- waus.us-sb"pl«ia Ume- keapra sud vey- luty orna- rasuie, Expansion bracelets of 10k suid 14k, gold, and lu gold Alll. .810.0to 840.00. bu" MIau. Op PlsSet win âne. eombluatlens ef preelous aud "smprecleus eafous. Prims from 82.50to $76-00. R.N. Bassett 'Whltby, -Ontario We ceTe U. A sale wiil be. hld on the lawn -of the Department of Agriculture on Fr1. day afternoon, May 2th, front hait-past tiiree o'ciock. There w ill b. home-made cake, cook- les, tarte, canncd fruit, pickles and eandy. Ice crearn, 5 cents. IcS crearn and cake, 10c. Ice cream contes, 5 cents. Corne, everybody. Those providing -tblngs for sale, please have donations in by .30 e'-1 clock. 1 IMPOIITANT 1 OINIONS. Press news from- the Old C.îuntry In- dicates tint the- example of King Georgelu baving an Influence In pro- znoting total abstinence. The London £vening Echo publIshes a seriez of repliesý from different men, who are prominent In public affaire, to an In- quiry as to their personal attitude iu thc matter, Here are a few of the statements, Dr. Robert Bridges, poetlaureate - "My household ?has followed Hie Ma- jesty's exaemple, In discontinulng al use of alcohol." Sir A. Conan Doyle-"I1 have follow- -a the good example."- John Galsworthy-"I b ave given ft -up tIli after the war."1 John Bargent-"ýNo.1" Arcbbiihop of Yok- "Tie Arcb- bisbop of York Io an abstainer, anid ,ma alcoiolte provided for bis boue. Qdth.e e-minute Washer; it makes wasb day easy. 0e..3M Rice.. S--- piione your erders for butter paper te C. k Qoedf.llow &.Son, Wbltby. Bell phone283, Independent 59. -Don't ferget Almond's garden party- don Wedaesday, June ti, On thc lawn e! Mr. Wm. Oke. Ail the. inteit styles luns"rem doers andi window screens at Ueo. M Rlce's. Eiverytblng Ini bardwaiZe. Division Court wlll be helci next ?ueeday, June 1st, at 10 a.m., lu tfic Court House. Tue County Councilconvencu for Its June session onTueuday next, June 1, ai 2 p.m. On Tiursday, June 3rd, at 10 -a.--M., Votera' List Court will b. belci before Judge Meîntyre to hear apleals for ad- ditions o! naines te tic Voters' Lst. ThMe Baptist Sunday Ochool o! Wiiit- -~by have arrangeci te bolci their annual pienie te RosebanLk on Tucsday, July Aimondu g'arden party wiil b. helci tuis year-on Wednesday evening, June Stii, at the usuel place, Win. Ok's. A splendid program lu beiug prepnred. Get your engraveci viitlng carda fein C. A,Goodfellew & Son. We can guppiy you wilb frst-claus engraveci work at leus than city prices, Caîl te sec our amples. A Pblic Duty ST'S a duty of every house-, 1 wife te buy. the beat goôdsdas cheaply as possible. It' o -ur pleasure te supply you with the best, in grocer- ies ait laowest prices. Tes, prlb. *bc owder Tes, per IL. 45C ntinege for' S mr Business Friend, mowruu tw 5ingBton for SuÙn-I MOuayi whelfe they visitedI Dreiue' brother, George, and!j preuably a monta ormore. - Dr. Miurray's Therapeutie ulu Soleci Shoes at Peel'o Bbc.' BtÃ"xp. 