Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 6

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~-,-- Thse New WoîfriL 'That'. not much' for work'ing "Mother i14Mrs. Gray wantis you' 1k a farm hand-1" ho 'grumnbled Vo M tteepl300," taid ]lan Ware. Jack Burn. XIxe. Ware ',,who, waw- baki 'Td thing eighty centse-*saia u&u, oled he ven oorand lot," repiied Jaick. III wish I had 1iSt into the hall. Alan lingered, such ajo.11 _UO-Ihis mother always made a epe- "New, Alan," said hi., mother Oci aJce for him, and lie thoimgbt one morning, when t-be postmali *bat it might- bç ready. br-ought -ber a letter, "here le yàuu "Ill eau yoti up in five minutes," chance to break your cont-ract. lic heard bis mother Bay. "l'il asicMrs. Gray is coming home next him week. You may talc. Jack Burns 8he came into the kit-chen. u-p t-o ber, and il se likes t-o en- '"Aa," aIme began, "would you gege hlm she can do %o."! the vacation V" "And V'II b. glad !" declared Alaa- hoitated. Money was Alan. "I -neyer want teu-work oomething, lie always needed, but in the holidays,,again." like toearn a littie money durijag -Ne got tbrougb the.rest oet the, .arning it meant that he would fourth week somehow, an*i in due bave tou-work. time Mrs. Gray returned for a "Mrs. Gra y le leaving liome for brie! stay, and engaged Jack six weeks," his mother continued, Burns. and ishe wants some uine t%feed lber 'q mande a dollar and a quarter," oliclens every nigbt and xorning. hie said t-o A1a-p at-t-he end of the Thie bey wbo does it may have t-be first woek o!fhie contraet, and t-be eggsfil. iIf you do if, 1I will buy t-be flfih o! Mrs. Gray's absence. fWe.Alan feit a littie pan.g. Il ho had "Othat's easy !" Altn's ées kept -on, lie mi.ght have had l fve dol- spairklod. 'l do 1f lare--a noble sum.* He began te "Wait a minute," said his mo- wisb that lhe bad. 1 4her;ý "think it over. I don't want Then one mornin-g amho was Ydu to undertakre if, Alan, unies-s vawinrg becauise be had nothingto you mean- to carry it through. If do, and realizing that t-he workhad YoUi feed -Mrs. GUray>s -hickens, you macle the rost of the day more of a Oannot go as-ny for w-eek-eyids_ to holiday. Jack came up with bis A-un t Rat e"e,' eggs.* Mrs. Ware bougbt t-hem of "1 do-n't think I want -to-very Jac-k. lnmuch."' said Alain. -1 might ma-ke "Tiieme'Il be t-be last," Jacik said, *noligil mnney t4ii bny ?sn-oiwslmoes, or a-s he took the twenty cents e new xkiites."bi gave hlm. "Mr. Gray le coniing t1119 aie Il 'ta in, " sno home to.night, and bo's geing Vo t- warned hiai; but as Alan wa% feeq the chiekens." et-i pleaqed with the idea, Mrs- "I'm sorry tlîat you didn't bave Ware tcleplimeed ber frit'nd that viur fuîlil ime," Mrs. Ware replied' Alanivoldiviîîdertake the %or74, kindly. For tht.- irst week, it-was fusn.!To léWeil. 1 don't mmid Chat as rnuch- sumire, -Alan bcad to rime eam-Iier aq I did, ' answered Ja-ak-and àâ* thai hm liked to do, ani-, one tor a maifertifo fa-ct, bis eyes were shin- twice lie had t-o leave ani exciting, i m-g s ltityucol e did gamv I4ef4oae it ended, to bie in timt' 1 not. mind at al, "Mr. Gr.yi g for biisý evening work. But bu bad ing tu emjrloy me ail tlis week, an made a dollar and ten cents. pe,-haps next. He wants me t6 The second 'wel4 went tsmoothly in witbhlmii every d-ay, and by. it- earlv in thbe third week. ermands. and to) coie b Aunt Kate wrote that site had a af, nigit" Meow lifflé ponv.. and ýtbat Alan Alan turned sharply: nd. mnigbt come and iearn tuo drive him. "ýGoin with hlm 1 C ack with1 440"Oh, 1 do want to go !" lie said.» hlm 1In bis car!' "Ciin't I pav Jack Burns to feed 1 "Yes." said J ubbling £hecehic-kenti7" over, "and ho s Bome cashe'l11 No1 MY soni, Voi Pl'Pmisqed have tu go fo es, anmd that- I Cn r~ hat yotu, and not Jack can go withh-W nd lie's going tol iNîsns wouid feed them. The houi- pav me.