Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 2

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eupportingr Land Forces on - -ipoi -nns 1a A-de.paVoh f rom, Lomdon ayo *.ieuoth3Mo feteç.e 7 nee 1EIli Britishi battleohip Majestic, maie arried four 1-nh wl.6 ýët-'H F.'G.T&ibot -y« ich -and ixteOn- 12-poumder giMùé doedadt. F. G.>T1ut,'a orpe- oflcd pttm1 witJi an .torpeo marne nje bt an ieoy uh. ý,Sr uienrial oenplemext main thlL i.httle6hip Wu 8wsa 757 offiSirs audm.----- &Supporting te ,ilied land terce"s Thes uining of 'the Majestic ii ~*ep tth.0Gallipoli Peninsula. Neai~- sad to have occprred off edul (y a" thie Offiers nd men were Ba.hr, at the soutuhergi point oft #Mh saved, Gallipoli Peulusula.. Ts ta.xý MIVaup itat Vie eubmarine ment le nmade 'ln a. Constineple tatn e Majeitic was the dieOPatohe received by1 wsy'.of Býr- aretiat sent the> British battie- lin- ship Triuaph te Vithé bottom n ciA de@patoli Vo theITinmes frei ts Tueeday lut. Mu'di.os correspondent says tiiLat The>.-'Majestic Wue campleted in 460 men ofthVe crow et the ba.tV4e- the year 1895, and was the eldest éiip Triumph, wIiicli wa.snk battleeiiip on tiie. ative Est ot the Tueeday in the Guif et Saro., we e naVY. -Sh>. was one of nine vespels saved. The officer. aaid crew on known as th. Majestic 1aiss. Her board thie Triumph in poeo timLee displacermnt was 14,000 tons, numbered about 700 mnen.. SIJBMARINEVISITS- ARSENAL TOr.pedoes a Transport munition and Supply, A despatch from London saya "The submnarine E-li, Lieut.-Com mander' .Iart.in E. Nesmitýh,l/ ha sunk in the Sea of Marmon a vei ici containing a. great quantityo ainmuýnitio-n, comiprisug charges Io boa.Y. howitzers, severai gui snounings and a. six-inch gun, SI, also ýfhnsed a supply slip witih ,,UT 0F ABLkIN Frieh Troops Win a Deeided Sue CcI4ssin the RegIon ot A rrasi. A deepa1ch f rom Paris says: Fre nch, troops have won decided suiîcessees in the region of Arras iznteIy, and have.secured possession of a greater part of Ablain. In -addition they have drive the Ger- znans from thieir strongly fortifie< positions- in the cemetery near AbIl.in and 'have advanoed for &ome dianec beyond it. Iiuring this figfhtirig, says -the Na r Office report, thie German losses were very heavy. INothing is icid as te Vthe price in ]ives at which the Fregnol made their pro- Irt. wilI b>. reinembe'red that Carency was ecc>upied by the aliied troopâs.-'veral days &go, who werie sub&equcntly forceU 'tb retire by the violence of Mie German counter- Otherwi-se in tiis sectoi, whier, the principal fighting o et l, at lew days iha.4 occeurred, Vii. French have- taken morneof tiie Germai treinchees outhwest of. S<uohez 41I ChatLeau Ta.rleu. ejonmd of!-18 aeroplanee, et hoe ,carrying 110 pounds etof i.s bombarded a -dhemical factry at Ludwigshiafen on the Rine, oppo- sie Mannhel. Fire-broko out in severailetftthe faetory buildimgs as a renuit oft Lii bonîbardment. Thi'fa.ctory is one. di the most imnportant nianufacter- à*s ofexplosives ina&U Germa.ny. 'J.Ix French aviafora were in tii. air for six hours, and covered more than 400, kilometres (240- miles). This expedition against an impor- tant German establishmnent was thie French. reply to the attempts of Gerînan aviators on the City ot In ail, 145 distinct languages are spoken in India. I' I 'i KINIG VieOR-EtMMAULLI pRt.R $ALAMR>, ilhP BOWNUP, 82INNKILLEB Crew of 250 and« 78 Workers Perlsh 'at Sheerness. in Hiarbor and SinksAnm- A despssttoh frein London says- The. Prince@ froue, a British mine- .Shlps in Sea of Marmora Iayitng shlp, vas litera.ily b-own Vo _______atom. witi et leamt 325 men aboard u oise lay at andiior lu Siieerne4s a: ieavy cargo et stores- -ndf tcrpe- iiarbor Friday morning. Taieex"- n- doed