Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 3

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prOnoun ea, ana the icarcity or re! la respcIhsible fér',the Immoëbiliglng of the. Turkish, fie4, wMch, n l onger~ ahi t h e ensive, isnow .anchored in the Boa of Marihora. ON3 PEN~O~~k _ . #rM officIis B OK5U. T6-aàtatiiLsswlnk at LIese 'out- nages aId eiie6uiâg - their perpetra- .1$o' u otder te po I ve$leli ot hatred cf the Moslems airanst the Chfistian Miles. NEJ&R THE HEAD 0F LÂKa GRB Medical Men Will Be Appointed In Italians Occupy. Mer! ou the Western Every Military Dpivision cf Canada. A despatcb frorn Ottawa sys: B oards cf medical meu are to be ep- poiuted in every military division cf Canada iu connoction with the grant- ing cf pensions towouuded soldiers or Lb. families cof thiose killed on active service. - Already betweeu, 300 sud 850 pensions have been grauted, meust of then being ferthe families cf dçad soldiore. IL in already apparent that the sum cf $2.000.000 set -aiide-for pensions this year will b. quit. in- sufficient for the purpese. If more is needed before another session cf Par-1 liament it may be cbtained by Gev- eruer-Generel's warrant. The establishment cf medical boards-in the different divisions will mtrajl ssiet in the work of pay- iug pensions, whicî is expecied te reech large proportions. Reports will be sent from these medicalboVds te Lb. pensions board in Ottawa, wbich *iill-then pase cn each case. When a man iu temporarily inca- pscitated..the practice se fer ha. been to psy him his regular active servie psy until h. rèccrers. Where it in evident, however, tha t Lh. injury will outlast the war, the man is put on the pension list et once. The problem cf caring fer couva- lescents is expected te prove oeeof the heaviet burdens cf Lb. wer, andf action will shortly b. tskeu te deai specially with it. ToPlan for Future -- In the_17,0045uýpply dpi front LoZp s Lb. 'Board cf Agriculture, bas ap- peliltedl a eemmittee, cf whlcb, Lord'i <1Miluer je chairmnan -te luvoestigete sud report as te, "wbat etepu should b. Laken 'by legiliticu or otherwise, -for -tb. sole purpoeocf maintaininq sud, if possible, iucresiug the preseut production cf -food in England sud Wales on tue essumption thet tbe, -war mny be prolonged- beyond the harveet cf 1916." 30,000 WAR CONTRACTS --LET PROM OTTAWA Purchasiug Commission Will Assume Pull Charge. * A despatel frcmn Ottawa Baye: Con- siderably ever 30,000 different con- tracte have been lot since the begin- --uiug of the war. Up to tb. begiuning of - asmt session- 11,000 lad been lot by tbe Militis Depsrtment alone, not talking inte account these lot 'by ai sub-commltteeocf Lh. Privy Couincil, 1 sud the ÙÜimber" bat 'been greetly in- crese'~xc..Thé IVar Purchasing ' - Commission lu uow werkiug amost nigît andday cearing up Lbh rush of contracte. Itla is ble, at aI- tbpgb tIh. commission wiIl continue te 'tse té services of offWèals of te -purchasing .branch of the Militia De- partment, it will in future-inutitute a new systém by wbich net clyLI, calling and accepting cf teniders fori war neceàsaries, but every step lead- Ing up Lo it, will b. directed under its *jurisdicticu n dal information Aaeu- able on such iubjects on file in its owu offices, -4 ENQUIRIES ABOUT PENSIONS. Shcufld be Addressed to President cf the Board et Ottawa. A despateh , frein Otta wssBaye:j Àstatement frno,, 4the Mil1'tia Tbanàr-. Side cf tb. Trentino. A despatch from Rome sys: Ital- ien troopu have occupied Mori ou Lbe reilread frcm Roverete te Arce sud Riva, important tewns et Lbhe ed cf Lake Garda. As thero je ouly oe Irailroad in titis section te falcf Arco sud'Rive efore the Italiens in- j-vading Lb. Trentine from-te