Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Feb 1915, p. 5

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tber ms earticles te -hc - Pcrso'nal Mentio>n. wo 'ond4mdl pord ' m trid1lte il 0 - yors a a s oâCA. 4 r:.0,o$2.0 iaelas -te., W J.e r P-y '-' --+JMr,. GoodfelIow spent a fev t> Ã" tregaan d CORCTIreuse: rle Trnte dng the wuk. -FOUND. We keep tebe a*I W r airgyhing - bought ina. lIDtherepOrt of tUieý Swiday Schoolu Mis$ MichaeWlBame. rigl sCrek ofustin oao-prpaatontht yu sgur d' hadYurb Jcwclry store, but we make a spvnticialty Rd a wev.G , cLea o ser z gete g it th à you o unneeeagrst'ea o of watchern. sbeed thpoIt e1 8G.eA.nhloeidaa$Mie a er l ra. e8 rtyaad pa ngxes a. scibeplywi 'ýsad e J3a ftei $4@00 tt tphes0n,- of Toronto, Owner May. bave saxne by provlng dlyd -W D N'P90 eacher Training In thie Town- A Bandel, at UitheWbltby Hou". at Gazettè office. -Dnfiut o af ~ynse o VWEDOONI 00010K ep. .and Town Association. Tbf. Made-t Mermaue i as r. - B.-1.rr- 1 - D<,coUBtair., 'hoog 1,VaOs an errer. 1Mr. Axthur Wilson 1 esuèi 7dy Canadian. Order' 1.Fre ie l iiBOAT, FOR eSAE- cl~ a'auenDusrens ~% t>,aeCags Repairs left with us art done prompt- the appointe. te that position. SyeFtaORaeras o Eati lýeeeecfbuore. A obat **yluit a Et lypand8tMr. aitan MaeIils. Bte tierso , oder, , rsowoton61 es oget la re kept at aigRtin a urvault,LOAT kugalltwb Rsr ocaalyv.Onpd assdpe- I1 ~ 5 Lj , TO OUR -COUNTRY a Guara anteed. '- ape neparcas n pd w hi eia o p po se sio . M N D N G F F C E R 0 F O U R ' iD E - W nFen h le a n or D y e y u r M r. Y . E . J o n e r tu rn ed on . W ed- g ra ion e. T. M a ne W lt y W W P'ENCE IN'THE HOMELA21D., YOU garments te look like new-s.»uch ned rie tuindsr, cfis rther, HOUE A!0.OT OR AL. BARE, INVlTFED TOAPTEgRNOON tnNl hefnira o isKrthr R. N . B ass T EASEÈ~VÊ XB EGLArffleNJeGewns, Skirt:,Dr. F. -A. JoueS, -o a Re viYL T FOBRooSlAItL.elPoe 7 aeeaetP À.SSISED BYCADEt, '%0Asobville'Para &Coî Northoccupied! by., ts lira.n-Peremea. ÀS SD BY CAD TS, WED- hld G ode. Special' prises oh' Carollûi a, îla tcwn' for a -jew Goot! location. A pyt f. Tis - H T I Y J s . . a ! O t c a iI E D Y E R A Y 1 T ,w e e k , w t é r e l a t iv e s . D r . a n d ' l r . P r e m n C o w u s oT h, o u -. ' * WHIBY, - ONTARIO 1TO o O'CIXoc,K-e IN THE-» METi- al Presàing and Repafig4rn cin eWlb Dog e, olumb, ot.-$f. Oi)1ST TABERNACLE PARLýORS. February and March,.in ouder te asat te 8pend ChristmewtM W. C~. T.1..J. - RCH, DET. 9F My OPA kep uy.Roe'yites , lira 'P. .é HfiliMALE IIËLP WANTED. SALE REGIEL '*-'Ceesadfgwodeo - - SLV oell SHOWER, - iN A-W 0F day. Sliortly aftter iir arrtval $15 WeklY for few bours werk In Satuday, Fsbruar 5 rm onsnele - t. P o we ll S rta r , - r si e t V r W o rd CRilflC t a t t Re S cte o b uldIn g s Y OS ir ho m e -'i a l ty hO w lu-g g r c rY -sa le f Rouse b old, f ur f u ~ - t ~ b ' " '~ LoaVpinbs S iaan e s nsoeay; a endsryd yfr.D.R.samples'te your frlende end tisgRi- sold on the premisealtyocȎrlssa 4 mceS. L ocal O ption bas h o n e greata - - - r t once re turued hom e , but M rs. brs. M en w nt d ev ryw ere. S am -P a s n ~ W3f 4 s a a cms lu Nevîmarket. Business gneFséetePbruary 19 for