Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Feb 1915, p. 4

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80 airs' Corsets, longaud short - kngth-, loes* that, we have only few sizes in butal siMes .amt.ug the lot. Regùlar value ÏI2V-.50 and 82.00. -Sale Prioe$1 Men'. Silk and Fur Lined Oloves, inutsn shades only. Sizee 7k~ te 10.* Roi Îar value 1.25 .-en IA - 50 *.UU. Sale Pricesi$ 3 ,l,-z. 3Men's Silk So, fi tan, I tîck aliJ faticy colore. Sîzes l0o cly. ý Regulitr value 50 and 7ic pr- Sale Prie 3 pr.flor $ Ladies' Fur Muffâ, i Beaver 2 only black Cosa and Veste. Lidie.' Marmot'Mink sud ,ear and Electrie SBeal. Worth Begular value $10.00. Size 8kin Nock Scarfs. Regular 5.00 and $10,00. 86 ou)?r. value 3.50 to 84.50. Sale ePice Sale Price (sacb garmont) $ Sale Pirie $1 Men'e Fur Lined Cape, in tweed .,and plain colon%. Reguýlar value 1.25 tQ.8l.50., -"'Sale Prie $1 10 only Boyse Beaver and grey Persian Lamb Cap,%. Regu lar value 2.50 te $8:50. Sale ei4ice"$1 20' Ladies' Blouses, in white laàwn,,col'd miîks and nett milk, liîîed, Rugular 3 50 to $6.âOU Sale Price $1 Below we give- you: a long list, of genuin el bargains that, to fully ,enumerate, would take ýtoo mueh" space -and lime. If you have a dollar to spe-ndý, examine..these goods and- satÏsfy yourself that they. are the best value, ever offered in Whitby. ý Goods wilf be placed on- tables etre of store. Coin.#, -aîid Iook thcm- "over. Nothing will'.be -sold or selected for "sale till ,-atîrd;iy, February 2Oth.. Also SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. i.n'a Simple AiU Woel Shirts. 1<gular viilue -1.2b te S$2,00. -Sale Prie $1 Men's Hard 'and Soft Ha&ts. Regular vale 1.50 te 82.50 Sale Prie $ .Blaek and Colored Silks, 40 ini. wide. Regular va'ue 81.25. blen's and Ladies' Sik Neck Odds in Men'a and 'Ladies' 7 Ladies' Overskitt, in tweed Searfs, imall colors. Regular Sweater Conate ,,,Reg. value and bIàck serges. Regular- 1.25 to $2.00.- 1.50 te $5.00, value 8.00 to 85.00. Sale Price $1 Sale Price $1 Sale Price $1 10 Boy'e Two Fiece Suite, aizes 10 Children'e Coate, to fit agee Men's Combination'Underwear, 22 to 25, regular value 2,00 3 te ô yeare. Regular value large-- sizes only, 42,- 64, 48. to 84.00. 2.00 to 84,00. Regular value $1 50. Sale Price $1 Sale Price $1 Sale Price $1 -Men't I4încy Wash aud Tweed Vese, "Sizea 8e ta 40 oîily. Regular value 1.25 ta 83.00. Sale Prie$1 2 doz. Meu'o Print Shirts, with and without collare. Regular value 81.00. -aePIe«2.fr1$ $1 Gods will be placed on tables in centre of st re.Conadlokhm v.Nthgwilbrsidralwetoe selec:ted b any custc.mer tili sale starts, SaturaFbur 0h I - I e gj t If ,1,. Pattiotism and Production. The jrine ,Objot cf( tht campaIgi formnation. ImWroved metheds o! btèufiomta ea _ -- e t prvide the people of the coun-. eedlng and Cultilvation will be dis- dumabytht on gi Eluewhere iln thielieus wlll ba seen try w.ith 'an. OPp6tuni1ty *te beome cussed as applied to present needs. mediate district. n aeiounoemeêt of the Patriotism- acquainted with the conditions pro- Every persan ln the great Brit4sh EVA BRAD1LY DEAD. On public bulli MdPràdiwtiS, Conference te be lield valling, and liloely te previ, owlng Empire has a < fltnyto Nîlfri. The At an early hour on Friday morn- spent in Bowman, [n the, Munie Hall, at Whitby, -on te -the deýsstatiôn of the unfcortù- opportunity o! going ta th '"fr nt""g, the death angel siited the home lirild alinLinde2 rerayý24th. The Dominion and nate countiries o! Europe, caused by ln