Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 9

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H. fW, Foley la lu attondance tbis week at the Methodist Conference beimg hold at Oshawa, owing lu Ibis fact the service will be vithdrawn niezt Sunday morning. Iu the evenlng ]Rev, G. C. Graeb, o! Toronto, vwili oc- cupy the P ulpit., Mr. F. H. Werry, o! Redron, lo represeiitiug thia. circuit at the conferelice in>Oshawa. )Ar,' and Mrs. J'obn Woodward and faully speuit Suudsy at Columbus. Mir. and lira. John Pogson visited the latte's parets, Mr. sud Mrs. John Lambe. ~ Mucb sympaby lo felI for Mrs. Ken- nedy, daugbtey of Mr, amd Mro. James * Boyce, who J camne here fromx Fort SGeorge soie lime mgo, accompanied by Mr. Kennedy, vhose hoalth wus 10 frail that it vas thought advisable for him to go 10 tie hospîtal. *He vent Io the Genenal Hospital lu Toronto, vhere an oporation was per!orflitd, but from vbicb ho gradually smuk. DeatW'came -on Tuesday last. His- funeral t100k place on Saturday 10 Groveuide Cerne- bery, couducted by -the Rer. W. M.. bisa Olive HollIdmy la stayimg for aj sbort lime with ber sisten, Mrs. Arthur Coakwell. .,1 Mr. George Joues la having bis bouse raised and a cernent foundationi put under ItL How ploasaut it would bo If the peca- #us of the village would -club together and bave the street oil tank continue ils course to the station.- Constant trafflcmakes il sornetimes almost im- possible for the windows and doors 10 be open. The marriage toIt place on Wsdmes- day, Ju.ue 2nd, of-Mrn. Chas. Elliott, cfi tlua village, 10 Miss Gregg, of Clare- mont. The football tearn veut to Pickering to-day (Thunsday) 10 play a !iendly - Sanie with the tearn of that village. i Mr. Jas. Steveus ls ou the sick liat lus acwek.» . Rèv. J. C. Bell, a former pastor cf the Methodiat- Cburch boe, 3md Mrs. David Gnegg vere umitcd lu marriage set Port FJerry on Wedmesday lnat. Mnr. W. A. Dryden shippcd a ime car- »ad o! ca ttle receutly. Mr. Pilkey, vho wus formerly lu the blacksmith shop here, bas located lu[ Coluiabls. Mr. A. Ketchen vas lu Toronto thîs veek, sttending the funeral o! the late Thos Crawford. Pcv. W. M. Hait la sttending tb. fèneral Assembly at Kingston ibis veok. Rev. Mr. Grmcb, o! the Domin- ion Alliance, vili take the service in t h Presbyterimu. Churcb here lu ahe- afternoon. Mr@.- D. Holliday la visiting ber -daughter- lu Toronto for a fev veeka. * Mia. R. D. Hughes, o! Toronto, visit- el friends bore hast veek. Dr. sud Mrs. Rodger were ln Kirk- ton this week attemding the veddingi 0f a niece. Misa Lillian Brown le assisting Mr. McFayden at the up-towm station, la Whitby. MYRTLE. Mr. John Brigbt le baving extensive Improvernents made to the- buildings ou bis soutb farrn. Mr. Wordem and staff bave cbarge of tbe carpenterimg, and Mr. W. Tarvis the masonry. Mr. Aetur Maw bas engaged vils Mr. W.R. Kent for the summer months. Real estate la booming bere. Mr. D. A. Hubbell bus disposcd o! bis proper- ty 10 Mr. John Quinp, the latter 10 tiLkeîposession ln the faîl. Mns. Chas. Glover visited frienda ln Toronto last week. bitas K. Morton left on Monday for ber borne lu Toronto after conducling ,a tbre eeke' series of evangelistio meetings bore, durlng vbicb lime she labored stromuously In the UMter'. Viueyard. Hon hast message 10 bhe large