Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 4

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appeal te e strings muai b. ii tas'ted te butld your aew À boys question ln WhItby-Have yen Jolaed the Scouts? The TrWowelId migbtter ln Wbitby- -ibis springt tbmthé Sword. l'h. Ontaril adiea College wtèut Dr-Haro-it!a unibfnikablei A common questiOn la WitbY-have Yen put ln your sewer cpnaetion, yet. 0-* * * -Whitby BOY Scoute have blosaomed forth iln new uniforme. yl'h> ok real * ty . s à A uestIon -for farmens-Have you destmoyed'the wobs of the Tent Cater- Sounds to be heard from now on - Strikel Bal Outi Batter upl -Satel Feuil l'h, babali season opened this -week la Whitby. ItaI>' ha. Jolned the Allies ln the griot var fer treedomand houer. The little browa men ln the "trench.."' <sewer> ta Wbitby are jubilating, The Italien ai-mieoshuould excel ln digging,1 thie ~ig thing la. modemn warfare. WItthy mon ai homo are undor asm much obligation to go te the front au thome wbo bave gone. if wo are too Old te go or unable to go froni an>' cause, we sbould belp support the tam- esor mesi 0 r. are and al le et a [eh hoi delio By the- use, of ,,Royal Baking Powder a great many more articles of food may b readily made ,at ,home, aRilelthf-,de. licious, ýand -economicaladding -ýmuch variety and -attractvenesýs to the menu. res i nhe", Royal Baker eoniaining live recelpis. for al' un! Cooker>', fi-e. Buking Powdcm on Thursday and, Frlday tbey will~ have the chance to do pome dissiug. 0* - 0 0 The six thouaand dollar. that Whitby aime to raise this week for the Patriotie P'und, l-f& not by an> ;means what the O vMM Should do. Wbitby bas been, bleda'd witb ta- dustrial prosperlty icéý b war bo- gan-unlke maitl>' towai~n Ca-nada. There are many wealtiyi people living here, and a larger niimber poasessed of moderato means. Whitby's answîr to the appeal sbould b. ât least $10,000. Make f'our Loyalty 'Speak. e wo hve oneor illyet Whitby le to be given an opportunity to do somethlng worth while for the * * *Canadian Patriotie, Fund. 'The war imen ln Whitby who have wasoflot long ln progress before the wo- sin tried to get lato on. or men of Witby were orgiized Into a ýcontingents enroled for for the relief of the appaJling needs seq, but bave been rejected created b>' the war. Tbey have raised uome physical imperfection in mono>'$2,800, bouides contributing ane. The>' are .ntitled te flify coD1forts for the mon. Bo far as nor and rupetsil 8I thi>' dons ber part. - ý cepted. But up tIli recenti>' tbho bat'bë7en S.0.* * . 1 no organized effort onthe pe of th many mn la bitby men to do sometbingwortby ét tbom.i man mii a Wltb ~ selves and oet thetovu tbey t»reent1 0 eoutry's defene&i. t la la thia time of National ne$&,,, te tbem If tho>' bide izader Some wueks agof ýthqgte ita ,e the sali somie for Moro tiv of theSae 1a' thtieIna-. eas -or latathd Wh__ t te objeot -,cf wboh waa te imna or te ça te helP stîmulate Interest limm1U fe c b ither fellow's railY- and neds, botb a in 1d olomi, fthe r11N TRE ATTER OP THE ESTATJm or JANE WALLACE BAIN, LATE OP THE TOWN 0OP WHITBY, lx THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIIO, SPIN; STER, DECEASED. - Notice.là hereby giron purguant ta the Statuts, that ail persona having dlaims againsi the laid astateofo!Jane Wallace Bain, who died on or about, the 4th day o! Ma>', A.D. 1915, are ne- .quimed te Bond te J. E. Farewell, Whit- b>', on or befomo the 101h day o! June next, Particulars of their dlaims,' dul>' vemified, and notice le furîlier givon thgt after the last namod date the ad- minisîmator will pnoceed 10 diutnibute the said estate, having regard onl>' to MTe cdaims- o! which lie shail thon have notice. Dated lai Whitby tbis 18th day o! Ma>', 1915. Sais by Tonds Valuablo RosdonialPropoýrty Un the Town -of Whitby SOUJTH WARD The place known as the Pearson property 'hereby ollered f'or sale'by tender, eithèe rand Pasiry Cook,- bundred practicalI e.