Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 1

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REOR 0 NNNER MOtLETTERS FROM- So b.Iew REK SON- ROAD BOYS ATTHE FROT_ ILS Me h Eetn M 'ofEpdncso Atv tie WEL OQ TOENW -tese in Good Roads. GraphiC bescripitionofE LargeMetn ofM , oeetdi eine nAtv evc 00The ImDrovement of theKlngoWt1n addresà, referred to the WaY the towfl The folOWflgextsct- r ake .1 n l~ edywiutha itioe t eor i, Rondtra Torntota Ohaw wastl~ shps were suffering through lakkOf from letterd 1ffltly recelvdb n rn.Ioî thta oee h Ruoe tdiscussioont su os ea wasthe spotaifl hecty would aiwaYs j. H. PennY, rOn iher 8son, Cullen, of xtewpaver me~n who were s0 fond cf aut dismeetiand eld lu te ule henullo ceeperte nthadjeilling the Queen's Ow ne, fetwhose lettens lndenlng the firat contingent had te 1000 packae ys e.IO o aabimetn edlth M uscrUIsiltieate terrdthe Good waspublished ilu- thili laPena short gou thrc.ugh wbat we have gene ti- 1eugh ____________________________ Hall in Whlitby on Tuemday atternoe: 1. m ornpaitet. wadtîme. ago msince we lett Canada. I thinx 1hey' - W E V NSONE Ths eeingha benpending f4>e Roads luflvent W s A S O E ; h mo e eti ,a tng te een ta ef E - W ith regard te the highwaY under May' Srd. WOli.0 cheange tleir tune."1Lq i V u et for pri~s on al kînd t Ceai inenm .e, a i1, fthe e ordtdicussion, the niayer uggeted tht a ' sWe are lffiliig here this atternoon In aliethen place Stewart saym, "If iudVnezg.2~ fric OoerglrI e 0 frpison l ido ol leR W.dA. Comm Issio ,. ho easre G ieiitlel emsse > mdor te-uight for, Françe,. whene I eipect aiiyone-ever aoks my Idea et hcil, ny Liquid Veneer, c.t cfo 5 a. .Wx ornudy rut ~~ ~~et ad Cmasio n h ep a glmrpeont rpemgiet~e 'themm iiio itîm th wm lgive UB a$e4>d rest, and, as aiswer will be, "The battie frern .larob W & R Butter Cclrrg2c 9 eua ~ o o o in,thu ee prept n g hie preport rprcentive o the PrevnIciPtl o e ouRYexpedêt vo are al ver>' glad 2lmt te the 2th. ' Upen for O".imreTeent îm ol. enen edtther cenoider the report'cf te lëave this ielItrIY. For my part I Later lie states that he has neceived W&RBte oee.I5-IZ uePwe oa e.îc Wmnter Supply blggest sd ltprota1 netatOfthe engIer, u ews.eietthat hope wje nevereé t aa1n. I will ne. wer& that Gardiner wau mate n a hm ikPusbo.aefr 3C.arBuberg jcfr * eve en toftoesdr, 8 gieean s e atscory eil' e ul iem e the terible siglts 1 have mien pital, but enieusi>' wounded. Pin 'k P dn, eg.PSisrg 0,30 H i rm erg zo o 5 DOW, Wbie theprice. ludown. atien et the .Iskehore municipsilti 'mresuit. M~O arr, 1~t Chaz4L5.Ne1ll lent ni h.leCarterMPille, reg.nc fr2C Aozes 75,1O0 .2 net exceptng the Hydr "-leitstàtRedth t n igtownuhîp ti'e>' ad pr~t the utUerY. Hé,eaimte a Ralpb i i i , wraisi, e statloftat In lmosai. t)rders May b eta .J a. vsaslnddatn hadconiiSderablO iiperie I the bOconuN lors te etr èLy.Hsr Blm w )IthteEmulmion Ced 1:Oi, RtWtrBtis xr z5 Joues, harneses hop, Dundas when the ,meeting Openeîd at abo tetîtie-fl tgeed roads under the dii-Bc>'SntcOT (tthîro DnaearrLTTE8. iTRE 8h. o utMrVanle e ,45,sud mere came ta durin th As an- ectionfet theee Town Bomisinahve'tharzetinbe onldKrrLITLmuMINYlsioneg SCfrod FLitif yrng. orer. pr.sent fremsaM:ith i 'an d - t . he r vle eba p! beutOY ajist *nl t h î May'4th. League, the game on Monda>' eiening ng 0,3C Fe m ed ,g m e en.ttes tessoft ed tom im or e -s tr Ted highwOmy liad loi0n