audience on Sunday evenlng vas tbat the fruits o! ber labors migbl sprimg up ln true and bombaI ground. *4r. 3. Beamiab la belping bis brother In Brooklin with earpentering work. NOW 15 THE TIME TO GET RID OFà THESE UGLY, SPOTS. There's no longer the eliglitest meed o! feeling aahamed o! your freekies, as the prescription othine - double strength -Io guaranteed to remove1 these homelyspots. Simply gel an ounce o! othino --double trength- fror n y druggist and apply a little o! it nigbt sud moru- Ing and you ahould soon sec that even the vonst frecklea have begun to dis- appoar, while the lighter omea havet vanished emtirely. It la seldom that more Ihan an ounce ia needed 10 orno- pletely cloar the skin sud gain a beau-f tiful dean complexion.t Be sure 10 asic for the double atrength othine, as Ibis Ia sold under -gananîe 0fornmoney back If it fails 10 nemove freckies. RAGLAN. Mr. and Mrs. J. Squelcb,of Buffalo,f -nd Mr. and Mns. J. Shier, o! Toronto,t rnotored to Mr. Wm, Squelch's, vberet they spent Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Chas.'Luke, o! Myrtle, 1spent Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Squeceh. 1The Raglan Red-Beits are busy prac. tisimg uow. We expect sorne good foot- .ball.plmying ln the comling seasoil. Geo. Luke had a bee hast Friday and 'Saturday, moving bis barn. For ,£Csh, SàI* 'e 1 Light Wagon, platform spring, pole and trees, capacity 2200 lbs., fresh painted. A barÉain - - - -$30.00 l Sewing Machine, good as new, $1500 Buy your wire fence now, as wire wil advgnce on July Ist. Another carload of Prost high grade wire Just arrived. Our New Perfection Coal 0O1 Stoves, with blue enlamel top, are a wonder. Everything in hardware and iniplements. URIAH JONES HiARD)WARE, - - - BROOKLIN P M Dy Lfid .very ndsiabIe te fludi e ,b sufer vltb IndlgutonDyspepla Sournttame hiaduome s bItertrou apSmavn (oee f 1h. hat ~ oa .klppew, o« the Gmet Iaks telle boy 10 sel quàlek rlia! 2tciaseh Troubla. PeRT BVKU'ZTJ,, ONT., mai tz5 "6A nlu.a poor ewaneso! liviig Mad njoyng ie viseW lue euesa T" wat;vu vromg wu M&. JO". et appetite adsud ulgutif ou m bnou¶t on byCo" tIslfo 1Ibayve y.srs.Ilest a gpeau du ! of fbl imd sufèed eonstatly. or tise la* cop!* 'yar, bave 1tom oPrdU.. e-iv."t:anudhava 'bemao pl em.ed 1vid thse reuts that I have reeo inmended tham c Masy esions tofrId"and ualnt»ms. am muetisaI "Fruit- 1v "hm ebelpesime gty. DY followlng tise ast tubs. -"d taking 'Fi.-ivss"mcossdlsgtodf est IL WAN at gos. a bon 6 f« $2.90, Or tiahW s by erTutmted, Ottava. Mn. John Stanton bas roturned borne ater mttemdimg 10 business In Tornoo SPENCER-AI Bîmcetock, on Sabir- day, May 29tb, lira. Thos. Spencer, caf Raglan, aged 631 yeans amd 10, months. The syrnpabhy o! the entire commu- mity ta cxtended to the beneaved fmmn- ly. AUCTION SALE. On Sturdmy, June 121h, an auction sale yl l e beld of bousebold offecta, the pnoperîy 0f the estate cf the laIe Jane Wmllace Bain, Centre Street. -Sale aI one o'clock. tIerms, cash. Furîhor particulans nexî week. Wm. Mmv, anc. ioneer. COUNTY COUNCIL IN JUNE SES- SION. Tueaday, Jume lat, vas the opemimg day of the regular June Session cf bbc Couaty Councîl o! the Coumty of Oh-. tarlo. The Counillors arrlved la lime for- the aflernoon sitîIng, but tbe fact bluet 1h. big Good Roada meeting vas being held