her alougoide a. piex at 40- Pboion- apparentlyvais internaI, ia dosto. A smal store sîip vas ajOotse ogin being marked by complet-e s- chieiaec md run asioe. - mystery. Ouly oSe mi=su ls sur- ot "Tii. eubma.rine E-il' enteý vived, a stoker, uanied David Wills or Conistantinople aud dis"arged a who was picked up badcly injured. in orpdo t t trnsprt lonswe IV is underatcod tuit a&t but ethereoanal.Tetrnpeo a egmdetire., et ber crew of 250 men were a t Lexparme-. Tetreewsha aboaxdtheti.steamer, as 'vellt a& 7.8 a te xpkd-." - dockyard men earrying eut refairs. Thi. Daily Mail asserto that lun.a"-1- ~<~q~y tien toeti> 78 ryi-pvrigiite tiae ~ANABAN YLb.~4 ere on board 100 ver-kmen troni Chathami, as well as M4 menibers SUN B PRA ESof Lie crew,wvhich w U p. iv a to- at Lthe ti>. v as bon p 3- Stasrloregàlltt Was in thc Tii. disaster lhas immediat.Iy re- Pa;egrTrade onl tle St. ship Bui-wark, wiiich was myster- Lawrcnee. ksusy blown up on Neveuber 26< A depath fom ondn sys:at practicaliy thie identical spot lu A Thespaa tea rmedotn sas:whieh rested the>.Princesm Irene, .5 wTai Cardieand team e Morwe-a wîti tie bas etfsonie 736 officers n German subm-arine off the>.WeisiiB men. Tii. deeructione Li a conet. One niember et lier crevwwas Bulwil a ee xlii Thex were rumors at tie ime that kil-led. TIi. cotihers, inoluding thr.ïe a German suiniarine iad slipped Iwou nded, have been lande4 t a.ju in euesbre ad a ie rdiff by tii. Belgian trawier Jacque a torpec!o at Lh. varship, subse-0 line. Tii. Morwenna vas lhouni ud my teaing away vithouut de-1 frein C'aid-iff tex Syd-ney,,.N.S., ilp - ion.It hia& incie s"e'dc more c ballast, probable, iiowever, that tie Bul- I Tii>.Morwenna liailed txom Moilt- &kwsbonubyaitealr real, and was owned by ie Bbaek wark as -hewifnc by ninternfaI Diamnond Lin,. Smo. .early tLii. cos-te inereny ce belingedte 3'ear siie las beeu unde ate r ,. ore iatasy coplm i Vo the>.Red Cross Lino. . $ w vTeork. zeIenwhc i builtu aL Dundee lu 1904, nines Irneviici Laa fore Vthe var waà a. we1l--kàcnow as Canadian Pacifie iner r>.quisitionedg enger boat on thei.L-'awrence, by thei Governient, vwas lying atp plyzn ~!a±eeu Mu aIGug ir m<oriugs, 70 yards off Porb Vie- potsad~ Ji'0 --ytaie uni- s, ier deccicrow,,ded viti buay ti zner.She wm--209oç,,,,wotrk0"e-a. tbekrbor vas filled P pmr. de 4I apte' 'pV ioiaee. fwith iveseselà cf-' al descriptiens. m .cinanedbyQB>t.ii _j li5. Nething oe adxtraordinary nature The rnmbe".f thÎe vrew o et iiha<l occurred to arouse suspicion, e Morwv-.ziiU, aay Viat atter Vthe ve* e(,' vas ei~p4o~dthey lsser.d ien uu th Ve subma.riue bw lev ý ofV- of eOm etolsofrI,»WW occupants âd vound>.d Vire.otherIN O 'W H mien, ra The skipper oi thVe Jaqueline maya;t WthSmhe sa.v Vie subniiarine atta.k Germaus Submarine AmerleanV thbe -1 Morvesçnahlietsartd the. Steamer That Carried No I Jaqueine tub-bsteani auiead, lu- au tè,ndiÏg te ram Vhe submarine. jrhentr0 andus îitdervV*er boat, hovever, evad>.d A despatch frein London says: r> Lie traviWer aud fir>.d mauy -siieliisThe. steamer Neibraskan, ofthVe W st iier, bi ,aU i t thes misses! ticir Americau-Havaiian Lin., under MT mark.~ charter etfViie White Star Line, and iti Tii. Daatîii steamer Betty, 1,267 fling tii> U.S. fiag, was torpectoed as net Vous, wMu orpedoxed and sumik by a-unsein subunarin'é 40 miles in tie Nor&i Ses.