-foo. erni»g." i ý;dys last-nine weok," w" nt on Jack lifted h- nd dashed KrNîWV_à7eýnYoî i111Thy o & Aunt clown the e,ýteýP8. A$ Alan' Kate's for the wbtule o! the ses-enth stareci after s rou nd face week." -! rwIn' "That'. a long wait-1 Iwish I'd I;"F "rv mie lamnaut e moen eg un it !" grunmled Alan. bilee ie go aid very soberly. 'Ii No'ne of t-heOotîer fello'w',s are work- -wis, I hadn't quit."1 Wg. ',"Well, perbaps you won't t-be la, that, week Ili' was twice late atfJ next time." bis ma-thor. said, tot hie wor-k; hie found di smaller num 1eom!ort bim. 'But you must cul-t ber of eggs, .and his pay dropped! îvat e stiec-to-it--ive-nées.' That- is1 tu eig'bty cent-s, a ne-w wýbrd. Think about it." MUNI'I'IO0NI4 REQIIREI. ivOf course they had the wind witl tihem, but 4eFrench have poison- Lengty. Oe. m i s e thig-jike ether and Lcngliy ne.which f reezeo the person to death. In a detter received i'or>n Alo the prësai.ling wind& are 6 Irom nthe front, reference ià made war-ds the Germans. - so if the Bri by,,the wrýter to the gilainry2 Of~ tish wiii coni;ent, the aliies will Lieùt. T. W. Ander,.,uiî, Q, 0. R. surt'iy give 1blem a taste of theli The writ-er of-the letter ha.s ex-.4>wn' ed-icine. Pre-ssed a deire that bis down naineI"Teecnepiget ii e shouid not be puiblishec.il, nti.alil they want to see of war- ail cuuLrge- of bis cumn isicatàon he riglht. *for it looke to me d" if it 'umphasizes the' need of it plfe>tifu.l woluld go hrotagh aK tr ouppiy oi war intinitivxîs to nuure and that. îiil be bail; thsucces o! th'eal Ile..%11 < ,,lu hey'had hetter -end ail the na- under date of May 5: o tans thiey csin. -~~~~~~ "W r a' nabeautiful townI nom, resting, filling up our raî,ksi~ > luoaj Mnin a.nd reorganizing. 'l msupp-os.e now 'T4ommy And.Ierson rn ay be mcn- we wili receive mure nien from thý timied in despatches, for early on lwe.ond ontingent, andti hev--wilHSattîrday lforfling, the gard, t*twiý bc made Up to strength agaàiil be- Buffs, went arouind bohind t and fcre-,they are into the field. 4'pnned up and won the hilI Ã"noncur ".If, we want t-o win t-is war, we left. They lost a number of men, heve to have more munitîdons of and,Tominy went orut with oeme of eery descriîption,. sw>t-at when tâehe ls <wn boys, f<or he wma Ã"n-t-he Germans hianci out sixty-eight extreme le! t, and brought a bundh iheliin forty minutes, we ca'î re- Of t-hem in, toA.I Hayivoo)d, a very piy, flot with one gun firing perliaps plucky. thing. I was writing a ]et- gight shots. in Tority miinutes;, but VeMr to iny cotibin when we were sixty-ight, guns firing the saine caliled out and I carried aU througli nuiinber-.of sieilis in fnrti' minujtes8. tflie, action. The' weat'her here is That 15 the only Imo»4ille wnay we, beiutifutl and-the gardens in t-his <tan winrthis war. city are simplIY wonderful. The Iiliidted iit Gsstreets are' lincd lwith niagnificent "Of douirse thbe Germarîs us their tesaJ~m ac taeus poiti>ilU5gases, and I « ýisnfcarlv Cile4 jatra' Needir' weighs' fsd bUlnd a.ndail1 chokeci tup for an hou r. tons. 3ritain Calis for flore Workmeii i tan t i . i ,. ai .d t , an a tet ptthe <fler <of w<rk > opotn1vl &udt ten. Britain wiithot t cauvsing disOress Thie eall for G tryh:i iiU*a n:ngte e hoine workers. The BrItain ma.y re]ieveçt. ieii' ri NI> ath<rtieýie,, are prepared fto utietipov n la i-iad.a oai-oolle 1. fret'tre s rai4ntu and perhiimps, toý, great exte> t iii tli> froinu Britaiii,> o aq wb wiil corne United Sa~.Tlim're N ail urgent anti- work iiite armnament file- demnand fiwokb ndslu]ritniiil ores '1w e e:S!It%* IS 1iera- - slue is ru.niiug bo eîoroand tive. but the'l4.ma::hmg en- sholià t fbigh p pi;stre. aild j hu:. suire that nw jsic i:k cojw t cainot get eilngb ie!p. Therf is tu îheirs vil thiat aceuuxît. . Tbere an 4(cttual and pi-e>sîng needl ; ad uJ re s6Ã" many former worknen with indute-rmiell are offeret imm i li me colors that there is plenty of grant woprkmien. Skull?41 j mecàhanicjý rooni for mna from Canada, the' WUî are >'able tO meet flic dL-rammis 4United States, or the colonies; and m c upon them will n->r be d:sýap- as L.ord