i Iew. 10 r M, uAJ 0 lIf1C5' fis nnat'Ibo OULU auYPaY 30WD7.Gio-xaa AUISn 1 alie$0ge7Xfuksk9TOI'i &jgtad, boe eW o VIoÉIla C0u-uJ Mi M isl sale 'yihich begin hscese 'Fidyemn ast, bu al i ls serShto maureinsl.fllnest.Vrà oei.i~ a %, -m -I CllO o rda veng3~S weight bread beIig soId 1ln that lity. porters oni yla th e îy ûttes, and about'I were.umsuooeuful,, Ioslzug lte gam Mr'. and Mrs. A.E.,Story, !Mn .uun hdteTrnoathr ,Lg~a1é~ yea -go rotled4to. à Ãà r0Courtice, of Pick- bY a Wscofo!4-2. Two, of ouf boys trWi ,vlulted ot Buffalo and Toron- ifies nm h~ieo uetoso ii gt Unhifiln laBrooklln. He aI ingst dronl lhteti-cm oewt rznfe. Bort , muid'peutt Suday with lte for- Muid, and Whli vlcoiatItons 8 Bingt" rtTlove<i by ail who kniew ~ ~' ltr i.Coai n iikio eea ers od a neriparente, fetaurntng horne IW the brought te Ibeïr attention sonethingTooofi Atea tto>g C ritin ma, as wlo Miss ren.- og ers, ot Pickerng, Ini ther walk. uirboys wee trat- algt tr in e d n b cretths au.jg it stp d fr nyting hoorale udvsited her l 6ter, Ars. W..Taylor. ed spletidldly, by te Manchester G ad M Cluo atltl t 01 Wlà oe t bycorect h i aveasl ar oi ortn î go~. li a a n~ be f ~ isHelen Hland, of Cobourg, boys, and report a good ime sd a & t hid on4ne t ptO lo in I t by m a egard l 1h e l ven theg w Motiiodist Cburch- liee-Jeaves a tam- wà s the gueèýt..o 1ev. ..H.W. and Mrs. çold onue.' The anual meêeting ,o! lte8 Port Weight of bread. At least -a consid- alste Up o! wu'o s n tro au ber oey, _Iis week. ,The yster gspper tat b . Ladiées1WhIty Threhlng Co. '*as eld on erable portion of the bread sold lu alier pie i M .o d x-s. ono lr cand M n. R Ma i-e e ý A p tr o t le c ôcn ert w ill be given w ere te h ave Iis w eek b as been M on day id gh t l b g rtr l W i i b a f o ; u o h t n a d h v tit, of Seagrave: Mrs. II.T. Chant- - ieMspc ali, Broolin, on postponed for a wile.I Hall.-1'he treaurter, Mr. J.L. Smith, welght, -and yct te authionities do 1 1er Ltdsy;Dr - J.I- 3rad Wel-j dà V,, , Pbruary 12. A good Tt lihng rudbr agood gave -the financial statement o e l otbing to pioteot the public. 1 arntrain. FIe lrin dsy'; J r.S. I.. road, Wel t rne o ~ amwl deredei !by tbeiti oadteel ot tIys esnwork, whicitwas'grat4fylng. înformod that a casee ius brought PafcY t a10 111.; Dr-.V' Wlsols, Mis E. Bll, itsps ofID..- te lte members. 'There was a good last year before aur Police Magma desîr ta r 8u. Dr. W .F. Brn to , n saD r. W 1 f l; - -t en-rR obinfor ab ut a t u h the statio n, en- S. BrsA, dmonon D. C.E 't' ô:ý' réadîn s. Miss Wakefield,- Catarrh Cannot b. Cured silage cutter and running exPf5.ablitd ielghweht ecs Pra.Th eains et ak .