Àddress Royal Ce., New Yprk. country at ibis lime, l'h. resuit cf this organization wau gratitying, and ihomo bau been manifesi a marked ini. croase, iu latereai amongst the men of Whitby. It 'wau the opinion, bovevor,,.et moum o! exrpérience that the enaliion te b. roall>' effective should -fave befone il some delinite objeetive, and oui cf ibis conviction came ibe reiolve te-or. ganize a branch of tue Canadien Patni- dIac Fund. which woubd work ln te.uch w PhOl r along linos lai6d down and The aber>' et- the accompliahmeni t o ihis object was tcld ln our aewa coi- immhs luit weekl. This la au Occasion ia the lite cf the icwn whetboh loyaltY' and ontbuslasm ef the citbâks shcuid lead te ihe drop.- plag et-aill PreJudices om Ponsonal ani- mosIilesanmd ensure a barmonieus and loyal co-operatlon lan-the. work of -roll. ing, UP a fund which WIllbe a credit te ibis -weathY and Prospemeus cern- munit>'. The sali fliud bythejocal commniteee ta ever>' itizen te meupond-f ta the aDppÉoalr aid tW the Canadiahn Patriotic Fund,ihat',wivezanmd cildreil et mldiers wbo 'bave gene fi-cm an>' Pa#t cf Canada teflgbifor our ceunir>' BuJUuld be amplY prOVldodý for by the, Dli eltizens who romain ai home. thi To-day and ti.morrow, june 8nd md Iih, are the days chosan for mjaking tu the canvaus. Ever>' mman d .omndlu ln tue towa who ls able te glve, wili les be affomded the opportuit>'. Thore lsana no doubt ibat the four teamseu . or vaisers, wihl ho given a cordial rocp C6 tion, and ihai wbea the work l'a co. tut leted the sum aimed ai wil b. nos- oil lized. foi- Make your patriotism speak lathebu i~ vie 1--48. SCRUN ,w Screens e., Get'a- ging 'rom d quality of implete with 1pull' An extra' Screen Dom't hinges, hook, We alo have, a dozen other va.rieties to choose from, at ver low prices. Regular «.O&I'or Negular- 4.- fo1 Reguùlar 400for Regular 3.50,forý andidunto New Perfectioa aid Detroit -Vapor 011 Steves- i Thlý two best oifstoves on, the market- Our prices on%,____ these stoves are low. We carry them in1, 2,"3 and burnera. F4-69 4.I9 j-59 Lawa Hose Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday we, will offer 500 feet Of best corrugated. kink proof hose, in1 5o foot lengths, with nozzle, complet. Sec thc 'Black Diamond. A revelation in lawn nuowers. Our mowers range in pnice H >Hot Blast 011 -Stoves -A very handy ou stbve for the camper and for * general use. Suitable for boiling the kettie. Special while they-lasi, 89 Cents,,- J. McINTYUIE 3el1, Phone 60. HARDWARE : - md. Phone 64 laaing speaker on tapîcu relatIng te [ialbranch of civt' Ifa ~istaok au hon tapie "Insi- tes, am! whai ibey mna>' be thie In. ridual." Gb, congraiuîated lb. Jad. e Ia Iheir splendid amcmmodatien, Ld sait! It ubould bo a groat belp end loumagement -la their work. Misa lIlas tld how the Women'a Insui. tes gîlvo an OPPOrtunît>' for tho ex. ,nge of Ides, among wemea, and rmutual hoîptuinous, 8h. ulrgea ber i-te t. eade*vqc* ta býo eyc I ta ohe - bfsrvc Ã",tlt os;îent ethat vision- basui for u»ululc.' At the oniclusion et, the meeting, ad. lrment vwu made te .beautiful M, whoi-e tes wss served and a so. lheur enjoyed. <urnng ibi te the ladies entez-tain. Li number of gentlemen frem Toi-en. 