"I!ilk its one o the. eh.e«PesfoO4e on the ma rket. It 1$ a.Iao one of the. bet.-It i8 be*t because it so easily digstéd, .and .c_' us*, i.s one ef the moat nouirà ing of s1 our .tandard a.fticlea c:fdiiet.- 'Miik -oot4.im aji of hee ingre- cients needed to nourieh theý body. It oontains tjhese îmgredient& in ju st the righit proport.,ân which ex- ierienee and science eýiow solmuldý be contained in a wel-balanced ra. -tion. TiSu, it cont.aafl AlIbûiüin, like wfite- of 'g.. .5 Sugare, like cane augar ..7% peit, like butter ..'3 to. 4% W*ter............ ....... 8M% "¶lhe aiuinlfurnishese monar- terua.s w&icli build up the, body an& keeep it in reýpa?. The fat and we1g& provide fuel to keep tii. -body warm à ad furnish it with power needed tmo dou it. work; The, water and sat aie necepsiry* for léf. Miilk also contaâins antitoxinis, useful , oeils an,oLr ubtnce*Qt ereo milk ia an en oruýBolY coll e ub- stnoe-it.ià both fo0od and drink The ipf#nt thrivee on wilk elone, and . the adulvt, au Uà ve for nonths with nothing elee. "Mlilk may b. served in a numf- ber of different wayls, aspuatards, puddings, sauce3i, crcam., ice creaail - Latesl tSkirt Notem. t Do<uuble akixts are the iewesat "t-i-ing that 'ilieufashion bas to offer. Yeu can not well cati the-se vouunin- ous outr shirts tun les any longer.. thy -have beco-me -too long, tuo fuli aid t-oc abhiîtlike. There are two sorts. In c-n-e ýîf the new t yp:-se-.,cf double skirts the saisde rL-kýrt je quite tigh-t and tube oîtrvery full, is open-rd dowu the en!ire front. This openiug reveals th-e tiztîtunderakixit aG Vile oenter shçirt fl-es out and away st evel'y on»--aetef the wcaer, lit fuIl nsýs ofteîî bal 1 ooning -pretily. Be.- ca--- -the tlght unduerskirt the ilit &else not bu-k i.uflh-!ed as 'in e.the-r fuit] akirts. This maires i-V a1 very liecumiug model for vex-y 1asout fgu re ".-Scmetimes&he ouVer-Skirt iâ-g-at-be-ncd, sometime i-V sje laid iu 1pleatsa a- tha waigtina ; îgain it is ~hsii~.fon'ayo-ke. OuVer auJduindc - sirts ar"e'aiuften of -Vthssa-me mateiai, buttube pr-et-- tie$tu niodels' are whiere full lace 01iter okir-ts are po-sed over 1g-ton taffecta, tunder-sk-rtus, as5 lu ma-ny new a.ffax-onuanJ e-veniug gowu uied- el.*. lu ruring froueks plain lineui b«o-xnpae an undeun-.kint wîtb :0; .t-riprd one the outer. For filimmer wouien -the unden- e ira-tlac'ftenf madie nearly a-s tuli- as tise oter. An odd'ity i-n sucb -double sirts la onse where -Vlhe frocnt part of the-skirt-i-s appareetiý au ais-en and tîe bn-et part an ou-ter- - Anotivieen untiî-ely ditte-rent kind of double sirt 1F tube une b-ita-t lsaà a - - long na tise ud-e,-skiî-L, but la ea-ught up into a soi-t of îpuffed pan- mien a-Iout tbe bips, reveuli'ng sev- ena- i i'-ehe-a of the inner shirt. Tbis pusi s mon ecessarily ais even oue. -1.i-ts cuf ton caught up wi-Vh a ca-me- le-susgi-ace lione-ider]fn-hion, a-nd @ücn.iitiineea dis-closes two or t-h-ne ski,ta i -rmpng baloe-a esis tl-r b) -tiens, O1 cous-se in tuis acase XTIe underakirtte are attacheci Vo oue L - drop aukr-t only. Ttlîes new organdds blouses fresi from Paris, are white or pale pLnk ilu ce-Ion. Tho matem t h&V- j~ r VIumi-n9g, aur] tbeir ouI-y decor ion ha lime vertical tuick-s in pa-ccd clusters. Tbein style lies in tbei-collars, w-bic-h'are o-f organ- Ais, ent bigh in tise-liacha-nd des* ce.nding tVj a V in front. i Pisik crs-ps do Chine camisolef -are for we&runudeu tubese sesi -~bi .Tiiesecorset c-rversa ar a d uJ -atben ftted. The' Val uzryiisneo or -sisadow lace entlinei tabepoonfstke of edcereal, trée1 tablespoouf7uls . of 'bcile4 rie., or two6 SdIsea of biFéà d. ",Oue,quax4 o! mili s.a-baut equal iu lood -Value to one of tse fOlOw- tIlb.. 91 pait ôodfieà ,,tbre 1bs of f reeh- odfish~, -t" lbs.'o! chickeni four Ibo. q.