbesuIaved rm ho f vlig thee far off land, Mrs. cmentthare>' iucapaiaed fsud be-Small's address wss a rosi treat. permanttalchnarg pottedcommua Vocal solos by Miss Kathleen Gorrie. petr mncgu ass rth ose0 f 0fToronto, sud 'celle solos by Mr. extre m nevoucs ehas tostiffBruce, were much appreciated aud add- joints or Ilmba. rheumatlsm, neurîtîs e ral oteojyet0 h the after effects of frostblte aud ex afternou. posuro, etc." Before the program came te a close1 - If this projoct ls roalizod Iî w j Mra. Small asked the opinion of the moan ttIl further promineuco sud pop. ladies present lu regard te the move- ularity for Wbitby. Hundreds of peo-meut on footamoug tho womeu of pIe would- come te the town, for the Canada to petitien the goverument to mllitar>' attraction weuld ho strong. ailow the wives sud familles of theE This wouilu l no way Intorfere wit Si8khs lu British Columbia to ho the ultimate purpose of the Institution. brought Into this country. She Im- Deveiopmeuts are being awalted with prossed upon the wornen wbat s deplor- înterest. able thiug It waa that lu our fair dom- -- inion, wblch bas long stood for rolig- .......... f u s, political sud dom estie freedom , Mns. Willilams, wlte -of the firit thfero oxisted one Portion lu wbicb Woodstock man kiîled lu the war, ls familly ties wero diarogardotu, sudf te bo given a cottage, bought by the domeatîc prIiloges douled, Wbilo $1 000 Relief Fuud Cemmîttee. botb Chinese sud Japaneso women are I I Tako No chances Have Your PLUMBING I nstalled .by sli PhosU J m SANITARY UH-411NOA lad Phous, I Vctîj~ Nrss'Home. For some weeks there bas been s pro- posai under way te establish a perman- ent borne for the Victenian Order ef- N iresluWbitby. - It vas tbougbt Peat àeeouou4c4 j gqaagemuft_eofthe Fnurses Warranted the provision of. a homo for them. The proposaI vas to oushle funther dovopmeut aloug light bospital linos, sud aIse the undertaking- et something lu the va>' et social set- tiement work, that bas become tamous through Jane Adams sud ber Hull House Homo lu Chicago. Tliose wbo are lutorested lu thîs progressive stop lu the Victonian Nure vork ln Whltby bave secured '$2,000 from the National Commlttee et tho Victorlan Onder ut Ottawa, as voli as the promise from well disposod citi- zona of the tevui that vîli briug the sum to the near point et three thous- and dollars that ls nov avallable for the purchase ef a suitable propont>'. Sucb a prepent>' as eau ho quickiy lm- preved for thîs purposoe au ho socured for lesa than the amount of moue>' lu slgbt. With this condition et the prebiem, a hait bas been called by the action et the committee at a meeting heid on Tuosday evening. At that meeting, on a close vote, It was decided net te proceed vltb the proposai at the preseut time, a number of the ladies feeling that if vould ho nise te assume' the responsibilites Involved. Those vho supported the zuovement are sf111 hopeful of a succostul ouf- Hort. Society Notes@ The feurth annual fql show et fruit, floyers aud vegtabes, under the sus. pices et the Whifby Horticultural Se- clef>', wIii ho beld Iu the Ceuncîl Chamn- ber ou Fniday'September 3rd, 19L15. Competiton la open te al. Everyhody bring an xhibit. Al exhbits muet be lu place b>' 12 o'cock noon. Exhibitors are rqustod te donate al xhibits (except potted plants) te ho sed. Pro- eeds to go te the Red Cross Fund. Prizos, consistiug 'et fal bulb, vili ho given fr the folloiug classes (o- coptng open classes, vwhere prizes wiii be ribbns ouI>). 1, bouquet ef Ast- es; 2, bouquet of Dahlias: 3, bouquet of Gadoli; 4. bouquet of Sweet Peas; 5. bouquet et Phlox, 6. collection et flevers, named; 7, collection ef ptted plants, 8 six carrts; 9. six ears et corn; 10, six bets; 11, six temafees: 12. ee pumki; 13, ee squash, 14, collectien ef vegetbles: 15, pate et all Apples; 16, plate vinter Applos; 17, plate et Pears 18, late et Pluma; 19, collection ef fruit. The ahve ligt iii ho divIded as folievex (Cass A) eldren 7 years and undr: (Class B) 10 years aud under; (Class C) 12 years sud under; and (Class D) open te al. Hf. W. WiiIoo, President; Ge. Rebb,, Treat for WhitLy People@ Arrau ~ente have been made v ebyu r. by D Farbair, prom- Inent Toronto manufacturer sd for- mer Chairman efthUe Bard et Edu- cation, w1i41e lu Whitby- Uis sttr- nen -(T4 lra), At "The Grange,"' the résidence et -Mr. sud mms John IB. L aildaw , vier.. h o viii addt<ess s y Who' oa-e "endon MTI.ePrair-a a i d e e t P t c W ok1t t i a r bairu lneu o neemoat i ~kno*n 'm u it T or n o.M a no iï 0 s eu r ures an excellent bu ildi ng -lot for upon which you- can start to rnprove Rra.,lualIy.as you find you can ,afford, and ir of a comfortable house and lot ail paid for, -and re to pay for renting.. Thousands of people 'in d to-day they are house owners. JCAN DO IT ones the d'ate of house ownership for you. 0-IT -NOW tin, Sub-divisjo n Manager, or Wm. Maw. IEVENI1 N688,to 9.30 mnd. Phono 70 Improvemont &,Land G-ou' Lin itod Watoh This Space Every Week. - 8are 00W Ooinortably Settled in our New Store iere we intend to carry a large stock of the most lern and up-to-date, Boots and Shoes for men, men and children. Our prices will be the lowest, ýsideriiig quality. Our- terms are cash and one ,e to everyone., We 'appreciate your business, no. tter how smnall same may be, and we always do Satisfaction Cuaranteed JOHN -PEEL &SON. j Phono 1 1 t Da'o k S., W HitB in?1 oNw Se IEverythlng, New, and Nice 'and e2lean. Corne in and see ciur store, FRIDAY SPECIAILS Spick aud Span, 3 cans for,25C > Lux for washing, - 3 packages 25C -Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 packages for 25c SUIMER DRINKS Welsh's Grape juice, 10e to :25c à bottie Orangeade and Lemonade, ib a boule PICI<LING TIlE You know the good kind of Vinegar and Pure "-,Spices we have sold in, the past. We have. the same now. Have good success by using our vinegar, 40, 50, 6oc gai. Jno. E. WATERHOusE WHITBY Phone Il. MotQr Debvery There is nothing more tasty for your HaBreakfast than We have extra. choice - Mild Cured Hams, any 8a ize and cut any way you want them. Also a fullli n-e.Qf'Breakfast and Back Bacon, thé, Famous 'Rose ÀBran1d., -:1 jamol s S$awdon- -Ont, M; Il . : E u%; thuu 1 1 of vur 1 c b 9 e b e fi p F ai ui ai 1 . W's ARE . . ........ W W.& Phone 11. eBftâk-ý fi yiour

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