Kitchener la. declared ýoin ted if they offer theirorervieps, mern who worlc well and assiduou-s- There is nu fear arxtong the B3rit- ]y are doing a service to their ish workmen t-bat sncb offictally 'country commensurate with that1 promocýted immigration wili s'well being performed by the men at the9 the ranks ot! the locally unémploy- front. For without munitions of1 ed. They are &0 Weil organized war the fighting cannot advance1 t-bat there le littledanger that these and &so the mucb desired decision1 comvetitive importations wili take is just so xnuch the longer delaved. afwRay work rom t-hemselvees. When 'Hence great- reward for steadyt it- was proposed to flnd. work for consistent serdce ,bofli at the front Belgian refugeeà the British *ork- and in facetoriea i.hold eut. There mn nuecured pledges that these is plenty of work for all-and the, "uld netteb.. enpi-oyek- where itfwOrkman can exhibit as great a pa- would bring enforced idIenessa»2te' tiOtim a. the-mnwm, i n the, more ýh e workers. 1'8 P6ÇtU.ular field. 'Thé-grea*t-Jack ~iýus with tlIis assurance workers àt thie fromti, w t-tee e h om arna4 or thei United States wortkers , e - YOU bave 0 pi-ndalile Ub W tck. Bu> t-la-t- are gc t-' Iayiiig'fn -lyReaJ1y, ut4 iry. ai tm'reeds ~l o! eue: - If -yo The Nun'sHo- alsa",t tMorlg 80 ma-ny Parialan woSanebave lait- fa.ther; býretlre husb'and,' son/r Or sweet>eart int-be great- »w'oiean "r t-bat almcost every- otther weman one meete -on thbe st-reetb of Paris' we&rs t-be de pCrepe' de- noting bereavement. .1'ashionable mildinoers appreciat-îng ttrend of thme timeks have <4Sned DuumereuR very Charming effeots fer those ln moumning. Thbe Photopict-ure$ a verY 1charming creation a I"Nun's Hfood," trinImed, wth just t-be faintest bit o! white tçc offset lt-a som- breness. It-;ýnAy be t-bat- scmée ener wi1mh ad-vanced-ideas may soon set- t-be vogue o! crea-tions in wbite !or thosei,,n mourning. 't flolwing dreessing :--Ottcofo roses, 1 dropi col o! bargamot, a dnep*; Il lanoline, 60 grains; coId cream, 1 I HEALTH ounce. At, first t-bis -freatmeint mlst ___________________________ daLly, t-len. as t-be dandruif bcomes I 0-1. ...r n-1 tervals, and flnaidy, once a week.- 1 A Physîcian. ! -A drI 'Injuries, to the Abdomee. Be any iimportant organe o! t-be to!Y- lie wiVhi-nt-be abd6minal walls t-bt a-n njury -to t-bat part et, tle body je Jikely to le very s-o-nous. Injuriest-o t-be abdomen may lieo! t-wo kinds: f&rat, open wouncls;, macle by any 'penetrating -instru- ment, or by a bullet; andc, second, contusionfs and bruises of &Il sorts, or ru 1pture of t-be musclés by omie tinusual exe-tion. An open wound o! t-he abdomen t-bat does net ro«aan yo! t-be inter- nai engams.1àerieera, -ly a simple matVer, and,'hoal, quieky witb thle prope r treatmeit; but wbon -t-be woîund le deep enougli tý)injure t-ho hver, or thle kidneys, or t-ho spleen, it beceomes a very, enlioue matt-or. There lais ,phyeical and nervetus 6">iktJla- iittfinaÏiy kilI t-be patient. Çbatshock i. tubie fins-t t-bing for t-le phyoician Vo do-wl witb, ospecially if it le compHesat-ed witb mevore -hemorrhage, whicb is N, M, Iikoiy -t-olie thle case. r Wbhen thie sufferer lias rallied a-ad tile bieeding imasu been ebecked, bbere We st-ill t-le menace o! penito- Dit-le, or aotVe inflammation o! t-ho perit-oneuin,- hic i lethe membrane bliat linos t-be abdominal walls. Wben pont-omitle i. oonfined 'to one part o! thbe abdomen, it usu-ally pro- duces ad-edons t-hat'shut off t-he affeeted part from them rest--of t-le peritonemm, anad t-bus lielps Vo pro- venat t-bespread o! t-be inlamma- tion. ,But t-be infection t-bat epreads quickly oven t-hé whoîe pe-nit-oneum is generally fat-al. Thle infiamma- tion i-s always thbe reeu,lto! germs -bat procluce pus, a-nd t-be germs usuaîly enter !rom witbout, wbeai tlie wound lis pnoduced by.an in- fected knife or bullet; althlougb t-be Accerding t.0 et-atîsticis 400 ycane a-g t-be average lemngt-b o! buman life was b-tets-en 18 and 2o yearo; 100 years ago t-be average bumnan 111e Was b-s -hn 30. 