west- ern aide je belloved t e hoenly s question cf, e few daye. Mcvi lu about five miles south cf Reverete, Lb. objective cf e strcng Italien Imevement, but Lbe rcad te that place in fortified te such au exteut that iL wili be a bard task for Lb. Italiens to force Lbe Austrian defences. Pierce figîting in Lbe Monte Nero zone, nertit cf Tolmina, on Lbtesez front, je reperted in an oÉicial re-- port from Gen. Cadornaý te'chief cf staff, issued by Lb. Wer Departmeut. The Alpine troope are giving e geod account cf themselves jn this region, usiug meuntain petits unlcnowu te the en.my, sud falling uuawares ou tite etrougly* fortified Austrian renches. Almout all cf this region je now in LIe bauds cf tIc Italiens. A dariug raid bjr- an Italien airship ou a railroad station eikhtlmiles into Lbe irterior frcmn Trieste in reported in an officiel anneuncemeut, wbicb sys. "An Itellisu dîrigible peesing ever Lbe enemy's entrenched- camps threw high explosive bembe on Di- vessa reilway centre. Notwithstaud- iug LIe enemy's intense lire the dirig- ible returnod uudamaged."1 'Divazza je on LIe reilway from Laibsel,,Lb. Austrian hIcedquertere, te Trieste - IL je 70 milesa from Lb. Coast cf lb. Adriatjc. A despateb frcm Verona, the- Ital- ian headquerters for thc Trentino op- eraticus, sys that emoug Lb. prison- ers rcceutly taken in the Lago di Misurime district was a Bavarian, which je Ltaken Le, indiýate that Ger- man troope -are eidiug. the Austrian forces. 1 IT AND WISDOM. "Have yçvî even been up lu an aere- plane?" 'No, but I once acted as judge et a baby show." Wife: "Thon. are se very few really «ced mon in te wonld." Hubby: "Yes; you were mighty lucky te «et eue."# "I am doing nsy bout te geL abead," auserted Chollie. "'Woll, you certainly need eue," aseented Dcllii.. "You are a disgrâce te itumauity. Hcw could I have marrîed you ? I, a Van Twitter?" He (wealtby, but err- iug): "No decout wenfau would ever lave-hic-married me, eny way." Site; "Women are more reâourceful titan mon." Ho: 1"I guoss that's rigît! A man bas te, geL his clethes made te fit hie shape, but a womsu eau «et her shape made Ite fit ber clothes." "My peor man!" said Lhe fuesy lady te a workmau wito had a inger amies- ing, "Did you lese your finger?" "Oh, ne ,mum,"t replie&lte man. 'I leftit at a maniciist's this morning te hoe donw up." "Nfowv, madam," said Lb. judge, "do yeu swear tat Yeu will speak te trutb, te whole trutit, sd-" "Oh, I eay!" cried Lhe fàijr witnese, "Shall I be allowed te Lalk ail te afternoon? That'e lovely!" Smitht made an un fortunate remark at Joues' wedding yesterdav." "What did le say?" "Congratulsted bim on LIe troasure ho lad won, sud cvery- one but Smith knows Jone marnied ber fer ber moxjey." nient je te the effeet that enquiries ................ iu regard te, pensions shculd b. ad- dreesed to the president cf the Pen- ce is nct considered strong enough -, siens Board in Ottawa, as that cf- to- bear the weight cf a mnan unless it 11cer je in a position to give prompt is at least two inches thick and sound' information in regard to, such, mat- 1aIl through. Ice thet is four juches ter&s1 thick will beur men on horseback. FIGHTING ,STRENGTIRI 0F ENEMY, Nearlv Four Million Oerman and Austriari 5oldhers Permaneýntly O-ut of the FiIld. SA despetch from London enys: 1 nd the Austrians lest enormously Hilaire Belloc, the military expert, es-'more' in-, proportion ip~ prisoners than tistes that the German and Austri- the British. To the Prussien liste cf an losses up te the preseet total killed muet be edded rather lees than nearer four million men than three one-fifth for non-Prussien-- liste cf m-Iillion men. Hoe bases this calcule- the German 'Empire and furthor 80 ion on a