vr 'We mrh Iight, ad are baek could net have bien better caleulated. Cuereuasc fox5 Rao,1.,1505.5 reticince, ent St werepreseî froï aia h$ 9th.ipete spectatens*syand eglayers-aer nere rsud Shes a upewf G.T. . lip trugte fOmsar$sb aiOt mc eh idi Yrance, biletAd Wi,& couvent, rueh it lad ail the elements necemiar>' te Shdsa ptowG .B hpty.On hto ii.pst*1'wi nd MUh adnee ver ae b>' der- moreconItortabie 'thin tbe"ftelds." preduce excitement both on the part station. Findli>'McDlarmid, M»fister et Pub i o amiadCmer, fTo ofr B ,a.memtirial sevce ibis eck race ail the tini*, twe out when WeLea, - Gcie Rortr ni in .ted Mn. MeLean explained several items Mernig for the boYs vie have talion. the winning run vas scered, sud the. Water Glass-h nyreibeEgPrsraie mmE m ut ~~Mean, heu>, Pr orI, apsn hm uo hici questions iwert kid, stat, I wfllsend youthe muet the service la usuai. ameunt et objection te the decis. regularI5Ctnfroc fr25,oFraynd w E.I IT IO Cader, M.P.P. Dungthé meetin, I ng that Whileathe ro olai.woudft tCf ewa ,cutplee oee it i4 Pee te umpJreks tarted tue Phono Risto e amyoersTd. Ca eren oetTorot, tton rend, stilI it woUld serfvh r n Adrm n wsnta 0e lthe Beeds town Jeon, it, anid we, a'enet allewed pneceedings b>' wanmimg up n tihe pit-Sa r ay M a h nd 5 .- 166, WttbYi~Omit, amoen fraen imerO, btsi e tteeaerumction fer feu >'il5 St t tfell vIBre we have benuntil twe cherls box, with the old neliablo Charlie prn 60 WitYlt aesur sorttime , vn b c ehat ii eke atter. Barton as catcher. Thon His/Umps Our Drugsan MdinearteFnstQ lty paesaéga i eere tIc colion teetTi. -tollewing neslutien vas thon "GifleraI Aidisn, vho bas cern- cned "PIB>' Bail" and the seasen lad the ii.eitilig. moved b>'. .H. Dowue>', et Whitbl. mn tteCid>nDvmeCl-omecd __________________________ ________________________ , icJn. ils imno i. "ht ntioiine hsmeiggratulated us >'esterday. merning on Mclntye's "Inonsides," firt at bat, CeiJ.E itte ppinted tnem the ite sT- publheova nionhof u ld e'-ent he f0 plendid e., nI Ywe,,,,didat Ypres. mcred eue run. Ge. Rîce was given__ Cd mnitepiitinecpe h hito etHl atadte Oshav H. aime rend ta Lie ronthe King, a base on ball, ste second and third, amu m i"i'ta Lioe SOS. u4~ttnicialtintroced t he ca irs, sud at e s i en d t shouwae CR:tiePipople tofCnada, SBm-.ý Hugh.?m, ad on a ild pitch b> pitcher Gay', leJ * W I LI A. H ALTiIN.he_ýeaIIed upon Hon. Mn, MceDiarmid. tructed et macadam gravel. as descnil- uda. lot et othý cint . J cr.essnedtip l teir. tes"eer W -Q' RGITaiOTS - Isue etMariae Lseues Mn. McDiarmid did net tale the at- id moesfuli>' lu Claumisoe et ion- A ettn bsa umoCuIse o tem J. M.eveonehddein tebit an AteW eBa- Cs erne Mrrgoe witu>.tontien efthfe meeting fer long, 'but .gineerls repent, imilar te the rend la cwB, a cWi ftti1e Pn>. eitnd ade a maLit e lp idoselesc no Witeme ed. vhubo hi did spea, ho gave a splendid Scarbere Tovnsips d tiiat f10 it- maya m part: end ltlitbi wta ntird, itle.hle l oeH LBok~ tuïe eu butline et whaf the Provincial Gevenu- b. spportioned a pnsbeule B spt. "ie ita rpnel ulpslu t1n, blg t tha nofsînhe MEDUCALhesscoWeITBV - -- mont bas doue 'te encourage the im-, tachid, connected as te OlvB5 lensIi1 roth a uhrolauen uhlotlu m t i mad erte iItn ecea provomout et lighwafj. I-ez ixpainoàd tien." îun. Igtve uéniii 01 p nal Ota mi i aier nl sud Mln1 ting bcam e_______________________________ thf10 veking