111E GAZETTE D CII Vol, 52-So, 34 WEIRY.ONTARIO. CANADA', TI YFEBRUARY [ç~15 O .GOODPLLOW & SON, itï Palm oive The perfect. toilet i5aCHAS#..KING. FORMER wHITr&{CIIZEN~, DEA-Di WAS FOR YtEARS PROMINENT IN- LOCAL. AND MUNICIPAL UFE. qI ' fu cmplexions. For every meniber of the [amnily; and- For every toilet use For sale by _j. E. WILUIS Druggist. Priofessionà l CardaI JftO. E. FAUIEWEIL, KC, M8a1ister, County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor.. OIR south wing Court House, Whitby. A. F. CHRISTIAN serrlster. SèNiter. l<elare Plublic. Etc. Ofice, Brock St., Opp. Standard Btnk. Money to Loan. 6. VOIJNO SUITH, LI.B. MARRIAGE LICENSES CoutriHouse, WiLitbye or residence. D.AJ. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubilic,. Coniveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, -QOtario Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-Si Drew St. Phones-Office, 321 ; Residence.. 326. Tk Oamte t., C da lm1 nmet à Laid Go., Llmnltsd" ROM lKsiate Dealer.,Emtates Manag.èd, Usutit Collected, Firmt Lutin. Arrasngeil, FrFropertkeR 1huuglt anid moid. Frternis apply 1105(1 Office, Brock St.ý W11 tPhone 193,. md.l'bogie 7o. Sale.m %anagers, WL COURT, Piastoror 44 iymilmgtsn Ava.. TORONTO WiliI b pleaa*"i to -,ive esqti1mates on all FARMEF INCE MUSIT XSE PRODUCT. N---K PATRJOTISM AND PRODUCTION CONFER-' EPf(CE JIELD IN, WH*ITBY. in the deatb of Chas. King, at bis Mr. King, at ail limes exhibited a "Patziotism and PrOdmtioW! Day . greal>est savinga. . Better and niore home, 80 IIowIand ave., Toronto, nn commendalAe public- spirit,- and close- in Witby, We&nesdaT of tbis we, -<mproved farim machinerv j n *ayj Moniday of tbis week, , Whtby 'basyq deui led himée1f with etws was »cjUfan auspidethti day for- the Of workiiig-tbis out. s nwai touet One of ils warmest frfendsa, a 'civie a.id educational, institutions. fazming cotnmunitv I té attend theThe plantîng of corn re ceived some tita who waz responsible for a goo" Frt~ayw years'b. served- as -a metixngs beld, owii-.g - t te beavY- attention, and an, interesting is deal of tbe progresà -lii. towtn bas en- j member of lb.DCouneil; and occupied fait Of! rain, but d'ýsiÂte bad roads, *cuSgIoI toc& place . Mr. Todd -urgmt- joyed, and Sw - wbo wau a: large- jfor seve-ral .terms 'the position 'Of a gôedly, auiei« â ttendane, 1v recommended the Use f econ bearted, puulk-.pirited getleman'.Rm-ev e H- at nine yeara ini the at tbe mubarn laU~ eu.the meeting pircbased On the cob.. One*uhlo 1fr, l(lng's 4sth ôçermdeL lr -auécîîhil aiud a ionlck Cr soil S or .tee crs fUsauo uwa W & 1 8~ it~1 - o 1wir-1IJ1 -II-S <&-Irin"kWseet corn - ;sould. be tes te'ifor Whtý,a short fame agOý but s<>on and of siatage, te-lus !eb-,0 M rried o emntoadun o14en> ~ T. .~ tourt IJoià à aê c e fje~w - l~wtù Uinlà .- îi± wll'grow. '1fr. '1'd gv aer was destîueil not to reco rer. Word: te the M .ngston ltoad were dS tb ing farmers .bte4 nong her-I-s1pl m1.d ! .esigave ay tbese of bis deatb came le Whlby on Mon-, lis management as cliairmai" & te Itestions *to produ'w rMe udan m ilr aoradeoeshig day evenlug. tý Countv Property COmunutbee. iflt stock more scient'r.-tati> se ltaI dei'ices, the farimer wvas. urged.t0 !