'T'AXES DUE JUNE IST. Tie tax bille for 1915 have been dis- tributed durinig thé past fAtý' days _byý tic Tex Collecter. Palmân4t.of the. firot hali le due on Jfe .lo.t, bà tseveral cinys' grace'lu ýusuaIIy aà Iý*cd by the. town te accommodate thoeýeratepAyere who bave te benifici bymail. Se. the new 01l stove at Ueo. M. Rice'e. Works just as good i a the city gao. Ueo. M. Rice. The aimual meeting Institut. ,wà ashéld lai noon, whea tlol OWJ electeci? P8si5nèit, UM Vice ýPreoidento,. Mr#-, -mre. D. WlolMs Sec. Treas., UMies7P. 'i ors, Mre. LU V. DudleY enburg, Mrs. J. 09'on lis, Miss Powell, Mises aldeon., Representative nual meeting, Mi. 3. k'owell, Mise Fletcher. or, Miss M. V. Powell. F. Willis, MisE. Fiet >le cf miles Wet Ude ïl à eetiey wl!!b. e seinosA vrs e uenmua*l' FRSlE tby fer the meet- First-cînés gasoln e boat for uel. Ap- As tus gZreat plyR. Uold.nii, -Port WhIltby. --47. if unteldé benefit ble that aSau OUSE PUA SALEC. Lke it a Point to New' frame bouse, 6romtrc. tng. piece bath, fÙrmaSo eet rIC 1ligi9t.Ap- -ply J .JAMS. - o! t .Wmenu .POSITION WANTEOD. st Fnlday atr- Young womsu desires positionU Iug icre wore bousekeeper. -Througily ebmpetu ru, G. A. Ros.;* Apply. for, further Information at Gn- JB. Mitchell, zette office., IL H.Downey.: stein; Direct-FO RET SMe.Vauvalk- Sevten reom brick cottage wltb ample &:or MIs0F Viligarden sud fruit, centrally locateci, for l~ns isDon- immediate possession. ADply F. Hîow- aif itrict an. ard Mines. ,District direct Auditors, Mies tcber.*.r"1 GIVBeIANOTRER CHANCE. An unusuai privilege wIll be afforded Judge McGilivray on Tuesday beard tic people of Whitby neit Tucsds.y a.nd a charge of tiicft against a former em- Wednesday evenIngs, when a 200 foot ployee éf<.,tie Kendal Ciemical Co., of moving picture film, entitled IlMakIng L6hgfor4d ln the nortieru part of the o! a Piston," will be shown In tic Roy- County, Ooi. J.E. Farewell prosecuting, ai Theatre. This film Io remarkablc and Mr "Cecil Carrick, of Carrick & 1and oné that you should not miss. It Walkingsiiaw, defending the prIsoner, shows ln detail the Interesting-procese wiio pleaded, gulity and was liberatcd. of manufacturing pistons for Ford, cars. 'on suspended sentence. Iit ls the eirst Ford -hlm -ever shown ln 0 'Canada, and one that we believe you oe Our Uine, of ladies',elotb t<dpPd won't want to miss seeîng. boots, oxXords and pumpa. Pee's ehoe -- Store. MISSIONARY MUSICAL PAGEANT. -O- The. Mission Band of the Baptist THE TABERNACLE., Church entertained a large number o! Sunday, May 3tii. friends on Monday cvening by giving Morning service, Il o'clock. Subiect. a pageant. ln whlch, by symbolic music. -"Sons of God." verse and living pictures, the ciarae. !Antiem: "IDepth of Mercy Can There teristic life of childhood. girlhood and ,ýlBeof 1 motherhood of thc world was contrast- IEvening service, 7 o'clock. Subjet- ed "~The Lesson of the Lilles." Tic senior members largely took the Anthem: "éTh King 0f Love My parts ln the tableaux. The co stumes Shepherd Is,"I (Shelley). were ail very compiete, and thc Anthem: 'lSaviour,, Breathe an Even- scen portrayeci demonstrateci actual Itig Blessing."l scenes ln the lives of the women of S.S. andi A. B. classes at 2.30 p.m. thc varlous beathen ngtions. 