conc4rt t*uRPHer-remaliieneil hviy syt$sfe.Ti oOeaieUnion, el s e .oicl toksapieî% Bebrfm ie ,As ally W88 neyer bettOr, aind P pSpts' Rie gfven by Dramatte Club oe- the MU R-. ICE M R i aragetshvent by o ycopet. insre.OTerlo as.Wm aw acioer.tC.UiaFiI A for tic future are bright. As evî-!COllsgs la 'tie IMuule Hall, 'WWlby, - Igmushv etbncmlt ln-or.Otro al.t18 'ic dance -of imaterial progrosa we - mightt iider thie auspîcu t rfelgaTAI LO R cd<fo01tRie re-buîldlng, and peefng -cORsALE. Win:ed erluul f etau 1TaagrtRis, Dr. Reger 10 sPendMng pgrt eof eera FvORlS~ AnLng pi. tRie tewn was $899,882.00,,wRiu1e&8lis(llege, Ia aid of the itrictio i, ' frth fieva n naro en$vera $45.ins'EanRingi kie'R A year In Ries reached $1,282,985, a gain F, d. Thie -Dremato Art Club o oi ~ ~ --t ln1t le,4 aIn ruarentt mn.Uc'~h eotr bsEiR a utn alvn- 01 over $883,000 la thé paet -thres tRie College wlll present #$Crenford," pany, wheri ie may bue consulted r ew.- 8 8.be as repreometd.1 J. Peel, Brook welekt tRie front etatc niaeJije yera. Durlng tRio saine periud the a sketch et Englsh vllage lits Of a garding auction Rares, or lu »onci eatLaof MI f ric e Sreet Tri.y Population Ries increeeed about 460, cofur go. TRie play lea coied fieon w1itRitRie Wliltby -Exchange. Feuur-Otcacf . FRRNT RSAE thr 0 e bot useriaigend ret la tlieles aos t, y.Plan opens. t The St.John's Club' beld e dance Picktering Townlp's wéll-Icnown re- 150 acre tarin. 2 bouses etandNomoehd.hefo1 $150,000 Rave been spent In building WitIeld's drug store on -Mondeyeta ad social evenlng la thie Town-Hall. sidensepessed away ia thie person cf barn on 100 acres, and one baran onu' ut~'mtir~ b baveoreinse t e asti n ewa hoi ur- 1oamn* a Tuesday eening. There w s a Ellnabeflb Grills, reliot f theo late 50 acres. 80 acres aredy pluged Tek@ Chu branm So aiad Lto alt.T ~ t i ~ bavte be r:pd' aNwîakf dr good attendance, a number Rein5 pre. Geo. Richards. Mrs. Richards,- sino and cultlvatedl, 12 acres, laîl *wbeât, tUehtfêyuaboanmadlu olnb.aa - l~ tRi pet three yearq, besides' Word Ries been recelvet! frome.n Im-set fmm Pickering ad Oshawa. . tRie deatf h fler husband two -years 10 acres elready spr7ead.witb foui- t«oi teleruwteteaomcsdceae the Ilia.Titbe lareo additions to'4two Jactories, two R. 1t. Stickland, who Worked on tRie Most enJoyable time was spent. ago, Ras not been in good Ilîltm lizer, tRie rs a n go etr n e w se o ols a d e u e h urc h.B ase L n e W es m et s m in er or T. . - - -a n d Ra s b een g ra d u a lly f il n g . S h e lan d . O as, m ile fro fn r elw e y s t e - CK M Z L IJ E IC N c M*otel eccolmcodaf4cn le tRie best E. PIpi that ie now beong te tRie BAPTIST CHÛRCH. reslded with Rer daughter, Mrstý H. «iOn, good locellty, and whll remit W we eVer hud, and travelers tell usAry Service Corps in camp,at Ald- - SnaFR 4 W. Powell, up te the filme Wf Reraet remsneble pîe pl o , thrsleatbngbtt.~tebe oudershiot, Eag., and lie' eçp-ctn ý.to go Sunday School and Bible Classes death. Mrs. Ichards wali a native cf Gazette office, WRitby. onybee l Ota.