HrRY. OtiTARIQ -Church's B3ug Fini sh- KILLS ALL LEAF- EATING INsEcTrS. IREADY FOR USE DRY No mixing required. <The eafe way to use a Poison One application is siifficient. 4for Ioc 1o for 25C Es_ EWILLIS regalst, a,à dOptielan MEDICAL HALL rock et. w Whitby,. Seothe New W. E. VANSTONE fer prices en ail kind of Ceai. Paitini your -Wlnter Suppoly -Dow, while the price la down. Orders may be, left 1 tr-V. J., Jones' barnese shop, pundsâ"- St. or at KMr. V tu' Marriago Lioen.s. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Corner drugstore,. Whitby. No Witnesses requlred. The, Bruiter Canada Improvomont & LandGO., Llmittd Real Estate Dealera, Estates Managed, Ben1ýs Colnected, Firat Loans Arranged, Properties bought sud sold. For termes apply liead Office, Brook St. Bell Phone 193. Ind. Phone 70. Sales Managers, RIOHARON SOARIOIIADSON, Whltby. Property Wanted LIe'use andabout an acre of land with some fruit trees prefçrred. If you have a property to sell, write JOHN FISHER & eoe Country Real estate and Farm Brokers Lumnsden Building 6 Adelaide St. Buit TORONTO au.ieai &80 R LIVERYS SALE AND BOARDINO STABLES- BRÉOOK ST.$WHUTBY ~~Ikinds of single and double ipfor hure.. Bus to ail tise trains and baggage transfer. ilrses bongbt and soid on commiiUSon.'- Some good ýpind drivers ad heuvy iâý&s for BâL - also. ',baled bond taw 4juany quantity, $8.963 3,90RAISED .FOR 1COLJN. j ' PATRIOTIC FUND in Two Days'. Canvass ofwhitby Citizens. Repaynie ehasneyer fre In the histor WHTHETÂSD . The Ontario of the town of Whitby has uuch a épien h finlyrvlr ewenteIts, June Seselot didthig appne toitas the, Patrio- îeans as te wiîc should secure the ail the meinbers tic ampigu whch.wasbroghtW alargest subscriptions was onie of théleos .A close on -Frlday evesuing lait. As a pl4jgres of tue canvasso. The close of sofl, United people thée tizens responded to thje work sboWed the followIng resuit;L One new face th apalmdeanith>leiidid tôtal Teasu No. 1 ...... .... ....$. 401.65 1RC of-l Bad, 0Of $8.633-90 w»S subscribed. *QOf t4i5 Team No. 2.,....... ...... 281560 eveoBeV su 0per to the Cadilan T No. 3J...... ............8150 of apornted S.Co Patriotie Funti, 25 per cent. t éi Rea Team No. 4........... .... 1,241.25 ap7t egimecn Cross Society,- andi 15 per cent. Wo be re- 8t eimn taineti ln thë hantis of the local cosu- MR. REAN TAKES RIS DEPARTJURE diti)IULIy Force, mittee to be used au circumutances - igned hie office seem, to warrant.:- To the splendid organizing ability election Mr. Bil To at, 4,68.0 as .4aî . nd Rean, a. great measure of, -if net, Rev. A& . me HOW THE WORuc W$ DONE. the entire, success la due. Mi'. 1UeaiChurcli, Whitbt Thze actual work,-t' athèring these camae to Whitby over a week prevIOns the Coundil wi t subsoriptions was performei by four tiste canvass.- He found an organizar. ,owîng to the-f teasus o! six men each. These teamm tien known-as the Whitby Patriotie belng held iln ti we~suboditvIded Into pairs, so that Lague, whose purpose was sIrnPly one erence to thse lai teewère twelve pairs, or twenty-bourof ed tcation. Mr. Rean proposedl that ston. Road, betwi canù~êm, eletei fr te wrkThe oorne jbjective shiould be put before thse ats e C teasu captain oniy was firet selected. thse Lague and thse citizens. He ad- Reevesofhen andi he chose bisi own iselpers. Thse vli el thse formation e! a Wiitby brandis to attend.' tesnswee s olow0 f the Canadian Patriotie Funti, and WEI teameNo.wereoA.folos Cathat %Vhitby shouiti undertake te raise o Teat N. .