à t- The part played by the late Mr. 8Mtritce the County were sûIlably It'aaada mnai take ut,'r proper place erease-his production.. Ring un the ffnahing of Whitby was a rewarded in lhis election toe eWar- 1ae chie( pr-olider fr te British Roots seeds will lie scarce in, 1916. promiinent une, lie boing interested in denship. He held the positiou Of 'Empire. in this hot,,!ane.ed., - said thec speaker. Therefore, -it would anïything that Pei-tain&I b 'the wel- President of the WNhitbv B3oard of!1E- Mavor Willis presided aà t the lie wise for farmers- to try' o rOw lare o! the t»wn, to which lie came Trade for some time, d took a ueroussinsdmd ape-throw rotsdsMrTO1d- when a voita miao! twent-five. He ivery active interest in ets affars. d&d intiroductorv .-spvech, before cail- scribed Ale manner -o! doing. this, was bora la the city o! Pra'gue, Aus- VHe held a seat at tle Board o!, Ed- ingý on Mr. -Robiert l4iller, o! Stouif- whlch Wsîoe ~vr Ipe tri-Hugai',in183, tidrena~c1ucaio fo sx-tesyears. and was ville, prominent fý;mer and lire alt.hough verv few fariners ever w& chairman o! the Board, for a lime, stock b'reeder, . mîkWdeIx' as aubmt ille suggse ht ec Il wilI- th'us le Ss taI -lie gave te authority upon quogitons relatiýn-g t1 man try te heé ettcpoaA bis felloiv-citizens an Unihrited a- >lire stock. e"" shortahenert i-car. e' munt f tme and effort in seei ng Mr. Miller bas setr a good deal ol EV IG SS1N f4- or the good aftd for te advancement the world un île cren o! lis exper- vi" o h ota ence., and lias been in em v on The attendanve at the ever gsî 1'~Of late years Mr. King lad retired sevea casos Ht 'reférred te the, sien was less cncouraging than un thî.e, f roint aative business. life, the flra's conditions existing ai th îe Ger- aflernoon. Most o! tle faitr a i- nterests being in charge of lis sous. mas especiallyi speakitig o! the' !ound. if ttcssr 0 eo~ on ~ fi, hweve, fequntîy Cam b armig cmmuiîv 'V,;ëre, and slow- before dark, owing- toheld oas Whilbi'. and at such limes gave the ed how even te stok breeder liad Howeer, son.spaer 'put Fbi Sbusiness tle benefi t o! bis presente. te obtain permission, frourn the coun- ~aii a hr,4 o l un ;s . Mr.- Ring was a Liberal in politics, -try wlien foreigners wisled te pur- lIÀ y. Tbose %,ho were' pre.scit were ~ 'i ad n woocason la am W.5oh~s smeofiliranmas. Von those deeplv oinberested, lu luth pat- iromineitîr brougît forward teorthb- Buelow, Chancellor, l-ad te ask riotism and production, a f air pro- '~4s T~lluse oT Communs. - He waà a Prom- perission to seilsortoe slieep tou Mr. portion o! the aunîber being ladies. tri ent Royal Arch Mason and Kniglit Mi.ler, at one lime. 1 Mavor Warren .oceupied, tle chair Temlaf The men aI bthe front, said Mr. and r'alled on Mr. Todd te spcakç' a- The pbitlglraph on tIts page,. wh Mill uer, are pex1fornine;tleir" Iasksà gain. Mr. Todd repeated aaany ofils nul a recenb one, will serve.tlu recal nv% 11hleroista, d'uihng the great War remarka made at the -afterntoônt meet,-. the- well-known featur-es te bis lmy Dow raging_ Te keejp these rmen sup.