- Her erev vas soutii-by-west ci South Cliff, vhicio rescued. Tl4. Betty ias a treigiter 15 near Fastuet.I lu Vie trens-Atlautie 'trade' -lui. Nebrtaskaa was outbound F41 £rom Liverpool -te Piiladel1piia, [ t zeeps 1azy men -busy putting thinga off itit -morrow. BYALL IIERSUPPLiES HURE Three Parties of flîlitary Buyers Have AIrècIy Leit, Italy It Is Said Adespateli froni Pa.rie- aye: tiieHudson'. Bay Oompany, ot 'Aniericans who are offering sup- Montreal, wlio are doingin-..anada. plies to the Frenchi Goverument are h~at Morgan aaid C0 "aIlr do- O î ng tor...the French GoverDm-ent in g ariati to direct sucti offers Vo J. P. PracticaliY ail ot Iay's buying Morgan., a.nd ýCompany, cf New wiIi b. don. -'inthe. United States "Yo'rk, who were recemtly a.uthorized and Canadla, aotording Vo Vthe b.- 1 A nmake purrchasos in the> United lief cf the commission agents ioe. lStates on behaîf oithtae military adf- Tire. partiesot miit.ry -buyers ministratien. Similar offers f rom have been sent Vo New York al- ~Cndasshould b» addresied te rea4y, iti iÀ ad. WILL SE INTERNED IN VATICAN ,,~PopeA.9 Private ChamberlaIn, Failed to Attend Mass W,'1ere Prayers Were Otfered for Itâiy'-s Triumph A dospath f rom Romie ays: hr prayers . -me effered for th;ë Mosignor Gerli,-the Austrian triumph et Itaijian arms. 'piaecamber1a1 of the Pope, MonsignorCelahwa co.~ ~hsbeenl interned in thie Vatican, ot having faisified the words <f heelie muat reniin unti144h end Pope Bentedict in a. conversatibli ot the war. This action w&s takeai betweeqthLe Pontiff and the corres- bthe. Pop wben -lie lerned that pondent ot a. Paper reoently,, at o'nwgSr Gertac ne 'longer at- whiich Monsig'nor Geriaeh actd k dail (wïy masso e Ii. ouil, interpreter. vhich robse-VieGermaus oet'a.ny dcaim tiat the iip vas earryiug cputrabaud into England. Tiie ves- sel reeeived .tie terpedo l in tfon- yard part- efthVe iiip about aine o'clock at nieit. lInViieme reglonsl at thi.s tume et tic year iL la stilil light at nie o'clock, but vbetiier Lie fiag couic! be distiuguisied even if flying is saniething vhicli muft be cieaxed up liter. Tii Nebraekan had-'ler -nasul lu g'ant lettex. ou beti aides, hawý- ever, and beiug an Anierican iip, shc deubtbea. carri.ed her ship'm ligbVs, wiiioh vess et ofbelligenent ceuntries uovadays do net de,ý v-ibis would suggesti te a submar- une commander ier innocence. Be- aide. that taie vesel wae iu ballast, laud if it vas cicar enougli ton a subniarine to fine straiglt te the mark iV - must 'have been dear enOugii te disceru Lhe miip ridingj weli eut etfViie vater. Th>. torpedoinug-oi the Nebrashan arouses the intensest inte-rest. IV vas treely soid tubat hs us Vie ansver toei>.Ae-ican note. Flags of the Allies Displayed in Paris A despatoii fi-cm Paris ays : The - fiagofethVe Eurepean-powers ailied against Germiany-Franoe, Italy, Great Britain, Russa, Belium nd c Senba-were, by ond-re f the! Fr-ench Geverument, display-ed lu groupa over many oethLe public buildingissncf muinumeun t fParla. Arnong the edîfices Lhis f>corated an. Vihe resideuce ofthVe Pre-sideut efthVis republic, Lie Senate sud Vi. Ghimber et Deputiea, aud ail ti. Ministrles.. Austiin Co suls I IalyAr s d Fema 'le Policejcôrce u tl -. - A despiaeulifrei Parissasys: The. despatci 'frein Bologua, via vihere tlhoey'r' kp erosR- tel. rethatnenlo11,000evps da.is, sye: Tiie police' be>.an-- vatieun byt aie police. obsz- elgrpeta erlli00W- ted ue ustianConulsat Ti. nusajr>.aurs~ ~ men have been enrofied lu a female stedthe'Ausria Conulsat-ThisunuUaIý-eaure s'sid ol4ice force auiorzed by thc Itati- noe, Mogdega,, flaTi, Leghoeru and have beien Vietewb&fa al-li Goveruure-ut. Tiseseé oinen . or place. wiie thcy 'sere on gaion tiat Austrâ iasna oV pe,,ný e dhl r vs.y 'Vo SvlitzeriaIBL The Led the. Ibalian Consuls l in her - long for tie most -part tothe mid- Tfon-suls are being given accommo- itery te cross the frýontier t-I di f e classe&s. aey wiii undergo sp.-i :iaiuins Lu a. iotel st PJIaonzâ a,, l ii. - ' .