Europe daeent corne to everyone, R0aI. ndMr.BrdlyKi8ton hall, $39,7&y2.09 r Prvnal nen are co-oper- tht ter.rible war. lrue, everyone;is but te the d"(rosit" wecari go On aur Rahet, and chtlimtheir u ly e building,, $13,610.5 atdhig In ponducting a Patriotie Caïm- iterested l12 the outeomep the con'- own farms right bers ln Ontario. The' Yars. U'arly thus year E-va wa On 1haýbors, the pajgn througliout the Dominion of flict now being wagçd, and endeavers boys in th trenches ln Frnc and talcen iii with typheid fee, and wert imade: Bow o.anada. tast pliday, a similar con- te keep himoelf Posted on tbe pro- Belgtein ar eaeding on th farm this* was fdilowed by the developrnent -- of anotiher disease' which soon sap- srecs was held at Beaverton and greass belug -made, b-ut do we al eraof Canada and other great Brit- ped the youni Ilile. No lippe of lber Train Ti mest WItý encllent nucesea. Mon oL thoroughly munerstand conditions as ish Caienles for their very exIs't- reovery was held out te the Parents IYomlnlon-wide reputatlon, bave benta bey reallY are, bath la Europe and once. Without their nid t.heir ta* wha cauld only watch for the end, 0 e ,ecured te deliver addeses, and ln eux own co'untry ? The men who would be alaiet ht>peless, for they aterdoi.ng al lun bmari power ta malte ler last days as comiortable ase ,-rhee the meetings are held are comng te Whtby have made a must be fod. Are - we golng ta de oll great enthuslarnn and Interest pro- careful study oftUme conditions, and. car litVle part for the triumph o! the Eva was a briglît, intelligent child, G ,al.are prepared ta give us valuabît lnu-, aled cause ? The very. near future the joy af the i homne. She was a pus-G. _________________________________________________will answer, and answer In no ui- pil o! the l3aptist Suinday Sehool, WHITBY where &be won the love o! teachers GoOig Nweut,-4.52.. - cetintnt.and officers., Those who loved - ler lO The caîl "YourKing and, C'ountry have tihe joy o! kaowirig tlhat some ... - l07 Pi! Need You" applies not anly ta go - weeks Mieore she tack 411, she gave .... 7-40 Pul on the firing hune lu Europe, but alsa ber heart taeJesîîs, and on lier dyinig Sunday trains -ffo te a sia our lver lu nd iribe - Yo t.o the flring lhue an tht Canadian bed was net afraid, and oenfeMed4.3aman . letV inyu i i ut f r Or amad htcl ed ody sthat shte' was tully Vrusting lunlIm. onto-trains stoap oo~snadigsti~-x stys ht tomch sar, aris, îudtha cai nedata-ayasA few days before she died she bad at 8.15 and 9.55 ferï6ented mas o Wsoning the.syst m. Just take a neyer before,- a mighty reapouse from ber parents reply for ber ta a letter dose of Chambeïraini's Stornc nIme Tablets- eeytu aaanctz.Alwh sntirb heBps Sdy PTW they mako tire liver de its. work-'they leanse and eey rcCaain iien I wosetlerb htBpis uda JTOWI830S- gw..te utoinac and ton. thie whol. dig.stve systen. Y=11l are interested and anxious te do SCIhool, ini which she thanked thte ou oth.5~ . lad Cm a thelaîoruW in isist .oy. Mss livàHatrik or irîue feeiçu lu ti. iorluq Âttiidrg~its ie. c! 14 thelirutaneet for the aid of the Em- school, and partiotularly lier teacher, ..6-40 PJT pire should not fmil te attend tht and remeuibrauct1dIuring lier iliness. C.gWet- 39n Conference' ou Wednesday, February Thpofung Ws ,,eld n Sn2ay8 . 24th. A briglit prograin o! patriotlc aiternon, the service belng condUet- 4.40 P.ul 1 iMmniel wi!l add enjoyment ta the ed by Rev. G. A. MeLean - Tht at- STi tendance o! friends and rieigbbors Leaves Whitby >1 vungmeig was very large, and the sympathyv a.m. and 4 p.wm -expressed for the fanvlly *in sorraw prieter. 