- ing, inasmudli -as lucre .vere soe friene. -plied witl necessaries, enable tetapresent Wtho hadt sot br b ie' te Mr.an Ms. in wrebtessed te remain- there, aad 5%1tkeep .VIe attend theta. -lcashwer i- * wtha amiy ! ixsons adbohm countri- supi htiis lroduced much new mnaterial,, and, ildaugliters. Samuel King, B.A., isa-a'tkne, farnmesad Rtruly loyal mande a most interestding* address. - -j practicimng barrigtet- ia Toronto ; citizens stsuuld do thel: ulmost. The ln thec mabter o! growing crope to TII t tTE 'Mit KING. -osepht and Theodore bave beeon tissu- duty o!f te fariner 1,ý in une direc- referre'd.to the fact-that îîc't vent.r ciated will Ileir fater in busines, lion, th lotira low. uProduc'e more -there mai- lie a grealer denîand- for lu lis natite land untîltWent-v. ears and ILeu, Adain and Wm. are fa bimi- and botter live stuél.. - pot-aloes in proportion lu the stp- of age. H-e tIen caume out lu the 'ness lu New York. Thb:daugbters are if > Canada la teact ato I l- u hlhr suewv l aew land, and for five i ears- was in Mm. Godwin, New York, and Mmr. grtsary of the worîd, r thelt. sore- which ecn tle town rési dent. mav NewYokwlentu jînd itsbrUt. raai, orat. ouse ot Ihe -worli, --bon 'wttmust he4p, 1v growing. soie potatees l'ai or, Who had preoeded bimtaebuWhiIty. f Thé funerà l-, wbicb was. private, hItow how lest bk bt gaar i oabakya4 very uittle T I e f o r e r P r o r î e p 9 ~ , i~ I 4 h w a s b l d I n T o r n t o -a n d t le s t o r e b ou s e f l w Ita g r a in h lp s , a d if v r h o s e o ld n r w e r e n erybee being desirousolldispose Ring Bros.' taanery irs losed1 dm-'-*t..: of is usiess * iteMeus. Çt~ s '. .- y o. ' o kpti.creased -production wieulld bc'enor- ~u~gtclacl-m~e, îteu% ~ eea.~up, 'sou Wbat'r j Io dpnnc lmus-.lie urged everi- lorai Cicizen tb lae an rowing nduà e x,: Tbo'- -otfre*omm ini ls in Ibe world on Canadl and tle Unît- tedo even .lis* littie 'part luinbihs lb.c eiarÉ and wi g i-adutr erssons o!svmuaa-te t'b hee e- ed SâIes -for live stoc'k is - now wai-.- whlb elst la Wtilby o-dy. reaved widow and familv. grenIer titanever befoie. ..oln areofoesbd -Mr. Mutler'- abwed ýok quickly' tleo! it"al lihe Ontario Goveramentl la horse supply avaftlable in Englanmd dune and is dolng t;b assuat the farta- H 10H SCiIOOL W/EEKLY EXAM S. and France wililibe. useýd up by'bea1 r uittItis farta belp probleiti. 1Mr. _____lies,___wilïtn a r, IhoeBaid. :ln viewFarrelilibas to'ured aond'thé world, -o!f ts tact, Â'rra'i. being calîed and las done inucit work for 'tle (Ommtte.d front 4asb Week's issue).- upon 50ow and utillhaler. . But, Government1n .recin-emigration Foî v "Cranfrd" Presented a1t ilie e limé'- for produciag a suit- tlu Ontario. 'Thei farta help- question Clemiislrv- E. Sexsmitl 70, ~ Patrioric Concert. * able horse is four or - five vears, received a' good dent of attention <'ook33, Il. Long 21E.. tterefore we must assuie litlie re-fo£laneoird eea ig Pormi 111. OtroLais'Colgponaltv orlredngwar lorses: gestions -as".bu how men might he i-' Cener-E'(zq<eldring,81, Iii.Ken- (ttr Ldis 'leecontributed - But aft;er tle war lte' sotIer cous- duced lu stav 'lanOnlarilo .on, île ney 84,tM.-Rut. 4,ILR ihr -s share uf the. work fî)r rniging tri twill need a great ttany itorses, farina rallier7titan tluck l' hîe West - nd 8, L. Ruttan 78-4,.Roihar' Itititfor Patriot4e purposes whlea the ad ('aa1da's duly w'ilblu upl o«t-n h1'elcs ,ecrso-« o so62, . rullan 0, 11 lbno rîîtc AtCu !