âa-4 iapiiyIca-rin&,and vear uni- th th bi ai th ir as oir ti cu ho kii pi vei Ma sec agi wh va] te ame IMi Bonds and,"'Their 1 V'9Ids Railroad Boids-There is a Splendld-ilarket ifor iaifrcad, Bon, Which are Quoted on Most Exehanges. Fe-w general classes oft bonds 'of- -fer sui cWa ide range et choie. as the rçiiroad bond. This.kiud ct in- "Vestment 'Offers a great variety et 1bonde, "'uging îrom the striotly Staid sud îsober prier lien or fi-et nlentgage bond t<> the third aud fourti general de-bentu-re issue ; sud sbort-term notets ranking eitier Pari passu 'With -thseue or Vie<>the r efthLe mortgages, or as a secondarny lieu atter ail Lie etiiers iife been Iooked alter. JI thVe iuve7tfti wantî aSbsobute security for hie mouey to- getiier vith a steady rate et inter- est, -ie can get this in -8 certain type et rail.way ïbond-: or iVil e upc- cÇulato, wants te taise a. little filer li sometiiing' whiicl s a great many ebements ei afety lacking iu siiarea, and yct las suff icient price- variation te net a. deceut profit en tic turn, lic viii fiud lis desixes tub- filled lb.v ye-t anotiier type et rail- read bond. And se it ia all e way do-wn thec une; practicaily every re- quirement et tic average investor yull -b>. found te b.e fulfilied -by some oeef et numerouts kiuds et rail-way mortgage securities. Probahîly lie be-st known repre- sentative esdt tus large clana, is tie ordinnry raiiroad xuortgage bonîd. Thi. is an obligation et a railroad uenapauy, wlîich runs fer a certain lcngtiiofetlime at a certain definite rate of iuîerest, and in usualby se- cured Iby a, mertgage upon railread puroperty. Iu tic case of tic fixai nortgage bonds, they are secured, )y a niortgage against ail 'ex tic gne ater part et tie cempany's pro- ie rff; vhile lu the case oethVie otier subsequent issues et bonds ihey may lb. mecured by meparate propenties or as' second or Viird nortgages on tie maine property. Thie aient-terni notes niay 'b. secun- cf in eltier et these Lve vaym, or a certain amount et t&-reasury stock aa.y Ïb. set - Ald apecial security, Tisern astill anotler type o,1 railroad, boude kuovun as equipuzeuL maut certi-ficates, wiich are speciai- .y ecured ii te equipmeut tiey, sroudte -purchase. These are msually amertizatien bonds and are edeceniable serially. Tliey are dit- erent treni tic ordinary railroad nortgage bond lun that ticir accu r- metEreadituifs. 'j Toronto, June 1.-Manitola vhsat--NC The Best I<ind of Secunity. £ Nertxoru $1.61, Ne. 2, $1.5o, No. Wher aibolut seerityis te, 8-56, oc iako pa prto. Whee asebte eeuiti i.ti Man5it'~~oba. 4 atO-No. 2 O.WV., 66 3.4 Nc )ananiunt cousideration, iL vould 3CW. *4; extra lNo. 1 food, ï4 1.40 >e difficult te fiuid better bonds No- 1 feed. 63 1-2e, on trac*, lake porta. erican cern-Ne. 2 yellow, 79 14., 's han Lie llrst niortgage sud eVen traek, Jako Porte. he second rmoi-gage bonds oethte 'Caaia Orn-Nye 2 Yllow, 79. - ig raiîvayis oethVe United Statea Ontario case-Ne. 2 wblte, 50 te 6ke; No zd Canada. IL lias -been the eus- 3» 58 tO 59c, uweedismgto freflits. rn etf m-oat railway builders eOU Wloil.42 ta $1,44, according ta rtgi' his continent wien building -new Ps-i.2 -nominal, Ver car iot«. 01.6 te $1.65, aoarding te freighta, ines te issue-bonds for se muci per Barley--goot maIRinz ibariey, 73o- feed ile t bie, mcurig Vi bons hibaiiley, 65 te N0, sccerdlng te freig~ iil o l n e , se u r n g th e b o d s b y R ye- N o . 