'The average buenan life to-day neacae nearly 40 yeavrs, 4ey mot-ber ougbt t-o know t» flthing about-t-be ca-re o! chul- dren'. oee.. Defective eyeeight, whicli is so comrnon nowadays, as Iarge'ly t-be nebult o! ignorance. Excessive st-udy a-t- chool, fa-uIty POSit-loas w-ben reading and writ-îng, bad ligbt- for work wiIl cause ebqrt. eight- in 'after life. Slhont aiglt, centna-y t-o popula-r opinion, is pot a h-ereditàry-, s'. Plie yo1ùmÊý cbild s nevellor"t-Igted'. Xot unt-il about-t-be a-geofo 9 do. tue defeet- mairelt-self f elt, anad f rom t-boa à becones st-eadiîy woree un- leus it- receives cane a-ad at-ention. An>-ting t-bat wil oct t-he blood inVo active circulation is good fer a coîd. Batbe th-li feet in bot wat-or and drink hot wat-er, or bot le-men- a-de, on going Vo lied; ta-ke a sait water sponge bat4i and romain ia a warm room. Bat-be t-be face in very bot water overy five minut-esi for an hecur or ad. Snuff bot sait- w-ater up t-le n-o8e eve.ry heur orý t-w-o. Four or five hovuns' exorciset in t-be open air îs oft-ea effective .f Four or five grains .io! quinine? t-akena at night wil- u-sîîai-Iy bave a good offect. A vapor bath, !oliow- ed by a coîd sponge bath, is good. In bat-bing oestbonild be cane-ful hlot- Vo geV ohilîed. WVOMEN Ai, WORtl. v i ti t- tî t- Ànafect-ion le semet-imes -o! -inîternaI Ki-agsey'e uine, -Foir men niust -onigin, f rosa nuptured intestines. work a-ad wom«en amust weep," con- Wbenaia person bas a lia-cl ouad tai-as oril> a bai! t-rut-h. Ia t-be o! t-be abidomn, t-ho sbock a-ad t-be count-nies now a-t- war t-be wom-en h emornb;age ca-Il for immediate are se bus>' coing most o! -t-be work treatament-, toget-her wit-b attention "tlh ey b-ave uittie time for weep- t-o t-be open wound, a-nd a docton ing. Evea la Engla-nd, where t-be cannet- le calied tee quickly. If lie drain on t-be ma-le population bas anaot- conte a-t mce, it cannot do been Iess severe t-la-n in France -or ra-ny barm t-o elevate t-be-foot o! t-be Germa-ny, ma-ny iad-net-ries t-bat- for- libed a-ad mainta-lat-he btfîdy boat- by m een empîoyed mon are now o! ne- fant-ificial means, sucli as bot bot-tles, cossit-y fanding places for women. mut-a-rd applied -over t-b eba-rt, For example, women are now em- anad se on. It le aIse 34J good plan pioyed for t-be fret-t-lame in t-be a-c- t-o give lthe sufferer a drink o! bot oount-inkand et-ber oIe rical depant- -cr'ffee wi--l or wit-boît oit-ber stimu- mente o!t-be railwnys and t-be la-nIe. B>' t-lie. means t-be patient- banke. The number o! woinea wYho can 1,. belpeci t-onally, se t-bat when drive mot-or cars lias iacreamseclt-ne- tho doctor arrives lie ma-ylie able meadous>'. 'IUie Ascain for tak st-and more v'lgorous t-eat-ment-. Woen'e Einapioyment le t-raining momen Vo lie.shop assistantS in t-be Curt'et DandulnfI. grocer>' busineEe. Afs t-be - Shop Thereineos toulie so ma-ny peuple Assi;stantýïi' - Uni on lias sent- f-nl>' a 1suffering !rom dandruf!- from th-e t-hird o! ifs memb,-,-s bt-lihe fi-ont, number o! queries -eant ia on tIhe tl>ere ar" nia»>' la2,-ancies o! t-ho matt-ent-ha-t- a lit-t-le gene-raI a-vice Jkînclto be fiiied. A finm af Rîîigb> upon t-bis troublesome compiaint 1m18entg-agng girl-s lu ma-Ie eIectmit- wijl nucloiibt lie a-pprecint-ed. liglit uth-i-a eraft hitheî-> oi-o - There are different kiads o! dan- ed exci usive!N. 1'v men, Inst-anc-2" dru!! ;,une comems fron t-ho scalp be- mig-ht be mi' 1'ipi]*eclo! occupations îng too edry, audJila spite o!a--l] the in sihich, l5mc., t-iie beginniag <'- cumbilig and bruis-ing t-he dry t-lio war, t-be bars have been le-t s-Calte O!fotr£kin accumulate anJdoit-wn for woincmm. prodîxce great irritation. Anot hon Yet feen after-i- -l the in*-us kind is cil>' and em's Gt-o permeatle - P1 ners bave bec» 111rd.ibere aie t-he bain itE-el! clownt-o t-be vem-y iL'a-ny Wonto1-Ma, w{îî:db>'tit sa>, tipe. "Te- frst s±-ap le t-o gel a mlx- - be pmrovide'j fmi>-; tiýc effort i-.3o l.uire o! equal parts o! s-off r uap bai'g m azae t )l.4tai- nte rprises Aàf a'ad eudCiga.Any chemistie-hali gie t1lV>t- t'fî-utm tm ivill mix a fouir-ouînce bot-tle, whicli rins eTnplcî3 fimemt. Toy-maktng, ivili last quit-e n ~~~~long timne. To~ibla enama xlsvi iipo-onfumîs o! t-be mixture ini a lai!