cereful enelysis cf the fig- per cent. for Austrig end Hungar-y. ures cf the British ' isustties give Multiplying theso by six, Mr. Belîc by,,Premier AsiquiLh1tf the Commonsn. arrives et 3,250,000 euemy casualties Thooë, figures, h., pointu eut, show before the great Galician effort. This, on., cth f> a total cf 258,000 are according te * bis estimete, cannot dead. 1 ý% total British casualties, Count for lesu than half e million; thereforëé ,Iork -out ,ive Lé eue for this mnakes a grand total cf Lhreo * ascIi1fie 10h e~leseybses an4treo-qartâr millions nozusan-. azester aove 1 : Dui i. aud,- wst cf The ftUIhas"been no desi eengg-emtsfj bi Signed the Second Note to Lhe Kaiser., The, new Secretary cf State ad in- terim, sund who ýiL is expected will eventually receivý the permanent ap- Pcintmentby.Presideut Wilscn. . Re wes Ccunsellcr cf the State Dopart- ment, prier to. beiug cbmmissioned Le succeed Mr. Brysu, sud is au expert iu international law. FALLS- TO BEATH Lieut. Warheford, Who Recently De- stroyed a Zeppelin, Killed 'I in Paris. irRCEs 0f FARO PRODOCIýS ARPORYS TROU H1LADN RD SENTRU8 OF LUERICA. *Breadstuffs. Torene June" 22. - Manitoba whleat-.-N. 1 Northeru, $1.2524 Lo $1.26%; No. -2 Northern, $1.281,& te 11. 241/4; No. 3 Ncrthern, $1. 201/ Le 1 21~4 on reck, leke ports. Mlanitbe cas-No. 2 C.W., 59 Le 60c; Ne. 8 C.W.,,Eo tLàf59e; extra No. 1 feed, 58 te 59c, dn track, lako ports. AmericanCrn-No. 2 yellcw, 80 te 803jc, ou treck, lako ports. Canadien corn-No. 2 yellow, 78c, on track, Toronto. -Ontario oats-No. 2 white, 55 Le 56c; No. 3 white, 64 te 55c, according to freights outside. Ontario wboat-No. 2 Winter, per car lot, $1.15 Le $1.17, eccording te freigbts outeide. Peau-Ne.> 2, nominal, por car lots, $1 .50 te $1.60, according te freights outoide. flsrlev-Good meltine, barlév. 70 A despateit fremn Paris sys: Lieut. te 73c; 'feed barley, 65c, accordfing io Reginald Wsrnefcrd, Lb. young Cana'. freightu cutaide. dieu aviator wbc reeently ' won the Buckweatm-Nominal, car lots, 751 Victoria Cross sud Lbe Legion cf 1te 77c, according te freigîts outeide. Rye-No. 2, nominal, $*1,05 to Henor fer destroying in Imid-afr a $1 .10, according te freigîts outuide. Zeppelin sirship, lest control cof -s Manitoba flour-Piret patents, lu uew aeroplane le was testing near jute bagu, $7.20; secend patents, in Pariesud LIe machine Lumbled from jute bage, $6.70; strong bakers', in a great heigît. Lieut. Warneferd jute bage, $6.50, Toronto. Iu cet- was killd instantly., ton bage, 10e more. Henry B. Needham, the Americen Ontario flour-Wiuter, 90 per writer in Europe te, geL -pesin cent.- patents, $5, seaboard, or Te7- from Lthe war, was a- mpingrsssonsronto freigite in bags; Warnfor. H, topasskee wtb Miîfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- Wsrefod. otoc wa kile . rosI freights. Bran, per ton, $25; The exact cause cf Lb. accildent je shorts, per ton, $27 te $28; middlings, unknown, and will romain se,as the per ton, $28 te $29; good feed fleur: seroplane sud its engin. are s màa per bag, $1,80. cf tangled wreckaie. But Lb. cause may be found iju part, et least, by Lb. Country, Prialuce. tact that Lieut. Werneford remarked Butter-Choice dairy, 21 te 23c; betore leaviug Lb. Hotel Rits fer Lb. inferier, 18 to 20c; creamory prints, Lesting grcund tha le foît eick sud 28 to 29e-* do, solide, 26 te 28ce dizzy, sud would - net fly, aithough Egge-nh, market is steady, ho lad been asked te experiment with straigît n.w-laid beiug queted et 21 some new machines. te 22e per dozen, in case, lots, and By tIe time le reached LIe avis- Beas-The market is quiet eti ion grounds, however, lho bsd re- $3.10 te $3.15 fer prime, sud $3,20 cevered bis usuel buoyaucy cf bealtbte 