efthfe HighwvasImrpnve- The correction lu regard te Oshawa s and amn likel>' tôb e ho boni to ut wsu made fIe circuit, thougl le os- lb Croteran ada , imitai meut Act, introducid b>' tie prisent share vas licause oet @tii ouE iiviflg time. icaped b>' oui>'a iairsb eath et beiug Lsaean O, Esatem angeOPtanlo Government, b>' vileh 40 per alr.ady laid a goed doal ot pavement. "yWe d a prettY reugh time of if mun dovn botwoon finît and second. Ra9 e, sae aaecent. et tic cent et construction ot R. R.Movbray, ot Pickering Townu- on. 4i4îxiv,,e ore i l ltesoeoe agaistthem, the Renta Colleéctod, First Loana Arrangid, good roadi la met b>' the Province, sîlpobjected tote iresolutien, be- 5f the pafr 0 10our bra*e ndsuNvr-Quifs nesolutel>' vent te bat, Cet- Poo a ouh n ol. ad 1 dIin,2 e cn.'f cause et the vOl>' large slaetbatugboys hlave suffered. I arn edingi>' te> vas ouf te centerfield. Little sud G tR a y N0 o Frtenme appiy IOad Offlice, Brook St. cesf et maintenance. tie latter bîingavould lave te lie berne b ' Pickerin proud te lic aniýApf the nim r."' Smith lit safol>', the former scening Bell Poe193. md. Phone 70. nov fuature et higîva>' legislatien, Tevnship. The peopblefi.heback etThe bospital,.ncfeerrcd te 1 "Ne. 2, vien Smith made lis lit. Movat Sales Managers, Mn. McDiarmld empiasized f1. Im-ti,h township would have te pay ton a Western GeROR.Sià»Hospital, Manchester. struck eut, and Smith got round te RICHARDSON £ RICHARDSO, Whltby. portance and necessity oft the onbing rend that vas et ver>' little use te tiiem, Mn. MeEva i oor oy n r.Teanoc ranestpd t a fint-lass igha>' fremn Toroto te hi aaid. H. klcked vry' strongi>', but Id bien lu Wbltby, visitiug vith is fe plate. and did the ranpst11 f1e fovu-wansd country east. Ho said a counter-argumoiit vas that by using cîum, Cullexi Penn>'. stunt et mnaking a closuinugle, scoring _________________________ fiat ti a.esnia eo. t.l.ao-naet h hat Pn e obmith, and thus iaving thehour c i!UD Dm*ra fcthe ' yor fie adjacent municipai.hties tanthen ava>' vould lie vin>'ligbt, proli-te. oudlug lu fhe viuning r etofthe finit rM OR9P1888 can attain fie grevth-and fie easo Ot all> net more tIsa thcir prisent ahane Writing te fiend lu tevn, Mrs. rune W M. ~ TORONTO - lter-commuieatio~1n tslapossible et maintenance. ,Cuthbint Sfevirt, tornieni>' etWhitb>', Se fiue pitching. especinîly fotonfeThis is the wei obygo ieape tteIws 44 SimingosA., ton fo them. Ho Insfancod lis reugl-ride The nosolutien vas carnldvi you> includos part of- a lettoecet> pur a en a'frtiIo~ Wille pieased te gins estimatil on2 ail ovin certain parts efthfe rond as a test- one or tve dissinting voicil. iiived trom 1erT busband, vhe vint sides, sud Colline and Little ton the price.Lresz 5 8ad2c Wind f J5.fnigbLfteetc. imon>' tintthfe hîgîva>' noîdi mp>'ov. It dois net Commit thi muntlp&lî- vlfh thi Whîtî>' quota lu the finît, e rQifsdoîug fhe vork. Colline kîns ô pliteing, fahn lg ies finally te the road improvemifif. ceutingont. Mn. Stewart vas * part- Nîdver-Qplu]'scs f1cayhre n Charges moderatO. Wli o'fim. Mn. Heur>'spokie bniefi>' cOfle but if gives tie nepresenfafvesadndte uship, bore tvite Snavwn theandienmd te retire lu taver et Little, vbose 5 o io k T a mefbeds ot higlway Imprevemeafbasis pup-n telereperte aevn 1 i-propor posltloi.. hlever. lo bohiid the ~~~ b~owed lu York Count>'. Chas. Calder, ceed vith futher vork. ferlaCrsatLgerc.Swrbt M.P. P. aise spoke a fîv vends. .Dr. John More, et Brookilu, second-, iewevenï, basi videxiti> heard uething Umpîre Ai. Butlèeý,,safisfied.the spec. * MIi!UALRAMlà OELUUR -.THRE IEqGqES REORT. i > r Hog, ot Oshawa, moved thil oet iis. 