- la German indkustrv iN bcinz en- plut o! warm sut-n'makEs aspîc- cotraged in FnglmmIas ccpa dîd sia,ýh for t-be headl. t-on eO5pec-inliy sîmlit-ed t-o wunîen. B3e careful t-o rins-e ever>' parti-' The Womn'1 megac Crs a e7e o!foa from t-be bain wt--Q-pid t-trned t-be C'hape.] o! t-elie Anunci-a- va-t-en, t-len dry ca-refuil>' with a tion into a factoir>' s-bore yoiwg soft t-owei. 1Te scalp wîlil now lie girl. Ioarn te ma-ko-weoden t-o>'. t-boroug'hy cleantd; if yen are su!- t-bey -soon becomne silUful enougli ferng froma tlie 011> dandruif geV t-o get- three dollars a- week. I-n t-be foilowing mixture from t-be f ctland ar.tdiclpî .] floé. er-maki'g choiniet.:-Otto o! roses, 1 drop; ha-e been promoted ad suita-he oil o! bergamot, 3 drops, tannie workroms a-ad teacheors bave been acid, 630 grains; pure glyce-ine, a- provided,. The thoat-ncal ,Wcmd of- sufficiency; whit-e vaseline, g0 fers -a good market- for t-be producte d grains; coid cream, 1 ounce. Part o! t-li-t ndist-ry. Ghesgow i em-, t-le bain wit-b a comi a-ad rub thbe ÃŽPloYIng hun4redls 0o! women dressing into t-be part-mg.tinti yen tr--ie&r 'gcor - bave rubbed a-Il t-be scalp, t-len BTezyýwhéÊW ta ,in t>oroughlbliuehli t-a asoft lrub , Onwîo - wlien-t-liefbain wi11 look cdean sRad glossy. ýIf t-be dndruff coasi scaIy, whit-e, haf- alun>' whieh fal lover th4elles- Ivve- youan abunda.nce yýf do'your Part- Ier whi-eeggs o tu ancla... Wbite Lsg-_ gnra1y Il-y credit-ed -wit-h moe-prolifte layers, .not ifry wonld.- eri iPlymnot- Rocks, Wyandott-s and J»hode Isin'I Reds la-y brow-a egge. -TheEs bre-edýa are lerge-r - tlan th-e ],egborns, and.-ar4 re!erred Vo by tiieir cbaqmpions as gclneral-purpose !owls; hein-g in addition, t--, ocd lyrfiet-atble birds. -o Buy one cock or cokerelfoj, 8 V'O 10 ihens o! tihe heavvier bneeds, er from'12 t-e 15 bens of! Le.gborns and iffOw ta Presrve Eggs~. There are many eolut-ione effere for t-bis prôblein. Nearly all ol t-hem are more- or lete eati*tact-ry, acoording as t-bey aire, put into use olficiently or mot. Salt and lime wiil keep eggs freob, if tbey are t-aken directly ?-rm thbe nezst, co ed rigbt 'outat once, and placcd -i tbe isiaglase mmot-od. Egge may be kept for a long Vime, and Fa!&i.y, if t-hey are ta-ken etnictIy ne w-laid t> begin witli, wrapped in pieces of paper, and packled away ini a co-ol, èlean, e'weet cellar. To get t-be beust results, i-t 18 ai- 'way.s best to pack oaly e-ggs laid lae la t-be soason,, when t-be weatb- or le already cool, and wheîii vli t-ime between at-oring and cons.um-p- -tien ie, affer ail, mucb. shorter. il is scarcely praotical -k> paok eggs away, Vo lie in st-orage through-t beat o! summer, and find t-hem very choice for t-ho, followini winter use. lt cen be donc in cold st-orage plants, but even t-boa the egg x fan £rom tho saeanlaqiîali;ty as a new- laid egg. - - Iflaj ggam caretfully kopt etenrile te -begin 'with, are gatbered evory day, are a- once placed iùn storage, by tbe use o! ýaay o>! these mae4lho<ts; and are ko-pt in a cool cellar, tboy wilI keep fer a long lime, long enéugb t-o afford a good wiater's sutppiy. For t-he greater part, it &Il dopende upen t-be tb-oî-ouighness, witb whicb t-ho job is done. Whîite Leghorn Bee-t. The best known fowl in Amenica to-day is t-be W-bite Leghorn. hid î t-be egg ina-chine o! tbe poüultry famiiy aÏid as sucb is highly es- t-eenied. Many individutals aiad floclcs o! this variefy bavo esfahb- Iisbed enviable records fer egg produc-tion for fro>n one to -tbree yearis a-ad iyenes-er any man starts; a poultry famn1ona commercial ba- es lie invaniail>' stueks up with Legh-o-n(s. In certain sections, howcver, if is difficmîftet preveut t-be