8 3.25 for bauýd-picked. sud immediately set abot Lte ascend Poultry - Cbick n, yearlings, in onaeofthebaceroplanste b. tested. dreesed, 16 1te 20W<'ping chiekenuf Ho teck, tIe machine up alcue, pt 45 Lc SOc; fewl, 13 té, 15C. iL through some cf the custemary Cheese-The market is essier, be- manoeuvres sud aiighted witîcut Iug quoted et'181W te 19e for large, misbap. aegLnueLeseod sd aL 19 to 191/4c for twius. Petatees-ýOntarie, 55 te 60c per Then h o notescn ma- bag, cuL cf store, and 45 Le 50e in chine, whicî wes cf te samne type as car lots. New Brunewicks, car lots, tb. firet, sud taking Needham as s 55 te 60c per bag. passenger scsred into Lb. air. There were a few spectaters on Lb. grounds Business in Montreal. sud some cf Lb. men conuected witb MonLfeal, June 22.-Corn-Ameri- Lb. aenial corps, Thte machine glid- can , N, 2 yellow, 801/2 Le 81c. Oas ed from ceartb, but there was ne bint Ce2nîfdieu Western, No. 3, 59%c- of aythng ron,.ad te yungextra Nc. 1 feed,-595/c* No 2 local cfeteant andghwroug, ,an heung white, 59c; No. 3 local wlsite, 58e; No. lietennt ud isAmeica pase- 4 local whiLe, b7e. Barley-Maui- ger lad soon become but a speck in Lobe feed, 72%½c. Flour-Maniteba Lhe skyr. IL wae a perfect day for Spring wheat patente,'firets, $7,30; testing work. The sky was clear sud seconde, $6.80; . strong- bakere', Lbere wes ne wind. There is ne. tell- $6.60; Winter patents, choie, $6.80;f ing te exact height Lb. seroplane straight rellere, $6,40 te $6. 50; do., lad attained wheu LIe misbap, wbat- bage, $3 Le $3, 10. Rolled ease ever iL was, occurred. But iL was se Bbls., $6.50 te $6 .75; do., bage, 90 bsgb Lbat notbing eut cf Lb. ordin- Ibe., $3 te $3.,0. Bran, $26. Shorts, $28, Middlinge, $33 te $34. Mouillie, ary cculd be detocted by Lb, specta- $35 te $40. Hay-No. 2, per ton, Lors-on the grouud untiiLte machine car lots, $19 te $20.50. Cheese - came pluugiug d wnward. 1Fineet westerns, 16% Le 17e; finesL f asterne, 154 te l1uc. Butter - LIGHT STEEL HELMETS fCbeicest creamery, 274 te 28c- sec- FOR RENC SOLIERSonde, 261/4 te 26 1i. Egga-1Ërosis, FOR RENC SOLIERS22 te 22c; selected, 24 te 25e- No.2 stock, 19 te 20e. Potatesee-er bag, A despateit from Paris says: Frencht-car lots, 42Y2 Là 45c. Dressed legs- soldions in LIe field soon are Le begin Abattoir kilîed, $13,50 Le $13.75. weariug light steel helmets, suggest- Pork-Heavy Canada short mess, ing in their design te antique head- bbls,_ 35 Le 45 p iodes, $29; Casuada cf en-t-ame.I clerLit short-cuL back, bbls,, 45 te 55 pices, pieesof enat-rm. n c ,, tey $28. 50. Lafd-Compound, tpeires, wiIl bc te grey bluo, harmenizing 375 Ibo. net, 105/gc; pure, tierces, 376 witb Lhe service uniforme whicî ibs., 12e; pure, woed pails, 20 ibs net, Frenchs soldions have been wearing for. 12 Yzc. sevenal menthe pasL. mhe Miuistny cf War bas adopted a design for Lbie helmet, atten s pro- longed examination cf vanioue differ- eut types eubmitted. Tise new iselmet wrnl afferd considenabie protection Le Lise iead frein fragmente of ehellesud rifle bullets travelling witit iessened velocity. The cusLemany csp will beI netained for service bebind te front. Stupid Lawyer Body. - "Welii, James, how are you feeling to-day?" said te ministen te eue et panishioners, au old minusuffering frein chronie nheumatism. "Yeu are net lookiug so brisk as usuel." "Na, sir," neplied tbe old fellow, sadly. "I'1ve been gey unfortinit Lb. day." "lHow, James?" "Weel, sir, I «et a letton fIa. a Gloes lawyer body tiss mernîn', Lellin' me that me cousin Jock was deid, an' that,e ad left me twa hunnor poun'." "Two itun- drcd pounde!" repeated te minister. "And you cehi that bard luck? WIy, iL is quite a fortune for you, James."' ",Aye," said te old man sorrowfully, "but te stupid lawyer body didua pit oneucit stamps ou lis letton, au' I lad e hale Lwopence te pay for extra postag." -United States- Markets. Minnespolis, June 22.