1' Supplemot, to tho Whi! Gzet1niCrnio ay 2l,'O 15S> ad yet thecolumn headed "L -is thrice the size of tha.t cal "Found." ~RÂG4~N - ARUi Satonh mklngpreara I r. ad ln. ot pene, Pnty iirth of yyeis, al4later ln the great lidSi ortnwliim ond U ~ ien t pant ~g oue ~ p~>lMran otpRtOY pe cerbaOt ie I fUtet - ofothis battalion MissMortn, wô'.'s coducBea eanO ik'st Ya>t ie h<,1esoo ý pol, atoat net 0tntethenemy, gelistie services at Myrtie', Siltake. R. W. *Mowbray li stili ln a very aunday rte, "mMe lthetheLhtBl charge o, the atternoont rvi ~ee weak condition, and cannot recoér, Mns. Hall, of Oroflo, lae pending a iagewheha l the Words 0fBri. nxt Sunday. we understanid. few deaswlth lien parents, Mr. anid gade seem- feeble bY comparison."1 Mrs. IL. Stanton and Mns. Jas. Eark- Several W.M. Society memb ers jour- Mns. RL Chisholm. 'rwo -oft he Battallon's gun crews er are on the ulck Ust. neyed to Manchester iast Tuesday-te Mr.Wln. Buchananl was in Toronto kept- flrlng the gUns againSt the ad- Mr. Wm. Avery le siowly recovering attend the Co4,ventioen there. A veny on Saturday last. vaiiciflg Germans,, and went down, f rom a severe attack of rheumatisrn. profitable time fi rejyorted. Mr. Leonard Ross and friend, of man after man# until Sergt. Gardiner Mr. Geo. Liike lias got hie newv house , The1Women'e InetItute bave a, To- Toronto, motored here On Sunda1 . al n lt. Ale r"he hd onedfath ner. F.in hd Mr WnALuè onto lady glving sewîng lessons in on a motorcycle. ' 'lits nition li e a eedfle 0f th Mr. P Drig an Mr.Wm. uke ave the H411 onoe or twlce, a week. -ManY Glad tomee Mr. Eari Cookelliig mo gu- been lrprovkug tileir propertiee hy the are attendlng, and no doubt after a many Overland Motor Cars.noem bfrbytenmsfi. aerdesiofnhefe.valuble bason our la.-This dote, desPite seven wounds ln bi TeRed Ciossaoieywlll meet a eisO hs aube psn u a Mime Olive VanNest, of Whitby.,bdy i went Out after Captain Hoop-. gantbc SocletyP pent the week-end aI lier parent er w who was dead when the Sergeant g:Un hus eek.dies lllippea Gnrtdineert ttire utakbod, li We regret t10 learn of the heavy long home here. .reacli4dhm dnrgtbc ih MYRTL1E.'Mn., John Corner utalned last week, -- out addltlonal wounds, despite the hall Mrm Bîtono!Oeawa veiedlooslng a very valuable brood mare, o! shapnel. Itla 15 r ed ln the Bat- frndabr.ittn t Oaak uiie ,ne for which lie had refused $280 a BAD0'EAIN a lonthat heclbas ben necommended fredmrJa land Joui. Mwe fyean or two ago. t itraCos att~dedlitelimra orn(nd lrs.Fre Pakiiêarenow The business coring before the for VitraCos Eseex, Ont., ICO ortably ettled la thein cosy lutleBadfEutnattheir ronthly >Be ne e fta, GandSnewartn f~~~~~~ l- lat rE olso audy meeting held las.t week was quickly parteerahlPhr fha hmSeat Mr. W. R. kent wam la Montréal dur- home, >en akîelisben'pnd disposedo.digapatlg nd aernlg Ing the latter ps-rt of the week witha fMeAlert das .blt li.iépente n The prncipals neported the average business. On the declaration o! war, h ahga fw a yswDundas pretslnatheI oth enlimted. Haeyo ecdd stewieean