Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 May 1915, p. 9

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80me mern Prhigl#, Otf eterboro, ng. 117 zhwa ad W r a' 10w days thit meek. Ohaae ~ 9 ere glati to mce hlm. eiMr.J. E. Dîsucy bas rnew' blacksflitb, ba Mi n of the 'shep here. noir MoKie buggy;. ;ven by Mr. Osbomie lu A COR O:O &Î1 ou Moaday night on ýA ver regret le QoI1i5 Bi'y poorli' atteuticti. meu tbb Prize lttfor1 on5 ebaUND i 05055. MP, POIEUIU. -W. s - -- C. &bA . BTGOa" Ui5maswr You Gara Start g. Savlngs Accout idth $1.00. It lanot necesaarY for you te at uSy ou have a large smn1 of money. ,An account eau ho opensil with $l»00-Or moe on whlch Interest la coin4Ouided twlos aL Yeu, WHrrUy 1BRANOH: A. AX ATKINSON, MansgeZ OSHAWA U .H. 1BLACK, Ford Touring Car' Price :$'590. Your» ueighbor drives a Ford-why don't' you? We are selling more Fords in Canada thia ycar'thau i er before-bééause Capa- diane dcinand the beat [n motor car service at the lowest possible cout. The dgMadoin Canaâd Ford is a u-ieeaity-noti a luxuri'. Bus-ers of Ford cars mili share ln our profit if m sel Su),O0O cars bctwccn Auguat 1, 1914, sud Bunabout $54; Tomn Car $84; F.O.B. Ford, Ontario, wIth a&l squipýmqut, Iucipding elecetie headuightis. Carq on dîmplay'and ti sa "W. J. LUKE & SON, S1313 .W WtfiTuYl, S! - Garden Seeds in packages and bulk. New and gooe., Flower Seeds for the loyers of the beautiful. Diutch Sets, small 'and uniform. Seed Coin, of higb germinating quality, and bearing governtnert test. - Seed Potatoes, early -and good yielder. Wu B. PRINGLE& 001b WHITBY CXNTX4RIO - AINT! pAINT! AJNT! Now [s the time to renew and protect youri lui1dings. We ,have the righa paint for any job you want..' For covering capacity and durability we have the best. Cati and get our prices and estimates on- any thing you have to paint. Wall ýPàper- Our stock ia complete and pric es right. Sce our saniples and you will be convince. The famous Rogers' silver-.. waire, guaranteed-for 25 yrs'. Yours absolutely free.. Many Speclals on sade thwweek. toD te ~ eocngratulateti upon thei the Wbltby titi mork, under the Instrue tmenty-four Principal Bell. et Oshawa. or nuis Nom n axti Sprlug Pair was mAe Up for theE printer, lui that the names of Mr. Johnt Viponti andi Mr. Wm. Ormiaton were omitteti trom the lIfst 9f Directors. These men have been two of- the hiard-? est workers for the Pair, and lis eue-c cesdepends very materially on their efforts. Parties receling prize liste wili therefore kindiy rememnber thatt these names should be Include I luthe list, of offcers for 1915. Bec prize lit- elsewbere ln this papar. ' A number of the members of the W.t M. S. of the Methodifit Churob attend. ' Z4' the convention hoiti at Manchester on Monday. Mns. Chinu, wbo bas been ln Toronto for thepast weelc, bis returneti home.. FRic[LLFACE, SUN AND WIND DRING, OUT UGLY' SPOTS. '¶OWTO' REÉMOV 'BASILY.1 Here's a chance, Miss Prcckle-Faeeý,1 te try a rem«edy for;freékies with the" guarantee eto a reliabie dealier that it wlll flot cost you a penny unles hne- moires the f Ireckis;, whiie if it doos give you, a clear ,cm«plexlon, the cost la trifling. Simply get an ounce.,eo otbilne--doix. bie strengt- froiVx any dmurlggit andi a few applications shoul4. show yen hou' e6sy it l< te riti youréïeif of the homely treekies -and, get a beautif ni compiexion. :Harély la more than one ounee ,nede4 for the worst case. De sure.,te aok.,the druggist for -the, q double strength ethine, as this',iithe , prescription solti nuder, guarautei,'6fi money back If It talle to remove freck-1 BÂLBAM. A Tip-top Box Social waa held et the home oef Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Jackson,- on Tuesday evening, May lgtb. ,The',, attendance was veryýlarge, Pickering, Ciarement, Ashburn, GieunMajor suüd otbor"neigbboriflg 'places