Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Jun 1915, p. 5

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Most of the wedd.ing gifta abs will reosive wli lie articles for mm ise l ber fu tu re home. Why not Svs ber asrething forher very * w,-a jewelry giftý,sonxetbin~ aire eau wear aud cherislb, for aI tiie? ~Or, if 'you re tbe 'lncky inu, on wiIi seon lie seleu.tinggit f'or tue- bride andl ber brides- maids, aud ene for- your 1'beut man.' Hlave unashow yen thre many liandsomo jewelry gif ta we have for this purpoe. -Lavalieres snd Pendanti, lu geld aud platinnin; set with diam- onde, pearis. aquamarlues, peri. *dots, emeralds, etc. Fric. 54.00 to 8100.0>0. Bracelet Waths-Spleudid ime- keepers-and very dainty orna. ments. Expansion bracelets ef 10k sud 14k gold, sud in gold -filled., $10.00 te 540.00. rOoches and Sap' Pins-Set with fiue combinatious of procious aud Semi-preeleus atones Pnices from 52.50Sto 575.00. Re Ne Bassett 1 ersd rdais Optielan Whltbyq Ontario W. C. Te U PROTESTING PRIESTS. The City ef Cambridge, Massachu- zetts,- bas for a long time been tfree from the curse ef licensed barrooms. As many et our rendors know, the State of Massiachusetta. vote every year upon tIe question of license or ne license, eld temperaiice people have to ho con- tinueusly u'pen the watch lest they be robbed. ef the privileges they enjoy. In- view of the ntext voting ln Cam- bridge. eleveft pastors o! Cathelic Churches have united ln a public letter urging voters to stand by the no-license iystem and saying: The saloon would be-a curse among us. Standing for morality and presper- Ity, good order and the enforcement ef law, jet us ail oppose the saloon as the common eneniy and by our conscient- loue vote forbid its return te our be- loved city." LOCA L HAPPENINGS gHigh grade Pilet Rooflzgg, $1.50 per square, at Geo. M. Rice's. __o_- Mn. Jas. MeCillan banso md property lu tire soutir yard te a Kinnoar, of Toronto, vire wlll taRe1 session on July lut. Al the latest styles iluaen eei6 .and wIndow sereous at Gèo. M. Rk Everytbing iln hardware. vers rn nen uuIutacu',vu .n Mr. eoO. M. RLtlsO, iwore nalleda s teCm 19e m amPn'On.. ansd the BlacRfeet were éonsiderOd te A number et local gentlemen. vere Inu e 'al190 rans, Tire tables were turnod Uxbridgeou Wednesday atterneon, at-I preeriy; howveyer. tending the tuneral of the iste Isa "Jeff" Gimblett'occupied the box fer Gould, Who vas at ene time Warden ef -the ]RlacRfeet, and the menu'be served Ontarlo,,Ceunty. up to bis- opponeuts tvas tee bhot, fer I -0-their cemtort, wltb tbe resuit that the jSes eur lineo0f ladies' clotb topped Nevor-Sweatsa remaiued runless for the boots, orords and pumpp.- Peel's Sbee ýpur InÉings. Store.; j j!On the other baud some et the Black- -0-'~e solvod Blànchard'is delivery, and Whitby's Button Day. Everybody's v'èth a feW, errers wsre belped around. opportunity te hoip maRe It, a suceeuu. Jeif .belped b1mseift te a tbreebagger Buy the "Allied For Uigbt" .buttons and a double, sendilg in seme runia f rom young ladies and scouts on Satur. anid ucring two himolf. Tbe issue day, Juno l2th, three buttons buy a pair- wa-zenver Iu doubt. ef socks for soldiers. I. P. 