ln Wbltby, caused an early sdjounrncnit. Rey. A. P. Menzies, pasl- or of St. Andrev'a chunch, conducted devobional exencises, Immedimtely allen vhich adjourument vau made. A nurn- ber o! the Counciliors, beimg Reeves caf Municipmitiea adjoining tbe Kingston Road, vere deeply Intcnested la the re- port to b. prosemted rogardimg th. lm- provernent of that higbvay,, ad vere thereforo anxious 10 be present, ln tb. intereata cf thoir rnicipalitlea. Obh- ors o! tb. Councillona, bhougb mot dir- ectly invol.ved, vere suflIciently eager '10 hean the discussion 10 taIt. ln the meeting. As a rmiut, early al the Council vas pncsemb. The regular vork o!fbt e Jume session vas cormoenced on Welluesdîy mora- Ing, a full report o! vblcb vlll be avail- able for et weeks Issue. Judge Smith vas ln Toonto on Tuesday stbeudlug bbc fumeraI o! bis iece, lira. Chas. Smith, who died very. suddeuiy o! heart fallure. Deceased vas at'one time a rosident o! Wbitby. The marrlage 100k place ln Oshawa on2i'uesday mlgbî o!flMr. Arthur Noble, sou of Mr. John Noble, sud Miss Traîner,'o! -Oshawa. Mlinmd Mno. Noble will resîdo lu Whltby. LITTLE BOY fDIES 0F PNEUMONIA. Lmst Thursday monmlg the death oc- curned lu the Sick Cbildren's Hospiba&l, Tornto, o! Little David Wilson, aged tvo years and three mouths. The lit- tIc fellow bmd boom 111 for three veeks, amd bis death vas due 10 pneu- momia. Ho vas a sou o!flins. Mary Wilson and the laIe David Wilson, and vas a bright, mttractive boy. His death ta pmrticulanly aid, lu that his father pmssed avay ouly a !ov monthsamgo. -o CLEAIN-UJI DAY. Tucsdmy, Jume 8tb, bas boom mmmcd bythe Tovn Council as dlean-up day. Two men and Ivo toarna vlll lie provId- od by the tovu for removal o! refuse. AIl parties vlsblug refuse taken avay are asked 10 place it at the aide o! the noad, and fo put it into ,-eceptacles con- venient for dumping into a wagon. Names should bè, loft vith Tovn ClerIt White, phono 101 r 2. By ondor, F. WARREN, Mayor. A NARROW ESCAPE. Ou Wedmosday mrnIng, Mn. John licCarl, lova fonemmu on streets, bad a narrow escape vheu a drain lu vbich ho vms vorklug cmved ln. The seene of the occurrence vas on Brock street south, mer the nov rosidences bolug erected by J. leIntyre mmd Wm. Van. valkombungi. lin. MacCarl bmd Just stnlghtened bimacîf uprigbt for a moment, after lonlng over at bis vork,, vbon the eartb at the aide o! the araIn caved lu, burylng hlm as fan up as the shouldors. No one vms vlth bim, and he hmd lu about for assistance. Sorno mearby vorkmeu speodtly rescued hlm. Aithougb mot seriousiy Injured, Mn. liacCani necoived cqulto a abock, amd vas sornevbmt abaken by the weigbt O! oarbh that bad pneaaod upon hlm. Had ho boom leanlng oven at thbclime o! the cave-lu, ho rlght bave boom coin- pletely buried by tbe eantb amd per- bapa suffocated. -o PULPIT CHANGES IN BAY 0F QUINTE CONF'ERENCE. The Bay o! Quinto Conference la la session Ibis veek at Oshva, mmd the final draft o! the sbtioniug committeo report vas made kmovm om Tuesdmy. A largo mumor o! cf h anges h aroa boom1 lova ever uinlee, except for a fow yemr 8h. vas a member ýo! AilSaints' Church. The funeral wàs hold On Sundayaflertno bSt.John'a <BaY) emetery. The service atthIe bousé W85f COflducted by the Rer. R.W. Allen, and vas veil attemded by a larg-e num- ber cf iympathetic frienda. 