ç n- te 'nrosrane-withTOCALAPPLIATIONS s tIey cnn>t Vbakh~1h l;~!j~u 4i.i o ei fjj ails every Li nd ay s d nt rm nt w a ~ e i i~ L I1 O: of A irond e C hurc i. oo r o sttu i i id laaeand in order t a ng Beson t o be ln good shape to do w tith the publi. W e look te ur po- n n n n i Rlvoelds emetry, o Weuesua. ~1 Concert to begin at 8 o'cioek. Admis- catarril cure i f aken intcr,îally. aud gets dir. eyen better titan l' iepî.lc ehigofnest ok ,Oit accunt -o!flte snow -bocka 0 cU "th la sdmcu nece. ni' is errd hlePavslted ltc JUSn ofeds T CoEk. the esapector of Libraries was -itot *.Ctar.llCureioi notae qutek medicine. ~~iterMuisert rd epvstd'ihJSIE precribed by ane of the best physiciens 1.u thersit. Ms. -Johtn Draper, Pick- .- conrfor yemosx and la a regular prescription. ering. we*e . He will corneIna-the near Ila om osd o th bst oth% bo arein future. Be sure b itear Mr. N&rsey. gan o s l ooidng tp a h mcusufcsTh efetcîn r W. n ders biteJOOEI Whby an uda, *edlietai bnlion ithe awa inigfaesieTulwhetprto. teAs' andDEInWity T'he nmembers of the>Youmg Menu's raafo eeig o te ned wkajo o he t b etdipurifeatupdr- o rk pge'usn gistand th onTHS. Oib repîunnga araton htor,1915 which they have made ar- duce* Auch wonderfnî irenuits lu curing Catarriî. work wili be pushed maie v1gorowtly .Jauuary 31, 1915, to Mr. snd Mis. teiual prograun. TtlaIsexpected -t&aIrangemède la cultivate. .W. wîit enri for testitnoniau f ree. o'd oln te corning Besson. Citas., îodge, a son. loa muwilbIakd te drso. sups. aeýJ. CDruvgg c7 There is a good demand for itay DAVIDSON-Tn Wiltby, on T>uips- local unes wiil be a8k118taaadlr sa ho boyu everytsuttess tke men en selected -subjeccs. tritone ros.rport their gago- Tk~UIaî~î.rasî.în and straw titis winter, and aIl farm day, -January 26, 1915, te Mn. and r The ew en oumat he Perrll Ditlnéthl ideI tLngforassstproducte aie bringing big prices. Mis. Wm. Davidson, a daughter. F fuam are ready for, use. Thit w _ witui eworik an the farun, cut- RAGLAN. Mr. H. W. Sharp vlsited at Mn. I1.ARIAES or ae onglao ie poult;ry b ln ed rndn~ec Mr. Piablen wears a smille these Vue'li ek DRAPER-CORRELL..111Whitby, on aea on a large scale. -ct. J. N. Ho6rtop, w à ta once lived west days. It'e a daught.er. Wdedy Jnay2,11,b Evoyboy I buy stovîîîg arevillae on B~i ropert now A atutber tram itere abteeuded te PICKERING. IRe«. R.W. Allen, Mr. Hugit Draper Et is good for the hpalth nt leasl'. -wenage rrotBrs iius service at Columbus an Sunday even- At a meeting iteld recently lte Po- aMs E. -frances Coîreil. _______________________ nage asussfg bte djonin Tp ln. -lice trustees declded te assume te ---of Whitby. Joe anow resides i A sleigitioad of Young pe<>pje spent coul ofthlie rftglng of thei town b el!. DEATHS. Brokîaa veY Pleaswt evenng at Mr. las. This bas hiteto been borne by te i3ROAD-On Saurday, .anuary 80, R.- R. Mowhray 49a been ln attend- Slark's, jr., on Frmday Isat. fire coinpany.195atIroln Ot, .aes f uce il l.a lg of the oe.ty Tie rany fiends of Mr. John Bray The rany friends ai Mrs. .1. B. 3road, ln iii 83rd year. Inter- iý Coucia aýie r n wea are pleased taeitearhle is irnproving. Gormley wil l e plea.sed la learn mntDrynds. N The S.S. anumentarinneindekaag lait Sunday'sudMonday was a de......limaI siteitas returned from -teitos- MORGA N-On Monday, February 1, -clded Bucce8s. On undaY