2 no nl , 81.17 te 1o 0 a 1mortgage against, the propcrty <cordinir le frel-lhîs. n citier si!. of tie nigiit-ef-way, Manitoba dflur--Firmi patenta, la jute baga, $8.10; oecoftuatente,,lunjute baga, i -weli as up-on tiie netuai raibvay 87.60, streng baker., lu jute bs-gi, 07.40, rn8ie >lf. Usitally a geod deai T ot; i 1 «o bge 1emare. Ontaio fur-Wnter 90 er ent. Vat- cxce meuey hms been needed 1,oent@, $6. aeaboax4, ex Toxonto fxeighti lu uild the railway than is reprcsent- bagre. Mullfeed, car lots-Bran, e-ton, $26; dby tic bond issue, and ti. ad- pherts, ver ton, U28, mfddfUgme, ver ton, itienab nioney is often raised by $29, <Ccd feed flour, vuer bug, $2, delivor- e maie et stock and secendary O ote- rlha unds, ah cof whjch increase the e m- Cutr-rou Lity 'behind tic fixai niortgage Bute-ountdary, 22rodu c;oe. ror onds. Tiiese latter are Vie saitest 20 it-o2;ceat-ry, p22 yte 0t 2c.; ndro». ind et -security, because lu Lhe fir t icîdO- 2p7 -t, 0 < 329co. sec îey re re~ emite ort- £gg-21 te2e pr dzewn, lu case lot.. lacetheyare reâ estte mrt-beaum-1 31o03.15 fox prime, sud $3.20 ig. against Propcrty wiiicii Vie t, P.orlhlian-kedaîg. dee ?ry buibding ofthVe railxoad lias 18 t.2Me; &Dr4ng %hbloKena. 50c; towl, 13 ade.Tmore vaiuable; sud, in the te 15c. xondplae îey rc niîgge heee-19 3-4e fer large, sud at 20e fer ainst cther corperate property Potgtoea-Outs-rlo, 55 te 60% per bs-g, sici as ndefinte narke abi ut e!fsmore, sud 4Me lu car iots. New lueh a de f in t v alue et atii. Brunswick s, car îJota, sto 60e per bg. - id itsebf. Provisions. When is Sceurity Sufficient? 'llte. Ham51 - >dju. o 1712,elb de sY, 14 1-2 te 1.5c; relis,, 14 Io 14 1-k-: T h e r a r v a i o u t e s s t a p l y r e a k f a e t b a c o n , 1 8 t e 2 0 e ; b a c k s , 2 1 l u railroud b-ouda te ascertain tise 22e; bouelese bacte. 22e. neunt of mecurity beiiind tieni, Lard--The marxket 15 quiet, vfth pricei isteady; p-ure dard, tubue, Il -4 l -îl:do., idas o h eter ie are or arc pzihq,l12 e1I -le. Comnpound, tube. 9 Z-4 S3aled HaY snd Straw. A ~ ~ U nu n Grdkrav tjesaneteci s7'-sîo $8 a ton lu car A H i g 0 1-l!bd e Iote deivered n track here. Ra--No. 1 hay le quc-ted ai 617 te 17.50; No. 2 s-t $15 te $16, atid No. 3 at $13 te $13.50. Businesi In Montres!. I lvest m n Montres], June l.--Cern-kmerican Ne. e e t 2yeljow, 91 <e 5M. Oale-Canadlsa we ern, Ne. 3, 67 te 67 1-20; emtra No, 1 feed, 1614;Ne. 2 loal-I site. 66 1-2t N. 3 de., CITY 0F CALGARY 6 12c No 4 r iu iti 6%o TRE(A4SURY BILLS. -C eur, * !L roà i bt. 1187.ste, 790 Iineat payabte lihMs-roi sud e d oa. at real snd77ev'Fan - ~ ,>lue., 3.36. B~ ran1V Beptember, In Tciroiato, Mont- em..3. rn reaj ý a ké;Yory 0, o~ r t'on, 05. lola, 9 huma fnesat wmte=rn* 3-4;est A.saesmmaî$134,8#AP eatern. 18 t. 18 1-4c. Buvxer-oho t Pepulatcu 8....... ereamery, 28 1.2e; secende, 26 e-2 t ro PRICE: Par md i ntereit 2*e 3; eeeec,24Lb 2e zk,20.Ptaee per.b5~ a YIELING o/, ctý 'te45ô. Dremed hffg, abtt<oi JOHN STARK &. CO. ésort mueso' JSWe 5 to45 iee, 82.09- 24 AC>ELAIDE 8T. E., Torento. d 7_54ere, Iis,4c -, n.tI . puro0 idi noV an a>bsolutely mate investmeât Exanuinatiou et the trust-deed 'vili showVie nature ofa.&' Mortgag.; bui tiie iuve.tor«need not-Jbotier muet aibout Vis as the, lond lieuse vill <u-ic hlm, ail the necessary inf<orma tien, Tii. total uarket value'odc tic road, its'o'ost and replacoement value are, hovever, important tact ors. Tilese eau be arrived at-ouii by canefui consideration of! aiH the securities outstanding and thil seiing price lu Vie open markset. The bonds ihlon-Idbe covered tvice over. _Tien tien. is the canningea ts uxe eftIhe case. IL is essen-tial Via the railroad be eoperatiug st, a good profit. Bond intereat, must flicean- ed andI well earned.1 Furtier, b.. fere protfits-are shov1x Vie property must -b. weil mnUinted, sufficient; abbcswance beiug ~t amide fox re- placements arn~pewalz. Tic issue et suaisequent mort- gages is a geed thing for thie pries lien helders. It shows tînt otier's have confidence in tiie prepexty, andI noreever it prevides a buyer for tle rend siiould it fail te mcclt expenses; for the sceond and subse- uqent mortgagors niust buy ln