~otons.'Dun 0 tFhra.nce tRie lest 01 this month. ut 10 e.ni. England,- but came te Canada aRien- Polene e t W a t bl g f ptthe c-arep rt one m illion m en lu train- m r nng service held in M etlodist y ouag . She lived for >earg near_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ polce et tRs arsnsd prcmptly lng et Alderahet. TRie price.of food1 Tabernacle. BGowmatîvllle, but for thelest quai- RS -arreet. offoaders egeinsitRihe laW. supplies le rapldly nlslang. i A four- 1 Eveahmg service et 7 o'elock. subi- fer century Ries been IAn Plckern -NEOgSL Comparcd aith nearby towns under pou id bat, which fcrmerly sol d for -ýject--'Dlg Ralwimy l." Township,, abere sbe and IMni. RRi- lt95 am a d te m ftt licne, e make le a rperads. &4 eao sl9gfr 8 and A cou 'al welcômp te al wh mayards, were both wldely eaid favorebly Wt I5àýadmld M la othr -hins i' po TPlum i An'tre eîdac c posentylaothe- Rigela Portion. -Tlie auulabte wbnablp wl-tRius. knoVM. 8h wag 75, yeana o!age. A, Situated- la ,the--To'waof tRie tact tRat two-thlrds ofthtRe tex- weaeher Io now settled, but previens * (Ifly f cne çatmand fRre. daugh- Whitby, within wèalking dis. Haviag opened afrtcaepubn n taftigbs es tRie yeear were pald befere tRie ratu a veleftl seine- ferm lands '. aneetI r dthd l id fwo, goa »Mib cf October.-The Era.- thre aveurfe ne atr UI<EESNESI HTY tors survive: Geo. Richcards, 01 De- tat o acheols, postefiice, - prpe Oan a ee k1r ndmîS IThroggh beavy ratnaend slushy ot;Ms . .Pck4 ndMs hrhs and raiiwaystio. ____ W-USI?ý -*-YIrTrit; MrS.Plckcll su-a d Mrs -. Fch u ,8ro stetiors. faction guaranteed 1 . FLOWRSSA IM1 r S.- L. Trees and F. H. streets nearly 200 persons wended IaTui aintn n r.H rm os,8ree enn Wrting urther te thie press, a Wely and Dr. Au"tnEeshv their way te tRie Meithodjet Taer- -W. Powell, Pickering. The funferel f Pundation, stable - and eut-. 1 years vity eprec Dblgasel ,pù1etEnglish woiman Beys: TReiotk-eý out comnmissions 4w thie 34t], nacle lest Friday evening te hlen aî i edo rdya loeoi uligcoar fln n _______ rg r., avie lreaudy addressed te Ontarie Regiment, -as prov'lsional te tRie Canadian Jubilce singera. t %tee eeey evc t aypr f49arsajiig rsplëadiag witR tRieation ' lieutenants. TRey wlll, wlth obluers, TRie trophopio i esaU~e use W41i he at 10.30. Rev. Mr. cen becRiad et a reasonabie bebalf et eux soldiers, have tehe couirse of instruction no three cf each sex. TRi they cenRefroficcigwlcndt fgu.Laefotlwa brcmgbt nme a large correspondence, Reiný given here. ing there is ne kind cf doubut t1 erie number of shade treei, apple, BROOk ST. NORTE.OdSadrdBniBld ýKve" pear,. pluin and cherry trees; kbthe isgolnig on et tRie as a uatti olime. fuit apaiin ti, wdepres 501410f * Vhený.. TRie armony %vaperfect, MRID trcielcto 2eo lu~ thie Housée of Ceaimons It - On, ebrueryZud, Mr. A.C. Wright, tiough theo words were cf ten qiuite -.RID ttatvlctin 2oo sald thet Retween thirty and -f ry en IrY C.P.R. resident engineer mnitnusai. l oodes OS.EL tMoe.e, Possesion and terme can bue per cent. of eur new soldiers are be-n e who Ries been In. Ottawa, lel trios, uretssdqitetste eko ona,.aur 8R rrenged, Ing regiderod Inefllclent thnough drink for Nepacro ort eue, Va., the ke re--equally et home.. I'Reir basse Mes Lillan Bewléy, to Mr. m$ R B. ANvDitiW, and It4 attendant evils. TRie