'The War Tax. was Profound. ln lier beautiful white Leaves for Broi _____caskot, covered with flowers, the gilt IfrM. £dwards, pro - - - ai syrnpathatic hiearts, Eva looloed ~A N K On another page o! hs issue will beautitul, and deatél seemed ta have AI be iound a sumiary ot the articles lost its terrors as ont-, looked at lier. For Wet- 6,3a0t.rn. affected andý the - awunts afth Bradley, Lloyd' Bradley, Arthur6.0.. 1*zta4xes whlch will le t ând.by theThtneAle aer wee. mbr30 ~Pr. lmp thtMayeAle. Mcke, Douglas Thom- 1.oPn -t ~Dominion Government undor its son, Willie MacCarl. For East--6 308..iu seheme for raising money for defray- lnterflitit was made in 7niQn cerne- 5~ is RUORCS ng wa.r expenditure. Tht tax whichb - my * a - 6 S ,536O.-20 wlll bit everybody alike is the stauip DEATH 0OF MRS. H. H. SONLEY. _4e by i 5B» -- 972.628.28 te iy v .., illi nta n vr . ,42&.72 e iO16134, 25.N66, CamDeom f« a.- C i*d hot t.L.. Bs.k Pk«miee(Frehold) A-cospt.os coma - Z415,635.76 15Q~OMOD 3,091.543.84 16,0MJ68.10 )1,426,1 15.42 1 134X429.63 25,06.66 M0220,52 $46&z240.)5 MARMALADE TIMI3 ieI t.is the lime to do down the fruit while they are nieand f resh. We have nice large bitter oranges at aspecial price, 25c per doz. - -We loan Our Orange Slicer for cutting oranges. N aval oranges, g00d size -2 5c,.30c, 40c and 50c doz., Lernonsextra nice, 30c doz. 1 Be sure and use tbe best sugar, like we will sel ypu, to have the best success, California celery, large white bunches, î 01 O I2jcý -resh Lettuce on Frlday OYSTERS Fresh ones Ilke we seli gRive you fiavor. * Try îhcm. They say they are Want to make, your hens lay? Uýe egg getter, -large package, 2 5C. OYSTERS that niee sea the best yet. Overine,a sure Jno.E. WÀTERHOUSI3 WIIITBY- Phono l Prompt Delivery, latter or postoard, ln addition ta tht regular stamp of le. or 2c., a lc. war stamp must also be placed. This will nutan really a returu oth Ve ald 3c. postage, and also that postoards will lu future coit 2c. Stampa are alla ta be placed on al choques, drafts, etc., issued. Iuqviry at the pont office litre eliciled no informa- tion as ta wheu the war stampe will be required for use. Postmaster Howden had received no instructions and could nat state whcn tht Iaw would coa Into force. Llitouial Comment. Tht Bowmanvllle Statesman and News announce Vliat,, owing Vo the' fact thal war conditions have bit tht publishing business harder Vian Moastallier huslnessee-tht sul>scri>i tien price o! tht paper, unlens paid strictly lu advance, or witliln ont monîli a! expiry, will be 51.50 per year. We know saine newspaper pub- 1ishers that have been almosl drîven oui a! business by conditions result- lng (rom tht war. At tht same time newspaper publishers should net for- gel that others are sufferlug by war conditions, and that an enlianced price for tht local ntwspaper will but aggravat local conditions te that extent. Let us aIl bear as best we may the pnch ntcesaltated bv the var, boping that or. another year bas passed peace will have been re- stared. Tht Hgli Scheol weely examina-1 tien repart bas beesi crowded out ofi tbis Issue, but wlll appear non woek.1 Ont ai tht ptaneers o! Ontario ('ounty, uvlo liad lived lu Vbis vicin- ity for tlire-quarters ai a century, passed Vo her reward ou Satilrday, iFebruary 13, in the persan o!f.Jane Rundît, wldow oi lie laVe Henry H. Sonley. Mrs. Sonloy was knowu i wdehy aIl over tht