Rev. E.W. COLUMBUS. pilaIlu Toronto, witere site under- 1915, aI lier Parents' reic e, 7H15 Tý1n gae a illsttted' tak t th Thoe: ho id nt s thwenb a seriaus operalimg, and is now Ossington Avenue,, drno, ce 71 tTtn gae ai Ilustat~dbal b ite itoe wto dd fot e iegaine o01rnaiing saîisfactory progresu Ici. Copelauid, Inant daugitter of Gea. childrea luinlte afteýnoon, aud Rev. H. hockey in te riaIt iere lait Salut- wards recovery. W.adGogia .GBdMra, t W. olreyiBnoohe e, ngav e sielle theday enon mse ie ra t E.L. and M s. Ruddy will leave aged 7 weeks and 5 days. .H-a w l - discoures lulite ~veuiag.ThesiglteBso.Tt gaine was belweea about Februaiy lotit for a trip to< SUTHERiLAND-At Woodville Hon- awl intg wae led by Mr. anxd-Mmm. Speaits,' Columbus and COnlin's school teants. Cuba. Of MN..ZMon, and about *wt ýtY o1Had some of titi O.H.A.ý managers .. or Oakt, Londou, Englaud, lon'-Jau- Our Yountg People -who gaveexcellent 1bee5 tiere lheY Would bave muoeeu 10CAIMN.uaiy 10, 19Uk at lte age of 74 music, for botit ser lies- Ou thte fol- I'future staîS perform, but thougit n.da LAI Eekvr40mMmeOerNT.S..terad G ea iowlng à Monday, eo4miug ea waa aemv- tey. dida't aeem tb know any o n e dy Ereau Ag -. tent ad nexrs .ed'ilu lb. hal l tii aIl were satisfied, Jrides ofthlie gaine, tey kept tee t lhe BAPîîîb Citurcit sud teîd a Co., deamly beloved father of M.S I foil6wed by an e çeilent ltreê boumar m I itogt.ltrgm.Luiywoed-bee -aI wici they cut and piîed Sutherland, ýjr., dMr.FaiG 'prgrrnlabie ~ch wtb Re. a nehad any boutes broken, ai- a two years' supply of wodi About Erskine, ai Whilby, Ont. fMr.' Tik presidin. Thte -.. praceeda Ihaugi tlier. waesainme danger at five ô'clock lte mmon sd boy-e re- -- Y rnouited ta aeqÉly$80. Mr. Red-, le. Referee L. Cook ha hSuPdT plarbodtetho!a eolsuppertovi mn, te Suierluftedent, expresse ns aifiui] aI t utes anparl a o dytalieocioor*rnPersonai Mention. j iinsef s ui. ~lsfedwilh lb.ekeep exceljul order. Titi score aI 1cd by lte ladies. This bee or labo tutereet taken, and1 veîytiting iun te finish ptood 7 te 1inluthe ~home Yeaîs hIao10ked forward tà as a - Mr. Erncst Deverell's new itouse leisJJJ conecion t it t e -annlversary., t leam's tavor. Lineup.-Columbua - saa vn il by ielde h o oulerlet, aud lie will flov'e ____ Mi.Wes, o Au~bua, oItchageGoal, S. Murison 1,1defeguce, W. Sbot- PPenroe IY pytite goad tliîngs forinoistoty lof thé service itere lait Suaday'. His r rldgc ; centre, and rover C. Moore; lte suppçr, and altonrs wito do the. 1 Mr. and Mis. Frank edoo discours. was an excellent eue. Hie -'rglAwgHAsto;ebwig more stienuour% o ofwetln Arn1ton, spent Subday with te Mserlocsfre6n inéie le ime are ap ' eIt teoaWe by al.I Ferlit viiboe. oalP. wards speut. Mn. sud Mrs. Wm. Toms have re- I o a ityta eeandd lt deteutce, M.' Coolidge; centre sud Mis. J1. H. .Jobiitt, a life long me-* turued home a! ter a Iengtity it YdeS. S.,Clareuolumusled on witit relatives it Cauxpieliford. eIômeé. - -- to ur Fic; l .wils,ý o ~re..twi7'dwîitlist.e ge. s oc -place on :rz,?zî;:Adams:nd son, o! Te- *or i enieeier wthth M. Lsle cLai, ,ofToonoMonday tD St..oi' cernetr. outo, paid a flying visil to bis par- -- sud .aà ýéâr fwdy ao nsD.ad Mrs, Adams, prier t>U] A nMbe ofYoung people chariva- SCHOOL REPORTS. iîrs. .