îe tai"ele.Cattle, hoîvever, %Cil be called that 1Mr. Farrell wished lu put..east - K 'Nicholson 48,- .itn prcs,nte.t "Cran-ford, on Friday for ail lte tiine, and tta -~~C Lntn 4 eennelM.inîe dd"thetA,, aetion O!fagainst west in a'c<onl est for -sec-ut-- kindit orft Laserîig, in tOc. 1099 41, 1). Luton 38, M. MacUrtti- Charge.sLudera te. Write for Ternis. I32 . J.('Cnhor 26, H-. *Ialnier-15, -- - .I-awrtuce 5, J.. Gales 0,* L. An- FRED McBJEN roits, .. lislop, 1). Waugh, absent. FR D W. I RNForini1l. Carpnter, Duilder and Contracter' rnd-A. (roldring 80, F. -B, IHenà erson 75t C. M. -Jackson 76., -Plans drawn and euîim.îtes furnished. E. O'Connor 65, ýE, E. eYonk 63, M. RfIflirs, Alterations and Jobbing. j Bucklèvý 53, H. Harrison 45, 'A. RicI-1 SCOKIN, ONTRIOardaun 36, A. Kenoîed 34, B. Meeker , 1. Bell 25, Gy. R.cbertsoa 24, G. - ~- A McGîlii'rav2. VILLAGE FARU - Forta I. 7o acres, Durlamt Couinty, convenical. raiiway, six roorncd dweîtingi, nce me surroundings,smalorchard, frame Lr, arnal acreage wroo4s with live ring creek, about twohty acres -pasture nd along the creek basic. Wouid uic. a suitable poultry niazket garden truck farm., Twenty*five itundred CHN FIS11U3R &'P.0 wsiry Reail Etato and Farta BruItera Lumsden Building i. h I&soi UVUTI SALE AU" lAuNI STABLES, SNOCK Sot.,WU ?f single and double mre. Bus t~o m&Hthe à bagg. etranifer. ought anmd souc on on. 8ouao good river sind« heavy r B$là ; &IBO baled -ra in sny quantiÃŽty llistory-L. littbbeil 80, M. Alla- way 79, D.- Bradbury 74, K. Lavery- G7, J. Long 53, C. Quinbon 50, E- . Fishier 50, J.. Toms 50, E. Kernp '49, E. Ei-Vidge 41, M.' Smtlî40, W. O'- Corutor 39, F., Stephenson 34, A. Goidriag 31, G. Mlcntyre 30, L. Ra- vin 301, M. licintyre 30, W. -'Willis 291, H. Rime 21, -W. Beatty 19, W. t3tith16., n. Thôtason 14,' A. Rice ;9, C. Bryat4. Worm IV. l'idera IlwlsÃe.-E., .SeusmlI 82, Ida (tr.vjr4& E'AtgObx*.-M. Ruttan 94, T. Pr 94, E. Ooudring,88, -R. Ricita 185, -M. Kenuedy 81, C.-avec XK. Nicholsoit82, M."Robins"n0' RuIlat 61, C.7 listes 48,, L. drcws 43, D. Lultm 48, V. eol 10, J. -'ýo'no l, J.- uslop M.K Pegg 9, H.,Palm«rS,1. Wal PhyeSic. 'Jbatn78, A. tardso« #Ss -G. lelfû O fRçbertsôb58, H4. Arkuey5SA. nedyS?, D. Bell 5, C.MJat 56, E. Crouk $3, C. 1'Ià *ltt52 jRobtiscôn 59, A.- Goldriag,47, iShirley 48, E. O'Connor 43, In. jrlwin 4, Ir. ward 40,"M.BucUte fM. GotdfringS37, B. MoekerSM 1Tarvm 23, F. Harlock17, F.- 1 Tllhor . Ç QIntes 78, K. «eY 72, K.Clmclntyre 69,' M. Afl 02, L. Hubielig1, JD. Bradbry lit... liait . 'u' ue at tareis aoy weit ne iroeted lu ing lelp-bul wlen men are hrough.b the auspices of the 1'rafalgar Daugh- breeding caIltle, both for food aud te Ontario lv tle Provincial Govema- - ers and the 0. L. C. .i>alri otfic L l1ub. leatiter. ment 'le feit .blev-sloufd remain bore. (Townspoopie t-urned out in a goodIv - Sôldiers 'hai-e volunteered -for sel$-- and tIev wouîd *do Sîu only if. treabed inumber lu attend »1e eiilertaint-nciuî. 1îice, aI tle front ; we should volun- properir-. CTe reserî-ed seats- wore practicaýli, IeL'r for service aI urne l'a keeping: Mr. Farrell 'empliasized tlic invalu-~ all occuple'd, afid a large number o!f'up tle suppli- o! coniniodities. ,i ie ufresb'bt s the general adîttisuion sals mwrej "The Duty and Opportunity o! lIe bario Agilicultural College - ab Guelph, ai.so bâken, su ltal on,- lhe 1«" il.bi'. Canacuan Farmn, larelatiori bu fart anadI lthe District Representatives 'those la chargeofuthîe