district, and great sorrow Is ietl t -her death. She had been 111 for about five weeks. Born iu Cornwall, Enghand, seven- ty-:lghst years aga, sht carne Vo Can- adfà wltb bot farnily at the age..eo -tiret 4ears, setling lu Brack Town- ship. Thoe-nIe llve-d until lier mar- niage on Mardli 319t, 1862, ta Henry H. Souley, when they moved ta tht fari n a concession 3, Whltby Towri- rclip, wjilcilias been lie iamily home tirer since, a perlod o! fi! ty-thre years. Mn. Sonley predeceastd bis nlie by elght years, ils dtatli taklug place on November 9, 1906. Mrs. Sonley was a member of tht Metholdist Tabernacle, Whitby. Sho was greatly, haved by ai whe knew lier,- an -a fine type ai wemaniood. A iamlly ai nint children, five d-aughters sund four sans, survive, uaTnely Mms. Geo. Hymens, Port Arthurrs . Alhin, oi Lemonville ; Mrs. Miller, Kitt6cottyi, Ala.; Mrs. I-Iancoek, Cana, Sask.; Mrgp§ IF. Pat- terson, Tarantoe Wm. FI. Sonley, Whtby;, .Tuhn E., Oshawa, Arthur, Whit.by, aud .J. A., Kittscotty, Allia. Tht faneraI wae ýJhd frein the fam- Ity nesidence, lot 27, cou. 3, WhiVby Township, an Tuesday aiternoon, tht servlice being conducted by Rev. M. E. Sexsuiith, of the Methodist Tab- ernacle, Wh.tby, assiied by R"v. W. M. Haig, et Columbus. Intermet took place lu Groveside CemeterY,, te whlch tht romaine were follffwed IY a large numbar of friands. DOMINION FI-NANCIAL REPORT.,. Tht report o!fithe Audtt-Geno!al oi thtebDominion, for the year endng Marcb 31, 1014, bas liai beerI 15ued. Tt comprises two colunms, about 1,- 00 pageb each. The reort le, tbero. fors, uecess;arlly vwy~ long, but a brie! revtew giveo sonle lnteregting krdlng- expenditures Cobourg, $114,000 ; Oshawa, $50,- srnmnent lni this in- 000 Port Hope, $-34.000 ; Whitby, $42,390. Idings $878.90 was The Cusborm Departrnent hada iville ; $34,044 on a, revenue af $13,241.14 at Whitby; îay ; Marldiam Pubi- Oshawa, 5257,054.:70; Iowmanville, 15; Oshiawa drill $44,490.74. Part Perry publice _______________ cfolowlng grants manville, $12,000; WHITBY MVARKETS .T.R. JUNCTION. - n.I Goiug Esmt...20 z s. ....96555fP leave for Toronto .40 p.m. Prom Tor- )at Whltby Junetoti 5a.m., and 9.80 p.m. M STATION- m. Goiug South ... 7.i518. M,~ -1.15 p M. .-'tus p.I :P. R. m. GoingEis-o.o0 a n ri 6.12P.m 'AGES. for Oshawa -at 10 m. W. Martin, pro- iuglian at 10 a.m., roprietor. ,S CLOSE For Fort Wiiitby- 6.3o a. m 6.30 p.ni For Osbawa-a-.3o P.0z For North--6.3oj.ni improved Service TroRONTrO-RONTrREAL OTTAWA Vié 1, Lake Ontaria Shore Lins" Fast Cime ta Wbitby, Oshawa, Bow. rnanville, Part Hope, Cobourg, Belle. ville, Trenton, etc. Partieular,, trou, c.P.n. Agents, or write M. G. M urphy, District Passenger Agent, Corner King and Touge Sts., Torouto. E~.IR. BLOW, Ageýnt, Whitby ALL FRON WHITBY and VIOINITY Who Attend The Fanions Toronto, Ont. recetTe nLouion, the Highent Grade nt Business aud Sihorthand Education, but assistance to secure choie positloua wheu cou, rtout. iVewere caileduorcnl to 011 poouious Worth trou, $10 to i8 Per week as Weil as somes troui 876 to $100 per ,uonth. TIis l tebhol for you t. attend. Open al Tsar. Enter nov. Write for Our large Catalogue. Cor. Yoage and W. J. Billott. F. E. LUKE, SEYRACTI14G OPTICIAN Wneat, [ali............... .1 Wheat, pose .... .... Barley ............ ...... Beans ..... .. .. .. Ryt ............... .. . Peas ..... ..... .... Buclcwheat .... ... Oats .................. .. Red Claver ,............ 1,45 Vo 1.50 1.40 ta 1.40 0.75 te 0.76 3.00 ta 3.00 1.00 ta 1.00 1.10 ta 1.10 0.75 ta 0.80 0,60 ta 0.65 9.00 to-9.50 FLOUR AND FEED. Pleur, per cwt. * ..... . 