Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 7

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Sppismont te fihWhity, zis~oi-hsIIJn ,11 OF CANADA- à ved i"s pollcy hodesnxooo k frit tenhycars of business by selNng them wthout.profits policlei, aud havlog ail premiums paid -direct to bond office without commissions. Premiama col- lected were, $389,ooo, instead @L $489,. '.9o. Fourteen otlier CanacUma cern. panles received $î 8,49?,695 in their -first ten years mainlyf or withi.profits policies, and paid la profits té Pollcy holders 891,55o. Their -cornbined aê- cumulated surplus -over shareholders' Contributions was $79,707 at the end of their first ten years. Which l.ooks best te you ? . The Equity Life is the total abstain- ers Company. If interested write for further particulars. The. matk.who studios bis own Interests wil Catronize The Equity Llfi, A>uuraýne Company L b e n t ho fcInuurauoe.4, L. W. DIJDLBY, Hil,3UTHERLAND, A u, Prosldejit & <loueraI Manager- Wbitby Ont.Toronto. MRS. WALKER Organist of Ail Saints' Church, Whit- by, and teacher of piano and eingiug, will teach In Whitby on Saturdays. Pupils prepared for exarnination. You ail have heard of Mary's lamb, these mauy years deceased, But I would peu a Uino about a much Tmore favored beast., Tus héepskin rare ofe which I write -was knowu as Hfeleu'se Pet, If bels escaped the butcher's knife 1 guess he's living yet' Miss Helen as a pedagog acqulred great renown, I lthoi;gh she,ýtaught a country Ochool, ber home1 was, lu a town. Now ou her way to sehool each day she passed a grassy plot Where dwelt an ,orphaned lambkin, J, qulte contented wlth bis lot. And hie fast friend she soon became j and daily wlth him played Untiluhe halled her comlng and was not at all afraid. She ýused' te cail hlm "'honeyb!.nch" and lili.ils heart wit b bls, And sometîmes on hisemnow 'white brow seled Plant a long, long klse. Endesring names she called hlm, en- ougi to fili a book, Until fromt ', oo much flattery he wore a sheepfsh look. But one day, this much-eetted lamb discoveredh. bil 1grown, And for hie past submissiveneue pro. ceeded to atone; He looked hie victim over, as one with tîme tW spare, HIe plcked the proper mark, then threw ah., chlvalry to the air- Like arrow swlft from bowstriug, he charged wlth lowered bead, B1ut ere he'd reached the target, hie erstwhile friend had fled. j ~B. H. WILLIqOs. "TRAINING BY BETTER METHODS." ATTRACTIVE TRIPS Tcaoeitette0 otl To!Muakoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, French River, publication whlch made ite adveut Up. Maganetawan River, Lake of Baye, Algouquin on tit etilohresmlaeu Park, Kawartha Lakos, Thuagami, etc. Round trrtraepreeutnou trip tourlft tickets now on .ale rom certain wlth the advcnt Of the year 1915. It etations lu Ontario at very Iow farces, with l.bera lalePubllehed lu Toronto, but le now stop-vers _______prlnted lu Whltby. "Training" le the MUSHOKA EXPRESS organ of thc Ontario Association for Lesves Toronto 10.15 a.mn. daly. except Buuday, the Promotion of Tecinicai' Education. for Mluikoka Whgf, Hluntsville, 'AIgouquin Park Thos. Bengough, C. R. S., 1o editor. and North Bay. tUonnectious are maldetainMukoka Traliig le an exponeut of better meth- What for Mnuskoka Lakes and at Hutsville for '<sl points ou Lake of Baya. Parlor.Llbrary-Buffet s n nduetry, Artistry, Commerce, car to Aigouqulu Park, Parlor-Llbrasy-Cafe car Agriculture, Homemakting aud Tech. and irst.-las coaches to North Bay. Full par. nical Processes. U1culars and tickets ou application ta agents. Telaoeftemotuiean U. <teheuou Agntphoe 5. bitv nterestîng puýlIcaIos that cone te the di-MMÙM4'ýâk.-,pernuhl -of its pages viadë the most skeptf. IauyCollges lOs fwi Vautlo trauin- ns, ian4 techulcal Li 1 s, lathe solution ý9 MIdsuseaer, .0aîtopUeqsdou»nt ofma0 f th# pr j»oblems whloh perplex ~*éSl~alhSêi.