large cingle comnbs f rom freezing and in the nor-tîern parts '.he Rfyie Co.kmib- ed Wbite Leghonle valued a-ad ueed. Ils large, thick rose cern-b is nof s0 eeisily affected hýy frosf as are t-ho cingle combs, therefore t-ho po.ssibility -o!a more uniforni pro- iuîction o! eggs in winter fnîîm tbe rose c-om-bed liens la assutred. In evo.ry way t-be Rose Ctmbed Whiite Legli4ormi is like ifts sinîgle com'becl eiser-n size, sha-pe, colon and chara-eteristies o! large pro- ludtion o! eggs, fertility, ba-ch- a-ilit-y. qui-k growth nid enriy ma- tu ri- v, se that in latitudes where tevene f n-ust-s are comino-nt-biî vai'- lise- The>' were îýnd(Piubtod! y '-eatcdJ b1u- cnoesing WVhit:, Ha-rnbmtrgs witi1 Whtite Leghorr.s. but nothi,îg of thle egg, laying cwa~tme ctts 1iost ia the cross, as bh parent,, ar> rated as exce-ptl'oYýalla-yers. j Ba-aX NEUVE OEAPM=.. Eaeg Scott. la the "Edlnbtargh Scots-! Ali! fat' fia ttheit mionîî taiim-gmtt hi ms - tth-y arc,- sucm'> >î' They lied for th,-t z ou>> '-y. ur tr;,i-e. gallei >>m>> -i But t hi-womnem cmd t-ht Illii t t tiie tt>î-y ait- iectn, F-i tth- tuesbti>tM tidI ttthcms tht-yI îîtlt ut-t-isi-e igutili Oht. the- ,s-tig i' tht- it!ttw It t s the tt-ars satî i Tu-ne*iia gm;miiui a tîot tilt tRiaLi -akti the- tîtrswell) ; tFor thel r'm iniy Il bmaaîî md timat 15%0-S te gay tarttt> -1 Jles asti-e>Il]it htsc-tntd tict;IL iark, Oh wttd hitîs o' Scntmand. whe-tic»s-rt ,g's charmse cnfold ye, Oh, moors. growtn' gm-cia m-atm tipriig's uagt-at l>-I There's maony an cye that ilas -q w>î to liehold ys Is cicsed îmoi for el-en et dat-k Ntuve Chapelle. "- T'here's miony a voit-that would eound ~ j, o'or the beather, Wlien Its déte Ppurpie wavee relled o*ei'- slU and-o'er dell. - v-iîisn nonemore - now, for, - - - ,ver, 1amr ~ -oleepn' at dark -r, rne the f n e if WAii. or 'U' It woace asein,-4on the -face of tbings, t-o- be bla-ephemny, -to ýchiar'ge God wit-h respeeisi bilïty- the ticdictasters frem w-hîcbinm sUffr. ' - Any eart-bdy rulex who -Etbould ê*erove sucih a nionstrousï -'jiii" a3 îs impli'ed ii t-his doctritié j«' ipe 10eiointy wCould f-orfeit i>fI i 1egranoe, t-e aay -noth- mng 01 >o'e hie peo>pleý. But ]et a- e,,:ohild pesamiserably in lt-s et ,Ëarna, astmoamebip ainlc w ',,aBaangers in thie se-a, famin. JMelà deeimate a cotin- t-ny'.Po o -ne war engulf * t-he nations o!f ôrId, and always there are -bo -declaret-bat t-bis, r-agedy fat-be. - î,o! Got anad mu-st therefore biei end.dwith equ'atiit ney. - '*ýQ'"' -Tchat -ie conep-loi> neir o cbolte in t-bleeig iIÉÏ o! cons o ation te b'leedlnghe, tiIls o t-he Vorenletni bio -o Vh i o their prowsentli obvio s. p-dit Eiota ike ite bvut in as lr~ro EinothasFoit-adout lat his '"¶eli- gionret, o! t-b Future,"t-bat he ]damne een-pt oràbas clone inien chie i-n 1mb. .wrld :l hnduings o Vo lie tien agnrsuffeings orh iiwde havve on a gaint wimie- -y ge-d Obavet i nce.satly ivatnug- gle" Once t geV <a mf on -pertîs , &hbat i ieft-bwi-ood t-a.v yýýefi labould t bie o tyholinfeher Ïcidtofa Iaore mieicldn, the Tiaic tk'I nt-.o 1 beogl &fmine -betandi n.da e- beprgaLf-re o ee&H I-ndia- tod ae1 ism parlyed ilo! il efft o en-eta cmi t!eqaedl .ti-i ti one he ina-n per-st-'a-cled tI'-iat- "It is net- t-be R-av. John Haynes Hoîmes. tk1m PerfflwY! aminem 1 7Tle Ipeim-ieal ooneequt>enee o! bad Dgri-. cuIttur imetbd! ?vrt'iA exact Meaisure o! tiëe'Ét-upielty, amd wa>St-so! our econom!c.,syst-e of d 'htributi-in n i W ar ? h i d m c0nsequenoe, of dynastie poieS, national pride amd tfhe- crase of a-rmamonts! Nbooie o! _t-hcniis ' wrougbt in.the fibre o! thle-universe. Fach is «t-be conequencenot, O! Gcd's will but f maan'-s ignorance, indiffereffCe, 'raiihnýeeL, luet, bat-e. AUl can be overcoane if man co wilI-s. And -le!. tra-nflgured by this discov- cry, Mmadbes'-o wili!1 He Vekea up, sras"ginet [41bis] so.of t-rouble-s and , by oPpoiii-mg, end-&t-hem." And t-herewitdi G-od-'îs k-ingdom corSm,1 and His wli is doý on e>artîqi as it- Je in 'beav-ný. si'cbehislihe