Çbets, five. Ibo. o! turnîpa, né-'siuth lb. of buttere, one-third lb. of wh.pt focur, oua- third lb. of cli...., thrae-quartei One or the Amuon9 16,. of leau roud beef, eight eggs, two 1-bs.. cf potatoeo,. six Iba.of spi - uach, sven lb à . of, letVuoe;four ibs of, calibage. .' 'Milk vris oiuewhh1at ilu em- butter fat creain> it contoÀins C tain cows friah rioher ilk tlhèknr - othe rl>e, Mehaefore, ,it i. oustoniry iu gÃŽoâdedary rcie mix the- nl cf y sav rctW io e di aSter U af.s ara., CW 6 ,Ai WILwUu. <êonsumer je 1 aured a oeui foDrni p*c-Iuct f rom. d&y te day. 'Iu the hbusehold, mlk shoýuld alwayis be kept vold, dcean, and covered." t-arnuole a-uc! lew rud pnted neck edge. Mauiu of thbe crepe de Chinec- uai- soles have a fittIead-dec! -leeve o! 1-a.ée juat long enough te concea- the ,sic-,e-va pro-ectaT on Vo vail Vhs tincr a-rrn a bit. Thà s short sleeve is- offterr si 'shed oun-Vie outalde 9f tle ar-r nduùt-e lace rouuded up te Vie- shosîlder. Tbis givesa a mors gra, -l effect lireugb the outside, Vie new white organdi. boùits ' o f e c u. h a v e a i la s b a d o f P a l e i - mnucii mure tuba-u hall or tfiree- quarteT ineb widýii sud is ra-gotted ofiten to the blouse edge, colla-r an'd cuff s, BSoret1meiS the 4,w>. oriees are used oge-.1er, oeeoveniS-ying, Vhse ct-ber. O.ie or Vwo of these nw * hable modela de ote-V lanin front, huit cuite a- bid te one. de, thée OPen- înug beé*ng hidden -ypt aocentuaV&id býva iasbaud-ï& W1e oered ha- tiu-te or org, The douiM ruff le on tubeiblouse lu d&onuV i-s neted on several nerw uiod- eh; lbi -shapeci rufile, *wideniiig !rosn -othiug&at the,-,we-l#Unei-te sho;uder wdhst a.top.it bi closely .,pleatd, onW '1lIiLg juta jsotaIs teT 'e-us ha. 1ie ou rbeinvisible atitoiles Vthat iold it- se 'tbe' pleats w111 stay aiumoStu "horizontal. Why TafTy "Plls" White.-, - T-ff made roua sugan or uao- lasses becosa'itby nlug rDo you know whIy ÃŽ -Tise exuposune te Vhse air aud tube f riction evaponuitS Vthe ayrup, whic4h contains molit eof-thbe colon- iug mattan, andi facilitates oxi- dization o! tle caribou li the augar, w-jjjh i lways white, couVains slieer atome o! oxygen -otO telve atoms ot ca-ibon ndc seven a-tofue o-t iydrugeu. Thise ynup drainsd freinVhs sa-me sugar lu t-ha nefining proceas n-i-V onhy containa more on lees colering inatter, bu-lt hits a amalier pru-pon- blucai o! oxygen- Vo ths aiount ouf ca-rIen. Still another neason why sugan la w1iitened lu puiling la t-bat thia operatiun, lhics Vth. crusbin-g-pro- ess wheu applied t-o rock candy, oue uftVhs pureat forma cof engar, deôt-rys or impairs its po-wer f aubeorli.n!g ligbt, a-uc causes îVtet rafiect al] tubs leumautany colora in eacbna-y, whicb, of 'conue, reesuV bu- white higit. WeeI Worth Tnyiug. n During a' t-oK htSol'-da Amerieau, thinkiugýto getl_-a& rif out o! a Highland zuinisber, ne- -m&rked-'ton'eyuthukifdu usan left anough moue-y Vto yonr <hunéla rVIa-t,'bue wouid. get int-Hýeavmi1,, "I wadna say t-bat fer a fa-t, but , i t's we-ei worté trvin?'P The Duty of 5pen4in orme f the c. îsas Rt.he present ye-ar. ending, March 318t, 1915', îsýII)atral d tpress ionî is the short- $4,55,000,000. sightedl cevwxmny of those whose Thesee decrea.ses in our purèhases *abroad iÉdicate that tiere muet be opus igpoe]la fo ee si'-correspondingly great decreases it usy cu rtail -d. The fact . ire asily our purchases Mu home. .It à - true esta.blished by -the bandc returns thait our -borrowings eror; n Euland obobwjiig increanu-s in