-Go. . osa Cptain. a fund ln be devoted* to Patriotto pur. A number.c Jno. Thomson, poses. During the whole campaigu Mi'. given, tand Ser' J. E. Waterhouse, Rean was the lite andi seul of the move- were read, t J. B. itchell, ment, andi by following thse methodu fi'om thse T ef! Geo. I. Wilson, here wlilichs lie hat founid se successful a grant cf $5 t Wm. EÃllis. elsewhere, the splendId reslI above re- Road -in tsa.tnil Team Ne. 2-A. A. Atinson, Captain., ported was attaineti, The naie cf IK S. L. Trees, It was iC pleasure te lie ausociateti placeti on thsev R. M.' Tipper, witla Mr. Rean in tisis werk, and, It was mfittees cf wbihiI C. A. Goodfellow, -wi lUi egret that thse committee .hadl to member before hi A. T. Lawler, saygcod bye. Mr. Rean leaving own -J. B. Laidlaw, Teasu No. 3-T. G. Whitffeid, Captain. A. W. Jackson, W. M. Pringle, Geo. Every, Jacob Mclntyre, J. Foiey. Teain Ne. 4-W.J.H-. Ricisardson, Capt. A. M. Rose, JOB. King, Dr. Procter, J. E. Willis, J. H. Downey.. On Wednesday evening many of the canvassrs met for tea at tise Maple Leaf Tea rooni and afterwards proceed- ed to thse Counoil Chaniber, where for a couple of heurs they conferredt tgether anti.divideti up tise 800 or more names te beecanvasseti. 1Oa Thurstiay niorniugftie tearnu got tWerk, geeoe more automobiles being laçed at tise service o! each teani. î ivassera were surprimei anti .tise pcit niliberai W thtisirappeal.4 at you cameferanti I r you. Sorry a't give. epectinp you, ThÉlu ae ÃŽume'. Ireally ekê't ffordto t0 - but 1waat to glvetil ifeer 1' ns cutttng¶iput my hol., ne as -tchebove greet- rm as Uieyi. ade tiseir caila.I etly were ourteous- ly r i geerously treateti. It waS eaure te lie a wor)ier on tise teanis andt t realize wisat à woutier!ui Intereet sud syrnpathy liad been arouseti bu Wiitby liy tise campalgu o! educa- -tien carrieti on. Again on Tisursdny eveniug mnny cf tise menulers cf tise tennis met for tea anti a!terwnrds repertet progress at iseatiquarters. To tise deliglit cf ail tise splendid unio!fcirer $6,000 was re- perteti ns tise proceets o! tise tirst tnys work. "Are we downhenrteti? Neo "$8,000, anti were geing te get ltU" "Hurrah for gocti oit Whitby!" These expressions miglit have liecu iseard by an envestirepper lltenlng at tise committe roonis that even.1ug ns tise canvassers compareti notes ant i luat- eti over tise succesa attendIug tiseir ef-' forts. Fritiay -morinng again saw tise tennus at werk, as keen as ever te obtalu suli- ecriptiens. "Tise "creanu" lad been skimieti on Tisursday, but tlisV "strip- pings" proveti ricis beycnd expectation, anti each tean% turneti lu a biig lot at tise evening round-up. Tise competi- tien for flrst place was very keen lie- tween tise twý> ieadfrg teams. se keen lu !act tisat It et tisem eut (after tea at tise Maple Leaf) again te cerral sonie more befere niakiug report. Tise mosult was tise bringing ln o! a couple of isundreti dollars more. Early la tise evening It was believeti tisat tiesemnio! $8.000 would lie rendh- cd, but Imagine tise surprise andi piea- sure o! ail when thse total réncliet $8,292.90. Mayor Wai'èrn couveneti a speciai meeting o! tise. Towu Council at eigist o dlock tisat eveniug, at wich.tise ques- tien o! tise disposai cf $240, votedti t tise Wiitby Home Guard, but'net useti, wam consideret. A!ter full consider- ation it wam moveti by James Moore, secontet liy Thomas Conlin, tînt tise $240 lie given te tise Wiitby Patrietic Funi. _Tis was unanImously carrnet. Tise addition eft tiis $240 swelled thse fundti t $8,532.90,-or $2,532.90 more tisan tiese uni aimeti at.