3.75 ta 4.00f Chopped !eed, cwt . ...5.00 ta 2.00 Coruimeal ................200 ta, 2.50! Bran, per tan .. ........ 28.00 to-28.00 ,.ê* 4...r tn - - Mfl t + .. ( i ti TifIRTY: DAVS à Rare Opportunlty te Purch ase Ladies' & Gents, Rubberps- Raving purchased 2500 pairs of Rubbers, 1 will- selI them wbîle- they st at following prices: Pair - Ladies' Rubbers, reg. 65e te $1. 00,- 2bey Gonts' Rubbers, Reg. 05e te $1.25, wC0s-ý Take advantage of! Lii chance before they are aIl gene. « ABOVE ARE THE BESI QLJALITY(. anult.al per M Ba. î.........,OilunftusOS..UW0119 MEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE Beef, cwt., dresstd.,...12.25 ta 13.00 Cattît, livo welghi ... 6.50 te 7.50 CONTRACTORS Lambe, each ...........6.00 te 8.00 Hogs dresed. ...**-*10.50 to:12.00 J- RH WELL JAMES [-lgs, select ............. 8.25 ta 8.50 Chickens, per lb .... ... 0.18 ta 0.20 Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. Ducks. per lb ........... 0.18 te 0.20 Plans drawn and est imales furnished. Geese, dreosed, per lb. ... 0.15 te 0 18 Repairo, Alterations aud Jobbiug. Turkeys, drossed, . pet' l. 0.20 ta 0.25 Agent for Brantford Roofînh Butter, per lb..... ...... 0.30 ta, 0.35 B8x 467 WHITt$Y Phone 14,p Eggs new, per doz ....0.82 te 0.85 Lard, per' lb............. 0.18 te 0.20 Potatees, per bag .. -...0.75 te 0.901= JOHN T. HORNSBV- Apples, per barrs ......1.50 te 8.00 SUILDER and CONTRAC108 Onlons, per bag,.,.......00oote 1.25 Plans Made and Esîlînatos *Given. Hay, per ton ...... ...,14.00 te 15.0o AIl1 Kinds of Brick and Concrete W ork. Repairs-te Chimney Stachusud Boilers HIDES. a spocia!ty. Weol, uowashed......... 0.14 te 0.1 Whitby,. (Box 91) Ontario Caîf, skins, per' lb ....0.15 te 0o10 Bell Phono z38. Lamb skies, sac ......0.70 te 0.75 Hldesr per' cvi......18.00 te 18.00 C. FOILLESI Sheepikins ..............0.75 te 1.15 OONTRAO'rOR AND BUILDER Deacens ......... .... . .. 0.25 te 0.70 PAS 0 L ECITO Horse Hfdit.............m2.50 te 8.00 PLNS FURN S CRITIO Tahhow, rend., per lb.,. 0.00 to-0. 006 UNIHD Alsike chevetr, per' bus. S oota g 0 Residouce,- - Thornton's Corners _______Phono 41, Oshawa. Deo EQUItg Lite Bilssuio C. ifNRE DGOLD BROS. 0 F CANADA saved its policy holders $b00'o0O in its first ton years cf business by selling them without.profits policies, aud having aIl premiums paid direct te head office without commissions. Premiurns col- lected were $389,ooo, iustead of $489,- ooo. Fourteen other Canadian con'- panies received 5$18,499,695 in their first ten years mainly for with.profits policies, and paid in profits ta policy holders $9î,55o. Their combined ac- cumulated surplus over shareholders' contributions was $79,7a7at the end of their fir5t ten ycars.- Which looks best to you ? Tht Equity Lifé is the total abstain. ors Company. If iuterested write fer further particulars. The mian wiio studiie hie owu Interests yll patrouize The Equity [Li> Assurance Company wheu he vaut. Lite Inigurauco. L. W. DUIDLEY, IL. SU TfBRLAND; Agesut, I'resideut & Oseral Manager Whitby. ont. Toronto. 1 aliIàii 1à1à11i*I-.,' Double Traek Ail The Way 'Toronto-Chicago - Torocto-montrea Linoxcolled Train Service Higiest Claseofo! Equlpment- Winter Tours to Caliornia FtORIOA AND SUN SOUTH Fut Tralns-Choice of Routes Low Pares nov ln offet For full particulars consult G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Dist Pass. Agent, Toronto. 1. steubenson,* Agent, phono 55,'Whitbt' j Aiterations and Rcpairs. PIILST CLAS.