deposgiX.. have. been,.seiiç;o4Vcurtailed, but S$ince thousands 'of manfaturera', ý I B a1O tTue I3a heyhave. beex wli lsalrs an rtaier' eply-replaced fo a, certain exterît _b wboc.'ler' ad etaler' .plo- saei of 'bonds-in the United 'ta"tê o4pia.ve een .trowa. out o« work, whiche, ,aiaeê',e,> èeà ~ k of 'wary or .haé m bd tà iè1r w.ages edueed, have_-arà mýunted tO, alxkrt$0'O, IS> is evident tha their bank sa- o O The pe4p> of Canada,, 4ter count.s mudt. have either disappeqr- th.ree ye.are of great eiCrav.gýknce, .d or deooreaa'd. cogiÃquenpletbe bsve g one euddenly to, the Ot3er tcotal savinse baa- ik ae6oits ">ud eitreme and have boen, frightkene' only inorease by subatautial ad- into a fit of riÉid oonoiuy. Mhie ditions te the aSotst of those suIt has been a serions 'decreà &e in wbove,ioooi have eucamd the sajiuaoteed~ 4 L every g~~a nt 8ui pnonsare.put- muu Caaitniedod ting.their surpi'fle i ixto the bauks without neqkties fora. year, fox ex. instead o pnix hm u upie, thÃŽ-eelect.wofudbésevere s anat-e the . ar 1e Süg witt,f tothe x'ÉiùfâMrsfà - 'wh maice clotuhes, Lurnit-ure, maehin.ry, aud nekties. 'Il those -who have MoDe: ma-ny ofhars'etioleIs in order te in- woil'M d à * ihn eas»l Th e t b" g î P tinifitéd k> aà Imalùot ineredible ex. our importe entered for couP- toeut, employ'init wouldbe tà u tiS as 4ôoý0xwi $year ending Marob hedto . ôèia lU ~ ~ iw, ~,oo,Ã"o;year .uda- returu t,, prosperity would be, bas- in Sad lst, 1914, -618,00,000; tened. e n re 'E Bemève mie , Wdie. Eggs which, av. ýbeai&tiized cceno-utute thisgrate0t. proprton o! ai.Isfenorstock, wiioh, wdsený ex&ibtnad, provs unfit for food. IVt is net- ne-cesa-ny theIia" 1 , a 'esil haeremaimed fora- time u!lddiTa- ,broodly heu, a tiepesmature eof sevety degeesheing, l as'itael', Suffitot t',. cause-taie grm t commence >0 g ro W. If tiieh ast te constant--tis e dvelopinent of- tlli clsoèk -uiUhi otinuuobut if it oea-se or in -itermittent1 ,- putrefaetion a-V onc saets lu snd the e-gg becooma4 bac!. 'Oun-ti. oher iaaid infertile -'wkhare free, from thbe active -nu celi, do net, umder ordina.ry neditionu., deteirate seiously. Few Laruerae eeeVo raalize t-hase-facts, andoonse4ueMnly vary i ak -y, effort ta masure in- a-me-g maiy, that tiie presance- of- tii. male bird ln tha fiook le aen- tial to the productiÃ"n e-f ;s. axi- anum nuuber o!' fçgs. isasun- tie-n b»a. been proven, timr nsd tume a-gain, te h. a.bsoluteiy iithout foundation. Fa-ruios a-uc othars Slling egge for market are reonanemucec! Vokiil off or dlapose o! the malle bird. a-!- ter the. breadiug seaao-. As ae ne- suit o! their remaining with ,tahe hock alfter June let, Canadien [armer. l'see asc year abt- ea-st a ihIidollars, hrougia the.pra- The fitct uat tuhe et-tradé !i ruany cüita..ian da- ,now ofanqe thé 'premium o! trom oe-néte ýfivi cents per dozen, for zion-fertfized eggs, - suggeâsêamu addtoual -finan- cial considera-tion w-ilic but few cau attend t-o overîlook. Dlsposlng ef Eggs. 1. St-udy caretul-ly the mule-s for tii. productionand imarksetiig eof uew-laud agos. , 2. 1e-mainber that oui-y the. Strict obervance o! tiheesimple rutes will bng tVii- higheat prices. a-uc inprve the quality - e!f eggs gn- 3. e carefuI te-- staiip t-lie aggs on tube large-.s-nc ondy. -4. Iu ata-uping do netlie-ar too bea-vbly upon'the mis p#d iviln i-uk- ing thié uta-m-p on on tua. ègg wheu stampuung.