'Starr, Supt. The- fift Irnning was a surprise for ' -L ' ý1 1 aIl concerned- Witbl two out and two Mr. Robt. Beatty, Superinteudeut etfmmen ou bases. Allie Wilson, the young- 1 tbe Hospital F'arxn, Port Wbitby, bas est -8iid smaliest man ou MatbisoU's purchasod from .?ir. Cha4. M. Willcex, teain, came te bat. lt looked as If al the lot just north of tbe îatter's resi- was ovor, sud the grand stand crOwd dtnce on Byron Street.. Mr. Beatty begs.n te maRe for-the gatos. But Allie wiil commence the erection of a large was net te ho suubbed. HoRe.uiammed resideuce at once. the apple fer a two-base bit, bringiig -o--lu Blancbard aud Mathison, but .tbe Y 'Clean-up Day was observed ou Tues- scorung euded thoro, as ho vas Put eut day, the town providing teamsiand men off 'the bases. to romove tho refuse frem the. prom- Tho game onded 5-2 for the BiseRtOOt. Iseo et citizens wisbing te taRe ad- On Menday eveuing McIutyro'li Iron- vantage 0f the opportunity te deéan up sd5bj*r8 the BineRfeot were scheduled their property. A groat many people te jlay, but rami nterfered, and thre sent lu tiroir names te the Town ClerR, gaxhie wili ho played at the end efthtie aud thre toams werekeRpt busy ail day. seasen.. 0. To-night <Thursday) Mathison sud Mr. and Mrs. John Fenuel, et Berlin, Little are on tire boards te prOVide Ont., are viiting wIth tiroir daughtor, thre gaule. Mrs. E. L. Procter.,,Mr. Fennel lu a whoesale--b&dwarë aud trou merchant T. G. WHITFIELD'S DRUG STORE and bas beeft lu business lu Berlin for BENEFITS BY NEW BUSINESS over fifty years. In-iei young days ho IDEA. learued tbe hardware business lu Bow- Exclusive Agent for Weil Knowfl Line. mauvilie,and was weil acquainted witb lu alliUnos et business eid Idoau are tis portion, et the Province. He bas giving place to now, and modern effi. been renewlng oid time acquaWincos icièecy lu showlng ,btter ways et Bell- aud scehes. k- Iug goodu. ---o- Almout everyone lu familiar with, the &1Tbrougir the iud tiroughtfuiness et fameUfs Nyal's Famlly Remodlos and Mrs. J. E. Farewell, the Women's Mis- Tolêt Proparations, and bas bon accus- slonary Society efthtie Tabernacle were tonied te seoing them lu 'almoset every entertained on Friday lait, wbeu the tnmily medicine cupboard. members as an, auxiliary bld farewelil1 Very recentiy thre cempnny have te Mrs. Sexumltir, Mrs. Greenwoed and muade a far-reacirg -change- ln thiri Mrs. McGili, wbose departuro from our plan of deiug business, lu the future midut la regretted. A very pieauiug'lNyal's preparatiens wili ouly heobe- feature efthte.atternoon was theirer- tainable tirreugh seiected drug store sentation et a lite membership te eue et agencios wiro are shareholders lu the our meut leved and esteemed members, compauy. Mns. E. Mewbray, whose services a Correspondlng Secrtary for many N tc aCeios yearsýhave been appreciated. N tc oCeios The Bay et Quinte Metirodlst Conter-_I IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE once, beld at Osbawa, closed ou Mon-j 0F BAILEY WEATHERILL, LATE day nigirt,tatter adeptIng tire report et 0 F THE TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERt- the Stattoning- Committee vitir ING, IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTAR. changes froru the firut draft. lu the ne-- 10, YEOMAN, DECEASED). port, Rev. W. E. Hoey, wbo was at finut statieued atMyrtie and Columbus, Notice lu herehy given pursunut te lo meved te Weeler, and tire ministed statute, that ail persons haviug daims at Myrtie and Columbus wili be Rov. iagainut thre said otate et Bailey Wea. G. NicRie. -tirerili, Whio died on or about tire 25tir ----1 day et April, 1915. are