în obn Nititgoneot h- in Suaay flhfren lnToon0leRSuvi Jong o Neill a te oti $,35 au 't ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M,-GéieTrnp>bas almeady be..îlHSHOLWEL XM 1:y -e agtr (a-isddo, Mm, côrge b.- à 9 ' l. Plait Sd'turday Puve sd isbrde----delpitia, Pa., for a thîree montits - Eer .a irexof, Ienereasy, ad t. ý Ingblis.lecsIate lte Rog- Thte Sunday Scitool Convention .I lu G COLW L XM ty Hrdultr are n vr an mitnai f rla eeaot r fi -ts fle' ilae. M. lte Metitodist citurcit home on Thurs- Form 1 V. son, Nat., will attend schoo'l ln Te- tm at arstewa. wet. Mà n ll c me te lte Tripp dyws largcly attended lu spite of Englisit IJtematuno.--. Long 64, M. lu .rý n eanti.me. ,r E :ý (, IBr as -a weIl-dà essed maïa. i aim esrl he lb.ing. lte very cold wealhcr. Al lte Sun- Cronk 61, R. Mowbray, "absent. -That'. the Hobberlla kfad; Mm.-Redmnau d Mm. MeBrilea wCI1Iday Sclîool0lu inte district were re- - Fortu iII., al a ulciei rn ie J - Cut ip te mar ige v lelt lo altî h 0e tC e c mlct reetels a ejyalea lt- Lli.J. O'Connor 56, .J. lislop Secretary Canadian War Contiu- breasteîd styles1.-aler lb . w «b(briy e ly g>structive lime was ipent. T ho Mcliii54, R. Richardson 54, T. Precter gents, soito uLnoEg En ll h abie m sf aar i b~ Theg odat su Presbyteran %unday M' K ihlo 2 M. Kennedy 36, land. Iu addition to supplies nces'- mdl.Fbis dta- -meamoug others, aegi SOitools provided teli nt r .McGrolty 34, L uttan 34, J.srfocnigetwhlaI al- " 9odels. e i Uaau td . i - l b h p l g ntl a lt y e - usual style. Ga es 3o, D. W augh, absent. buyf r oti (angdents W arh i ent s erl ug osllve y uar nt. d. o er iti C.N O.BroIlun Septette care over la t Foutu II, Association hnk It adisable 4o coi- - , QuarteiY meeing wlll be held next FrÊday nîglit and gave oui baysa Brltjlshit Iitozy.-E. Robertson 85,letagosocotwlin su 'ifsT oM , N "BN' Lard'. Day ýat Greenwood at te friendly gaine o! hockey, lu whIth W. -Joitastan 78, M. Goidrlug 78, C. lec ooto utck Ipatonsandbb JV8T COM - STo919N ell o, ueuntyD eviewl heY were deleated by a score of 4 ta .Jackson 78, A. Goldring 72, G. sitir- depanlimre of Contingents for the con-. - ASSND HE A OE be l d he. wre., 1. loedte iy 71, E. Cronk 70, F. Hederson thent, le meel te requlremens c AND HAV A 1andMm R la ow ra dly u o n g' t 64, P. Godring 6ý-- E. O'Connor 60, w en tey reacit hlie front. (on- SUM 20 e $0 ÀýMBRN.F. Ward 58, G. Robertson 58,, G. me- ignents shouid asea b. forwarded hie ed. sud h ~ adu lly gT heag - H A HeR N.G ill v ray 57, D . B ell 53, H . R s a 52, regularly te m eet réquisitions until School Report for. January. Th 0an Guard wlli commence A. Richardson 52, A. Kennedy 46, H. contingents luesdfrfrie Fia STe Ee. Vr-ettEa ulli an 74 rlachnS. da iit lha Aîksey 44, M. Tivos 43, B. Meeker contingents aiso te enable supplies - i . A ge a c o e r re l M ck y 6 0, E a R edinsu8: 1É r -ifl m tc .6, H . H arrison -.36 , C . P ask ett 34. at fr n t ta o n 0 a1t aiue . Se -11ail $45@00 YL tndd iae oung peukonpSlrday Sr. 1.