-Wheat--No. i lard, $1.23%; No. 1 Nertiten, $1.177/ to, $1.25/s; No. 2 Nortiseru, Cern-No. 2 yellow. 7114 te 71¾c. Oasu-No. 3 wite, 45'1/2g Le 46e. Fleur and bran uncbanged. Dulutht, June 22.-Wheat-No. 1 bard 1.24- No. 1 Nortitern, $1.20 te $1,23; N'o. 2 Nortitern, $1,15 te, '-120; July, $1,18. Live Stock Market. Toronto, June 22.-Butciters' cat. LIe, choie $8,10 Le $8.40; do., good,l ,$7.50 te $7.80; d., medium, $715' to, $7.40; do., cosiluon, $6,60 -to! $7.10; buteiters' bulle, choie, $6.75 te $7.50; do., good bulle, $6.25 tcf $6.50; do;, rougit bulle, $5.25 te $6;I butcees' cows, choice, $6.75 te $7.25; do., Igood, $6,25 te, $6.50; do, mediui, $5.25 Le $6; de., common;, $5 te $5.75; feedere, good, $6,50 tof $7.25; stockere, 700 to 1,000 ibs.,1 $6,25 te, $7. 75; cannons and cutters:,' $4 te, $5.25; tnxlkens, choice, eacit $iiO te, $95; do.. common and medium, i each, $35 teo $45; eprîngens, $50 Le1- $35; ligît ewesw, $6,50 te $7.50; do., - beevy, $4 te $5; do., bueks, $3,50 to, $4.:50; yearlisng iambe, $6.50 't', $7 50; sprnÉiimbe, cwt, $11t $14; calves, $4.50 Le $10,25; hoge,j Compulsory LcLvy' Sugges.tcd But Whîle This Io Discussed', it ls, Believedý Terms of New Issue WzIl be flore Popûlarl." atch frem, rer loan, undeni being that iL wifl appoal Le even te' t ourïe of 202 officors 21 machine booty- rcrcsséd tho fod sud water.d, $9.85; do., off -taro, $9.60 te $9.65. -n: Moutreal, June- 22.-Sales cf g ccd stoors wero made eti $8 .25 -te $8.50, fair et. $7.75 Le $8, aud. -the lcwor grades et frem $6 te $7.-50., Butch- ors' cows brought $4- Lo $6.75, and buils from .$4.75 -te $6.75 per cwt. The market -for emaîl meet .was steedy, with sales of sheep:et $5.50 te, $6.50 percwt., yearlinig,-lmbse, t $7 to $7. 50, and Spring, lambs .,et $5 .50 toe$6 oel. Calves sold.xeadily et prices ranging from ý$1.50 te $10 eecb. The mer ket fer loge .was weaker, and sales cf eelected lots were made et $9.50 te $9,90,, sud heavy iikied lots et $8.560 te, $9 per cwt, wei*hod off cars. DRITAIN r,1$ fDLLY 1AROaSII GREAT CHANGE RAS COMEI OVER TUE NATION. The. People Tbink sud Talk of' Nothing Else But te Wsr. A cable fiom London te te New York Tribune sys: - No sigu is lacking st-tte srent Lime te show that Lhe we"as grip- ped the v.ry ean e nglaud. Or- dinary persous t an sd LaIk no- Lhing else. A compard with June, 1914, Britai s a uew country. A year o Lbe season was et iLs very beï ht; restaurante, theatres, sud dresemekere were deiug an ener- meus business, witile the prospectsi for LIe Ascot race meeting furnisbed Lhe chiot theme cf conversatien. Te-5 day several fashioneble botels are soi empty that tîey weuld be better off' if able te close down entirely. Sart restaurante bave lowered all their. prices, and depeud mainly ou the patronage cf officers ou beave frcm Lb. front. The lesding milli- ners sud costumers have discharged ever 70 'per,. cent. cf titeir employesi sud ar,'e doing »practically nothing.1 Women are paying ne attention te te new fauhions, sud altening gowns1 instead cf buying uew eues. Expen- uive pnivate automobiles grow fower dal.Recruitiug Stimulated. One sees tbousande cf kitaki fig-1 unes marcbing along Lb. public LIon- ougîtares. The entire country basl awakened Le Lb, gnevity, cf Lb. situa- ien, a utate cf mind due Iargely tei te Zeppelin raids, sud recnuitiug proceede fasten than te authorities eau find .equipment. The number cf men unden 30 whe bave net protten- ed thein services jg almeet infinitesj- mal. Many London regimeuts are holding "reeruiting -week." This in aided by bauds sud necnuiting offi- - cers, but ail state that they are geL-I tiug comparatively few young mou, becaus. practically ail able Le servel have already eniisttnd. Present dayl recruits are nicet cf tbem mej-nied men between' Lirty sud torty. "The slackon" bas almeet dieajp- peared. 