- ô. Nover 'ietu t-be ini pad, if it lia- comas dry speirte thie col-le-clor sud h. ivili re-iuk t-he paWdfor yen 6. If Vii. stauip leccues-detach.d froua thaeivooden 'la-ndle, it eau ha raadiiy r-epsired wituh a good- inuci- 7ag. Do netot iew tube 'chilgntO stamp Vile eggs unt-il y+u la-ve taught tuhemn te do so propeniy, by allowiug tiiesute prauctuse on the eggss te lieused! et home. 8. On- wivat- muenmingeil O o« plan to throw clown .a- lttbse'aM e straw ou tube flocs o!tuhe poültry bouse. Thbe nurofetdirty eggs ca-n ,le materiaiy liseued if . the heu.s &-r4ach tithbe straw before, goiug te taie nésuttO e la- 9. Do noV staap taie veny amal or the. very dirty-egge. 'Piey ina b, paclsed separasoy and usa-r-lue as a second- grade.tuirough tube ege 1l0. Bea good co-opeýrtor by ai- 'wa-ys heiiug-pupsised-a.nd ready teo the. collecte-r Whbe lcal-le. "Il. Do eve-rytl-ig'uyOïr, po.wo& t esuppor't your eég -i le. Re.' men rtuba-u nare a-vital unit ji il a-uc tlWt t is ùeSmâ;ry tor ea-dt -naualer to elieloyal -tub te associe tien te e-ua-li IVte euoceed. 12. gsnamemlir tihiat.thei re'pu-t eîibu of your circle depunc!?supof q%4aity.Ž. f-3. Stu14fesdo makes. yeur eircle tub b liat i-n tseii y - "Sa!éty';ârgt" Candie. Ca-udîe dabë ,e asily -fitted wit r as , a- s# ime. TO. eteuaine 'ti leuguth o! tirna t- l e eessary ta r mark a oade4ftue ï -"îà e ed asu tirne isow long -a:certeis' ength - t wli bus-. sspn Tissu it la enougi s ued4 ymina-l matai:dosue on-capto -wh!éWii 0 stringit a 'tthed -dklectly ovei -t-ha flamme and rn the -çpposit4 e sud o! tubs string over ut-li -oi ,througsh screfweyas, 4o-ht iV al y lb. tiedaround tube ca-le suchà -UiJst-a-uee -f rom:ti.he .sdts -the. part bet-ween -the ur~ sb)m -ttring iihi b. £onmaûned -ils -the timi firf l e'1ae I ï liV r&-bi Le ',oÃŽilt'i noh.ed À 1 U i e g f ii. c"-dqe a-ic!d -igap dro on the faae.. tfhem me wii o COe' Id o, -te tbe.r-wont, at taii. asda a <d> iicitknow ,-w'heth« I ta~ " o * ý h- 's mainy aadia SrxëdMljiavesent Cus $25te u11M '~ a.lqip onu o! tIes.be'& fu W~WIIIb. a-hie tto put tin in'uà ca-Il for I <~ a mci &ottisib m-mof :th ed CrW s ýsociety ýubaï bbjikUtc.a gua.rdia-n" aùge-i te ;ut' 'ia'ïd wlen tiiey bu eSardý A', te -aftik5n toOun hospîtat ha-c aube-ta.sud quilte te ~natc teou-c"lordensd eu 0hu o Vous iii a plid do PtOn !ohr optlsple Inu our îhospital, as lu ale-tui- era, w. ýibid that towels have te lie gotV l liteèrally by taie 'catload, a-xfd, of cou-nse, tii. bedding weans eout -veny La-st owdng' -te the f ra- quant aud otrenuuns waahitag. Boive-ver, iva a-re doing spleudid-ly, aund adready "Ciadia-s at the- front are trying te get the w.unded w-ho coma back put under oun cane. "The hospital, us in a beautiful &pot, a-uc!ou tua wanm sunuy days ivh-Wh corne te tuba south cea-st about, ths tuine we areable te carry al but thie very sick patuiaut-d dowu ou stret-chens -andc put Vilai on t-he la.wn whiere thay eau enjoy the sea breezes snd the bright suns-hine. 1"I a-m directad by any coniniit-te t-o hank you most gnatcfuly for yonr ivondarful kinduesa on bahaîf' o! a-Il 9whaCa-nadilans outh!s aide o! t-h. -ktla-ntic sud to t-hsuk you speciaIIýy forsaIl tha.t you have donc for tub. Canadian Wa.r Contingent Aseociation. "I wiwh you ceulci oea our roomas dowiu-tairs. It le qui-te h. e-ght te wa-teh the bsliug ouf tii. thingn-.for the. front a-uc!t-he counting anad sortingsud labelliug and stoning o! hings for tjhe boa-piti, tiings for ene-rgeuduy. Scuietimas wa e' t as uy à o 27 -cass -dotea-luna nsqrg,,Ap~I ciou e sswork in2j t-he atte-rncous' toô. Of couree ki-ts a abit o! a. strai-n W put lu more t-han taira, or four heurs a-t a stnet-eh. 8oehs and -hoIhf«dëehinfa 115 NeeAld WVhà 1e the Watt Lastà ,ý- Torouto, - î-The follOW'Wgý intoretzngl.ftter has been re- ceuvedby re.Pluînptne, s"cmti5i7 o!th Ntionm-Se'rviS -Cominmttee , f rom ýMm MCLà r2nBrowu, bon.. secretary cf tue.Ladiee' Oornswte o! the CW ',-.The peopi. of C aawho lia-v.talcéeagnat lnîý;; ith e -+crk cf t theassocia,- tien' throughoutVuse Dominiwn, wll r.ad, -tut. letter with izitereat.