corrert 11.1<1 crox's," n'as the subject denlt-wiitl h îe- - robnto!Ariclue guod reason le foot 'gratlied witb l le bh-11r. S. E. To'dd. o!flhjlly, Su- tadli Coutv.. Ho sliowed -lho* tarins rnfeo er a skt2h o!Enê'istentendeat o! Fartîts. Provinciailbave been greatly. increased in value îihlae lit, o abs-thout l e gi Ai Sretarv's Departnient. Torohito. lv lIe application o! principles, and nas wiitten by 'Mrs. Gsel n *ip"ofautb ime 183(), situation faces -the farmers o! g;ggestions inade by, these aizeacies. biti artprseledlvGasel, anada sudh as las acuîer pre-aited intensive, ratIer tIn extensive, CtAq: Ma pr pesïte 1 h? Draînalic before, and il therefore eqircatiaton wae the bur-eno! Mr. Far- Art Club was ln lhree Ails. studi,-,said '-%Ir. rodd. ondibiuus i nl's esa ede-drove il hom TIescris bd It stouv ! lte'Wstern Europe are suc tn ot witI all e force o! lis Dersonailft*. -social lile. o! the village of ('ranford, ose -wbto is prepared to ose ' mono' n x ..TpeBSADsr ,av~ rwvuIepae nwihbeavilv cas even reluis- bls breed- Rersntav amWblv md fnothtng as ei ing aS a. wO ï ad ing stock - prices for lu r nlg few remarksa, urgiag îhe farinera lut takn place for ena. The social set r sen bu- uirh an etent. Dnrkc-oeato. ýwas coiaposed largel of malder lad- HJclland, and otter ce les re TsGalu.o!Olno ides l08, with. a couple o! ,Mg îied wo moan clearlag outm r h bsuely 'lee.voed~bt uonewL 'tr n sit aslhrngbf4 oub we eryDairv cows ' are. loin eug1ter- ptriolie sfeeo. The s1uaion trouou wee ery; ed 1'I geiy. "For-a tlime: »ow l bp reoraîted- Ê Il nrei jarnusiag'.and i caused m"y a liiem î I perfected lfrneves la ther var- slould prepare -for tie-eedtgi ~i' e eepee Idus pats, d; t mut b sai4 tat d ngrfruîtiUristý. I btt prts ad lb ua l sa4lblt'The man wbo.-dec' course for fthere bas seldomn boom a play gven te nent year on te, of profitf- byteC& in wblc bebtter bis-'alune le nol a brun - o. W,- F eoi, ~ e re 1-troakabîlity bas been ehows. Miss hould and muaI 'do îil .tOif 0'Caherne mccrrmlck, -as MU 8Ma- Coînayey itboulb goniPe«- tLtlda Jeni-ms, and- Mia Ednti Wake- -muel weifare and gain. auldiers An- field, as, Mms. Betty Barke, led thie do nul tilak o! laI, nor Idwe 'wiil be very:pleas<sig te ýh ýroty mcml dIMicitparts, and woe espe- 1 aad' panru latdim whobo aeSetS . Scair lvrlttier ok Todd'i chie! subîoct.. s-ehours hnibting and.zewlag :for lte -M.8 i. costumes of the partlitettn«. v awar la Europe ,tu- 1comfiurt ofo!OuBoys a . aet Z were,<of c9uueS, lypical 0fAhie early o rlaycietn l f to know liaI lie' War ReliefSocety Pvrt o!rlime 11hmt. tury, ndý mlidW theb. orltlugrain supplY. >wv«, i1shpped 1a *eek thre. cauen 0f RPt thrtoy msmg. -1v n h -the world's for 'beautifully matie articles to te -Cau- The T.proceedeeoftthe concert wlllbe.'next 3Tr 'will e greaty 'âCcW, 1d -nCningent Agaucion, lon- G. dem e.>tepat.riotie purposes., oharle'a Part la SUPuYing lte afim oEnla. ociioig ut Io ikbu .sirtage of wiat wmil not nuéê te contentse:96"pa1rs soecs, 55 pairs of' 1E. VTSITED, TORONT. bé gmet,;lie West must iookaer jwristlets, 41 fianiel shirtks,-55 nie5-#r Il Ti.yugms h thal.. Onarieoscu~ a Pruiur lor, 3. knittd choiera boita, 19 su!4"z H an.er. ah lie hor In atend-oflive stock and f odtlr, andzul - yjms,43fm -hieabelîs, mS88 r -a theo rt a ureli ei tte thing rod - tio jk'at bxs adg, 3.Batla-va caps. e18- , rete.to -a ud r l t dretonte ' e alsték-pouô.euild ie ~Also sent bu recrits -in Qsh awa-25: on Tesdy uner he.