Primechnepacrg fessfo was possessed of a meet pcwerful W. Rose, tbird son of Mns. -o. 309 Temple Building,- Misil-r adn4ÃŽtted trein ten tu. 4nteon BitI b Remount Deperitment, geing vo;ce, and gav'e rare pîcasure when Ross, cf Myrtie, Ont. Toronto. per cent. If tRie country acre placet! te t~i front. Mn. Wright expected te Rie sang severel- solos. Mr. Williams,O R-JS C-LLA anider martial law thene is n doubt bue aaeY et. least a month or six tRie manager of tRie counpany, gave DEATHS. Wht. whsevr icmlltary autbeni-tie aOeu . everel dialeot readings and solos. RICHARDS-At tRie residence ot Rer would lmmedlately 'and drastically Ho made froc to say tialtRihe audi- scn-4nlaw, Il, W. Powell, lot 0, -change aRR t is surely incuni- JOu' Mcnday evenlag oet tis weei ence befor'e hlm uves tRie lergeet au- Kiagston Road, pictering Tp., en ASUPIEP TY pieut upea-tRe people cf this Co=urytie - YP.A. of AIl SaInts' ORurch dionce they Rad bild "any Fnidar Tueeday, Fcbruary 9, 1915, Elize- O usa vnn te taie lime néeasary seps te secure entce-iaed tRie maunbers cf tRie Osi ; eveuing tRi s week."' TRie comPanY boUm Grills, roulet cf tRie lete Oe. OnTedycegtRio choir- o!f tbrough Perliamout tRie samne end. A auva- and tRie Pickering A.Y.P.A.'s. appoared under tRie auspices nf tRie Richarde, -agett 75 yeers and 22 tRie Baptitt ChurcRi surprleed 1fr. AlRert Hall would *bring home te uvas Ispent la gaines and social inter- -d4-yon CentdlIree.'.etend ee heir-meN polit1cisus of ail parties tRie need of C eoi e1atter -whicRi refreeRiments were A ful(JNI>IIED YP'ARS 0F PEACE. * day, Februery 8tRi, 1915, Ana'gi la t gfl prompt action. Would lb net be oe- eerved. A very enjoyahieecveniug THE TABERNACLE Churchward, beloved aife of Win. were cenveYed te tRie bouse wn a new s1blefor he Hose q Commns t. wa spen byte youg peple. unda, Fe. 14 orcobe,1915bemodel mini191ature minattreau co cS- str e fy o etRi ous f Co m m ond s t d w s s eno t ie Y U I P O .A union TSunday, F g er 4 vne b , En in 8 t e r lete w itRi C .N .R . eadlg t. T Re' agre y cnsnto! Ilparie t do ~ 4"'~Thukgivngsevice, in WOODWARD.-In Witby Township, visitons er givon permission of tRie away with Intoxican ts durîng tRie1 Keep next Friday nighit, F'ebruary comiemoration of tRie huudred years - ncn ,o ?dy Jney2,Ri e rRe eeig n oto-1 war ? Russie bas dene il ; why net 19, for thie patiiotic concert in tRie of peece botuveen tRie Uiited States 11,.eeAksReee iejybelm a pn ni i-- BrInh~ Msi Hll ivn R bieTraalarand Canada, wil'i bc Reld by te cf James Woodward, eged 59 yrs. al Iflf ___________andO.L.C. Patiotic Club. Preebyterian, Baptiet and Methodist nch Local I1àpperaings Dcn't forget thie Valeatine i4 in the Baptist ecçhool-room nenxt'1 day 6vening. Admission 15 ceai Coe nsd ses tRie Canadieni a*thtRe front. Frauk Yeigb's taIt-, February 17tRi, Music Hall. Ier meny f iendes ,lËl be glai know that Mrs. Hlarry Burt!go,, lla I te General Hospitlal, Toro 12,avag undergone a -sericus opera over a- welc gc, le progressing ornbly toward recovery.