1 ~Theccbid widow o! mcmi, the Cihi- FOR SALE 9Y- TENDER. nese cblld baving ber feet bound, and A 200-are farm.' The estate of Jas. the lndfau girl1 grindlng maize were A. Delong, situated.eue mile West of those represente In thtifrot scene, re- Broeklin, Ont., station. Cod brick presentative of I"Chlldiiood."' Similar house; large bauk barn; excellent ýwat- characteristic scenes were, given to- re- er., soil elay loazu; terms easy. Ten- present "lGirihooci" andi "Mothenbooci." ders for 200 acres or fer eaeh 100 se- ThceIlut tableau depicted thc Christ- parately -will be, reeelved .up te June lanizing agencies at work ln foreign lso. Hihest or any tender not noces -____________ Vo-fter partlcfr SM~Ç 'e~-longaî im rovcmênts B0 RE' RSTEIN Take. notice ,&tat .,tic Muaicipa Coni!tiie CÃ"rporilton Of tic Tom, o! Wiitby Intencis te construct asi Pastor: Rcv. A. P.1 Mer"zies, M. A-, Local Improvement upon tic followinl Ir D. streets, viz.: Tue pastor will preaci at both uer- (1) From Centre -Street te Kinl vices. St. norti eide o! St. John St., 4 It wice il a.m. Sermon- "A Plea for Hat- Estîmateci cost $145; town'u siare, $58 red."~ (2). On weut ,aide of Athol Street Antiiem: "My Failli Looksuup te fromt St. John St. tei Trent St. Esi Tuee." ' mateci coat $150; town'u siare. $60. Solo: "Tue Publican," by Mrs. F., W. (3. On east aide o! Byron Street French. from Grand Trunk Station to Keit -7 p. mn. Sermon: "Suicide Turough Street. Estimateci cost $900;' towff ,QEucceos." e wrChita hare, $360. Antiicm: 'Go-Frwrd0 Cnlt (n4). On west aide o! Brock Stree Solder." from Trent Street to lut Street. Et Solo by Mises Bell.- timateci cost, $1.500: tewn's shnr. $6( NE -O-PONS (5). Brock Street cet f rom-Ontari NEW TLEPHNES. Street to St. Peter Street. Estimate Tie followlng ncw telepiones have coat, $700: town' sahane $200. been installeci since Issue o! tic lateet (6). On Chestnut Street, norti sid Bell' Telephone Directery. Subscnib- f rom Brock Street te Centre Stree cers ehould eut tuis lust out for refer- Estîmatedc cet, $132: tewn's share, $1 ence. (7). On Walnut Street, siorti nid 166-Wmn. E. Vanstone,. residense, from Brock Street te Palace Street. Bi Kent Street. timateci cout, $320: town's siare. $M 218-Sam. J. Vanetone, residence,_ (8). On Palace -Street, wcst si& Centre Street. * from Dundas Street to Mary Stree 215-R. M. Tipper, residence, BEclîi Estimated cout, $320; town'u uhare, $Si Street. (9). On Euclld Street, cet side, froe 144-Wm. Downle, reuidence, Byron Ciestnut Street te John Newport Street. bouse. Estimated coat, $220, tova 217-F. E. Harrison, residence, By- sînre, $88. ron Street. (10). On Mary Street, souti gis 216-HarrY * TiOMPeon, Mcnswenr, !rom Brock Street te Byron Stree Brock Street. Estimatcd cost,. $150: tewn's share, $9 1865-H. H. Charles, Heydensiiore. (11). On Brock Street, west s1< 146-3-E. E. Wallace, Glencihu. C. P. Ry., a distance o! 1200 fèee norf 1 199-Tue Armories, Dundas St. tîmated colt, $650; town's ahane, $26 --O-$240. DEATH 0FDR MELDRUM. (j2). On St. Peter, Street norti eh on TuesdaY. May 25, tic denth ce- from Green Street te Brock Street curred inl Ayr, Ont., of Dr. P. G. Mcl- Brock Street. Eutimateil coit, $11 drum, formerly of Whitby. Dr. Mel- towWs s hane, $60. drum hui been living ln Toronto for Andi te asgss 60 