'sis letton slows. Eitnactâ tators, nthougî fhe players vire pions. You want , mtigné n dit osreyu -u lIUIVLV5'Tii chiotanud mosf interestlug 1tea- nesolution, vhlcI vas caied:- fnrn if are as tellove: e rdslud codn etew ture efthfe meeting vas the pnesonta- "That vi do liereby appoint a cem.î 44% are ouf ot the firing lino agaîn tdeor displesafe ccodiuhfe va friends. r e± ra~EgihBsut, IJNDBRTM<BRS tien o e iripentrtfMn,. W. A. McL4ean, mîttie te vait upen fie ceuncils ofthf0fratsdnengnzg advife deîsnspetdidthem in.t.. fies -t nynedi. fe temngigtendance, sud f10 iufoncst in thc Lia- ihfunan {e-ii wî-.rPV i~ngieer~ theGo 4 -Rlieds Commnis. dîffornt municipaliti nterested lucnan> edi.atntemn Wne. eport .iter et Ptýbic tebidn tfehgv>,wt thIe Girmaus gn . iPeor Bd. (Gard- bi Pisai 5 ien a va rnd >'Scoe-vlev er obtaining,,a pefitIen of'tc. i).i The U ,1i.t~113êi R5O ~ucs - -~---- tan>' 1P. H. Aunues u'reund thr e.efoëhïnumber of thoe e . ba y e, It.0d~- torycp i o I-wuld ae bad11reneC.Bante, c.. ', p.; Mc'e, l.;.- ~CDRIE~ inal plae, aitormaking a pro- uncialîios tirough whliuftils: roi woHum 1d apety-roIe-F let.G.Rms;I5 Q aI , t- baNi ro C ruts-W aro,2b;M u mopemeI' Bii r a d C Id 'riltor w i t àîfeduct n etagrades faIOii p lefe if i l tn" nitietdinn - 1Alh uau B ton Rond beans a heavy fraffie, sud ages. (aro-foula eanhlt s u bYgri eu ofoe uacute oYu akn yMi 6 Adlalde St. E5st slould flerefore blinlugoed cendition.oid h andIlivso tohr MEETING THE MINISTER AND !osdtiCnda iiintebrain on ton otien causes, fhe schedubO If you lîve iadsac rmabac tTeDmno ak TORONTO ~The report tien presented esfIme.fes a nut fer fie Jaws of Hell' te crack. yul be adheed te, ndf amtoid eou myb ae-ahwth'w-r n'oee akn etON O fceet on ulue ditterent kiuds et rond-SPT0FOAS For a (iv heurs tîcy ceuld hiave garnis vili be pla>'ed af tie end efthfe Eusilins a otasce > al uta ul> stog _________ a>'. No. 9 vas recommînded b>' Mr. If vas expîcfed fîàt sevîrai cars con- sn:.ashed our line If lhey bad Only season.maea3 mcLean.Itwa as tolbovs: ai made aWh sp adcOshwairipzele town bt forunthey phyrpose.o "Mncadamtzed rond (similan te tînt vuld have met fhe Hon. Mn. MeDian- v;'1se.,'TW nov constructed b>' tie Yonk COMMIS- rnid and Mn. W. A. McIdeau at Higi- "Well, vint do tiie ipapers thInk now SORE pROPERTY SOLD. WHiTB RêO-:A .AKNOMngr * son, exfeuded te Scanboro beundan>'; land Creek or thîrc' aboufs. Tieso of wbnt tue>' verv so fonld ef callilug An Important transter of Whltb>'OHWY~"À, H LGÇ S Is theuce su Impnoved gravel rend te 0Osh eing bus>' fîmes, if vas nef thougit the ' Rift Raiffef Caniada,' the first business propent>' las bien cousum" dU~. nealil .. Se ed cosf, $237.000."p Howvvo, oni car vas obtainîd, sud I-éen angels, but men, yes, everyone of Bnsitt sold is hsudsarne business _________________________________ jus@ Provision i. made ton grade redue- fInie gentlemen met fie Minister, Mn. tiem proved themselve»s In tint tw..lve lbRook ou Dundas Street, near Brook, ________________ dfons and ImpËreeMenfe at fhe High- McLean saud Mn. J, B. Laidlaw, af stop days' fghfing. The' way 'Uic firsftCania- te fie MI sses Scotf, viose place et baud