- lerenk Yeigh will have. tRiela and up-te-date views ci thjei Don't miss tis. Februai~y 1711 the Music Hall. - WM. STONE LIBERATED. Wnu. Stcne, aRc Ras been un fer nearly twe month§, came be the MagIstrale on Tuesdav, and ellowed is liberty, being bound te suM of $300 te kcep tRie peac TRie Suaday. School teachers êffleere o! Witby and! Almonde erra-nglng te Rild e banqjuet; andti ference - et an eaxly'date. A coi tee, compcsee4 etrepresentatives- 'tRio'garlou chools, will nmAt 'rhursdey evenlng te -nieke. rr . Oome aud spent!'an evcning ln Mats et Betiet aclmol-room Tues- day evenlng, Februery 16. - Refmffei- jnýets 'ill beO sorved.- Admlssion,15 The, Wounen's Institute wil meet lsq th - CoumM lCRainhr on ldey aieom, Febxuary 19,- X1 8 o'clock. A deonstratlon -wil be Siven lu -Puddings asud Dessrte.' Also a paper on "Tbe.Joyof LivIng.", AlR uvomen 'sud gll4wieleome. lira. G.A. flogs, 1Presldent; liasP. Este- Plan!o nte;;allopens at wnîanleld's Chunclies un 'tRie MetiditCu s drugistore on Monday, February 15, on Sunday niorning, February 14, S 0et-lO e.in. et Il o'clock. TRie cpening part cf, 0 zlethie service wiill Re. conducted by tRie 0 Ro4. A. P. ezs gave-ýa "Talk 11ev. Dný Haro f tRie O.L.C. Ten- o.. n (iýrmany" te thie incubers cf the minute addresscs wiil bc given on tRie iYoiýg leoplo's Union efthtRe WRitby fellowing subjecte : ocial B3aptFst Chureh on IMonday evcning. "Peace as tRie Highest Expression rues- Thie ýnformat1on gîven by Mr. Men. o! the Lite cf Humeuiy on Eerth."1 M.Iicses meet Instructive, and was 11ev. G. A. McLean. grea,ýly appreciated Ry tRie Union. "Histonical Review," 11ev. N. E. boys Sensa-utRi war Mn MaReacpedIepeI "Thie Christian Spirit at.lWork," 1itioW, cfMan .age cf tExhae o- ev. A. P. Menzies. t! 1 ýý tf Maae o)p~mei f t etExcane Appropriate miîsic will bue rendered Ld t , epattnnt f te Geatr C»Maby tRie united cRoirs, consisting of woTxnprpvcmnent eut! Lent!Co., and Ries -anîmois, cRoruses, quartettes, duels, onte, - secusted office spacefreintRie coai-1et" sls ation- TRie churoh ,wilRie suitably ulecor- fa-y- ated wvith fiega of both cobuntries. It le a good subject fbr thank- ORA v G E Snd we are trylng temare TRie S. S. %'Iiil -celebrate tRie h-un- dref years of peace. An address wil - 'V Re given by Rev. Dr. Hare. I Marmlade -Evening service et 7 o'clock. 'WRat geol JuargeMade Oranges is Christien Perfection, and aRien do efore 20e dozen1 we attea to ià ?- Large Bright Lemons for 20e dozen 4~arge Navel Oranges for 40e dozen Large Brighit Grape Fruit 4 for 25c ~'ry our wonderful 40c Tea Best Pastry Flour 90e for, 24 Ibo, Full Weight. Full Measure. One hundred cents worth for.a dollar. jYour business friend, !hone 94, WHITBY -TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. CÇouncil met on Monday, February Ist.- Ahl members present. Reeve in tRie chair. Minutes of lest meet- ilng rend aund conhirmed. jComamuications were rend frein C. A. Goodfllow & Son, re prning accouaI, Provincial Goot! Ronds As- seciatden, Hamilton Steel - Constlruc- tion (Ce., and! Salvation Armv. A !ew aeounte were subinitedifor payient. A. Ketcben submiflted bis return of ccllector's roll for 1914. It was movedt! Rat tihe Collcctor's Roll as returne! Ry thie Collecter, Janue'ry 28, 1915, bh and.leoRieroby, eccepted, euthRe sain cf $7,50 and 8 eret.tbereon>Rie end! is hereby ratetnaxnely, Lou torthern, dog tex $8, non-nesideat. Samuel Shar- m uin, e1.00 dog . tax, non-,reldenl. j J-on May, lot 18, cen. 8, $3.50, J tatute .lahar, saine heving boon pen- formet!. And ftic aum oet19.70 eat! 8 per cent. tbereon belaç duc by -the Brick Ce., lot 29, co.