required te send The Dramatie Art. Club et the On- 1te tire uudersigned executor at Brook. tarie Ladies' Colege, wîîî preseut lin, Onitarie, R. R. Ne. 1, ou or betere tbroe one-act plays lu tire concert bail thre 24th day et Juno uext, particularu on Friday evening. June llth, at 8 o'.' !et their dlaims, duiy verifled, and ne- dlock. Thre preceeds wiil be given te tics lu turtirer given that afttr the iast the Red Cross Fund. Admission 25c. namod date the exocutor wyul procood Thre first play tu a very fuuuy far ce te distribute the said estate havlng re- by 0. D. Gloasen, 'lHow thre Stery gard only to the, daimsetfwbicbho Grew": thon follews 'Holiy Treo Inn,", shall thon have notice. adapted frem Charles Dickens' Christ- Datod at Whitby this 2tb day et May, #',ýtory, "Tire Holiy Troc." A dra- 19. S es et work,- "The. Bishop's F. W. GIBSON, Exocutor. complotes the program, J. E. FAREWELL, ýon an incident"lu Victor -9 Solicitor fer the Exocuter. S "'Les Mis.rables." NDREW'S CHVRCH. Local Iniprovements. eretiliettv buss orJe. eR< er -4 .D. c XamsayA, TaRe notice tirat tire Municipal a &sons on Byron Street nortir, at M r ! ,At. tbtrsrie. Ceuncil oethtie Corporation eft tie Tev Street. rtry respense, "Whoe et Wiitby Intendu to construot as t - -Local Improvemeut upon tire toilowiug1, Have yoUr eyeis tested a A prop v,ýely are Thy Dwell- streets, vîz.. ln fitod y , E WhIi, u a- Bel.(1) From Centre Street to King AI tiia. 4t -~ m-"dCrossiilg tire St. nortirasde of St. John St., 4 ft wide. B Tiremonblynietiig e the tby- Atirr Lde.Estlmiated ceut $145: tewn's share, $58. Th oihymeigo he u výlîu tire yde(2). Ou west asde et Athol Street, VWar Relief Society wvlll beldlnth frem St. John St. to Trent St. Esti- auditorium etftirs Public Library 0on PIANO RECITAL. mated ceut $150; tewn'usirhare, $60. -o-aJne1ta 33.PM Tire pupils et Miss Kate, Wright will (3). On oast side et Byron Street, Mes egl udDrb bot0adgîve a planoforte nectal at tire Ontario f nom Grand Trunk Station te Keitir Jbes treal adst styles b oe'oen Ladies' Colloge tis evening, Tbursday, Street. Estimated cost $900; tewu's *toe.I h aet8Yls eloS June lotir. A cordial invitation is ex-* sharo, $360. Stoe.tondod to tire public. Miss Richrardson, (4). On west aideofe Brock Streot M Mru.Rayn vs l Toent onTue-oe Petorbero, wili assist.ý from Trent Street to lut Street. Es- dy vistn ho n oontRsel ofTie. Miss Wrigirt's mP.uy tniends will ho timated cost, $l,500ý-tewu's share,$600. Royal aaiaing raen sl, Wv he ipleased te know that Miro will hegin a (5). Brook Street caut trom Ontanio Royal rtîy fo rgo seas service. clansulu Wiitby ln Septeinber. Miss Street te St. Peter Street. Estimated i 0eveWright iras bad remankabie suceess U 0c ost, $700# towu'a share $200. P Eggsforvinor se t smme pncesa teacher attire Coliego, aud duriug irer 1 (6). Oin Chetnut Street, nortiraide Egy ufor wtr uglasemet riabe yearu et Instruction- thons nonsetfber from Broek Street te Contre Street. byugg pre eran-cothe.motpe dozo pupils have ever tailed. Tis year tire Estimateii coat,. $132; town's siare, $58. J.g pE. is crggiv st sud peptician same lu true, al et Miss Wight's pu- (7). On Walnut Street, nortir sidg J j.E.wili -o-.-'tan oti a, pilis aviug bçen -succostul lu tiroir ex- trem Brook Street te Palace Street. Es- - Ses tire new o11l0steve at Geo . amiuatioils at tire Toronto Conserva, timatod ceut, $320; tewn's share, $260. «Rice's. Werks ut as poil as thea ciii tory et munie. (8).