- Tisere was mucis satisfaction express- cd by citizens everywisere wisen the <re- suit cf-tise canvasa became known, fer It was oeen that Whitby isati dnea weii as tise liet, accordlg te popu le tien, andt iat we had no reason to lie ashameti. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEET. On Saturday nicrning -at 8.30 tise ex- ecutîve CcmnIittee cf tise Wiitby brandise! tise Canadlan Patrictic Funti met, anti transacteà soie necessary business. Tisey tirot retelveti witis pleasure andti hanks tise report o! Mi'. Rean, the-organiieér, preseMM o f tise canvass. Ishoulti at n:.- ICross Society, fok thse purcha C eU ambulance, thse ,same W lib4-ckaieti, j"Wisitby, cst4a' E, SESSION Mlunicipalities for Over-Assessnient.,, CouII~C4Ilopen edi raise-nuoney-by way of tempora'y, loait uesday, June 1,, untlthe'rceipt of, taxesfor 'tise year- p)resent .except 1915, and C; .« W i A communication from R. M. TIpper, District Representatî-ve cf thée Depart- be seenat thse mnint o! Agriculture,, wu riead, Mtating ïMe ca Birchard, tisat It lu proposed..te held this 'year 9I tking thse place scheel faire.,He, auked for the usuai, à Î wso, bas been, grant o! U00 foi' prizes. Refei'red Wo DMmand of tise the Commlttee,.on Agr'icultur'e. Canadian. Expe- Mi'. Conant ýintroduceti a by-Iaw te ad therefore re- provIde for reDiayment Wo certain mu- ,ve, At a recent nicipalities o! thse County cf moneys' was chosen te overpaiti by theni as County rates In of St. Andrew's Thse discussion c! thse overcharge of 1 the sittîngs of smre munIipalitîcu ln tise assessaient lonal exercises. wu trot brought up by an Oshawa -del- t a meeting was egation at lait session. Thse Finance î Hall. wl ti ref- Committee Investigatedth ie allegations .etofto! Kng. and founti theni te be correct. By tise >ronto and,-Osis. re-arrangement, Oshawa gets back near-, %lt to shlow thse ly $3,000, Wiiitby about $300, Beaver-' fLtes itsei ton $80. t 'Ps cf -motion were communications ,which was one r mir, asking for Prove the Centre ýpality. mues Birchardwas Lio standing cern- or Cameron was a signation. on iSturday afterneen.- Considerable tieaB 'wu ipent lu Coni. THE 'IHIRD PATRIOTIC MEETINGý mîttees preparjnwreÇports. Tise iatriotié meeting iselti last Weti- Sir H. B. Arnes, M.P., e! Montreal, nesday evtning was lu smre respects Mr. Rean anti Mr. A. W. Jackson ad. tise best oethtie series. Tise addtresses dressei tise Couneili-on behaîf cf tise were lirigist anti brie!, andthie meeting National Canadian Patrletic Fundi sug. closed early. gesting tisat a County brancis le fermet 1%r. Wm. Smithi, M.P., Chas. Calter, Ite assist tise Association lu its werk, M.P.P.,, Mrs. Plumptre, setiretary o!f andti iat tise Councîl, consider the ad-. tise Redi Cross Society, Toronto; Rev. visabllity etfisavlng tise grant o! this Canon Piurnptre, Toronto;. Mr. Neel Ceuncil, toi' aidt t isableti soltiiers anti Marsall, Toronto, Premîdent ofthtie Ca- thier depentients, administereti by tise nadian Red Croe Society; Mi'. H. B. National Association. Ames, M.P.; Mentreal; 'anti several le- Tise matter was referredti tie Fin- cal business nien were tise speakers., ance Cemmittee. Mayor- Warren presitiet. A commîtte composeti o! Messrs& r. Mrm. Plumptre matie a splendfid ap- Wilson, Iiowbi'ay, Gei'ow, Mauon. Me- peal