wonclrqýus chanýgeje, mai 'aattituda tow-ard t43seuniverse under the influence o! thi-i,ýnew con- cept-ion o! t-be divine pRpn.And t-bis change, lbe it notr-d, is achieved without a-ny loss of tîtat faetor 4d! recyncilement whioli was Seo gnxiat a merit of t-bm !doii2î'ology. On Ihe- coüntý&ry. For wbat grcatý:e con- solation cari we as-k than t-be ihe>ugbtt-bat dîj;a,teri are "net t-he will o! God" ; t-at He is grieving fer us and suife-ring witb nis; that we have but te dlean otîr vNsiin ndl learn Hi% mind Vo prctve-itt-be re'- cur-rence o! illa Vo ou-rFeîvos and unnumrbered. gepatlons af-te-r usi- ttGcd d-ot-h not afficit willing-, ne- ther d-oth Me grieve thbe cbisidren o!f men," eyaya t-be pealmi-st-amd t-ie for t-be rc.as)n t-bat "ift is net t-be ,wi-i o! oiir Father * * * tii-at one of t-he".lt-t-le ont-shcsbuld epmneh" 1U1 IINfAV SUf1fH~QQ1M aid uato, bim-Thle propheýt. asked_ 1ITHE UUUII UULLLUU N U$Itavi'asjudgmaent. Re uses a pan-- able in order tu put a coýncrete ase - before t-be king, Titis wam a- ustial. IN"EINA'1oNL-LESSON, mode o! approach Vo t-be set-ing o~f t UE8 a q-uest-ion. (See 2 Sa-m. 14. 4-7; I Kings 20. 35-4l.; aise Judg. 9. 7415; 2 Kings 14. 9; Iha, b. 1, 2). -Leizon X. Nathman Rebukefi David., c2,flhae-rîcb man--li e des- cnibec a-s Vo bning bis seilfislinesa -2 Salis. Il. 1 t 2 into bold relie!. Theo-,parable 51.10.mnakes no s3ugge&tion o! t-le crime - GT.l's. 1. 0*o! David. 'ne riclima-n'a t rans - I. I a vl l 1 -are o! rla s s » atl ~ r o i n , w a s fa -r le se t h a n t-bat- o f 1 . a vi I car o . U i ah ; eât - ay i . 'Th . st-or>' i.. reiated , bo w -? (Verses '22-2,5). -- ee>aastomceDvId lre up &t l- ,u rgitùs s o! even.,a - Verse 22. Ailt-bat Joabi badenatles.ser sin.ý him !or-Devid w-rot-e a ro-t-c 5 David's an-ge-r waé grema- Joabi telling'him Vo put -de-avdmanifested anger' lrusband o! Bath-ehéea m D1) ý - -- t-be ocasions. (Se 1 Sa-m.- vid covet-od), in t-be f ,22, 33),.- figbt se t-bat ho wo bela - -Hbe - (verses. 14-16). Joali. Saw n Ih thle forti#fied city o t e! - -y >j ~f<seciaof- empha-laa Icaew t-hatt-beywou-ld hot p iii raqen-eed f tbepHaebn&w t-le Wall. Ho tooýk pains, the-refore 'qe, udinte1Sm.0.I;2.R; eae. t-o send Uniab close Vo t-be wal- 19i- 28; I K inge 2. 26). -- (verso 17).' But ho knew t-hie wa>e 6 Fufî-belgirqie net good ut-rat-ogy. RH, knew aise . - rfl-helga eqie t-bat Da-vid, hea-ning cI! t-be oom- ment. .(Se. ExotI.,22. 1; Luke 19. ma-nd Vo approeeb t-be city walls, 8). migbt forget bis desire t-o have .7. Thou a rt- t-be man-'"The con- LTiah kiiled and, as a- o-klled war- sutsunece t-lut t-boy were God's nion, t-iink only o,! tdie Iack o! good meseengers inspired t-le propliets senec in Joab mn endangeriag need- witb fearlese courage. Samuel ne- lessi>' a part o! bis anmy. Joab, bîîked Sauti for bis disobedience; therefore, le ca-refuI t-o c-harge t-be t-be prophot- f rm Jiiea-h reproved messenger t-o reply t-oDavid, Je-robe-am, -fer bis iclat-ry; Elijali sboîîld t-ho latter be-come -agry a-t- pronounced sentence on Ahali for Jonb's lack o!fnsiîitany fore-sigît, by thbe m-uder o! Nabotl; - Isai saying, "Tlîy servant Urial t-be cbided A-liaz-zfQr bis fait-hestes; - Hittite is de-ad ao" David's lead- John t-le Baptiet condemnedHRerod ers were noady Vo do bis bidding for bis adîîlt-ery." (ee, I Sa-m. 15, a-nd cP-operate wit-b bis ýba-sest pas.-. 13-23; 1 Kiags 13. 1-10; l'Kin gae2l. siuln. 17-29; "sa. -7. 3-9; Matt. 14. 4; 25. Lot nett-hi-s Vhing dieplease Mark 6. 18; Luke 3. 19). t-bet--Joab was nigbt in t-bmaking ,,____ - t-at bs miitay lunders woiud cause David te lie angry witli bim. »isobedieat ('blîdren. But whe tqld t-bat Uriali wIi5 A tst-enuat-ial ioidet S doad Daid~sangn sis ape-aecInuit be a great trial u t-e- mot-ber,' and litscounseled t-be meseager te and m n ca n Wonder i h ies make Joeli feel at ease. ...- -.. . . . - Il. The. Littie Ewe Lsinb' -(Verses '26 te 12. 7a-). 263. She made lamnentat-ion for ber httusband--T-lIie time oif m'oumning foi- a fa-t-ber va-s svem daîs(Go-n. 50. 