tiie road at a muni equai te the first mortgage or lome 1their money. Why They Are a Good Buy. Mauy Canadian and Amerloan railroad bonds are au unusuably geed buy at, tic premeut time. Tic mccunity -behind tic issues ot the more preminenit conipanies is ethae best; and pantileulanly lu tic case of Canadian railroads largely finanu-d blinougi sale ci stock. la tie markset value etiLthe roads greatly lu excesi of thie bonded indebtedness. For varieus resens railro-ad bonds have kept doe'n beic>w normal values and appear clieap comparcd wihsomne etier investinent sccur- Lties. Their extreznely vide range id offenings togethen viti general stabliy of pricesunake Vieuz an at- tractive buy. As some ofthtese bonds ar>. quit. 4speculaLive uin n-' ture, iowever, the ounsel *- jaia -iorougily relial. bond dealer La, 'dviedwire mate inireatment m lie Si-est oonsideratiou. PRICES 9F FARIRO~0CTS REPORTS PROU TUE LEADINO TRAD Frightingt roops Unil -A deap.tch frein Ro=» uay*. sumed supoMa oluide arany and n&VY. HS leti incosgito for Vii. fron~t, Oniýr hi. Ministerg, Wubo wer» oonfidntWaIV i nformed -of Vhe inteadîd departure oftVhe Kn, bade hlnfm urewei. i3i eassggere, In pig a.tri- but. Vo the. Ring, !.ay: Th i . ttitizen of IValy.ha. t I Vis t ti~ia og o the. front, and b mong ii .fibting Vroope -.Te hlm, who to-day"seýt t fo thi lhé wil Seo complet.,el &~i crown national uniity. Tno, Victor Emmnanizel go ils. 50 MET ý.GERkMANS -,WITII BAYONEIS Into the Open and.Suffered Iieavy Losses -A despatcai frem London ays: "Canadian and Indian- troopa suc- ce&sfuly repuifed at Vie polnt et tûe> bayenet a vigerous German at- Vack near Riciebourg. Haviug de- stroyecf Vie British vins defences by ieans e -a teèrrifie artillery fie, tie eneny launced e trong attak sd isuocc>ded, deepiite msevere lsses u- fered in Vie epen, in reaohiiiï eur' ..,nt, a, ie(.ermn=nolil on tbi "They were metu with an infeanoregion -CfLa Basse. wili very so0, ot rifle and machine gun fire before becosue uuteaiaii, and neeamitt wihich they wavered,ý then thie Cam,- a wlthdrawal - o a new lin, etde, adians nad Indians lesped £reon the. ence. Sergeallt O'Lary, .C., K-1Iied,, Adespatcihfri n Ilmublin says: Thursla y that hie had_ been kilIJe R e l a t i v e s e t e r g t . M i c h a e l O ' L e a o y i a t e . ofthe,. Irish Quard., who lias beex For 'bis valôr at -Ounceiy, hajWas the r&Tst = inthe '1.aryWho was 24 ye.r old, wu haied s "ii.brav'~t ~ ~ Awardè' tVhe Victoria CrSs aud ]3ritiàh arny," beSause et bis feat pronioted frein corporeltÉd.t'sefr- -in c.ptp«uring unaided a.- German geant. H. formerly -served in the pi ioD st ulnéhy, w4re netiedNorb'ii-Wést M ountued -Pclice. trenciies aud met the German ro- serves viti th, bayenci as thi. t- ter swasnied up te Qtiren9g"ihenti Liiinued finaL lin,. Tii, coloniials, fightiing iti terrifie vigor, siînpiy Psabayzcd 1h. attack etftthe enemy, vIe vers pursued iue t-le Oprn. Oui- loseffs vere iicavy, but Lie de- test su fferedý by tie Germans, vas «evr. bafJhmor&Iandstc!mat>ria.- t- k --4- s 3 I Foi' I td« o , 35 b m,, 130; V lr, Wood p is, Wu K Nos. 3nxet, , 1814 1457-BO IB R 50 1.3 :3:7..45 7e-sa D < No.,6, -13,7."dO ta'60 lavder , ntOAustrla. WeIeomed UnI1t.d States markets. de.84tath from, Renie say.:ý The n&lJane 1.-Wea1N I talia army am met witi grai.fy- $1.56 2Ncrt;bern, 01.51 t6 51,53 ", sng initial Buocee.km sgeiseralis. .Jisly, *1461- Cern-No. 3 yellow, 71 te aime beLootne time lu beginiing &a 71 ï1or sdlr, un4b"o.,3ngie, 5 t,52 120-vigorous -offensive. lui. ar:my ha» >1 uthr and .. Inur4Wnietd.I sralready pa.ssed the Austrian f ron- .54 34; N*' 1 ?Iorn, 81,53 3-4; No. 2 tier at a number -of points, asud Lb. sVhrn 5~4 .446*15 34: il.b 5149.Italian. are now in possession et Y - certain inturally trong p nen r oot.Liva Si".k Markets. froutie Swism border te Vi Adiri- Tootctte hfe atie. The> Austrians began a turf- Smedium ,n. *.85 to. 26;do, çi 5. 