-Jessie ToAd, David mc- 1t0 Englauci la jolu bis regîmeut, its - ~ %%ilEalhb~f,%%jjji<-, igitt. Clhnton, -Johtn Bryclk. lit Lite (Guards, on bbe oulbieak O ,.t* last you car b uy a genuine. Colu mbia GrafonolarlneiYa ttn gte- RbBtoirn ou,- S.inlting wFanslcoe. Ouned u it aellecb'attnlgbcatunual Si I-Rosi Hall, Haroldi Quin- l ine completely enclosedequipped wiîh a Iid and aýIl thé, details Mfo. t-tCkAsOI on, .Jamnes HIil Owen Sound meichauts have inati- of themodern disc Grafonola, for,$45.oo. i Primary Classes. luted a campaigit agaiust the mail A 1. Erie ToAA, Gordon RoAA. aider itousesi and by a sy trni of f This* new Gyrafonola "Jewel " hasthe içal Co'umbia E linHarodBab ,Osa orclose pîiceî aud newepaper advertis- tone-the tone that has made Columbia farnous-ful, .Ade aweAieCIng are bryiug la canvince ltepeole resoantand atuai, t crne ther eai viceof he snge, ~<1~e m~ argaret Matbleon, -out of town, when lbey eau really do 8 reonntan ntual I crresth e-i oie f heinge, ote fIV., Ralpit Jones, Mancel eter l ,* I tise real bone of the orchestra. anUre1Ta «t liante, Walter Thompuon. ________home ne Ot=fB" nmd~ <' V. Victor Toms, Eddie Willing, _ e oes agn i rc rm$25%n padm#e'umadthèr- do Rut>y li=e. SALE REISTER. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mxue OFormdl, a gi gi pie rrt$ .5 atdu wad Wedesday, Febuary 17.- Aucon tuîoabmad .Ms. 0bUO.ie.S MODEL SCHOOL. sale o! iegitered boises, higb grade be& AU e, t r IV.-Gordo-j Balein, Eddie dairy cabtle, stockera, Impleutb Corack, Lily Palmer. and turalture, 'lb. property of N.L. f*Jr. 11.-Jeau Meeker, Ions ROWe, Steven.son, lot 18, con. 0, Pickering, WHIITBYP n . L aiA ren'ce CAMERAN Edward 0ke. adjoiuhug village e! Broughanm. Lunch BROO LINLETSRIOSr. I.-Yeien Jackwon, Phylits atl1180, sale at 12.80, Wm. Ma', - uu - vel) seMpe iavng- -T0roubo,. Ibis car wilI Piess Clotiies Staion at 11.10 p, à ily, otég ers aI very reas1onable Ottaw a pas enger s m ay tâab thei'oir chaice of eltiter ope e!fbtes. lramm Btlst ulgittrain -(rom and reh Ottaw. aI exacbly, tic ,r Mntreal * ,andi OttaI5iisaine lime.- traývelling -publiclthe op- Tito CanadAn LlimiteAý No. 20 "Ia of speutding lte entire Lake Ontario Sitore Lino route leavea- th theii familles, or en- Toronto daly 9 a.m., for Mnîeal, ta attend lthe tetre and connoction aI Srnlth'i -Palle fer 01- M -of amnusement,- sud stilil twa, stopplng aI hipotanit places, 'Y of lime to bakp bte cairying Observation Parlai Car, Mers are placeci for accu- fnig Car, -anAiret Ond second-elaa p.ni. aIT torontO Union couches. - abllng passengers wit o t>Puitieulars fîorn sny Çanadian Fa- elire aI thut tirne. efle Ticket Agent, ai -write M. ýG, x- 19 attached ut Srndbt's Murphiy, District Passenger A gont, mrnnng, orrvlng break- Toronto. - R THI'RTY DAYS ONLY ' will give ý4 Discount of 20 por ,,cent. -on al- -uuuu5 awuois -ana ânoes, Bý_ots are on the advauîce. Now is > our chance irchase at the ýold price, IeSS 20% We h.