per cent. e!fticefin several years, but for some montis has cost tiere! of tic propcrty abutth been lu Ayr, wlth ie brother, Dr. N. ticrecnandséte b. beuefitcd ticreby. W. Meldrum. No further particulars Tue estimateci cout of tic work were avallable at time O! going to $5.600, o! whici $2240 ia te be providi 5press. Dr. Meldrmin Iaves a widow for by tic Municipallty, and thi. es sud four diagiteru, Misses Winnie, mated speclal rate per foot fronts, Mary, Marguerite and Bernîcei ail o! la 0.9 cento. whom arc well known bere. Tic special assesement le, to be pi la twenty aunual lustalments. Ameeting o! tic Wemen's institute A petition againet tue work willln will be held la tic Agicultural roomB, avaîl te prevent Its construction. on Tucsday' atternooli, June lot, at 3 JOSEPH WHITE, o'clock. MisesE.* M. Colline, Ancaster, --50. Town Cl.z Ont., wilU addrcis tic meeting on "In- atltuteu and wiiat they may be toei ______________ individuni." ,Miss Colinsbas bad ______________ some yenrs' experleilce as a demonstra- tIen lecturer ln ucwiiig, andi as a lectiir- er on Wol'5 WOrk. AIl womcn and girls are cordially welcome te tus mtigA REPORTER',S ERROR. - A T I Dr. Shirley, o! Pickering, bas called tic attention of the editer té an Incor- 15 501113thing more than a rect statement whîiehappcarcd la the r fh Me reirt cf the Llbernl-Colilcrvativc portt aeindustxy. S conveutioni recently bcld la WbîtbY. adae The, Gêzrs.MeCIztcC.stated U ~btDr. ab 1 y had ebjected totei Al Pickerinig people fair pIaF utiY etIvc ciiematter; that Mr. Purdy, tbe shoes fttha r. am1tb ha nothgienatic but iu charge o! j'Pe EleUtvCo-ade ittec-" Tihi, tJr.. Shirley Pointe Out, P C ,wae not wbat -Wae reallY saici, wbicb SPEa wag, rati1er, tint tie matter 10115 flt origini lhtn uMr. Sitb'e hancis. A Ticerronecul etateiileit igbt bave A 1 ledtheunilolnedto tiuk tint 'Dr. ___________ Shirley 'sud hie SUPPorters di etfepairib bave g0o4 grouadis for thefr objection#, snd tbi correction l e, therefore, Will- ingly made. Dr. Shirley stateci tint mli e w $.~justice and fair Th Red e, play, and on ý htuderstaiadi3gth ese ted te £uppMtthe echoie. cofti Goed dean straw for bedding. R.J. Fleming, Meadowbrook Farm, Wiiitby. Tt. OR SALE. One 7-ii.p Stickney gzsoline engîne ln beet condition. Also shafting, Pulîcys an.dl.bclting. ApplY to Peels usho. store. FOR SERVICE. Registereci DurhaM Bull, andi 1Regis- tereci Improvcd Yorkshire Boar, for service at the farm of 9 W. J. HALLETT, Whitby. FARM FOR SALE. 60 acres o! good Clay loam ail under cultivation. 8 roonied brick house, barn and orchard close to town o! Whitby,. Box 10 Gazette Office. FOR SALE.. Cho1)&sý building lots for sale ln tic town &«'Whltby. Apply F. J. Jone, harnesse maker. Notice to Creditors. IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F BAILEY WEATHERILL, LATE 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F PICKLER. ING, IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTAR- 1O, YEOMAN, DECEASED. Notice le hereby given pursuant to, statute, that ail pereons baving dlaims against the said estate of Bailey Wea- therili, wio died on or about the 25th day 0f AprIl, 1915, are required te sund to the undersignedi eçecuztor at Brook- fe-'24tW yaoe J of their dlaims, duiy erifiedi, andi no- tic. in furtiier given thiai fter the st nameci date the executér wiil proceed te distgibute tic saici estate iiaving re- gard only toe c daims of wiicii he uhail then have notice. Dateci at Wiiitby this 2Oth day of May, I1915. ,49 J. E. FAREWELL, Soliitor-l or tic Executor. Aisl klnds of Ooal Paolpertoa.. ........ 