0! apparentîr eligible youug .men te whom, reeruitors appea .nol uesuer jrauoa nz- r.u.mstantiIprogress waa s a"d e mç. Stnly rarma nt'. W. G.strong;bership at the end of'the yearc 1914» eugilfbratfodOnt; W G.Strng stanidingat 91,557. Bupertendentý f', , Organization, iBesides 'the crdinary benêfits frontl- Branttor& Ont,;-W-. L. RobertO,*First its- Life Insitrance and Sick1 and LWII Auditor, Brantford, Ont,, and A. Funeral Benefit,' feparitmentsý special. Sh5éo~êIgbAudiWor, Brant.x prciion sdeaevt'* ford,- Cn ad X.-J,,tevenson, tion of the Order, for.-ý«a rZ4- Toronto, OntiRT, er.ito 4, 1i~ ~ Ont. A R daiinLondon,, Ont.; F. tuberculartrue M H. 4.Davidscn, Winniýpçg, Man.; A. R. seilgatsmd Coffin,,..'rurc, KS., members of the a- period of six miontha,4itlr a vW- Executive Commîttee., to assisting to defray - "-j cost' c. In addition to 'the above, A. L. treatment.in any of a numbetof suiiile Jones, Dist. H. C. R., Brandon,'Man.; tarie in',Canada, making a spaly A. K. Be-y, PautDist. H. C. R;,Hl fsc aes n h èbrle >,'- lànd, Man., 'and D. E. McKsnnoni urged:-to: Itake- advantage of sc Dist. High Secretary, Winnipeg, Man.,_f treatment, in 'the incipient stages ôf representatives fromn the District Hîghi the malady. ý Court for Manitoba, were present.- It is.gratifying te note aftera'pr The Anxiual Reports cf, the varîcus usai cf the 'reports of ail the officers, officers cf this Order are again cf a, the far-reaching ýbenefits thàt are - leý- very satisfactory nature, showing that ing derived by -the mcembership in -the' the steady progress which hes been varicuis. directionhs in _which thi - Soci- its experieffce since its inception in. ety endeavors, th be of assistance. to 1879, was continued iii the year 1914, the 'individuals , compésing saine. which is the pericd covered by these Since 1879, about, ten-and a -hait nuil- reprts lons cf dollars: have, beenpai d cti'n * Týhis-Order confines its business en- benefits by this Sùciety, end,ý in fact,~ Llreély te the Dominion cf Canada. In the whole record- cfthe Order, as sub- ail its deparLmients, in spite of the ad- 'mittcd'ài theset eports, is well-worth, verse generàl conditions which have, the perusal cf those who perýhaps bave been experienced - n Canada, uniform been skep p éàdngýte'ýea prores i deontraes necyand stability cf frtrainsur- The increase in the i urence funds *ance concerns. These reports furniish during the year amound te $875,- evidence cf careful management' in" the 295.94, this increase being the second conduet cf the Societysaaisan largest, in the Order's experience, and reictcetoni s dm fnisrtiond only some $5,000.00 less than the point et generalinuterest, as indîcat- largest increase- in any one year, Ing proper sélection of riska. In -the deatis which occurred in 19-12. The standing rate. This for 19514 ivas 9.54.1n the thou- sand. and the averogé death rats 'oince- of this fund at the end cf the year, the Inception cf the Order. over a perlod after the payment cf 599 deeth of neariy 36 years. In 5.31 per thousand. cdaims, euiounting teIn380.2 lo oOkIng Into the report of the Super- to $13'80-12 Intndet of Organization. we find he han showed funds on hand cf $4,740,368.01; been ablesr to report the Institution cf the amount at the present time being forty-two (.42) new Courts, deznostrat-. $4,884,441.13. The yearly revenue de- ing that tise Order continues te estabiiuh rived from the investments cf the agnciof Iaeunesfels fer tp.Proscls- Order now constitute a very substan- attention lu .evldenlybelng paid toese- tial ameunt of the annual income. tablishment of Subordlnate Courts onfly, Interest earned cn investments cf in- ,In such places as cffer a reasonable pros- surece undedurng 914 moutedpect of permanency. surace fnds urin 191 amonte The Order han. pursued, a very libersl! to $223,761.64, and raid 36.44 per Poiey in respect to those of Its member- éent. cf the total death dlaims cn the shlp who have velunteered, or enlisted, for overseas service. 