ýve Lassorted st ock. Don't miss thîs opportunity. ho.W. Brookes ÃŽTLE - - - ONTARIO = - -- - - -arms- For Sale- pwards of korty farine frein 25 acres up, and ah frOi iacre, guaranteed ta show @atisfactory resuits-fram p ment, lacated un Whitby and Pickering Townships.~ couceivajile requirernent of soil, buildings, 'orchard ,er improvements cau be "Met in the varied list oflered. Bell- pi INN, m WJIITBY ne 109. P. O. Box 894 Lin ofCtor and Sloigbs ATr RIGHTPRiCES. We are pricing Fur Coats, Robes,. Winter Mitts and aIl Blankets at big reductions ta clear -out our heavy stock.ý Afew Iraphophones a an d R'cords will be dispctsed.of('away dovu below their regular price. Corne early for a bargain. fAfwitantalonsot 'ouly $8.oo each,, Elýwbile lhey' laft. Fleury Horse PoworPo loarly now. rw Ro-bulit Gasolino Enginos, at prices worth. while. mnessIRepairin~ W. F. DISNE3Y Bell aud ludepeudent phone la store. Independtd phone ln resiieuco., The per fect t soa1p-made Ir Falad Olive Forclelicate, e fui complexiom -For every rem of the family; Frevery toilett Pahnolit For alebyJ.E WILLis Pirofessionai LEGÂ]J- JN. E. FAREWIEILL1 Barriste'r, Count *y Crown Att Counrty Solicitor. Offi South. wing Court House A. E. CHRISTIAN barrister. Solikitor, Ngïtarv Pubi Of1cc, Brock St., Opp, Standi Money tq Loan. G. VOLJNG SMI§TH;_ Issuer of P4ARRIAGE lCENý Court House, Wlà tby, or ri - O. A. J.. SWANP4 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary -Cor.veyancer, etc., ei Oshawa, - Ontari No._2King St. E, M1a ÃW ,Resid6ence-52 Drew Sý nes-Office; 321;, Resideni flEarriage à Lto - AH. LLUIN IsurfMà rriage LI :euffl Camrer dnik store No Wltnesse, required. The creator -Canada Ilm-y Land Co., Lited Real licate Deatlera; -Estates Rente Oollected, Fitrst Loans A Propertieà s bough t and @o1 For«terme appfly Ileard ollice. B! Bell Phone 193. Iu Sales Xanagerf - RICHARDSON à RICHARDSONWM WMO -COURT, Plasto 44 Symington Ave., TORONTO WzJ1 -be pleaaeil to. give eritïite kinde of Plasteritig, Larhingi, obarges Modea e. Writ.e for FRED W. MeBREI Carpenter, Builder and Conti Plas drawn and estimnates furniî ",i e, Aterations and Jobbini Ten or fihteen acres with buildit some beauring fruit wanted,,foi who- can pay cash. Requires near town-with High School br where -train -Service will permit 01 ing school conveniently. If yc properlt Wtell, write JOHN FISHER & Country -Real-Estate aiîd Farm E à 1M ki nda of siiigle-and don] rio for hire. Brus b alt trains sud baggage transfi bIgses bongitt sud sQld- *ommsuuon. -some go acimnd - drivereansd - itea tase.. for sali; alsa bal &ay and straw inau quanti defirered. For pH-ces, etc., apply o9ffic, or phone 39, 14 or . - Stables and Office: ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO oý4*^%«~ to