'who had been lu attendance at the Id Roads meeting la Whitby. A. ,g lbe number were M.ayor Churcb 1Aldermen Ramsden and Camero#, Tronte; Hon. Findla> McDlarmid,- Cister cf Publie Womks; Mm. George i-y, M.P., for York; Chas. Calder, P.P., and othema. lisse gentlemen elprsoed themuel- as greatly dellghted witli the beau. il 5urroundings and homnelîke ap- rance o! the Wornengs Institute ns. lau Goc moi and oft Min HN M.F -T ves tifu peai roof JOHN THOMSON, Administraton. J. E. FAREWELL, Solicitor for the Administrator SUNDAY FIRE DAMAGES PROP- en ioc or ini eparate -lots. Whltby ban been remgrkably Immune from tires, the last one occurring about nine montbs ago, but on Sunday the - fire flend made another visit, and this time caused a lois of property to a greater extent than for some years. About 4 o'clock p.m. a smalfire was 52 f. x2 10ft.noticed to have started In the imple- ment shed o! W. F. Disney, adjoining BARN the Windsor hotel sheds, at the corner of Byron and Dundas streets. A quan- tity of straw was burning, and In a mo- ment or two a huge blackc column of smoke wvas rising In the air, and a brisk wind liad fanned the fiames lnto a ft-X 210 ftroarlng mass, feeding upon dry timbers of the two sheds. The alarm was ù qulckly responded to, but the tire had HOUSE gained a strong hold upon the build- S Ings and contentserec the brigade ar- rlved. Ml-. W. F. Disney happened to have o gone Into hie office, and on the alarin S being given, lie was able with assist- 52f.X 105 t t. 0 ance to rernove a good deal of the con- tente 0f hie business office. The fire In thc implement shed quick- ly cauglit onto the frame of a window on the weet aide of the brick building adjoining, ate through It and rapidly spread to-the Interior, where a large 2 ~,~ 10 ft52 f x 14 ~number o! various farm implemenits, buggies, etc. .were stored. The flames 52fi, 05f crept across the wooden beams of the C) $N Ç'90Mcein and went up t ti ay o ber of new buggies on the ueper floor. The tire brigade did good work, espe. Maitland Street ciali>' on* the Intenior o! the building, and it wae flot long after the>' were Lot No. 1-,--Facing on Brock 'St., 52 it. With a depîh of unerbetr lon h fae 2 Io Et. On this lot there is a frame building 17 x 2 . Tecnet !teip .et hd waggons, implements, some second* one and one haif stories high. band articles, were all totaîîy destro>' Lot No. 2-Facing on Brgck St., 57 fi. with a depth of ecl, and the shed was also so badl>' dam- 210 t. O ths- b thre i a to ad on hat streyaged tbat It cannot be repaired. 2 10f t Onthi - ot her is tw an ýoe hlf t,ýreY The Windsor hotel shed was dam- fraiiie house, 40 Eft. 6 in. X 24 fi. with rear add ition 19 aged, largel>' on the roof, and Mr. WL. Et X20 t. 6in. whch cn radil beconerte ino alanson, proprietor, states that the ex- d double i. hil anrail ecovredit tent of the boss will be $300 to $400. gôdd'bedwelling. The firo la, supposed to have origin. Lot¶io.3-Fcin onBrok S. 5 ft Deth 05 t. ated from a'màtch or cigarette stub Lot o. -i' acig o Brok S. 52ft.Deph io ft Ckbeing thrown careleibl>' utc the space Lot No, 4- Corner Brock St. and Maitland St, Brok between the two shed walls. wlero a St rotare 2 t M iads.L 0 t. u- of*srwhd olce. It St .onag52ft ÂLaLînuL 15 A. would gain considerable volume be- Lot NO. 5-Facing Maitiand St, 512 f t. UePth 104 f t. fors being Iioiced. 'Lot No@- O-Facing Maitland St., 52 ft. Depth, 104 fti.r. ine' los wili amount to, On esch lot, except lot No. 1, there are a- number of youn ur5geSOO arili'coeedb i- tree#--.ppleoi cherries and pears, 2'e4euaddesedto heun.rigndfo an o te aoy ltsWOMEN'8 INSTITI.TE ENTERTAIN, Tonero adresed o. he ndedgedforanyof-theaboi lts TORONTO VISITORe. ror the whole property,. wil be received un, to noon en TuWVd , Ou TùeMday' afernoon the Wplnu'& L D101th, 1915. N~o bandor npoeàiiily acepted. :[zttt bl noe qeugii* heur A. E. OlinsIAof et u ye pOn new i-ornu, at whtcb Ms.1 .M.»1 i; .