eonlichai! o! the Reti Crosms ocle- Keazie anti Conant, was'appointeti to ty, whicis was litoketi up by Mi'. Noel examinetise asseosment' rolXs etf -tise Marsal.Mr. Marsisal l aid that If several miner lmunIcipalltlep ln the Witby raiseti $W000 anti gave 25 per County for tise ycar 1914, foiý thse pur- cent. of tsa.t smnitotise Reti Cross, tuis pose e! reporting at tise ousien o! $2,000 wos4d pay for an ambulance, Council lu regard te tise allegeti ever- anti the naine of "Wisitby, Canada," assessent of some e! thse municipal- would lie paluteti on It Tisis met withIs ties. mucis appiause. iu i)y Tise speeches8were ail isea.flgi'e- Mes Ts. UR.Smit, . EantiChas. ceiveti andi probably titi mrn srs m.Sili, . promete tise splendid Interest se abunti- Calter, M.P.P.. botis being pressent, as autly manîtested, on: Thursday anti Fr1.-fcrmer niembers aý*e Council were la- viettoa seat' '14h ie W%¶rtezl4anti -Ãh ZieWiitby RBaud turuet eut 'antispokre playeti-fer some tume previous to tise Messrs. Aat2 ks anti Munroe, m4etlng, for whîch ýthcy have -tise a debutation P ri" agraveý lu thanka o! tise comniîttee. tise Towns i W ÃŽ hwrl__eard lu INTEV4ES WTH4CANASSRS.regard WteW?. airs te fie Sea- INTRVIWS ITà CANASSRS.grave bridge, ne - dt by damages Iu order te get an expression o! opin- by ice. Tiey cl;ýi -à ît tise bridge ion as to isow tise patriotie campalga over tiseNonquon R ver was net of aff ctedtiWstby, an Interview was hati sufficient lengtis fer tise passage o! witl severai o! tise cauvassers, wiso water ant i e ln tise spring flootis, anti gnvè 'bu a !ew words tiseir impressions. tisat tisere souiti lie a new anti longer A. W. JCSN-fi was tise best bridge witis a concrete floor. Tise bridge thing tisat ever struck Wisitby. This is m a1ntaned by tise two Counties o! isas doue a great deal te briug oui' peis- 'kactria anti Qntario. Referret te tise pie tegetiser. Our' citizens have been Ronds anti Bridges Committee. greatly entiset. We neyer isat a re- (Thse County Cleris las ince receiv- fusai lu ail our canvnss. Everywisere ed information froxu the Clerk cf Vic- we founti people ready for us. Iu mev- torin Cqunty that tise Roatis anti eral places wisere people hadti t go a- Bridges CemmIttee cf Victoria were o!f wfay from home they left a suliscriptIcu opinion tisat, ewing te tise large expen- for us witis à neiglibor. Tise respense ditures being matie this year, it woulti was most gratifyiug, anti I thiuk tiselie better te make temporary repairs. campaIgu lias been productive cf tise nnd take up tise question of a new very liest resuis. bridge next summer.) J. MCIN'Yliu- I feund many people Edwarti Bain atidressedth ie Ceuncll serry tisey ceulti net give more. We as te damage sustaineti by hlm last De- feunti nmengst éhe citizens a feeling ef cember 'lutise losef a horse wortis unity anti patriotism that was most $150, through a defect lu' a bridge lie- gratifying. Everywhere we weut we tween Scott anti Georgina Townships, lied a goti reception. tise later lieiug ln York Ceunty. Yerk T. G. WHITPIE.- This campaigu wili pay one-haîf tise damage If Ontario cannet have ether tisan goed resuits. will pny tise otiser hlai. Referredti t Wlieu peeple weie convincéd that tise Roatis anti Bridges Cemmîttee. meney wouid lie righlty expendedt ley Tise First Report ou Finance was pre- were wllling te give., People have ueen senteti anti atopteti. arousedti t ttise conviction tliat It is a It belng tise King's blrthtiay, atijeuru- great priviiege te have a part lu tise ment was matie until Frlday. Iu tise patriotlc movement. 