belng'-repre- sented, Whitby contrlbutedtointiootôr, oadots te e crowd., A spleudid pro- grai as rendereti, ail numbers belng worthy of special- mention, bowever, lack of space prevents us f romn doing, justice to ItL Mr. Mair, the weii-known Wbitby auctioneer, preaided orer both boxes anti the -program lu bis usual able -anti affable manner, wlth the' re- suit that al went 'weii. The sale iras most successful, the boxes averagiflg $1.85 each, anti several sellng for over $3. Everyone reportei a meat enjoy- able timo, anti hope Mr. Maw wmli soon seli another box social ln the nelgb- borbood. A very mati event occurreti lait week ln the death of Mr'. Williams, an otti man who lîveti alone on a farm about a mile anti a hait from here. On Bat- ur4ay ho was frounti deat Inl a fieldi, where he badcbeen plowlng. He mas lait accu alive on Tuesday, anti mai' have boon thore for several days. His borsei mere stîli' wantiering aroundi the fieldti mth the barnees on. The body mas badiy trampied hi'cattie. .OSHAWA BOYS MISSING. in the Canadian Casuaiti' lista pub- lisbed on Mondai', the naine of Private Roy Huggins, of Oshawa, la given a- mong the misîlng. Hoema ell-knomli both lu bis borne towu anti lu Wbitby, mhere ho hati many frienda among the young men. The casuaity lista publilheti on Bat- urdai' last Includeti the naine of Rob- ert -Graham, o! Oshawa, lu the iist of woundeti anti missing. Graham mas botter kuowu lu Whltby as "Big Bob," -Ho mas a man of vcry large physique, anti lu a haud-to-haud encountor, at iat, ho coulti ho tepentiet upon to take care o! a f 0w Germans. for tnat city, uairê 151 i iUÏEUBU ce- pression, te aù~,ui enossbiliti' fort support et the familles of al .ýtbese mon. '(>ir oCuffl' mentleiied. Seint oIY thirteen'mon te the front. The metb. et approiretiof mas, that evori'muni- cîpalîti' iboulti ceutrlbute'-te the Nat- ional fundi, ant i u1 thlis fund moith' 1>' paymenta m oult 'be pai eut te the wlvea anti familles et the soldiers. The Goverament Pays $20 montbli' te the'ý mite or famîli', anethor- $20 la auppli from the Patrlotie Piind, anti aniaditienai 1l5 per montb la deduet- ed frera the aoitiers salari' anti sont te thc mite or tamîli'. It lo aimays sug- geateti that this 156 e net flot for mnaitenance, but t e' set aside an a n-* serve fuid'for future ucedà, > Capt.- mith addtet i ods et InspIra- tien antiencouragement te. thoae iWho mngib reasenabli' be .exectedti teenlst 3&M. Cochrane urgeti -that aW organ- ization bteffectet for.-maklng ,a roua- lng anti coômprehensive :appeai tê al Uice eltizens for a -cotribution: te' the PatrioteFunti. it la proposedt t hold. auotber. meet- hig on Pnîtai' eveniùg e)l, weak, irben It la bopeti a ranch langer attenîd- suce 'of citizen.mIll te present, anti wben Uic preparati'olifor thec aVas ofe Ui tom mai' e efecteti. It la expecteti- that- suother public' meeting miii be helti lu tUic muale hall ucidi'evcntng etfnext meek, Mr.,Ames, oet Mentreal, wmlii give OOD ROA&DB AGAIN. Mr. 3. B. Willisi is 0 ChairmnOf; the Comitteeonood Roga s, orra- How to Caro. fer YorComplexion A MyyMfultom Swet "Your Cb w 11, m" usSihM. log n poMéthodsetfMassage. It oua 1W iai fothe»king atthe NyaAgI c D~S re . ~bould cill o- ls aa&thousaad oher thngs we.cannet -faeam emuluuliy mannlng against NylsPace cruansd convmnce i'oiur efofits cleandng and refreshingauti beautIfylng quailes. It ia greaees taaquickly absorbed by the . lalesves no ahine, and gives a lansmootb, cool sensation, quick e rremomrlng the Irritation Producîeti hi wlnd, and weathçr. liq& . AUl Nysi preparations are justiy fan- eudnt noue more se than Nyai'. Face Cri= which wounhesitatingly recoin- menti. Cali or tuehone us for yens- OY of tIds book wbîch contains mt T0. WhîioId, Drugglst, WltbYo Ont. MYRTrLE LIVERV Firat Class Riga for hire. Special attention given te, commrercial travelera.' Bus meets ail trains. TEOS. SIEITH. Prop WHITBYEXC G HSFOR SALE TH-E FOLLOWING: 200 Bal,! of Potatoes 42 Bushets of.Butckwheat- 10 Dairy Cows. 1 Good Gelding, ý5 years. 