ia ecnly.etredt ttendancci as follows: carloa o stck.Street-dlbs rcetl.xelrnh.1 eOshawa papene of last week Hav yo deide asto her yo 1 er oMe DudasStret-03.boîl carne out wlth headînge that an will mpiend Victoria Day? lnclude the ý . Vicntr. P - n ha$purchased Henry Street -133. "do hawn man" had been recommended grent Inteirnatlonal. Fair wbich le -.t frein -hlm unc1etht4li fax-m on whicli lie Dufferîn Stneet-64. for.the V. C., and then admited ln emal b<e held at Brooklinlnl your Iito1 now living, and wlll make Iniprove- High School-74. outings. Davie le dolng hlm prttieit mente to Itlnluthe nean future,- A comimunication from Pir. W. P- type that -ihim home us ln Whltu>y" to draw the crowd and make il a. urt> ,Mr. Walter ioesle qie e-N1Icar Ohw.ipre h lu-çlnor to whom honon le due. C~55. is accident a ,fýw days ago. He -c- formation that the' eed for the con __ Tlxere passeci away. at ber late nemi. cldentally feil off the roller, which rau veyanoe of- thieite for the south ward dçnce, on Wesdnesd:iy, May 12, Sarahi over hlm H-eIp was ecured'lu lime ichool te the. Board was neidy for the 'bTit.l Costeilo, belowedmfe o! -Mn. o .xtncate'hlm fromn hie pienilous pO- signatures o! the vendons, and that lt6 0 1 gh s EdwadJ, w jp,, lu lier thirty-fourth.,stoi and we are pieated o rp<>t lie w<)41d,, completed ln a yery -short g t - year. ]Deca.S-a' -111 but a few le able to lie about as umual. - tîme. are enjoyed by those ln good bieaith. houri, and deeplTÃ1].3jl» pedlcal à id, -Districttrmeeting was heid ini Pick- Several communications were rWa ~ efc iesin la ytm and tender nursing, thei«- i lame. érnr on Wednemday 0of thie week. Mrn. from, pensons desiinng te"tender on. th. Mr&, Mowlea h cl onl>' been herè a, ew W. Jck ofo Brock Road, repro- buildIn' o!lb.newiool and for ait- i<nd pure blood upon whieh ound montthe, '1ie h;%vlng movedherm witb eeited our circit.tIninson lhe teachlng staff. These buealth depende, wl ll b. given yon by b-er huesband froin the thîrd conces- 'Mr IFrfflk Harrisoni bas procuned were ne!errcd te t4hjrpr omt sion or Reach. Dîînlng that lime aile aote1bre.T-s h ecsstaet4se ,rpe cI mt had won many warm frlnnds. who "01d Blllfi" suüperannuatili1Ne lias The Pnopcnty Commlttee -reportcd a noble type of true womanhood. The Peiadds~a~~~re etîhd 11 f~ ednfrteco-- ftlll al wasy lon ba on be tr-lî 1 ness, and thrty ea. o!en esul he at u dvn othenrtld te e pub funeal ws hid o Satrda, Iner- Our public achool united ivîll thalt q9n o!the soutli ward obool and the ,.,iint heing held aI flurns' cemetery, of Grcenwood'lasI week and Spent a npOdnil ete-îl eol A shbtrrh; Rev. Mr. Johniston.