- On Palace Street, v.eut aide, sas.Geo.M. ide.-- 0 t nom Dundas Street te Mary Street. Sa.-o- .Rie UNHEAIýýrHY AND UNSIGHTLY. Eutimated cout, $320; town'usirhare, $80. t Voton' List Court etfRevision vas Complaite have been -made by tire (9). On Euclid Street, east aide, frem bheid on Thursday merniug last by resudents eft tie'eastern portion efthtie Chestuut Street to John Nevport's .Judo MGillvry. Aver lage um-tovil tint tire iow-lyiug vacant lot at bouse. Estlmated cost, $220; tewn's buder tnmes lvraddA e eltre îu. tire corner ot Asir and Dundas treetu ls share, $88. ade oteIe. a nuisance, ,both as regards Its appean- (1)OnMr Stetseirs, Dr. urry'sTiroaluti Cuioni suce and tire public heaitir. Motoriste frorn Brook Street te Byron Street. oD. Shyeos aeaeu 0 tore. ee ming Into Whitby f rom tir est are Estlmateii cout, $150; tevn's share, $60. ,Solil hoe af.Pel'oSho Stre. greeted by tis unsightly corner. Tien, (11). Ou Brook Street, veut aide, Mn.Jon nii,_ tregeOa-Lvotire land being lev, vater collece tuons C. P. Ry., a distance et 1,200 test nertir, > M.tohn C BmighOnt, otnava vas and becomes stagnant, and a menace tiniated cest, $650; tovn'u share, $260. .,toku ou5iii!d5yr, udawa, wasyte irealtir. Tire suggestion iras been $240. gretd y isma celii friends, made that tis migit ho usod as a (12). On St. Peter Street nertirBsde gretedbyiri may~dumping ground, lu orden te fIlit up f rom Green Street to Brook Street te Churci's Bug Finish Rilis ail 1bat and aveu tire danger causod by tire Brock Street, Estlmateii colt, $150; eatn~ usetu iti en aplictin.J stagnation. Tis methed lu pursuud lu lwn's shane, $60. eatng nsete ithOneappicaio Toronto sud ether places, sud migirt And to assess 60 per cent. efthtie final B . Wills. druggist and opticinu. veli ho siiopted bore. cost tirereot etftire proporty abuttiug EeV . _A. O- -aiiMn ._.--- tirereon, sud te o beuefitei tbeneby. Gootlev v . ean dir Mrv.lCon uesCARD 0F THANKS. The ostimated cost of tire ork la 'Godfýlowwen toWhievae o Tui Tire tamily etftirs late Mrs. Draper $5,600, etfviricir $2240 Is to e r nvided ________________________desire te thank tniondusud usigirbors ton by the Municipality, -au tire esti- tor sympathy and helP lu tire t1inset mated special rate per foot frentago tiroir bcreaveulIOlt sud sonrov. lu 0.9 cents. The special assesumeut lu te ire pahd B est lu tveuty annual Instalmouts. DO, THIETABERNACLE. A tto. gis hewr lnet Bacc,,latlreate Sunday for O. L. C. JOSEPH WHITE, Morning service, il o'clock, conduet- -50. Twn dîerk Sed by -tire pauter. Subjeet, "Tirs Finish- eii Work." Grocon es Organ prelude-Alldante con Moto J. Babtiat Caîkin. Anitbem-"Hast Thou Net Knevu." ID À T IP t - Solelutu, Mrs. Frodeniek A. Frenchr sud U A ~ Best Service, îtest ooasan Lovest Pricos. 0Oc broomu, Bpeci$) 22e surprise SORp, specas 25C oly powders, pure, deli- Sand appetizing, - 25e Sio-"2.LOEet us Have Peace," by Miss Joan Williu, O. L. C. Soio'-mr. James W. Ayres, tenon selottoe Toronte Maie Quartette. Organ Postlude--.wFnfano," Dubois. Ei.eniug service, 7 o'clock. Thsis tire Baccalauroate service efthtie O. L. C. The sermon viii be pneached by tire Rev. Prof. J. Hugir Michael, et Victoria University, Toronto. Ongan Preiud.