66 At Xà a-ber 0CoulShecis 59 eAmts per ton le".. TMBRANTN COAUL"The name guaratees the bîget puallty. kl . LOW E"! Tel 9. Whhb-oi i Prico-- N .19 the largest on ihe a igh dye to color. the Io Z5 cents per boutle. ITFII2L Drug and S.tationory Stors WR1TBY, NARC NICHOLSON ASELDI WHITBV PIANO TUNINOG Neil YelloWjeeos, who has been cenm- fng to Whitby apd vlcinity for the past eight years, will continue periodically al season. Orders left at Allin'g drug store will receive prompt attention. Hot Water Heating,' flot Air Heating, Plumbing,- Roofing, Eavetroughing;, Stx>geeIB&-FurnaceC«- Repaired, General Repair Work, Estimates Civen.' Ben. Byan Duudas St. Whltbyi Ont. SEMI- READI TAILORINO ( ,.T MADE -TO -MEASIJRE * $1500O We are now showîng a opecial line of suitinge at $15.00, madle to your order in! any- sack suit style you prefer. No extra charge for D. B. sack coat, etc.~ The Semi-Ready Tailoning Co. are able to make (at their shops in Montreal) 1000 suite every week, withoui overtime, so we are able to absolutely guarantes your suit te arrive in 7 days. Semi.RBeady clothes are sold' in ove 60 ciiesand towns, from Haia oVancouver. We scli and guarantee the cern- plete lime in Whitby. Money back * if net eatisfled OLENINS YEIOPRE8SINO AND .oePAIoIMRIAT CLOSE0R ICE88- MAIJRICE -MURPHY m WHITB3Y9 ONT#. Il door sOutb Hotel Royal, a waviny of fl iol,, it is a loyal sup- Sa auy' SlioeSMade ln Can- the newest desgfls in tootwé'ar, the tus shoes, Classic- shoes, Empress and Bell shoes gklre-all the' most ex- ycan require, in Style, cdomfort, wear conomy- IAL-t'.R.eed's cushion soles, the ig1,4ushion sole for men and womfe n ybe had'at low bargain, pricest NeéatIy Dc'ne at Bargaln Pr*ices. are IW.W Co PRINGE Special ROO . 'HARDWAR E Price, on F1IN G We have just received a large shipment of Roofin g,* purchased from the manufacturer at a special price,- and we intençi giving ourcustomers'the benefit of the b argain. * Paroi Roofi.g, No.]- , rogular $2.50,psr square, -Wh-iloeit lasts $1 .90 per square W. 'ÃM. PRIMO LE, Hardware,, Wbltby WHJB.YEXGHANGÉEý HAS- FOR -SALE. THE FOLLOWING:. Canaries, good singers. . 200 Bag of Potatocs 42 Bushels of Buckçwheat. I Fresh Cow. 1 Good Geling,,5 years. 1 Cream- Separator, good. Mixed J-ay. 1 Pump, nearly new. 1 Set Heavy Harnes$. 1 WindmiJJ. WANTED-rYoung Pigs. EXCHANGE IMANAGER WMlé MAW The Groator CanadalInprovomont & Land Go. Umited ATTHE . Now Menswear Sto re SPI3~IAL WINDOW DISPLAY THIS WEEK Of' Work Pants, Work Sirs -and Ovoralis. The Newest Straw Ilat styles in stocke Harry Topo LINS> \Brock st., South, ýWhiltby, Ont. ADrPUIVF:- 1M: i repint i 1 zefr I ~ i. I J MUMUMMM- mmwmý LOP - Bell PhOne 37-' Indepeudentý Phone, 37 > lad. Phone 70 Deu Phone 195 VU16 a malvibut 1