ý 2. -H. 'S. Do you1 know you can take as much crop-off S 100 acres properly drained as you can off 20() acres not drained and save Çhalf 'the labor? Ivea a fart. Do ynu know thiit praper. inexpensive tile drainage .ute pulverization-lengtpteee. rvns ie wahnt-makes your land ligrhter ta wark-prevents drouerht and * .. increases the quantity and imfproves the utuality of vour cru;». ? 1 Wy flot have una end yn. todnv. free tif charge. a very in- teresting hank1et on this R cecjet ? bMîrh t,, earn nothjnir t., pay. Dont neelect anythiWg that will help van vrow better, bigger ernpoi. Proper drainare neann ne nuch aa tw dolui- in your bank aCenunt for every e<'e that or.,. there now' aodi 7 the Goverment [end@ ynu money for the T; îe if desired. Write uastodapl. Mention <his paper. Your booak i ailn Dmnion Sewer Pipe Co., Limited SWANSEA. ONTARIO wvvv F 85c' Reoraon 1iemre- lods1.f The naine Columbia stands t-oday foie beut records on thé. market. And that in every detail. in ae.Columbia record yen have thme be.t records it je posible.,te gel at'any - prie. You have the' flîeat recording, years ahead, e! any etheL -- You have Mauy oet fie bigge*t and beet artigseaad bande.,: Most of thein exclusive.. And i Colembia you have a record. which will uafeiliagly WEAR -TWIGE' AS LONG as- any ether make-no mitter -what ycu .pay. -*Ibis tRios.e ombined points cf superionity that'bave made Columbia supreme teday-tbe beet recorde and the biggcst velue (cal>'85,-' cents) No other records dure inake sncb epecificelaimse, becausý'4 other records cen prove the' m. If yon are net acqqairte'd wjt]ý No Records effet 5th. sanie vais wear s@long' es the. Lame.. e DoubleDibc-Records. TL.y are il _________________________-(15 cents extra- for postage). Mr@ Frank Yeigh's ebRcrs où S&,le Tqd&y WA TLKAil Double Diec Records-ma Selection on each- aide. Illstatd wih ister Sosies Sewiaig Shirts for ,Soigiiers $0 illusratedwith y th. Odjniginec--7AL .oison 150 Strlking Steoeopticon Vlewu ETiTop Tipoerary Mary- - Canada tethe Fiont Wheo You-Wore a- Tuiip --- - .5 riclures 0 ugi PorIT PUaîniy Plotrn of Oroat Bvtaln's Navy Etc., Etc. -Under tRie auspices cf tRie -A. Y. P. A. ST. JOHN'S (Say) CHORONf Wednesday v'g, eb.1 ADMISSION 260, RESEIVED SERTS no Plan of the Seats at E. R. Blow9s Ticket Office. I GOD SAVE THE KING. ,. 4 4 4 4 4 4 'JhRe,, -alRo funeier than -Cohen) - a .. Whea You're a Long, Longt Way Item Home 8 Arrivai of British Troopa in France - -; e This is a splendid decriptive record. Be aur teq her i. New Danice- Rcrd Including latest Fox Trots, One Stops, Tangos, Maxixes, etc. Columbia Records Made in Canada -Fit -any Standard Maéhine. - You can get Columbia' Grafonoias- and Records, froni R. N. BasCETt, £0 ,Whitby ont 1 at ow . Wo do sontly wir ,yes fflt frein me, was d in~ Lee. and are it- ofi- tmge- %OOWAONA the but 1 HàII9 whitby

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