1 Cteam SeparatoT, good. 12 Young Pigs. 1 Pumnp, ,neariy new. 1 Set Heairy Hre 2 Windmls. <ýEXCI#ANGE MANAGER WMe oepenr o e food-r eait~,anaim % same time dsevRle fatti' tisan ei tfron ani' part of' th.ýbody where there Cao la excssive fat. Ili his 'Way rasai'Ca& have reduceti their mélzht at the rate ano of about a lb. a day, aitine flabbiness thi la left. uni Any druggist ec1au suppiy -you, or a iar large alie box mli be sent on recelpt Wli of $1., Address-D. J. Little Drug Ce,, forý box 1240, Montreal, Can. tex t they madeethec ig the aftenoon. eiInspecter, was ,h the work' 0f 'th a'*a Hlgh Behool Lth otf frty-elgbt,' boys representeti èitbw.er f these bad ln mblch partien- qare.lortunate., Tbe tCorps mas'there- oattract special at- tIi. Thé boys arè Farmer'sYeaur It will 1 bc a Ycar'of Profits because Faro~ Pro- dûcts wiIl be higli. Part of thèeè extra Profits wilI b.epend4e ina Parm linprovemcnts, paintingbu'Id' etfr . tewise, fariner will inke ve t- tthe B-H *'ENGLISH" label ieseeno eVerY çan of -paint that he buys. 1-H 1ENGLISH" je the only pain t that con- tains as, its base: -70% of Brandram's -B., B@. Geùuine White Lead and 30%o of Pure White -Zinc. A Guaranteed Formula of Pest Mt ials., Call in and set us abodpaiet ing and. Painting Problems. J. MINTREWkilby LEGÂL JNO. E. 1AUMEWEILL, ILC. Barrister, County Crown Attorney and County solicitor. Offce, South wing Court HouseWhItbY Dsi'lstsr. Soilaltor, NourPublic#, 5w Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. 0. VOUNO UTHLLB. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES. Court House, Whitby, or rosidence. D, A. J. SWANSONý *Convoyancer, etc.,'- oto.' Oshama, -'Ontario. Offce-No. 2 Ring St. -E,, Mackle BUL Resitience--52 ,Drewr Bt mhones-Olfice, 321i Residence, 326 MONUMENTS- of lDszl0isud laterfal opt ln Stock I t miipay- yen te ealat our mork& ant i hipeet for yourself. .-Don't -ho muilet hi' agents. W. do nof emploi' thons. Conequentiy me' candntdteallow Uic agent'. commis- Mincof 0f epr cent, mblcb you ii crtainly'gave hi' prcbasng from u&:> A Cai Sellictted-. Office sud Works Opiposite Hewis Drothers, 'Wbitby. For -WINNIPEG' a'nd--VANCOUJVER leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. daily. Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POJNTS. Parlcaar.fro Ç.*. get. or writ ER. BLOW, Agent, Whiitby a't' 't Arel Yôu Paintng On tel <24t]!ý'! U¶j@ôcJ.s Dey" 15 "Spic sud Sffl Dey", wb.o .wrbody lits out thefr point brushas. The' "Mth" ornes jut et the ight tisne forixy o t he Bouse lto now coat of paint-to freshen Up the Pcf* d IPmFo« Pcneto do ah. floors -sud Wals-in shora4 to maku>'r -hImm spic spmn, Inside end out. I4ARTUN SENOUI PAINTS AàNýDVARNISNME luclude&en h n "ed for- raina Da". *. crr ii. Mn. of"10'.Pure" Paint-4mise Md1.sdSpaffl s.-àdw bêu .d t.eive ou color carde f fi e n" .. rola m.6us Âik£5 eay i .aa .."T o eia" CAM"" a mW.'D for prices wil noir, whili Order.s mi Joncs' bai st., or il reaidence, Shedsas station. Wu E Phone 1ee A- i Issuer oet * Ce 14o Wltnesses The -creator1 Land Beal*zatate Je Bentie Colleetec 'ProÉpertL For tarins app! Beii Phone 193, RICHAROfON WlIi be pieaSe kintis of Pl Properti House and aboiî some fruit treeg Pl a property toel lh Country'Heul.ests Lurnisde 6 Atela TORi <10$. l91 LIVERYI BROO-K S Âl1 kinds of s rige for hire. train stand b~ Hôrses bouý commission. -, souiid driye teama 'for s hay and s traý delivercd. ' .For priee office or phei S tablý IAW W LAWREI The, Bmter Canda I mproet &àI.and'00. !m2Eo TORONTO A -WaII haper le Get our coupons onl Silver- ware OIlven Away AbsoIuteIy Free, uni re 70 Bel, Phmwi»,,

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