- uter,',.yrh la dtod- Lon- don, Apnil , sfollo'wu :a We baie to-day finisised the '.Wjuk's, work ô! unpacjing about Sb cases rece.ved froni Canada, fiOSt 011 wýfieh 'hava corne tiinough youX r "Col Rersonha. paid sevenal 'Visita. to the Ladies' Corusittee of the aosaociatiou and i., I think, quite îatisfied thuat we at. Ouir e-uc 'are doing oun best te finish Worth- ily the. work wl-idh, la begun sud ca.rried through at your énd. "As you know, Vhe'Britiah Wax .Offlce las new, nequested that OmJY sBocksand h4aÃdker-ohiefslis bfor- warded te the troc-ps &t-Vile front. The warm weather cosning ou and the prospect of thie terrible trenoh, Me. corning to an end maIcs uit un- neaCOry t-o. upply suppd.ementary garments in such quattxets. But seoksanad ilaudkerchféb w. aVilI need sud shall continue Vo ueed week by weak sO-ý long; as uhe war laste. A-1l over thbe Unitead Ring- dom the. varlous soci-etiee for send- ing coniforts te the front are bupily engaged i n ruppîng up wooUen gar- niants 00 tha, thtae wool obta-ned Cail be ouverted into socke. bor ehoul b. thus rubhlesly pulled to cele but wool le scarce à Ëud dean. Body belts, scrves aud bimets wilà mot be needed 'for mauy nionthi Vo coma, sud Bocksa are nee'ded evuery heur o! the day. go w. have fa-lien iuto line, sud in- terested our friands lu knittingfor tîhe Canadians an4I moat ganorous has beau toie re&pouse to Our oel jfor voluuta.ry workers. "Every womau ou the comanittea h as -her wuhole'fhousehold busily eu- g aged inl winding wool. Then the- ball are brought back -bers, sortedl -sud arnangeti aeording te)w-eight and col-or, then weighed eut into sfivue a-nd ten pound lots. These we send ail over the country. It is perfactly 1atouashiug what wa get t1hrough. '0f cou-rs, we have Dot adepleCted Our stores antinely, sud the la.st t*q weeks tle Ladiels *COamnittie. habve been tramendoue. -r lyr busey repackiug for Bu-mRel storage, inadditiou te unpackinE d mtub. go-ods comin.u e"We ep a large eae-rgency sup ply in' Oun r tr-oihon.Thd garmuents for' storage a-ena umbe-rec 0andc!peoked lu la-yens of tar pape ýa-u c a.'bn 'amd ent off teou0w výiuswà ealonem until suel eturne-a. t-h.cold day. cerne agai in t-ha-ýcases we have unpacked dur d iug Vhe' last-ten day. wéAiave founq ia number .;o! individu*aâ nane -Ywritten on--cardsattadhed te th, svarjous grnus hs ar leWei o! cours e,- leave:pnnad on, an, »eno d-ou-bt tisarecip"asui .doýubl. pleà uad tô el& ittule persona -I me sage stètuld. S L- "lTbin la-,t co.igneét cousia ý- îng, I 1arn tIiaaî-kul tè -say, largel: rs!ô seelcas, coir" efrouan-ia-ny places Tii. fol'lowihg.'seem to lie the priai C.S. 1~tni nluWsr zone. 'Surgeons lu Europeanboits are- usbn-g a-maclhi-ne fui - novuvng spinters elf mon and steel fro-ii vounda in4êideaittal tue Vhs wan. It îs a -ma-inltie ma-chine t-bat haq -,ns-t witgreutat uce l, coursýe of tie indu-striel plants o! Pi,-btgbnrgh for mnore than a- year. The mîachine i-s really an eh-ecro- magnet. Four thousan-d wattsa-ns z.equired l or iha oPesa-aton. or enûougii poiver te aupplIy 100 thirty- two candis pow.er MAazdia--u»-. lIsb waea ueVe --ty o prkRba for a sâtel, Aintuer before' tus ma-cine wuo insta-iled. partuices Iuit-a iya-c!painl eusy one- af itiihe sn autEa&t pitt1 jtisried tciil-lone cihi& 0W1i s,~,a-ys Dr. 0. .