-B.rrite mad Solitor iftyOntil' thpaert h e . Mi Soict fo h èjXlI a fea' , MAIDE IN CANADA PYJAMAS B'BS!IBý0S TEWILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO., B3ESLtN. ONTrARIO UTL I .10nuF. ~%1II Su~ar w;u rThree Generûtkns The Redpath "Sugar Loafe"l of 1854 wau the finit cane ua refinedj n =naa "Redpati' Granul. ated" of 1880wu-p thie first Canaduaz -" reImuated sugar. Of 1912 markedthe, ifltroductiontoC.IZ R am NaStrsf RA MW ad bet« i s 7% heCoun»' of Ontario 06 ldOr1*-j - -- ocation villl-hold their negular monti 1>' meeting on Wsdnosday, Jac Sili, : the auditorium efthIe Publie- Librar ;ai 4.15 p.m. -0 -Get the> One Minute Washer; miakes -waub day easy. Gee. M. Rie The South Ontario F'armèrs' Imat tut. *111, hold an excursion to Guelp en Thunada>', June l7th.- -eerethi date. Particulars later. ofMr zù O--c - 'Ihe meg'lar-monthlyk meeting o! 1h -Lde'Commuttes and Advisory 1Boar Of the WbItby brandi o! the V.O2', ,will - upet ln the, iatitute rooma -] Monda>' ovening, June 7th.p *ibthélateat styles lIn.sereoxi door, and wlndow sereens at Geo. M. Rice's »yEerything ln hard ware. The Judges' -Court o! Rnevisioti- h jbelng held ths morning (Thilraday) fbefore Judge Mclntyrc, regarding ai) Dcal]. for Uic Voters' Liet, as printetd Order your ongraved visiting cards fmom C. -A. G-oodfellow &-SQn. eca 308soBaupplyling engraved wedding invi- tations, announcement.., etc. - The Womens Bible Ciase of i.t, n- drewv's. Churcli have beennakhîgýbitn- dages for' tie soldiers. Duî-ing the past xnonth they'have 'cnt 2S ozefvl tr-ingilai' bandagee and 76 roflerb -dages Io hie Red çross Soch't>- ln To- Süeý the new nil stove ut .Geo. M. Illce's. Works just- as good as t1ie city gas. Geo. M.-Rice. A Pu blic t , T'Sa du ty ofevury houSü- ie. ,~f to buy X ,the best goods as eheaplya possible. Our Ploasupr-e J*'s our pleasuri tb supplky QU with the beet -in grocer- t,per IL r Tes, per IL ForuWYearsRedpat Sugar has, mositently led in purityp in qualiy, end in th.pe Wclaelo of the. thousands who Use itI le latheproduct of a thonoghy odem, refinery, opeated byý mon 'of ekilI and" ucer, Who.. ocm atm~oi h ig oea., MA rad leeseued l l' Or, if you are the1e îky yan ou *i1il soon b. selecting a gril fr the bride and ber bridei maids, and mie ,for your 'bea Have us slow you thle rman handeome jewelry gis we hais for tbis purpose. - Lavalllspe and Puadints, in go01 and platinum ; set with diam ends, pearia, aquarnarifne, poi. dots, emeralds, etc. Pric. $4,0t SMUaIlst Witcha-Slletqdîd tie. keepers and -very dainty orna. nients. Jxparision bracelets o(f 10k and ~4k golîl, and in gold Ipmohu ad Bss.P ins-Set wlh fine com 4qationâ of Ipre.-lI,î and somi. 'recioufe Atones Frices Re.XN. Bassett Jswslsr udand uimte opUalan Whltby, Ontarior W.C.T. IU. T'he regglar meeting <oj the W.( V. will be held at the home of Mrs. Barper on Wednesday afternoon,, JI M~t, at 3.30 o'Cloek. A full a(tend£-i of members le hoped for. THE MOTHER LA',,D, Wben we.corne tb the 3Mother Coi try, wbat- la Ier-positioù?- She start Out to deal wItb the Ilquàr question the opening of the war, and în the fli war session oneofo! he fIinat measui Proposed, by Mr.- Lloyd George waa Uil puttIng into-the bands of the Gi erument powers to shorten the hcî ef sale. The hours'o! sale.-bave b. raaterlally shortened'in moît of the -dustrial -centres and lài districts3 wfif soldierà. are eficamped; but, that b moet beeýi suficient. ThÃŽe drink . evi etill gilawing ut the vi1tale of the Br- fshmation, and:-to-day we bave the a mouncement that the Governmenit la bout to take, 'drastic -and vigorous à tion lu dealing witb the wbole problei The' Papors bnlnig cabled& reporte.sayl that the 3ournalso of botb political. Pai les-n ot unanimoul>- but some oft]a leading. Iourmnalz of the Conservat party, la Great BrItain, as well as t] aournala of the Liberal partyback i the. Govornmentand tell themi to i abead on-this lins, because the nattas aite la et stabe. Ind. Phon-e 64

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