'Net only -la the ltr- Order. suranca in sach, cases keptIin forceet Iu respect te the metter cf invest- the erdipary rates; ef- tho&e who were lu mente, it ie interesting to know that inemhershlp ut the date cf de claration eof - the Order confines the investment c*f war by Eniand. but the Insurance and the prchaing f mu i Sik and Finneral Benefit Assessments its funde zoto eprhsgO ui for all such meffibers are being paid by cipal and echool debentures cf the Hîgh Coprt eut cf -the* Generai or Est- Dominion cf Canada. During the lest pnie Fund of*-the.Oraer. New business - two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i yer it necetoalmre wv~?fur ris shas cf necessity to, twoyers wthanexepioal mrkt e ecindaiïS i. the'oniy -saf e course in such direction, frcm the investor's for the Order. but, the arr&u.gemient au point cf view, the Exocutive Commhit-, made relieves'the memnbers 61 eider tee heu been able te tgke very exten'stan~dligfrein the-necesuity. cf paxjtent isy thein cf their crdinary amsistt, sive advantage of the situation. ani -et proirides for the prper ps'emium« The Sick -and Funeral Benefit Ftind being collected anld creditedte> the Insur- shows a largex-, net increase than thet acal~lkadPnr~ eeiFni eprenced in'ny previous year in oAs usualr*on such occasions. a ver!' itheOrdr'shistory. the inc'ease 'for considerable amount or bueine-is awalte tue year being $55,071.58. Interest the attention of the delegates.. £nd itlas earnd o invstuentscf.Sickandc-spected that the sessions wiII-probably eared n ivesmens' f .Sic an 0oîupy theîr attention MIi the lSth ln- Funeral Benefit Funds (these inveet- stant. Loo ToTheFutreFRENI AINS Canada eau benefit by hearkeningAT I P NT tot-l enecemmendetien necently made A S-B I T I y the Britisit Board cf Agriculture,' in a notice iseued Le farinons. IL t strongly urged tiete L raise as mueit]Army cf 200,000 Germans Hurled steck as possible during the war, and Atteeks Againet the gives LIe following advie: De noL send breeding and immature * AIlied LUnes. stock te the butcher simply becetise Adsptlfo Paiey:Th prices are attractive new. De no-t market unfiniebed animale%; heaviest fighting cf mauy weeks* je it 'is waeteful cf t> .ceuutny's r.- renorted by te Freucbi Wan OfficeC souces and is against your own int7er- uILte nortit, between $euchez aud- este. 'Y evhe Lt iitu -a en-ui Do net iii calves-rear ttom; it'is Nuil, h ihigýa en-ui well wonth iL. -ý ous. On titis front te -Germans an- De net reduce. your stock; wiscn rayed an army cf 200,000 men, witb ycu cannot buy stores, buy calves. heavy roserves'in-Lte rosir, drove for- Maintain your focekesud breed ycur ward againet tise Frencin l a desper- sows; iL wiil psy you Le do se. - a e efort te regain te «round los Tise board addâ that tise abovene- tiser, during Lise Iset feyiv day -..Afi^maain ala n. rin ,.1 i - more titan eue iu twenty is deliber- cormunuaiisarc m uevnui;î vuui " ateîy refraining frein jeining. te national welfare, but because iL Makig Mnitinsbelievos tbein Le be for LIe ultimate Makin Muniions.benefit ot Britisht agnieulturists. This recruiting stimulus le charse- _ - - -1-_ ____ teristic