*oe-?in.4 _____________ tancehere lua a.Ut -of -contentsef nowlaerDowmgas Catalgue Ire. Mo. on I te al a . 0J. Cuite Chu yars a Wte. o uPrina F. E. LUKEI OPTIOlAN ATALUN'S DRUG STORE )-iITBY TUESDAY, MAY 4, 7IrY7NME STREET. . Corner ]King St.,, Toronto. Ã"ONTRAOTORS 1 nÉnilpir W Wil uzl meent number:-"ýTecbnîe dueatlon as a National. Problein." "4Toronto',s Great $2,QOOooO 'Techuical Sehool.", 1"Fittiag S9"1heolsteIi&utries." "idHow Boys Learu Scientftc1 FRmIÉng." "Pro- gresa ln the Prairie 'Province."# "New Developments lu Nova Scotta." Tech. nical training ia coming into' Its own lu the citiez of the Dominion. Why eflould not as prosperous a town as Whitby-be one of the tirnt of the smal- er towns to adopt 50o progressive an ln- novation as manuel training? Copies of "Training" may be secured ut the office of the GAzET1TE A,çD CHnoNiCLE.- This publication Io ail the more Inter- esting because the editor Is an old Wbitby boy. 'ROD AND GIJN. "The Glittering Lure" la the tîtie given by Bonnycastle Dale to a story of before-the-season fishin'g lu the open- Iug pages of June Rod and Gun whlch le publlehed at Woodstock, Ont.,, by W. J. Taylor, Llmited. "Honest Weight" le an amusing tale of two rival fiehermen as related by one of- the Prench rdIaguids Who acconpanied .tIi o ,Meir eut- Ing atter the "bceg ';, aL.'» "Three Swedes There were" lnA.Nis a humoroüs story relatinig the eIpOdencl0u of a "yul. gar, rambling trIO,','OeBliowing how everything turne to auhes te those wîth. out a purpose. "Sport lin end around .the Rockry Mountýalfll,'7'CBeree Days in Newfoundlelid," etcý, Sud the regu- lar departiDento whlchW latter are full of Interest to the fihhUrm an sd gun. uer, make Up a very lllteietng early SCHOQL RÉPORT.- Report of HenrY Street Sebool for iay. Iltntrance Claie--M. ýJames, H. Rich. ardeon, A. Hielop. Inter. IV-C. Palmer, D. McGrotty, J. Sawdon. Sr. III.-I. Dobbs, 0. MoMillan, N. Jermyn. Jr. 11.-H. Colline, M. Todd, A. Col- line. Grotty. Jr. 11.-S. Roberteoà, P. Correil, W. Cornxack. Sr. .-R. Hall, C. C Irton, D. Todd. pEIMARY .6... Clas .-B. Anderson, A. Sawdou, G. Colline. Clase II.-M. Correll> R. Anderson,A. Newton.'1 1Clase 111-E. Mayne, R. Gammon, I. Lomax. Cînes IV.-C. Heard, H. Bradburn, W. Bruton. Cînes V.-R. Jones, H. Seldon, A. Correli.1 t-IFE 55 geàm 4RUTI8H SEA PWER. iÃŽtration -ofIfs Effectlveneua 'ýtilgPetaie ofWar. Nw-okJourTnil cOf Cenb1 î ,ay: f ernie ionthe of, ist snguisryumomleva-e, knd m-ost costly war of ali dàstory, ta,mqtnoteworthi. 0FT DA The AiB# CofBm"@"CF Mecr"d fa Mom.y Nofver DoterSavizîg but, w, PnaSavinga A.oout We solicit your scoot in Ou SSAVINGS DRAATMBNT 37 WaflTBY BRANCH C. A. mellaMnagermp.. I~~~~* é.tSwuajqDooufls <c 'A" MFcCle1lau MNse., - f PICKERING BOYS KILLED. Recent casualty liste publiehed an- nounce the death of two Pickering brothere, Herbert Gladstone Kerr and Donald Kerr. Both boys are weîî- knowu here, enpecially Donald, wio atteuded the Whitby Colleglate for a few years, and was very popul&r a- mong the young people. Later Donald went to Toronto, where he waz engag- ed on the staff of the~ Toront6 Daily Star. Tiec mother 4~d sieters of the two boys live lu Pilbkering, and will have the deepest syneathy of the cern- munlty Iunteir lwreavement. Later word Je teotthe effeclthat Donald Kerr waa only wounded.1ý Verification willl be at baud siortly. At the Tabernacle Epuirth League on Tuesd eveninggut ,stasocial heur hoùôr of- ë. 'M. 