34rs Draper leaves to mnoura ber lots lave sons and *one daughter; John and Fred, of Whiitliy; liugh, o! Pickering; 'Wlll, o! Asbburn, aud Edward, of Osh- awa. and Mrs, Robert Parrott, of Chalk The paîl-boarers were ber five sono and so0fl-law, Mr. James Mowatt, of Peterboro. Be)ware of Qîntrnents for Catarrh that Contain Meroury ai 2aercury. wil urelv destroy ilt e noe Of emmci sud compleîely derata e the wole ystein whea enterlng ît îhrougb the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never ie uMd except on peremcriptlfoam r futable pli aliaus. as the damage they wll do à ten foldt the good you «U Poseibly derive fron tbem. Malle Catarîli Cure, mandactuied by Y. J. Cseney & u- Toedio, 0., cotglusgo mercur-y sud la taken tuteraally, actiug directly "Pon the Iiood sud umeus surfaces of the mstent la buying al'Catarrh Cure b..sre You et tigeuila. I ataken internitlly sua maxde n Toit ho b7 F J.Cheaey & co.TeutimoalalU fIrae. so UçDuseigtsPrce5perbotte ANCIENT ORDER 0F FORESTERS ORGANIZE. A local Iodge of the Anclent Order of Foresters has been orgauized tn Whit- by, and On Frîday evening ls8t'a plOt- ing vis held at which ail the LPiétrict Chie! Rangers fromn Toronto were pro- sent, also members of the Court Hearta Oaf Oak, of Oshawa. This waa the ftrst regular meeting, and the Initial en- thuslaam augura well for the work of the ilodge in town. Organizatbon meetings have been held. At the ftrst one the followlng of- fleersi were elected: Chief Ranger-Dr. Austin Evans, Sub.-Chief-E. Gurney. Or. Woodward-Mr. Scarlh. Jr. Woodward-Harry Thompson. Or, Beade-Thos. Sawdon. Jr. Beadle-FP. Bratley. geretary-J. T. Hornsby. Treasurer-Mr. Dobbs. On the departure of Dr. Evanis for service at the front, E. Gurney vil aPPointed Chie! Ranger, and F. Mae- Grotty, Sub..Chief. The local lodge viii be known as Court Trafalgar. = How to Car. for Your Complexion Thee I.Do trMoe ag is.ta OUM abuff miaff.M .6fiMatage. Xl ocm MtIM=kI8g t he Nya1AgeL7 aID Sor0BU 1Miud Cali gr tel*. phom for g Ote t hinge 1* impoiseut ts diet, leep, venutila, and a thoussd caIe tip voemnuot ecape are contlnasly varringaaiu ou complerion. Cet a 25C or 5CJTo Nyslaace ream md onvice your- sel f !its cleaasing and refreahngand Oxgea a~nd quckly aborb"ylbh à ,leaVes Do shine, and gives a lsmt, mnooth, cool sensation, quick- Ç rffOvin theirritation produce!d by Îd van eather. i119 AU NYal PreParatlons are justly fais- OUS and nous Mored'O tb*n Nyals '. 'a emuS .vneiaigyrecoma- med a!or telepone isn for you ecç, cf thfs book whl coutains mmg vuluable information. T. 0. Whitfiold, Drugglst, Whtby, Ont. Tihe Blue and the Gray One of o ur eustomers was înpectlng the. Une of beautiful. "blue and grey" suitings from The House of Hobberliuthe other day, when he observed quietly, "WVhenever I see those 'blue aud gray" colora I1arn re- rninded of the war betweeii the North and South. Strange, isn't it, what 11 SUITS PROM $20 to $351 W. are1 - Hobbe Get cash Rogers Silvei We N1 ' BROOKLIN sole Agents for rilu TailOIreg cetificites for Our ,rare,absolutcW ifrc. ILawreOfl ONTARIO MWVRTLE LUVERV Firat Class Riga fo r bire. SPecill attention given to commril travelet5, Bus meets ail trains. OSHAWA. Last Saturdsy aflernoon about two o'clock, wbf le Mr. Wm. Dandie and Mr. Thos. J. Foyers were puttlhg a pulley ou a shaft at the fittings, Lirn. Ited, Mn. Foyers îllpped wbile climb- tmg up a trustle, crryiug some b5ush- lmg for bbc pulley, and fell 10 tbe floor-, fnacturing bis stuiL. Everytblng that could be done was donc for hlmn, but al te mca avail, mnd ho- passedavay about 10.30 on Sumday eve!ning.b Momday evening, about six o'clock,ý when Mr. -and ins. 