-Meditt Il'Jiippo Coporci IjÂeT4liKJt of compeuItI~ve D1uV55 emetuwis tg eîî- mninated ýand the -public benelits there-~ from. M.T. G. Whitfield, druiggist, -lao h congatuîated on ,securing-tihe Nyai Agency 1n aux towri, and wlln the fu. ture maRe tlheselreparations a more preminent featulre eot bs business. DOW.ý-At Ruddeil, SauR., on May 26th, 1915, Anni e MeAllazn, beloved 'wife of W. Gü. Dow. BIRTHS. IBANDE1.I Ini Whltby,,on Wednesday, June 9th, 1915, te ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Bandel, a daughter. Pets oualMention. MUrs. Jas. Smith spent Tuesday with ber> daugbter at Scarboro- Jet. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. P. Every were ln Lindsay over Sunday. Mr. Robt. Barker, an old WhItby boy, now Chief of Police of Dryden, Ont., was Ini town on Monday. Mrs. Jas. Rutledge, wbe bas been vis- Iing ln Newburg, N. Y_, for some tUme, has returned te ber home bore. Mrs. W. Meelter and Miss Jean were with relatives In Lindsay over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Everson and daugh. ter, ef Toronto, bave returnod home atter spendiflg a few days' bolidays witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Luke, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hîornsby and Mr. Wni. Ayros motored te Lindsay and return on Sun- daY.. Mr. Jas. Campbell, ef Chicago, has been ln WhitbY fer a few days visiting old acquaintaflces. Mr. Campbel lu a well.knewii early resident ef Wbitby, having been engagod ln business here ln the '50's and 60's ln the firm ef R. & J. Campbell. During the past yoar Mr. Campbell and famiiy have made several generous gift tt the Whitby War Relief Society. Miscel>n 0 SAdvetts. TOWN rO'LFORSALE. 400 tet ou wet aideeofBrock street; seB two lots o tire east aide ef BreeR ;reet, sentir o, tie nov C. P. R. uta. on. Abo»t Z5-1er18O fruit treo ontire ots veut et Breek stroot; aise a build- ng wiricir could ho made Inte a bouse. pply te Wm ' Newport, 138 Silver Bircir Av4, Toronto, Ont. Càrpenter, -Buder and Contractor Plans drawn and. estimiates f urnished. Repairs, Alterations and jobhlng.' P. 0. Box 176. Estimates Givel? PR. Bradbury PAINTER and DEGORATOR PaPorhangIng a Spmoiaty. Mary Street, - WHITBY Wl COURT, Plestoror 44 Symington Ave., TORONTO Wiil be Pieased te give estimates on al kinds ef Plastering, lathing, etc. charges moderato. .write for terme. PIANO TUNINO IMoul YellOiwleei, wbo bas heen cern- Iing te, Whitby and ývicinity for the pai eigbt years, will continue periedically ail season. Orders left at Allin's drug Istore will receive prompt attention. MRS. WALKEA Organiet ef Ail Saints' Churoh, Whlt- by, and teacher of piano and inging, will teach lu Whltby on Saturdayu. Puplua prepared for examination. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME Eaciu Nighte "The Troy W O'bts" Evsylusdaytlight Fipatplturelonday,Aprl 1 Saturday night, 10e.te aIL BAIN PERRIN, Manager'. -TIE Ideal Vacation Route SONVI!NIENTLY REACMING POINT-AU-BARIL FRENCH and PICKEREL RIVERS SEVERN RIVER MUSKOKÀ LAKES RIDEAU LAKES LAKE ONTARIO RBSORTS GENURA4L CtiANGE 0 F TIME MAY ao Particulars from B . Iowagnt "0ty O., 0or w rite0M. 0. 1du r p h,e# A ,nt Scranton- Ceai Ail kInde of Coal Pea Ceai, per ton .... .... ......0 At Harbor Coal Shods 50 cents per ton loe. "SCRANTON -COAL." The name guaranteos the highest puality. Br 90sw witit 6 weeku' old pigu. ' R DEU Bernard Baker, Byron St. seutir. Le *R. Whilb, LOST. Bell Toi. 9. Home Tel. 14. Betvoeu Main St. sud Collego, a________________ Cameo pin. Kindly return te Mrs.