Â. Deuutter- Tbeý 'Ewl - brokea-off -&boue.ha£Len lisai l-fxcpa~eda.nd rsmîaiued iatuok Tt lauiAd à à 41 4-he tungint of th. aDmt poay, -'ue open1 9M'avotihe ]c>udly emt.ry,. witi h s living spirits, -C&P ' -n.,,p fbove ail are,,.we oe '?oi -by thea uucertalutyi wh rçuc!eth swliole niyateny dé 'gooeusnit Vo, be aomi.thiug teri t.dihAtaouraelves conjuà ra Up thê -'"mswfiieh aflright6 us. If w *if- 4, own in cal-mne cio iuind, I; e vér-1 sd liook at death just aalýt ig, ýwhe4o e.&? ,'ià rat o! ýait le , f. £a4ft tat waý are face Vo face here witlh a uni- versai phenoenon-i4A.ccmic pro- oe,like gravitation. e féis imade upý of a.successibn ùo! apiexdés,* sud one arnn these la' de-qthl. Suol a universal occurrence,-cannot be .ragarcled as au, sccsde-ntua penalty, a clinmax, or even an end.-,nCut-ha contra.ry, it'i#u&t be reganôdd as onl-y oua o! thé ie iy changes which idfe undergoes as it movea from stage to stage -o-f i43 <evelopnien-t- une of the many transitiens lu fonni wlihih d'istinguiah -an 'anima-taf rou an inanimate objecit., To singlc lt eut as ,mething ivhich has a ' About Coldti. A cold lu one of t-he Must com- mon alments. Mout peo-ple do îîot t-aire oidiary precauitions to. guaïd a-gainet t I. IV le communlicable, auc readlly yuassed f r4>ua ose per- sou tuoanotber. A cold or "1just a. littIe sors throat," eapecially lu ciudi-en., shonid lie taken seriously. Messies giu li-ke uiad coId ~~~ anc acarlet -feve-r are - -- lietle sons throa-V" a-t beglu- niug. ,Codad are ca-used by gernii 1a-ni wbeu Vou dsvalôp a colki IVmea-na thait yen- have ubacomne infccted and thse gernis ba-vs begun t<> growa-uc davelap lu your nôse sun! troaut, pro-du-cinig poisons that are 'baing a'aorbsd iu:Vu youur -body, maciug- ven feel a-t tiues raiseraible. Soins vigonous people ivio live an outdoor lile aud ca-.---or auJ stnengtien tubair b-sues wlti coul bauths; auc!exercisa neyer sesm Vto- "catch cdc!d," while othens who talse ne exercise a-uc!keep bouaed lu bout, 'close nue-ms, ane veny prune to aittucu on exposure. Colds of-ten aeV like other coin- municaible diseasea. Sorneone ia Vhs fanably ",catches couhd" ansic burnags t-he germaeihomie, aud eue af-t ter anotbor tise memnlens o! tube hou-se-bold bç'coui nfe<-ted. To a-voici this,, witch lortefia victim nd -u!keep ths germae.if nomfi spreadin-g by -ma.king Vhseçaenaon suseze -or cough in bis or -ber baud- erhfasconghing witiiout guchý prtc ios the mosut ce-m-monwa-y of epreadug- Vhs geirma.- Alter t-be handke-rchlaijesusiled it sbonldlie .boiled - rom tuwauuy ta thi.rty min- Lit-bs. -e-ô i heyan i plA t san n --ooi teweatr t hlau!,ware aIl apt -to weleo t- som, e eaon sd aip tch neohd Nume il-Isuts anredpea od.o mo-Inese-c ut retil ileseaommr midr, sud, ie hn neeeed, cou- csuand, arecitn eleoui.co- eqclda are 4a-relypr enaîe Tha- t-ey arelyeen;by e.m La, dotey rne, -utd-bwe lia-v ilse gobed rerm -h,u ws.have ohe-y whan the systus -iw&s weakeeW s-nlit hnrmlheazygtae Viwa-tened germa noralucceste l rakugdohu te deece, auc!, eikig d-h t'ho ueu poceuia-V enteinfi- teu mtien putic Vbroatauc! ,infa-sa -tissagesheaowu -swan d ce-Id. passagen fnqusity a ecold" at his sessn o! Vhsysar y stVt -ýlI- epou tbearondfth yAroI-sclinayh ie.o iLhced gong -witlôuut tiaý- castorzt fy wra-p- - e- ba-rhéded,'t et-tiug ubs feut, vol ent mscul, %eetin te ost proent af-Vebr-- theo streug, tibe brave-ail hava xmet thi.eu4 A 1 Ibl wea Dow, ne-' bail against receiviug wiiat ail xrà en havé, receiv-ed i qsz imte began t Ou the eontrary. da1w o h proud to walk în thefoott m4p*;:of the. gemeratio-rs tha.t 'have gone b-e- fOra.? Would we noV rebel if we alozï,e were to be -denuidVi.ui vernallot?1 Supoos some au<'gel sfhould descend té -é&ea.riad-O& jihatwe, were to'bs pre iafî»t f'tn!At-firet we miglit