'Imas Huggins mmd auto Party vere eornug, north on Sirncoe Street, tboy mmv morne cbildren 'playing on the sidovalk la front cf the Freabyternisu Mans. Au lhey gol OP- positebhem, Dorethy, daiughter et lit. mmd Mn., Mathevs, Eldqu Street, a lit- île girl about aine- yers-,l age, Who vas cne e! the gronp, darted)o ut Inte bbe st-cet, rlgbt la front of- theé iuto, vbich bit mmd kuocked ber dowu be- tvec n the vbeels and lb. 'ca.r pasoëd over ber. Fortunabcly bbc automùobile vs omiT ýgeing about 7 miles su hour, sud outalde,.o! belmg aomevbat bruis- ed, -"aken up sud badly frlghtemed, the chlld,,'waâ mot badly burt.. or rFiplag Lot us. quote Our Brntnford ideal. W. f. NIY XÂTRIi8N - T Whitby, On DOW.-At Ruldeli, Sask., 'on' Wednes. Saturday, May 29th, 1915, to Mr. and day, May 26th, Ani clla e mws. rsnk Mathisoli, a daughter. loved wife of Wm. -Dow. ",]oýý*rehea uhefor you.tak. thes." TbCbmmboeblala'et'mub adUvet Tabhta. Tb.y u.y mun booue .but &ive 700 à buqist, b@aMg fulaing bieMu tbgy Y Ibiu à 'r, aw..t 1 toum al chis. 1h.bow@Wa.Trythgm, Torm, ms j Th WdcWord ofthe ftIJantic'ý * ?.fnery - 's, Qqall Rskfor *1 and. Look for this on allLanticPc 7 Va9y ilelps for Spie mndSpaHomes, 0f c-ourse, you are going to"Pat UV! tbis spming. IThese'. le droom, poeIoe or âmibigroom wato be r-fiihed. There are Fl> oor 0bc pdmted, sWoe& vmrnished or wmxed.Theros ii. OfiOstia or Linoleum to be made Spic suid Sp... There'. theFuruiture md Woodwmrk to b. bniîWtned.) leý ar "SPIC AMD SFA FINISH-ES tt*wecm -fi"*ynoe for this work :j ,911.TOr Fat int. ferth. wulj B.UiN.ITrFloor Vmrish wm lwar',formdwood he "~moLuto beiaudfy i & wýw W. knw iatti.. Fuh.wm' -betfther"kb& y meosa Cmada"-mnd we gumrste âg&ay« oUwhI p.rfScty u.dd.d with -tii emua- be on when you mse mayor mli ci tii.. Tou0!! o hie hm «M js W. gwo is.*.m 1te ue *Md@, Vol,52-N%.o,49- Chiurch's Bug Finish 7KILLSALI' LEAI EATINGiNsEcIr REpADY -FOR USE DR1 -No. mixirig required :The safe way î.o use. Poison One aVplica ion is sufcient. 4for îioc 10-Iofor Ormaggst and Optie .MEDICAL HALL Erci S, -Wb Ssthe mNi w,. E. VANSTO frpices on ail kind o!E -puf in your Wlnteir Supp, nowl wbîle the. pricelud Orders May be left ati Jones' barness shop, Dq St., or-at Sr.Vns A> residonco, KentSt Shed at U ow ký.G station. Phon te Lice Issuer o! Marniage Liéon Cornier-drugstore, No Wllne5505 roqu'ired. The Oreater Canada hnfpProf" Land Co., limited Ruai Esate DeàWlrA, Esatto Renta Colctéd, Firat. Loins --. PropertiOp blight and 5 orbrnîP{ly llead Olivo, Bell pho p13 d Sales Manege9s, *RICHARDSON &RICHARDSON,l IProperty Wa House sud about au acre oh solme ruit treestpreierred- n property 10 sel1,- write Colinbry Rosi estato and Fan Lumsdert Build 6 Adoittide St. Ea ZORONTO LIVERY6 SAI BOARDINO 8 BROCIKSTA~I ~-AUl kinda cof singil rigs for hire. B ~treis and baggs ~ ossboUght mmddrivers W. ~L F~ing!s, Whitby, Oi~ rnSOFONTARI(' Fr IL wi-lui r 1

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