---- - 4lacPbadyeu, Ontufnie Ladies' College. H1OUSE FuwL SALE. Nov trame bouse, 6 roonie, tirree- piece bath, funnace, electnie.light. Ap- ;sly J. H. JAMES.,-f WANTED. L Good dlean straw for beddiug. th. 4t' F'leming, Moaiiovbrook Fanm, Witb FOR SERVICE. Registered Durbam Bull, and Regis- tered Improveii Yorksire Boar, fer n service at tire tarmn et -49 . W. J. HALLETT, Wbltby. FARM FOR SALE NEAR WHITBY. 100 acres. good soli on flnst-clas road. Bank barin. 30x70; strav harn, ______________ 36x50, viti r iving bouse uniiorneatir; anotirer ban 36x50; bog peu; ciricken Hot Water Heating, bouse: 8 roomed brick veneen dwol Iug, heateii hy turniace; 5 acres etf Jbot Air Heating,, oreirard; appios, poars, plums, cirer. ries. Easy termus. Frank E. Joues, Plumbing, Box 132, Whltby. .-491 Dd,4n" F..LUKEO REFRÂOTIIIG O PT[CIÂN AT ALLJN'S DRUG STORE W)-ITBY TUESDAY, MAY 4 70 YONGE STREET. Corner King St., Toronto. ýIATIlI'q is something mure than a wavinz of flagys, it is1 loyal sup- port to home inclustry. Sa Buy Shoes M ade ln Can- adas invictus shoes, Classic shoes, Empress shoes and Bell shoes Igive ail the most ex-. acting can require'in style, comfort, wear and economny ,eating insece, vormi or bugs. Thre cheapeat and safeet way te use a strong jure lhe, planta or vines.1 Perfectly safe and rel ýwerth Its couL as afertiliser.. Preve'cnts watery- resuits when vines are sprayed with'Paris Grec We have just receÎved a large shipment of Roofing, purchased. fromn the manufacturer at a special price, and we intend giving our customners the benefit of the bargain. -w. WHITFIELD'ýS Drug and Stationory Store Indç'peudeut Phone 377 îa wat, The ne peund ackage cas b. used covenientiy for sifting by merely penetrating eue end efthtie package with a nail or peudI. When a larger quautity ii used, dust thre plants,, vines or srubs wltb' a pounce made with two or three tbickneses ai mosquito uetting or use a éommon fleur s-eve. F111 thre uiéve witb Bug Finish; tnp gently over acir plant; a very ligiri dust wiii fallandeecver the vine or plant at once. For potato bugs wheun auew crop hatches ont npply again. Usualiy twe applications are suffieet for thre seasen. 1. THE! SIRAYSTORE W. stand bstweeyoLad High Pie Suits to order $5.o0$3oo-.- Overcoats ta ordèr $15 ta $2:5 Mres tnoatsd MesLacies atro Sucisessaedpof Ovects pressed Tvrospressed Srus ceanpred- Frtseanreamc Ladies suFtseFrnchrcleaned cl Ladies suits drenchlan sed - bkirts, French cleaned - - Repalrlng of ail Klnds Ready-made Suits Altered te eMAUJRICE MIJRPHI WHITBY EXCHA HAS FOR SALE* THE FOLLOW)NG: 40 Young pigs 2 Cows 2 Ponies -$6to $,8 fs $6 ta $15.00- - 50C 40C Y 75C to $.5à fleaned- $îi.5o - -'$2.50, $1.25 ta $.50- Fit HlY Nr .1--11' \- Seed Buckwheat, Qats and- Hay Complete set blacksmaith tools. 1 Windmii 1 Ladies wheel Creama seoaratot, Massey- Haris CCHANGE M IAGEI The .8 lrea, IPhi ARCHIVES 0F ONT TORONTO, t .1 lL~ I PRIGL'S AR WIrIEI4' W W, Special Price on0 ROO'0FINO laroid Roofing, No. 19 regular 2.50 par square, while it Ilasts $1 ý9O par-square M. PRINGLE, Hardware, Whit4j thé. iplms Eavetroughing, Stoves and Furnaces eRepaired, , General Repair Work, Estiniates Civen. Bonj, Bryan Dundas St. Whltby, nt lis Iad. Iehone 7a Estimates Giv .P. 0. Box 176- 1 BROOKLIN, ý Five pond packages 25elll- On@ pound packages loo 1 -, WIIITBY9 hone 37, m ýl doop south Hotel noyait P

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