6.25 ous cannona eofthLe>.Italiala posl- to 4675- bltcbera'fulo c àc 56.60 ý0 ion ont eIai ieof h 1r r 7 .5 0 ; d 4 . . « c ed V f l a , $e t e -4 6 , 2 5 ; d o , n t e I a 1 a . s d t t e f o a -rough b uUala 5 w 55856'utio t~ ier, Ille Austrin firing, thougli cti c, 650 to $7 -do <eau sta ' . ; heavy, resuted in ne Jos tot e'h bde., medium, $6.25' tg .5,75; do., cemn, Rtabans. On theii iig le h 4 7 5 t e 5 .2 5; fe e d e re , o o d . $ 6 .5 0 l e 7 .2 5 ; ei l i f i g f . r t i d l s c e r i . 7 0 t e 1. 000 -Is«.. 5 . 5 l e $ 7 .7 5 ; ex p i r a t i o n e t t h e p e r io d e t g r a S canners and cutte.ti, 54.90 te 85- milkere, aliowed by IValy.s deoclarabiofief c ooice. mach, $60 te $100., de., einmken and ate- ln x-ier.-obd. mediuam. .ach, $M5 "e$45;-sprinters, wrL$50tlan5~fl5y bmad 0e76; iight owen, 47 10 $7.50; de., em-Y, cd the. enenly's lin>., ultinately t 8 to 56.30; de., buckè. 43.50 te 64.50; Yearl- sileincing the. enemy's gums. tue 1tcnbe. $7 te $9.50. epring Jambe. 5Io 895; ealvee, 44.50 te 4".75; Iloge, led and &rmy Firmly Estabuished. wmtered, $9.60, dit., off cari, $9.85; do. L.b.. $8. 15. Under cover ot artile.ry fireLthe Mentreal. .Tune 1 -Pbere 'wer.s ne chelem Italians advanced, their soldiers estiiera on lihe market. 'Thevery tes kof- féer ould t 8.50, and the lower grades cieerig wildly. Threr waa. grecît fram <bal down te $7 . Butchiers cave riace between iufantry regimenta breuglhstrm 54.50 te 7. sud-bulle ftram 0 4.50 te 07 vex ewt. AÂ eature ofC the radle for Ve honr ot beng frst on Aus- in eansi meatawia the waker -feeling iii trian goil. Tii. Itlians advanod b he market fr bep and hut.bé. c'wag ae g Vs fotfrseedsa c te th e m o re I ib e ra l u p p lies, c n u n g f o ax- g Q r n o r s m i t n e ward. The denand waes ony, -fai, and and are new firmly estabhished lu sales f sheev were made as 5M te 6 per the. district ormery known aa cst., and Spring lamtm at 04 te 87 cachx as toe z. and qualty. The traite Uj, Ventian Friuli, wii was eded to calves muac tive u~t priees ranging frein Austria. by bhi,. Reaty ef Camplo 82 te 5$0 mah.lThé umarket for hose, Frm. etreg. lThe dema.nd wvi gaod. a ndaici ori f slicteits wcre made at $10 te 810J5 Iu their advance the> Italia met ver wt.. rweihedl off -,a. but feeble resisbance, and found no difficulty ln driviug Le eneîy be- Britain and Italy fore tieni. Thie Austrians li Vieir Exchange Messages reirement blev' up -bridges, dece- - troyed al pasable roade sud bu-mt A despateh fromi London eaye: it a number oet houses iniiabited by wpe asnnounoed efficia.liy ba.t Pr>" - iepoorer classe. Many have muer Asquith had sent a Velegrafn been driven off by the retirluig Au- te Premier Salandra-ot IValy ex- triane, vue a.ppeared Vo hae ,ueed pressing is pleasure thmaithVe tient h&rsaily. 'Tics resnamuing aon-sta&nding relationsliip between warni>y re.oeived the. Italisilà on tb wo oountries iad ripened li»t their entry luto tic towns, e.oeaim- a more intliat. reiationsiip\" mg tieuz as Lieir deliverers. --M Premlier Salaadra repoudd ith the siglit-ottheir Italien unifornu Vie iiope that "a long or&aoet liberty, the> peope beciame f rantic witihjor and peso. may b>. opened lu Eu- tueiz -oemibraee taie soldietrs, rope. )alpung nýtiem "Our brothiers, our Naturalized Baronet Onetotii>. Aust.rlan w&rWuhip Salis for Neir,"York whlicii to* m-p u t ite boml>ac- --ment etitalien oatowmexs a, - A depateai rom London 'sa.: te have ben ,badlymaulSbsedi the Sir Edgar Speyer, who reoently ré. 1tIu u gnis. A seiin, vw*sl ig ed hie Privy Couneileship où, w