10); for a- kinjg, a-to)-seven dinys 0I Sai. 31. 13). At Ira-st î-ihirly days siere sometimne.s rbi--ed (Num. 20. 29, Deut. 34. 8). No panrticuilar timne sa-s rptforînt-be momrnitig o!fs ideve. Pro-îblv t-be1 ruhe was seven days, t-be c-ustoupgry '27. When t-l i îauîning was pa!st -- Bat-h-sli-ba's moîmlraing wa; lpire- ]y' f"trnaî, t-be ciîtstomary-ce-eimou - w!t lime. As ron a-s t-bis uns aî-inpiislmed. she sianlte I>avid's- ho-tme and beeanmq hi'î ivife. ? . lia-pt-en I.). 1 - J ýh-aYval tutNa- thau t no Da'.id tA y.a-r pa.aasedc bfin-e Ç)avi lerebîmik-f'> avii's -contrition le mai-kecl iii Psi-,.51 a-nd 32, ')atlc,-ee--a mc ,A c-nia-a who 'wîi tu-ut obey i-s ver>' difficuit t-o lrala., Iti leoit ber ulleUTën andl sul]ky,> or i-t flati>' neftimnEs t-o do s-îatitle t-old. I-n oit-ber case 1V le ueeI'rs.te tn tui if-oaon si-it-'!ml-2a yotag cbiid enannot uaderataxîd a woî-d f thle long et-em-ci !expIa-nation , 14t flùws frc-rn i-te motber's lips.,'Plie les-t t-bing is -t-o l-eîl t-le, lit-t-lýenebei Vo do sihat you wi,, "beca-use mo- t-ber Pays so.'" As it grows olaer-i't ma-y be rea-roned, wil'S>, asnd igtsilîl ii ndnsla-nd .your.-wo>rd. . No pare-nI si<idte-l] its chcild t-o do iùmpoei-ble or eî-enî - ifbfiiîlt t-ings; t-iiswould lie inreaacie;nable and ve-r>'-wrong. Neit-her t;hiotîld amuti-ter or fat-hen na-g at tie c-hi'b; -,lml dùoee ua-rn t-ban <good, a.,; tii' pooûr lit-t-le tli.em nenî-oit.9ar.d !-g--n- a it'i-tîilitma yî>îm g-pn11 Pif-.rc-" iii -- - i di 0v - r- it-' ni-:inale lita w arn klie and<id -of ,!a-pproî-al wmll it b. ALPHABET 0OF THE WAF. A stri::ds lt-r Au:,tria, awed and afraid; B3 stands for. Belgium, so0 baseiy betrayedj. C Is -for Cossacks, that neyer were towed. D-! what the Kaiser's been Saying qulte loud. E ls the EnglIeh for Ever, Amen; F stands for French, both the Man andi the Men. G for the GermarTs, their graves let them grieve'; H the lost Honor they ne'er will retrieve. 1 sta nds, for-Indians, I rnperlally true; J stan-ds for-,Joffre, and ýJelllcoe, too. jK for our Kfng.ý and our great K. of K- L for ILege, anld lost loveiy Louvain. M 4tands for mines for. acur 'inarchantmnen lafd; 0 fortu e Outrages, Q1ý.Giany'e shame; -p le the PrIce -ta o, . be i~hesame.. Q le the Quid, pro» Que -Brîtain blad *walting; Wthe st-an RolGîerih eêrsalg S stands 'for Sausage anid Sauerkraut, whatl-- 1, t ff - I I-I s' t, - Ça -ContlWt - the any idanutaotu active, service training campe Jected ta the s culd be subJec- rough roade and mud and throuï They were soaki ofe an abnormall were baked on radiators and rà -TIIEY STOOD '] Out of the- -boots -supplfed -pair Was shown --the -Government later. Experte mp ied 1365 -pair were !ounct- onl Holden MCrea were founil ta b able; and ON E -GAUGE. TPhe bestpro abilty 0l f the loweve, was mente of soldid constantly fror Septenîhen, 191 They swore ti through ^al hq ier and onr had, given' ciec geant Nusscy, twelve years ln fore t-he Comn-. s f 1 1 1 o n h i e f qý > committee's !nu TIf e Lctlm MON EDMO THEF -O Or-Th -1 Cih An TER xý - -diaer. a&-hfl o la Jn -dos. $h6 oanid only àun tbat-udL't-h aueb-nt--o be *ive t1h.ls year. sa-ni ab'0 «&atd thet tbey -WOxel -lx 4Mii was aven te- nl7 unaottona whlch exiuted i the -weuid ha-ve been basa -toîd of tlem. 0f ce Uîosa khnd ef Ideas lan ýo zep4Ioneer'had them ~ s 1 e -tliaed, lik e an , «qns. half effa-ced by tht osu or omt-e&nt expmurei weatmer. .If tbey did. It Inc ïntenueiy welI bred. n .4 t-hem a-t once, . or f~ themm .ueeefnIly. An -ei woo almways second-rate, t and wbatever one oonl4 " w«o wmlthout doubt ýimmr and wth a renerve -In h ea a-damant. Now a-ad cannt ha-d vondered home dingo F~ itnilng ai a ur boavIdy Eas- etaDie HVES 0F ONTARIO liI PIN Bol - E - F ing al ato savei them withc lecto .000. -panie polie boidi cuumt --their flirt-b L W. Wtfti -Orgs To -N Leal for 1 -Wbi -cari1 ie 1 ileaith Bints. t e a F d r a (1 a ti l!11 r ae ýwe 1

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