Cneek Hill, costiug $13,600; snd 33, about ebeven miles veef et Toron- dlian division fought tiirougià these business le now fInie doors veuf et af the Rouge bille, $12,700. This grade te. The wretcied condition et the Klug. awful tvel've days has surpnlsed lte Mn. BassettVs. This building le 0one reduoflen vould aiso' nîcessitate new. ston Rond tînough Ontario Count>' world, and aise shomîed viat Britaln's efthfe fineut business propenfis In L1VERY, SALE ARD bridges ut tfse pointe, coeflug $10,000 vas experîeuced lu confnast tfahefie 1- Colaitroope are able fa do. I env fiehevuw, beiug admîmabi>' ltuafed. BOARDINOSTABLES and $19.000 nespectively. vold tt nd d semooth readbed viici cornes man aifter isi igo devu b>'golng oui It hue necenfl>' bien impnovid b>' a V BROOKSTSWHTBY, good service ton probable traffte of the an>'. Oui bas oui>' f0 ride ovin bath try la belp fie weunded ar to try to upper atonieu. Mr. Basuetf las the ep- Y O iIB e &f BR C 1W IB9 neif feu yeans, aud at a reionabie pueces ot rond te noalize hev bad, the gîve n drink te some peor woundîd flou et nenaibhing as occupant ofetfi ______________________________ coat. Tuis Improvemeht wyul have a' Kingston Rond lu. mn oto eeu hr o oiirmssutlnx pig Ail kins of sngle &d doub e dfinite value viel, Iu fhe future, if etpeie1unn0sng AU ire.tf sng e ail douhe dîoided to la>' a bifumInous On con-. ___ ____-- ige fo ion Bus oalt e ncte pavement. ATheei'ohn oetsyfryu # / trains and baggage transfix-. Tohedibeisolofve: Breakfast tha Heorseis bout adsl York Ceunt>' CommissiOn, on commtission. Borne geed baset suburban rond-... 880,000 m li souud drivers snd heavy Ontario Cout>, 90pinercent. etofmuii.1 . i ea;alobad Reuge bridge ...... .......41,400 WhaL is omne - WILOUL a ath&îDOOIlMa a d E g teauan - forsaa l(ble Previncial eubeid>', 40 per cent.' hay and s traw in suy quantity et balance -.............:.. 57,840 doioe.Toronte, 30 P. o. ..------------.43,380 delivered, Pickering Township, 9.5 miles eLt ehv For nice etc. pply at $2.200...... .... .... .... 20,900 -~- W aeetacocMl ue as n ie Fo rcs t. pl t Whltb>'Township, 2 miles 0.. .4,400 E. oy the Cofh orLs o a Real Hoctanmaeyu at hm office er,,houe 89, 14 or 74.* E. Whitb>' Tp., 2% miles ....,o. 5,500 J YofaH m -Wlitby Town, 2% mlles .... 0. ,500 Whifby Town, $1 per capita. 0. 2,500 BY INSTALLING A BATHROOM - Also a fuineoBrafsadBak ac ,th St âbles and Office lOshava Town, $1 pin capita. - 8,000 il,.é~ hud Ontaio Ceunt>' adePt sas>s- Yunedntnecessaril> iei tw oenjoy althscomforts. a o s R o e B a d mvi i n.mf *fu teofetCount'marend, the rond vîfhîn YuneFit iei on oalt~ *iroct 8t , i Wili ont Se the Ceunt>' migît thon, as lu Yonk, lie - trented ton maintenance on a #pubns 20 pin cent, sud the Count>' sud Te- ______________________ ________________________ronte toeach confibute 40 per cent. The alternatves cf s conîrete road- Orwr ROYAL THcool;T626,000, anda olfod Our Plumbing Fixtures are the fineat imade in the British Empire.Orwr The townshilps, vitI respect t te ii Dl pt tnad i -1 EOIRE GHNUE 0F PROSRAIU miliage appoticameut, mlglit lave thi s..a N~h.lprîvilege etfleyIng aspaft othep. lad. P111*0016 64WI-IT Y, NT ex->' iretlybensfitid. Ilistead eoufhn 6 u ~ U li.PoO6 "ta umoy Nt*s' - i> theag tI niieun tgn-. w EPhone- el o.4;idpndnN .4 eralrat, a artto bTORONTOlgh k r j *1 r lr ~- -1

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