iih ré e d Barletta ilrt bv- ac unt of ritics i a dou Vihe "D g ' ted aer- o the n rtliea. .ecup âney et sucii a position by a Shé.,had içavy l, it to->crt.,,and native of. Germnay, saile4 fojr New ws prooe;ë&Izrg 4ad slow.. é Yorn on tiec staîusip-.Philiadel- was acompan!ed by a cople et de- pia. He saad i. waa going on a stroyers. Thie erippled 'warship bhort ioliday. Was evideubtly maki.ug for- Poe. îN e 8amagý'w,d e ueat Barl t CANIIAN FLAG IN ABBEY. by Vie -bomibardmnent. -Ti.sot of - aggreesiou agamst an unlortified Artillery BauneruRangs Amoeng Au- town. teok place even before the. aient and FaminédiTophle. stipulated tâimiefor beglnniug lies Fr thee 6st, ime lu 'isoy a Llites. Canadan flag flutters a.nid Ve ban- Fugitive. froni'Trent describe uers et od lu Westminster Abbey.- Lte execrable vengeaine the Aus- On. day 'eontly tUe.clera efthtae trians are wreaking upon Ve un- Twenty-iecnd Battery of &e C(an- hallpy -Ita.ian population viici re- adian Field ArtLlery were received mains to-dlay witin tihe-ir powver. by Ve Dean î=d ccarred into Henry ItaliLln are made te Lrget for te-SeveuV's ChapelI.Tii> flag vas every kind et spie anti taltreat- originally presentbed y Vthe Veter- met. Austrian mo-diers -have sak- ans et Kingston, Ontario. Thi. pr>... d huss,.ta-kingway provisins servation et a. Canadian flag among and beating sud insulting th.ou- te histoicat trpies lu the Ab- panbs w-en they found nothing bey will. b. n nýt.restig reiini- vrtii appropriating. cence eof Vii. great war. - 1 There are two Galicias in Europe. Little Robert. "Ma, was Robhin- Oe tornmis a part etfAustria, while son Cruso. aawcrobat " tie oter is a province Lu Spain. Mther: 'T doî't know. Why 7" 1"Did you1 hearab1- ut ti .1 - . b . .. Liiletebe»:-Wel, he_ i Il Pe Viqunlyte aftei n1s re raoreserjous giuaà trouble. Ths- wîtth Mm. James B. 1 S-aek. Mriý Moir, y«r8 a.go, whi, we"w iu Nova Seia, 1 'V!u with a mvere atta,* , I 'iad tmùUfficiently ieÀ 4around, but iad noV go out when 1 was -diprtiieria. In my -% it teck a. terrible iicý iieither iny friends i thuitIwould -rec he'wever, pull thýrotiý physicai >Wreck. The>. *throat were p4r1alyze< a cup of water weit threugh rny nýostrils wera. eld c~td &hnost inautdible, >ain baklly ilfe.eted» tîhat 1 going We Joîemny eyc onfly walk with fassiý 1ooked as -thougii helpiscripyp!8 Me but did not help me.- ber advised -Dr. ý1 -Pills., 1 began tak had lite utmoî4,ýt dîffi lowu,.ing themi owing t< pf my.tfitroat, iIov cojuple of bcxes mýhc femna it easiîer toi tali 'waq a Sigu they *veî ard 1 feit- greatly netknow how nianv but 1. continueàVthe was as well as ever surprise c, f Iii who k thought -I couldi noi Since' then 1 have taken- Oe Pis -w-h-E and have ai ways bezi fitted by tbernm.ý' ail waEtilg-d1iseas-ex imedicie -van equaf Pink Pil1s.-They en bud up -the nerve * - appetite and bring he.altkiand'streM#ht medicine dealers'or cientsý,a box or 8-ix I f rem The.Dr. M11l CO., liruckville, Ont There is proibably Vo buikil fires wrhe1 time yi0ýdpd Vo theè h'urry ituinga up a *keéruene intokttyhe -everyone is p jlAbl a dangerous Tfractîè thougli there, is ne c>stove, the. kerûsene gaî lu' hot ashes, wi trous - te i' eb, V surroiindings. .A isimple way tc culLy ini getting yeJ Vto keepa tin eCan-W mens . in lu see s mie seapieçes o Iiquid, replacink ti crs se the rare u£»d absc>rb the. kerenei wick des, ai~il thoroughily &0ke inelude some sticks witi yeur di Iayiug your fire' e Vain ai1l the advantt et kerosenewitli n * ger. The bliethat g doeau't lea areundi EnemYos Attack Was ParallYzd and He Was -Voi-Ceci Pure, Daiiy Ice ino oth City Dàirý Our ..Serv dealer te Cream in it in y-our Tea or Ev -City Si.st'e

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