about ton yery joy. Butat oecound 4tihought woul1d wa not we-ep, audpray.to-b. join.ad t6 tuhe gret, ospamy, o! tii dead 1 Wou-id -we not .ay tas did. Ka -eawhon, offe-red- life utpon 'the eartli. she thocugbt-:Zý "Of mnu.hat did beldieve, woene thet Iovéd ** * sud uow are dead. Since the.y have, died, iheirdeath isa ever mine, I woud no0éiese it." Thus eiould we di.!; Not foar-ý fuily, but bravely;- noV with ripe'- cial preparationa-i leiro4- tude,? but I"qu-ite inu ou -crdi-nary way;"JInot relucta.utly, "like the. quarry-siave'at n~, Soourgcd te hi. dudg-eon." But gladly, prou<7ly, aM OnéWho Iays. hian down "iwith kinge. The powe rful of the eartb Vhe Wise., the g-ced, - Ail in one anigfihty Eepulè-ira. - -Rev. JohIn Hayr HoImem. cautions, aucil- as a eQld shower eaund ryu-w. asy uf hes aitI ndisction& lYa;Y-ensons cutoe dito dcin Xferoma-y pro dusoie bs n-oi.A-i te tendr- en- ey ofeeiead ulc lA oh ten- endy o n-wanhed col*ing t e larnx-' 'largitu ii -b tei larynx-" la r and eve the locngsi -" puumonand ' egethde ld ottene repas -A tlî e w- frtubdC4u- ejtsia. r-'th a frtbcfu Csidaaeof e cntgost he-aUtiy pensons-, since tubs gsie whlch lin-ves=sccedcd lu invading the tisaneq atcquire- inerease&* viru- lence a-ad are thus -able Vo iwfect pensons wbose res-zstaiiîe e ua-er normai., , .1 olds- should -no.tu b.ele-Jete. Il tbey 's'tusa te- reiapond-Vo -simÉ,'e home muetuboda ol',treatmnent a phyaician sihsuld ba conaulteul. -Prevent colda by thbe, xereise o! ca-i-aô a void.diuui 'iiing -the bOdy 4 r neistaucé.. Msihvê1y t>e doue to,- tç-uXhen - tube . body'ê raeiata-nce. Bat-be Vhs neclcansd -thest- sa-ch mer-ning with coidYwater. Practice dee-p brea-thing. - Kaep eut e-f 'coors as mucha-a -possible. Let plenity o!f fnaah -aîr into 'the hous. Lea-ve.,te. windows o! -sleepinag nouui open 1at niugit. The more îfresh*ai'r you pa-s VbnOugil yeui-n luingu the etter yeu wiil -b. able -to resi-u disé.%se. For t-he protection o! cthers this nul. ;should be tobseryved- De not 9pft aexcept in -pnoper. receptales. IVla sdangerous, indecent, uaala-wlu'l sud ýere-ads disease. Do net egl on sneeze withoùt ho>lding. your ha-ndlecniied over -ycur ase -or Mnuth. ~ The htîtltîtate Friend.- Pcesibly t>ahene are7-faw f aulies-te wua iepleasu-.ro e !naintim.t-e friand is unirnow-u . She mua-y.4bo a- -nildle-aged wconan-wlio, lae-htLuý t-ha joy o ý,, fs auuà ly -eof -le r-ewan, taises a-uuovng,-net-boni-yintsreet;lu n. the boys a-nd-ý ir1a-of ,anu-old eà *bucel f nieind blit-waa en sel!sd wkoum Vie-nela a -strng affinit-y aud afffr-- tion. 'Sho ýIm*y bhaa. rou-11qgirl, f rie-c! -Vothoe o! -bir-own a.:. and -sùffiantly, eympaîb'etic, hbeniely, and 'cinurerma-tional to niase'a -inid a-dpc! dianming depiuty. dzithter wlaeén' tu- occà edon'Ueiiuà isida. - . Or h-maybe eausuan-nxled wounnsa, livýing -car reuceugus tO -4fà ese use friands -o!f -" tuema"s t~ouiu t-o --apeesd a-.ara-mit 1 ý- t-inoe with tise n u'itila&ut neledti ng-9'her home cerciildean!. - ' Bust- vubover e-be îayrbe, taie, li- 'Itirate$ntaind, I-f d-ibe bof the. rn*ost -ki4,iuniablya,-oi'reçf isp- pîasss iu t-he lakuiy. -If1t adia-y la cifli e-r là ckig 'i-n ev-e-tt bie Wbaà a- a-be vial --un in if only 1u6r é' qiusi-or atnliaun te brinS newo sud iîter- wonld, ,to, atynptluize a-d ge n' 1c!- vuh4t- e-p decid e .- de.ite Pliit, ci- -v tËe 441 - a te-r thie' oue hidriwhohe ave ______ PAIIS IIATCROSS. - Uçwnenyweotnos, 84we cé me and go, * .BoUi '" thesd+e nedhpo 1k Catli5liupeso faIes ;w. better wiould kîsow, tat as them ike . hips cf the nlght. A word, a. imýle,,;>maTbe CIlasp -of, ca4ià nd, 'Or we see trbugh,ý.eype W the &QU- W. oannot eirPLain, but t here ta a tand Wioh we feel 'would thbroue Idetime Solà . Or uit nýy b.