cf te change wiieitas lien Pride Touched. come over the nation. Pneeticaily A LeacIers' meeting was in Pro- aIl te engineering wonks titrougisout «resu, and AL wag decided titat te Britain are uow devotiug temselyesI more difficuit subjectes gould co me in iu eue way on another te msking 'te morig n hs htrqie muniion. Reire - nginersandloe application haLer in te day. Hie- men ith engieerng-kuowledge, tory was aset on LIe uLs, sud Miss many cf tisem amateurs, are giving Witeelen, te yeung Leadher, proeted. up their whole ime Le working in "But iL eertaiuly is easien titan these factonies witisout psy te lu- science or mathematics," tic -principal crosse te output. insisted. -Women Doiug Titeir Sitar. ,"As I teechit i," replicd te young Mor tian 00,00 ôme hae eacher, "ne subjeet could be more registerod. theinselves at te laiton difficult sud contusing." i exebeuges as williug te engage iu- wa . wo1.Wmnasegig jt The blood cf a in wei«its about ovony brgucit et lite Lo fIll mon's1 0b places. A new station opened by, te Underground Electrie Railway is -- stsffed eutinely by women wito work BIuy Sar. Securities While te elevators, sud set as ticket dis-. thîe M-rket is Lew. tributors sud collectons. 1 '. Our Aî,prcied Mauy women are acting as driversU cf meon lorries, otbers drive milk e ,a r' carte, some are doiug pestmen's P R IAML- PRMIIE 1< work, sud several bundned are takiug - Lb. places et commissionairos - old fsoldiers who rejoined teé army. Iu ensariz you'to bu' sitfe ulildeud- botelu and clubs tbey have almôst ou- pa> îng isiselun n n quatite-. iroly filled te vacancies esused by oelrty, ty îuîakîii a uit mou enlistin«. AIl titis «ces Le show payment and balance ii1h that cvery cîass cf society je new instalînentti as rou Ar* giviaig itsel! up Le te iar sud ne- ceive $20, $3 9iz, thing eoIe. -payments, and qY Titere inscsereely a tamily whicb je tien at any tim0 tnot persouaily sffeeted by te etrug- liormal levelwrand4 «le, sud Lb. country in rapidly pricos yieldid 1ost' nescbiug Lb. point whene every pen- son, in nomne fasiic, will i,. assiet- PV 7 IE ing in fightiug te Germaus. SPECIAL CONSTABLES lrn,- AT -ROSS RIFLE ÊÂcTOR'Y' B - -A deupatel from- Quebocsys: . , T*çnty emiployes oethé 6Rose ife Repeated attacks were -hurled bacif by tIe Frencit forces, whicli, sLriking quickly while tite Germans.were in. confusion. vnesîed forwsrd - makiuoe important gains on tisree sides cf Souchez, sud sdvancing iuntre. -di-, rectione from Neuville. The Prench batteries during a flore battie, cf 24 hours fired ncarly 300,000 shelae, while te Germans used prebably ne fewer. Thte destit toll in te face cf, duel artiliery work has cf neceseity been very large. The Frencit War Offie admits that tise Frenchl bases.-h-ave licou serieus, IL asserLs, i»weyer, tisat tise German casualtles haeve been even «rester. lu spite 5of this tact te ipirit sud moi-aIe f the French troope is eaid to-be excellent. 1More titan 1,000 Germen-iprisounr have been made iluning the. stnuggle 1-500 ou Lbe, Souches-N.euville front ansd 500 in the Vosges. Iu te Veeges, - Altenhbof, a, ubunb et Metzeral osnithe,-RiverPecît, bas been captur.ed,~, - Steinbeck, a, littie Le tise uorth cf Metzeral , bas talion jute French bands-after s turieus asauit -wculd- appear Lbat, Soudhez, th cf Amas, sud Metzersal,in te ;g, are .deemed te tahiiuel riel haud8. lThe uew positions won ut Souciiez will givýe te'French -cries ean '- 4weep toward thLb inupositions in LIe toýwn- sud saine is truc rcspxccting Metzeral. Thte Docton1 Wae SaLio ion a well-kueWu deetc est on pbrenclogY, visit laylu in iPris, hb,*, A dL. 4-.,,isnent Iv ARCHIVES, OF ONTI TORONTýýO-1ýl It ýé-

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