- o! Asb- a firymnsf hýlb coi huan h 1e. .W Tteno afternoon picnlcklng at Mr, Wrn. ___________ pbradte revl Wo min. of<eaurs bîsh-ear GteenwOedS -, ? IL~- H~$ L ~ ~ w e Prince Albert, ber pfor î.xtinstelr. I pupils enjoycd ItI mrensely. SRTGARDINER,.P 0F Y--î,IWè,seofAt' nirlcated, takIng frthelr te te Tbe.women o! Kinsale are asked 10 WINS ICTORIA COSS. 1 lboz«o.25 s* îwetythrd w'lm Te pall bearens nemeniber that Misea Colline, ibfe spcak-____________e_____ were lier -six npphewvs. To the sorrow- er for thb. sumxmeg serileao! -Women'i DesPhtcheË receîved from the front Ing htueband, the aged father, and the Instîtute neutIngi, wIllI addrcms tele 18'51 week record the dalgbveyo -other mombers o! the family, the sym- - o e f1n con-bndy afle- amember o! the 341h sicg braetow ptyothComD 0FiTHANKS. ned wmee tooXslo n itedamcn e:ts llwoebrewsh Whit revousSwU C a iaty cftîxecoxmiiflty e exend iunsu-*!'lay 27, aI .2.30 oclock ln Kin- thi the 2nd l3attallon. Sengt. Gardiner, ,.nI. Edward Mowlcs laItes t ~aeô01)- lie erved by lbe ladies. Everybody bo hie eallatingi le lhe man rncntioned. ____ ;,ortunity of thanking hs..flOdd and welcorne. Mrs. T. ichardson, Pnest- and the s1017 o! hie bnavery le Ililîl- neiglibore for their, ÃŽimý expressions dent; Ms. R .Mwry e.- la nteeîei.- Ai knds »of Coal of syxnpathy lu lus riecent -bereave- -. ý , The 2nd i3attalion was lu remenve at LOD.hefaloteawulbletehelnCa.prtn- ------ 60 mn.Don'I forget the date o! the à %lmoiids At Harbor Coal Sheds 50 cents per KIIWSALE,. garden panty, lune 91li. Fuller pan- WHTY M RK S nles 'S ATO COL Te Mne. iDtnlop, o! Grecnwood, was thellare inter. W IB A ,ES tnls."CATNCA. h found dead ln her bcd one nioring Mns. Sanford. Brown was suddenly- name guiaranteçi the hlgflest pualty. last week.--The remains were laidto called tolien home-lu 1he- States, lien Wbeat, fal-----------..s$.45 te ý$1.50 remI ln Salemi Cemetery lait Satunlay mother having taken a stroke. Wbeat, goose .... ...... 1.40 le 1:40ER.B W, W ib afternoon. 11ev. E.W.. Tlnk lied'change Mns. Frank-Harris was takeux 10 Ton- Bnniey---------------..0.75 1o0.O75L R.B Ws W îb o! lb. obsequips. . onto on Snniday tô the Hosptal. We Beanne----------------.3.00 te 3.00( The ndjourned' meeting o!fIlie Quar- hope that Ithe- trealmeat Ihene rnaY Rye------------ 1.00 10 1.00 Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14. terly Official Bloard o! the circuit- was prove aniceësaful. ,, Peas-----------------...1.10 to 1.10______ hbeld lait Monda>' nîglt aI -Grcenwood, Mn. Wm. Oke bas 1been on thé glck Buckwhent------------..0.75 te, 0.80 ________________ 10 setîle np 1h. year's business. it, la .lia. Onts-----------------..0.60 10 0.62t boped that al th. fnnneal obllgetions r. .Wilson altendcd the funcral Red Clover-----------..9.00 10 9.501 M lfIOlIO were, fuilI>'met, as 1h.>' should fad -o!'lien nl M..lbatluDnig-ANkecICHOeLShON.0&0 0 II fULIIwul i f vn' esndl l o oonSlra> at.FORAN ED.LN E T2K R bier dut>'. Mies May Diagnq(an là ; spcnding a Flour, per ewt---------..$3.75 10, $4.00 FrosI bas been quile notîceable for week witb bier auna ln Onerne.. Chopped feed, cwt-...2.00 te 2.00 Pbu. »fvwr.5 smre few niglite uaîcly. Il will n91 Mn. W. Kemp lias a new Ford car. Cornmeal-------------..2.00 to 2.50 produce good effectseon the fruit cr09. --- Bran, per ton---------..2.00 10o 28.00() ____ ____ 11ev. B. W. Tink officlated lier. lait COLUMBUS.Shrspeto- --- 3.013.0 Sabbatb. Mn. Morley Rose le weafing a smlei MEATs, ponU.T....A.D.0PROUC.01 Win. Mayne le no sltow fariner. H.ese , - . - AD ROUC. -- ~ ns.lts abo., Bec!, cwt., dressed -- $12.25 10 $13.00i HV% drlycsfour onees'on _. 