-,tbe ,YMibs for one briel -day -wi11 eaâ.ueai'ong ýulde by ide- Jua & lwti~ i~,A4hlit beorethe wa>r Oause~4he.~ia~c> iveiw6. far nid ýwld. weights per bU_ iArtichoke.s Batci eans. Malet ........ Onon Bl . ......-e Carrsis... Hemp'hyseed Parsnips. Potat0es. T'urnips. A.iar>esof.-. barre] of 'pecified teDt by îineasure i ýOn, mu LSt contail standard pomds AnY perso>n Ssii -&-r sie, b th a bag; 1d<jes not c>nt standard rp-nffxdz ia1 >apena] I2 r a not e.x:c2 the-. îriing1li tter-s -past-. r nl sent wu !lason, hc.w ity lhas been muel ý'ear agp, anid:-ùbiý -erally throsaghotit Farmers are Iý practical way of broà dsow.The telun in h eir f où4 'enptilateion -and VIVE LA, A Mirchal's Batonu the- Inapuack ý1 A -good deal la h. that 'wln the Iron torts. Cross, but the for anawà rd oftVi and sla or tue ESre the~ youugest soi~ brenat the decoratli lu -thegreat wan a-boy of 17. Jacques voluntée ming of t-he war. 1 tluê schuoel ofthe lmply the -na-i isreos are ma-de, a blmiself one. Tii. w#ien, with soufl aa ivas ordered ta loï ,of tuhe enemy thi troubiesome. The ecovered thue hidiug but ouiy. after t-wi werù abat doivu. lire'ra ould be selm attseked by 'a & -buà t Goujon were- k appeaned 'ftafi sheil, and reuine4 u.t-Il the cbast se 'Emeritg g ram hie Jacques dld - npt fi ta hie own u-lnes, 1 en te the orders gt Belng au mai Jacques spent ne t. about t-he reason unof whistc hs: net been-emeved -Two' cf the gune- ha wltb bomiba, and fi boy wae takpn priei Goujon was n ot ready wltsud a p Fire Tise first thing- der 50 une ca-n qa up t-ruti u-tpon Q- tube usinglea- cf tii A hacider'ia ne-?du schiolo-i-euse, .o fines -luthese bus -riu oIr lu tube a-t b c iie uu ed t- witb watsr. I-t la t-o bavua birke-t use iii tise ttt In la !ark b us e, ,(,f water readY f ou-t a cstartissg fi' is pit-in-ù t-lie&Ls bus4*eLV SI) Lisat i -Fireo.resultiflg Ir t- - -~ Red Cross Notes., Work on Vie Duchesu o! Con.- nauglit Hospita a-tu Clivaden, Tap- ie-w, Englaud, le lie-ig ruehied te compietion da3-, nigiit end on Sun- days, a-ccndng te a ca-lilgrani ne- c.ived by t-be cliairmnof tuil Exe-, cut-ive Comnitte.e-of the Canadian Red Cross Society liy thbe lonil-- sioners in London.- Coloneil Hod- gatta asays tiare ware recently 117 patients iu tube instittin, all o!, wlî-om are doiug weJI. Tihe oni- mission-en aleq says h. bas sa-ut 1.0060*caées ut supplies to flou- logne. - It- &as been auuouuced liy Mn. Neel Ma-raha-li, chairnian o-f tise Executuiva Committeot t-ha C-ana- dia-n Red Cross Society, that thé boo 'lsd-s at t-be Duchemscf Con- naugiit Bo-Pitl-a-t Cliveden, Bîcscr, Eugla-nd, hava besai fuhlly siibscribec and thbe funucis, lhe-re- fore chosad. z Fi-itueus nurses f nom ail par tsacd Vle province and we4tern Cana-d% spe-ut -the weah end two wee-ke a-3o iin Toronto, and oni Sstu-rday thiay were euta-r-ta-irsed to iunclaaon by Mn. No.el Mardia-il, ehau-man o! tube 1Ekacutive Couimittee. o! tha Cana- dian Red] Croffl Societuy, aft-r which, tchnough t,,se Countesy o!fn - L. Se-in, tlaey witue6sed a par- tfonunsuce o! "The White Feathar" ,ait the Royal Alexandmra- Tileat-re. 1 Tisa nurtes laft Toronto fft 9 o'clock Me'nday morniug for-St. Jliwiie-ise hey milled, fer tuhé rOic! Country. on Wed-nasday. On tub airarriv- aà ttheus ort o! ambarir: I&ation tubey wera joiued lyiyseven Él rune -nurses, and ou their rea-zhinq Lendon ivene receiv\-d by t-be SVL à 1John-'s 'Aurbusisce Asscmiatio. ,Tiley ilulia e-uet wlaere tul-sdn E?i- - vices a-ne nost u rgenitly requîred. -The. second contingent ot n-usrce-, wih-l ssiI onuMay 13.