1 would netIlike afternoon tise Ceunciliors visîtet Os-. te have missedth ie part 1 teck lu tise awa Hospital. and tise bridge on tise oampaign. soutis boundnry of' Oshsawa wns exam- A. T. LAWLER.-I thiuk this was a Inet. Automobiles were furuishet liy geet thIng for Whitby. Tise respense tise citizens cf Oshsawa. cf tise people lias been excellent. Whit- RDY liy Is seltion fouatwanuting when ap- F1DY peaiedti teln tise proper way, f Tise meruIng session was eccupieti REEVE Dewry.-I was more tisan chiefly witli Cormittee business. >pienseti wit te way tise peopie-lu tise Reports were.presenteti lntise after- average-wnik o! ife ceutributet. Some noon cf tise Committees ou Education, o! tise young men mîglit have matie a anti County Property, andtihie Commis- lietter response, aise some o! tise more sieners cf tise Heuse cf Ref-uge. weaitisy people, but takiug it ail luna&U, Tise report of tise commîtttee on Coun- Whltiy lias doue exceediîngîy weîî. I ty Property was hashet anti rehasheti feunti a wiliiig anti cheerfult-respouse so as te be almost unrecognizable Tis te our canvass, anti I believe tisis lias was due tii a tiisagreernient in tise mat- doue tise town mucis gooti. ter of tise amount for whicî tise Cotin- LIST 0F SUBSCRIBERS. ty sisouit lie assesseti for Whitby sew- Tise Executive Cemmittee have @rage purposes. Tise agreement at înst tisouglit It weli te have pubuisise-t ts session ivas $108,000, but a strenueus list cf suliscriber ets uns ia objection was raiseti last Week. An ai'- ecdioee making a suliscrîptbon may rangement wililibe arrîvet at tiu ses- have an attitionai, acknowiedgement cf sien. (Continuet oU page 4) Mi'. Connut introduceti a by-law te, SÂTITRDAy. I Reports were, presenteti by the Coni. 'mîttees on Printing, Mileage andi Per' Diem,-'Und Roade andi Bridges.' Mi'. Rean atitressedth ie Council a- gain on thse matter ofthtie advisabllity «I estabiisising a brancis of the National Canadian Patriotie Associaticif by the Ceunty. Thse Council adJoui'nqed until Tues- day, June l5th, at 2 p.M. GLEANED PROM REPORTS. The County's share for thse salary and travelling expenses 0f the District 0f. ficer ot Healtis for this year la $896,65. Oshawa Town will receive troni tise County one-haîf the expenses Incubred for a farewell banquet and presentation, to tise efficers and men of the. 37tis Bat-' talion frosu this County. Tise County'm sisare was $140. In a ululai' case, Cannington gets $50. Tise Finance Conimittee admzitted that an overcharge isat been made on smre o! tise municipalities la thse as- sessment of 1914, andi recommendei the returu eft tiis money, tise munici- palities tisat were underehargedti t bear tise expense. The susu cf $100 was granteti the Township e! Uxbridge for repaires W 3rd concesion reati frosu Goodwood W townline between tTxbiidge andi Pick- ering, provideti -Uxbridge grents a Ulke amount. The application of the Township ef Mara for $500 to help ln roati improve- ment was- only partiaily granteti , thse County giving $800.. Oshawa will set-$100 te assist ln re- pairing base Iue bridige. The meeting of the Town Council helti on Monday evening was short anti te thse* peint, when it finally got a start, but it was almost 10 o'clock be. fore the members concluded tiseir cern- rnittce meetings anti prcliminary dis. cussions. Tise meat Impertant Item