ýdimIonof 9crewd'i, g es sbold be P0ém.tifannel shirts,- 25- Balaclavra caps, 2.5 ,FI 1f-r.TiMpper. The, Parlasent"büUlitiioeio!fréed be tnereaËmd s uovftw one. vi~ TheIriistc f'Arielim ý fe farmers of Ontario 7 The Sciety lu very grateful,tan-1 Lsv-Uon 1f. Duffxeclvedlie ~ fve adeedO ho the. faltVfd 'worioers-Who ay ls os, a. uf.idvedte n» la e shoowlae emmoe 1 a bave made Il osibe tlu make lese' la 9, bies fic. Owang h aek o! m e ihot iceep on. ore' aaireus i M 4"g e ous donatio s. As the work oî! Vis. ~ fSmnuti moaile h6 attend the, nioe re m, -tl.y woz'J4--add 190 kn onfrl o heslate qg 49, si of lHe u. Ie' ooe,'M e 10 thi e- ai the , inimsl itl«uiue wiilNte war as M&SI yaT& Mid loveraipaeldng iiomm 'h»u. orgmftzatien lais 'us- P ýwould b. ýverv glad of vo1uileeri W, ~, Isé,fjj ani Uo iav w~'cepU tiis.ssi x. ~~i l 'dp make up .more flhnnel shlrlfa Wlb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~d R lapIel a a av ê oudd~ d ed cross nigitdrs Il R.U Oe ismelff ho dt . cemmInItee bave eut a- number %%tMe" InOmtmatIse .zelatIng tIci' 111.-,1 , nmvUtor IWO*articles, and anyoeomay gel JnSomry, and efuoti Cm o0f, - article or InstructonIs as te, from lirs. Chas. Ted. ToGroator. Canada Imprel'not. & Land Cou' Liin WHIUBVEXCHANGE -For Sale j Wanà ted 2000 bus. of Seed O0ais. 250 bus. Gf Seed Wheat'. 40 bus oôf Seed Peas. 300 bus. .of Seed 4Wsrley. 200 bags of Potatoes i Diriving Mare.- I good Dairy Cowý. - 15 -Sbee*p 3 Short ýHorn 'Bul G samniples o! Seed Grý.in Pointues,ý etc.-, can lie accu at tIc office. Particularsof -Livc. Stock giron on ap plicajiton. 'Cornein and sec us. Seed Grain, al i Timoth. Seed. CI ver Seed, 'Y(oung ,Pîgs. Pouhtr-. kinds Sl.eighs.. Apples. SLà les. Hay. If youlave any gouda, mentii abov'cy-ou desire to sol, io kasu 9aat once. XVe cari tîcrn for you. Corne in: and see us. Consuit at once WMNIMAW MANA GER 0« F EXCHANGE Bell, Phogne195 lad. Phone 70 ~d Shoes on the mari We have the-Jatestlin Jaies' and missès' fine goc Chi.1drenl's Sclýool Boots, always en hand. - S out Me' s- and Boys' Fine Boots. Men's Worlcing ,Boots.our speciaity A full, stock.of Ruhbers and- Overshoes always ha.nd. Nol. trouble. to show goods. JOHN .-PEEWHI PI-INE 151 [TB WSe ,Guys *The people ýwho* give their hens. Royal Pui Pouùltry. Specific aire, the WISE GUYS who, selling New Laid Eggs at fancy prices. k oyal, Purpie 1MAKES their hens lay. It will -MARE yur hens 1ay also. Royal PuýpIe -Poultry',Specific Put up in 25C -and Soc packagres and large tins at $1.50. lu hLm gWHIT -BY, ONT. iPhones: Bell, NO. 47; Jndependent* No. 47 LOWE.R PRICE Beef, a staple.fuud produci in. tus coultry, bas amerialiy reoe We keep a goot-i sppiy of tihéieaty gsok Pek ais amuch, 4lwer, sudsou' that cold weatber util soos be wi h a -largo consumptoù of MI =,ppuarfood. e'otatSs con*titute a'.large ab#Mt of table Supplieý, and tiey aotflfty Per cent Iower tiaa -1Maiya. - Sugax ise as shown veaicnesa te the oxteat Of00 U n"ar keepers may -be escourged anà V'm invited to îupply thuedal Pnmigl& Cos sore Ticy have choke new Raisins, extra v-alue i Cuurns «sd induce repust ondemu W.B. 'PFUNGLE & C - WJÙTSY 0T2*RI0.