1;U IV.L, and dnawm a set of barrows after il. ' killllng two lunds wlth oeeatone, and doing witb one man ieas. Will Ise buMir. W lWinlliam, who wns fonnd dcad near Glen Major, wns iuftercdE aI Salemn Cerneten>' on Sundny afler-t noon. -He was an old setîlen le thei ziorîli o! us, living alone. *Mn. Crummnil back aI Mn. H. Mc- t Brlen'e agann.afler spending soxue turne lu Uxbridgc. Mn. Thos. Lynde lest a valuiable eow recently, il bclng kîllefi on tbe C.N.O. near Eineale elding. The animal wan- dened ente the lnack and waseculteo places. -This sliould b. a warnng 10 the cow ewneri lu Ibie viialty. Ve sympathize with Mn. Lynde lu bis Mr. and'Mn5. Wnx. Mùonnîsol, accoin- pauled by Mr. and Mns. Wmý.. Fley, paseed west Ilirougli our village ail Fnlday lu thein new inoton car. Ford car.1 Quile a number Iook lu the Plerson circua in Oshanwanmet week. -Mn. John Pollard would b. glati If nnyonc would gîve hlm informnation ns te lhc wbereabouts o! hIe driver, whicb strnycd from hie place sorne lime ugo. i.),ad le report Mns. Wm. Smith, le somewhal helen aI present. Messrs. Elmer Glover, Andrcw Mur- ison and Mr. Levi Ellens sport new buggies. MYRTLE STATION. Thc speclal services under the lead- ership o! Miss K. Morton are well nI- lcndcd. Sunda>' nexl will be a ver>' speclal day, mornlng aI 10.30 o'clock; evenlng at 7 o'cbock. Mn. and Mrs. Relit Cbisholm meon-r cd te Onono on Sunday last. Lambs. eacb----------..5.00 te il.00, Regs, dressed---------. 11.00 to 12.25,R d c .J F i e Ilogs, seuect ...... .....8.25 t10-9.50; e u d Fa s Chiekens, per lb-------.. 0.18 to 0.20 account VICTORIA DAY Dueks, per lb ..... .... 0.18 te 0.201(A 24 'Geese, dressed, per lb. .. 0.15 te 0.18 (A 4 Turkeyî, dressed, per lb. 0.20 le 0.25 SINGLE FARE-Good golng nnd ne- Butter, per lb ..... .... 0.33 10 0.35 turning May 241h only. Eggî, new, per dozen ... 0.18 10 0.20 FARE AND ONE-THIRD-Good golng Lard, per lb- ..... 0.18 te 0.20 May 22nd, 23rd and 241h. Returu PoItues, per bag- -... 0.75 te 0.80 lîmit, May' 251h, 1915. Apples, per barrel--... 1.50 10 3.00 Return tickets will lie issued betwccn Onlons, per bag..... ... 1.00 te 1.25, alI stations ln Canada cet of Port Ar- Ha>', per ton... ...... 14.00 te 15.00 Ihur and Detroit, and Port Huron, HIDES.- Micb., Buffalo, Black Rock, Ningara Wool, unwnslied- -....$0.14 to $0.17!Falli and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Caîf ekins, per lb .... 0.15 leO 016 Tickets and full l)articulnni on applica- Lamnb ekins, ecd..... 0.70 le 0.75 lion 10 ticket agents. Hides, per ewt------ 13.00 te 13.00 Sheepskins ...... .. ... 0.75 te 1.15 For fu particulars consuit G. T. R. Deacons....... .... ...0.25 leo 070 1 Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Herse Hîdes .... ...... 2.50 te 3.00 Dist. t'ass. Agent, Toronto. Tallow, rend, per lb. ... 0.06 te 0.06 u. -ten)heniç,,,, Agent, phone 36. WhiîI>v -à --r il- i