of business, probably, was tise awarding o! tise con- tract for iaying tise cernent sidewalks. This was deait witis lu comrnittee, andi tise tender of J.' T. Hornsby- was re- commendeti for acceptance by thse Ceun- cil. Seven tenders In ail were receiveti, five from local contractors anti two fronir outsiders. Mr. Horusliy's tender was attse rate of 9.A cents per square foot. Chairman Moore, of the Streets Cornrittee. will act as inspecter on tise work. Sir Herbert Ames, M.P., sent a tele- gramu of congratulation on tis pienditi result cf thse canvass for tise Patriotie Fund last week. Later a motion was introduced by ]Bateman-Moore, express. Ing tise Council's appreclation e! tise gooti work donc bY tise members efthtie local brandis of tise Funti. Tise Pire and Lidjt Coxnmittee re- commeuded tise purcliase o! 6 pair s o! ruliber h'oots, 6 rublier cents, 6 caps anti 200 teet'uf houe for tise Pire Brigade, and tisat tise sanielie purcisaseti freni ise Dunlop Tire anti Ruliber Ce.. Tise Mayor, Reeve Downey, andi Mes. srs. Goldriug, Moore, Conlin andi Bate- man were appointedti t comprise tise Court of Revision. M~r. Bateman, as cisairman of-Town PrQperty Cemmtittee. was autisorized te isave tise baud stand repaireti, anti aise te ativertise for tenders for ceaI. Tise plumising inspecter was re gaged, his term isaving expireti, at salary cif $10 per mentis, lu addition te biss fees. Mr. W. A. Fraser appeareti before the Council, asking tisat a culvert ou By- ron street lie lowered, se as te afford a proper drainage cf water from tise flats attise rear cf hlm laund. Tise Coun- cil effere t t supply Mr. Fraser witis tili for tise work but tii net feel tisat it Mwas incumbent on tise town te suive tise prclilem fer hlmi. Tise matter was left at tisat-. Whatis oniéWîtou a ah ooin Enjoy Vie Comforts of a Real Home 13Y INSTALLING A ]BATHROOM. .Vou ne not. iecessaril1yfilve in town to- enjoy.-ai'> hese comforts. nee kus to. T1eil YOU the, flnest in the British Empire. Ourvwork on Rem ember, you can secure flot only. supremne qual14y: and 'perfect fit in PeeI'ls Com plete-5tock, but also the newest fas.hion effeets, ai at the" same price that yo uuially pay for ordinary shoesi *PUIEL' S SHOE SýTO.RE_ý_ WIR1TBYP-ONT. Get Ready Now for PI N'EAPPLES This is the week to buy good Pineapples at the lowest price. Large sie 15, 18 and 20c. 5 o'clock Teas You want iomething nice and dainty to serve your friends. i Try Peek Freans English Biscuits, with filling, and alse plain. Bedding Plants Bedding Plants will soon be done. Buy them now, they areit the'irbest. Alio TôTato and Celery plants. Jno. 13. WATERHOUSIG" WI -11-TB Mi OtOTlj~nm -n -A Savings Department ls conducted at every Branch of the. Bank where deposita of $1 .00 and upwards are recelved and interest st current rates added. It ls a saie and convenient depository for your money. * ITBY BRANCH:- A. 'A. ATKINSON, Manager OSAWA A. H. BLACK, Your Breakfast- There is nothing more t.asty for your Breakfast than Ham and Eggs We have extra7 choice,- Mild Cured Hams, a-ny size, .and cut any way you want them. Also a fulll une of B3reakfait and Back Bacon, the Famous Rose Bad Au T. LAWLER WHITBY, ONT-- Phones: Bell,. No. -47; Independent. No. 47- SE E [b Garden Seed Flower Seedi Dutch Sets, goverument test Seed PotatQc ds in packages .i2Ct là -for the 1overs o0 small of hi rici good.' and ibearlng Onde. Phono 64 ARCHIVES 0F ONT TORONTO' -I i gt of Y25 oc oc 30 50. Âjr t o