'B. Dtheir beloved puster, who are Ieaving the Tabernacle, havlng served the ful term of years. Au enjoyable evening WaU speut ln games, etc-, atter whlch cake sud tee mrain was served. The1 evenlug closed with w1shlug Mr. anu Mns. Sexsmlth many happy years - of succes. HELP FOR THE PAUMER. Iu an endeavor W partlally solve the -Unemployment" situation lu Toronto, the Civie Employment Bureau have etarted a "Back to the Land-' move- ment, The unemployed leave their names with the bureau, sud an endea- vor la made to secure Wrk for them. The Bureau have men who are will- lng to work on thc farme, some of tiem belng experlenced bande and othere ln- expeieuced; also boys who ate wllling Wo go out and learn to become farm- ere. No fcc whateoever le charged by the Bureau, and pereone; wanting help are at liberty to write, statlug the kind of man they require, and lu the event of their making a trip ticthecty, they will be welcomed at tic Bureau, 130 Richmond Street west, to talk over their requiremente. Pai-mera needlng help will lind tuis an easy and Inexpensive metbod 0f set- tllng their difficulties. AMPA N Carpenter, Bulider sud Contractor. IelV ctinR ue Tic campalsu ln Whitby to maise Plan drwn ad'etimaes urnihed Idel V catin R ute funde for the eupport 0f, the familles Plans dran d entîmesf nmhd. CONVHNJHNTLV REActiSNO of Canadian soldicre whilc Uhc latter ani, dors Bantrmes. fin POINT-AU-BARIL are on active service, le progreeng. agntfo BatfrdRoflg FRENCII and P ICKEREL RIVERS To-day and to-morrow thc canvase wîîî -Box467 WHIOY hOnO49 e mde.Committees have been meet. Ber467 WlITtI Phno 49SEVERN RIVER lng nigit aftcr nigit, and have had a C. OLLSTMUSKOKA LAKES great deal of work. to do. Circulars C. FO LE81rhave been prepared and mailed Wt every OONRAOOR ND UILRRRIDEAU LAKES poseible contributor, and to many for- CONTACTO AN BUIDERmer, reeldents of tic old town. Tic PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION LAKE ONTARIO RESORTS Council Chamber, which le5 Commltte GENERA L CHANGOF T IME MAY jo hçad-quartérn, bas been a lîvcîy plate FURNISHED. Priuasfo .B l for the paet week. On Monday nîgit Resienc, -Parieueretro E.R. low agnt, Wbltby, ten Or twelve Young People checrfully Resience Thrntm Corers Ont., or write M. 0. Diurphy, D.P.A., TroOntO. helped prepare for mailing some 800 Pion. 41, Oshawa.- envelopes contalning cîrculars, Mayor Warren and Reeve Downey TH1READ)GOILD BROS. have been unsparing of ticîr time and ~uir flTffl IlO Iabillty lu ielping on1 tic work, and tic O*RPEUTEMmand SUILDERSU15assi other gentlemen repreeentedl on tic Alterations sud Repairscr nto C03 varlous committees, have. given time and thougit. FIET GasS WOBK OUAEANTEED. The. public meeting aet. nîgît was Apply DundasSt. West or P.O. box 408 Ail kinds et Goal the culmination of thecampaign 0f pre- Telehone]ýé.132,paration. If tetizel wiIl now re- Telphee N. 12,Pea Coal, per ton----------------sponld as tiey should, good old Whltby - AtHaror Cal hed ~o ent pe will have no cause Wo be a8hanlcd when At HrborCoalShes goSntgpertic canvass bas been coucluded. PIANO TUNING ton hes. -SCRANTrON COAL, The, D1THS -Neli YollîoWles who has been cern- naine guarantees the higiegt puality. SMIT-At her late reeldence, 25 Pred. ig to Whitby and vicinity for tic pamt '¶erica Street, Toronto, on Sunday, eight years, will continue periodicallyE R. wUT 4 IMay30, 1915, Lizzie, b:loved wife of al season. -Orders left at Alin's di-ug E. R. BL- laeJh.Wgtnafyry0 store will rcceive prompt attention. Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel 14. ltbyoh, in h4th , omeyo 1's . ;'25 - oc Garden Seeds in packages and bulk. New and good. Flower Seeds for the loyers of the beautiful. Dutch Sets, small and unit(orm. Seéd Corn, of higb germniuting quality, and bearing gomerment test. Seed Potatoeg, early and good yielders. W. Bu PRINGLE & 001b When Yen Docide on Your Spring Boots_ýanid Shoos ]Remember you can secure not only supreme quality and perfect fit in PeeI's Complete Stoclk but also the newest fasghion effects, ail at -the saine price that you usuafly pay for ordinary shoes. PEEL'S SfiO! STORE' WHITBY, 0NT. '7 ,hsganclaughter ;ýéd Suigar iMITED, MONTREAL LV' y- ,~ J~ 1.~ 50- 50. 50 750 ARCHIVES 0F ONT WHITBY

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