$ w(>lx GWABAMg]D. APply Dundas St. West or P.C. box 4p3 reephoue 1Nu. 132 DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, OBso, Dundss Street, Rosideuce No. 4, ibe Terruos Byron St., Whltby. Phono No. M9. AUCTIONEERS JAS. BISHOP Oshawa, Licensed Austioneer. SIs. cesser te L., Fairbanks. For tar and dates apply t osel or 'o. Robi, Whltby. LICENSED AUÇTIONBSR AND VALUATOR. A11 kInds o! sale. premp* tly eW '4 %o. Arrangements for sgen o b made ai thoeOGuette 011we. Torais reasonabis, Bill snd Independeni phomes. WtIITBY, OffT. James & Walker Pump Manu!aoturors Sluop DuudaoSbtreet, WNS>'y. Thres doors wverni aMWlby PEu We are- prepared te insaal weod or ion 9msoshrtnnotice, &ls. stteud 60aiu A genta for the Ontaglo wlnU11, ais nu * e gn. J. I I OUR EBONY i. - through. Wc direct frein France, gemmie article sup] HAIR BRUI Aise Coat, Hat, - Velvet Brushe5, Hai SaliveéPots and PieCes, at a saviug -- bout 25,%. THIT I8WY Thet goods will nm t1ceap again, on acci aded cluy h 4ax. - complot@ yod? se ER. N a -Jcler .aud Opt W. CeTi LIQJUOR VOTElI Vh a man driks.sq makes it. itmpossible foi contraoibis actions, hi ::with bis own and othi Sl U erelare gwilty, a! c: gsnce.- When a mian sel anything that proiluces al5oilis guilty o! col Whattver harni reu,u11t. viotes f or the sale of Must alsa- bear bis shai bility. - ,-Drunkenness is no c accident or crime result Cause every mari who lauows the dangeýr. The gets drunkh invites trouî te satis-an 'ahnniai mari Who seils drink -are i ts elleets. He kual I nality and arcideîts iz Jicatiaon. Ile dotesrt ca('i tive- is money.. Teithe maxi 0hov lions knows ail the harn -.doesn't carie, e-ilfer. Il as the other two.- He punishinent -hereï for ht not4reacli hlm: but hie the eterial juS.tice of *ville Chronicle.~ . T. U. ENTERI -AWA BRAN A sociable Afternaon Wedriesday afternocin, when the Oshawa bran C.T.U.- was ent.ertaïned by branch inu the ladies' Meth6dist C'hurch. - -- An interestin-pr6grai t red, during which -Mrs ObaW-a, San2g twa solàs ly. Mrs.- Staîter. gavÇaa talk an parlor -meeings loi, af the O.L.C.,- gave ive talk- on the war whi appreaiatied, and.twa -olad 7 L.C. Sang, whicli vas -At $the'-close of, the da nty refreelimenis r - Local, flgope -- Dr. .F Mclira verandali erect qn the 01., bis -reideuce aon Dunul -yTht engagement - le-a Unls Daisy Robinson, formerly o!, Whitby, tr Birchi, of'-Winaipeg. 1 ,,wlll take place this moi COMING 1. E. Luke, Opt. D)., Toronto's - able' opti Allin's drug store or'P Isd. Pon't miss seeing - CARI>- 0F THl Tht family o! the late ih ta expr ess- their ë lion of thet kixidness sho bad neiglibors- in their ri -CORREC7 !Aniong tht his.t,-a! cc V-1 O. N. waork, publisi eks-issue of- the Chroaicle, iMiss MýcKay w1th tibc *sum ouf, obould.have read 'Ms lisp neit Friday .n 19, for b patitoticc Mulie Hall, given' by Danigteis anid O.L.C. laiof tii. hall nov lWed's drug akre TORONTO ~URING, j1' -, and Feblruary, every, year, it-is the 'poliey of Walters' store tào:c a,- t everyth'n that was purchased- for the season!s. ine We ai -e 'ave a ew stiokers, lines that have not S'old as welI as ers. We have, lready' had Ïeveral cle'aring, sales, and stili- have some «vers. lu o rder to clear them out we intend holding a Dollar Sale foit week, commnencing February 2Oth and ending 27the c - 1' OYSTERS M AT ALLJ N'S DRUG STORE W1-iITBY TUESDAY, NARCH 2 70SYONGE STRZET. Corner, King St., Torontof' 0 1 -. e

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